270. Solo Show: The Coronavirus Conspiracy & A Spiritual Solution

Luke Storey

March 27, 2020

DISCLAIMER: This podcast is presented for educational and exploratory purposes only. Published content is not intended to be used for diagnosing or treating any illness. Those responsible for this show disclaim responsibility for any possible adverse effects from the use of information presented by Luke or his guests. Please consult with your healthcare provider before using any products referenced. This podcast may contain paid endorsements for products or services.

Instead of answering questions from the FB group today, I’m going to address some questions I think all of us have these days about the #coronavirus pandemic, the media’s reaction to it, & what we can all do to stay healthy

DISCLAIMER: This podcast is presented for educational and exploratory purposes only. Published content is not intended to be used for diagnosing or treating any illness. Those responsible for this show disclaim responsibility for any possible adverse effects from the use of information presented by Luke or his guests. Please consult with your healthcare provider before using any products referenced. This podcast may contain paid endorsements for products or services.

I’m doing something a little different for today’s solo show. Instead of answering questions sent to me, I’m going to address some questions I think all of us have these days. I will discuss the current 'stay at home' order issued by the city of Los Angeles and how I'm personally dealing with it, as well as the overall impact of the coronavirus pandemic from a health and societal perspective.

Then I will explore what I do to prevent illness of any kind before closing the episode out with some spiritual and mindset exercises that will help us thrive through this most challenging time. Make sure to listen through to the end, as I do my best to provide some hope and practical advice on how to manage the anxiety and existential discontent many of us currently face.

I intend to explore the issues at hand with compassion for those who've been negatively impacted and to shed some light on some of the more curious circumstances surrounding this pandemic and the media’s reaction to it.

08:20 — An assessment of the situation

  • In addition to the suffering caused by the illness itself, I think the most challenging and distinct aspect of this scenario will be the financial fallout and the possibly catastrophic effect on the global economy. 
  • There is mounting evidence (even by some mainstream news outlets) to support the idea that this could be a man-made bioweapon. 
  • Some claim that the deployment of 5G cell networks has made the impact of the virus worse, or as some people have suggested, even caused it.
  • Watch: “Dr. Thomas Cowan, M.D. discusses the Coronavirus” Dr Thomas Cowan 5g/corona virus video 
  • Watch: “The BEST NEWS re CΟRΟNΑ VΙrus you've heard all month! Kinda.”
  • It is interesting to see the map of the coronavirus outbreak as it compares to the rollout of 5G in some of the locations most impacted, specifically Wuhan China, one of the first cities in the world to deploy 5G.
  • Additionally, the specific fleet of Diamond Princess cruise ships where the most outbreaks occurred were recently launched equipped with robust millimeter-wave antenna systems, beaming 5G in from Satellites in orbit.
  • Speaking of 5G satellites in orbit now would be a great time to boycott all Tesla products, and put public pressure on Elon Musk for his commitment to threatening the health of every living organism on the planet with his SpaceX Starlink constellation of satellites. 
  • So far, SpaceX has received approval to launch nearly 12,000 Starlink internet satellites (and recently applied to loft up to 30,000 more).
  • One of the most disconcerting aspects of 5G is it's known detrimental impact on the world's bee population. And without bees, we're without food.
  • As for viruses, the various wavelengths of radiation used for cellular communication, and especially the millimeter waves used in the 5th generation of data service, are incredibly taxing to the immune system.
  • There is also a website called https://www.takebackyourpower.net, where you can find an incredible database of content about all things 5G, as well as its connections to the virus. 
  • There is also a film of the same name, which boldly explores the impacts of cellular networks, and smart meters.

14:00 — Our civil liberties

  • As commentators bicker over the name of this illness, our civil liberties are being systematically dismantled before our eyes. It's sad to see the nation divided by the corrupt media as they politicize a legitimate pandemic.
  • However, I must be fair and admit that it is difficult to assess how many of our civil liberties, such as the ability to assemble in large gatherings, are necessary to maintain public safety. 
  • It's a double-edged sword because much of the government around the world is corrupt. However, we still must look to the regulatory agencies and civil services to keep some semblance of safety and order amongst the populace. 
  • Not every politician is corrupt. We have to look to the authorities in times like this because they are the ones keeping social order and managing crises from the medical and services standpoint.

16:25 — My confusion

  • My confusion around this particular event is based on many factors, including my observation that the reaction of the government and media over this virus doesn't match actual statistics on the infection. 
  • There seems to be an incredible overreaction when you consider how many people are infected, especially as compared to similar viruses of the past, even the flu.
  • Not to downplay the real dangers of this virus, as I already admitted that this is not my area of expertise. I'm left with the sense that this is way worse than is being reported or that it's grossly exaggerated. 
  • Regardless of this virus's legitimacy, since day one of this scenario, I've been struck with an overwhelming feeling that this all reeks of the classic 'problem-reaction-solution' tactic used by authoritarian regimes throughout history to assert more and more control over a population.

