300. C-60: The Miracle Molecule for Biohacking Pets, Hair Loss, EMF, & Cancer W/ Ian Mitchell

Ian Mitchell

DISCLAIMER: This podcast is presented for educational and exploratory purposes only. Published content is not intended to be used for diagnosing or treating any illness. Those responsible for this show disclaim responsibility for any possible adverse effects from the use of information presented by Luke or his guests. Please consult with your healthcare provider before using any products referenced. This podcast may contain paid endorsements for products or services.

Ian Mitchell, founder of C360 Health, is working hard to bring cutting-edge medicines to the mainstream.

Ian is a leading researcher of Carbon60 and holds many new patents in the space. He is working towards bringing quantum medicine into the forefront and using nanoparticles and many other modalities to enhance peoples and pet's lifespans and more importantly health spans.

DISCLAIMER: This podcast is presented for educational and exploratory purposes only. Published content is not intended to be used for diagnosing or treating any illness. Those responsible for this show disclaim responsibility for any possible adverse effects from the use of information presented by Luke or his guests. Please consult with your healthcare provider before using any products referenced. This podcast may contain paid endorsements for products or services.

Ian Mitchell is an absolutely brilliant researcher and quite the mad scientist, but he’s also very spiritually minded—one of those rare humans who combines spiritual and scientific wisdom into one kick-ass package.

Ian is a leading researcher of Carbon 60 and holds many new patents in the space. He is working toward bringing quantum medicine to the forefront and using nano-partciles and many other modalities to enhance peoples and pets lifespans and, more importantly, their health spans.

This is a monster of an episode where we talk about some of the most cutting-edge health breakthroughs of our time—and of the very near future.

If you want to try some of the innovations mentioned in this episode, you can use code LUKE05 for 5% off at www.c360health.com/luke. You’re especially going to want to check out the anti-inflammatory for dogs, women, and men. These are a game changer.

10:20 —Why Ian is considered a “mad scientist” and his background with C60

  • The things Ian works on are very different from traditional scientists
  • Working on whatever is going to move humanity as a whole
  • Studying chemistry and jazz performance
  • Getting his fingers wet and dabbling in different things

13:52 —Running clinical trials on C60

  • Beginning to patent C60
  • Taking it personally since 2012
  • Starting with the end in mind
  • Adding supplements while eliminating inefficiencies
  • The Hindu agni ceremony

19:47 —The benefits of C60 on the body

  • The net positive effect of C60 is mitochondrial function
  • The C60 bonding with lipids, oils, etc.
  • C60 raising rats’ lifespan  by 90%
  • The synergy of C60 and CoQ10 with PQQ
  • Anti-inflammation and reducing oxidative stress
  • The EMF shielding side-effect of C60

34:30 —Reducing radiation and blue light exposure for optimal health

  • Luke’s story of EMF sickness
  • Our biology goes into opposition to where our future is headed
  • How frequencies affect our bodies and go completely untested
  • Things you can do to reduce EMF stress
  • There is transference of information between photons
  • 2.4GHz or 5GHz signals on your WiFi router
  • Why bluetooth headphones aren’t a great idea for you

47:24 —Taking C60 with olive oil and other ingredients

  • Any downsides to consuming lots of olive oil?
  • The beneficials of polyphenols
  • Lipophorin, serapeptidis, and more in C60.

50:40 —Nootropics stacks and the effects of nicotine in small and large doses

  • CBD, Nicotine, caffeine, and methylene blue as a nootropics combo
  • Researching nootropic stacks
  • The power of nicotine in small doses
  • How nicotine becomes poisonous and even lethal in large doses
  • The biological effect of CBD and THC
  • Kratom and CBD

01:17:37 —The serapeptes enzyme and the benefits of it

  • Dissolving scar tissue
  • How it works in your body
  • Bolstering while removing damage
  • L-carnosine and CoQ10 and the huge benefits to your brain

01:25:48 —Cutting out the BS from the real deal when it comes to C60

  • Such a small difference between 99.5% and 99.99% biologically
  • Thinking about the process
  • Some companies selling just amorphous carbon
  • Getting the pricing down to an approachable level
  • The different ways to make the molecule

01:52:00 —Biohacking animals

01:58:51 —Is COV!D alive?

  • The people affected being nodes on a mesh network
  • Taking over the mitochondria
  • Communicating via pulses of light
  • Assessing the consciousness of smaller or larger scale beings
  • We are part of a much larger system
  • The wave of pandemics
  • Pulling the thread on crazy ideas

02:05:45 —Preventing hair loss

  • Understanding the mechanism and regrowing his hair
  • Letting your hair do its job: growing hair
  • Irrigating the cells with microperforations
  • Dave Asprey’s “Super Secret Ninja Hair Formula”
  • Red light and PRP therapy

02:15:58 —Three teachers or teachings that Ian recommends

More about this episode.

Watch it on YouTube.

[00:00:00]Luke Storey:  I'm Luke Storey. For the past 22 years, I've been relentlessly committed to my deepest passion, designing the ultimate lifestyle based on the most powerful principles of spirituality, health, psychology. The Life Stylist podcast is a show dedicated to sharing my discoveries and the experts behind them with you. Ian Mitchell, you are on the Life Stylist podcast.

[00:00:30]Ian Mitchell:  Yes. I'm jazzed to be here, man. Dude, I'm stoked.

[00:00:33] Yeah. 

[00:00:33]Luke Storey:  I'm glad we didn't have to do this remotely. Thank you for traveling or fitting me in on your schedule here in LA.

[00:00:38]Ian Mitchell:  Absolutely.

[00:00:39]Luke Storey:  Yeah, I'm stoked. Why is your name spelled like Ian but pronounced Ian?

[00:00:44]Ian Mitchell:  Because it's phonetically correct. No. It's my mom, is an artist, right? So, she's a jeweler and a blues singer. 

[00:00:52]Luke Storey:  She's a blues singer?

[00:00:53]Ian Mitchell:  Yeah. Yeah. So, yeah. When I was younger, I played in her band around New Orleans. And so, yeah, she's a blues singer. And so, she just, as the young impetuous artist, said, it flows better, it's a stronger name. And as a kid, you don't really argue. So, hence, it's Ian.

[00:01:10]Luke Storey:  Cool.

[00:01:11]Ian Mitchell:  Yeah.

[00:01:11]Luke Storey:  Okay. Well, for those listening, never call him Ian because you'll be wrong. So, dude, I feel like sitting down with you because we've chatted quite a bit and I've listened to—you haven't been on many podcasts, but I've listened to everyone I could find. 

[00:01:27]Ian Mitchell:  Seriously? 

[00:01:28]Luke Storey:  Yeah.

[00:01:28]Ian Mitchell:  That's awesome. Thanks.

[00:01:29]Luke Storey:  Yeah. Well, any time I interview someone, I'll listen to two or three of their podcast to learn about them, get a sense of their energy, their knowledge base, but also to not ask the same questions that other hosts asked them because, why do that? So, I feel like we could sit here for four hours, five hours, and just deep dive on so many rabbit holes, so I thought the way I might conduct this conversation with you is to do almost lightning rounds because there's so many things that you have knowledge about that I'm curious about.

[00:02:03] And so, I want to start the conversation with breaking down this thing called carbon 60 or C60, which is a popular supplement in the antiaging scene, one that I have heard of for years, but I didn't really know if it was legit. So many things kind of come in and out of my awareness. And it kept kind of reappearing and reappearing, and then I stumbled across your company and did some research on that and figured—because I always want to find the best of whatever thing I find, too. And you guys' products seem to be the best in show in terms of that, and I, after the fact, started to research it.

[00:02:40] And I just find this particular, I guess you'd call a supplement or molecule, we'll find out what the hell it is, I find it to be one of the staples in my routine now. And it's just become a thing. My body just like likes this, but I don't exactly know what it's doing. So, that will be the first thing we touch on. But before that, just kind of give the audience a breakdown of like who you are and what your deal is because I see you as this mad scientist wizard, but I really don't know officially what it is that you do in your lab back at Oklahoma.

[00:03:09]Ian Mitchell:  Mad Scientist Wizard.

[00:03:11]Luke Storey:  Okay.

[00:03:13]Ian Mitchell:  Even the guys that work in the lab kind of use the moniker of mad scientist because a lot of what I do is very different. And we've talked so you know that I'm working on tons of different stuff. C360 Health is like the main company I work with, but I do a lot of consulting gigs and other things, so I'm always tinkering with something. And I actually have a couple of different labs. So, yeah, I work on like the crazy stuff like concrete and weird things and trying to make a difference. Honestly, yeah, it is kind of a mad scientist because whatever I think is going to move the needle and benefit humanity as a whole, not sound too much like a pageant, but that's really how I'm driven, is I actually want to make a difference. 

[00:03:55]Luke Storey:  And what's your background and training?

[00:04:01] Let's see. Well, I had a full ride to study chemistry. I studied chemistry. I studied jazz performance with Ellis Marsalis, UNO, and then it just a lot of applied research. And honestly, pretty much anything that intrigues me, I have sort of an agile mind and I just like learning things. There was a time when I really was into architecture, so I studied architecture and designed a bunch of buildings. And so, there's a slew of things around Austin that I actually designed.

[00:04:27] Oh, really? 

[00:04:29]Ian Mitchell:  Yeah, quite a lot.

[00:04:30]Luke Storey:  Wild.

[00:04:30]Ian Mitchell:  Yeah. Well, it is, truly. It's all related, right? I mean, this is sort of our planet. And I kind of wanted to get my fingers wet and dip into a lot of different things and see how things functioned. And for me, a lot of that, it's patterns, right? So, chemistry and music, people find them to be dissimilar. To me, they're actually incredibly similar because it's all recombinant patterns, right? 

[00:04:52] So, you look at tones, or you look at different atoms, or how they interrelate, and you can usually force some sort of reaction, but I've probably prattled on too much about the elegant solution because that's what I'm always trying to do, is like when you're improvising, whether it's with compounds or whether it's with music, you can crush things together and they don't necessarily gel and sound good, and they're not harmonically relevant, right?

[00:05:21] But then, you can also take that and expand on it. Once you have enough of a general knowledge base about how things actually move, you can figure out the elegant solution, right? You want a resolution that does what you're trying to do and conveys what you're trying to convey. So, in the case of like carbon 60, what I was trying to convey was something that would benefit biological systems, right? How it would enhance cellular functioning.

[00:05:43] So, I've done multiple things. I've worked with lots of guys on. I have a bunch of patents in the space. And to date, I still think, actually, our company is the only company that's done clinical trials to suss out any of this. And it's because we started in 2014 with doing research and formally doing it. I had actually been taking it since 2012 and when I first read this report that came out 2012 on lifespan extensions, I thought, man, this is interesting if this is legit.

[00:06:11] So, I really drove down and I bought all the equipment I needed to do it and started taking it in 2012, and then playing with it, making different combinations of it. And then, we actually started the company in 2014 and we spent two-and-a-half years actually just researching before we did any product. We didn't sell anything until November of 2017. And so, we started at the beginning of 2014. But in the meantime, we did two full clinical trials, and we did a ton of research, and started two-and-a-half patents, which then became three patents, which is now four patents.

[00:06:45] And so, we've got patents on C60 as it relates to stopping the metastatic spread of cancer and how it enhances biological function. And so, that, kind of tying it back to my approach to it, it's all, you start with an end in mind. So, in the case of how do you enhance biology, well, you go back to the basics. So, in this case, I was looking at energy production systems and that's all mitochondrial functioning, right? And so, if you want to address mitochondrial function, you can address it a couple of different ways.

[00:07:15] A lot of people address it like NMN, or NR, or NAD, where basically, you're doing NAD precursors or straight NAD, and you're trying to elicit a different response in the electron transport chain, basically amp it up, which is kind of akin to putting a larger motor in something and getting a response. And that's a phenomenal approach. I actually do that every day. I take 2.4 grams of NMN every morning with 2.4 grams of resveratrol. Yeah. 

[00:07:46]Luke Storey:  Holy shit.

[00:07:46]Ian Mitchell:  Yeah. And there's a reason for that, actually. If you read all the studies on that and you look at the best allometric scaling, the best results they got in all of the experiments that I was able to find, when I allometrically scale it from the rodent models to human models, the perfect those was about 2.4 grams for my body weight, which sounds like a lot, and it is admittedly. But I'm a big guy and it seems to work well. And so, that, I agree, amping up the system, good idea.

[00:08:12] But also, it's kind of like if you were trying to redesign a car, you're not just looking for things to put a bigger motor in to make it go faster, you're also looking at eliminating inefficiencies. And in the case of carbon 60, initially, people didn't realize that it would actually go into a cell. But when you combine it with a lipid, you can actually get it to move through a cell membrane and it finds its way in. Because of a difference in the charge, it actually pulls to the mitochondria, and then goes in and it wedges itself in the mitochondrial membrane. And so, it's a buffer against oxidative stress. So, it's kind of like, you're plugging the leaks. 

[00:08:51]Luke Storey:  So, it's a really tiny molecule then.

