JP Sears: I Am Your Guru. How To Be Ultra Spiritual  & Humbly Superior #90

  • The silly ness of  biohacking practices, and how his videos make fun of everything i do on a daily basis
  • How to recognize approval seeking in your life and on social media, and how to break the habit
  • We examine the massive amount of energy we typically waste on the hyper vigilance of seeking approval
  • Where does the desperate need to be liked come from?
  • We discuss the fact that the more you try to get people to like you, the more they are repelled by you
  • Learning how to overcome shame and own your weirdness 
  • How to be truly authentic and find your real identity and personality
  • Where being healthy ends and being obsessive compulsive begins, and how to find a balance
  • How health practices are often used as a distraction from doing the more important inner personal growth work
  • Why spiritual biohacks like human connection, gratitude and love work better than all of the technology-based practices we all use to feel good
  • The power of self-awareness and surrendering to the discomforts of life
  • The new era of transparent advertising and marketing 
  • Walking the fine line between effective marketing and being creepy and manipulative
  • Who JP used his humor to stay humble, and help others to awaken
  • Using satire to break attachments to dogmatic views and positionalites
  • The social disease of political correctness, and how he is able to get away with doing comedy in our current emotionally sensitive culture 
  • How intention and context determine what our words and our humor mean, and how we choose wether or not our feelings get hurt by others
  • How JP practices prayer and spirituality in his daily life
  • Lifestyle recommendations