216. Bulletproof Upgrade Labs Biohacking All-Stars Part Two

Max Lugavere

June 28, 2019

DISCLAIMER: This podcast is presented for educational and exploratory purposes only. Published content is not intended to be used for diagnosing or treating any illness. Those responsible for this show disclaim responsibility for any possible adverse effects from the use of information presented by Luke or his guests. Please consult with your healthcare provider before using any products referenced. This podcast may contain paid endorsements for products or services.

I had the opportunity to sit down with Max Lugavere, Daniel Eisenman, Mia Magik, Sameer Sontakey, Andy Hnilo, and Tim Gray at Bulletproof Upgrade Labs’ 5th annual biohacking conference.

DISCLAIMER: This podcast is presented for educational and exploratory purposes only. Published content is not intended to be used for diagnosing or treating any illness. Those responsible for this show disclaim responsibility for any possible adverse effects from the use of information presented by Luke or his guests. Please consult with your healthcare provider before using any products referenced. This podcast may contain paid endorsements for products or services.

Max Lugavere is a filmmaker, TV personality, health and science journalist, and brain food expert. 

Max is also the author of Genius Foods, the host of The Genius Life podcast, and the director of the upcoming film Bread Head, the first-ever documentary about dementia prevention through diet and lifestyle.

Topics Discussed with Max Lugavere:

  • The out-of-date notion that there’s a one-size-fits-all diet
  • Condescension and cynicism in the fitness world
  • How to rid your home of endocrine-disrupting chemicals
  • Biohacking the iron levels in your blood
  • How bringing your own condiments to restaurants will save you money and improve your health
  • Embracing consistency and striving for progress
  • Spiritual atheism
  • How our language colors the world
  • The future of personalized medicine

Daniel Eisenman graduated Pre-Med from Emory University with a BS – an ironic acronym, he’s come to learn – in Biology. He even took the MCAT and was well on his way to medical school. But before continuing down the path of "NORMAL," as pretty much everyone in his life advised him to do, he decided to take a year off.

That year off has now turned into a decade of breaking normal, embarking on adventures throughout all 50 states and 20+ countries.

Through his journey and experiences, he found that so many people seem to be trapped in self-imposed prisons, keeping a lid on their genius, joy, and growth – and that’s when the idea for Breaking Normal was born, as a way for people to free themselves from this self-imposed prison.

Daniel now travels the world as a keynote speaker and facilitator of Breaking Normal Experiences, which are radical retreats and workshops – or, as he likes to call them, playshops – based on the principles of raw honesty and emotional freedom. 

Topics Discussed with Daniel Eisenman:

  • Just because something works for you (like a new diet, supplement, or biohack) doesn’t mean it will work for others
  • Why you might be hurting your health by eating food that’s out of season
  • Why Daniel’s favorite and free biohack is breathing (correctly)
  • The magic of edible mushrooms
  • How to focus on your vibrancy
  • Recontextualizing negativity
  • Being health conscious (without becoming neurotic)
  • Combining unconditional love with radical honesty

Mia Magik is a soul hacker. Yeah, I’m just gonna let how cool that is sink in for a moment.

So, what does that mean? It means she helps people come into contact with their deepest truth, expression, and magic through ancient wisdom integrated with modern techniques – or, in simpler terms, she uses every tool in her arsenal to help others see that magic is real.

Topics Discussed with Mia Magik:

  • Magic is real
  • The myth that pharmaceutical medication is necessary
  • Toxic shame, judgement, and separation
  • The ultimate biohack: navigating a roadmap through your own consciousness
  • Connecting with dragon energy
  • Listening to your intuition and Goddess Earth
  • Processing and letting go of negative emotions by going out into the woods and just going wild
  • Giving yourself permission to feel
  • The future of neurofeedback
  • Freeing your mind and finding your magic

Sameer Sontakey is the CEO and founder of Biostrap, an innovative wearable device that leverages cloud-based algorithms and machine learning to deliver accurate activity and wellness tracking wearables that enable people to make impactful decisions about their health so they can perform, recover, and sleep better.

Topics Discussed with Sameer Sontakey:

  • The vitamin scam
  • Sleep as a supplement
  • Why everyone should be tracking heart rate variability (HRV)
  • The bright side of being neurotic
  • The future of wearables

Andy Hnilo is the guy who makes me not look 48 because Andy is the guy who founded Alitura Naturals, creators of the best skincare products I’ve ever used.

But the origins of Alitura begin with tragedy, when Andy was struck by multiple vehicles and send to the emergency room with a collapsed lung, seven broken ribs, and a severe compound fracture of my jaw, which was broken in five places. As a model, actor, and Division 1 baseball player, the outcome of this incident had far-reaching implications for his livelihood and future. 

But Andy didn’t wallow. He recognized that he had the power to choose his future, and his desperation became the inspiration for Alitura Naturals. He tackled the problem from a natural and nutritional perspective, healing his injuries from the inside and the outside, and got himself back on the runway in just seven weeks.

And he’s gone on to share what he’s learned about healing skin and the importance of caring for our skin – because it is our largest organ, and we should be carefully feeding and nourishing it just like it’s a second mouth.

Topics Discussed with Andy Hnilo:

  • A scam in the wellness industry that grinds Andy’s gears
  • Why the food pyramid is backwards
  • The 3 most toxic items present in everyone’s home
  • The one supplement Andy would take for the rest of his life, if he could only take one
  • A FREE biohack that everyone should know about
  • How to live a long and vibrant life
  • The one health expert that Andy would follow if he had to choose just one
  • The fine line between being health & being a complete health nut
  • Andy’s (inverted) spiritual practice
  • The biggest biohack or trend Andy sees coming in the next few years

Tim Gray is a leading biohacker and quantified self geek who has spent years testing, evaluating, and measuring thousands of biohacking techniques to improve health, cognition, and overall wellness. Tim is also bringing a bunch of like-minded folks together for the Health Optimisation Summit in September 2019.

Not only a leading biohacker, Tim is also CEO of Conversion Rate optimiser, a psychology specialist, a Cognitive Hypnotherapist, and an NLP Master Practitioner.

Topics Discussed with Tim Gray:

  • How Tim is using niacin to help him sleep
  • The profound impact of sleep optimization
  • Why you don’t need to get that extreme about your health if you sleep and hydrate better
  • Making your morning ritual your spiritual practice
  • The future is nature
  • What you can expect from the Health Optimisation Summit

More about this episode.


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The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has not evaluated the statements on this website. The information provided by lukestorey.com is not a substitute for direct, individual medical treatment or advice. It is your responsibility, along with your healthcare providers, to make decisions about your health. Lukestorey.com recommends consulting with your healthcare providers for the diagnosis and treatment of any disease or condition. The products sold on this website are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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