518. Unlock Nature's Nutrition & Detox Codes: Fulvic + Humic Mineral Power w/ BEAM's Caroline Alan

Caroline Alan

DISCLAIMER: This podcast is presented for educational and exploratory purposes only. Published content is not intended to be used for diagnosing or treating any illness. Those responsible for this show disclaim responsibility for any possible adverse effects from the use of information presented by Luke or his guests. Please consult with your healthcare provider before using any products referenced. This podcast may contain paid endorsements for products or services.

Caroline Alan, co-founder and CEO of BEAM Minerals, is a passionate advocate for plant-based mineral supplementation for overall health. She shares why modern lifestyles and diets leave us severely mineral-depleted and how to achieve mineral balance in our bodies.

Caroline Alan is a health survivor and mineral enthusiast, a regular contributor to podcasts and health-focused events and programs around the world, and the co-founder and CEO of BEAM Minerals, Inc. Coming from a career in the corporate world, like many, Caroline found herself struggling physically, mentally, and energetically. As a result of her journey back to health, Caroline became devoted to educating people about how minerals operate in the body, why we need to supplement our mineral intake, and the benefits of plant-based mineral supplementation.

DISCLAIMER: This podcast is presented for educational and exploratory purposes only. Published content is not intended to be used for diagnosing or treating any illness. Those responsible for this show disclaim responsibility for any possible adverse effects from the use of information presented by Luke or his guests. Please consult with your healthcare provider before using any products referenced. This podcast may contain paid endorsements for products or services.

After navigating the demanding corporate landscape, Caroline Alan transformed her health and well-being by delving deep into the world of minerals and their crucial role in the body. Her health  journey led her to become a passionate advocate for plant-based mineral supplementation, enlightening others about its immense benefits all the way down to the cellular level. 

Caroline, with her profound expertise, is not just a voice in the health community; she's a leading figure, as the co-founder and CEO of BEAM Minerals, Inc, delivering completely natural and 100% bioavailable mineral fulvic and humic complexes in liquid form. Visit lukestorey.com/beam and use code LUKE20 for 20% off.

In this episode, we dive into why modern lifestyles and diets leave us severely mineral-depleted and explore the complexities of mineral balance in our bodies. We cover a range of vital topics, including the pitfalls of bottled water, the complexities surrounding magnesium supplements, and the real deal about salt-based electrolyte supplements that many of us rely on. 

Caroline sheds light on humic and fulvic molecules, their function in our bodies, and even delves into specific issues like menstrual cramping and how to manage it effectively. Plus, we discuss the impressive benefits of BEAM minerals for our furry friends.

Caroline’s approach to health and wellness is not only innovative and effective but comes from a place of genuine care and dedication. So, buckle up for an episode filled with enlightening, entertaining, and educational insights that will transform how you think about minerals and your health.

(00:00:12) Uncovering the Importance of Minerals for Our Overall Health

(00:06:23) Why Are We So Mineral Depleted?

  • How we can replenish our soil with humic and fulvic acids
  • Exploring cell networks and cellular technology
  • The main issue with bottled water 
  • Challenges with magnesium supplements 

(00:23:54) Embracing Bio-Healing: Your Body’s Innate Intelligence

  • Allowing our bodies to function the way they’re intended to
  • Cultivating bio awareness
  • Problematic dosing in the supplement industry 
  • The complexities of replenishing and balancing minerals

(00:32:03) Top Recommended Mineral Test

(00:40:03) The Truth About Electrolyte Powders

  • Humic minerals vs. salt-based powder electrolytes
  • When to use salt-based electrolyte powders 
  • The downsides of salt-based electrolyte powders 
  • BEAM Minerals Electrolyze™

(00:45:47) Humic & Fulvic Molecules 101

  • Why Luke loves shilajit and what he uses it for 
  • Intro on where it originated from and the extraction process 
  • The difference between BEAM Minerals products and shilajit
  • BEAM Minerals Micro-BOOST™
  • How humic and fulvic molecules work in our bodies
  • Using humic to remove lead and other toxins from your system

01:08:23) Using BEAM for Liver Support, Cramps & Eye Dryness

  • How BEAM Minerals optimize for absorption
  • Luke’s recent experiment with coffee enemas and BEAM Minerals for liver support 

(01:20:12) Resolving Herxheimer Detox Response to Humic Minerals

(01:25:21) Proper Packaging for Maximum Safety 

(01:33:23) Detox Support for Our Furry Friends

(01:35:51) Travel, Daily Usage & Recommended Storage Tips

  • The difference between liquid formulas and capsules
  • Traveling with minerals
  • Best use cases and storing recommendations
  • What’s next for the company?
  • Entities that impact us beyond the physical realm

[00:00:00] Luke: All right, Caroline, everyone has-- well, not everyone, but most people have a pain-to-purpose story. I find that when people get into health or spirituality or the things that we talk about here today, it's very common that there's an origin story that includes them hitting some brick wall and looking for answers, finding it, and then creating a product or a platform or a perspective based on that. Did you have a health crisis or some life breakdown that led you into investigating what we're going to talk about today?

[00:00:33] Caroline: Yes, I did. I was in the corporate world, and I was a big technology project manager for hire in that world, and I burned out of that. And I was in very ill health. I had two young kids, but I also had flatlined adrenals. I had really bad inflammation in my gut. I'd been gluten-free for eight years, and I still had really bad gut dysbiosis, couldn't get over the inflammation. I had really bad inflammation in my mouth with receding gums and bone loss in my teeth.

[00:01:10] I went to multiple dentists trying to solve, find out what was wrong. I had recurring sinus infections every season, low thyroid, a lot on balancing hormones, struggled with that as well. So it was the winter of 2010 where I just really hit a wall, fourth sinus infection in eight weeks or something. And I then shortly after that, I was introduced to plant-based minerals, and they were liquid.

[00:01:51] I was like, okay, sure because I really didn't like taking a lot of pills. I'm not a supplement taker much. But I was willing to try anything. And they were easy. So I started taking them and kept taking them. And about two months in, I went to my dentist, and she looked-- I had my teeth cleaned first of all, which usually I had to have Novocaine and things like that to clean my teeth.

[00:02:17] And there was no pain. There was no bleeding. This really, really is a surprise. I had my teeth cleaned four times a year because of it. And the dentist came in, she looked in my mouth. She was like, oh my gosh, what has changed? The pH in your mouth has totally changed. Your gums look healthy and pink.

[00:02:39] What's going on? And I couldn't even think. I was like, I don't know. She left the room, came back. I was like, maybe it's these minerals that I'm taking. And turns out she's a biohacker, which I learned at that time. And she's like, well, definitely just keep taking them. And then about four months in, I went to my naturopath, and we had been working on trying to bring my adrenals up. At my last appointment she had prescribed hydrocortisone because it had been going on for so long. She was like, we need to jumpstart your system. But I hadn't done that because I didn't want to get on that merry-go-round. I don't believe in that. So she looked down at the results and she like, turns them around to, and I see that they're one third of the way up the chart since my last appointment, which is probably about five or six months.

[00:03:37] She's like, this is amazing. What are you doing? Or did you take the hydrocortisone? I was like, no. And she's like, well, what could be doing this? And I was like, I think it's these minerals. This is really cool. And I was definitely feeling better by that time. But then I proceeded to go through one season after another without any sinus infections.

[00:04:02] And chronic symptoms, like having struggle sleeping, waking up four or five times a night, all these things just started to resolve. And I started doing some research because I was like, minerals? This little cup of liquid? What? And I went down the rabbit hole, and I became a mineral geek.

[00:04:32] Luke: I'm excited that you did, because this is one of the, I think, as you said, it's in the realm of supplementation, and even in diet minerals are one of the least sexy substances. Because it gets categories, oh, you need your vitamins and minerals, and so it's kind of boring. We want, especially those of the biohacking ilk, you want the NAD and all of this kind of sophisticated stuff.

[00:05:03] Caroline: Exactly.

[00:05:04] Luke: But I have interviewed a number of people about minerals and have come to the understanding that you really can't even just have baseline health without minerals. But it's not just about like taking more minerals, it's, as we're going to discuss, minerals that your body can actually assimilate that are bioavailable.

[00:05:26] And another thing we'll get into is the balance of minerals. So that's something I think a lot of us miss, is, well, there was a while back I got really into copper and started studying copper and interviewed Morley Robbins, who's a huge advocate of copper and dispelling the iron dysregulation myths and all this stuff.

[00:05:46] He has a very unique and somewhat controversial perspective. So I started taking all of this copper, and then I interviewed someone else, and they're like, well, that's great. You're taking copper, but now you've thrown your zinc out. It's like, ah. So it's not only foundational, but it's actually very complex. And so I'm excited to talk about it.

[00:06:08] Caroline: People say this thing. They say dumb as rocks, but it turns out minerals are really smart.

[00:06:14] Luke: Right, right. Yeah, absolutely. So I guess let's get into the underlying issue, which is the elephant in the room of our modern lifestyle and modern diets. Why are we so depleted in minerals? Why isn't it just, oh, I can just have some kale and then I have my minerals? I think many of us, especially people in the ancestral and paleo world or anti supplement think you can like eat healthy whole foods and get everything you need, which might've been true a very long time ago.

[00:06:51] But we're talking about depleted humans generationally, going back to probably our great-great-grandparents, maybe even further than that, since the industrialization of food and agriculture and the destruction of our soil. But what's your perspective on, why do we need to take minerals? Why can't we just eat foods and vegetables and things that contain them?

[00:07:15] Caroline: Well, in the 1930s, there was a whole special session of Congress related to the problem of mineral depletion in the soils in the 1930s. And what do you think has really been done about that? Nothing. Because getting minerals back into the soil is challenging. Here's how I like to talk about it, Luke.

[00:07:38] If you think about a plant growing in the soil, how is the structure of the plant made? It pulls the minerals out of the soil. All of the structure of everything around us, our clothes, our bodies, all of the structure is made of minerals. And those minerals are taken from somewhere. In the case of plants, they're taken from the soil.

[00:08:04] So that leaves the soil with less minerals because the plants grew in it. So now, if you grow plants in the same soil over and over and over again, you deplete the soil of minerals. Now, how do you get the minerals back into the soil? That's a whole soil science conversation that's probably a separate podcast for you to have with a regenerative farmer who could really talk to you about that, which is a whole in-- and they'll end up in the same place that we're going to end up, which is with humic and fulvic.

