Biohacking Birth, Babies, & Homeschooling Kids w/ Wellness Mama AKA Katie Wells #221

Topics Discussed In This Episode:

  • A generation of children is expected to have shorter lifespans than their parents, for the first time in history

  • Dealing with Hashimoto’s, which is not a sushi restaurant but an autoimmune disease

  • Growing from a blog into an empire

  • How moms can shape the future of the United States and society as a whole

  • Bringing six children into the world & raising them all to be conscious humans

  • What you need to know about birth control

  • A great relationship hack

  • Why more women are suffering from abnormal and painful cycles & what you can do about it

  • What foods you will want to stay away from and eat more of if you are planning to have children or pregnant

  • Bucking the mainstream Western method of birth for more natural births with fewer interventions

  • Dos and don’ts for raising a healthy baby

  • How Katie creates a homeschool designed to stimulate creativity, critical thought, and natural development

  • Finding the time to homeschool as a working mom

  • Raising six kids that aren’t annoying in airports, somehow

For more about this episode.