19:20 — Coronavirus in LA

  • At the time of this recording, according to the L.A. times, these are the stats in California: 1,241 confirmed cases & 24 deaths.
  • Los Angeles County and state officials issued a stay at home order to help slow the spread of coronavirus. Under this new "safer at home," rule — and the governor's order given minutes later—gatherings of 10 or more people are banned.
  • For gatherings that aren't prohibited, people must be separated by at least 6 feet, have a handwashing station or hand sanitizer available, and post a sign notifying people not to come if they have a fever or cough.
  • The City of L.A. had ordered malls, shopping centers, playgrounds, and nonessential retail businesses to close. Gyms, movie theaters, bars, and wineries were ordered closed on Sunday. People can still exercise outside and go on walks or hikes. 
  • The order went into effect at midnight and is punishable by fines or imprisonment. Here's how the City of L.A. puts it in an FAQ on the orders

22:47 — What I’m doing to ensure my physical, mental, and emotional health throughout this ordeal

  • As for my physical well-being, my girlfriend Alyson and I have been spending much time at home, with very little interaction with people outside the home. 
  • We also use alcohol spray often on our hands, especially when they've touched something from outside the home (such as deliveries) or after going out in public. 
  • To be honest, the staying home part is excellent for me. I don't like going out much anyway, so I've used this time to get much work done, fine-tune my mediation practice, and spend plenty of quality time with my lady.
  • We're also doing daily ozone sessions to minimize the risk of any type of infection dramatically. Twice per day, I take it in my ears using a stethoscope, rectally with a catheter, and very carefully up my nose into my sinuses, also using the stethoscope. Warning: you must be very careful not to inhale ozone gas, so I do not recommend treating your sinuses unless you've received training to do so.
  • Ozone Generator Kit, by SimplyO3
  • UltraPure Ozone Generators, by Longevity Resources
  • If you are unable to afford an ozone machine, you can also find alternative practitioners in most midsize to large cities that offer various ozone treatments.
  • I'm also mega-dosing wild oregano oil and oregano juice daily by North American Herb and Spice. I take their capsules with every meal, which I do most of the time anyway. I also brush my teeth with the oil, mixed with toothpaste. 
  • Wild oregano is an incredibly powerful anti-viral medicine, as well as anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, and anti-parasitic.
  • I'm also doing lots of Surthrival grass-fed colostrum for its incredible immune-boosting effects (use code ‘lifestylist’ for 10% off at surthrival.com)
  • I’m also doing daily hyperbaric oxygen chamber sessions, frequent ice baths, and infrared saunas in my Clearlight sauna
  • Another great way to avoid infections is frequent tonsil sprays of the Beekeeper's Naturals Propolis Throat Spray (Use code “LIFESTYLIST” for 15% off at beekeepersnaturals.com).
  • Another big gun in my immune arsenal is the Biocharger, which has just published a special Wuhan Virus recipe in their frequencies menu.
  • Additionally, I'm getting lots of sun, grounding, and fresh air on my daily walks with my lady and the dog. I've discovered so many amazing new nooks and crannies to explore in my neighborhood in the Hollywood Hills.
  • I have to add that to be the #1 most powerful way to keep your immune system in working order is by avoiding fear as much as possible. Negative emotions are very taxing on your immune system. 
  • My approach to awareness of current events, and being as prepared as I can for an impending crisis, is to double down on my prayer and meditation and to remain neutral in my perceptions of the ongoing events as 'good' or 'bad.' Duality is a killer. More on that later. 

33:15 — Doomsday prepping (for now or later)

  • As for doomsday prepping, this whole fiasco has had a very positive side-effect for me, as it's encouraged me to step up my emergency preparedness in general. 
  • I lived in L.A. throughout the L.A. Riots, and the Northridge earthquake in the '90s and got a firsthand glimpse of how fast civic order can break down in times of uncertainty. That was just a taste of what societal breakdown looks like, and that was more than enough for me to brace for looting and the general chaos that can ensue when people become desperate and afraid. Thank you, 2nd Amendment.
  • As for other supplies, I've also always been well-stocked on other essentials of sanitation, drinking water, and everything one would need to get through a period of power outages or lack of municipalities. 
  • One of the benefits of being a spring water forager is that I've always had 30-50 gallons of water stored in the garage. You can probably find a spring near you on www.findasping.com and get yourself stocked up as well.
  • LiveSpringWater.com can also ship spring water to some locations
  • The one essential I have never been great about stockpiling is food. Probably because I'm not a big foodie, and I don't enjoy cooking.
  • So, as a result, I've recently ordered a 1/4 grass-fed cow, and a chest freezer to store it in. 
  • That was a smart move until I realized that in a power failure, the meat would rot, so this prompted me to buy a legit gas-powered generator and gasoline storage tanks. 
  • Big ups to my friend Daniel Vitalis for informing me that gasoline goes bad after a year or so, so to keep it stored, I also bought some gas additives.
  • It's also a great idea to keep a full tank pdf gas in your car in the event of a shit-hits-the-fan situation.
  • When it comes to prepping, I've always tried to err on the side of prudence, rather than paranoia. As they said in biblical times- "Trust God, tie up your camel."