[00:08:54]Ian Mitchell:  Yeah, just over. Yeah, it's like 1.1 angstroms or 1890.

[00:09:00]Luke Storey:  How big is it compared to a hydrogen molecule?

[00:09:04]Ian Mitchell:  Not much bigger actually.

[00:09:05]Luke Storey:  Really?

[00:09:06]Ian Mitchell:  Yeah.

[00:09:06]Luke Storey:  So, it's super tiny.

[00:09:07]Ian Mitchell:  Yeah, it's very, very tiny. You can fit hydrogen molecules in it, but yeah, not that anybody actually does that, but just in terms of scale, you can do that. Yeah. So, it's a very useful molecule. I mean, it is naturally occurring but not in large quantities, right? So, you get just millions of a part, and say, the charcoal from burning or things like that, but in the quantities, that we're trying to use it to elicit a really intense biological response. You actually have to synthesize it in the lab.

[00:09:37] There is, however, as NASA found, a range of it that's like larger than 27 times the size of Mount Everest way in outer space, distant from us, but I don't yet have a wormhole generator to get there to harvest C60. So, in lieu of that, we synthesize it in the lab. But it's a really cool thing because when you start using it in the quantities that we're using it, you get all these different effects. There's an old Hindu tradition thing called an Agni ceremony.

[00:10:07] And it was, basically, you take a Shiva lingam, and you would put a fire around it, and you would take the ash, the sacred ash. I think it's called the vibhuti. And you would pour ghee on top of the lingam and it would drain down onto the Vibhuti. And people would then eat that as Prasad, which is kind of like the leftovers after holy ceremony. And the lore was that it would extend your life two cycles, which is like more than 200 years.

[00:10:40] So, your lifespan would have been over two hundred years, and it's interesting to me that the legends from antiquity point this out, but when you look at the actual science of that, you go, okay, so these guys took a lipid, and I know that ghee does it because I literally did it this week in the lab. You can definitely bind C60 with ghee, we do it all the time. That's one of the things that I use personally. And there are some people that I deal with that have kind of a sensitivity to MCTs, and also, to olive oil.

[00:11:07] So, every now and then, I'll whip up a batch of something, just specifically with ghee for them. And so, these guys were doing that thousands of years ago as part of the ceremony, and saying, oh, if you ingest this facade, you'll live this much longer. And it completely winds up because what they were doing is they were negating oxidative stress inside their mitochondria and increasing their mitochondrial efficiency off the charts.

[00:11:29]Luke Storey:  So, is that would you say then the main net positive effect of C60, is in mitochondrial function?

[00:11:39]Ian Mitchell:  Yeah. My personal take, yeah, I think it is because you're able to buffer toxicity. I mean, it does a host of things because it's carbon, so it has a binding surface area that's far larger than activated charcoal, right? Because it's a perfect spheroid. It's a truncated icosahedron. So, it's also known as a soccer ball, right? So, it's got this very maximized surface volume. So, it binds to toxins. So, it's renally and hepatically protective, so your liver and kidney are buffered against toxins. So, like in the lab, if you give it to a lab animal, and then you try and knock them out with like CCL4, like carbon tetrachloride, you have to use a huge dose, but like more than double the normal those because they just won't go down.

[00:12:21]Luke Storey:  Really?

[00:12:22]Ian Mitchell:  Yeah. Yeah.

[00:12:22]Luke Storey:  So, if one was taking like the Revive here, for those watching on the video, whenever I have someone's products out, I'm like, it like feels like an infomercial, but sometimes, I forget to talk about it or I want to like go, what's this thing that it says right here? And I'm actually going to do that because you have this. 

[00:12:40]Ian Mitchell:  Serrapeptase.

[00:12:42]Luke Storey:  Yeah. So, I want to get into that. So, if you're taking this Revive C60 product, is it going to act like activated charcoal and siphon out other stuff that you take with it, like supplements and things like that?

[00:12:58]Ian Mitchell:  Not usually. Not unless you take huge quantities of it because there's sort of the pharmacokinetics of it, right? It goes in and it's going to stay for at least a couple of days. But we know that the majority of it goes out of your system pretty quickly, but over time, it builds up, and it builds up in the mitochondria, and it'll stay there for months and months, and then years and years, depending on how long you've done it. So, I've taken huge quantities of this stuff.

[00:13:22] I would imagine probably more than just about any other living creature. And the intent was to put enough time on the clock that I could actually make a dent in things. And hopefully, that's what's going to happen. But it's interesting because like that particular thing, usually, in the marketplace and in research circles, everybody thinks of carbon 60 and you have the maximum amount that you can solubize into, say, a lipid, right? 

[00:13:48] This one is actually 1.2 migs per mil as opposed to 0.8, which is generally considered kind of like the cap, but it's not. And people, I don't think, took the time. Like I spent about six to eight months researching oils because you've got 1% C60 and 99% oil, and then people were so focused on the C60 that I think they lost sight of the fact that the oil is a huge component. And some of the things were actually a little counterintuitive, like there were certain oils that I thought the lipids would bond well, they didn't bond so well, like MCT is great, caprylic acid is better, like brain octane.

[00:14:23] That's really great stuff. But you only get a fraction of it, right? So, you get like point 0.35 to 4.0 migs per mil. Olive oil, you get much more, you get, usually, on average about 0.8, but that's kind of the cap. Well, I didn't really think that was the stopping point. So, we've actually taken it up. I think in one of our patents, we have it up at 2.4. And we, actually, in the lab, have gotten it far higher than that, but people don't really believe it.

[00:14:51] I mean, we've had third-party testing where they verify it because it's generally not thought of as something you can do. But if you focus on the lipids and you actually say, okay, the process is the binding. I mean, not to be too terribly esoteric, but there's the observer, the observed in the act of observation. So, all things are important. So, you've got what you're actually diluting into or solubizing into, and then you've got your compounds.

[00:15:17] But then, the process is equally important. And so, if you take enough time, you really drill down. Like a lot of guys were thinking, like, oh, high polyphenol count is going to be really great. Well, as it turns out, high polyphenols are great just in an olive oil because it's really beneficial for you. But if you want to get a really great response and have a longer lasting effect from the C60, you don't want high polyphenols because it inhibits the binding capacity.

[00:15:43] So, you have to negate some of that. And a lot of that stuff is just proprietary that I worked out over years of doing it because the study that I had referred to earlier was this fellow named, Fatimus, he did in 2012 at the University of Paris, and it was a really brilliant study. He was trying to do effectively an LD 50 lethal dosing where you figure out how much of this compound does it take to kill these animals. And what they found was, in lieu of killing them, it actually gave them a 90% boost in lifespan. 

[00:16:13]Luke Storey:  With overdosing them with-

[00:16:15]Ian Mitchell:  Yeah. 

[00:16:16]Luke Storey:  Wow.

[00:16:16]Ian Mitchell:  Yeah, it was weird, too, because some of the things that stood out in the study is they didn't actually give it to them until they were all 10 months old for a Wistar rat, which is going to have a lifespan of about 26 to 32 months, 10 months old is pretty old. It's about like kind of late 20s and mid-30s kind of range, and then they dosed them. And then, they didn't dose them. They only did it for, I think, seven months total, and then they stopped, and they still had these really pronounced changes in longevity.

[00:16:44] But the group that just got olive oil, so there's a control group with just water, they died off pretty quickly as expected. Then, a group with olive oil, they got a 30% boost in longevity. And I'm sure it's because olive oil is really good. It's a good, long-chain fatty acid. It's got a lot of polyphenols inherent in it. So, it elicits a lot of really beneficial effects. But the one with the C 60, they got a 90% boost in longevity. And I think that it certainly raised my eyebrows.

[00:17:11]Luke Storey:  Wow. These are rats? 

[00:17:12]Ian Mitchell:  Yeah.

[00:17:15]Luke Storey:  90% increase in longevity means they're living almost twice as long.

[00:17:18]Ian Mitchell:  Yeah, that's right.

[00:17:20]Luke Storey:  Wow. 

[00:17:20]Ian Mitchell:  I did that experiment but I used P53 knockout mice which, they're the unfortunate tumor mice, the ones that develop all the idiopathic tumors just all over their body. And so, the spontaneous tumor formation, right? And you use them for cancer research. And they have about the shortest lifespan of any mammal that I could find, that I could really very clearly say, okay, these are the parameters and these are the mortality curves.

[00:17:46] And because people use them in oncology, there are so many tens of thousands of them, probably at this point, hundreds of thousands of them have actually been used, that they have very well defined mortality curves. You know within a really tight range, one of these guys is going to die. And so, I was looking for anti-inflammatory effects and some different effects, but what actually happened is I got a 93% boost in lifespan on those guys in looking for the anti-inflammatory effects with what would eventually become that.

[00:18:15] And over the course of doing that, they didn't develop tumors, which was really weird. So, I did the first necropsy on the first mouse that died, and when I opened it up, it had a femoral hemorrhage, but it had died, obviously, of the femoral hemorrhage, but it hadn't died of any tumor formation, which is really weird. So, I thought, well, this isn't what I do. I'm just doing this as a curiosity in the lab. I really wanted to do it quickly. I'll send it off to a pathologist. So, the next time one of the mice died, I sent it off to that pathologist and they went through it. Same thing. Couldn't find any tumors. 

[00:18:49] Then, the next one and the next one. And it was a small cohort. I think I only had six to start with, but one was undefined. One had a small mass, but it didn't die from that. Basically, they all died from old age and they timed out at about 93%. And that was really early on. I mean, I've gone way past that now in terms of the effects I can elicit because that was just at 0.8 migs per mil strength. And so, now, commercially, we're doing 1.2, but in the lab, I'm playing with things, like I said, 2.4 And higher. And I'm just trying to see how much I can push the bounds. 

[00:19:24]Luke Storey:  So, if you're getting a 90% to 93% lifespan increase in rats and mice, what would be the relative dose for a human in terms of like—I think when I do this, it's by the tablespoon. I'm probably doing a couple of tablespoons a day, I'd say. 

[00:19:42]Ian Mitchell:  That's what I do. Yeah.

[00:19:44]Luke Storey:  Is that a-

[00:19:45]Ian Mitchell:  Yeah. A couple of tablespoons a day is akin to what they would be doing. Now, they did very large doses, but they did them intermittently. They were doing the equivalent of like a cup of of C60 olive oil. But again, it was at 0.8 migs per mil. So, what was really eliciting the big response there, they didn't have it in the same degree. So, kind of as I've worked on this and the idea in my head is built, more and more clarity around what's actually going on and I've drilled down into five different things biologically, you can get the same effects with a smaller dose. 

[00:20:16] But if you want to get a really pronounced effect, then you do that. Like this is actually patented, because when I submitted it to the patent office, it got shot down the first time because they said, listen, you're taking these different compounds that all have a history of being anti-inflammatory agents. So, one plus one plus one plus one equals four, right? Because it's four basic components. And they said, we're not giving you a patent on that. And I said, but it's synergistic.

[00:20:40] So, we did a bunch of testing, got a university to test it and send it back. And we showed that we got a 230% increase in the effective rates of drops in inflammation, and cytokine levels, and things like that. And so, once they saw that it wasn't just a one plus one kind of thing, but it was actually a very synergistic effect where it got a big bump, they granted the patent. But that was the threshold because I'm trying to figure out, how do you tweak things?That's why I take NMN every day, is in the process of working on human biology and trying to figure out better ways to do that and working on just mammalian biology in general, what do you do, right?

[00:21:20] So, you have to address both sides of the sine wave, the crest and the trough. And so, that's what I'm trying to do, right? So, I address one part of it by amping up parts of the electron transport chain. And then, I address another part by diminishing the ability for oxidative stress to occur. And so, at the end of the day, you end up with, I would like to think, a more efficient organism. I mean, I can tell you, have you ever seen the Bulletproof product, Unfair Advantage?

[00:21:48]Luke Storey:  Yeah, the PQQ and CoQ10.

[00:21:49]Ian Mitchell:  Right.

[00:21:50]Luke Storey:  Yeah, I now use the Quicksilver Scientific called The ONE.

[00:21:56]Ian Mitchell:  Is that the liposomal variety? 

[00:21:58]Luke Storey:  Yeah.

[00:21:58]Ian Mitchell:  Yeah. Okay. That's good stuff, right? 

[00:21:59]Luke Storey:  Yeah. Same. It's got the PQQ and CoQ10, and I think that's pretty much it in that.

[00:22:06]Ian Mitchell:  Yeah those are really great synergistically, and if you play with them, like I was doing testing to kind of see what effects I could elicit on ATP in the lab with those, and we were testing ATP levels, and you can get some pretty crazy numbers out. I think we got a number that was literally a couple thousand, 3313% exactly, disparity in ATP production, which sounds crazy, but the reality is, I just wanted to see how far you could push it. You can't actually do that because you'll end up following some of the electrons over the membrane that you'll tear the membrane and it will pop like popcorn. So, I mean, you don't want to make something so efficient that when it moves in and picks up a little photonic energy, it actually just explodes. That's a bad scene.

