520. Sonic Soul Retrieval: Raise Your Voltage, Get Unstuck & Tune Your Biofield w/ Eileen McKusick

Eileen Day McKusick

January 30, 2024

DISCLAIMER: This podcast is presented for educational and exploratory purposes only. Published content is not intended to be used for diagnosing or treating any illness. Those responsible for this show disclaim responsibility for any possible adverse effects from the use of information presented by Luke or his guests. Please consult with your healthcare provider before using any products referenced. This podcast may contain paid endorsements for products or services.

Eileen McKusick, health researcher, author, educator, and creator of Biofield Tuning, breaks down the science of sound healing, how tuning forks work with our body's electromagnetic field to heal trauma, anxiety, and even autoimmune issues – to find inner peace and expand into our potential.

Eileen Day McKusick is a pioneering researcher, writer, inventor, practitioner, educator and speaker in the fields of therapeutic sound, the human biofield, and electric health. She has an MA in Integrative Education and has been studying the effects of sound on the human body and its electromagnetic system since 1996. She is the originator of the sound therapy method Biofield Tuning (with over 2000 students trained worldwide since 2010), the founder of the Biofield Tuning Institute (which conducts grant funded, IRB approved, and peer-reviewed studies on the human biofield), and author of the award winning, bestselling book "Tuning the Human Biofield: Healing with Vibrational Sound Therapy," as well as the book “Electric Body, Electric Health,” released with St. Martin’s Press in January 2021.

As an inventor, Eileen has created a line of weighted tuning forks and tuning fork accessories based on her own clinical research. Recent inventions include the much-loved Sonic Slider, and the uniquely effective Fibonacci Pair. These forks, when paired with the patent-pending Circuit Boot, are introducing thousands of people to the power of sound to improve our electric health. Eileen’s work leads people from a chemical/mechanical perspective of life, health, and the universe, to an electro-sonic one. This new perspective makes health and life easier, connects the dots, and ties together multiple concepts in an elegant, easy-to-grasp way.

She creates an accessible bridge between what has been considered pseudoscience and what has been considered scientific, through clearly illustrating the underlying electrical nature of our bodies and the world around us. A dynamic and sought-after speaker and thought leader, Eileen is an ambassador of the new paradigms of Electric Health and Biofield Science. Through mastering her own electrical health, she embodies high-voltage, coherent living that is both tangible and teachable. 

DISCLAIMER: This podcast is presented for educational and exploratory purposes only. Published content is not intended to be used for diagnosing or treating any illness. Those responsible for this show disclaim responsibility for any possible adverse effects from the use of information presented by Luke or his guests. Please consult with your healthcare provider before using any products referenced. This podcast may contain paid endorsements for products or services.

Have you ever put on your favorite jam on a rough day and felt that instant mood lift? That's the magic of sound healing in action, and let me tell you, it's a game-changer. 

I've been diving headfirst into this phenomenon recently, and I'm pumped to bring Eileen McKusick onto the show today to tell us all about it. Eileen is a true pioneer in the world of therapeutic sound, the human biofield, and electric health. Since 1996, she's been merging hard science with deep healing, making waves with her method, Biofield Tuning and her books, Tuning the Human Biofield and Electric Body, Electric Health.

We kick things off with Eileen's own journey – how she battled bulimia and childhood trauma and found her way to the healing world of sound and vibration. It's a raw, real story that's led to some incredible discoveries. Eileen breaks down the science of how tuning forks work with our body's electromagnetic field, reading memories, healing trauma, anxiety, and even autoimmune issues. 

We also go deep into the nitty-gritty of frequencies and instruments, and how they can help us ditch that feeling of being stuck, guiding us towards a state of inner peace and total well-being.

This episode is a journey into the heart of our potential and the healing power all around us. We're peeling back the layers on our biofield, tuning into the frequencies of nature, and equipping ourselves with the tools to live life to its fullest – joyfully, mindfully, and centered. 

(00:00:09) Eileen’s Path From Trauma Healing to Inner Peace

(00:14:13) Explaining Sound Healing & Biofield Tuning

  • How tuning forks work
  • Working with the body’s electromagnetic field
  • Healing pain and anxiety through sound healing
  • Understanding the timeline of the body’s magnetic field 
  • Reading memories with tuning forks and healing trauma 

(00:35:00) Sound Healing Research, Distant Healing & Biofield Exploration

  • Eileen’s academic work grounding this experience in science and research
  • Experimenting with sound healing at a distance 
  • Current and previous studies about anxiety and tuning
  • Unpacking the record of our past experiences in our biofield
  • Luke’s post tuning session review after working with Eileen
  • What different ailments or issues tuning sessions can help with

(01:07:08) Healing the Biofield With Music & Integrating Plant Medicine

  • Human EMF meters and technology that can detect the magnetic field of the body
  • Healing the biofield through music
  • Different sound healing instruments
  • Treating stuckness and integrating sound healing with plant medicine journeys

(01:17:58) Sound Healing Instruments & Frequencies

  • Tones and frequencies Eileen uses in her sessions 
  • The difference between the C scale and solfeggio tuning forks
  • The fourth state of matter and resonance in the ether that allows for distance healing
  • Why Eileen created a set of forks based in the Fibonacci sequence
  • What different frequencies can help with

(01:25:33) Inside the Emerging Field of Electric Health

[00:00:00] Luke: Eileen, I want to start with this question. How did your experience with bulimia instigate your venture into alternative healing?

[00:00:22] Eileen: Hmm. Well, they say that bulimia is one of those things that's particularly hard to heal from. And I've certainly met women who were bulimic for decades. I became bulimic when I was 17, and when I was 18, I tried to stop and I couldn't. And that was the first experience I ever had where I became aware that I was inwardly divided, that there was one part of me that wanted to stop the destructive, shameful behavior and then this other part of me that was completely in it and couldn't let go of it. It was very alarming. And I confess to my mom, what my experience was, and my mom had grown up in Belfast during and after World War II, where they didn't have enough to eat. And she couldn't relate. She said, this is a disease of your time. Nothing I had to deal with. We didn't have the luxury of eating lots of food and throwing it up.

[00:01:23] So I realized that I was on my own to figure it out. And I'd always been a really voracious reader of fiction. It was my go-to thing as a geeky kid, to read a lot. And so I decided to start looking in self-help books to try to figure out what was going on and how I could fix it. And I spent from 18 to 20 reading one health self-help book after another.

[00:01:52] Luke: Help self book.

[00:01:53] Eileen: Help self book.

[00:01:55] Luke: Interchangeable, perhaps.

[00:01:59] Eileen: And after a while, it was a number of years before it really sunk in what was going on. And so I realized two things, and the two things that I realized helped me to stop. So one was that as a young woman, and this is in the '80s, that I had two signs held up to me, and one was consume, and the other was be skinny. And I'm what I call a bothist. I'm a Libra, and I practice both-ism, which is that it doesn't have to be either or. People get very stuck in either or scenarios.

[00:02:34] So if you ask a bothist if they want a salad or fries with their burger, they'll say both, get stuck. So bulimia is a way to consume and be skinny. It's a way to do both. And so realizing that my culture had programmed me into that behavior and that it wasn't my fault. Like my mother said, it was a disease of my time.

[00:02:57] And then the other thing that I realized was that it was my hand, and it was my mouth. And if I wasn't in control of myself, who or what was? I realized that no one was going to save me. No one was going to fix me. It was absolutely my responsibility to take responsibility for my actions. And when that really sunk in, I was able to stop purging, but I was terrifically addicted to sugar and to food, which I think so many people are.

[00:03:27] And it's such an acceptable addiction because we have to eat. And I actually owned a restaurant. I was a baker. So it was like being a bartender in a bar to just be an alcoholic. And I was surrounded by ice cream, and muffins, and cookies, and cakes. And I just lived on sugar all day long, sugar and adrenaline.

[00:03:45] And got to a point with that habit of working all the time and eating a lot of sugar where I completely burned myself out and I totally ruined my health at age 23. I was a complete and utter mess. I was just completely toast, and I realized that I needed to go deeper into the healing journey to really become healthy.

[00:04:06] And that is what led me to sound, was my continued exploration of science and spirituality and pretty much any kind of self-help book I could get my hands on. And anybody who's a researcher knows one topic leads to the next, leads to the next. And so I got led to vibrational healing, these of color, and sound, and music, and healing, which made a lot of sense to me.

[00:04:31] I was starting to understand everything is vibration. Even though we appear solid, we're really just vibrating fields of energy and information. So it made sense to me to treat vibration with vibration. And I went out and got every book I could find on the topic. And then when I finished going through my stack, I got a catalog in the mail that had a set of tuning forks for healing in it.

[00:04:54] And at the time, I was doing massage therapy part time. I'd left the restaurant because-- screaming-- and went to massage therapy school. But then I ended up having to come back to the restaurant, but did massage on the side. And that's where I started playing with tuning forks, and the tuning forks really-- people here, especially in Connecticut in the '90s, when I was telling people that I was doing sound healing with tuning forks, that I was balancing energy centers, there was such a skeptical dismissal of it.

[00:05:22] No, it sounds really, really woo. One person said to me once, she said, all the woo woo stuff out there, what you do comes across as the most-- I was like, oh, great. That's just what I want to be. But really when it comes right down to it, it's physics. It's actually what we're doing with the tuning forks, is all physics and science most of us understand, even though at first take, it just sounds ridiculous. But they led me on this incredible journey of discovery that I'm really still on 27 years later and have healed all the things.

[00:05:57] Luke: Did you along the way discover that you had some trauma or unhealed part of yourself at the root of the bulimia issue?

[00:06:07] Eileen: Yeah, absolutely. Absolutely. And before the bulimia, I actually had-- I think there's a name for it, but I was pulling out my hair one by one when I was 11, 12, 13. I had this big bald patch on my head. And that was certainly from trauma. Yeah, I grew up as the youngest of six kids. My siblings that are six to 12 years older than me, and it was a real roughhousing kind of family.