[00:08:39] Luke: Right. Because if I go plant a vegetable in the backyard-- I live in Texas, as you know. Or for those that don't know, we're in Texas. It's very rocky here. There's not a lot of like topsoil here, generally speaking. In fact, I've been trying to revive our back lawn with, um, some, what are they called? Micro clover and whatnot because it's just wasteful of water to try and grow lawn, etc.

[00:09:06] And it's just like sand and rock back there. And I'm thinking if I want to grow a plant to eat in this depleted soil, how does a plant turn rocks, AKA minerals, into cellulose? You know what I mean? And I guess the answer is it does it through these humic acids. It's just so interesting.

[00:09:29] I think we think plants have some magical ability to turn rocks into vegetation, but there's a step in between that's necessary. And if that's missing, I guess in the soil, that's the problem, where a plant can still grow, but it's devoid of the nutrition that it once would've had.

[00:09:45] Caroline: Right.

[00:09:46] Luke: Is that the idea?

[00:09:48] Caroline: I was speaking with someone recently who said that the nutrition of one apple back in our grandfather's time would be six apples today, the same amount of nutrition. To get the same amount of nutrition from an apple, you'd have to eat six of them. The nutrition level in our foods is actually lower.

[00:10:15] Now, if you have some good soil in your backyard and you're going to go grow an organic garden, fantastic. That's great. You're going to hopefully have fewer glyphosates. There might still be some glyphosates in your food because the water that you're pouring on there might have glyphosate in it when you're irrigating it or watering.

[00:10:36] And then if you do that in that same soil year after year, you're going to pull the minerals out, and your soil in your backyard garden is also going to be depleted. So go get some humic and fulvic and put it on your soil to amend your soil to bring the minerals back in.

[00:10:55] And ultimately, what we have to get into is the conversation about the cells in our body operate the same way the cells in the plants do. When you talk about minerals, you really are talking about cellular technology and how cells work and how cellular systems work.

[00:11:17] Luke: That's a really interesting point because everything in the human body, well, all bodies run on electricity. It runs on current. And so I don't know what I used to think electrolytes were, but, I missed the fact that that word has electro in it. And then someone told me years ago, and I totally don't know if this is true, that if you filled a bath with distilled water that has no minerals, AKA electrolytes, it's not conductive, you could be in the bath and drop a hair dryer in there, and you wouldn't get electrocuted because it can't conduct water. And again, don't try that at home, kids. But the theory of it made sense to me, and it stuck. So if we're talking about our body's micronutrition on a cellular level, it makes sense that we're not going to be literally firing on all cylinders if we don't have adequate mineral reserves.

[00:12:09] Caroline: Exactly. One of the things that happened when I was studying about minerals, I kept going, getting smaller and smaller and smaller and smaller. And then what happened was this thing where I suddenly saw our body, like my whole body, as a holistic biome, a set of cellular systems that work in concert in seemingly magical ways to do all of these things like allow us to have this conversation and think and talk and do all the things that we do.

[00:12:46] And it's literally all cells. And ultimately, all of those cells are operating off of the energy generated in the mitochondria inside the cells. And what fuels a mitochondria? Amino acids and minerals. That's it. Your body makes a lot of amino acids. It makes no minerals. You have to ingest them.

[00:13:13] Luke: Oh, that's interesting.

[00:13:15] Caroline: Isn't that interesting?

[00:13:16] Luke: Yeah. I wonder how breatharians do it. I used to think that they didn't exist, but then I've met some people who are quite credible that have met them believe that to be true.

[00:13:29] Caroline: Hmm. Maybe they breathe misting minerals. Because minerals are very small. Minerals are very, very small. We have a spray-- I don't know if you have it-- that you can spray and breathe in, so that's a breatharian.

[00:13:44] Luke: Yeah, totally right. Yeah. Put it in a humidifier.

[00:13:49] Caroline: Yeah. I'll send out our installs to all the breatharians.

[00:13:54] Luke: It's funny. When you guys sent me this spray, it says, relieves abrasion, soothes bug bites, eases inflammation. And I was like, ah. I just never thought about putting minerals on my body. But in preparation for this interview, I've been putting some DMSO. I have a chronically sore back. It's just total pain in the ass. And I put some DMSO, and then spray this on there. And I don't know if it's placebo or what, but I swear to God, it stops the pain in my back, at least temporarily.

[00:14:29] Caroline: I'm telling you that's not placebo. It's science.

[00:14:31] Luke: What's up with that? And we're not in mosquito season right now. Somehow in the past couple days I got two giant mosquito bites on the side of my hip. I was like, how did they get through my pants? I'm not running around naked. And I've been doing it on that too.

[00:14:46] And it immediately relieves the itching. Now, I went the extra mile and put DMSO, which is probably overkill because I think these are small enough to absorb anyway. Not to get off track, but just tell me about the spray because I'm tripping out on that, that it actually works.

[00:15:02] Caroline: Yeah, it's so cool.

[00:15:02] Luke: And I totally didn't think it would do anything.

[00:15:04] Caroline: I know. And the funny thing is every time I use it, I think this isn't going to work, and then it works, and I'm like, it really works. What we have to do is then we have to talk about the plant-based minerals and where they come from.

[00:15:20] Luke: Well, let's start with that, and we can get to this. I jumped ahead of myself.

[00:15:24] Caroline: Let's finish our conversation about why we're depleted.

[00:15:27] Luke: Yes.

[00:15:27] Caroline: There's a few other reasons that we're all experiencing depletion. So first of all, our food is depleted, but a big one that's really exacerbated and grown the problem in recent years is that we're all drinking bottled and filtered water. So that RO water, reverse osmosis, filtered water, which is so great to drink, has no minerals in it. So lots of kids who are drinking bottled water-- lots of people buy those little bottled plastic bottles of water, and they give their kids to take to school, etc. That's cool. At least it's not tap water, but we know it's got other-- we won't get into water.

[00:16:11] Luke: I've done about 15 two- to three-hour shows on it.

[00:16:15] Caroline: Okay.

[00:16:16] Luke: It's plenty there for folks if you want to learn about water. But yeah, I'm a huge advocate of restructuring and filtering and remineralizing water and stuff.

[00:16:26] Caroline: But the main issue is that lots of kids now are coming off the sports field with cramping. They're having heat stroke. They're having major electrolyte imbalance because they're drinking filtered water and no one's remineralizing their water. And lots of adults are having-- I talk to people all day, every day about this, and they take these minerals, and they're like, I can't believe how good I feel. It's just literally feeding yourselves. It's just that.

[00:16:55] Luke: When it comes to the minerals that you would get in water, like the water that I served you is some really great spring water from Alive spring waters from a spring in Alabama. And actually, the water you got is half deuterium depleted water because I'm on a deuterium depletion kick for this month.

[00:17:21] But I've always been a bit confused about the minerals in water because of their form. So if you drink a mountain valley water, it's has way too much calcium in it. The ratios are off. And so you get that lime scale on your pots, and I'm assuming calcification in your tissues and things like that, which is less than ideal, but I think it makes more sense to get the ionic minerals, like the BEAM minerals, from this ancient plant matter, which we'll talk about, than it does trying to get your minerals from, say, spring water that is run through miles and miles of limestone or granite or whatever your topography happens to consist of.

[00:18:02] I don't know. I've just always doubted that you can actually absorb that much mineral content from water that has minerals because it's not in the form that's bioavailable. Do you know anything about that?

[00:18:12] Caroline: Exactly. So this is what I talk about all the time. So if you think about your human digestive tract and you think about rocks, which is the calcium that you're getting, is rocks, rock dust, rock shells, or bones, how well does the human digestive tract break those down? Not very well.

[00:18:37] Now, if you're drinking water that's got a lot of calcium in it, it's going to just run through you. Most of it's just going to run through you anyway. I don't know about the calcification thing. That actually gets into a fairly complex conversation that we can geek out about little later if you want.

[00:18:57] But ultimately, what you want to find, the beautiful thing about liquid, these ionic liquid plant-based minerals, is that, first of all, they are the mineral replenishment tool designed by nature, evolved on the earth to support all mineral replenishment for all cellular systems. These plants, every other animal on earth that drinks from a puddle, etc., etc., your body. So your digestive tract is evolved to utilize humic and fulvic. It knows exactly what to do with it

[00:19:42] Luke: Which probably explains why taking some mineral supplements, namely magnesium will-- some people more sensitive than others. I do pretty well just taking magnesium capsules or whatever, but if I take too many of them, it'll wreck my digestion. I think a lot of people have that problem. It's because--

[00:20:01] Caroline: And this is the thing.

[00:20:02] Luke: It's not been predigested by plants. Like when you're talking about this ancient humic material, it's been predigested and turned into a form of mineral that's no longer a rock. It's taken rock, digested it, and turned it into something that your body knows what to do with.

[00:20:19] Caroline: And then there's another issue, though. Because if you think about your gut, now we talk about the gut as this microbiome, and we think about it as this incredibly-- and when it's in its most healthy state, it's like a forest, this beautiful, lush, thriving place where things just grow because there's all the nutrients available and the proper homeostasis, the proper balance.

[00:20:45] Now take a wheelbarrow of magnesium and throw it somewhere on the floor of that forest. What's going to happen? It's going to be too much concentration. The plants in that area are going to go, I don't know what to do with this. This is too much. Bring some rain. Let's clear this out.

[00:21:08] The mycelium are going to start working, taking it away from there. So this is the challenge, is that we have been-- this was one of my biggest ahas that I had in my studies, is that we've all been trained with, look at the back of every nutrition label, and there's what percentage of an RDA of magnesium did you get in this product depending on what nutritional fact or product it is?

[00:21:41] The problem is that those are really ludicrous, and I might be getting myself into trouble here, but they're ludicrous in that who's to say that you need the same amount that I need, that a 240-pound athlete needs, etc., etc?

[00:21:58]  And the replenishment system in your body doesn't work in large mega dose amounts. It doesn't know what to do with it. If you think anywhere in nature, where do we have systems that work that way? Nature doesn't work that way. Nature works in balance. Minerals work more like hormones or blood sugar.

[00:22:30] They work in these balanced triumvirates and pears. So if you put a big pile of magnesium in your gut, your body says, oh, I've got to balance that. I need some potassium. I need some calcium. And now where does it get that? From your bones, from other places in your body to try and balance that.

[00:22:51]  I work with a lot of aging athletes who've used a lot of magnesium in their life to fuel their-- if they had cramping or whatever they thought they were helping, and they're struggling with osteopenia, osteoporosis in some cases, you see.