[00:22:54]Luke Storey:  That's great.

[00:22:55]Ian Mitchell:  It's totally doable, but, yeah. I mean, my way of thinking, I always kind of like see what the parameters are, right? Like what's the low-end threshold? What's the high-end? How much of a change can I get? And in that case, it was a big shift.

[00:23:07]Luke Storey:  And that was working with CoQ10 and PQQ?

[00:23:10]Ian Mitchell:  Yeah, CoQ10, PQQ, and a couple of other compounds. We were actually thinking about producing like an energy formula for people. And at some point, I'm sure we'll do that. We've been working on a lot of other things. And some of the animal products have taken a little precedence and the Revive. And then, we did a hair-growth thing and some other stuff, too. So, that was actually just because my daughter was making fun of me. So, that's why.

[00:23:35]Luke Storey:  Yeah, I want to talk about that in a bit, too. On the C60, so you've got improved energy production or ATP production because of the effect that it has in the mitochondria. And then, you've got an anti-inflammatory response in general. And is anti-inflammatory the same as reducing oxidative stress? Do those go in hand-in-hand? Are those two different things?

[00:24:04]Ian Mitchell:  They're a little different, but there's definitely a correlation, right? So, we did a bunch of testing and we showed, in one of the clinical trials, we pulled a bunch of blood and did cytokine analysis, right? And so, we showed that we were dropping all of the pro-inflammatory cytokines and increasing the anti-inflammatory cytokines across the board, which was pretty cool. I'll show you the graph.

[00:24:25] Actually, if anybody's curious, they can go to the web page and look at it on the C360 Health site because I'm sure the graph is up there, because I bandied about that it was very cool and needed to be up there at some point. So, they're a little different, but they kind of go hand-in-hand, right? It's kind of like diet and exercise. Same net effect, you're better off at the end of the day.

[00:24:49]Luke Storey:  And then, what about the, I've heard Buzz about there being like an EMF shielding side effect of C60? How does that play out?

[00:25:03]Ian Mitchell:  Oddly, if you look at the studies, there's a really surprising shift in terms of your ability to handle radiation. Like in one of the studies, they were giving rats C60, and then they were hitting them with doses of radiation to see what the effects were, and they were handling eight to 11 sieverts of radiation in the group that was dosed with C 60, which is a completely lethal dose. And rats were just rolling on, doing their thing. 

[00:25:31] So, in terms of, say, like using it as a protective agent for exposure to radiation, I would absolutely recommend it. And just EMFs in general, same thing. I don't have a lot of data on EMFs specifically, but I do have a fair amount of data on the radiation. And it's compelling. I mean, it's compelling to me. I'd be taking it anyway for the longevity effects. But if things go horribly awry and I'm going to need some Fukushima fish, I'd much rather have this. Yeah, Fukushima sushi bar, I'd much rather have some C60 in my system before doing that.

[00:26:11]Luke Storey:  Yeah. In terms of overall health being in the scene that I'm in and interviewing so many people about health, I've grown a little bit bored with the right diet conversation. I just interviewed Paul Saladino, the Carnivore MD, who makes a very compelling case for just eating meat, nose to tail. Interesting. But other than that, I don't have a lot of conversations about like the perfect diet. Many people want to be plant-based or vegan.

[00:26:43] Some are paleo. Just to me, like the real thing that we should be talking about, I just want to see your perspective on how those weigh, diet and lifestyle versus blue light exposure and EMF exposure. And the reason that, to me, I mean, unless you're eating just the really shitty stuff like GMOs, MSG, seed oils, canola oil, aspartame, like just the low-hanging fruit of like the top 10, just absolute poisons, pesticides, glyphosate, right?

[00:27:17]Ian Mitchell:  Standard American diet.

[00:27:18]Luke Storey:  Yeah. It's like as long as you're off that stuff and fluoridated water, which I actually want to talk to you about for. If you got, and I know a lot of people don't have that stuff out of their diet, but let's just say that's out of the diet. To me. ot's like I have this passion about EMFs and the blue light thing because, I'm sure many people that listen to the show regularly are really sick of this story, but it's part of my like hero's journey of 24 years ago, most now, when I was 26 years old, I got sober.

[00:27:50] I started detoxing and doing saunas and colonics. I became a vegetarian. I got into herbalism, and yoga, and breath work, and all the things. And progressively, over these years, I've gotten healthier, and healthier, and healthier, and then found out about the anti-aging stuff, and now, what's called ubiquitously biohacking before there was no name for it, before Dave Asprey came along, you were just a health nut, that I've been so into this stuff.

[00:28:14] And then, I moved in this apartment prior to this one and I didn't know I was living under two cell towers for three years that were about a hundred yards from my bed. And my health was just shit. And I mean, I'm doing like ozone 10:00 past. I mean, I'm doing PEMF. I went and did 40 years of Zen. I mean, I'm doing neurofeedback. I mean, I don't know anyone other than maybe like a Dave Asprey, a Ben Greenfield that was as committed to just being next level as me. I'm probably close to that level.

[00:28:47]Ian Mitchell:  And it was still just hammering you.

[00:28:49]Luke Storey:  Yeah, I was sick as shit all the time. I just constantly had colds, flus, nausea, headaches, insomnia, brain fog, vertigo. My eyes went bad. I had to start wearing glasses. And I didn't know that these cell towers were there. Now, later, I discovered them, moved into this house because I got no cell service here. I was like, I'll take it. I was like, no cell towers, like sold.

[00:29:11]Ian Mitchell:  In the pendulum swings. Right. 

[00:29:11]Luke Storey:  Now, of course, I have to have Wi-Fi on in the goddamn house because there's no cell service. But anyway, and then all these symptoms started to go away. And I'm still leading that same lifestyle and haven't added a lot. I mean, I've added the C60 and a few other key things that are kind of part of my daily thing, but that was a huge eye-opener to me because I've got this really clean diet. I'm doing all the biohacks and I'm totally sick just because I'm living in that field of radiation and essentially getting radiation poisoning. So, at that point, I was like, that matters more than what you're eating.

[00:29:45]Ian Mitchell:  Well, I mean, it's like saying, oh, I've got a fantastic diet, but I carry an IV drip filled with glyphosate. But other than that, I mean, if you're in an environment that's constantly taxing you out, and that causes—I mean, electric stress is a completely legit and real thing and it's very easy to test for and see. It's just not very popular because it kind of goes in opposition to what we're doing culturally, right? We're rolling out 5G, and we're looking at all this, and everybody wants to be more connected and electronics take a larger and larger percentage of our time.

[00:30:16] The downside is, biologically speaking, we haven't evolved with that. There's so much calcium ion channel dysregulation, you can completely screw somebody up just using EMFs. And anybody who thinks that, I mean, just look at a microwave, right? You're simply oscillating hydrogen atoms and you can get things to boil with it just by isolating it at 2.4 gigahertz, right? So, once you hit the right frequency, you can make things happen. And a lot of the frequencies aren't tested for people, right?

[00:30:44] They could do things that would make them biologically beneficial, but they don't. And there's no real impetus because the population is large and people don't complain. And en masse, I don't think we really think that clearly. It's unfortunate, but it's just the reality, as I see it, is that kind of stuff is going to go away. Those companies have a lot of lobbying dollars and can put up a cell tower wherever the heck they want it.

[00:31:08] And I mean, I use my phone, but granted, I suck down C60 like it's going out of style to try and buffer myself from that, and then I sleep with my cell phones away from me and/or off so that I'm not getting the bleed over from via the transmissions. And I'm not a big fan of remote metering because those things put out ridiculously large pulses when they're in test mode and things like that to communicate. And it is that EMF stress will damage you.

[00:31:40] People don't really think about it, but we've evolved in a human resonant cavity, right? So, the entire place we're in, all of our cells have evolved from the time that we were single-celled organisms to now, it's been oscillating at 7.84 hertz. And granted, there's a little bit of change over time, but we are not just a meat suit. I mean, we're electrical, we're chemical, we're magnetic, we're photonic. Mitochondria communicate photonically, right?

[00:32:07] They do little femtosecond pulses of light. And when you look at bacteria, and my hypothesis is when you look at mitochondria, you see in bacteria, there's a function called quorum signalling, where things reach a certain concentration and they start communicating across larger distances. And everyone just assumes that it's a chemical function. I actually don't think so. And based on some data that I recently did some experimentation in the lab at one of the universities or universities I work with, and the results were weird.

[00:32:37] I mean, truly very weird. I need to run the experiment again in triplicate. And I showed it to a friend of mine, he's a professor I work with, and he said, strange data, but what it actually showed is there was some transference of information just from photonics, which really isn't surprising since we know that's how mitochondria can communicate. But all of those systems, as a human, you're a combination of all those things. You're not just a physical organism, right? I mean, you wouldn't want to put your head in the microwave. Everybody knows that that's a really bad idea. That's just waves. You can't see it. How bad can it be?

[00:33:10]Luke Storey:  Yeah. I think that and it's funny that most Wi-Fi routers also transmit 2.4 gigahertz, the same as the microwave oven.

[00:33:19]Ian Mitchell:  Yeah, not such a good thing. 

[00:33:20]Luke Storey:  Well, there's a debate. I want to see, actually, your take on this. Some people say that if you set your router at five gigahertz, that it's less disruptive to your biology. And some say that 2.4 is less. I tried to change to five on my router because more people say five is better, but then the signal sucks and nothing works. It's just not a strong enough signal for whatever reason. What would be your take on those two? And I know you're not an engineer or physicist, but just from your knowledge base.

[00:33:47]Ian Mitchell:  Yeah. No, actually, after I'm done with working on all the biological puzzles I want to play with, the next thing is going to be energy systems. I think that'll be the next big thing that makes a dent. And so, I'm not, but at some point, hopefully, I'll have enough knowledge to at least be conversant in those realms. I would be inclined to think five would actually be better for you just because you're going to miss more in terms of your fundamental makeup. But again, I don't have a ton of data on it. I just kind of run based on how I feel. And so, actually, that's how the router set in our lab. So, anybody's guess right now without all the data to support it, but I'm kind of inclined to go on my intuition that that's probably just a better thing.

[00:34:35]Luke Storey:  Could you explain the calcium-gated channel deal on the cell? Because I paired that without really understanding fully what it is. Let me say, my version of it is that your cell has an electric charge and EMFs disrupt that charge and allow calcium to flood into the cell in an amount that would never happen in nature. And that disrupts the balance of magnesium, potassium, and minerals in the cell. And then, that wreaks havoc on the rest of you. But then, I lose the plot. Is that close?

[00:35:09]Ian Mitchell:  No, that is, actually. The basics of it, think of it as an incredibly balanced system, right? Like the perfect Rube Goldberg, where you push one thing here, the marble rolls down, shoots the balloon over, that blows the signal up to the next thing. Everything is really in balance. And that's why it concerns me when you start doing something like if you have—I mean, I have the little earphones and I don't have ear pods, or airbuds, or whatever they're called these days because that doesn't strike me as a really healthy idea. 

[00:35:41]Luke Storey:  Oh, putting Bluetooth on either side of your brain?

[00:35:42]Ian Mitchell:  Yeah. I saw that and thought, whoa, that's not the best idea. So, I actually still have the ones with the cord and I'm perfectly happy with that because I don't mind a little itty bitty tiny magnets by my ears moving a membrane, but I don't want something that's going to disrupt the flow because those charges really don't take a lot to change the gating, right? So, if you've got everything in a perfectly balanced system, and then suddenly, you put a big magnet next to it, it shifts the ability of those gates to open and close, and it does. 

[00:36:16] It causes the dysregulation. And all of those different compounds like magnesium and potassium, they're all critically important at very, very tiny levels, right? So, when you look at the way a cell functions, it is brilliant. I mean, it truly is. It's just like this, I don't know, perfectly balanced, beautiful dance. I mean, everything is in time and in tune. And anybody who's looking at that from a scientist perspective and isn't just in awe, I don't know how you could do that, because I am constantly in awe of how amazingly well-devised and created where it's a brilliant system, but we can throw it off and we do with all sorts of things. 

[00:36:57] Like one thing as an aside, you mentioned glyphosate. Glyphosate is really bad, right? Because it's a mineral collation agent. And so, it's almost like Agent Orange from back in the Vietnam era. And molecularly, it's very similar to that. But it dysregulates your mineral absorption and the same thing. So, all of the problems that you see from glyphosate, you can elicit the same effects if you use EMFs. It's just, which way are you going to push the object? Right? 

[00:37:25] Are you going to move the snail across with your finger or are you going to drag a magnet above it? You're doing the same thing. You're modulating something chemically or you're modulating it electrically. And there's really no difference. On that note, since I know you're always doing things like to benefit your health, I sucked down a ton of sauerkraut juice with C60 because, yeah, there were some really good indications and studies that I found that those two things in combination would negate glyphosate and take it out of your system.

[00:37:58]Luke Storey:  What?