41:05 — My observations about the strange circumstances of this crisis

  • My world view and trust in the mainstream media was changed forever when the official story of the events which unfolded on 9/11 2001. 
  • Unconvinced by the implausible narrative peddled by the news outlets at the time, I started to dig into the work of people like Alex Jones and David Icke, and other researchers who were mostly, and still to some degree, written off by many as 'conspiracy theorists.' 
  • At this time, Jones was known for going after corrupt republicans like the Bushes, and fighting to end wars in the middle east, and to expose the most deadly fake news campaign of all-time- the 'weapons of mass destruction' lie, which led to the death of tens of thousands of innocent people for the past 20 years. 
  • Whether you agree with the views of people like Icke and Jones, it doesn't take much intellectual prowess to see that so many of their 20 to 30-year-old predictions have come true in the most alarming ways. 
  • Just like mainstream media, I don't take all alternative media to be the gospel truth either. There’s a lot of misinformation and error, whether intentional or accidental, on both sides. It takes much discernment and intuition to weed through the falsehoods in the media, and get to the truth, no matter what your political leanings, or how much faith you put in our corporate-owned media. 
  • Mike Cernovich's Hoaxed is a recent film in the same vein, which is excellent and goes to expose our fraudulent mainstream media further. I highly recommend it. It provides a potent takedown of both our liberal and conservative media giants and their misleading agendas. 

52:25 — David Icke and tech censorship

  • Thankfully, despite a feverish censorship attempt by YouTube, I was able to find and watch the recent David Icke interview on the London Real channel. The video got over 1M views in the first 24 hours and was then, of course, shadowbanned and buried in search results by Youtube, who is owned by the same corporate technocracy that Icke exposed in the interview. When so much effort is spent trying to silence voices like his, it makes you wonder how much of his analysis is correct.
  • In this shocking interview with Icke, he gives his take on this epidemic (based on his 30+ years of research into the nefarious agenda of world government), and how governments use crises like this to incrementally dismantle fundamental civil liberties and slowly erode democracy around the world, to centralize control.
  • Watch: “The Truth Behind The Coronavirus Pandemic, Covid-19 Lockdown & The Economic Crash”

01:01:00 — So that's the bad news. Thankfully, there is plenty of good news!

  • The good news is that the law of polarity exists in our universe. As the powers that be tighten their grip on humanity through whatever means they can, we are also clearly in the middle of a massive uprising in the collective consciousness of humankind—the darker the shadow, the brighter the light, as they say.
  • With the rise of independent media like this podcast and others like it, we are a species in an awakening like no other before. 
  • The powers of evil, greed, and selfishness thrive on our fear, and it is by the fear that they manipulate us into forgetting how powerful we indeed are. 
  • I must continuously remind myself that there truly is no power in the universe above unconditional love. 
  • To manifest peace, and a sense of security and well-being within myself, I must especially practice compassion and love for the very people who seek to destroy humanity and our way of life through their own pathologically blind selfishness. 
  • "Forgive them for they know not what they do" is a powerful principle to apply from this perspective. 
  • We humans simply act out patterns based on trauma we've endured throughout our lives. As a former teacher of mine was fond of reminding me, "hurt people hurt people." 
  • This point of view must not be mistaken for giving license to or permission for wrongdoing, or behavior that would otherwise cause harm. Its position is instead to gain a deeper understanding of what motivates people - and governments and corporations for that matter - to partake in actions and practices that are so flawed and destructive from a higher place of awareness. 
  • Forgiveness is for the sinner, not the sin itself. Where there is wrongdoing, there must surely be appropriate consequences, and karmically speaking, there always are. 
  • What we are fortunate enough to witness and participate in now is a real awakening on Earth's plane of reality. 
  • The old systems of oppressive control are spilling out of their concealment due to the nature of, and speed with which information now travels. 
  • Through our collective consciousness, intentions, and righteous action, we can impart our highest will to manifest a change toward a positive evolution, rather than regressing to old patterns of negativity and pain.
  • As Wayne Dyer simply stated, "when you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change." 
  • Through cultivating our capacity for love and truthfulness, we grow in personal power, which is then expressed in the collective. For this reason, we find such profound futility in fighting evil and darkness with anger and hostility. 
  • "We but mirror the world. All the tendencies present in the outer world are to be found in the world of our bodies. If we could change ourselves, the tendencies in the world would also change. As a man changes his nature, so does the attitude of the world change towards him. This is the divine mystery supreme. A wonderful thing it is and the source of our happiness. We need not wait to see what others do." – Mahatma Gandhi
  • This same sentiment was powerfully conveyed by the Indian saint Ramana Maharshi when he exclaimed: "There is no point in trying to save the world you think you see because such a world doesn't even exist." Meaning our inner reality is created by our perception of our outer circumstances.
  • My real and unlimited power lies in my ability to rectify and uplift my thoughts, emotions, and actions by the highest good, and to take responsibility for my healing and integrity. 
  • My dharma is to share truth and express love to the best of my knowledge and ability. Within each of us lies the ability to transmute negativity into positivity, if we can systematically uncover and remove the falsehoods that obscure our vision of the ultimate reality, which is God. 
  • Through our continued spiritual work, and in the expansion of our ability to surrender to the boundless love and infinite wisdom of our creator, we can clear away the blocks that prevent us from living at peace in the chaotic world in which we find ourselves. 
  • So when it comes to times of unrest and uncertainty like we currently face, my practice is always to remember: Don't fight the darkness. Make the light brighter. And just as hurt people hurt people, so do healed people heal people. 
  • The most powerful tool I rely on, especially in challenging times like these, is prayer. If it’s not something you currently practice, I highly encourage you to give it a shot. 
  • Stay safe out there, and remember that together, we can overcome any challenge. But in separation, we lose purpose.
  • Blessings to anyone who has been injured or perished as a result of this virus. 

