142. The War Is Over: Making Peace With Your Mind

Byron Katie

June 5, 2018

DISCLAIMER: This podcast is presented for educational and exploratory purposes only. Published content is not intended to be used for diagnosing or treating any illness. Those responsible for this show disclaim responsibility for any possible adverse effects from the use of information presented by Luke or his guests. Please consult with your healthcare provider before using any products referenced. This podcast may contain paid endorsements for products or services.

In 1986, at the bottom of a ten-year spiral into depression, rage, and self-loathing, Byron Katie woke up one morning to a state of constant joy that has never left her. She realized that when she believed her stressful thoughts, she suffered, but that when she questioned them, she didn't suffer, and that this is true for every human being. Her simple yet powerful process of inquiry is called The Work.

The Work consists of four questions and the turnarounds, which are a way of experiencing the opposite of what you believe. When you question a thought, you see around it to the choices beyond suffering.

Katie has been bringing The Work to millions of people for more than thirty years. Her public events, weekend workshops, five-day intensives, nine-day School for The Work, and 28-day residential Turnaround House have helped people all over the world begin to end their suffering.

Eckhart Tolle says, “Byron Katie's Work is a great blessing for our planet.” Time magazine calls Katie “a spiritual innovator for the new millennium.”

Byron Katie's books include the bestselling Loving What Is, I Need Your Love—Is That True?, A Thousand Names for Joy, and A Mind at Home with Itself. For more information, visit thework.com.

At thework.com, you will find free materials to download, audio and video clips, a schedule of events, a free helpline, and much more.

DISCLAIMER: This podcast is presented for educational and exploratory purposes only. Published content is not intended to be used for diagnosing or treating any illness. Those responsible for this show disclaim responsibility for any possible adverse effects from the use of information presented by Luke or his guests. Please consult with your healthcare provider before using any products referenced. This podcast may contain paid endorsements for products or services.

I worked in the entertainment industry for 17 years, and I grew jaded to being starstruck… but this episode is a dream come true for me. I got to sit down with Byron Katie, whose work and story helped me pick myself up & transform my life.

Katie, creator of The Work, is driven by a single mission: teaching people how to end their own suffering.

Katie found herself at the bottom of a ten-year spiral when she realized that when she believed her stressful thoughts, she suffered, but that when she questioned them, she didn't suffer – and that this is true for every human being.

Now, Katie guides people through a powerful process of inquiry she calls The Work, in which anyone can find their stressful beliefs about life, other people, or themselves & radically shift them. The result is a life changed forever.

The Work is an astonishingly simple process – as you’ll hear in this episode – accessible to anyone at any age and from any background; all you need is an open mind.

Even from the darkest depths of suffering and loss, anyone can learn to trace unhappiness to its source and deal with it there – trust me. 

Take these tools, open your mind, and set yourself free.

Topics Discussed In This Episode:

  • How Luke found Katie (after being dragged there by his father)
  • When Katie hit rock bottom
  • How a chance run-in with a cockroach completely changed Katie’s (and Luke’s) life
  • Coming to terms with the fact that the world is a projected image of our thoughts
  • Our motivation to ease the world’s suffering 
  • Katie gets labeled enlightened – but she says, “I’m just someone who knows the difference between what hurts and what doesn’t.”
  • Everything in life is awesome… if you choose to frame it that way with your thinking
  • Sparing ourselves from the desire for approval
  • Our futile attempts to argue with reality… and why we always lose
  • The irony of struggling to win love and approval
  • Why it’s called “The Work”
  • Luke gets completely raw & vulnerable about some resentment he’s working through right now, going through the 4 questions & turnarounds of The Work to show you how the magic happens
  • The life-changing work done at Katie’s Turnaround House
  • A Mind At Home With Itself, Katie’s commentary on the Diamond Sutra, one of the great spiritual texts of the world

More about this episode.Watch it on YouTube


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