[00:37:59]Ian Mitchell:  Yeah, and most things don't actually do that. Yeah.

[00:38:01]Luke Storey:  Wow.

[00:38:02]Ian Mitchell:  And it wasn't just specifically C60. I do that because it's got the enhanced surface volume and binding area, but it was activated charcoal, the same thing. So, sauerkraut juice with activated charcoal seem to have a pretty big effect.

[00:38:16]Luke Storey:  That's really interesting because they have something to do with the acidity of the-

[00:38:22]Ian Mitchell:  I don't know. 

[00:38:22]Luke Storey:  Huh, that's wild.

[00:38:23]Ian Mitchell:  I haven't really had time to drill down on it, but I read the study, and the data was pretty clear, and they did it in cows. And I thought, well, okay, bovine study, this seems pretty legit. So, I thought I'm just going to go ahead and do that. I'll put it on the board to figure out how it works later, but I like sauerkraut. I like carbon. 

[00:38:42]Luke Storey:  That's good to know because I always have some sauerkraut in there, and it sits in there for a long time because I forget to eat it. When you have the munchies, at least for me, and open the fridge, it's never like, I'm really craving some sauerkraut. It's like, that's the last thing. So, I probably have like five half-full sauerkrauts or some kind of fermented vegetables at any given time because I just forget about them in favor of whatever. Another thing about the C60 I wanted to ask you, for a guy relatively my size, your size, perhaps a little bit less for someone smaller in stature, of course, say, for my dose of two tablespoons a day is a good solid dose if I can afford it, is there any downside to consuming that much olive oil every day?

[00:39:29]Ian Mitchell:  No. There really isn't. I mean, look at the Mediterranean diet. There are actually a lot of benefits to it. I mean, if you look at some kind of the pundits lately like Steven Gundry and some of those guys, actually, there's a lot of benefits to consuming that. And a lot of that kind of relating to what I was saying earlier has to do with polyphenols because polyphenols are really beneficial. I mean, you want lots of different colored veggies because you get a broad spectrum of polyphenols in your diet. And we don't really have that many sources of them. But olive oil, if you get a really good olive oil that has a very strong, peppery aftertaste, that's because the polyphenols count is really high. And so, no, no downside to it that I have ever seen.

[00:40:10]Luke Storey:  And then, tell me about why you put these other ingredients in here. So, we've got the LipoFullerene, which is the actual C60 molecule that looks like a little soccer ball. And then, we've got, I've not heard of this, is this an enzyme, the-

[00:40:29]Ian Mitchell:  Yeah, serratiopeptidase.

[00:40:30]Luke Storey:  ... serratiopeptidase? God, that is hard to say. Now, I've taken serrapeptase.

[00:40:32]Ian Mitchell:  Same thing. It's a Serratia E-15 proteolytic enzyme derivative. And it's silkworm enzymes, right? So, you know the serrapeptase thing. And so, the reason for that is because serrapeptase has its own kind of kadry of anti-inflammatory benefits, but you can't actually, in general terms, unless you're taking a huge quantity of it, you don't really get it to where it's going because it degrades when it hits your GI tract, stomach acid starts to break everything down. It denatures the proteins, cracks them, and they don't have the same response. So, in this case, and we've done a lot of the testing that you run that's called Western blot analysis.

[00:41:12] We've done Western blot analysis to show that the proteins aren't broken, right? We didn't denature them. And we did it in high-heat environments up to 80C, and then very acidic environments to mimic stomach acid because what I was trying to do is create a buffer system so that I could get things to move into the body to where they needed to go. And that's one of the things, like serrapeptase is great, but it was downgraded from a drug to a supplement in Japan. It's probably been, I don't know, seven, eight years ago because they found that they couldn't get enough of it actually in the bloodstream. When they would measure it, just enough of it wasn't there. So, this bypasses that problem. 

[00:41:50]Luke Storey:  Is that because it's in lipids? 

[00:41:53]Ian Mitchell:  Actually, the C60 buffers it. So, just lipids by itself help, but because it has that buffer against the oxidation, because C60 is interesting. It's an electron acceptor and donor. So, it can do both. So, it creates this really great buffer for things to go into your GI tract so they don't get just whacked by stomach acid.

[00:42:14]Luke Storey:  So, I'm going to get really geeky here, for anyone listening that's not super geeky, gorgive us for just going here, but I'm so curious, so I'm really into the methylene blue, which I understand to be an electron donor. And so, I do these Trocriptions, little troches that are called Blue Cannatine. They've got CBD, nicotine, caffeine, and methylene blue. They also make one just pure methylene blue.

[00:42:40]Ian Mitchell:  Wow. That would be a hell of a synergistic combo. 

[00:42:42]Luke Storey:  The're dope. I'll give you a couple. 

[00:42:43]Ian Mitchell:  Wow.

[00:42:44]Luke Storey:  Yeah.

[00:42:45]Ian Mitchell:  In what milligram ratios? 

[00:42:46]Luke Storey:  Two to five, I think, of each or so.

[00:42:50]Ian Mitchell:  Well, I bet that turns your brain on. 

[00:42:53]Luke Storey:  Big time.

[00:42:53]Ian Mitchell:  Yeah. 

[00:42:54]Luke Storey:  It's my favorite. My teeth are always fucking blue. And I always want to put one in for an interview, and I'm like, I can't because I'm on video.

[00:43:02]Ian Mitchell:  You're just the smartest smurf I've ever met.

[00:43:04]Luke Storey:  Yeah. It turns your mouth blue, but I've interviewed the formulator, Doctor Ted Achacoso, just amazing, really great guy, call him, The Cosmic MD. And so, I started to understand a little bit about the electron donor thing, but I'm wondering if this C60, since it has the ability to sort of shuttle in the serrapeptase, could you do a little dose of the methylene blue donor and-

[00:43:29]Ian Mitchell:  Yeah, I actually keep methylene blue in the lab. I've been playing with it for a while. Yeah. 

[00:43:33]Luke Storey:  Interesting.

[00:43:34]Ian Mitchell:  Yeah, I would highly recommend that you do that.

[00:43:38]Luke Storey:  Cool.

[00:43:39]Ian Mitchell:  Yeah. Because it's one of those things, because I work with nootropics all the time, right? And I've tried a lot of the things that I never really felt right enough. So, I was always kind of trying to push myself and get sharper and sharper. And so, I guess it's been seven or eight years ago, I decided I was going to crack the puzzle, kind of like the NZT thing, Limitless, right? I wanted to figure out how to actually get my brain turned on.

[00:44:03] And so, I started researching nootropics and I came up with what I thought would be an ideal stack for myself. And I had been tracking my performance on the Cambridge Brain Sciences website, right? So, you can go on and you take this mental battery of tests. And I was never, never able to crack the 83rd percentile, which given, I mean, there's like 78,000 people in there and they're not slackers, wasn't bad, but it wasn't enough.

[00:44:27] And so, I spent a couple of months researching nootropics, and I ordered everything, and I got what would be my perfect stack, and I hammered back my perfect stack, and I got on, and I took the test, and I just crushed it. I hit the 99th percentile and it was great. But then, a couple of hours later, back to normal. But using those compounds like methylene blue to up-regulate electron flow, I mean, yeah, anything you can potentiate like that, NMN has a byproduct that's sort of similar, like you really feel it. 

[00:44:57] And caffeine, nicotine, like the molecular shape of nicotine, I think, is probably going to come into the forefront in people's minds here pretty soon because of the COVID stuff because there's been a lot of strange effects that people have noted, like people who smoke don't seem to have as much of an affinity for getting COVID at the same rates that people who are non-smokers do. And I'm going to just put out a hunch, and granted I have access to some research that isn't out yet, that it has a lot to do with the molecular shape there. But nicotine does elicit a lot of really cool effects. So, nicotine combined with caffeine, yeah, that's a jazzy nootropic stack.

[00:45:38]Luke Storey:  I have nicotine right here, nicotine lozenge. But here's the thing with the nicotine, and I'm going to get back to this, and also, how to shuttle in the methylene blue more effectively, but I have a really sordid past with nicotine because I smoked cigarettes for, I mean, I don't know, 15 years or something. I finally quit. Cold turkey. I was good. No nicotine. And I knew that, for me, personally, the formula for being sober from something is you just don't touch it anymore at all because the slippery slope, like the gateway drug thing. So, I don't smoke weed because I don't want to end back up on hard drugs to this day. 

[00:46:18] I don't have like a little sip of wine because I'm going to end up being a complete basket case, just the way that I seem to be made up. So, I understood that principle of complete abstinence. So, I quit cold turkey, didn't smoke for years. And then, I was on a cruise in the Bahamas and my stepbrother gave me a Cuban cigar, Cohiba. And I thought, it's not a cigarette. I'm like, I'm not a golfer. Like, I officially like cigars, just only old dudes that wear Tommy Bahama shirts and play golf, smoke cigars, I'm like, that's not going to become a thing. Smoked one fucking cigar on the boat. 

[00:46:51]Ian Mitchell:  And your life is now Senador out of humidor? 

[00:46:52]Luke Storey:  Yeah. The next port, I'm like, where's the cigar shop? Buy boxes of these Cubans. And then, I spent like four years just huffing down, literally, like two to three Cuban cigars a day.

[00:47:03]Ian Mitchell:  Wow.

[00:47:04]Luke Storey:  Which is really expensive, really smelly, and makes you quite tired. So, fast forward, I quit that shit. I completely quit nicotine, cold turkey again. And then, last year, I started doing some plant medicine ceremonies, and oftentimes, there's hape involved, which is like a snuff, which has some tobacco in it. And then, these, I always forget the name of, mapachos, this kind of hand rolled Peruvian cigarettes in between the cigarette and a cigar, which is a tobacco rustica, really amazing variety of tobacco.

[00:47:39] You don't inhale it. You kind of puff it like a cigar, and it's great in ceremony, and it has its magic in the world of plant medicines. And so, in Costa Rica, I'm like smoking those. I'm like, damn, I like these, be careful. And I'm like, no, I'm good. I came back home, it was fine. And then, I had this thought, it's like this addict-type thinking that, well, I had a cigar in my freezer for like zombie apocalypse and I'm never going to smoke it, and then I came back home from Costa Rica, and said, I was smoking these mapachos for a week, I was fine, so I'd like to smoke this cigar and I'll be okay.

[00:48:13] I smoked that cigar. It's delicious. And then, didn't have any ideas to start smoking cigars, then I went to party. And this guy, Mike Cernovich was there, mutual acquaintance, and offered everyone a cigar. And I thought, well, I was fine the other day, had that one. Then, a week, I'm back at the cigar store smoking a Cuban at least one every day. And that's been for like a-month-and-a-half going on two months. And I crave it now, because also, I started doing these little troches, these little lozenges. 

[00:48:46] I found some organic non-aspartame nicotine lozenges and I've really liked the nootropic effect, as you just described. But now, I find myself like craving nicotine and getting irritable if I don't have it. And so, smoking these cigars, I mean, it's a lot of nicotine, which would knock most people on their ass, but you get acclimated to it. So, that's a long way of whining about my addictive personality, and also saying, do you think there's a downside at a certain dose of nicotine aside from the addiction issues?

[00:49:16]Ian Mitchell:  Oh, yeah.

[00:49:17]Luke Storey:  But if someone's smoking a couple cigars a day and just getting hammered by that much nicotine, do you think there's a diminishing return?

[00:49:23]Ian Mitchell:  Yes, definitively. 

[00:49:24]Luke Storey:  Okay.

[00:49:24]Ian Mitchell:  Yeah. It's cytotoxic. I mean, if you use it in any reasonable dose, it starts killing cells, and you really don't want to do that now.

[00:49:33]Luke Storey:  Thank you, because that's going to give me motivation to get off these things.

[00:49:36]Ian Mitchell:  Yeah, man. Actually, I was playing with this in the university lab last week with—and I'll show you the pictures. They're kind of ridiculous. But we were looking at effects of nicotine on some stuff. And sure enough, pure nicotine, it's crazy lethal. I mean, it's very cytotoxic. You can use it to kill weeds and kill plants.

[00:49:58]Luke Storey:  That's right. Because some people use it, like I think in biodynamic farming, they'll use a solution of tobacco juice, especially as a pesticide.

[00:50:06]Ian Mitchell:  Yeah, really, it's very, very, very damaging. It can be, in high concentrations, super cytotoxic. I mean, it's a very bad poison. So, you definitely don't want to get your like minimal concentrations up too high, just kind of back off. The crazy thing is it's Paracelsus, right? The dose makes the poison. So, if you use it judiciously, it's incredibly good. I mean, it makes your brain fire differently. I mean, on board, you have nicotinoid receptors, cannabinoid receptors, and opioid receptors, right? 

[00:50:37] So, there's obviously an interaction that needs to occur with all of those different things in our body because we're biologically geared for it, right? So, cannabis has been around for a while. We've evolved with it. I'm a huge fan of CBD. I think it's great. THC, not so much. Doesn't really float my boat, but like CBD, great effects. Personally, I actually think you can elicit a better biological effect if you use a combination, because then, you end up with all the terpins, all the cannabinoids, and there's a whole host of them. 