More about this episode.

Watch it on YouTube.

On today's solo show, I will discuss the current 'stay at home' order issued by the city of Los Angeles and how I'm personally dealing with it, as well as the overall impact of the coronavirus pandemic from a health and societal perspective.

Next, I will explore some of my health practices to prevent illness of any kind, and then I'll take us into some spiritual and mindset exercises to help us thrive through this most challenging time. Make sure to listen through to the end, as I do my best to provide some hope and practical advice on how to manage the anxiety and existential discontent many of us currently face.

Before we begin, I feel the following disclaimer is in order:

I don't understand the nature of viruses, nor the complete statistics of this one to comment on the health implications of COVID-19, nor do I purport to understand the complexities of the world's medical systems, or how governments are to best respond to actual disasters.

In addition to the suffering caused by the illness itself, I think the most challenging and distinct aspect of this scenario will be the financial fallout and the possibly catastrophic effect on the global economy. 

I intend to explore the issues at hand with compassion for those who've been negatively impacted and to shed some light on some of the more curious circumstances surrounding this pandemic, the reaction to it by the media. 

There is mounting evidence (even by some mainstream news outlets) to support the idea that this could be a man-made bioweapon. Some claim that the deployment of 5G cell networks has made the impact of the virus worse, or as some people have suggested, even caused it. In the show notes I will provide links to a few of the 5G/Wuhan videos for you to explore. To say they are compelling would be an understatement. 

It is interesting to see the map of the coronavirus outbreak as it compares to the rollout of 5G in some of the locations most impacted, specifically Wuhan China, one of the first cities in the world to deploy 5G, shortly before the outbreak. Additionally, the specific fleet of Diamond Princess cruise ships where the most outbreaks occurred were recently launched equipped with robust millimeter-wave antenna systems, beaming 5G in from Satellites in orbit. 

Speaking of 5G satellites in orbit now would be a great time to boycott all Tesla products, and put public pressure on Elon Musk for his commitment to threatening the health of every living organism on the planet with his SpaceX Starlink constellation of satellites. So far, SpaceX has received approval to launch nearly 12,000 Starlink internet satellites (and recently applied to loft up to 30,000 more). 

The puzzling thing about this horrific Elon Musk innovation is that he is intelligent to understand the detrimental environmental impacts of this project, which leaves me to believe that he must be a sociopath. So if you consider yourself an environmentalist, now would be an excellent time to consider the consequences of this devastating technology, and to withdraw your financial contributions to his enterprise. 

One of the most disconcerting aspects of 5G is it's known detrimental impact on the world's bee population. And without bees, we're without food. 

As for viruses, it is a scientific fact that the various wavelengths of radiation used for cellular communication, and especially the millimeter waves used in the 5th generation of data service, are incredibly taxing to the immune system. They are equally damaging to many other biological systems critical to all life on Earth. 

I've done numerous shows on the dangers of EMF and 5G, which you can find in the show notes for this episode. I encourage you to explore them.

There is also a website called https://www.takebackyourpower.net, where you can find an incredible database of content about all things 5G, as well as its connections to the virus. There is also a film of the same name, which boldly explores the impacts of cellular networks, and smart meters. 

Meanwhile, the media is busy debating whether or not it's racist to include the country or city where the virus originated when referencing it. 

As commentators bicker over the name of this illness, our civil liberties are being systematically dismantled before our eyes. It's sad to see the nation divided by the corrupt media as they politicize a legitimate pandemic. But this is where we are currently. Nonetheless, we will come together as a society, and we will prevail. 

As an aside, it's historically common to name illnesses in correlation to their location of origin, such as West Nile Viru, Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, Lyme Disease, Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever, Norovirus, and so on. 

