Kale Vs Cow: An Animal Loving Farmers Case For Eating Meat with Diana Rodgers #146


  • Diana’s farm in Massachusetts
  • How industrial farming has killed America
  • When everyone in America grew food
  • Not being obsessed with food (what a lovely feeling it is!)
  • Ancestral health & the paleo diet
  • Luke’s love / grossed out relationship with eating animals
  • The difference between Diana’s farm & a factory farm
  • Why eating something isn’t necessarily good or evil, for any animal
  • The uncomfortable reality that everything gets eaten, even people
  • The biomimicry process on farms, from beginning to end
  • Croppable land VS uncroppable land (like central California)
  • How humans invented the modern cow and sheep
  • Taking bias & ulterior motives out of our food research
  • Why people get emotionally attached to their diets
  • The potential health risks involved with a strictly vegan diet
  • Why the recommended dietary allowance of protein is actually half of what the average American should consume
  • Chewing your food
  • Valuing life

For more about this episode