[00:51:05] I mean, there's like 80-some odd cannabinoids, and shockingly enough, looks like nature figured it out. Give something impunity in a couple of billion years and it actually comes up with the right answer. So, I don't think we, as people, are really drilling down, and saying, we're just going to isolate this one fraction. It's way better. But as a whole, those are great, but our bodies are geared for them, right? So, you take that in. It's geared for it. Same thing with opioids. I mean, kratom or kratom, depending on where you are, that's actually a great one.

[00:51:34]Luke Storey:  Yeah, I love that stuff.

[00:51:35]Ian Mitchell:  Yeah, it's really good. I keep the crystal version in the lab.

[00:51:38]Luke Storey:  Yeah. Yeah. It's an amazing painkiller. And I will say, the crystalize, the extract can get you straight up wasted too. I figured that out playing a little heavy on it, and like, oh, I'm feeling this in a way that I don't intend to feel it. But for like back pain, and just kind of any kind of pain, and wanting to just chill out, it's very effective. The thing that I found interesting about that, speaking about the opiate receptors is my receptors were full of opiates for a very long time. So, when I found out about kratom, kratom, or as the Thai call it, kratom-

[00:52:12]Ian Mitchell:  Which is now what I'm going to adopt, kratom.

[00:52:14]Luke Storey:  No, I was dating a Thai girl when I discovered that. And I was like, you ever heard of this stuff, kratom? And she was like, kratom? No, it's kratom. It's like a gross street drug. Because in Thailand, it's very frowned upon, because the government vilified it, because people can get off opiates. So, there's this whole weird history of the-

[00:52:30]Ian Mitchell:  Shocking, how that works.

[00:52:32]Luke Storey:  ... working class, the field workers becoming addicted to opium from working the fields. And then, they figured out they could use kratom to get off it and free themselves from that. 

[00:52:41]Ian Mitchell:  It's a good thing that in this country, financial bias would never outpace or outweigh the importance of people's health. I mean, that never happened.

[00:52:49]Luke Storey:  I know. Crazy, huh? But anyway, eventually, I thought, I feel safe in doing that. And so, I've used it as a plant medicine medicinally, mostly just for pain. And I've never found it to be habit-forming, although I have heard, anecdotally, that former opiate users and addicts can very easily get addicted to kratom because of, I guess, it fits the key, the key fits in that box.

[00:53:15]Ian Mitchell:  Yeah. It's working on the Mu opioid receptor, is the specific receptor pathway.

[00:53:19]Luke Storey:  I never found it to be problematic, personally. I was actually looking at it because I was working with some people who had cancer and they needed some help with some stuff. So, I was jumping in and went full-on in on how you could get different effects by tweaking opioid receptors. There's a theory of cancer called the one theory of cancer, where you kind of wonder, when you see a tumor that's really progressing why your body doesn't recognize it.

[00:53:45] Well, if the surface is covered with opioid receptors, and they, in fact, are, then anything that's produced in your body and mind or anything like that, just endogenously produced, gets sucked in and binds to the opioid receptors on the surface of a tumor, and hence, it nullifies your immune system's ability to recognize it. And so, there's a professor at a university in Germany, Claudia Friesen, and she's done studies for the past 12 years.

[00:54:13] And I've got the one hundred and seventy two page paper that she published a while back. It was truly brilliant. And she was showing that you could just affect the opioid receptors on the cell surface of tumors and you could get the tumors to start going away. And if you used it in combination with different chemo, and sometimes, radiation, unbelievably good results. I mean, the tumors would just drop out of the body. Things that were small-cell lung carcinoma, glioblastoma, all kinds of things that are very difficult to treat, and it was just modulating opioid receptors.

[00:54:46] So, that was kind of my entree. But when you look at it, she uses a thing called DL Methadone, which is a specific type of methadone. I was thinking, well, that's going to be hard to recommend to people in the States because it's a schedule one controlled substance and people get all kind of wiggy-jiggy about that, and especially with the opioid epidemic going on. People are not saying, hey, could you score some opioids for me so I can help these people out? That's not really going to happen, right? 

[00:55:15] So, you have to look at other alternatives. And one of them was kratom. And I thought, okay, well, this might be a viable option. So, I looked at naltrexone, kratom, and then methadone in a different form, the form that you generally used in the states. And the effects were really surprising, that kratom didn't actually really work that well for the cancers. But Naltrexone, on certain types of cancer, works surprisingly well.

[00:55:40] And methadone, as Professor Friesen's research showed, worked phenomenally well. It was just night-and-day difference between what really generally happens with a tumor progression and what happens then. I was talking to a doctor here in California a while back and she has the Center for New Medicine. And I was asking her about something and she asked me what I was recommending. And I told her about this particular protocol from Germany.

[00:56:05] And she pointed out that one of her friends runs the International Oncology Association and he does that with all of his patients, prescribes that they go on methadone while they're doing chemo and radiation. And he, of course, is in Germany. And just as an aside, modulating opioid receptors is great, but you can also modulate cannabinoid receptors because I have a friend here who I'll be speaking to later today, and she had cancer and just took cannabis.

[00:56:37] She worked at a cannabis company. She had actually founded it. And she just took cannabis and got a 52% reduction over her entire body of her metastatic cancer. Now, that worked for a while, but then it all started coming back, because basically, you call out what can be knocked out, and then the cells that are remaining propagate again, and start to respond and continue growing. But again, we've evolved with those things. Nicotinoid receptors, they're there for a reason. 

[00:57:07] Your addictive personality in terms of the way you phrased it might not actually be so much that it's an addictive personality, as you might be noticing that there's something biologically that will enhance your performance if you get this certain thing because we're all hooked on being, or at least most of the people that kind of do the stuff we do, we're all really hooked on being super high-performing, right? 

[00:57:28] Like push more, think more clearly, sleep less, eat better. It's pretty compelling, right? Because then, you see the fruits of your labor. You're doing all these things that seem like, wow, that's a great response. I did this amazing thing. You might just be picking up something that you need, right? Your body may respond better to those things. I don't know with your background, is it across all domains?

[00:57:50] Well, it's really interesting, actually. And I don't know, it goes into a complete other direction. It could be a long conversation in and of itself. But being around many people in recovery over the past 23-plus years, there does seem to be a type of person biologically that very easily habituates to different drugs, alcohol, nicotine, et cetera, and this other class of people that can kind of take it or leave it and even play with things here, recreationally, medicinally, whatever, without becoming dependent on them. 

[00:58:26] And so, it's like, there's the thoughts-become-things quantum approach to it, as if you're sitting there, going, I'm an alcoholic, and that's part of recovery. And it's a weird kind of paradox there, because in my own experience, how I was able to break free from just a horrific life of absolute just bondage, and desperation, and it was horrendous, my life before. I can't even describe how hellish it was. And the way that I was able to break free was being gifted the grace of a spiritual surrender, where I realized like, man, I am addicted to all this shit. 

[00:59:09] I'm an addict, I'm an alcoholic, and just really accepting that at a core level, and that in it of myself, using my own resources and willpower, I'm unable to overcome this thing. Maybe if I avail myself to creation, to God, whatever you want to call it, that the thing that created me and created all these substances can actually free me from it. And so, that was my mode. But part of that was really admitting to my innermost self that I was an alcoholic, for example. 

[00:59:39] On the kind of positive psychology side of that, there's this belief that if you keep on saying I'm an alcoholic, I'm an alcoholic, even though you've quit drinking or I'm a junkie, even though you quit the junk, that you're cementing in the subconscious belief system that is self-limiting. And so, I've always just been curious about both sides of that. I don't know what the answer is. I don't typically walk around thinking or saying, like, oh, I'm an alcoholic, I'm an alcoholic, even though my history has proven that when I touch that particular substance, it becomes a huge problem, so I just absolutely hard-line, 100% do not touch it and don't believe that I ever will, God willing.

[01:00:19] But when it comes to some of the other things, I don't know, there's an interesting kind of breathing room. So, as someone who is addicted to opiates prior in a really bad way for a number of years, one would think, based on that logic, that I could never touch something that activates those opiate receptors like kratom. But I can, and have, and do. And it's not ever become a problem. And I'm mindful. I mean, I keep self-awareness about it, but it's not like I took kratom once, and was like, I want to do this shit every day. It's just, I forget I even have it until my back hurts or something, and I take it, and I forget about it.

[01:00:54]Ian Mitchell:  Yeah. But it seems like you've had a really profound sort of shift in awareness. I mean, based on where you were, and where you are, and what you're doing, there's an entirely different light about it.

[01:01:05]Luke Storey:  It's true. Yeah. I mean, because I have spent a lot of time, and energy, and sacrifice, diligence, et cetera, in getting to the core underlying trauma that was making life so uncomfortable that I needed to be anesthetized 24/7. 

[01:01:22]Ian Mitchell:  Certain things can only hold on. Like if you look at it just from a frequency perspective, certain things can only hold on to something else as long as it's oscillating slowly. Once you shift your frequency beyond a certain point. And I mean that in both the physics sense and the spiritual sense because there's a whole lot of overlap of both of those things. I mean, if you really start drilling down, you kind of get really attached to the idea of, this is going to sound woo-woo or whatever because we all preface things like that.

[01:01:51] Everybody I know in the sciences who has experiences or is looking at things that are a little bit beyond the norm, everybody prefaces it with saying, oh, this may be woo-woo, but the reality is, it's just things we don't know yet. And you've shifted your particular field so much that a lot of those things probably can't hang on anymore. It would be horrifically painful to them to hang on, and not to go with the whole personification of something.

[01:02:20] But in a sense, I mean, if you look at a different frequency as saying, okay, this will bond just like a receptor, this can bond to this, well, if you change the receptor site enough, it no longer bonds. And there are a lot of things, like I've been working on olfaction, right? Just because of, one of the things that I think is going to be really pivotal for humanity in the future is really getting a grasp on what's happening with quantum medicine. 

[01:02:46] Like if I had my druthers, that's really what I'd be working on all the time. It's like quantum medicine, quantum biology because I think that's really where it's going. And so, when you start looking at the core of what all these things are, it's how do things relate and cancel, notably, based on frequencies. And if you think of objects as having a certain Buckminster Fuller for whom C60 is named as a homage, he referred to things as having a pattern integrity, right? 

[01:03:14] Like you have the pattern integrity of Luke, I have the pattern integrity of Ian. Really, we're just vibrating fields of energy at that particular spot, holding a certain reference frame. My particular experience has been that all of that, again, not to sound too woo-woo, it's stemming from your consciousness, right? So, you have a core consciousness that's evolving over time, and then you aggregate things together based on that. 

[01:03:37] As it moves, and develops, and becomes stronger, and stronger, and stronger, those receptors on the surface that would allow you to bond with different things, they just go away. There might have been a point in my life where I would have been willing to do something that was mean or unconscionable, those aren't there. Not to say, I was actually talking with a friend last night about this, about addiction, and I made the comment of saying, well, I have issues with this, but it's not like heroin.

[01:04:08] I was joking about ice cream, right? Like I love ice cream. It's not like a great thing for you, but it's something I really enjoy. Don't actually do it that often, but I really enjoy it. And I said, well, that's kind of a failing. And he's like, dude, it's not a failing. It's not like something else. And I said, what? I get that it's not like heroin, but if the impetus for it, if I really look at myself, and kind of check the ego, and don't take that voice into account, and go, why am I doing this?

[01:04:35] What is the functioning purpose of this? What void am I filling? And I look at that, well, it doesn't really matter what the devices that you're using to do that. If the issue that you're trying to compensate for emotionally, psychologically, spiritually, and then fundamentally, is sort of just being, what is that thing? What hole are you trying to plug? When you really drill down and look at it, the same thing that people may be trying to plug with opioids might be the same thing that I'm trying to plug that day with some piece of ice cream, or cake, or whatever. What's the real impetus for it? So, kind of the long-ranging conversation.

[01:05:17]Luke Storey:  Yeah. I mean, it's interesting because I'm always getting down to the underlying root cause. And it boils down to that attraction, aversion, right? There's pleasure seeking or there's pain avoidance. And so, at the root of all addiction, it leads you down that path.

[01:05:36]Ian Mitchell:  48% carrot, 52% stick, right?

[01:05:40]Luke Storey:  And this is the phenomenon, really, I think, that's so interesting to me, and what I started to unpack in 2019, was the world of clinical psychedelics and the shamanic intentional ceremonial use of plant medicines, just absolutely curing people of lifelong addictions in one shot. I mean, it's insane. So, what's happening is there's a rewiring or a healing of some underlying trauma that makes you seek that pleasure, that escape, or that numbing agent, whether it's ice cream, or a cigar, or heroin, cocaine, alcohol, whatever, it's a really, really interesting field of study that I'm interested in.