In my opinion, this is yet another example of political correctness gone awry. I imagine soon we will have to stop saying 'Irish Whiskey' or 'Alaskan' King Crab to avoid hurting someone's feelings. But P.C. isn't about feelings; it's about control. If you control language, you control culture. Control culture and you control a population. More on that later. 

However, I must be fair and admit that it is difficult to assess how many of our civil liberties, such as the ability to assemble in large gatherings, are necessary to maintain public safety. 

It's a double-edged sword because much of the government around the world is corrupt. However, we still must look to the regulatory agencies and civil services to keep some semblance of safety and order amongst the populace. Not every politician is corrupt. We have to look to the authorities in times like this because they are the ones keeping social order and managing crises from the medical and services standpoint. Without some governing, humans default to our lowest common denominator in times of crisis. 

My confusion around this particular event is based on many factors, including my observation that the reaction of the government and media over this virus doesn't match actual statistics on the infection. There seems to be an incredible overreaction when you consider how many people are infected, especially as compared to similar viruses of the past, even the flu. According to the CDC, an estimated 80k people died from the flu in the past year, for example vs. 13k Corona deaths worldwide, since the outbreak. 

Add to that the increasingly bizarre news reports, and propaganda footage leaked from China at the onset of this situation, and the ever-contradictory information about the origins of the virus, the statistics of infection, and the onslaught of some the world's most powerful CEOs all stepping down at the exact time of this outbreak, most notably Bill Gates, a known eugenicist and one of the most creepy globalists vaccine investors and advocates alive. 

Add to that the fact that despite my deep compassion for the innocent and victimized people of Communist China, their government has been responsible for the deaths of an estimated 80 million of its citizens in the past century alone. That is a staggering statistic and a horrific one. Based on that fact alone, I have a hard time taking reports coming out of China at face value, without a healthy dose of skepticism, if not outright mistrust. 

Not to downplay the real dangers of this virus, as I already admitted that this is not my area of expertise. I'm left with the sense that this is way worse than is being reported or that it's grossly exaggerated. 

Regardless of this virus's legitimacy, since day one of this scenario, I've been struck with an overwhelming feeling that this all reeks of the classic 'problem-reaction-solution' tactic used by authoritarian regimes throughout history to assert more and more control over a population. We' l talk more about that when we get into the David Icke content later. 

At the time of this recording, according to the L.A. times, these are the stats in California:

1,241 confirmed cases

24 deaths (of those 24 deaths, I'm curious as to how many of them would have been equally compromised by the flu or any other number of viruses?)

Here's the current state of affairs where I record this episode:

Last night, Los Angeles County and state officials issued a stay at home order to help slow the spread of coronavirus. Under this new "safer at home," rule — and the governor's order given minutes later—gatherings of 10 or more people are banned.

For gatherings that aren't prohibited, people must be separated by at least 6 feet, have a handwashing station or hand sanitizer available and post a sign notifying people not to come if they have a fever or cough.

The City of L.A. had ordered malls, shopping centers, playgrounds, and nonessential retail businesses to close. Gyms, movie theaters, bars, and wineries were ordered closed on Sunday. People can still exercise outside and go on walks or hikes. 

The order went into effect at midnight and is punishable by fines or imprisonment. Here's how the City of L.A. puts it in an FAQ on the orders

You can still go on walks. You can go to the grocery store and pick up food from restaurants (to-go orders only). Take your pet to the veterinarian. Visit your doctor or pharmacy. Help someone else get supplies.

As I stated earlier, I don't feel qualified to speak on the virus or its containment efforts.

I will, however, talk about some of the measures I am taking to ensure my physical, mental, and emotional health throughout this ordeal to help others navigate this challenging and confusing time.

As for my physical well-being, my girlfriend Alyson and I have been spending much time at home, with very little interaction with people outside the home. We also use alcohol spray often on our hands, especially when they've touched something from outside the home (such as deliveries) or after going out in public. To be honest the staying home part is excellent for me. I don't like going out much anyway, so I've used this time to get much work done, fine-tune my mediation practice, and spend plenty of quality time with my lady.

We're also doing daily ozone sessions to minimize the risk of any type of infection dramatically. Twice per day, I take it in my ears using a stethoscope, rectally with a catheter, and very carefully up my nose into my sinuses, also using the stethoscope. Warning: you must be very careful not to inhale ozone gas, so I do not recommend treating your sinuses unless you've received training to do so. 

I link out to two different, very legit ozone generators in my site store, www.lukestorey.com/store. I use mine a few times per week, even during times of normalcy. If you are unable to afford an ozone machine, you can also find alternative practitioners in most midsize to large cities that offer various ozone treatments. If I did not have a unit at home, I would be seeking this out as an option with great dedication. 