[00:06:31] So I grew up with a pack of five older siblings that were always tickling me, pinning me down, Indian rope burn, the claw was coming after me. I was getting rat tail flicks. I was just constantly under attack or sarcasm or just unkindness. And really felt like I didn't have an ally. And then I skipped two grades, so I ended up the runt at school too.

[00:06:55] And by the time I got out of high school and I was 16, I was the runt chicken with all its feathers plucked out. That was really a mess. And also as I went through this healing process, I discovered, in a number of different ways, that I've been sexually abused as a child as well, which is a massively damaging thing.

[00:07:19] And so many of the clients that I've worked with over the years, I've found that it is in their field. It's in their information, and it's gutting. It really takes you out of your core, especially when it happens when you're really little. And I felt like life had shattered me into 1,000 pieces, honestly, and that I had to go back and find them and put myself back together again to go back to being whole. Healing is becoming whole. Yeah.

[00:07:49] Luke: Yeah. That particular type of abuse is so devastating. I think it's difficult for people to grasp that happened, that are fortunate enough to not have had that experience. I've been unpacking mine for decades. Just when I think I've gotten to the bottom of it, it's like, oh, man, the magnitude of it.

[00:08:12] I think that it's less operational in my day to day experience. There has been a lot of very productive healing, but just looking at it objectively of what a major punctuation mark it was in life, it's like an A, D, B, C sort of situation.

[00:08:28] Eileen: Yeah.

[00:08:28] Luke: It really does alter the course of your life dramatically. And one thing that's interesting about it to me is it seems to be-- I don't know if it's the circles in which I run or if it's just so prevalent. I spent a lot of time with recovering addicts, and I would say the vast majority of them had that experience or some deviation of it. So I hang around a lot of people that are into healing, so maybe my view of is it a bit skewed, but it's crazy how common it is.

[00:09:04] Eileen: Yeah. That was my experience too, working with clients, the amount of them that had that. And then like you say, those are the kinds of people that go for healing that have had that sort of thing. But it is shockingly common in families and for people. It's really this great sickness, isn't it, in our whole culture? Look at child pornography and all of the stuff that's going on in this very strange sickness that is so damaging to our souls.

[00:09:35] Luke: Yeah. When you, in the early '80s, were grasping at the self-help or the help self books, what were some of the prominent books at that time? Do you remember? I can think back to when I got into my early sobriety and healing. There were a couple of key players that were popular at that time, but I don't know who they were earlier on when I was a young teenager.

[00:10:00] Eileen: So Tony Robbins, I think I read both his books, Unlimited Power and Awaken The Giant Within. And he was a very formative teacher for me, and he's actually still a friend. He's wrote an endorsement for my second book, Electric Body, Electric Health. So he was a big influence. I also read A Course in Miracles, which was actually really transformational.

[00:10:24] I come from an atheistic background, and I went to prep school, which is very atheistic. And I think what was most upsetting to me about the bulimia and the addiction was how it stole my peace. Because I talked today actually in the event I did this afternoon here about the concept of added diction.

[00:10:48] Addiction being added diction and how when you're an addict, whether it's food, whether it's booze, whether it's drugs, there's always this whole inner conversation around, when are you going to get your next fix? What's it going to be? How are you going to do it? And the guilt and the shame, the not wanting to do it.

[00:11:04] And there's this whole internal dialogue, and that goes on incessantly of added diction of extra words that steals your peace. And I remember when I started reading A Course in Miracles and it started to really reframe it, I went to bed one night, and I could hear the crickets outside. And it occurred to me that I hadn't heard the crickets in years because there was such a torrent of noise in my own head that it just stopped me from even being able to be quiet enough to hear that.

[00:11:36] And so that's what I was after more than anything, was inner peace. That I didn't want this sense of inner division, this inner conflict, this inner dialogue of guilt, and shame, and desire, and fail, and blah, going on continuously. So that was my real goal and desire, was to get to that place of inner unity and inner quiet.

[00:11:59] Luke: Yeah. That's the real tragedy and the addictive cycles, isn't it? It's like you have hurt or shame inside, and so you seek to medicate it. And then you start to become aware that it's overtaken you, and then there's more shame as a result of succumbing to that. What do you do to numb the compounding shame? You do it again. And then there's more shame. It's such a tragic cycle in the human experience.

[00:12:30] Eileen: Yeah. And it's such a huge waste of energy. I think about all the years that I spent being bulimic and then being addicted to food and struggling with food. And I'm like, God, all the energy that I put into that, I could have learned musical instruments. I could have learned another language. I could have been volunteering in my community. There was no end of other places where I could put that energy, and that money, and all of that. And instead it was just in this vicious self-destructive cycle that leads nowhere except to poor health and more misery.

[00:12:59] Luke: Yeah. So last night when we met, you were kind enough to offer me one of your sessions or treatments with the biofield tuning. And I've seen the-- what do you call it? The forks. I've seen them around and someone's probably put one on me a couple of times here and there and in some healing session.

[00:13:22] But until very recently, knowing that you were going to be speaking here and researching the other people here, I didn't really know much about it. And so my curiosity was piqued and I found it to be, a, fascinating, b, kind of a, well, obviously this would work. Like duh. Oh yeah, this makes total sense.

[00:13:44] It's just common sense, and frequency, and vibration. And my subjective experience of it, it was subtle, but at the same time powerful. And some of the things that you were picking up on rang true in terms of the timelines and the stuff that we covered about the birth experience and whatnot.

[00:14:03] So I'd like to unpack how it works. I find it to be so fascinating. Maybe you could start by just describing for the people that weren't there with you and I last night. What did we do? What was happening there?

[00:14:18] Eileen: Yeah. It's a really weird thing. And I did it for many years and really had a lot of self-doubt about what I was doing, what I was experiencing, because it's a very weird thing to stand six feet away from somebody with a tuning fork and move in slowly towards them. It's just odd.

[00:14:43] And for many, many years, I was the only one doing it, which made it even more. Now I have thousands of people all over the world doing it. So I guess it's not so odd anymore, but I think in order to frame it, because when I first started doing it and I first started encountering the phenomenon that I encountered when I first started going off the body, I started off, and for 10 years, just held tuning forks right over the body and moved them around.

[00:15:11] And in the process of moving forks around, I discovered that they would sound different in different places. And of course when I explained this to people early on, they were like, oh, that's just room acoustics. That's just the Doppler effect. And I was like, I understand those things. But I can have the same person on the same table in the same room on different weeks, and things sounded different.

[00:15:32] There's something else going on. But it took me a really long time to understand it, to frame it, to give it a context, to be able to explain to people what was happening. And even now it's really hypothetical, I would say. But the idea is that your body has an electrical system that we're never told about. That we don't see the forest for the trees.

[00:15:57] We see that the heart is electric and you might get a pacemaker to modulate the electric impulse that beats the heart, that our brain waves are electric. You get an EEG, an EKG. This is all measuring the electrical activity in the body, that our blood carries a charge. That our bones are crystalline structures that actually make electricity when they're compressed. That even our fascia and our collagen are all semiconductors. And what this points to is that you actually have electric current running through the body. It's not just the nervous system.

[00:16:34] People think about electricity in the body they just think the nervous system, but it's really the electrical system in its entirety. And anytime you have an electric current running through something, you have a magnetic field around it, and that's basic science that we all learn in grade school that everyone understands.

[00:16:51] So the human body is no different. And even though this whole idea of an aura or a human energy field has really been propagandized to us as being pseudo scientific, it's actually very scientific that we would have a magnetic field and in a science we all understand. So when I first started moving tuning forks around the body and hearing the tone change, I discovered that there were certain places where I would feel resistance and also places where the tone would get louder.

[00:17:24] So I'd find these places that felt like they had charge and energy. Somebody might be complaining that their shoulder hurt, and I'd hold the tuning fork over it, and I'd see that it's loud here. Then I'd hold the tuning fork over their energy center, their chakra, and it would be really quiet.

[00:17:41] And then I discovered that I could use the tuning fork like a magnet and I could do what I call click, drag, and drop, where I would click into it with my mind and the fork and then I could actually drag the loud spot to the midline of the body and then drop it in. And then it wouldn't be loud in the shoulder anymore. It would be loud here. And then the person would get off the table and say, wow, the pain in my shoulder is gone.

[00:18:06] So that was this little practice I developed and I just scan people's bodies. I'd find the lab spots and I just dragged them to the middle. And so people would say, I feel really centered. But people kept coming back and reporting that they had less anxiety, that they didn't fight with their spouse all week, that they slept really well. And then they'd be like, do that sound thing again. Because I was doing massage, just playing with the fork.

[00:18:31] So for 10 years, that's all I did. I just did it as a hobby and I worked over the body. But then in 2006, I accidentally discovered a loud spot about two and a half feet away from somebody. And when I moved that all the way to the midline, the person had been complaining that they had all this pain and pulling in their neck and their jaw. They'd been to all these providers and nobody would be able to help. And so when I moved that loud spot from out here into the midline, she called me the next day and said, Eileen, all the pain and pulling is gone. I'm all better. And so that was super intriguing to me. So then the next people who started coming in, I started exploring the atmosphere around the body.

[00:19:16] And as I did, I discovered loud spots, quiet spots, static spots, walls, channels, rivers, eddies. I discovered all of these different features. The tuning forks are almost like an invisible ink decoder. And as they create a wall of sound, they reveal the texture and the structure within the magnetic field.

[00:19:34] It took me about four years to map the field. I basically discovered that it had a very specific anatomy and physiology and that it held our memories. So we're told that our memories are in our brain, but what I was finding was that they seem to be encoded in standing waves in the magnetic field around our body in this very specific way.

[00:20:02] So if you think about it, as you go through your day and you have the experience of being you, you feel all the feels, the things you say, the things that you respond to, this is all going on electrically. Everything we see, smell, touch, taste, think is all electrical impulses. So it makes sense that it would be stored in our electrical system, everything that we generate.

[00:20:21] And so as we have these experiences, they all make waves. Every emotion makes a different waveform. The feeling of fear creates a waveform that's staccato. So when you get really scared, you start to shake. And you can hear it in the tuning fork. When someone is afraid and you bounce sound off of them, you can hear that of fear, sadness.