[00:23:08] So while I appreciate the learning about how magnesium works and how these different iron or different ways that people are beginning to bring the conversation of minerals as a fundamental conversation of health, I'm trying to bring the foundational understanding of how minerals work in the body and how we have these natural tools the earth provided, perfect tools for this. Let's just use them rather than thinking that we can hack our body like the way we service our cars or something. Oh, fill up the tank with gas, oil, whatever.

[00:23:51] Luke: Totally. Yeah. I use the term just because actually I did come up with a better one. I'll see what you think of it. But the term biohacking, it's always just rubbed me the wrong way because it lends itself to a mechanistic view of the body and my relationship with the body that I'm residing in. It's a living, breathing, intelligent entity of its own as I've come to know it and honor it. And so I don't think it can be hacked.

[00:24:24] What do you think of this term? I'm going to see if I can float this out into the world-- biohealing. Because it's like if you give the body what it needs and you stop giving it what it doesn't need and doesn't want, it just heals itself. Like when you go to the doctor with a broken leg, they set the bone, but the doctor doesn't heal your broken bone. Your body does it. It's just you have to provide the conditions by which it can do so.

[00:24:53] So you put the cast on and you support it, but you're not hacking it. You're not tricking your body system into doing something that it doesn't want to do. And I think to your point with supplementation and the erroneous universal dosing recommendations and things, I trip on that too.

[00:25:10] I have four cabinets full of supplements, and I'll look on it. Oh, what do I take? It says take two daily. What if I was a 90-pound woman? Or like you said, a 250-pound athlete. It's not universal. And also the thing that's wild about it, and this is true, definitely throughout the supplement industry, but also to some degree with pharmaceuticals is most of the testing is done on males.

[00:25:35] Luckily, I'm a male, so my dosing on things is probably more accurate, but it's not ever done with women in mind. And the medical industry, there's a number of reasons for that. Women's bodies are much more complex and therefore harder to test. And maybe some patriarchal shit going on in medicine in general, which I'm sure is true to some degree.

[00:25:56] But to your point, I'm always leaning toward things that are not synthetic because it just intuitively makes common sense. But thankfully, you have some great minerals that are totally bioavailable, but there are a lot of things out there that you just can't extract from a plant. And they're still useful, but the dosing is problematic, to say the least.

[00:26:20] Caroline: Yeah. And like you say, everybody has a cupboard filled with bottles of pills at home. And much of it comes from that concept of biohacking or I'm going to go on the internet and see what I need and go get it at my health food store. And the thing that I'm trying to help people understand is, let's really look at the body and how it works. And biohacking is something that comes from here, and healing is something that happens.

[00:26:58] But I'm wondering about bio awareness. So if you really begin to think, do you think you're smarter than your body? Oh my God. I just kept going down and down and smaller and smaller, and my mind was blown hundreds of times by the complexity and beauty of the ways that the biosynthesis processes happen, etc., etc., etc.

[00:27:32] Just a simple thing like how the wall of a cell works, it's almost magical, and they don't really know all about how it works. That's the thing. And I appreciate people wanting to know and trying, and we keep digging down and trying to know more, and that's beautiful.

[00:27:53] And yet something like humic and fulvic, they're kind of like, well, that plant doesn't need to know how minerals get into it. The mycelium just deliver. What do mycelium deliver? Humic and fulvic.

[00:28:11] Luke: Oh, wow. Is that how plants get the minerals from the soil?

[00:28:17] Caroline: Yes.

[00:28:17] Luke: Oh, that's cool. It's like the internet of the soil. That's interesting.

[00:28:21] Caroline: So the mycelium are delivering these little packets of mineral, mostly minerals, some other nutritional elements, but mostly minerals, and it's humic and fulvic that they're delivering.

[00:28:34] Luke: Wow.

[00:28:34] Caroline: Yeah, yeah.

[00:28:35] Luke: That's badass.

[00:28:36] Caroline: Mm-hmm.

[00:28:37] Luke: There's a couple of things that we need to address. One is replenishing mineral stores. You could just say pretty much every person on earth at this point is mineral deficient. And then you have the further complexity of mineral balancing. And like I said, I've tried to do that on my own, that I take too much of this, oh shit, now I need zinc or whatever. But I'm still guessing.

[00:29:05] So every once in a while, and I'm sure many people listening, I'll share this too. I'll do a hair mineral analysis or blood work or something like that to try and determine what's happening. But it's a bit dubious to me. Even the hair mineral analysis, it's supposed to tell you what's going on over the course of three months or so.

[00:29:26] But thing is, when you look at those tests, you might have everything in the right amounts, but then the ratios are off. You're like, ooh, I'm stoked. My calcium's not too high. Womp womp. Then this other thing's off. It's just like a balancing act. And I'm sure there are practitioners out there that are well-trained and experienced in helping someone get to that, but it still seems to me that you're going to end up chasing your tail trying to balance them all. Whereas if you could just take one version of minerals that is naturally balanced, then it negates you having to run around and play Whack-a-Mole.

[00:30:06] So the question therein is, are there any mineral tests that you think are useful, valid? Have you done them? Do you recommend them? And furthermore, what do you see if you see anything from people just going, I'm just going to stop taking isolated minerals and just take BEAM minerals that have all the minerals already in perfect balance and just keep my body going with that? What's your perspective on testing, and balancing, and all that?

[00:30:33] Caroline: I've done a huge amount of research around testing and what I think is the state of the art of mineral testing in the body is a test called oligoscan. And it's uses photo spectometry, which is used in material science, very stable science, and it runs the data. Basically, it's non-invasive, and you get the data immediately. It shines a light into four places on your hand, and it takes that data through an algorithm that they've been building for, I think, it's 17 years, so quite a long time.

[00:31:11] And you've got a lot of data. And it returns all of the levels of your beneficial minerals, your heavy metals, your electrolytes, and your vitamins, vitamin levels, as well as overall oxidative stress and some other things that people don't know so much about, sulfur, conjugation, and as well as these ratios, which tell you some things.

[00:31:33] Now, getting the test is one thing. Being able to understand what it's telling you, that's the other thing. And that's where we're working with a practitioner trying to develop the foundational knowledge. Because if you look at somebody's test, let's say they've been taking our minerals.

[00:31:56] And the key element to understand is that when you take plant-based minerals, they're formulated by nature in the exact ratios that your body is made of and utilizes. So there's a lot of magnesium, the big macros, etc. But there's also the right ratios of some very important minerals like copper, molybdenum, boron, selenium, chromium, on and on and on.

[00:32:28] Luke: Does it have silica?

[00:32:30] Caroline: Yes.

[00:32:31] Luke: Yeah.

[00:32:31] Caroline: Yes.

[00:32:31] Luke: Great. [Inaudible] about that.

[00:32:33] Caroline: Yes.

[00:32:33] Luke: I want to get into heavy metals in a little bit, but I'm always trying to find silica because there's aluminum everywhere.

[00:32:40] Caroline: Yes. And we can talk about that. We can talk about the issue with aluminum.

[00:32:48] Luke: Deciphering test.

[00:32:50] Caroline: Yes. Yeah, so the beautiful thing about the test is that everyone's going to have-- not everybody. I have seen a few tests where somebody was just spot on with every mineral. That's probably more related to their DNA than anything else. But when you're taking minerals and you have certain depletions, people who are really knowledgeable can look at that and say, oh, you have a parasite.

[00:33:21] The reason you're low in those particular minerals, it's showing that you have a parasite. Now, you could probably go get a parasite test and it wouldn't show that you have a parasite, but I've seen this over and over and over again where people then go get the parasites clear. They continue to take the minerals, and they come back a year later, and their mineral balances are spot on.

[00:33:44] So there are different depletions that are correlated with different things that are happening in your body. So it's really important to know. Yeah. And then there's all sorts of things about why somebody isn't assimilating a particular mineral. Sorry, I didn't tell you why that test is really good.

[00:34:10] So when you're doing any other model of testing for minerals is based on an excretion model. And if your body doesn't excrete, it won't tell you the true reading. And even hair is ultimately excreting these dead hair cells. So it's important.

[00:34:32] It's really great to know, in your tissue, and of course if you're testing blood, or urine, or any of those, even feces, it's all ambient. It's up to hours or days. So you really want to know what the total load in your cells is because you want to know what is available to your mitochondria. And also in terms of heavy metals, what is your toxic load in your body? Yeah.

[00:35:06] Luke: What's the name of that test again?

[00:35:07] Caroline: It's called Oligoscan. O-L-I-G-O-S-C-A-N.

[00:35:13] Luke: I've heard of that, but I don't think I've done one. And we'll put that, you guys listening, in the show notes along with everything else that we talk about.

[00:35:20] Caroline: Yeah, I'll get you a link for that.

[00:35:21] Luke: Cool. And I'm assuming this is something that specialized practitioners would provide and have an understanding of how to work with it and read it and all that.

[00:35:30] Caroline: Yeah, and part of the issue is that it's really new in the US, so there aren't a lot of really knowledgeable practitioners. There's people who do it, who will do the scan, but there's not that many knowledgeable practitioners. So that's a challenge when you're bringing in new technology. But the test itself is really valuable for someone to actually know.

[00:35:52] If you're an athlete, wouldn't it be useful to know what are your electrolyte levels rather than taking all these salt-based electrolytes all the time or taking tons of magnesium you might be high in magnesium? So wouldn't it be good to know?

[00:36:07] Luke: In terms of electrolytes, this is something that's hitting the supplement world really hard right now, these little powdered packets and things like that. And being here in Texas, sometimes-- well, not sometimes-- seems like every time, at least the years that I've been here in the summer, it's like 150 degrees for three months straight. So I keep those little packets in the car and everywhere because you're sweating like crazy and you get dehydrated and they seem to work pretty well when I'm really dehydrated.

[00:36:35] But I've found that just a couple weeks ago, I just try different things. So when I made my nightly water that I'm going to drink first thing when I wake up, for a few days, I put some of those salt-based electrolytes in there, and they really wrecked my stomach, and it just is not good.

[00:36:54] So I started researching that a little bit and found that taking those forms of minerals while having electrolytes and hydration is good, can be irritating to the bladder and your kidneys and whatnot. I was like, God dammit, that makes sense because all of a sudden if I do those kind of minerals too often, I find myself having to pee urgently all the time when I normally wouldn't.