[01:06:21]Ian Mitchell:  Sometimes, those things strike me as like a magic trick, right? In that you have this misconception or problem in yourself, and you keep running through it over, and over, and over with whatever the problem is. But then, once you understand how the magic trick is done, it ceases to be a magic trick. It no longer holds the same allure for you. So, if you see what's actually happening, and you use like, say, ayahuasca, and really drill down, and you get to the root cause of what the issue is, once you know when you can address the root, the issue's done. 

[01:06:52]Luke Storey:  Right. 

[01:06:53]Ian Mitchell:  There's no need for you to keep masticating and just going over, and over, and over, and over it.

[01:06:59]Luke Storey:  I want to jump back to the C60 thing because I got off on many tangents there, which is great, but I would be remiss if I don't talk about this. So, back to this serrapeptase enzyme and its inability on its own to get where you want it to go, I've heard that it has the ability to gobble up scar tissue-

[01:07:25]Ian Mitchell:  It does.

[01:07:26]Luke Storey:  ... and get into your joints and have benefits, how does that work if you're able to get it in? Like you can hear it being shuttled in with the C60.

[01:07:34]Ian Mitchell:  Well, that actually, my partner, one of the things like even if the company had never really gone anywhere, I would have been jazzed because I fixed up my dog and my partner. He had arthritis and really had rheumatic fever, his kitties from Morocco, and immigrated when he was 11. And so, he had that lifelong, and he was an athlete, and his joints were really, really impinged. And in his mid-60s, mobility was just gone. And, yeah, I used to tease him about having crab claws because he couldn't articulate the individual fingers. 

[01:08:08] Well, he had to kind of close his hands like that. And so, after about, oh, I don't know, it was a couple of months in of using that, he had full mobility. The swelling was gone. And it's because once you drop the inflammatory response, the cytokines plummet, they drop out, the inflammation goes away, then your body refuses the joints with the serrapeptase, which then goes in and actually starts eating sclerotic tissue, right?

[01:08:33] And so, the sclerotic tissue is incredibly similar to the proteins and the silkworm cocoon, right? So, same fundamental structural makeups. And that's why silkworms use it to emerge from chrysalis. We can use it to break down scar tissue. So, every time you take a dose, the inflammation drops, the body realizes that there's a hot spot, it pumps it into that area, and it actually removes the structural media.

[01:08:56] So, when the inflammation comes back, because it will until whatever the source issue is gone, it's less because you've actually lessened the physical media in that joint. So, there's less of a problem. So, as you take it over and over, it decreases, decreases, decreases. And structurally, in the most basic sense, structurally remodels the interior of those joints so that you're not having to contend with repeated insults that trigger an inflammatory response.

[01:09:24]Luke Storey:  Wow. That's rad because I have a lot of problems with my joints. I'm working on that. So, in this particular formula, in this Revive, if this is 2% of this enzyme, could one take a bunch of Sarah capsules and dump them in here and maximize that.

[01:09:40]Ian Mitchell:  Yeah. 

[01:09:41]Luke Storey:  Yeah? 

[01:09:41]Ian Mitchell:  Yeah, I've done it. When I was working on decreasing my cardiac like calcium scores and things like that, and I wanted to drop out a lot of the things that are still kind of latent in arterial pathways, and that's one of the things that will actually do it. So, yeah, I upped the concentrations many, many, many fold. It stings. So, when you take it, it's, as one person put it, spicy.

[01:10:05]Luke Storey:  Right.

[01:10:06]Ian Mitchell:  So, I've had two people say that, one was about the dimethyl sulfoxide, the DMSO that's used on the hair product is referred to as spicy as well. And the other was when I made a formula just to kind of clean out all of my circulatory system.

[01:10:21]Luke Storey:  That's very cool. I'm going to do that because when I was working with serrapeptase years ago, I understood the problem with the assimilation by just swallowing the pills. So, just, again, from my past, knowing if you want to get something in your bloodstream and get it past to your gut, you can do it in an enema or just like a syringe up the keester. So, I used to make these super potent, I take a shot glass and I'd put maybe like 10 capsules of serrapeptase in there, and then stir it up with water and draw it into a little rectal syringe, take that, and go to sleep to get what I thought would be that, that enzyme to bypass the gut and get where it's supposed to go, this sounds like a much easier way. 

[01:11:03]Ian Mitchell:  It is. One thing you were saying about your joints, and I noticed this with myself because I had an old soccer injury on my left knee, and using that, drop the inflammation, took out a lot of the scar tissue, and that takes it to a certain point. But this goes back to what I was saying about, you kind of want to address both sides of the sine wave, right? The top of the wave, the bottom of the wave. So, you want to do the things that are going to rebuild it, and bolster it, and also, take the things that are going to remove the damaged tissues.

[01:11:30] You might want to look at doing like some PRP injections locally because that, this isn't going to stimulate a huge amount of biogenesis, like you're not going to pump out a whole lot of new cartilage or anything like that. It will remove the damaged stuff and you'll get a little bit of new cartilage. But based on where you are, you're probably better if you use something like really concentrated growth factors, and do like PRP, or stem cells, or something like that.

[01:11:58]Luke Storey:  Yeah. I'm about due for another round of stem cells? What I've been doing lately is I'm on a pretty committed regimen of really powerful cold laser because I'm trying to cure this back problem, and also, using the Pulse Centers PEMF. So, I'll do like two hours on my hip, which is kind of the main culprit with that PMF, and then do the laser, and get a chiropractic adjustment, and I haven't gotten a lot more mobility in the joint, but the pain is definitely decreased a lot, which is exciting.

[01:12:27]Ian Mitchell:  Yeah. Well, I think the mobility, I noticed today I was doing energy practices, right? So, the Energy for Success, Dr. B's stuff, right? So, I do those every day. And I was doing them this morning and there's one where you're moving your arms above your head. And I noticed my right shoulder popping quite a lot every time I did it. I thought that's the next light for a PRP injection, shoulder, because I know that there's nothing left there that's inflamed, because of the amount of stuff that I sucked in, in terms of the Revive every day. But still, it's not rebuilding everything. So, you can eliminate the acute onset of the problem, but you're not actually fixing it. And so, for that, I'd put a lot of my own blood and spin it down in the centrifuge and do injections.

[01:13:14]Luke Storey:  Oh, you make your own PRV?

[01:13:15]Ian Mitchell:  Yeah, I do it all the time.

[01:13:17]Luke Storey:  Oh, that's awesome.

[01:13:17]Ian Mitchell:  Actually, I do it literally like every week.

[01:13:20]Luke Storey:  Really?

[01:13:20]Ian Mitchell:  Yeah.

[01:13:21]Luke Storey:  Oh, man, that's so cool, to have the ability to do that. And then, what does the L-Carnosine and CoQ10 in here do?

[01:13:29]Ian Mitchell:  So, the CoQ10 is magic sauce. CoQ10 is so good. It's a co-factor enzyme, but the difference between not having it and having it is shocking. With Carnosine, the idea with the Carnosine was to go back in and provide you amino so that you could rebuild the support around something, right? So, cartilage doesn't really grow that much. It's because of the blood flow, right? So, something with a lot of low blood flow, it just doesn't grow that much.

[01:14:03] So, the idea was, well, muscles have a lot, so let's bolster all these things physically by just enhancing the muscles around them and doing muscle repair. So, that's what the Carnosine is for. And Carnosine also has a whole host of other effects. I mean, just cerebrally, it's great for your brain, it's good for your muscles. But when you combine that with the CoQ10, you really do get a big boost. And I know this from doing all the ATP studies. If you buffer CoQ10 the way I've got it buffered in there, you get huge numbers.

[01:14:34] And like I was saying, we did that 3,313%, you can't actually do that because you'll hurt people, but once you know where it's at, you can ratchet it back until you get some really pronounced numbers. And this goes back to the same point about addressing both sides of the wave, right? So, the CoQ10 enhances the cycle. So, you're actually able to pump more electrons and you're enhancing EDC, the C60 knocks out the loss. So, you're putting a big motor in and you're also trimming the weight on everything else.

[01:15:09]Luke Storey:  That's cool.

[01:15:10]Ian Mitchell:  Yeah.

[01:15:10]Luke Storey:  Having listened to some of your interviews, as I said, I think you're, as you said, motivated more by impact than by getting down with the most toys. And I really respect that. I mean, I have a couple of friends that own companies, and I have them on my show, and I'm kind of like nudging, I'm like, dude, plug your shit. And they're just, that's not what they're about. But what I've noticed in your interviews is you don't like this other C60 products, but to me, the space is very competitive and it's difficult to kind of hack your way through the weeds of what the bullshit C60 is and the real deal stuff.

[01:15:55] And I think because I'm just like obsessed with finding the real deal, that's why I settled on your product because I just researched as much as I can. But it's kind of like the CBD industry, is pretty similar. Everyone claims to have the best extraction, and balance of the THC, and this, and that. I'm like, I don't know. I mean, I found a brand I like. But the C60 space is weird, that it's like really competitive and sharky. It's kind of like, there are two other industries, the sauna industry and the air purification industry, are very kind of catty and there's a lot of competition of who's doing it right and who's not. And it's weird. And in the supplement world, C60 seems to be this. It has its own little kind of community of struggles of who's doing it right.

[01:16:42]Ian Mitchell:  Well, one of the things, yeah, and I'm never going to diss any particular person, because really, I hope it gets out to more and more people. The things that I can definitively tell you because I've actually done the clinical research on this is a lot of people hinge on like, oh, is it 99.99999 or 99.5, there's, biologically speaking, such an infinitesimally small difference between those things that it's great if you're selling it because you can say, oh, it's 99.95, and you can charge a lot more, but you're not actually changing the biological effect that you get.

[01:17:17] Even if you go down to, we tested it all the way down to like 99.5, same basic biological effect, very, very minuscule differences. And again, I think a lot of that's just profit-driven, right? People are trying to hawk something at a higher price. And so, that's what they do. And you can definitely get, there's a lot of people who do it with MCT and a lot of people who do it with olive oil. I'm just happy that it's getting out there. But it does kind of frustrate me sometimes when I have people send me things, and you're like, oh, these guys say it's impossible that you can't get this density in.

[01:17:51] I'm like, well, that's just poor thinking. We've had third-party verifications, and sure you can. Anybody could if they just thought about the process a little bit instead of just going, oh, let's focus on this 1% instead of addressing the 99% of this other component. I hope that it levels off a little bit. But there are a couple of companies that I've seen where it scares the bejesus out of me because they're selling just amorphous carbon, and it's not carbon 60, like definitively if you run a spec on it because I've got an HPLC in the lab. 

[01:18:21] If you run a spec analysis on it, it's not C60, right? The peak is in the wrong spot. And if you're not getting that nice handy-dandy 720 peak, it's different. And they just keep hawking it. And I talked to a fellow who actually runs, like he posts a bunch of stuff on his site about C60 and does all these different analytical things, and compares the prices and the ratios. And he called me one time, he's a really nice dude. And we were talking, and he said, well, I'm taking this stuff.

[01:18:48] And I said, that's cool, but it's not actually C60. And he said, well, I've gotten these great effects. And I said, yeah, that's true, but you'd get those same effects just from taking activated charcoal. The problem is, if you continue to do that, I mean, you don't want to hammer down activated charcoal on a long-term basis because you're going to deplete yourself of other nutrients. I mean, it's going to literally suck them out of your system.

[01:19:10] And sure enough, I think it was only, literally, like three weeks after I had that conversation, he called me and said, I had to go to the hospital, turns out, and it was exactly that. And that concerns me, because as an industry, it's such just a fledgling little industry. Now, there are a ton of companies doing it, but a ton really equates to maybe 20-something now. And I think maybe 1% of the populace actually has even heard of this.

[01:19:37] So, it's just such a new thing. I worry that the infighting is going to have a detrimental effect, and that somebody is going to do something stupid or make some ridiculous claim and actually shoot it out of the saddle because there are there are a lot of technologies that are really good, that have great data behind them, that you'll never see because there's political influences at play, monetary influences at play. And I don't want silly infighting to do that to this industry. 

[01:20:06] So, yeah, I will not necessarily go after someone, but just do your homework, check, proceed with caution because there are some good groups out there and some doing like the MCT-based stuff. I've talked to most of the guys in the industry, at least like the top tier guys, I actually like most of them on a personal basis. I don't necessarily agree with the way everybody approaches their business. And for me, I've been trying to get the cost on this down.

[01:20:36] And my partner, Dan, he's great at at ratcheting down the cost on things, which is terrific because the more we're able to get this down to a price where everybody can get it, the more ubiquitous it'll become, and then people will have those effects. And it's just kind of this snowball of good that builds, which is what I'm shooting for. But I don't know. Again, I don't know that that's everybody's motivation.

[01:20:58]Luke Storey:  And when it comes to the different ways that the C60 molecule can be made, is there a hierarchy of chemical reactions?

[01:21:10]Ian Mitchell:  Well, ultimately, at the end of the day, when you're ending up with C60, everybody says that C60 is C60. And yeah, that's true-ish. It's a little odd because it delves with a lot of things that are kind of bordering on more physics that aren't really standard chemistry, right? So, you run an analysis on like GCMS and mass spectroscopy, right? So, you do that or liquid chromatography, and you see what you're dealing with, and it will read out as C60.