I'm also mega-dosing wild oregano oil and juice daily by North American Herb and Spice. I take their capsules with every meal, which I do most of the time anyway. I also brush my teeth with the oil, mixed with toothpaste. Wild oregano is an incredibly powerful anti-viral medicine, as well as anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, and anti-parasitic. If you eat a lot of sushi, by the way, I would highly recommend getting on this high-quality oregano oil. Don't bother with the cheap stuff. You want the wild Mediterranean varieties, if possible. Of course, something is better than nothing. 

I'm also doing lots of Surthrival grass-fed colostrum for its incredible immune-boosting effects, as well as daily hyperbaric oxygen chamber sessions, frequent ice baths, and infrared saunas in my Clearlight sauna. 

Another great way to avoid infections is frequent tonsil sprays of the Beekeeper's Naturals Propolis Throat Spray.

Another big gun in my immune arsenal is the Biocharger, which has just published a special Wuhan Virus recipe in their frequencies menu.

Additionally, I'm getting lots of sun, grounding, and fresh air on my daily walks with my lady and the dog. I've discovered so many amazing new nooks and crannies to explore in my neighborhood in the Hollywood Hills.

I have to add that to be the #1 most powerful way to keep your immune system in working order is by avoiding fear as much as possible. Negative emotions are very taxing on your immune system. My approach to awareness of current events, and being as prepared as I can for an impending crisis, is to double down on my prayer and meditation and to remain neutral in my perceptions of the ongoing events as 'good' or 'bad.' Duality is a killer. More on that later. 

As for doomsday prepping, this whole fiasco has had a very positive side-effect for me, as it's encouraged me to step up my emergency preparedness in general. Thanks to the highly cherished 2nd amendment, we are lucky enough to celebrate in this country (for the time being), I've been fortified with home protection for many years. I did, however, make those tools quite a bit more accessible in the home as a result of these developments. I lived in L.A. throughout the L.A. Riots, and the Northridge earthquake in the '90s and got a firsthand glimpse of how fast civic order can break down in times of uncertainty. That was just a taste of what societal breakdown looks like, and that was more than enough for me to brace for looting and the general chaos that can ensue when people become desperate and afraid. 

As for other supplies, I've also always been well-stocked on other essentials of sanitation, drinking water, and everything one would need to get through a period of power outages or lack of municipalities. One of the benefits of being a spring water forager is that I've always had 30-50 gallons of water stored in the garage. You can probably find a spring near you on www.findasping.com and get yourself stocked up as well if you're able. 

The one essential I have never been great about stockpiling is food. Probably because I'm not a big foodie, and I don't enjoy cooking. But trust me, if the shit hits the fan, I don't want to be dependent on a 20-pound bag of rice and a bunch of expired sardines. 

So, as a result, I've recently ordered a 1/4 grass-fed cow, and a chest freezer to store it in. That was a smart move until I realized that in a power failure, the meat would rot, so this prompted me to buy a legit gas-powered generator and gasoline storage tanks. Big ups to my friend Daniel Vitalis for informing me that gasoline goes bad after a year or so, so to keep it stored, I also bought some gas additives. It's also a great idea to keep a full tank of gas in your car in the event of a shit-hits-the-fan situation. 

When it comes to prepping, I've always tried to err on the side of prudence, rather than paranoia. As they said in biblical times- "Trust God, tie up your camel." Meaning, keep your head up, remain positive, avoid unreasonable fear, and take whatever logical steps you can to ensure your safety and the security of your loved ones in the event of an emergency. Same goes for a few grand in cash, stashed somewhere where you won't blow it when you're too lazy to hit an ATM.

So as far as having to stay home, and feeling like I can take care of me, my girlfriend, and our pets, I'm good to go for a couple, if not a few months. 

All that being said, in light of this situation, and the fact that 5G is rolling out all over L.A. at an alarming speed, I'm not sure how long I can hold out here. We shall see.

Now I'd like to get into some of my observations about the strange circumstances of this crisis. Many people have contacted me to get my take on it. 

In terms of the abnormality surrounding recent events, I will add the following observations: 

My world view and trust in the mainstream media was changed forever when the official story of the events which unfolded on 9/11 2001. Unconvinced by the implausible narrative peddled by the news outlets at the time, I started to dig into the work of people like Alex Jones and David Icke, and other researchers who were mostly, and still to some degree, written off by many as 'conspiracy theorists.' At this time,Jones was known for going after corrupt republicans like the Bushes, and fighting to end wars in the middle east, and to expose the most deadly fake news campaign of all-time- the 'weapons of mass destruction' lie, which led to the death of tens of thousands of innocent people for the past 20 years. Whether you agree with the views of people like Icke and Jones, it doesn't take much intellectual prowess to see that so many of their 20-30-year-old predictions have come true in the most alarming ways. Such as the rampant sex abuse and pedophilia in Hollywood, the Catholic church, and at the highest levels of government worldwide. Jeffrey Epstein, Harvey Weinstein, etc. Not to mention big tech censorship, forced vaccinations, widespread police state surveillance, the push toward the end of physical currency, geo-engineering, and so many other incremental steps taken by the authoritarian, elitist puppet masters who control our world banking, education, medical systems, and corporate media. In many ways, we are living in a modern-day Orwellian dystopia. That, to me, is difficult to admit, as an ardent optimist. 

