118. Supercharge Your Mind With Neurohacker Collective wtih Daniel Schmachtenberger

Daniel Schmachtenberger

January 16, 2018

DISCLAIMER: This podcast is presented for educational and exploratory purposes only. Published content is not intended to be used for diagnosing or treating any illness. Those responsible for this show disclaim responsibility for any possible adverse effects from the use of information presented by Luke or his guests. Please consult with your healthcare provider before using any products referenced. This podcast may contain paid endorsements for products or services.

DISCLAIMER: This podcast is presented for educational and exploratory purposes only. Published content is not intended to be used for diagnosing or treating any illness. Those responsible for this show disclaim responsibility for any possible adverse effects from the use of information presented by Luke or his guests. Please consult with your healthcare provider before using any products referenced. This podcast may contain paid endorsements for products or services.

Would you like to be able to hit your flow state on demand? Can you imagine having command over your mental focus, creativity, memory, and even your emotions? What a different world it would be if we humans held the power optimize our consciousness, and as a result, our psychological relationship to each other, and to the planet we all inhabit.

Our guest Daniel Schmachtenberger s a founding member of The Consilience Project, aimed at improving public sensemaking and dialogue.

The throughline of his interests has to do with ways of improving the health and development of individuals and society, with a virtuous relationship between the two as a goal.

Towards these ends, he’s had particular interest in the topics of catastrophic and existential risk, civilization and institutional decay and collapse as well as progress, collective action problems, social organization theories, and the relevant domains in philosophy and science.

Motivated by the belief that advancing collective intelligence and capacity is foundational to the integrity of any civilization, and necessary to address the unique risks we currently face given the intersection of globalization and exponential technology, he has spoken publicly on many of these topics, hoping to popularize and deepen important conversations and engage more people in working towards their solutions.

In this mind-blowing episode, we learn not only why Daniel and his team created Qualia, exactly how and why it works so well, but also what Neurohacker Collective has in store for the future. Trust me when I say, this is not a future- or episode- you will want to miss.

As you listen to this powerfully inspiring conversation with Daniel, think of one person you know who is interested in enhancing their mental and emotional intelligence, and overall quality of life, then share this show with them via text, email, or social media.

Here's to upgrading your neurology,


“People who got a lot of praise and a lot of success & identity around not making any mistakes and getting everything perfect, are not oriented to do things that have a high risk of failure”

— Daniel Schmachtenberger


  • Daniel's homeschooling experience, and how his parents used facilitation of interests vs. curriculum to maximize his potential as a human
  • How kids are born with innate fascination, and the consequences of not supporting their curiosities with intelligent foundational facts
  • The current educational model and how it trains us to be sharp cogs in an industrial world, hindering unique genius actualization
  • Why a large number of Millennials aren't having kids
  • Why the smartest people tend to be employees and not entrepreneurs
  • Epigenetics and the perpetuation of generation trauma as consequences slavey, genocide and other social moral problems from Imperialism
  • Post-modernism, biases, partial truths, and the dangers of using metrics to simplifying complex systems
  • The artificial demands of a broken Capitalism, why we are running a race towards the apocalyptic cliff, and alternatives for the future
  • All human being alive today have some degree of mental illness, and what we can do about that
  • Depression, addictions, empty-fulfillment and other problems that stem from hyper-stimuli
  • The longing for authenticity and meaningful human interactions
  • The pursuit of happiness and the foley of looking for it "out there"
  • The importance of integrating psychiatry and pharmacology to understand and up-regulate the human networks and bio hardware
  • The origins and the vision of Neurohacker Collective for decreasing suffering and increasing capacity & positive disposition
  • Defining drugs, and what distinguishes legal from illegal
  • Top smart drugs and nootropics, why and how they work, and some of the risks and benefits involved in their use
  • Taking empowered responsibility through self education
  • The importance of addressing the foundational aspects of wellness over using biohacking to patch & support a shitty performance
  • His favorite biohacking tech tools
  • Geoengeenering, chemtrails, and the effect it has on our brain and biology
  • What is environmental psych, and how to biohack it
  • Lifestyle recommendations


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