[01:21:38] But in my experience, having done so much of it, I've tried things from flame synthesis, things from plasma arc synthesis, things from the standard synthesis, where like the one that we have because I actually have a carbon arc and we built it just to actually start producing our own stuff. And the majority of what we get is actually not our own because it's not really at scale. But in dealing with that, yeah, there is a difference. I've noticed a difference in feel.

[01:22:11] I haven't quantified it yet because the equipment, when things read out spectrally the same, everyone just says up, that's the gold standard, it's the same. But when you can notice a difference, there's something more happening. And as a scientist, it's kind of incumbent upon you to look at that. And you and I were talking before the podcast and I was mentioning that experience I had with the protein powder, right? So, Dr. B, we were at a conference and he opened up a pack of protein powder, and separated it into two pieces, and put his hand over one piece, and then said, taste them.

[01:22:47] And so, I tasted them. And like the two sides, entirely different, right? And so much so, I asked him, I said, what did you do? And he said, well, this one, I charged it with source energy and this one is just the regular. And the one that was charged was delicious. Like I was drawn to suck that stuff down. And I brought it it back to the house where I was staying and had the friend that I was staying with, I had her try it as well.

[01:23:14] Same thing. One was fantastic, the other one, meh. And having seen him do that, it triggered something in my head, which is, well, okay, nothing is changing chemically, right? It's the same compounds, but something is changing. So, what is that something? And my hypothesis at this point, and I've been developing equipment to actually test for this, is that you're starting to look at differing states. And I always love it when people use Quantum because it's like quantum synergy, it's scientific terms that people don't really understand that we throw around a lot.

[01:23:47] But in this case, it truly is that. It's something that's at a scale that's like plank-length kind of scale. You're changing the function or the spin of, more likely than not, the actual spin of electrons. And so, you're changing something's energy state, like its inherent energy potential. And when you do that, and I know from the experience, it tastes different. So, if you can see that something tastes different, it means that there is a mechanism to test for it, we just may not have it yet.

[01:24:16] So, in the C60 world, when I tasted something or ingested something, rather, from an plasma arc process versus the standard electrical arc process that we use and most of the guys worldwide use, there was a difference. And I know what the spectral analysis says, but I also know what my body says. And of the two, I'm inclined to go, okay, chemically, it's the same, but something's different.

[01:24:41] And so, yeah, in my experience, the standard method is the one that feels the best to me, which is just electrical synthesis, where you take two carbon graphite rods and you pump high voltage through them, and then you'd form an arc between the two, and then there's a little explosive plume, and then you sift that out, and you only get 7% or so C60 when you actually filter it out, and then run it through a column. But that's the one that feels the best.

[01:25:08] The plasma arc looks a little different, feels a little different. Actually, the color is different, which you can say that's because of particulate size. But even when you ball all the stuff down and make it more refined, it still has a different look. And again, there are things that we don't have the technology to explain yet. But when I personally experience something like, oh, this feels different, well, I'm inclined to say, there's something different, we just don't know, which is, actually, what I had mentioned earlier about olfaction. For the longest time, people said, oh, smell, it's this lock and key system of receptors.

[01:25:47] And it's really not. It's a quantum function based on vibrations. And there have been a lot of experiments that are actually showing that, they've genetically modified some different flies so that they could actually smell different compounds and move towards one or the other. And even though things had the same molecular configuration, they would move towards one, and I'll reference a book, I'll send you a link to it, but things change vibrationally that, just in general science as of yet, we're not addressing. We're not there yet. In 50 years, I'm sure everybody would be like, well, duh, that's this.

[01:26:27]Luke Storey:  Yeah. This is the most exciting thing when it comes to health and longevity, and making progress there. It's like the Joe Dispenza events. You have these coherence healings, where they train a bunch of healers to stand, or sit around, or over the healy that's got, in some cases, cancer and a tumor, or dysfunctional knee, or whatever, something's wrong with them. You have all these people get, in coherence, mind-heart connection, send healing energy and love to this person, and they're cured on the spot.

[01:27:09]Ian Mitchell:  Yeah. And that happens. And that's a quantum function.

[01:27:13]Luke Storey:  Yeah. And that's a realm, but it's like the narrowly skeptic, scientific, locked-down, Newtonian, physics-based model does not allow for that. And so, to me, that's, I want to go like right in there. To me, that's the most interesting because it can't really be explained or at least not that easily.

[01:27:35]Ian Mitchell:  Not yet, but it will be. And that's the thing. It's funny that you say that. I'll show you what I sent over to those guys yesterday, to a Dr. Tami Meraglia who's working with them. I wrote up a protocol to do testing for that, for the effects of meditation on the propagation and proliferation of stem cells using a CD34 assay, so you can isolate how many new stem cells are propagating through a person system at the start of the week when they take their blood, and then at the end of the week.

[01:28:03]Luke Storey:  No way.

[01:28:04]Ian Mitchell:  Yeah.

[01:28:04]Luke Storey:  Oh, cool.

[01:28:05]Ian Mitchell:  Yeah. They're going to have to wait, I think, Tami was saying yesterday, until October when they can get a group of like a thousand people together again. Yeah, but that's actually, it's funny timing because I literally just wrote the protocol up for how to test for that.

[01:28:17]Luke Storey:  That's one of the coolest things about his events, is there's a team of scientists, they have people on QEGs. They're drawing blood on everyone. And at the end of the week, and then he shows you the results, And all the brain scans, and all the shit. It's crazy just from getting in heart-brain coherence, and just having some intention.

[01:28:35]Ian Mitchell:  Yeah, man.

[01:28:36]Luke Storey:  It's wild.

[01:28:36]Ian Mitchell:  It makes all the difference in the world. When I was a kid, I had really horrific migraine headaches, and I had them like three or four days a week. And I had scans and tests, and nobody could find anything. So, on a whim, my dad said, let's try this new thing, biofeedback therapy. So, he got me into biofeedback therapy when I was 11 and I started doing really heavy-duty brain training. And once you've got the calendar with wires on your head and once you realize what you have to think and feel in order to change the readout, and you're getting it in real time, it gives you an entirely different toolkit and a whole different way to address like, oh, this is what my physiology does here, and my mindset changes that.

[01:29:19] And the frame that I'm in affects this. And you can see it with temperature, and respiration, and blood pressure, and pulse rates, everything. All the things that were considered generally to be autonomous nervous system functions, they're not. They're well within your control. I think on average, though, people probably wouldn't want to take control of that because it's a whole lot of extra stuff to do. Mentally, if you're barely just hanging on, you probably don't want to try and take control.

[01:29:48] And now, I'm going to take control of my breathing. It's too many balls in the air when you're juggling. But it makes a profound impact. And so, the stuff that Joe Dispenza is doing intrigues me because I think that they're going to very easily prove out that there are all these effects happening when you do get coherence because coherence is a big thing. I mean, we were talking earlier, it's a light bulb and a laser, right? One warms a hot dog and one punches a hole through steel.

[01:30:18] Same number of photons. The difference is coherence. When you have everything moving in the same direction at the same time, you get these huge order of magnitude shifts. And biologically, that's where I think Joe Dispenza stuff seems like it's going, is really sussing out the actual metrics to say, this is this, and this is this, and this and this. And I know that's where we're going to get 50 years from now or maybe a hundred years from now.

[01:30:41] I'm very much looking forward to that because a lot of the stuff that everybody says, oh, it's very woo-woo. It's really not. We just don't get it yet. It's like DMT intercalating inside your DNA, right? My take on that is that it simply shifts the frequency response for what you're able to pick up, right? So many people have the same effects when they do DMT. All the people in the room will see the same sorts of things going on, and the clockwork elves and that kind of stuff, well, more likely than not, all that stuff is probably just occurring. Because if I were going to design a universe, it certainly wouldn't just be what we're seeing. It would be very layered, because otherwise, it would be very wasteful, right?

[01:31:22] So, I would have all these things layered on slightly out of phase with one another so that you can have everything moving in the same spatial relevance and the same temporal relevance without having them interact, right? You just slightly offset them like electrical systems, right? Slightly out of phase so that they don't crunch into one another. But then, when you take something that intercalates in your DNA, that's fundamentally shifting the tuning. So, the dial on the radio goes to a slightly different spot, and suddenly, you can see. 

[01:31:54]Luke Storey:  Wow, that's trippy. That's a cool way to explain it.

[01:31:57]Ian Mitchell:  Well, like ayahuasca, right?

[01:31:59]Luke Storey:  Yeah. 

[01:31:59]Ian Mitchell:  I mean, what do you think the odds are, realistically, that people arrived at like, oh, well, we're going to take this compound, and then we're going to take this compound. Out of the literally tens of thousands of different plants that they could have used, they ended up with the two perfect things to have one reaction, and then another amylase to block it. I mean, really? The odds on that are pretty damn slim mathematically, right? 

[01:32:24]Luke Storey:  They're smoking the poison from a bufo toad. 

[01:32:29]Ian Mitchell:  Right.

[01:32:29]Luke Storey:  I was thinking about those type of things. I mean, like mushrooms, that's pretty easy, you're hunting, gathering, you see the dog eat some of those mushrooms, he's acting crazy, so you take some, you don't die, and then everyone learns about mushrooms. But with the ayahuasca, I've thought that too, like who was the first person that was making some tea, that was like, oh, take a little of this, little of that, and it was like, oh, shit, I'm seeing aliens.

[01:32:53]Ian Mitchell:  And what they when they actually say is that the plants told them. Like, really, where did you come up with this? Well, the plants told us. And that makes perfect sense if you pull back a little bit and think of things as more consciousness than as just physical organisms, right? Because there's a whole lot more going on. I mean, you and I, we pick up things in a very narrow EMF band, right? Just visibly, you've got like just a couple of hundred nanometer spectral bandwidth that you pick up, like best case, like 400 to 700 nanometers and maybe a little bit on the outside of that. 

[01:33:25] We have all of the onboard equipment to process a lot more of that. I don't know if you saw any of this stuff where the guys we're using chlorophyll derivative to give people night vision. So, they made drops out of a chlorophyll derivative and it gave them night vision. And so, yeah. So, you have the onboard mechanisms to process it, but you don't actually have the compounds that allow you to see in that range. And they also did a similar thing with retinol, A derivative, and it gave them the other end of the spectrum.

[01:33:54] So, they were seeing things like insects. And so, again, we have all the onboard equipment, we just normally don't have the compounds that trigger that, which makes me think, a lot of the people that see things in their field of perception that are different than what the average person sees, they may just have some genetic trait towards making a different compound that allows them to see a higher frequency band or they may have some experience that triggers that compound to be produced, and hence they go into a state where they can see, or is in this thing or that thing.

[01:34:25] Biologically, it's not without precedent. And with regards to just the trees saying like, oh, well, we told them to do this. Totally plausible. It's some sort of different communication. I mean, if you look at the biomass of mushrooms, there's that ginormous cluster of mushrooms. When you look at the electrical impulses going across that, if you look at that and don't go, okay, I'm not sure, looks like a neural network, you're kidding yourself. I mean, and to think that we're the only thing that has the ability to process and have thoughts, that's just silly.

[01:35:01]Luke Storey:  Yeah. And sometimes, it takes eating mushrooms to realize that. The last time I took mushrooms, I was out in Yosemite. And I had this experience where they were like my little buddies, they absolutely had this consciousness, though it sounds crazy now talking about it, because you're like, what, how is a fungi alive or conscious, and there's no way to explain it unless you had the experience, I think, but it was this realization like, oh, these are our allies.

[01:35:40] These little buggers in our environment are part of our essentially like—or not even allies, or friends, or tools, but more like brethren. It was like, we all come out of the ground at the end of the day and we're related in that way. And there was this really neat experience of relating to them, specifically, in that way, and going, oh, there's a lot more going on here than meets the eye that just can't be explained, or you just did a pretty eloquent explanation of it fundamentally.

[01:36:10] But when you get into those altered states of consciousness and you're changing your tuning fork into those other dimensions, when you're in it, it's so real. And then, when you come out of it, you're like, oh, that must have been a hallucination, that I was sensing these energies or this communication with the plant world, or animals, or entities, or whatever it is. But when you're in it, it's so visceral and so real.

[01:36:34] And I think for me, why it is real is because I come out of it. And even though I go back to this narrow bandwidth of awareness and perception, I'm still able to take what I learned or gained there and bring it into this narrow bandwidth of experience and use it. Therefore, what was brought back from those dimensions is applicable and tangible here. Therefore, those other dimensions are as real as this dimension. 

[01:37:00]Ian Mitchell:  Yeah, sometimes, I view it like, I used to swim a lot, and if you're swimming for time, sometimes, you'll hit a great time. You'll have a number that's like, woo, I did something amazing. You know you can do it. You know you can access that state. You're not generally able to access it, but with training and work, you can get to a point where you can access it. I don't know. Have you ever seen these studies about people who have had a corpus callosotomy, where they actually divide the brain?

