31. What Men Crave and What Women Want with John Wineland

John Wineland

November 8, 2016

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DISCLAIMER: This podcast is presented for educational and exploratory purposes only. Published content is not intended to be used for diagnosing or treating any illness. Those responsible for this show disclaim responsibility for any possible adverse effects from the use of information presented by Luke or his guests. Please consult with your healthcare provider before using any products referenced. This podcast may contain paid endorsements for products or services.

We all want to be loved. I mean at the end of the day, isn’t that the hidden motive behind so many of our decisions and behaviors? When a man posts an image of his Porsche, or Rolex on Facebook, or a woman posts sexy shots of her Chanel handbag and cleavage on Instagram isn’t a desire for love the underlying motive at play? Is not proving one’s social status to the world, after all, just a thinly veiled cry for love? Throughout my life, I have observed that a vast majority of time and energy spent has been in the pursuit of love and approval from others, whether that be directly or indirectly. Perhaps there is even a small part of me sitting here writing this intro that has a desire to appear evolved, or intelligent in order to be well-liked, popular, and ultimately loved.

So what's wrong with wanting love in our lives? There is of course nothing wrong with wanting it. But what do we do with it once we’ve found it? The problem is that once we figure out how to flirt, date, and make love we often find ourselves in relationship with another human with virtually no clue how to navigate that terrain successfully. Due to negative social programming, and misinformation, most of us spend years of our lives endlessly breaking hearts and having ours broken in return, as a result of a fundamental lack of understanding of what makes the opposite sex tick.

Despite the politically correct narrative in our current culture, the fact remains that on a biological level, males and females are not the same. We ultimately crave the same love, but we go about getting and giving it in such different ways.

In this episode, we take a truly intimate look at what men and women want from each other, and how we can learn to give and receive that which is so deeply desired to one another in an honest, and sustainable way. Consider this interview a lesson in myth-busting, and paradigm shifting. Remember to keep an open mind, but more importantly- an open heart.

Please share this with someone you know who desires more fulfilling, loving relationships in their life. Maybe even that someone with whom you’re currently in love.

Blessings to you and yours,


“Women want men who don’t need them but desire them deeply, who can worship them and the beauty of their entire feminine: the part that rages and the part that cries like a little girl, and everything in between””The masculine energetic comes from just below the naval, and below that. Breathing into your belly will lower your voice, slow down the mind, slow the hum of your energy, which will be nourishing for a woman’s nervous system. The slower your breath, the slower your talk, the deeper your voice, the more women feel your depth, and that nourishes and caresses their nervous system””We’ve gotten in a position where women are withholding their feminine gifts, men are withholding their masculine gifts, now we’re quietly malnourishing each other. “


  • What’s new for John Wineland, his workshops and relationship coaching events
  • Intimacy practice and the capacity to open & connect
  • Women are confused, men are confused: how to solve the pleasure puzzle?
  • Women, power, and role confusion - the paradox
  • How men lead as a masculine partner in a relationship
  • What women are craving from men: trust, fierce love, depth, nourishment, solidness, integrity
  • Men keeping their center while creating containers for the relationship
  • What men crave from women: respect and devotion
  • Your partner should not be your best friend
  • Women who evoke nobility in men: rage filled with love is sexy
  • Feminine rising and men’s supporting role
  • Tools that feminized men can use to assert their masculine power without threatening the relationship
  • Basic healing tips for men: train your nervous system, breathe deep, get into your lower body, practice awareness
  • Masculine spiritual practice: what it means to be a witness of your own mind
  • The feminine responds to stillness and openness
  • Lifestyle recommendations


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