[00:20:44] If somebody is sad, if there's a particular sad memory that you get into, you hear the quality of sadness in that, just like you hear the quality of sadness in music. Fear or anger, music approximates what the frequency signatures are as heard in the tuning forks as we emanate these vibes and those waves intersect.

[00:21:08] The information of what's present comes through. So there are very distinctive sounds like depression has an undertone that you can hear. And the feeling of depression lives off of the left shoulder. So if you're depressed and I stick a fork six inches off your left shoulder, we're going to hear this [Vibration Sound].

[00:21:25] And when you feel depressed, you're like-- like you are gray. And you can hear that in the tone. But what's so amazing about being able to hear and reveal these feelings and reflect them back to the body-- so the tuning fork acts like a mirror. It reflects back to the body, the places where it's not in harmony, where it's dissonant, where it's got noise in the signal.

[00:21:52] And just like how if you haven't looked in a mirror in a while, and then you come across one and your hair is a mess and you have a poppy seed in your teeth, you immediately go to put yourself in order. You groom yourself. When your body's organizing intelligence it does the same thing when it gets a reflection of an atonal area in your electrical system created by some things.

[00:22:12] The tuning fork acts like a metronome, a mirror, a metronome, and a magnet is what I say. So it's producing a steady rhythm for the body to balance its own rhythms off of. It's producing a steady tone for the body to balance its tonal output. And so the body, we're self-tuning instruments basically.

[00:22:31] We're self-tuning instruments, and biofield tuning is just a simple process of moving force through the field until we hit an area that is dissonant where the vibrational pattern in the field there might be a traumatic memory there. And we just stay there and reflect that back to the body.

[00:22:45] And the body works with that signal to put itself in order. That's what it wants to do. So when I worked with you and I started at the outside of the edge of your field, I immediately got stuck. I got stuck in a sticky spot, in a loud spot, in an alarm spot, in a very frozen area. You confirmed that you were an incubator baby.

[00:23:11] And I've worked with other people who are incubator babies, and I know the pattern that's there and how traumatic it is to not have the primal needs that you instinctually know that you need and to not get that. And the way that it imprints so deeply on the psyche that there is a barrier between me and my people.

[00:23:33] And so I'll never forget the first woman I worked on, the first incubator baby. And I came across the structure in her field at the very outer edge. And I said, it feels like there's this wall of glass between you and your mom. And I thought it was metaphorical. And then she's like, actually, I was in an incubator for a month.

[00:23:48] I was like, wow. And I said, do you still feel that wall between you and your mom? She said, I always have. Because it imprinted itself so much in her field and her mind and her experience. So I held the fork there and I was there for, I don't know, maybe 10 or 15 minutes. And we talked about your birth experience and how that was.

[00:24:09] And very often we have these early experiences and we form these early beliefs that are precognitives, things that happen under the age of three and that they've comprised the outer edge of our field. So a lot of times when we think of auras or human energy fields, there's this idea that's dense and then it diffuses and then it's boundaryless. But that's not what I discovered.

[00:24:33] As I was exploring, I found most people about six feet away from them, I came across something that felt like a membrane, that felt like a boundary. And then slowly it dawned on me that the field is a torus. So we have the electric current running through the body and then the magnetic field and it's bounded by a membrane.

[00:24:51] So it's like a bubble, if you will. And inside that membrane, it's maybe an inch wide, is the memories of our gestation. And then just as outside, the inside of that hangs towards the body's birth, which is where we got stuck. I wasn't sure if it's gestation or birth because it's close, but then you said your birth story.

[00:25:10] And so I hung out there, and because you're 52, you've had 52 years of experience built on top of that wiring, that experience. So it took your body a while to work with the input, but then what happens is there's this experience of the resistance suddenly letting go where all of a sudden that freeze that's been in your memory bank, that's been sequestering energy suddenly relaxes and releases and now that energy becomes available to go back into circulation.

[00:25:41] So then we moved on until we hit another spot, and I stay there until your body self corrects. And just keep going. It's like dropping a needle on an album and reading the vibrational record of somebody's life. And because I've been doing it so long, I've really learned the language.

[00:25:59] It's a very pure language, vibration, and actually all of nature speaks it. Animals have the same vibrational, and fear is the same for them. Joy is the same. Even plants speak the same vibrational language, so it's this universal, pure language that's utterly true. There's no way to lie. There's no way for your vibrations to lie.

[00:26:22] So whatever is going on, we can find it. We can feel it. We can see it, and we can work with it. And people find it very validating because we all want to be seen, and heard, and understood. Especially if we're trying to heal, I think it's super important. So to be bathed in the sound and to really hear yourself.

[00:26:46] I was working on a friend of mine, his first session, and I'm combing through the field and all of a sudden the fork made such a wonky sound. I'm not sure I've ever heard anything sound so mashed up. And he heard it too. This is not so subtle that you can't hear it. You could hear the tonal changes that were happening.

[00:27:05] And he said, oh my God. He said, what's that? Because the field is both striated and timeline-- so what I mean by timeline is that as we have our experiences and we generate information, it moves away from us. It moves like hair. It grows away. So anything I find close to your body is current or recent.

[00:27:26] What I find at the outer edge of your field is birth. And then everything else falls in between like rings in a tree, almost. So if somebody is 60 and I'm three feet away from them, I'm reading memories from when they were 30. And so I plotted it on the timeline, this particular spot in his field, and I said, this is around 18.

[00:27:47] And he said, oh. He said, that's when I went through the windshield of a car. And you think about the trauma of going through the windshield of a car, of all the aftermath and all of that, it's very incoherent, very jumbled. And he also had all of these patterns of tension in his body from that injury.

[00:28:08] So I stayed there for a while, and as I was doing it, he started to release, and relax, and to unwind. So fundamentally, all of these areas that are-- where we had trauma, these memories where we're still holding charge, we're also holding tension in the body. And when we hold subconscious tension in the body, it leads to inflammation, so you end up with a jam up of too much electricity here.

[00:28:32] So any place you have an excess in one place, you end up with a deficiency in another. And most of what is going on with us that makes us go out of sorts is a wiring issue. And so we rewire through the field. So magnetic fields guide and inform electric currents.

[00:28:55] So as I'm manipulating the magnetic field, it's shifting the way electricity is running through your body and it's getting you to relax and to release so that you breathe more freely, so the energy flows through you more freely, and then the body heals itself.

[00:29:11] Luke: So fascinating. It's like analog biofeedback.

[00:29:17] Eileen: Exactly. That's exactly what it is.

[00:29:19] Luke: That's so wild.

[00:29:21] Eileen: Yeah.

[00:29:22] Luke: Yeah, it was really interesting in the awareness of the birth experience and the incubator and stuff, which is a whole other story. It's a huge part of the book that I'm writing at the moment. It was like a major key for me to unlock this feeling of loneliness and separation with people throughout my life.

[00:29:43] It's like the thing that you hear people say of being in a crowd of people and feeling totally alone. That has been an underlying essence of my experience and led me through so many often destructive ways of trying to find a solution to that earlier in life. So getting the affirmation of that as holding the key was really profound.

[00:30:08] It was like, oh yeah, cool. This thing I've been drilling down toward to find. We talk about the root of things in childhood. You can't really go back much further than your birth before you get into the realm of karma in past lives. And it's a whole other quagmire to deal with, which I haven't even gotten to, and maybe never will or might not need to, but yeah, I found that to be really, really fascinating.

[00:30:32] And thinking about something you said earlier, how the tones have their own personality and emotionality to them, it brought to mind the difference between a song and a minor key and the difference between a song and a major key, just as two broad examples. They have a very different feel and a very different essence, and you identify and resonate with them based on what your emotional body needs in that moment.

[00:31:00] Sometimes I love to put on old blues that's minor. It's got a depth and a sadness to it, and that's what I need to counteract, what I'm feeling inside. And there's other times where I want to hear major key bebop, just, doop doop. That's where I'm at. Or maybe I'm not there, but I need to get there.

[00:31:20] So I really relate to music. I play music. And so I oftentimes view my life experience through the expression of music. It's such an inherent part of it. So I think that's the thing I really related to and what you're doing with the forks. Everything is really music, you mentioned.

[00:31:39] Eileen: Yeah, everything is music.

[00:31:41] Luke: You go to the Crickets. You hear the crickets. The crickets are making music. The birds are making music. All the animals in the wild are making music. They don't mean something. It has meaning. I was watching a video the other day because I was trying to identify this really weird, I think, bird sound we've had in our yard recently.

[00:32:00] I don't even know how to describe it. We think it might be some type of owl. We don't really know. It sounds like a massive frog is what it sounds like. But it's too big of a sound to be a frog, I think. So I was listening to all these bird songs on YouTube, and I was just like, wow, all of those songs mean something to the other birds and to all of the other animals around.

[00:32:21] When you see birds giving warning signs of predation or signs of a fresh kill that the scavenger birds can come eat all of that. And it's like, I think, sometimes we're disassociated from the meaning of sound, and vibration, and our external environment, and let alone, like what you're doing, the internal environment or field, that magnetic field.

[00:32:44] So it's so interesting that there's so much data in there to mine. It's just fascinating. To that end, as you said, you started off and you begrudgingly went into the realm of woo woo and healing and such over the course of your career and your depth of research in this. Has there been any point at which you or science at large has corroborated some of your findings?

[00:33:12] Eileen: Yeah. When I started working in the field with people and I started getting really dramatic outcomes with my clients, astonishing jaw-dropping outcomes for people, somebody with pain for 30 years is gone in one session, or people that had had severe anxieties gone or much less after a few sessions, it started to dawn on me that I had a moral obligation to bring it out in the world.

[00:33:48] I'm like, this is the kind of healing people are looking for. It's efficient. It's non-invasive. It's interesting and it works for so many things on a physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, relational levels. At the time, actually, I was popping kettle corn. Kettle corn is everywhere now, but back in 2004, you couldn't buy it in a store. You could only get kettle corn at fairs and festivals.