[00:37:18] So it's always this process of elimination and investigation. When something goes out of balance, I think, well, it's something I changed, and I was able to hone in on that. So what's the difference between taking a humic version of minerals, like the ones you produce, versus those salt-based powders?

[00:37:37] Caroline: Yeah, huge difference. And I'm on a rant about this because so many people are using the salt-based electrolytes, and as you experienced, salt-based electrolytes-- so salt is a fantastic tool to replenish your electrolytes.

[00:37:54] If you're an acute electrolyte imbalance, you're about to pass out something, definitely. Great. Use it. But your body, think about it. We drink fresh water. We don't drink brackish salt water. Our body does not like it, and it is irritating to the bladder and kidney. And so what you end up doing if you use those on a daily basis is you start irrigating your system, which is actually flushing minerals as opposed to hydrating your cells.

[00:38:28] Luke: Oh, that's interesting.

[00:38:29] Caroline: Yes.

[00:38:29] Luke: That makes sense because if they give you diarrhea, which they sometimes do, you're losing everything.

[00:38:36] Caroline: It reminds me of the lip balm that I used to use as a kid, and you'd put it on, and it would start making your lips peel, and then you'd need to use it more and more and more. And that's how salt-based electrolytes are. The more you use them, the more you need them. So I work with athletes, and so many people call me and, they have terrible cramping. And I always ask them, are you using electrolytes? And they're like, yeah, I use these salt-based powders and whatever. I've been taking so much.

[00:39:08] I'm like, stop. Just stop. I want to ask you to please stop for one month. Take no salt-based electrolytes, and just use our Electrolyzed product, which is the fulvic. So the beautiful thing about fulvic is it provides all the minerals you need in the balanced formulation that your body needs them in a completely bioavailable format so that when you drink it, by the time it hits your stomach, your body's already absorbed and is assimilated and is utilizing some of the content.

[00:39:47] And it's not irritating to the bladder and kidney. It actually supports inflammation reduction and clearing of free radicals and homeostasis in your gut microbiome. So just for one month, just try it. Use Electrolyze exactly as you'd use your other electrolyte supplementation. So let's say it's 150 degrees out and you've been sweating, and you're like, dang. Just take an extra shot of electrolytes and see how you feel.

[00:40:18] Luke: I wish it was still summer so I could do a test on it. I take your stuff every day now. Intuitively, it makes sense to me. And I've been using humic-based products for a long time, and I don't know. Some are better than others-- put it that way. But yeah, it'd be fun to test that out. I think there's a certain satisfaction you get out of the salt electrolytes when it's hot as hell and you're really, really thirsty.

[00:40:45] There's something very satisfying about, I don't know, just maybe when you're sweating a lot or something, it's like I can tell my body likes it. But as I said, if I'm not in that really depleted condition or getting an IV or a medical procedure or something like that where one could be prone to donating blood, that kind of thing, you could be prone to clinical dehydration. I'm with you. Unless you're in a really depleted state, I don't get a great reaction from it. So I'm going to definitely try that.

[00:41:15] Caroline: And again, what I'm saying is once in a while, if you want to use that, cool, but on a daily basis, it is not good for your body.

[00:41:24] Luke: Well, we're not fish.

[00:41:26] Caroline: Exactly. We're not salt water beings, actually. People argue, oh, our blood is close to the sea water. But you don't drink salt water. How do you feel when you drink really salty water? You feel nauseous.

[00:41:39] Luke: Yeah.

[00:41:40] Caroline: At some point, I want to explain how fulvic and humic work, which makes people go, oh, now I get it.

[00:41:53] Luke: Let's talk about where they come from, and then we can get into how they work. Because this, to me, is so fascinating. I remember many years ago when I learned about Shilajit through the Ayurvedic system. Just made sense to me. Ancient decomposed plant matter. Now, to be fair, I don't care the way things taste, so I have no problem using Shilajit, but many people I know can't use it because it tastes like ass. Let's face it, it's not a pleasant taste.

[00:42:22] So I started to do a bit of research on that, but I think what hooked me on Shilajit was just this idea that it's this very ancient decomposed plant matter. And that just made sense because nature, over thousands of years, is concentrating this stuff, and it has a real-- that's why it has this potent taste and smell, and your body just, I don't know-- my body resonates with it. It's like, oh, I know this is good for you.

[00:42:50] Then I learned, and I know, obviously, you know way more than me on this whole process, but then I learned that with Shilajit, it can be problematic because there can be heavy metals and contaminants and mold and yeast and all kinds of funky stuff.

[00:43:05] So then I got much more particular about where I sourced Shilajit and whatnot. But that's all I know about these humic and fulvic acids, is that they're from old plants. So give us the downlow on where they come from, how old are they, how do we know that they're coming from a pure source, and all this kind of stuff.

[00:43:28] Caroline: Yeah. And Shilajit is humic and fulvic. And the thing to understand is that this only comes from the decomposition of freshwater plants, not sea plants, sea algae, or anything like that. Okay, so imagine an entire rainforest back when the dinosaurs lived, and in our case, that was around the Yucatan, that area.

[00:43:56] And then this big meteor hit the earth and everything, like 90% of all life on Earth died. And that entire rainforest decomposed over a millennia into this incredibly mineral rich substance. It's called humate. It's about 10 to 12 feet below the earth, and it's a black crystalline, incredibly rich substance.

[00:44:26] The nice thing is that because it's 10 to 12 feet below the earth, it's not had any contact with modern pollutants. It's really, really pure. So we take that substances, and we use a process that uses-- the water that we use is has gone through multiple filtrations and some structuring, and then we use that water to extract these molecules out of the humate. And the molecules are what is called humic and fulvic.

[00:45:05] Now, many people, call them humic acid and fulvic acid. That's more related to their extraction process. So when you extract humic and fulvic with hydrochloric acid, you get humic acid and fulvic acid. Not bad material. Not bad for you, but it's just a larger molecule. So it has to be broken down in the gut or in the body first, before it can be absorbed.

[00:45:32] Luke: Are there some providers of humic and fulvic products that are using less than optimal extraction methods? If you take something like CBD, it can be extracted with toxic hexane or some people do it the old school way and put it in oil. You know what I mean? To extract it.

[00:45:52] Caroline: I really can't speak to that. I really can't. I don't know. Of course I know a lot of other companies that are doing using humic and fulvic, and what I can tell you is for a lot of them, there's only a few people who are really doing it well, and many of those companies are getting it from a few companies.

[00:46:13] Luke: Oh, okay. Got it. I'm trying to picture your operation.

[00:46:18] Caroline: You should come. Come visit.

[00:46:21] Luke: I love seeing the way things work.

[00:46:22] Caroline: We'd love to have you come.

[00:46:25] Luke: Is this a micro mine? If it's 10, 12 feet below the surface, are you digging up large swaths of earth and then taking it to the lab for the extraction process to extract your purified water and all that?

[00:46:41] Caroline: Yeah. The product comes from the earth, and it's put into these bags, so it's totally not getting rain on it, acid rain, or whatever. And then that's taken to our facility where we then take it through the extraction process in these huge 3,000 gallon tanks.

[00:46:58] Luke: So cool. And when it's dug up, is it a sandy dry substance or gooey like Shilajit?

[00:47:06] Caroline: No, no. It's sandy dry.

[00:47:08] Luke: Ah, yes, yes.

[00:47:10] Caroline: Which is the nice thing about it, is no mold, no those other possibilities that can happen whenever you have dampness.

[00:47:17] Luke: And what do you think the difference is in terms of the consistency of what you're working with versus Shilajit?

[00:47:25] Caroline: That's an interesting question.

[00:47:25] Luke: Why does Shilajit have a sticky-- I mean, it's really difficult to work with, right?

[00:47:30] Caroline: Yes, it is.

[00:47:31] Luke: It gets too warm, then you can't even-- gets all over your hands. It makes a big string if you try to pull it out of a container. Then if it's cold past a certain-- if it goes below a certain temperature, it's rock hard and you try to chip it off. It's very difficult to work with. But I'm wondering what's the difference between 14,000 feet up in the Himalayas, that ancient plant matter versus the plant matter in the Southwest or what you guys are--

[00:47:58] Caroline: I really don't know, and now I'm going to see if that's-- now that I've got a rich vein to research.

[00:48:05] Luke: Because your Micro-BOOST product, this one right here for those watching the video, one thing I noticed about it is it just tastes like water. It literally has no taste. It's the color of--

[00:48:17] Caroline: A little alkaline-y.

[00:48:21] Luke: Yeah. Honestly, you could give me a shot glass of that. I maybe could tell the difference between water, probably not. And it's the color of a dark black tea or maybe a lighter coffee or something like that. But it's interesting that it doesn't have that pungent Shilajit thing. So there must be-- I don't know. Neither of us know. Some difference between the tar-like substance and how concentrated it is versus the dry substance that you guys are getting from under the surface.

[00:48:50] Caroline: So one of the things, flavors, they come from these thing called terpenes. And so in our process, those terpenes are removed. And it's proprietary process. But that is the big thing I think that I love because I had a lot of health issues throughout my life with the autoimmune and the gluten intolerance and different things that I had as a young person.

[00:49:24] And I took a lot of Chinese teas and lots of herbal remedies, and it just tastes terrible. So that's one of the things that I love about it. It's that it tastes like water, so it's so easy to take. And part of the process that does that.

[00:49:39] Luke: Ah, okay, okay. So if you just took some of the powdered version in its raw state, it wouldn't taste as--

[00:49:49] Caroline: Clean.

[00:49:49] Luke: Yeah.

[00:49:50] Caroline: And in fact, when we first extract it, just the raw before we've gone through all of our more-- it does taste. It does taste.

[00:49:58] Luke: Oh, okay. But you get the terpenes out of it, and then it's just got its neutral taste. Okay. Cool. So how do these minerals work in the body?

[00:50:14] Caroline: It's really cool. So these two molecules, the fulvic and humic are really different. And one of the things I want to clarify is that their synergistic molecules, wherever one exists in nature, the other always exists. When the decomposition of plants happens, both molecules are created. Freshwater plants, both molecules are created.

[00:50:39] So let's talk about the fulvic molecule first because it's really cool. It's much smaller than a cell, and it's a very strong electrolyte molecule, and the molecule itself carries, as part of it, 70 plus minerals. Again, naturally formulated in the ratios that your body is made of and utilizes.

[00:51:04] And it's a molecule that's called a flavonoid, and we've all heard that term. But what is a flavonoid? It's an intercellular transporter, and it uses something called cotransport, which I like to describe as a guy with a backpack, and it carries nutrients across the cell wall into the cell. Now, the fulvic molecule is different than any other molecule on earth in several ways.

