Vaccine Safety Vs. Science: Facts And Fiction With Del Bigtree #135

  • Learning how to ask questions, think more critically, and decide for ourselves
  • Producing a debate between Monsanto’s head of toxicology Dr. Donna Farmer and GMO activist Jeffrey Smith
  • How Del first learned about the CDC whistleblower, Dr. William Thompson
  • The scientific fraud and cover up surrounding MMR vaccine studies
  • Why Dr. Thompson is the “cleanest whistleblower you’re ever going to have”
  • The fine line between being an advocate for truth and driving yourself insane
  • Why the vaccine debate seems to be different from any other controversial topic
  • How some people on the Left seem to be trying to shut down free speech these days
  • Why Del considers himself a consumer advocate
  • Getting kicked out of the Tribeca film festival
  • Robert De Niro’s role in the story
  • Donald Trump & vaccines
  • The mandated adult vaccine program that’s in the works
  • 75% of advertising on television comes from Big Pharma
  • Why science is the one place where consensus is meaningless
  • Big Pharma’s stranglehold over the vaccine conversation and lobbying
  • The “religion” around doctors, medical knowledge, and vaccines
  • Why a child in America is 70% more likely to die before adulthood than the other 20 richest nations in the world
  • The first generation of children in America who probably will not live to be as old as their parents
  • The BIG change in vaccinations that happened in 1986 (that made it impossible to sue due to injury from vaccines)
  • The autoimmune crisis in this country
  • The scientific method for evaluating the safety of a drug – which ZERO childhood vaccines have ever done
  • The people who are killed by vaccines annually
  • Playing devil’s advocate
  • The 15 childhood vaccines that have NEVER been studied for a link to autism
  • What’s wrong with the “herd immunity” argument
  • Del’s dream of a truly independent vaccine safety research organization to hold Big Pharma accountable
  • How our species is evolving backwards
  • The difference you can make as an individual – not part of a herd

For more about this episode