[00:34:19] And I decided that I was going to bring the first organic kettle corn to market. I was living in Vermont. So I came up with maple kettle corn, and then I came up with a chipotle kettle corn. I made it completely addictive, and it was just flying off the shelves. I was in about 50 stores, I was doing it all by hand, and it was my plan to automate it, blow it up, and then sell it to Frito-Lay, and retire.

[00:34:48] I was like, I've got a great profit margin here, a great business model, a proven product. I know that the rest of the marketplace is coming up behind me and that I'm in first. And I started working on a business plan to automate it. And just had boulders dropped in my way, even though it seemed like a really good idea.

[00:35:11] But then one day, when I was struggling trying to get investment because that's what I needed, I got this very clear download, very clear guidance that came in like certified mail, and it was very clear. It said you need to go to college and get degrees. You need to learn and teach about sound. You need to do studies on this work, publish studies, get in peer review. You need to get into textbooks. You need to awaken an army and cover the globe with this work. And I was like, oh, okay. I came in proceeded by the phrase, the world needs harmony more than it needs another snack food. And I couldn't argue with that.

[00:36:00] Luke: It's hard to ignore that realization. Oh shit.

[00:36:03] Eileen: Yeah. But it just so happened that I live in the middle of nowhere in the mountains of Vermont, but it just so happened that literally four minutes down the road from me, there was a public college. It was called Johnson State College. It's now Northern Vermont University.

[00:36:17] And it had the only one or one of the only, just a couple of undergraduate programs in wellness and alternative medicine in the country. I never went to college out of high school, and so I ended up selling my popcorn business, enrolling in college. I completed my undergraduate and graduate degrees in five years, and I wrote a master's thesis called Exploring the Effects of Audible Sound on the Body and Its Biofield.

[00:36:46] So I did a really deep dive into academia, and science, and published research to frame what the experience was to ground it in science. Because as a hippie from Vermont waving teamwork around, I really didn't have any choice but to figure out how to explain it from the best scientific perspective that I could.

[00:37:12] And then I came out of my master's degree and I really wanted to go get a PhD. I felt like that would really help serve the cause of credibility, and I wanted to go to MIT because what I wanted to do was to create a device that made visible what the tuning forks were making audible in the field.

[00:37:34] That the tuning forks reveal this whole landscape of information and energy and patterns. And I'm like, well, it's there. If we can make it visible, then seeing is believing. And like, that's the end of the story. That's the end of the argument. Now we can show it. And I knew that MIT would be the kind of place where I would be able to do that.

[00:37:54] But I had an undergraduate degree in wellness and alternative medicine and business, and I had a graduate degree in education, and I couldn't fit in to any of the schools at MIT or even McGill. That was another place in Canada where they had a brain music and sound lab. And I thought that could be good, but I didn't have a science background. I didn't have a medical background. I'm like, I got an education degree.

[00:38:22] And so because I couldn't fit in any of those boxes, I ended up going to California Institute for Human Science and worked on my degree there for a little while and did some research in a Faraday cage and with biophoton counters and just gathered more data and information.

[00:38:42] But what I found was, because the method is so potentially effective for people that the demand for me to teach, that students want me to teach and it was-- so I ended up having to drop out of school. I never got my PhD, but I did go on to train many people to do the work. And then in the last few years, we've done some other studies that have been published most recently, this year.

[00:39:09] In May and June, we had two papers published in peer review on an anxiety study that we did. And initially, this was going to be a study on veterans for PTSD because that's a really tough spot for me in my heart, knowing that at least 20 veterans are committing suicide every day and that these people aren't getting care and knowing that the work that we're doing helps.

[00:39:36] People that have PTSD, that have had a lot of trauma, it goes in and it settles it down, and helps heal depression, and it helps heal pain. It helps heal head injuries. It helps give people their lives back. And so I very, very much wanted to get in with the veterans, but then COVID hit and what was supposed to be an in person study on veterans became a remote study on anxiety.

[00:40:02] People would ask me for years if I could do this work at a distance, and I was like, no. This is sound waves on the body. This is physics. There's no way I'm doing it at a distance. And I was very arrogant about it, as we can be. We think we're right.

[00:40:19] Luke: Well, to your credit, there is a massive leap between physics and quantum physics.

[00:40:24] Eileen: True that.

[00:40:25] Luke: Huge, huge leap of faith and understanding there. So it makes sense.

[00:40:31] Eileen: Yeah. So I didn't see how it could be possible at all, but then a gentleman by the name of Dr. Karl Merritt, who wrote the introduction to my first book, Tuning the Human Biofield, and who helped me with my master's thesis, he went through it page by page to make sure that it was all accurate, he asked me if I'd be willing to try and experiment doing it at a distance. And I am a scientist. I do love experiments. One of my favorite things to say is, well, let's see what happens if we try this. And to have the courage to just, I don't know, see what happens. So he laid down on a treatment table in his office in California, and I pretended that he was on my table in Vermont.

[00:41:14] And at this point, this was probably 2011 or so, I'd already mapped the field. I already understood the language of vibration. And so even though we had no open line of communication, we were just connecting by intention. And I was invested in it not working. I was invested in being right that it wasn't possible.

[00:41:37] There was nothing I was trying to prove by doing this, but I did have an open mind. And so as I started to comb through the field, next to this empty table, all of the same information, and sensations, and awarenesses that came through when somebody was actually on the table appeared.

[00:41:58] And so I took notes. And every time I hit something, I'm like, okay, I know that sound. That's a car accident. That's a really stressful time when you're working really hard. That's a heartbreak. That's inflammation in the body. That's the spleen not working right. That's a head injury at five, all the things, mother personality, father, all the things that I learned to discern the tones and what they meant.

[00:42:24] And when I finished, I called him and I read in my notes and he said, all of that is exactly correct. And I actually felt a state change. I felt you working on me and I feel different. Now I feel light.

[00:42:37] Luke: So you weren't gone even on a Zoom, or on the phone, or anything.

[00:42:40] Eileen: No.

[00:42:41] Luke: Wow.

[00:42:41] Eileen: No, it was really--

[00:42:43] Luke: Spooky.

[00:42:44] Eileen: So that was mind blown. I was like, wow. Okay, I got to eat crow now because it is possible. I don't know how, but obviously if it's possible, there's some law of nature that is governing it. And so then I started doing distance ones and, I don't know, the first few months, I didn't have any open line of communication.

[00:43:09] And so when I had somebody on the table, if I got into something wonky, I could be like, okay. I plotted on the map. This is age 10. It's in the zone where we store sad memories. Does that make you think of anything? And the person be like, oh yeah, my grandmother died when I was 10. And it was really sad. We didn't talk about it, and da da da da.

[00:43:32] So I could get feedback from people that would tell me what was going on. But when I was working remotely and we had no open line of communication, I had to go into an even deeper level of understanding what that particular sound meant.

[00:43:43] So that's definitely a move that didn't work out. That's definitely a virus because when people have things that we call viruses, the tone goes all fuzzy-sounding, when people have mono, or Lyme, something like that. But in that timeframe of that experience, their tone is all fuzzy.

[00:44:05] I was able to identify different kinds of illnesses and things like that. So it really deepened and broadened my understanding of the language of vibration. But then I started working with people on the phone and through Zoom. And so when we did this study, the anxiety study, it was just a feasibility study.

[00:44:23] It was a first attempt at a study, so we had 15 volunteers, and each one of them received three biofiltering sessions, one-hour sessions once a week for three weeks, and we had all of these different ways of measuring what their state was. And basically, all the volunteers came in with clinical anxiety, and all of the 13 of 15 people who completed the study all left without clinical anxiety.

[00:44:49] And now every single graph that we have, you see the markers just going down, down, down across the board. And so we ended up writing a quantitative paper with all of those p-value and things like that, and then we wrote a qualitative paper as well, where people describe their experience of receiving three biofield tuning sessions at a distance and how it changed their relationship with their anxiety, with their body very profoundly, very profoundly.

[00:45:16] So that enabled us to get fully fund, a three-year study that we're in the first year of right now. We're going to have 60 volunteers. We're going to have a control group, and we're going to aim to publish it in mainstream medical journals instead of complimentary therapy journals because currently the bio field-- and this seems so silly to me. It's like there's this debate as to whether it even exists. And we don't know how these things work, and it doesn't even exist. It's silly. It's coming from doctors. You know the body has electric current running through it. You know that electric current has magnetic field around it.

[00:45:57] It isn't pseudoscience. It's that we've had this whole idea of our electrical system has been completely obscured as we've been taught to focus on the chemical and the mechanical. But the electrical system is primary. It's your thoughts. It's your feelings. It's your memories. It's your conscious mind. It's your subconscious mind. It's your life body because it's electric. I'd even go so far as to say it's your soul because when you die, your life goes out and it takes all that information with it.

[00:46:28] Luke: Mm-hmm. Yeah. Wow. That's wild. In terms of your original goal in going back to school for the PhD and wanting to develop a technology or some modality by which you could see visually to solve the problem that you just described, the krillian photography and the aura photos that you get driving through Sedona at the new age shop, is that getting close to it? Do you think there's any validity to that? Could something develop out of that type of technology, that photography that could give us a visual representation of what you described?

[00:47:07] Eileen: I don't think it is coming from light or camera. I think really it's sound waves. It's acoustic. It's sonic. There's phonons and photons there. You believe in particles, right?

[00:47:22] Luke: Uh-huh.

[00:47:22] Eileen: But of course there really aren't particles, but there are waves and information. So I'm not entirely certain. I think if it was that easy, it is just light, it would already be done. And I have some friends that recently went to a biofield conference a few weeks ago and they said that it does not appear that anything has yet to be created that would visualize the biofield.

[00:47:45] I pursued that for a while. I ended up going into an anechoic chamber where we put a tuning fork on a robotic arm and we're swinging it around trying to determine this being able to determine loud spots and quiet spots, how much of that is the fact that I am in the equation.

[00:48:09] It's not just the tuning fork but my mind, my electromagnetic field. And what we found was that the tuning fork, when it was swinging on a swing arm, it didn't get the volume changes that you get when a person is holding it. And there was just something about that experience of trying to turn it into this mechanical thing because the original vision was, okay, let's create something that visualizes the field.