[00:51:31] First of all, things that go across the cell wall barrier most require a certain receptor to get across a cell wall because a cell is trying to keep bad substances out. The fulvic molecule, any channel that opens in the cell, the fulvic molecule gets a free pass through. So this is why I say this is a technology that's evolved for replenishment of cells because it's the only molecule that gets a free pass through the cell wall.

[00:52:03] Then it does something that no other molecule on earth does. It changes its polarity. And when it changes its polarity, the nutrients and the minerals fall off inside the cell. Now they're available to the mitochondria for energy generation.

[00:52:21] Luke: That's crazy.

[00:52:22] Caroline: Isn't that crazy? This is why I'm telling you, literally my mind just had--

[00:52:27] Luke: That's wild.

[00:52:28] Caroline: My mind was blown away.

[00:52:30] Luke: You might've just explained something that I've observed. I haven't tried this with your Boost minerals, but just because I try things, because I'm just nutty like that, during a few psychedelic experiences I've taken large doses of Shilajit. And it makes mushrooms or whatever way stronger, scarily. And I don't know. I did it because I know that these experiences can be depleting, especially of your minerals. Plant medicines are not great for the body generally speaking.

[00:53:06] Caroline: They're very hard.

[00:53:07] Luke: Yeah. And part of that's because they deplete your minerals and just burn so much energy because you're in such a high state gamma waves in your brain and all that. And so I experimented with it a couple of times, and I was like, yeah, for sure. Definitely made it stronger to the point where I did it enough times. I just know that's the way it works. Maybe what you just described of that, the cell being receptive to that molecule and bringing in nutrients or in this case--

[00:53:34] Caroline: Not maybe. Definitely.

[00:53:37] Luke: Does that make sense? I'm not imagining that, right?

[00:53:44] Caroline: This is science. This is truly a fact. This is not maybe. This is absolutely a fact.

[00:53:48] Luke: Wow.

[00:53:48] Caroline: Yeah, yeah. So the beautiful thing about it is that if your system is infused with fulvic, all the nutrition that comes in your mouth, you're going to get more from the nutrition that you put in your mouth.

[00:54:05] Luke: That's so cool. So it's going to shuttle in anything that is advantageous to the cell, basically, but not-- okay, so how do the--

[00:54:16] Caroline: Yes. So now we talk about that. Yeah.

[00:54:17] Luke: What about the exit door?

[00:54:18] Caroline: Exactly.

[00:54:18] Luke: That's the entrance.

[00:54:19] Caroline: So now you have this fulvic molecule. It's dropped off all the minerals and nutrition into the cell. Now it's in a different polarity.

[00:54:26] Luke: Or psilocybin.

[00:54:27] Caroline: Yeah, or psilocybin. Right. And what clings to it? Bio waste, toxins, free radicals, heavy metals, nanoplastics, glyphosate. And now it carries those out of the cell. So the way I like to describe it, it's like, imagine you're in a room and there's a guy out in the hall and he's got a backpack on. He fills it with all the good stuff you need today.

[00:54:55] And he brings it in and dumps his pack backpack out on the table, and then he goes around looking for all the trash and all the bad stuff, and he fills his backpack and he carries it out. Then he drops and then he dumps it out in the hallway, which is like your bloodstream. Now we have the partner molecule, which is the humic.

[00:55:18] The humic is a very large molecule relative to a cell. It's one of the strongest electrolyte molecules known to man, and it just travels through the bloodstream. It gathers heavy metals, gathers free radicals, exponentially, thousands of times more effective as an antioxidant in your system than any superfood mix or anything like that.

[00:55:46] It also remediates glyphosate by adsorbing it, which means it connects to the molecule, and then it builds a biofilm around the glyphosate molecule and starts to break it down. As soon as that molecule's even broken down a little bit, it no longer can have its effects in your system, so it sequesters it and makes it inactive.

[00:56:11] Luke: That's wild.

[00:56:12] Caroline: Isn't it? But the thing is, as I've researched this, I realized, well, of course, cellular systems on earth needed to have something, a tool for detoxification because there were lots of concentrations of toxic metals, chemicals, sulfur from volcanoes, etc. So there needed to be both that replenishment tool of the fulvic to support all cellular systems, and there needed to be detoxification tools for cellular systems and the aqueous solutions in which those cells lived.

[00:56:53] Luke: That's incredible.

[00:56:55] Caroline: Isn't it?

[00:56:55] Luke: What a trip. Yeah.

[00:56:57] Caroline: You can imagine why I am so inspired and so excited to bring this information to the world because what I've tried to do is in learning it, when I first learned it, the complexity of all the details, I was like, how in the world am I going to explain this to people so they get it?

[00:57:23] And I've spent hours standing in the mineral aisle of grocery stores and health food stores just talking to people who are like, what should I do this? Should I get this? Which bottles should I get? And what does that mean? And gluconate. And I'm like, what if you could just take all the minerals and you didn't have to figure out which form and all of that?

[00:57:50] Luke: It's a lot less work. Thinking about the detoxification process, I know a lot of us will take bentonite clay or activated charcoal or something like that. And I don't know a lot of the science on this, but I know that substances will absorb toxins, but as I understand it, they're only grabbing toxins that are present in your GI tract, not in your tissues.

[00:58:19] So a lot of this stuff gets stuck in our tissues. And your tissues, as far as I know, are made of cells. They're clumps of cells. So if this phenomenon that you just described of the fulvic and humic is working on a cellular level, is it possible or in fact true that these would be able to get toxins out of the tissues as well?

[00:58:42] Caroline: Absolutely. In fact, in your brain, because it crosses the blood brain barrier, your entire body is made of cells. You have maybe between 37 and 150 trillion cells in your body. This technology of humic and fulvic operates on every single cell in your body. Your bones, if you're experiencing osteoporosis, osteopenia, you have an opportunity to get minerals back into your bones.

[00:59:17] Luke: That's wild. Well, years ago, I tested really high for lead and then found out lead mostly settles in your bones. So good luck. Felt stuck with it, you know.

[00:59:31] Caroline: Well, I have some articles if you're interested because humic is one of the one things that is able to move the dial on that.

[00:59:39] Luke: Really? That's so cool. What a trip! Yeah. I just figured with that you're just stuck with it. I got them down a little bit doing some Nia and saunas and stuff like that, but it's still always bugged me just knowing, oh, man, I got all this lead in my bones. There's so many directions I want to go here.

[01:00:00] So if we're able to shuttle nutrients into the cell, then take the waste out and dump it into the bloodstream, it sounds like that's a really good detox protocol, just as a daily regimen, because no matter how clean of a lifestyle we have, we're getting traces of glyphosate and all this other nasty stuff in the environment. The air we breathe is super gnarly on most days. What about other toxins like graphene oxide and things that are lesser known than even something like glyphosate?

[01:00:40] Caroline: I can't remember. What is it that you get from MRIs? Is that also graphene oxide?

[01:00:44] Luke: Oh yeah, the solution they give you.

[01:00:47] Caroline: Which can be really devastating to some people.

[01:00:51] Luke: The contrast solution.

[01:00:50] Caroline: Yeah, the contrast solution. So humic will remove these things. Graphene oxide, it's incredible. I'm telling you it truly works. Now, is it going to work like that? No, because you would not want it to work like that because you would get sick. And that is something for people. Actually, let me finish. I just realized I didn't totally complete the circle, which is, so now you have this humic molecule that's got all these bio waste, toxins, heavy metals, free radicals, etc., can attach to it.

[01:01:28] What happens is it gets so heavy at a molecular weight. It falls out of solution, and it leaves your body through all of the elimination channels. And that's a really key point because when we're talking about detoxing of heavy metals or different things, people often talk about certain channels needing to be open.

[01:01:48] Luke: Oh, your detox pathways.

[01:01:50] Caroline: Exactly. The elimination pathways. But the beautiful thing about humic is it uses every single pathway, and it will use whichever one is open. So it will use your tears and your snot, and your breath, and your saliva, and your sweat, and your rubbing your hands together, and of course your urine and feces.

[01:02:13] So we have people sometimes who will call us. They're like, ever since I took your minerals, my sweat stinks. And I'm like, great. Take more showers. Isn't that great? You're getting rid of that stuff. Or their tears will itch. Again, if you think about this technology as something that needs to support all cellular systems, the cellular systems were just out in nature. They needed something that would work ubiquitously.

[01:02:49] Luke: So would it be advantageous to take a dose of the Micro-BOOST, for example, before a sauna?

[01:02:57] Caroline: Absolutely.

[01:02:58] Luke: To potentiate the detox and the sweat.

[01:03:00] Caroline: Absolutely. And I talk about that a lot with the sunlight and people and different red light sauna people.

[01:03:07] Luke: Wow, cool. Because I'm a huge sauna fanatic, and I'm always looking for ways to optimize it. And actually, it would probably make sense to take your electrolyte product too because, again, I go in the sauna, and I'd get a big thing of salt, and then next thing you know, I'm about to pee in my pants all day afterward.

[01:03:24] Caroline: So this is where I'm going to say, try just using electrolytes instead and see how you feel. Because most of the salt-based electrolytes that have flavoring, first of all, they have to be digested. That takes about 20 minutes, 25 minutes, 20 minutes. Different people say different things. And you only actually ever absorb about 10 to 12% of the actual mineral content in there.

[01:03:53] And the problem is now it's in your bloodstream. Well, that's cool, but you need it in your cells. So without the flavonoid, that intercellular transporter, which is the enhancement of that assimilation process into the cells, getting a lot of minerals into your bloodstream isn't really helping you.

[01:04:17] And if you're only getting 10 to 12% into your bloodstream, maybe only five to 7% gets into your cells. And what does your body have to do with the rest of it? Has to eliminate it. So you're actually making work for your body to eliminate all this excess. So the beautiful thing is you take more Electrolyze, it doesn't create any imbalance because it's just putting more minerals in the proper ratios into your system. You see.

[01:04:45] Luke: Yeah, it totally makes sense. And with the Electrolyze and the Micro-BOOST, I'm assuming that your body's intelligence is going to determine which of which nutrient it needs more or less of and excrete it. So it's already balanced basically for everybody.

[01:05:03] Caroline: And this is what I love.

[01:05:04] Luke: See. That's why you don't need a Micro-BOOST with extra copper or high magnesium. It's across the board, and then your body just knows what it needs and what it doesn't.