Shortly after the 9/11 scam, followed the documentary Loose Change, which completely dismantled the mainstream media's reporting on 9/11, followed by the film Zeitgeist, which further exposed the rampant media and government corruption. There were many more to follow, some more accurate than others. Just like mainstream media, I don't take all alternative media to be the gospel truth either. There are much misinformation and error, whether intentional or accidental, on both sides. It takes much discernment and intuition to weed through the falsehoods in the media, and get to the truth, no matter what your political leanings, or how much faith you put in our corporate-owned media. 

Mike Cernovich's Hoaxed is a recent film in the same vein, which is excellent and goes to expose our fraudulent mainstream media further. I highly recommend it. It provides a potent takedown of both our liberal and conservative media giants and their misleading agendas. 

In the era of tech censorship, it is becoming increasingly difficult to arrive at the truth about many social issues and current events, not the least of which being this one. In preparing the manuscript for this episode, I made the error of using Google as my search engine, only to find much deliberate misinformation placed high in the search results to manipulate my ability to find and explore a wide range of views on this situation. Specifically, it's possible connection to 5G technology. 

Thankfully, despite a feverish censorship attempt by YouTube, I was able to find and watch the recent David Icke interview on the London Real channel. The video got over 1M views in the first 24 hours and was then, of course, shadowbanned and buried in search results by Youtube, who is owned by the same corporate technocracy that Icke exposed in the interview. When so much effort is spent trying to silence voices like his, it makes you wonder how much of his analysis is correct. 

In this shocking interview with Icke, he gives his take on this epidemic (based on his 30+ years of research into the nefarious agenda of world government), and how governments use crises like this to incrementally dismantle fundamental civil liberties and slowly erode democracy around the world, to centralize control. I highly recommend giving this video a watch, and again I will link to it in the show notes for this episode. 

So, in summary, I have no idea what the truth is behind this whole shit storm is. I can tell you that the direction it's taking us is one of less individual liberty, sovereignty, and increased police state authoritarianism, surveillance, and control. Regardless of the degree, this pandemic indeed threatens our safety; the result is a net loss of our fundamental freedoms. How this has been achieved historically is by instilling fear into the populace. By using Marxist tactics of separating societies into warring factions based on race, socio-economic status, sexual orientation, political party affiliation, the fear-stricken people and bloated corporations in control of humanity seek to keep us not only disconnected from one another but also ourselves and our power and intuition. 

So that's the bad news. Thankfully there is plenty of good news!

The good news is that the law of polarity exists in our universe. As the powers that be tighten their grip on humanity through whatever means they can, we are also clearly in the middle of a massive uprising in the collective consciousness of humankind—the darker the shadow, the brighter the light, as they say. 

With the rise of independent media like this podcast and others like it, we are a species in an awakening like no other before. 

More people are mediation now than ever in history. 

More people are exploring the realms of consciousness through practices like yoga, breathwork, plant medicines, and psychedelics. 

We live in the most extraordinary time in human history. We are being given a choice in each moment to succumb to the lower states of consciousness of fear, despair, jealousy, envy, anger, and resentment. 

The powers of evil, greed, and selfishness thrive on our fear, and it is by the fear that they manipulate us into forgetting how powerful we indeed are. 

I must continuously remind myself that there truly is no power in the universe above unconditional love. To manifest peace, and a sense of security and well-being within myself, I must especially practice compassion and love for the very people who seek to destroy humanity and our way of life through their own pathologically blind selfishness. "Forgive them for they know not what they do" is a powerful principle to apply from this perspective. Each of us, no matter how deprived and repulsive our behavior is, is merely doing what we deem to be right at any given time. Every evil dictator and vile criminal is doing what they see as the most effective way to get what they want in each moment of transgression. Just as I, in my moments of weakness and ignorance throughout my own life, wholeheartedly believed I was taking the most appropriate action to achieve what I thought would provide me with the desired outcome. 

We humans simply act out patterns based on trauma we've endured throughout our lives. As a former teacher of mine was fond of reminding me, "hurt people hurt people." 

This point of view must not be mistaken for giving license to or permission for wrongdoing, or behavior that would otherwise cause harm. Its position is instead to gain a deeper understanding of what motivates people - and governments and corporations for that matter- to partake in actions and practices that are so flawed and destructive from a higher place of awareness. Forgiveness is for the sinner, not the sin itself. Where there is wrongdoing, there must surely be appropriate consequences, and karmically speaking, there always are. 

In the heart and mind of every person lies the capacity for both good and evil. It's in this choice that we, as a uniquely gifted species, are provided with the rare karmic opportunity to rise above the lower states of consciousness and evolve as souls. What a pointless existence it would be should we not be afforded the full spectrum of human experience from the darkest of dark to the most divine light from which to shape our destinies. What would be the point of incarnating into a human body, if there were no lessons to learn, no means by which to advance and grow into the next level of evolution? We need the dark to merge toward the light. On the physical plane of existence, duality is necessary to maneuver our way upward and onward out of our individual and collective suffering. 