[00:48:36] And then the next step is, let's create a device that fixes the field, like the tuning forks do. But there was something about that experience and that anechoic chamber that that was the last time I even thought about it because I think what I realized there is. There is no substitute for a caring human heart in healing. The attention, the care, the bedside manner, the desire to help, that's what heals. That's what we need. We need to be seen. We need to be heard. We need to be validated. We need to be witnessed in these deep traumas. I can't even tell you how many people have said to me as I've gotten into something in the area where it's holding memory of sexual abuse, the sacral area, age 4, age 7, age 10, and I'm in it, and I know what it is, but I won't ever bring it up first.

[00:49:30] But if they bring it up, they'll be like, I've never told anyone this before, but dot, dot, dot. And then they get off the table and that low back pain is gone.

[00:49:39] Luke: Damn.

[00:49:40] Eileen: Because it was just witness.

[00:49:42] Luke: Yeah, yeah.

[00:49:43] Eileen: No machine will ever do that.

[00:49:45] Luke: Yeah. Machines can't really see you. Being seen sometimes really is the thing that unlocks the cascade of healing, isn't it?

[00:49:53] Eileen: Totally.

[00:49:54] Luke: Yeah. Just think about, in a simplistic fundamental way of talk therapy or group therapy or something where you bear your soul, or 12-step groups, have that effect too, is just to bear your soul and be witnessed in your authenticity and vulnerability in and of itself as transformative power without any inputs other than just being received lovingly.

[00:50:17] Eileen: Exactly. But if I've got a fork in that memory and I'm giving you that acoustic biofeedback, as you are telling me that story, it gives your body the opportunity not only to be witnessed, but to actually fix itself and to smooth all that out, to discharge it, to settle it down, to release the charge that's been held in it and release it back into flow and circulation.

[00:50:39] So in a way, it's like soul retrieval. When I first started combing through the field and discovering that these sticky spots, these loud spots, these little zones of charge were like soul fragments, I was like, wow, this is sonic soul retrieval. I'm like going back in time, picking up-- because one of the shamanistic perspectives is when you have a trauma, part of you splits off and the shaman will go, and journey, and find the soul piece and come back and then either blow it or place it into the body.

[00:51:11] And that's what I was doing the tuning for going through people's memory banks. It's finding these bits of light that had become frozen and stuck in time and picking them up and bringing them back to now.

[00:51:24] Luke: Wow.

[00:51:25] Eileen: Yeah.

[00:51:26] Luke: God, that's so resonant for me. I've had the realization on a number of occasions. I think if I remember right, probably in ayahuasca ceremonies where I was processing things from my "past", and I've had the realization on a number of occasions-- we're going back to me at age two, me at my birth, me at age 10-- wherever I had some life-altering traumatic experience that it's like inner child work, I guess, is what maybe you might broadly call it.

[00:52:00] The way I used to perceive it was, well, the Luke at five years old is gone. That doesn't exist anymore. That was in the past, in the linear frame. But in those experiences, I've the realization, or even just a knowing that this is the truth. This is the way it is.

[00:52:20] That like Russian dolls, I forget what they're called, Mabushkas or something like that, Russian dolls, every version of ourself is actually still present within our experience in this moment. And I didn't know what it was. I just think that it's true. It just seems like true. And as I've gone back and retrieved those parts of myself, they're still in me.

[00:52:41] So the one-year-old is as present as the 52-year-old. They're all incorporated into this physical and energetic experience. And what you described seems to make a lot of sense to me, that that record, it's like interpersonal Akashic record of sorts, right?

[00:52:59] Eileen: Exactly.

[00:53:00] Luke: It's like that magnetic field holds these imprints and because there really is no then and now, it's all one giant infinite now, that it all does exist here and you're proving that based on not only your clinical experience, but the results that are derived from that experience. It's really interesting.

[00:53:21] Eileen: Yeah.

[00:53:21] Luke: It's really, really trippy.

[00:53:23] Eileen: It's a great way how you described it. It really is. It's like our own personal Akashic record. So as we are laying down this information in our own biofields, we are also laying it down in the ether in the Akasha. And it lives forever. Everything that ever is, was, or will ever be is present in the ether, in the Akasha. And so we are creating. It's our own personal cloud storage system.

[00:53:48] Luke: Right.

[00:53:49] Eileen: And then we view the world through our field. So if all our memories are stored in our field, traumas, this is why we get triggered, is because somebody might do something and it comes through the lens of my experience and whatever distortions I have are going to corrupt my perception.

[00:54:06] So I'm going to misrespond, or I'm going to get upset about something because all of a sudden you're reminding me of my father and he did that to me and I'm going to have this kind of reaction because it's going through the filter of my biofield, of my experience.

[00:54:23] Luke: That's wild because I've picked apart that phenomenon, and maybe it's both, but more in the neural pathways that have been created. You were abused or oppressed by a violent parent, or a parent that yelled a lot and was throwing tantrums and things like that, so later in life, you're 40 years old and you're timid and afraid of people and avoid confrontation.

[00:54:54] And I'm talking about myself here, but try not to be so self referential. But that's one thing I've experienced or observed in other people. When I meet someone who's very people pleasing and timid, I recognize that pattern within myself and I think, oh God, one of their parents must've been an alcoholic or was abusive, or something like that.

[00:55:10] But I've always unpacked it from the lens of the brain, of the mind, that there's neural pathways. And so there's a pattern recognition going on where like, oh, this is scary. Shut down, freeze, hide. Even though in reality, in real time, the thing that's happening is not the same as the thing that happened, but there's that pattern recognition of the brain that creates this self-protection mechanism that goes, ooh, we touched the hot flame that one time. I remember how that feels.

[00:55:40] So 40 years later, if we come across anything that is remotely similar to that hot flame, we're going to recede. It's that kind of thing. But you're describing it, and maybe it is both, as I said, is that we also have that same record of our experiences in our biofield.

[00:56:00] Eileen: Yeah.

[00:56:01] Luke: I like the way you describe it in terms of perception too. If I think about the biofield as maybe being layers of opaque to clear glass, maybe in the opaque parts or those distortions, and think about putting on someone's prescription glasses that aren't yours just how warped everything becomes, and how disoriented it is, and how dizzy you get and all that, it's like that's what happens as we go through the world perhaps and perceive reality through the distortions in our biofield.

[00:56:32] Eileen: Exactly.

[00:56:32] Luke: That's wild.

[00:56:33] Eileen: Exactly. And the more clear our biofield becomes, the more the noise settles. Because all these traumas, like my friend's car accident, that was really noisy. And so when we settled it down, he's like, well, I feel so quiet inside now because all that [Noise] is now quiet. And so you have that experience too. You're like, oh, I just feel quiet.

[00:56:56] Luke: Yeah. You were asking me, what's going on? How do you feel? And I was like, there's no real answer. I just feel stillness and presence.

[00:57:03] Eileen: Yeah.

[00:57:04] Luke: Which on a good day I might have more of that. That's accessible. I want to share something with you though, and it could be any number of factors that have contributed to this, but when I arrived here yesterday, I was in a good mood, felt good, and whatnot. Felt fairly alert and whatever. Had an interview with Mickey Willis here yesterday, and we had a good time, but I felt really loopy.

[00:57:31] I was having a hard time with word recall and moments. I'd lose my train of thought, or I'd be reaching and grasping for a word and I just couldn't find it, so I'd have to substitute it, that kind of thing. Just mild brain fog perhaps, which I don't like that when I'm having a conversation with someone, I just really appreciate when I'm sharp and I can get a nice banter going and stay on track and all those things that I guess make you a good host.

[00:57:57] But anyway, I had a conversation with Kelly Brogan before ours and even during the course of our conversation. I noticed that that is totally gone and I feel extremely clear and articulate and having linguistic capacity that is as good as it ever gets for me in my own experience. And I thought, well, what did I do?

[00:58:18] I didn't eat anything different. I didn't take any magic supplements or anything like that. I'm just being the same me as always, yet my experience of having a couple of long form conversations today is like, wow, I'm super sharp and also very relaxed.

[00:58:32] Eileen: You had a tune up last night.

[00:58:34] Luke: I'm like, well, what did I do differently? The only thing I did is had a session with you. It's the only input that might have had any impact that I'm aware of. Do you find that that mental clarity is something that is a problem resolved?

[00:58:47] Eileen: Yeah. Mental clarity, emotional settling, focus, creativity. The more that people do the work, the more focused and clear they become. That's been my experience. I used to be a mess. Even when I was doing this work part time, I was suffering from a chronic mid-back pain, lousy digestion. I had seven plantar warts on my left foot. I had a tendency towards yeast infections, brain fog. I'd get headaches. I'd get stomach aches. I was fighting with my husband all the time.

[00:59:21] I was very deep in poverty consciousness. I can put on a good front because I was compartmentalized, so I had this aspect of me that was very functional, that could be very attentive with my clients. I could go into a place of paying close attention to them and then all of my stuff went away.

[00:59:40] But at the end of the day, even though I've been studying self-help for so long and I've been doing all the things, I can't tell you how many Nightingale Conant CD boxes I bought. I tried so many things, but I was still in this chronic low-level angst and just feeling like I wasn't landing where I knew I could. And then when I started receiving tuning from my first students, right away, my plantar warts started to disappear.

[01:00:08] Luke: Wow.

[01:00:09] Eileen: Right? And I've had clients report that too. And over the years of receiving tuning, I've healed everything-- healed the poverty consciousness, become focused, written multiple books, grown an organization, can eat anything now.

[01:00:28] Luke: I know. You were telling me last night you can eat gluten like a mad woman no problem.

[01:00:32] Eileen: No problem.

[01:00:32] Luke: I need to do some more biofield tuning because I love me some gluten, but damn.

[01:00:36] Eileen: Right. Me too. Yeah. Because my system has become more and more coherent and more and more regulated and I'm able to stay in what you said. I'm relaxed. I'm present. I'm aware. I don't have any ants in my pants. I don't have any pain. I'm just able to be here and be clear and calm.