[01:05:14] Caroline: And this is why it's a paradigm shift. So in the biohacking perspective, I'm going to think what my body needs. It needs copper. It needs this. It needs chromium. It needs zinc. It needs whatever. Someone told me from the outside. Instead, what I'm going to do is I'm going to infuse my body with these very bioavailable ionic minerals, which ionic means they require no digestion at all.

[01:05:42] They skip that step altogether. They're ready for absorption immediately when you put them in your body. So that's a really beautiful thing, and you're going to just infuse your body with minute trace amounts of minerals in the full spectrum that you need and allow your body in its infinite wisdom to say, oh, I need that here.

[01:06:10] I need that over here. Oh, I need some copper over here. I need some zinc. Oh, I need some molybdenum. Oh, my muscle is cramping. I need some phosphorus over here. Doesn't it make more sense?

[01:06:21] Luke: 100%

[01:06:22] Caroline:  Yeah. It really does.

[01:06:24] Luke: You just reminded me of something funny, which I shouldn't share on the show because it's really embarrassing, but I'm going to anyway, just because we keep it real here. So I've been working on my liver lately through some testing and stuff. Found that I have a bit of stagnation and probably just eating tons of fat and meat for a long time and combining that with way too much sugar. So I did a liver-gallbladder flush, which I haven't done in probably 25 years. Didn't get any stones, which is very disappointing.

[01:06:53] Caroline: Oh, wow.

[01:06:55] Luke: Yeah. And I did the whole thing to the letter too. So maybe I'm just super healthy or maybe I need to do a couple more. But I started doing again, which I haven't done in a long time, coffee enemas, a few days a week. I'm on a real committed kick right now. And again, going down the rabbit holes that I do, have heard, and I don't know if this is true, but that you can deplete your body of minerals from doing the coffee enemas and also create dysbiosis because you're introducing something that doesn't belong there.

[01:07:24] So the other day, when I learned that, I'm like, well, I got to keep doing my coffee enemas because I know it's good for the liver. So I took some Micro-BOOST after the-- sorry. Too much information folks. If your kids are listening, good luck explaining this. But I did an implant of the Micro-BOOST with some probiotics in it afterward.

[01:07:44] Caroline: That's cool.

[01:07:45] Luke: Yeah. As just a way to counteract the imbalance that might've been created from a coffee enema. Have you ever heard of anyone doing that, or does that make sense to you, or am I just crazy?

[01:07:54] Caroline: Well, I'm going to tell you that we do work with people who do colonics, and they use the fulvic.

[01:08:02] Luke: Oh, okay.

[01:08:03] Caroline: So I would recommend using the fulvic in the coffee enema.

[01:08:07] Luke: Oh, okay.

[01:08:08] Caroline: Just mix it right in. So now what you're doing, because the beauty of the fulvic is it doesn't require a healthy gut lining. Any tissue that it touches absorbs right in.

[01:08:23] Luke: Cool, cool. I thought of doing that, and then I thought, well, you're going to evacuate the coffee. And I didn't want to waste it.

[01:08:31] Caroline: Yeah, no. So maybe in your coffee enema, you're just going to use one cup, not like a cup or something. You know what I mean?

[01:08:37] Yeah.

[01:08:38] You're going to mix it in with the rest of the coffee.

[01:08:40] Luke: Noted.

[01:08:41] Caroline: So I have a lot of people who do the coffee enemas with the fulvic.

[01:08:44] Luke: That's cool. That could be something good for colon hydrotherapist too.

[01:08:49] Caroline: Yes, exactly. The colonic--

[01:08:50] Luke: I see a great one at a wonderful healing center we have here called Alive and Well. She puts butyrate and some other things in her. She's got her little secret sauce that she'll throw in there. That'd be a really cool thing. So if any--

[01:09:04] Caroline: I thought they were carrying our minerals over there.

[01:09:07] Luke: Oh, they--

[01:09:08] Caroline: Yeah.

[01:09:08] Luke: Yeah, yeah. If they're not, I'll get them hit to it. Tell me about the topical application. We started to touch on that before, and as I said, I was like, ah, that's cute. They made a little spray bottle. What's that going to do? And tried it, and I'll be damned it. Hell, it could be psychosomatic, but I did it about past three days, and my back's really been hurting for whatever reason.

[01:09:28] And I'll be damned, at least temporarily for a few hours after that. I literally have no back pain. It's bizarre. And do you think doing the DMSO is overkill? I'm assuming these molecules are already small enough to get through your skin and into the tissue there.

[01:09:44] Caroline: They are. They're much smaller than your skin cells, and they absorb through the tissue into the muscle in three seconds.

[01:09:52] Luke: Really?

[01:09:52] Caroline: Three seconds. And they're doing several things. First, they're bringing the mineral content of the fulvic molecule directly into the cells in the local area. They're also reinvigorating the whole electrical system in the area. So the intercellular electrical communications are increased, and they're also detoxifying cells in the area.

[01:10:18] So all three things are happening. So we have several different sprays, and they each have different capacities. I'd love to share two of them. The first is called Insulite, and it's just a fulvic spray. And the thing that I like to help people understand is that all cramping in the body is mineral depletion.

[01:10:43] Even a heart attack is tied ultimately to a mineral depletion in that local area. So if you are able to provide minerals directly to the area where you have the cramping, so a woman who's experiencing menstrual cramping, that's actually, unless it's fibroids or endometriosis that are causing that, and even then spraying on the spray will help with the acute symptoms of the cramping because it provides minerals to the cells in the local area, making the muscles able to have the energy to relax.

[01:11:23] It's very simple. Or it's a cramping and the leg cramps at night, you can take that Insulite spray. Let's say you're a person who gets leg cramps a lot. You can just spray your legs before you go to bed. You won't get the cramp because now your muscles have all the minerals they need in the local area where they tend to cramp. Hand cramps.

[01:11:49] Cyclists get hand cramps when they're going on long rides. It's really tiring. And so they spray their hands. Of course legs as well. There are so many uses of Instulite. It's unbelievable. If you're a person who spends a lot of time in front of the computer, you can spray it and just blink your eyes and let it go in your eyes because in a single cell in your eye, you have 20,000 mitochondria. If you ever spend a lot of time in front of the computer, you're driving, your eyes get tired. Sorry.

[01:12:27] Luke: That's epic. I'm going to do that because I'm always trying to find-- I get dry eyes a lot when I'm sitting, and staring at a computer, which unfortunately I do more than I would like to, but it's just part of my job. So I'll spray Hydrogen Mist in there, and I'll just put Quinton minerals.

[01:12:43] Caroline: Oh, I'm telling you, you definitely try the-- you'll amazed--

[01:12:45] Luke: That's amazing.

[01:12:46] Caroline: In how it feels. Because I use it almost every day.

[01:12:49] Luke: I'm glad you validated it as safe because it's the kind of thing I would probably do, not knowing if you're allowed to or not. So that's good to know. I bet many women listening who deal with menstrual cramps are stoked. Have you had feedback from women that it's effective?

[01:13:06] Caroline: So I'm going to tell you, I've had so many, so many women, and recently I was, um, at the gym that I go to, and I had given our minerals, our ingestible minerals to the women who runs the Jiujitsu studio there.

[01:13:21] And I was coming in to go work out, and she's like, come into my office. Come in. And I'm like, okay, cool. And she's like, I'm having my period. And I'm like, okay, that's cool. And she's like, no, I'm having my period, and I'm not at home in a dark room curled up in a ball. I've been taking your minerals for two months, and now I'm not having any pain, any PMS. Suddenly I just had my period one day.

[01:13:49] So I want women to really think about that it's possible that their PMS and their painful period, first few days of their period is due to mineral depletion and also their detoxification channels saying, we got to get rid of all of this stuff now. And if you can provide ongoing detoxification via the humic and full system replenishment of minerals into your body, you may not have to have painful periods anymore.

[01:14:22] Luke: Wow.

[01:14:22] Caroline: I wish I had known about it when-- I had terrible, terrible, painful periods.

[01:14:26] Luke: I hear that a lot. A lot of women listen to this show and it's a pretty common complaint.

[01:14:33] Caroline: I've had probably six or seven women call me to tell me that specific story.

[01:14:39] Luke: Awesome.

[01:14:39] Caroline: Yeah, yeah.

[01:14:40] Luke: Going back to the detox mechanism, I'm not someone who really ever experiences Herxheimer reactions, but I know many people do, going back to the detox pathways. Because the way you described it, your body choosing the optimal detox pathway, is there any indication for people that might want to start slowly if they have a really high toxic burden? Do you ever hear from anyone that's getting an allergic reaction or histamine response or anything like that?

[01:15:13] Caroline: Yeah. So it's actually really interesting because before COVID, we might get somebody with some Herxheimer response to the humic, which is our Micro-BOOST product. Maybe once every six months, one person. And now we get two or three a week.

[01:15:31] So the thing about humic is because it is a detoxification tool for your system, and many of us are holding toxic loads of glyphosate and other environmental toxins as well as heavy metals, etc., etc., what happens when you take the humic, the body goes, woohoo. I can finally get rid of all this stuff, and I'm going to do it now.

[01:15:57] And you might get aching joints or aching kidneys, or a rash, or all sorts of different possible responses. And we have a great article on our website that we could put in the notes that demystifies. It helps people to understand what's happening, why it's happening, and there's a very, very simple solution.

[01:16:18] So before COVID, I never had any response, Herxheimer, which is a histamine response to the Micro-BOOST. But ever since COVID, I had Long COVID. I will get that. So there's a very simple solution. You just put it in a glass of water. Now, if you have autoimmune limes, have had mold exposure, have had other Long COVID potential issues with spike protein loads, you can just start slow, just a quarter teaspoon in a glass of water, and then take that for a few days. You get no response, you just add a little bit more. And we have a slow introduction method described on the website as well for people.

[01:17:05] Luke: Cool. So it's just a matter of diluting it.

[01:17:08] Caroline: It's all it is.

[01:17:09] Luke: Because I think the first couple of times, I had the Micro-BOOST, I poured-- I was like, I want to be careful, so I poured a shot glass, basically in a glass of water and just sipped it, and it's like, oh, I'm fine. And now I just walk by the cabinet. I just take shots out of the bottle.

[01:17:22] Caroline: Exactly.

[01:17:23] Luke: It doesn't bother me at all personally.

[01:17:25] Caroline: I've worked with literally hundreds of people with this, and I've only had one person who was really not able to use the Micro-BOOST. Every other person was able to just slowly work their way into the normal now.