What we are fortunate enough to witness and participate in now is a real awakening on Earth's plane of reality. The old systems of oppressive control are spilling out of their concealment due to the nature of, and speed with which information now travels. Even the most ordinary folks can bear witness to the emperor without its clothes via shared ideas through independent media. But like anytime we're abruptly shaken into wakefulness, it can be unsettling, if not somewhat jarring to our equilibrium. It's important to remember that order always follows chaos and vice versa. All life is energy, and energy is in a constant state of flux. The cyclical nature of life follows the cyclical nature of energy, so any experience we now face, including this imminent crisis, will eventually transmute into something new. Through our collective consciousness, intentions, and righteous action, we can impart our highest will to manifest a change toward a positive evolution, rather than regressing to old patterns of negativity and pain. 

Consciousness, as manifested by humankind, is forever on an upward trajectory toward God, its ultimate creator. Our choice lies in our ability to maintain inner neutrality from the perspective of our witness consciousness and to know that the world we see is truly an out-picturing of our internal projection of reality. We don't see the world as it is; we see the world as we see it. I'll say that again- we don't see the world as it is; we see the world as we see it. Or, as Wayne Dyer simply stated, "when you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change." 

Through cultivating our capacity for love and truthfulness, we grow in personal power, which is then expressed in the collective. For this reason, we find such profound futility in fighting evil and darkness with anger and hostility. By meeting aggression with aggression, we are sure to run in circles, only to end up back in the original location of our discontent. Equally ineffective is the tendency we humans have to try to exert control and change over our outer circumstances and people around us without changing who we are as individuals. This fact is so plainly stated in the brilliantly simple statement 'be the change you wish to see in the world', which has historically and incorrectly been credited to Mahatma Gandhi. As accurate and profound as that statement, what he said goes even further to illustrate this universally applicable truth:

"We but mirror the world. All the tendencies present in the outer world are to be found in the world of our bodies. If we could change ourselves, the tendencies in the world would also change. As a man changes his nature, so does the attitude of the world change towards him. This is the divine mystery supreme. A wonderful thing it is and the source of our happiness. We need not wait to see what others do." – 

This same sentiment was powerfully conveyed by the Indian saint Ramana Maharshi when he exclaimed: "There is no point in trying to save the world you think you see because such a world doesn't even exist." Meaning our inner reality is created by our perception of our outer circumstances. 

This framework of truth is how I'm able to reconcile much of my discontent with the current state of human affairs, and my grandiose opinions about 'the way things should be.' When I find myself enraged over the grievous crimes perpetrated on the Earth and its inhabitants such as chemtrails, and electrosmog, or the heinous crimes of human trafficking and child abuse so rampant in our society, I must remember that this is all a part of the universal master plan and that from my limited perspective as one single point of consciousness, I can not fully see the big picture and the real purpose of the entire spectrum of human experience. My real and unlimited power lies in my ability to rectify and uplift my thoughts, emotions, and actions by the highest good, and to take responsibility for my healing and integrity. 

My dharma is to share truth and express love to the best of my knowledge and ability. Within each of us lies the ability to transmute negativity into positivity, if we can systematically uncover and remove the falsehoods that obscure our vision of the ultimate reality, which is God. Just as when clouds are present, it doesn't mean the sun no longer exists; in the same way, when we are under the spell of our misguided perceptions and negativity, it doesn't provide proof that God isn't there. We are faced with the challenge of our ability to see God through the clouds of falsehood and to work diligently to remove the shadows that erode our faith. Through our continued spiritual work, and in the expansion of our ability to surrender to the boundless love and infinite wisdom of our creator, we can clear away the blocks that prevent us from living at peace in the chaotic world in which we find ourselves. 

So when it comes to times of unrest and uncertainty like we currently face, my practice is always to remember: Don't fight the darkness. Make the light brighter. And just as hurt people hurt people, so do healed people heal people. 

And with that, I'm going to continue my commitment to act as a healed person and to help illuminate the path for those who wish to follow. 

The most powerful tool I rely on, especially in challenging times like these is prayer. If it’s not something you currently practice, I highly encourage you to give it a shot. The funny thing about prayer is that it works, event if you don’t believe it will. Another principle that never fails to put things in perspective for me is gratitude. I have been taking a lot of time to be thankful that this thing isn’t worse than it is, and to acknowledge how blessed I am to have my basic needs met, and to be surrounded by people I love. So many people are in much worse conditions, especially those in the affected areas of China and other hard-hit areas. Things are tough, but man could they be a lot worse.

Stay safe out there, and remember that together, we can overcome any challenge but that in separation, we lose purpose.

Blessings to anyone who has been injured or perished as a result of this virus. 


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