[01:00:55] And I think that's what everybody wants. And this is really all we have at the end of the day, is like, how are you showing up and are you showing up in a way where you're comfortable in your own skin and you're clear and you're focused and you can do the tasks that need to be done? And can you experience joy?

[01:01:11] I think that's the nature of our spirits, is joyful. That is our light. Our light when it shines is joy. And unfortunately, so many people have so many dents, and contractions, and clouds, and stuck energy that they can't get to that experience because there's just way too much noise in the signal.

[01:01:34] But when you settle down the noise in the signal and you amplify people's true tones, that's what comes out, is brilliance, and genius, and greatness, and gifts. Everybody, everybody. But we've been so damaged by our culture and so infected with self-criticism, and self-oathing, and low self-worth, all kinds of stories that take away our confidence, our belief in ourself, our comfort in our own skin.

[01:02:03] But everybody has it all inside of them. People talk about raising their vibration. I don't subscribe to that because it's not really what happens. We get our vibration in tune. We get our vibration clear. We raise our voltage. We strengthen our signal. We become more powerful. We become more resilient. Our consciousness expands in every direction. We expand out into our potential.

[01:02:30] Luke: It seems like becoming more enlightened or more joyous, more your true self is more of a process of subtraction than it is addition, right?

[01:02:41] Eileen: Yeah.

[01:02:42] Luke: The work you're doing, you're clearing distortions in one's field, and it's not additive. You're just removing this barrier to their full expression or their capacity for healing. And so what's left is just what was there underneath all of that garbage that we picked up in life.

[01:03:00] Eileen: Yeah, it's like going into a messy room where there's just stuff all over the place and picking it up and putting it all in order to be like, wow, look at this lovely collection of beautiful things you have up there. Just bringing order to what's there because most-- the beauty, all the ingredients, like you said, it's already there. And we're taking away the mess. We're taking away the chaos. We're taking away the dense, the disorder, the dysregulation, but we don't get rid of anything really at the end of the day.

[01:03:29] Some people are like, oh, I just want to get rid of that. I'm like, you can't get rid of anything really because life indelibly impresses you. I just had a tune up recently from a wonderful new student, and she got to age 25 and is like, oh, I feel this weight in my heart. Well, that was when my mom died.

[01:03:51] And even though I've received so many tunings, on a certain level, we're indelibly impressed, and a sensitive person is going to pick that up. Here in your story is very sad. And so even though when we first started tuning me there I cried and I felt it and was in the process of healing it, now all of that charge is gone, but the impression of that is still in my field and a sensitive person is not likely to get rid of it. But it discharges it. It smooths it over. It helps you to integrate it. It helps you to let go of whatever freeze you had in that trauma. That energy can be restored to you. So we're going to be who we're going to be, but we can be in much better order inside.

[01:04:37] Luke: Yeah, yeah. Higher order. Not New World Order.

[01:04:40] Eileen: No. Definitely not.

[01:04:42] Luke: I want to let people know that they can find everything we're talking about, including links to all of your work at lukestorey.com/biofield. And we'll put that in the show description as well. Going back to this idea of being able to empirically show the measurement of this field, I think I was originally framing it in the aura photography example of something that you're looking at in a photograph or something.

[01:05:09] But going back to the idea of perhaps measuring it, I'm thinking about the HeartMath Institute. And I don't know what technology they use, but I interviewed an incredible guy named Bruce Cryer, who was very involved with them as their CEO for a long time. And he was describing how at HeartMath they've been able to scientifically determine that the radiance from your heart center is measurable at, I think it was 50 feet or something.

[01:05:36] And again, I don't know what they used to measure it, but I'm a real EMF fanatic, and so I have all kinds of EMF measuring devices, some of which measure magnetic field. If you have a bad wiring in this wall, it'll make a crazy magnetic field coming off the wire and even some magnetic field coming off. As you said, just a properly grounded and routed electric wire. Do you foresee anything coming about that would be a human EMF meter or something that was that sensitive enough to pick up on what you're finding with the forks?

[01:06:08] Eileen: Well, there already is something. There's a device called a SQUID magnetometer, superconducting quantum, blah, blah, blah device that was developed I think in the '50s that was able to detect the magnetic field of the body from up to 12 or 15 feet away. So the technology to measure this emission has been around for a long time, but it was the detail of it, but the patterns, I really want to see the patterns. I want to see the stories. I want to see the hotspots and the voids. I really wanted to be able to see the architecture of it.

[01:06:49] Luke: Yeah. Yeah.

[01:06:49] Eileen: Architecture.

[01:06:50] Luke: Yeah. Because otherwise the conversation's over like, oh, cool. Yeah, there it is. It's a level 50. Well, okay. What next?

[01:06:58] Eileen: How is that useful?

[01:06:59] Luke: What do we do with it?

[01:06:59] Eileen: Yeah, it's not really useful. So I'm sure at some point that the technology will be developed. Like I said, I lost interest in it. And actually where my interest started to go instead was into music. And how can I take everything that I've learned about sound, about intention, about healing, about the biofield and translate that into music and impact 30 or 50,000 people in a stadium?

[01:07:30] That was where I was like. Actually, there's only so many people that are going to avail themselves to tuning fork healing. Only so many people that care about devices that show the biofield, but everybody loves music. In fact, when you were talking about your musical selection, you might choose blues, or you might choose jazz, almost all of us do that.

[01:07:50] And we're all sound healers. We're all music therapists, sound therapists, because we all know intrinsically the power of sound to move us, to shift our state. We all do it already. And so music, I think, is really the most powerful vehicle for this. And that's been my pursuit over the last few years. It's, how can I take all of this and bring it to voice?

[01:08:16] Because the human voice is actually far more powerful than a tuning fork. And then into music. And what happens if we have a whole band of people that are super intentional and really working with these principles, like, okay, let's do mass healings.

[01:08:31] Luke: Wow. Yeah. What's happening, from your perspective, based on what you've learned about the biofield, shamanic drumming, or didgeridoo, or crystal bowls, or Tibetan bells or gongs? Something's happening.

[01:08:49] It's a thing now, sound healing. You have sound healers that travel around with all these obscure instruments and people lay down and have beautiful experiences. Have you looked into what's going on with the different instruments available and what they do, what their tones are, and how they interface with your work specifically?

[01:09:08] Eileen: Well, there's definitely a huge variety, and I've certainly been exposed to quite a lot. One of the things I say is that we've all seen the image of the Native American medicine man dancing, singing, drumming, and rattling around someone who is sick. And that's really no different than me as a white girl coming through with a tuning fork.

[01:09:34] It is essentially shaking up the pattern that is there, the story that is held in the field. Shaking it all up, going in there and interrupting it, resetting it, allowing a new pattern to set. I think the biggest thing that I treat in people and the thousands of people that I treated, the number one thing is what I call stuckness.

[01:09:58] People get stuck just like I got stuck with my bulimia and this pattern of behavior that you can't get out of your wiring just become such that the 95% of your subconscious, the wiring is a mess and everything's just flowing along. And even your conscious mind is like, no, we don't want to do that.

[01:10:17] But to try to rewire yourself from the inside is really hard. That's why anybody goes gets help when anybody, is because you're stuck. And so this is such a simple process of sorting out the wiring and resetting people back to neutral. And that is exactly what a shaman is doing with a drum or a rattle or any of these instruments, is it's coming in and it's interrupting the pattern, interrupting the story, interrupting the vibrational arrangement that's going on and allowing it to reset into something more neutral.

[01:10:52] Luke: That's so cool. I never thought about it in that way. And it's quite common that my wife will come and rattle around me if I'm getting squirrely. If I'm struggling, she'll be like, come here, and she'll spray flower essences on me, bathe me with some different smoke, and rattle a bit.

[01:11:12] Eileen: Yeah, that's your state.

[01:11:14] Luke: Yeah, yeah. It feels good. I never really thought about it much. Well, I trust her. She knows what she's doing. It's her thing. It's her gift. And even she gave me this. When you get in your room, you got to burn the thing and spray this, and shake this, and I'm like, well, the room's fine.

[01:11:28] She goes, no, you got to cleanse the room when you get in there. So I'm slow to the party and learning about these things, but that's a really interesting way to put it. I asked you this last night, so I already know the answer, but many people listening like myself probably had plant medicine or psychedelic experiences wherein sound was a huge part of that.

[01:11:50] I'm thinking of one practitioner, my friend, Harry, the first time I did a very intentional psilocybin journey and I'm just totally out and there's some music playing, but then at one point he starts playing his drum over my body, like boom, boom. And it was powerful and beautiful.

[01:12:10] And when you were doing the forks, I thought, man, this would be really wild on medicine. And you said, ah, no, it's not really my lane. So you make these tuning forks now, and we'll talk about that. Are you aware of practitioners that have integrated your work into the depth of psychedelic work?

[01:12:30] Eileen: Yeah, absolutely. I have a friend, and his name isn't coming to me right now. It might. But he was a war reporter and his father was a war reporter and his grandfather was a war reporter. So he's very hard boiled, just the facts, just wants to cut to the quick and be real about things.

[01:12:52] Christof Putzel. And he started working with veterans and with psychedelics. I don't know how he came across my work or how we met and became friends, but he went through my training and that was back when I was teaching the certification course, which I don't anymore. But I remember Christof having this revelation in class and he was like, this shit is real. I'm like, yeah, it's real. Because it can seem like it's not until you're really in it. And then you're like--

[01:13:30] Luke: It's very subtle. It's not a gong in your ear or a drum over your heart. It's a bit diffuse, subjectively at least.

[01:13:40] Eileen: Yeah. And for him as a practitioner, he's learning his first passes through the field and feeling what's going on and that information coming through. And so he has done quite a lot of work with veterans, people who've had a lot of trauma, where he has them on some kind of medicine. I'm not entirely sure what he uses, but he does the tuning forks with them. He does three-hour sessions and has very profound outcomes. So he was the first one that I learned of that did it.

[01:14:08] And he's been doing it, I think, since maybe 2018. So he's been doing it for a while. But in the last few years, I had definitely have more practitioners who are working with people, whether they're doing mushrooms or what have you that makes each aspect of it more profound doing it together.