[01:17:38] Luke: Awesome. All right. And I saw you guys do have a lot of educational materials on your site too, so I encourage people to go there. When I was studying for our conversation here, I was like, damn, these guys produce a lot of content. I want to let everyone know too, if you want to check out the BEAM minerals, we've got a discount for you. So you can go to luke story.com/beam. B-E-A-M. And use the code LUKE20 for 20% off. And thank you for that as well. I always love to give everyone a discount.

[01:18:06] One of the things that I've discovered in my research is that there are purveyors of humic and fulvic products online that are really concerned about the packaging. And so when I found your stuff and started taking it, I went online. I go right to the FAQ because I'm always looking for the best of the best and looking for anything shady.

[01:18:27] And on your site, you indicated that the type of plastic that is used in your packaging, you've tested it to ensure that there were no plastics leaching into the product. So can you tell us what the process is of what you put it in since it has this adsorption property. Obviously you don't want to put it in something full of BPA, or dioxins, or who knows what else.

[01:18:52] Caroline: Exactly. So there's a couple things. One of the things is the plastic that our bottles are made of is HDPE plastic, which is non-reactive. But then some people are concerned about the actual material that they use to make the bottles and where is it made. And I want just people to be aware that we have a very specific supplier who, it's in the US.

[01:19:15] It's not made in China, so our bottles are really safe and we have tested that. So we've taken our bottle, and for a year, just let it sit there. And then we've tested the material in the bottle before with a new-- and after, so that we could see was there any change to the material inside. And there was none.

[01:19:36] Now I will say that if you take that and you put it in a plastic water bottle and you set it for a week, it will. So you do not want to take humic and fulvic and put it in a PET clear plastic bottle. And you also don't want to put it in-- you can put it in stainless steel, but anything, any other metal product, it will definitely chelate the metals out of that.

[01:20:05] Luke: That's the good news and the bad news. Because you want it to chelate the metals in your body, but not the container in which you're storing it. You talked about it being able to cross the blood-brain barrier, and I don't think I'm alone in having really high aluminum levels. We look at the prevalence of dementia and all these other aluminum toxicity related issues that people have. Is there any research to support detoxification of aluminum?

[01:20:33] Caroline: Of aluminum? That's a good question. I'm not sure if I've actually found specific-- I'll have to look and see if I have any articles specifically to lowering aluminum levels. The thing that I want to mention that I've learned about aluminum that's really good to know, first of all, aluminum is the highest mineral known on Earth, so there's more aluminum on Earth than any other mineral. So it's really hard to lower your exposure to aluminum. It's really challenging.

[01:21:08] So again, this is where I start going-- I don't want to fly in the face of experts who are-- but I also want to say that it is a natural substance that's on earth. It's the largest amount of mineral that is available on Earth. So you can't get away from it. The challenge that we've got with aluminum, and the reason it's causing dementia and things like that is correlated with glyphosate exposure.

[01:21:37] Because one of the things that glyphosate does is that it supports the storage of aluminum in the pineal gland. And that is the problem. So we believe that it's just ingesting or getting aluminum from everywhere. That's the problem. And I'm questioning whether that's the issue.

[01:22:03] Luke: That makes sense.

[01:22:04] Caroline: So if you can remediate glyphosate from your system, it's not going to support the storage of that into your pineal gland. That's a very complex thing. We could talk about how works another time.

[01:22:18] Luke: Yeah. I many people are wisely concerned with the calcification of the pineal gland. You hear about this a lot, and I didn't know if that was true. And I interviewed a neurosurgeon named Dr. Jack Kruse, who takes part brains all the time. And I said, is it really true? And he goes, oh yeah, it's very common.

[01:22:40] And he explained it to me because I pictured it like this hard sort of shell around your tiny little pineal gland. It looks like a pine cone. And he said, no, it's not what you think it is. It's not calcified in that it's hard. And he said, it's a white sludge. And I was like, oh my God.

[01:22:58] Caroline: It's literally stored, the calcium, in there.

[01:23:01] Luke: Ah, okay.

[01:23:02] Caroline: It's literally stored, the calcium, in there.

[01:23:04] Luke: Well, one of the things that I've heard over the years, and again, you see memes and you hear information. You don't know how much of it is scientifically valid, but one of the things I've heard most about Shilajit, for example, is that it decalcify the pineal gland. And no one can really tell me how, but based on this conversation, it would make sense because of what you described, the ability for them to go in and out of the cell. And if it crosses the blood-brain barrier, then it makes sense that this could be helpful with that as well.

[01:23:34] Caroline: And this is, again, where we get into this whole thing about, do we think that-- science spends so much time trying to understand all of these little biosynthesis processes in the body, but they're all connected, so it's hard to-- I talk with women who are dealing with bone loss or osteopenia or something, and they're like, well, will these minerals help my body restore bone health?

[01:24:06] And there are articles, there are scientific studies that, yes, that does support bone heal, first of all. But why is that? You can't just put a whole bunch of calcium into your body and have your body know what to do with it. So what you have to do instead is give your body the calcium in the right ratios with the magnesium and potassium triumvirate so that your body can go, ah, this works. Now we can put it in the right places.

[01:24:46] Luke: Yeah, that makes total sense. People that take seashell or rock-based calcium end up full of calcification and hunched over by the time they're 80. You know what I mean? Because it gets shuttled to the wrong places. And then add to that the EMF issue with the calcium gated voltage channels, whatever they're called, that allows the influx of too much calcium into the cell and all these issues.

[01:25:11] It is so much more complex, I think, than any of us can understand. So it makes sense just to-- I like your foundational approach, is like, don't even worry about all the noise. Just get bioavailable minerals and forget about t it. There's much stuff we can't control. Thinking about aluminum, yeah, it's the most prevalent mineral in nature, but in nature it's bound.

[01:25:37] And then dumb ass humans mine it and unbind it and put it into the skies and atmosphere and make cans out of it and all the other things, cookware, and aluminum foil, and all this kind of stuff where if it was just in nature buried into some rocks or part of rocks, it would be inert.

[01:25:55] But we get these bright ideas to turn these molecules loose and end up in our bodies, which doesn't do us any favors, but I like the approach of just simplifying it as you have today. It's super cool.

[01:26:10] Tell me about the pet products. When I got the human products, you guys sent me some canine multi minerals, and I put it in Cookie's, food every day, whether she knows it or not. I didn't know until today that you had a cat electrolyte and mineral formula too. I'm always really excited when people don't forget about our pets because the toxic world that we've been living in also belongs to them, unfortunately.

[01:26:37] And all the pharmaceuticals we give our pets and all this stuff too, so I don't think animals, just like people, are designed to get as sick as they do and have to go to the vet all the time. It just doesn't make sense to me. It's the food. It's the environment. So when brands come out with supplements that you can give to your pets, I'm always super stoked. So tell us a little bit about that.

[01:26:58] Caroline: Well, the reason we have them is because people asked for them. So a lot of vets came to us, and they were like, well, the pets, the dogs, they're going out walking on the side of the road with their owners and their noses are right down where the glyphosate is. And most of the foods that most pet owners are using are just full of glyphosate and other things that aren't great.

[01:27:25] So they're like, the pets need it more and more. So cool thing happened, we have a zookeeper that we work with, and she tried our minerals with every single animal. She put our minerals in one bowl and water in another, and plain water, and every single animal in the zoo drank the bowl that had the minerals totally before it started the other bowl. Every single animal. Isn't that cool?

[01:28:00] Luke: I love that.

[01:28:01] Caroline: Their sense of smell, their sense of-- they're very aware that this is better.

[01:28:05] Luke: And not placeboable, right?

[01:28:10] Caroline: Right, exactly.

[01:28:11] Luke: I love when people do humane animal testing, like you've described, because, I don't know, it validates things that I've believed to be true.

[01:28:18] Caroline: Right. It really speaks to our animal nature, that on some level, you get up in the morning. You're like, oh yeah, my body wants these. Okay. You can feel that on some level. That's one of the reasons I kept taking it. Because I'm usually bad about taking supplements, but every morning I woke up, I'd be like, oh, I want my minerals.

[01:28:38] Luke: What's the difference between the liquid formulas you have and the capsules?

[01:28:42] Caroline: So the capsules are the humate material. The way we like to help people understand the capsules is, first of all, with trace minerals, which these are, you want to take them every day because what you're doing is infusing your system with these minerals. But it's hard to travel with a 32-ounce bottle of liquid.

[01:29:04] By the way, for people, we do have travel packs for short trips, maybe eight or 10 days. But if you're going to be going on a long trip, you want to keep taking them. And the capsules are very useful for that. They're also really useful for athletes. So if you're a high performance athlete and you want to be using trace minerals for all of your mineral and electrolyte replenishment, you're going to take the liquid every day the way you would normally take it, and you're also going to take a capsule.

[01:29:35] And the capsule acts like a time release. It's slowly breaking down and infusing your system. And the others hit immediately because they're immediately bioavailable when you drink them. So for athletes who have fat fasciculation, which is, they call it the creepy crawlies, or they have cramping, or they have just intense experience of dehydration, always, never feeling like they can feel hydrated, it's a game changer. Yeah.

[01:30:05] Luke: I like that idea for travel. I tend to travel quite bulky because of all the stuff, supplements and stuff. I'm ridiculous. Bring all my red light bulbs, and it's a shit show to be honest.

[01:30:19] Caroline: You'll laugh at my suitcase for the same reason.

[01:30:21] Luke: Yeah, well-stocked and all the things.

[01:30:23] Caroline: I'm very sensitive too.

[01:30:24] Luke: Yeah. Well, what made me think of the brilliance of having the capsules is the fact that these substances can scavenge free radicals. And when you're flying across time zones, all that oxidative stress, you're producing all these free radicals and all the EMF, and if you stay in a city, which I try to avoid, yeah, all that stuff, I just get smoked from traveling, especially long flights.

[01:30:48] A friend of mine just invited us to Hawaii over Christmas, and I looked at the flight time. It was 14 hours. I'm like, I ain't going to Hawaii. I don't care how warm and beautiful it is, man. I just can't.

[01:30:59] Caroline: You'll have to stay there for three weeks just to get over that.

[01:31:01] Luke: Exactly. So I think that's wise, because yeah, taking one of these big bottles would be difficult. And obviously, like you said, you don't want to put it in something that could be reactive in some smaller container. So you have the smaller travel ones or the capsules. Yeah, I think that's going to be a good EMF hack for you guys listening, because I know a lot of people, based on me covering EMF and travel hacks so much on this show, people are always looking for ways to help mitigate that.