[01:14:29] Luke: Yeah. Cool. Last night you gave me one of your forks to work with while you went off and watch some music, and I asked you, what note is this? I'm like, it's just G sharp, E flat. I don't really work within that realm of tones and frequencies. And you mentioned the ones that you do. So maybe take us through the different iterations of the actual notes, or tones, or keys that you're working with and how that led into you feeling the need to develop your own tuning forks rather than just using whatever was out there.

[01:15:09] Eileen: Yeah. So my first set of tuning forks was the C major scale, and it came with little instructions that you see in the root chakra, D in the sacral chakra, E in the solar plexus, and so on. Would be up to the crown. And so that's what I did. I started off doing that. A number of years in, and I'm not sure what year this was, I don't know, 2004, 2005, I started feeling like I needed a different set of forks.

[01:15:41] I was like, okay, I've been playing with these for eight, nine years. I'm ready for something different. And I went online and there were so many-- it was so different. 1996, there was really no internet. I got a catalog, but eight, nine years later, there's all these different sets of forks. There's websites. There's a lot more out there. And after seeing all the variety of what was available, I just closed my computer. I'm like, I don't know what to get. So I just put it out to the universe.

[01:16:15] I said, okay, I feel like I need a new set, but I need some guidance here. So I don't know what to get. So no joke. The next day, one of my girlfriends messaged me and she said, I just met a person who uses Solfeggio tuning forks. Have you ever heard of them? And I said, no. That's the first time I've heard of that.

[01:16:36] Then another girlfriend a couple of days later said, I was just watching this video on YouTube about Solfeggio tuning forks. Have you ever heard of them? And I was like, yes, actually, in the last few days. And then this is an absolutely true story. A few days later, I met another girlfriend for lunch and we sit down and she pulls this bag, this book out of her bag and puts it on the table.

[01:16:59] And it's called the Healing Codes for the Biological Apocalypse by Leonard Horowitz. And she said, I was walking out at the door and this book practically jumped off the shelf at me. I think you're supposed to read it. And so I bring it home and I read it and it is all about the solfeggio frequencies and how they were allegedly rediscovered through the Bible. Just the whole story of how the solfeggio frequencies came to be.

[01:17:25] And the solfeggio frequencies are all based in the number three. If you add up the frequencies, they all reduce to a three, six, or nine. So it has this basis of three. And so I had three people in the span of three days tell me about solfeggio tuning forks which are based on the number three. And I was like, okay, I get it.

[01:17:45] I need the solfeggio forks. So I ordered them and I started playing with those. And those frequencies are very clear. They're very bright. They're very uplifting. And in comparison, the C major scale started to sound dull, and muddy, and dumb next to them. People would get relaxed using the C scale, but people felt bright, and light, and clear with the solfeggio fork.

[01:18:15] So in time, I retired the C scale and just was working with the solfeggio. But then I wanted to start working with weighted forks on the body, and somebody had given me a C128, very common weighted fork that many people have. And it was okay, but I felt like I wanted some more and that was when I started learning about the Schumann resonance.

[01:18:37] And so I ended up creating a pair of forks that are-- the Schumann resonance is around 7.83 hertz. You can't make a tuning fork in 7.83 hertz. It'd be like four feet long. So the lower the frequency, the longer the fork.

[01:18:54] Luke: Oh, interesting.

[01:18:55] Eileen: Yeah. And so about the lowest frequency fork you can get is around 25 or 26 hertz. And they're about this long.

[01:19:03] Luke: That's interesting because when you think about a bass guitar versus a six-string guitar, the neck on a bass is much longer, especially on an upright bass versus a violin. Doom, doom, doom. That's trippy.

[01:19:14] Eileen: Yeah, so the very high frequency forks are very tiny. The four or 5,000 hertz forks, they're this big and you have to activate them on a stone or a crystal. So the higher gets shorter and the lower gets longer. And so I decided to play with the multiples of the Schumann resonance, and I got 7.83 times 7 and 7.83 times 8.

[01:19:40] And when you use them together, the difference between the two 7.83 is a 64.81 and 62.64. And when you hold those up to your ears, you get a binaural beat of 7.83 hertz, which is your brain, and that's alpha fade cusp where you're quite quiet inside, where you're listening. And that listening mindset creates that quiet mind.

[01:20:01] It regulates the whole system. It settles you down. Whether you're listening to them or whether you're using them together on the body, it brings in that information of the background pulse in our electromagnetic atmosphere. It's always going on around 7.83 hertz. It fluctuates, but that's about where it is.

[01:20:20] And so interesting that that's where our brain waves are in a pretty healthy place. That's quiet inside. That's connected to the environment. So I created those two forks. What I discovered as I'm doing my research is that most of us were educated about solid, liquid, and gas as far as states of matter go.

[01:20:45] But what I discovered is that there were two more states of matter that were not taught about and that these are the illuminated, connective states of matter. And in our world of division, where we believe that we're separate, and everything is separate, they've left these connective states of matter out of our cosmological story.

[01:21:05] So a big part for me of understanding the body's electrical system, what was going on was discovering plasma, the fourth state of matter, which I didn't know existed. And then I discovered ether, primary state of matter and how important an understanding that these exist in order to understand how and why biofield tuning works. It's a resonance in the ether that allows me to do a distance session.

[01:21:32] Luke: Whoa.

[01:21:33] Eileen: Right?

[01:21:33] Luke: Cool.

[01:21:34] Eileen: Yeah. And it's the fact that you have an electrical system, a plasma body that we're working. So the Schumann forks work with the electrical body, but then we also have this etheric geometric template that all of nature has a blueprint, that is geometric, that is fundamental.

[01:21:55] And so I created a set of forks based in the Fibonacci sequence. The 11th and 12th position in the Fibonacci sequence are 89 hertz and 144 hertz. And if you divide 144 by 89, you get phi. You get the golden mean, the golden ratio, the way that life unfolds in this sort of beauty, proportion, harmony.

[01:22:18] And our whole bodies are designed, all of nature really, in this phi proportion of the golden mean. And so I've created a set of those weighted forks to inform the body, to remind the body of its inherent geometrical order that underlies us.

[01:22:36] Luke: You're so cool. So awesome. I find this to be just so fascinating. I'm thankful that we've had the opportunity to chat about this and share it with so many people. So I think I was lucky to work with the OG, and personally, I guess you don't really work with people one on one generally now.

[01:22:57] Eileen: No, not so much. Although Isaac and I are starting a tradition of whenever he has to give a talk, I give him a tune up right before. So I definitely will work on friends. But no, I went from being a practitioner to being a teacher to then growing an organization to support the dissemination of this information. So I became a CEO. And that's really more what I do now.

[01:23:24] Luke: And so you've got what, 3,000 trainees out in the world?

[01:23:27] Eileen: We've probably got close to 3,000 students and practitioners out there. We have a lot of students at the moment. And we have a directory, not all of our practitioners are on our directory, but everyone is trained to do the work at a distance. I have 11 teachers who teach the classes for us. And before COVID, it was all in person and COVID forced us to bring it online.

[01:23:51] And just like I didn't think it was possible to do distance sessions, I didn't think it was possible to teach this online either. But my teachers dove in and figured it out and practiced teaching their parents at first over Zoom and figured out that it could be done. And so now it's actually made it better because it's really accessible to people all over the world. And so we have online programs. We're starting in person again next year, different levels of training, but everybody learns how to do it at a distance. So yeah.

[01:24:25] Luke: Yeah. Wow. So cool. I sometimes feel bad when I meet someone like you and we make a podcast and whatever their modality is is not widely available or impossible to do remotely or exceedingly expensive and prohibitive to some people listening. Like, ah, this thing's so cool. I feel bad for sharing it when people can't do it. But this sounds like something anyone anywhere could do. I'm assuming a session probably isn't terribly expensive.

[01:24:50] Eileen: It's like a massage. It's like going to get a massage. You get a really good skilled massage therapist. It's going to be a little higher. You get somebody who's new to it, it's going to be a little bit lower, but it's definitely accessible. But one of the things that happened to me when my practice became so busy, I couldn't manage it anymore.

[01:25:06] When my first book came out, I already was very full and it just took it over the limit. One of my friends suggested that I do group sessions and remote group sessions. So I was like, group distant tuning fork healing? Who the hell is going to do that? I'm like, I wouldn't do that.

[01:25:26] That just sounds ridiculous. But necessity being the mother of invention, I started off with these live broadcasts and people came. I did a whole bunch of free ones. I'm like, okay, let's see what happens if I tune a group. And I was really skeptical about it, but then I got all this feedback from people that they found it really helpful and useful.

[01:25:46] So I switched from doing one on one sessions to doing these weekly broadcast, group tunings, and recording them. And then I stopped doing them live and I just started recording them and putting out these recordings. Just recently, I recorded one on the neck and shoulders because for me, and I've told you about growing up in an environment where I was continually under attack. I formed a very tight defensive posture.

[01:26:13] I'd be curled up and I'd have multiple hands coming in and tickling me and poking at me. And so it created this very deep tension in my shoulders. And I've been through all kinds of body work and trying to resolve it. And finally it dropped in. I'm like, Eileen, you just need to fix it yourself. And so I did a recording on relaxing the shoulders and it was so profound. I gave it out to a bunch of people and they're like, wow, that really worked. My shoulders really feel relaxed. So that's something that's 30 bucks.

[01:26:50] It's a lot cheaper than going in and getting a massage. You can listen to it repeatedly, and it's just a recording of me working on a hologram basically. I'm like, okay. Over an empty table, I'm like, this is everyone who will ever listen to this recording. And it's a personalized session, but it's a recording and it works.

[01:27:09] I have one, all kinds of ones that release the so as, centering and grounding. I have an adrenal rhythm reset series that people have found super helpful. So there's a whole library of recordings that are really affordable that people can access and try.

[01:27:23] Luke: Rad. We'll put those again, you guys, in the show notes at lukestorey.com/biofield. Last question for you is this. Who have been three teachers or teachings that have influenced your life and your work that you'd like to share with us?

[01:27:37] Eileen: Hmm. Okay. I already mentioned Tony Robbins. I know people have different opinions about him, but his work was very, very influential to me in what is possible. When I was 20, I went to his first nine-day mastery program that he ever did, and I did a 65-foot fire walk with him. And once you do something like that and you come out the other side and there are hoes in the coals out from between your toes and you didn't get burnt, you're like, wow, what else is possible?

[01:28:11] And then it really blew wide open my realization, how great our potential is as humans, how much we don't know about what we can do. I call myself a health and human potential researcher because after you get through all of the healing of trauma, then it really starts to become about accessing your potential and expanding more and growing more and healing your ancestral lineage.

[01:28:36] And healing from trauma is absolutely possible. You can get to the place where that story is just done. It's just behind you. You didn't care about it. You didn't think about anymore. You're not attached to your pain body story of suffering because you solved that problem. And now it's like, what else is possible?

[01:28:52] And we all have so much to grow into here. So I would say, Tony was one of them. Another one that comes to mind is Dr. Jerry Tennant. And he wrote a book called Healing is Voltage. One of those light bulb moments with his work was he points out that when we're talking about pH, pH in the body, that it's really voltage. And when we have low pH, that's a low voltage state. Basically, our battery is low.

[01:29:25] And people's batteries get low when they discharge more than they recharge, when they give more than they receive, when they say yes when they mean no, when they're martyring themselves and taking care of everybody else and not taking care of themselves and they're not meeting their own needs, when they're inwardly divided.

[01:29:45] This is something that I really see as the epidemic, is that divide and conquer starts with us as individuals, and people have been split inside where they have this continual attack and defense going on. There's some critic or judge. There's some part that's being criticized and judged. There's the victim. There's the perpetrator all living inside of us.

[01:30:08] And that inner battle of inner duality, and struggle, and unkindness drops our voltage. In fact, just about everybody I've ever treated who has had an autoimmune disorder is viciously divided inside and there's some part of them that's so incredibly unkind to another part.

[01:30:29] So that drops our voltage. Disease happens in a low pH state. It happens when you don't have sufficient juice. Electric juice in your battery isn't topped off. So it's not about raising our vibration. It's really we want to raise our voltage. We want to bring ourselves up to-- you're operating in 90, 95, 100%. Staying topped off because that's where your potential is.

[01:30:55] I always ask people, not a talk, but I'll say, okay, you have an inner battery meter and it's got a scale of one to 100, where 100 is you optimized and completely functional, and one is just about dead. Where do you fall? And most people are falling around 60, 70%. Some people less than that.

[01:31:19] So that's an indication. Your voltage-- it's like having a business. You have 100 employees and only 60 are showing up to work every day. What's going on? Not what's supposed to be going on. But if you have sufficient electric charge across all your cell membranes, across all of your organs and systems and everything is fully charged, then your body is fully operational.

[01:31:40] It's absolutely repairing itself. It's absolutely keeping itself in order. And you absolutely have the ability to show up and do all that you have to do and more, from a voltage perspective. So Jerry Tennant, that really hit home to me. I'm like, this is switching the language and the paradigm from chemical speak to electric speak.

[01:32:02] And looking at everything from an electrical perspective, I think, is far more useful than looking at it as a chemical perspective. Who cares about dopamine, or serotonin, or anything like that? What does any of that mean? It's just words for molecules. But what's real is how we feel.

[01:32:24] And that is so emotional. That is so energetic. That is so electric. And it is the vibrational patterns and rhythms and flows that are going on in our body that's giving rise to chemistry. So the currents, the patterns, that the way that our minds work is so primary, and generative of what's going on. I think it's just a much more useful model. And Jerry Tennant is an absolute pioneer in this field, this emerging field of electric health.

[01:32:58] And then I would say another person who really influenced me was a fellow by the name of Wal Thornhill, who is one of the architects of the electric universe. And my discovering electric universe theory, which was a big part of what serendipitously set me on this whole understanding of the body's electrical system.

[01:33:17] And my son came to the dinner table one night and he said, did you know there's a fourth state of matter called plasma? And I was like, solid, liquid, gas. No. How did I miss an entire state of matter? And so that got me researching plasma and the discovery of how the light is hidden from us. How the sun is a plasma, northern lights are a plasma, lightning is a plasma, our field is a bioplasma, our atmosphere is a bioplasma. It's charged.

[01:33:49] When we go to the ocean, that ionized air, we're breathing in the charge, the electrical aspect, but we're taught about oxygen. But oxygen is carrier of electric juice. And it's that electric juice that feeds our electrical system. That feeds our light. Same with fresh food. Why we love farm to table food. Because it's still got all that living light energy, and it hasn't dissipated yet. So Wal Thornhill really opened up my eyes to the electric environment, and it's a matter of putting together an understanding of the electric environment, the electric electricity in the body, and then Tony Robbins and what our potential is, our electric potentials. Those were all super useful practices of perspectives to synthesize.

[01:34:35] Luke: It makes perfect sense. It all fits in your model beautifully. Well, thank you for your dedication and your work and your curiosity about the human experience and the nature of things. What you're doing is super cool. I'm so, so grateful to meet you and get to experience your work and now share it with tons of people.

[01:34:54] And I really encourage everyone listening to find a practitioner and check this out. It's very interesting. It makes perfect sense to me. It's just one of those kind of, duh. Of course, this is the way it works, you know?

[01:35:06] Eileen: Yeah. That's what people say when they read my book, especially my first book. They're like, oh, this all makes sense. And that was the criteria by which I put it all together. It had to make sense. But I think there's this feeling of resonance in your body and you come across it. You're like, oh, I knew that. I didn't know that I knew that. But now that I read it, I'm like, yeah, that does make sense.

[01:35:26] Luke: We had that block six feet out or whatever around birth last night and then worked through that after a few minutes. Does one have to kind going back for refreshers, or is it once you clear the field, you're good to go, and then you just move into the optimization protocol?

[01:35:44] Eileen: Yeah. Everybody's different. And it depends on just how much trauma have you had, how much sustained trauma did you have? Did you grow up with alcoholic parents? Were you abused? 18 years of hell and misery every day, no, we're not going to sort you out in one session.

[01:36:00] Just like if you've been in a car accident, you're not going to go to a chiropractor once and then be good. So depending on how old people are, depending on what other types of work that they've done-- honestly, I've had thousands of sessions, and I'll continue to have sessions because there's still so much to expand into because I had ancestral trauma, because we live in a culture that lies to us about everything.

[01:36:29] So we're also obscured from truth, from the truth about ourselves. There's just so many signal jammers that have been put into us. It's like, okay, you come to me because your knee hurts. I can sort that out. We can probably get it to go away, maybe stay away. But if what you were really all about is fulfilling your destiny as a human on planet earth right now, cleaning up your karmic line, there's what I call the karmic cleanup crew, the people that are here to heal all the trauma that humanity has been through so that we can move forward in a more whole healed way.

[01:37:09] There's no end. I don't think that I will ever stop getting benefit from a tune up. And then anymore than I stopped getting benefit from a massage or periodic chiropractic adjustment, health has to be a lifestyle. It just depends on what you want and need. What is your goal? My son is also a practitioner and he started treating this older guy. He's probably almost 80, and he's been coming to my son regularly.

[01:37:38] And he used to suffer really debilitating anxiety, and it's taken a little while because he's 80, but he has himself on a maintenance schedule now and he comes for regular tunings. He comes with his beat up old white pickup truck, this guy from New Hampshire. You never think that he was going to drive to Vermont to get a tuning fork session to treat his anxiety.

[01:38:01] But it works. It wasn't like, oh, I'm just going to do a few and then I'm going to be good. That's like thinking your car is going go to tune up and then it's going to get all this wear and tear, and stress, and pressure and not need to be tuned up again. Right?

[01:38:15] Luke: Yeah. Makes perfect sense. Cool. Well, I'm going to find a practitioner. I'm going to get on the train. Like I said, just in one, there's a noticeable and positive change. So I'm curious to see what would happen if I was able to keep going for a while.

[01:38:31] Eileen: Yeah, it's absolutely cumulative. The one builds on the next one and the next one, and you just start feeling more regulated, more grounded, lighter, clear. You sleep better, your digestion improves. You start to grow into the best version of yourself.

[01:38:46] Luke: Let's say you're in a partnership. Could both partners become trained as practitioners and just treat each other?

[01:38:55] Eileen: Yes.

[01:38:56] Luke: Or is there interference?

[01:38:57] Eileen: No, it's definitely doable. I found that with my family, with my husband-- I actually had-- my husband received 10 sessions from another practitioner. I work on my family for first aid. If somebody banged themselves up or they're sore or they have a stomach ache or a headache, I'll work on them for first aid. But when I tried to work on my kids, I'm just too in the mix.

[01:39:25] Luke: Yeah.

[01:39:25] Eileen: To try to go into the timeline and the emotional stuff, they're your family, the people close to you. Everybody's different, and I don't want to say that you shouldn't. A new couple might do wonderful together, but I find because my husband and I have been together for a long time, when I started really getting into this, it was just better all round.

[01:39:50] Luke: That makes sense. When you're really close with someone, especially if you're related by blood, there's probably an overlap of your field and in some way that might cause interference.

[01:40:00] Eileen: It stops you from being fully objective.

[01:40:02] Luke: Yeah. Like kinesiology, if you do the David Hawkins style, not testing for a vitamin or a food or something, but testing a non-local phenomenon, it often doesn't work with couples because they can't have the level of objectivity and non-attachment that's required for accuracy.

[01:40:20] Eileen: Exactly. That's exactly it right there.

[01:40:22] Luke: Yeah, yeah.

[01:40:23] Eileen: But if it's a first aid situation, that's different.

[01:40:25] Luke: Sure, sure.

[01:40:26] Eileen: You can. You can do that. But we're better off having a more neutral objective party right on us. Yeah.

[01:40:33] Luke: Well, hot damn. We did it, Eileen. Thank you so much for joining me today.

[01:40:36] Eileen: Yeah, you bet, Luke. It's been fun. Thank you.


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