[01:31:28] Caroline: Yeah. That travel pack, I brought one with me.

[01:31:31] Luke: Wise.

[01:31:32] Caroline: I think I have one for you. I'm going to give it to you.

[01:31:34] Luke: Cool. I'll take it.

[01:31:35] Caroline: Even if you're not going to Hawaii.

[01:31:36] Luke: I'll go somewhere. I think we're going to go to Costa Rica in February.

[01:31:41] Caroline: That's a better place to go.

[01:31:42] Luke: Just not as long of a flight and a little more wild. Are there any issues with like yeast growth or anything like that if this is sitting on your shelf for a really long time? Because they're pretty big bottles. I don't know how long it's meant to last. I do, like I said, probably an ounce shot every day, if not two. But I had this for a while, and I still have a quarter bottle left. If someone was letting it sit around, would that be an issue?

[01:32:07] Caroline: As long as you're not drinking from the bottle.

[01:32:09] Luke: Ah, that's what I'm doing. Shit.

[01:32:10] Caroline: Do you literally drink from the bottle?

[01:32:12] Luke: Yeah, I just drink it out of the bottle.

[01:32:12] Caroline: Yeah. See, I probably wouldn't. If you're going to have it sit around for a while without it being refrigerated, you have a lot of stuff in your mouth, and you get back washed. So what I recommend is pour it in the lid. Drink from the lid, and then rinse the lid out and put the lid back on.

[01:32:29] Luke: Fair enough.

[01:32:34] Caroline: I have a dispenser, a new dispenser thing that I'm working on.

[01:32:38] Luke: Oh, cool. The pump top up kind of thing?

[01:32:41] Caroline: The pump top, again, I have to get it-- the whole thing has to be HDPE plastic, so I'm going to have to get it specially made. So there's lots of options I'm working on, but my dream is actually completely to get out of plastic. There's a new product that will carry liquid of this amount that's in process of being developed in the UK, and I've been talking with the company. Looks like it's still probably a year and a half out, but wouldn't that be amazing? I want our company--

[01:33:11] Luke: Awesome.

[01:33:11] Caroline: To be one of the first supplement companies completely out of plastic.

[01:33:15] Luke: I would love that. Yeah. My friend Matt Blackburn has a company called Mitolife, and he just rolled out these-- and he sells capsules and stuff, but I don't even know what it's made of, but they're biodegradable. Looks and feels like plastic, but it's not.

[01:33:30] Caroline: That's exactly what I want.

[01:33:31] Luke: And he's in the process switching over, which I understand was very expensive and a huge pain in the ass, but I think about my recycling bin on any given day is just of supplement bottles.

[01:33:44] Caroline: I know.

[01:33:44] Luke: And I'm like, God, everyone uses plastic. It sucks.

[01:33:47] Caroline: And glass is really hard to ship is the problem. And our products are already so heavy that it just won't work.

[01:33:54] Luke: Yeah. Yeah, for sure. If this bottle was glass, you'd pay a lot for shipping.

[01:33:59] Caroline: You add another pound too.

[01:34:01] Luke: Yeah. But that's cool. I'm glad you found so that I'm looking forward to that. I'm just happy to hear there's no leaching issues or anything like that. It's like you got to do what you got to do. I'm not going to not use health products because they come in plastic. I want to protect the environment and my body and all of that, but it's not always practical, so I'm glad to hear that it is. What else is next for you guys? Before we get out of here, you got any other tricks up your sleeve that you'd like to share with us?

[01:34:30] Caroline: We're definitely a company on the move mainly because we really see that humic and fulvic can be so helpful to humanity. And so we have new and cool ways that we're going to be delivering our products in the future. And there's a lot of exciting things that I probably can't talk about here, but I hope people will check out BEAM.

[01:34:57] One of the things about our company is that we're not only about our products, meaning what we really are wanting to be about is helping people understand minerals and how foundational they are to their health and for them to start thinking about their body differently rather than parts, and pieces, and systems, and going to this practitioner and that practitioner. Begin to think about your body as a holistic system.

[01:35:28] And if you could provide the foundation to that system so that it can do what it naturally can do--minerals don't heal anything, but they do provide the energy that your body needs. So imagine these lights, and if you could just-- your light is maybe-- most people who are mineral deficient are operating at maybe 40%. So imagine just taking the dimmer on your inner light and turning it up and imagine what that could feel like.

[01:36:03] Luke: I love that perspective. Yeah. Like I was saying earlier with the biohacking terminology and bio healing, it's like the body is incredible, man. And everything in nature, the way you describe these minerals work, it's like we would never even begin to really understand it. It doesn't matter--

[01:36:22] Caroline: Could we design something like that?

[01:36:23] Luke: Yeah. God, nature, the universe, whatever you want to call it, knows best. And I think it's really the same with our bodies, so I love that perspective. And I have to remind myself of that because sometimes I feel like I have a dominionistic relationship with my body, and I want it to do what I wanted to do.

[01:36:42] And I'm going to put all these supplements, and the red lights, and all the things, and it's like, I've learned, the hard way sometimes, my body says, actually, I don't want that right now. So I like the idea of just giving the body the raw materials it needs, trying to avoid the things that it doesn't need, and just allow the magic to take place. That's a great perspective.

[01:37:05] Yeah, for sure. All right. Well, you guys, again, you can go to lukestorey.com/BEAM and use the code LUKE20 for 25% off. I'm a huge fan of what you're doing. I think your products are incredible. I could have a show on different products every day, and I don't because a lot of them just aren't worth talking about or using. So when I find something that's novel, interesting, effective, legit, and a beautiful, kind soul like you behind it, makes me very happy. So thank you for joining me today.

[01:37:33] Caroline: Thank you so much for having me. I really appreciate you hosting this in your home and just an opportunity to commune with you and bring the information out to your audience.

[01:37:44] Luke: Awesome.

[01:37:44] Caroline: It's greatly appreciated.

[01:37:46] Luke: Yeah. Likewise. Well, I've got one more question for you, and that is a three-parter.

[01:37:50] Caroline: Okay.

[01:37:51] Luke: Who have been three teachers or teachings in general that have influenced your life or your work?

[01:37:56] Caroline: Hmm. Probably the first one is my business partner, who is a man named Dan Howard. He taught me something called intentional resting, which has been an amazing support to me in my life. It really changed my life, especially in that process of moving from being powered by adrenals and not having any more adrenals. So I had to find a new power source. So that's of the first people.

[01:38:31] Luke: Does he work more behind the scenes, or is he on the podcast circuit, or is he low key guy?

[01:38:39] Caroline: He might want to talk to you. You never know.

[01:38:40] Luke: Because I saw him on your website. It was big picture of you and big picture of him. I was like--

[01:38:44] Caroline: Who is he?

[01:38:45] Luke: Maybe he's shy.

[01:38:46] Caroline: Yeah, he's somewhat shy, but I hope that someday you get to meet. I'm sure, you would both enjoy each other greatly. Yeah. He runs our manufacturing, and he is the ace in our pocket as a company. So it looks like I'm out here talking, but really he's right behind me.

[01:39:14] Who else? The Dalai Lama probably. I just love the Dalai Lama. I was a Tibetan Buddhist for many years. And I wasn't Tibetan, but I was a Buddhist studying Tibetan Buddhism or being a, whatever, however you want to say that. And I just love him. When I just think of him, it makes me smile.

[01:39:38] Had an opportunity to meet him in a very small setting once, and I've just never met anybody who had no artifice. Zero. And there was nothing between you and him. And I feel like that's a True North for me, a touchstone in my life. A third person? Wow. Now I'll have to talk about supernatural people.

[01:40:09] Luke: I get it.

[01:40:10] Caroline: We'll have to go out of this world now.

[01:40:12] Luke: For some people it's really easy. They're like, Jesus Christ, my wife, and da, da, da. And then some people are like, God, three? Oh my God.

[01:40:19] Caroline: Well, no, I have a lot, but maybe not all of them are here. Physical.

[01:40:24] Luke: That's all right. Give me one more, and I don't care if they're real or your imaginary friend.

[01:40:31] Caroline: Well, one of mine is this one right here. This is called Kalki. And maybe some of the people at the audience have heard of Kalki, but I'm not sure how to describe Kalki, an entity maybe who came to me out of the blue when I was at an event. And in the event, you go through a process, and then you end up going into this room, and you spend some time in this room alone with this.

[01:41:04] I didn't even know what it was at the time, but that's the process. So they take you in, and then they leave you. And I literally was pushed down to the floor and laid out on the floor, and I couldn't move. And then this entity just starts walking around with me in my life.

[01:41:25] Luke: Wow.

[01:41:26] Caroline: I'm like, okay, okay. So yeah, I have a few. Yeah.

[01:41:34] Luke: That's cool.

[01:41:35] Caroline: I'm not sure what else I should say.

[01:41:36] Luke: That's my favorite one.

[01:41:39] Caroline: I'm telling you, Kalki is the most beautiful, absolutely amazing thing, person, entity. I'm not sure what you call Kalki.

[01:41:50] Luke: Thank you for sharing that. I've had similar experiences.

[01:41:52] Caroline: I had that sense.

[01:41:54] Luke: It sounds crazy until you've had something like that happens. It's convincing, to say the least. That's cool.

[01:42:02] Caroline: Literally, it was like he just-- I say he just because I don't know what other pronoun to use, so I apologize. They. I should probably use a they. And they just worked on me.

[01:42:19] Luke: Did you notice that your life had a marked change after that experience?

[01:42:24] Caroline: Traumatic.

[01:42:25] Luke: Yeah. Really?

[01:42:26] Caroline: Completely traumatic.

[01:42:29] Luke: Wow. That's cool.

[01:42:31] Caroline: All of that I'm doing today is because of Kalki.

[01:42:34] Luke: Really? Wow, that's so cool. I've seen some pretty wild stuff at a number of places, but at Joe Dispenza retreats, they have these coherence healing circles, and I haven't seen any entities, but people that are seemingly honest and sane do. And there's some things that you just can't explain.

[01:42:59] They're beyond the linear experience of reality that we have. And I think those are my favorite realms. Well, this has been enlightening, and entertaining, and educational, and enjoyable in every way. So thank you so much for joining me today. I am really excited to share you and your passion with the world.

[01:43:17] Caroline: Thank you, Luke.


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