[01:37:30] And so, the corpus callosum is the segment in the center of your two hemispheres. And due to, sometimes, accidents, and sometimes, epileptic concerns, they would do a corpus callosotomy. And some of the studies when the two hemispheres of even the brain in the same person weren't able to talk were amazing to me. There was one study where they would tell someone that they were going to hold a spoon and they would put their hand, but they would do it with their left hand.

[01:38:01] They would put their left hand behind a curtain and they would give them a fork, even though they said it was going to be a spoon. And they would say, what are you holding? And the person would audibly say, oh, I'm holding a spoon, because that's what they were told. And their head would literally start shaking, no, left and right, and the people would go, why is my head shaking? Because they didn't know, with the verbal processing on the left hemisphere of their brain, the analytical component, they didn't know what was going on, even in their own body.

[01:38:33] But the sensors, they were feeling it with the left hand that, oh, this is not what I'm being told is going on. And so, the only way it could communicate was through the body. Non-verbal, but it was still a communication, and their head would literally shake left and right. And admittedly, I'm sure that freaked the heck out of a lot of people. Like what's going on in my body? Well, it's trying to communicate. But it just goes to prove the point that there's a lot of communications that can't pass through the filter of linguistics, right? 

[01:39:03] There are things you have to feel and you have to perceive. Like if you go back to some of like the old Hindu texts, like the Vedas, right? And then, you look at some of the more detailed things, like there's a book called the Shiva Sutras. And the Shiva Sutras, it goes through kind of like a breakdown of how is a human created. And in terms of the stratification, the concept of emotion falls before the concept of intellect.

[01:39:29] So, intellect is a construct that's built on top of emotions. So, there will be times, according to their methodology, where you can feel something but you have no words for it. You cannot put it into words. And that's an experience that we've all had. Like everybody's felt that, right? Like feel the most love you've ever felt for another creature and describe it perfectly in words. You can't. It doesn't mean the experience is any less real, or tangible, or palpable to you, it just means that there's not a linguistic construct that's going to accurately hold that.

[01:40:01] And I think that's where things get lost. And the same thing applies to the sciences all the time. There are things that we see and that we feel that people are afraid to pull the thread, whether it be because they're going to lose funding, or the university doesn't want to back it ,or their company is going to be upset because they might make their own products obsolete. There are all sorts of reasons. I used to think that if you build a better mousetrap, if you're really inventive, and you really try, and push, and bring the things that are necessary for humanity to really move it forward, that the world will beat the path to your door. Unfortunately, not the case. It was kind of a rude awakening. 

[01:40:37] When you do, actually in earnest, try and build a better mousetrap, the company that has the lame mousetrap really tries to make sure that they've buffered things in such a way that the lame mouse trap still has its market share. And you see that, it's pervasive through all of our society. I mean, if humanity would kind of check itself in the door and move with the Star Trek future instead of the sort of Star Wars future, where we were all moving in accord, trying to do things for the betterment of humanity, and expand our horizons, and work together intellectually, and appreciated one another culturally, I mean, that, right now, that's super evident. Things would be far better. And maybe it will move that way, but I think it's going to take a little while.

[01:41:22]Luke Storey:  I want to ask you about why my dog is so awesome taking this C60 companion? Because I've always wanted to biohack my dog, and I have. 

[01:41:35]Ian Mitchell:  Yeah, you definitely have.

[01:41:37]Luke Storey:  One thing I did that was, I think, the first most noticeable and impactful is I put her on deterium-depleted water because I adopted her when she was like three, she's probably just straight like full-on carbohydrate, GMO, deuterium, solid-deuterium dog food. 

[01:41:55]Ian Mitchell:  150 parts per million?

[01:41:56]Luke Storey:  Yeah. So, I just I started giving her like the 85 PPM water exclusively, and I did that for about three months, and she had all these hot spots. It was always itching and biting herself, and just tons of inflammation. And this was when we were living under the cell towers, too. So, it could have had something to do with that. But while still living there, I got her on that water and just completely knocked all that out. I was like, yes. 

[01:42:19]Ian Mitchell:  Again, the DDW functions by literally allowing the little nanorotors inside your mitochondria to spool. I mean, they roll at 9,000 RPMs. They're little micromachines or nanomachines inside the mitochondria. And when you eliminate that extra weight load, they just function more effectively. So, your ATP levels go up. Your ability to process and deal with sickness goes up. Yeah, I'm a huge fan of DDW, actually. I think it's a great thing.

[01:42:49]Luke Storey:  So, aside from that, the only real major intervention I've done is I've started to give her a cookie, where is she? Oh, she's not in here. Usually, she's sitting on the guest laps. She must have got locked out. She's kind of my co-host. But I started giving her this and she wasn't having any problems after the skin thing that I could quantify. And she's relatively young, so she's pretty energetic. But she is on really good, dehydrated, raw food, and like everything super chronic, but when I got her on this C60, her energy levels are off the freaking charts.

[01:43:25]Ian Mitchell:  Oh, it's true, man. But it happens with us, too. I mean, at large scale, it works with people. Actually, when we first launched and actually started selling things in 2017, we just did the pet product first. And because we thought it was going to be a much easier barrier to entry, there'd be less regulatory issues and things like that. And so, literally, a couple of weeks after we launched, we had all these people calling and ordering, and I got one of the people on the phone, and I was talking to him, I said, okay. 

[01:43:55] So, what animal are you giving it to? Are you going to do dogs, horses? He was like, animal, what are you talking about? I'm taking it. And it turned out with a lot of people that they would see the effects on their dogs, and then they wanted that effect, so they would start taking it, like lame dog gets up and starts running after a couple of weeks, and people wanted that same effect, and they got it, too. The actual patent for that is it's for mammals. Like if you read the title of the patent, it's cellular enhancements for mammals.

[01:44:29] So, cellular enhancements and biological systems with the use of LipoFullerene peptide combinations, I think. And it's all mammalian enhancement. And I know it works on other critters as well, not just Kingdom Animalia, but Insectivora as well. So, you can definitely make positive changes across the whole host of species because one of the things, I hope at some point, somebody starts tinkering with that and doing more for bees and other insects that need protection against EMFs and things like that.

[01:45:03]Luke Storey:  Oh, interesting. Damn. I know the bee population. Dude, the funniest thing happened a couple of days ago. I realized a bunch of my old website emails were going to spam. And so, I went through and had like 367 old emails from the past six months that had been ignored. Like inquiries to my website. And so, I'm like going through them one by one because no one else can do that at this point. And one of them was from this PR company who reached out to me as a health influencer, and wanted me to promote 5G, and wanted to pay me money to say, oh, let's get 5G going.

[01:45:44] And it's just hilarious, man, because I'm like, obviously, you didn't do your due diligence. I've done like so many podcasts just about 5G with Jack Kruse and all these people. But I thought about it, not thought about doing it, but thought about what my response would be without being a dick, they're just doing their job. This girl probably has no idea that it's bad for you. And without being too snarky, I answered the email, and I said—I wanted to say, you're on the wrong side of history.

[01:46:13]Ian Mitchell:  Charlotte, you're going to die.

[01:46:15]Luke Storey:  Yeah, you're going to hell, just so you know. But I said, thanks for the opportunity, but I am just absolutely opposed to the rollout of 5G. And I said, aside from the detriments to human biology and all animals, I said, please do some research on the effects on the bee population, because if the bee population continues to be decimated by glyphosate and from RF, we're done. That's how we make food. That was kind of my answer, just like, please just research the bee thing because that's like, at the end of this whole EMF thing, that's where you end up, like that's where the collapse really happens, I think, personally. 

[01:47:00]Ian Mitchell:  I was hanging out and having lunch with a fellow named Bob Curl, who's one of the guys that got the Nobel Prize for discovering C60. And he's like the super genuine, really nice professor emeritus at Rice, and he's just a sweet human. And we were talking, and actually, I think, of all the things that we discussed, that seemed to pique his curiosity more than anything else, was when we started discussing EMF and bees, and the effects on bees because I think really sharp guys like that, they realize that, as Einstein did too, it's the cosmic triggers, the effect my dad used to always say, it's like, oh, watch out, you've already pulled the cosmic trigger, unknowingly and unwittingly, we do something that starts a chain of events that we can't recover from.

[01:47:51] And it wasn't the intended consequence, but it just disregulates the entire system. Because people, I think very frequently, we forget that we're just one little cog in a much larger organism, whether you want to take kind of the Gaia hypothesis or whatever. But we are a small thing in a very big system. Actually, that's one of the hypotheses I have about the viral stuff that's going on right now with COVID, is that it's a larger organism than people think of, right? 

[01:48:24] People think of it as, oh, well, it's not even alive. Yeah, maybe, in the classical sense of thinking if something is alive. But if you look at all of the people who are infected as maybe nodes on a mesh network, then you get all these points of inference and something that was, perhaps, more like a super organism on a much larger scale could actually get data points from something like that, right? Because if a virus, say, takes over mitochondria and replicates there, the first thing with any sort of spread is kind of like I had mentioned, quorum signalling with bacteria, you take over communications, right?

[01:49:03] So, how do mitochondria communicate? Pulses of light. How would that virus potentially communicate? Well, very possibly, pulses of light. And pulses of light aren't something that stop when you leave the proximity to that organism. They could be picked up from other organisms in close vicinity to it, which sounds, again, kind of it sounds a little odd, but if you think about an ant trying to assess an elephant, the scale is wrong, right?

[01:49:32] You look at it, and go, God, well, it's got the slight curve directly above me. And I think we're having the same problem assessing larger organisms, right? I think there's a consciousness that's associated with most things. And to think that there's not is just to put your head in the sand. And so, it's going to be difficult. I don't know that, overall, people would be willing to accept that as an idea. And it may or may not be the case.

[01:49:57] But hypothetically, I could see some precedent for it. And I just think that it's akin to us looking at systems, not realizing they're connected in ways that they are connected. And again, that cosmic trigger idea of, you set something into motion because you don't realize that you're part of a much larger system. I mean, the planet perhaps could just be weeding us out in a way that it does every so often. I mean, if you look at pandemic groups, they're pretty normalized.

[01:50:28] There's a small wave, and then a big wave, and then a slightly smaller big wave. And that's happened pretty consistently for hundreds of years in most pandemics. Is that just random chance? No. Is it perhaps just because of the way things biologically grow and propagate that? Yeah, possibly. But to me, it seems to smack of a much, much more in-depth sense of order. And usually, if I look at something and I have the option of going, oh, it's random and stupid, and I'm not going to pay attention to it, or go, there might be something there, I may just not really understand what it is yet, I'm generally inclined to pull the thread. 

[01:51:08] And I'm wrong a lot. And I should say that, well, the guys in the lab think that I just pull stuff off that's really cool all the time. And the reality is, it's not the case. It's kind of almost like the tech approach of fail fast, fail often. I try a lot of stuff. And then, in some cases, I have an intuition about how things probably function and I will work backwards to prove it. One of those was our patent for antimetastatics, and works like a champ. And the data that we've got in dogs has been great so far. 

[01:51:44]Luke Storey:  Meaning, preventing tumors from growing?

[01:51:45]Ian Mitchell:  Well, not so much growing, because once they're in location, in situ at their particular spot, they can actually grow, but spreading, right? 

[01:51:52]Luke Storey:  Oh, okay.

[01:51:52]Ian Mitchell:  Entirely keeping them from spreading. And I will say, definitively, that, yeah, we can keep them from spreading. Like I have not seen anything that would make me think there's any chance of metastatic spread after the fact. If something's already there, yeah, it can get a little blood flow, and develop vascularity, and actually grow in situ, but it's not going to spread. And there are a whole host of mechanisms that I use to actually stop that, dropping cytokines, because not shockingly, cancer co-ops your body's immune system, and uses it to signal for spread, and it uses interleukin 6 and interleukin 8. 

[01:52:29] So, if you suppress IL-6 and IL-8 while simultaneously up-regulating mitochondrial function, you hit two of the major mechanisms that cancer needs, right? It doesn't want to kill the cell. It wants to debilitate the cell, drop its energy level so it can propagate, shunt the electron transport chain and force everything into glycolysis. So, it continues to use that energy from the sugars to grow in lieu of allowing yourselves to be healthy.

[01:52:56] So, you block it off and you get two moles of ATP instead of the 34 that happen after you move from glycolysis to the electron transport chain. So, that kind of mechanism, when we started looking at how cancer is spreading, it's very ordered and it's very well-thought out. I mean, in terms of an approach, it's very well-developed. And granted, it's had, who knows, how many millions of years to develop like that. But if you want to block something like that, you have to think through the problem and pull the thread.

[01:53:29] And there was a point when we were doing that where I got some data back from one of the tests with a pathology lab at a university that we're working with. They said, no, this doesn't work. And I knew that it worked. I could feel it. And just in my bones, intrinsically, I was so committed to the idea. And so, we pushed past the cellular data and went into an animal model, and it worked like a champ.

[01:53:50] But it was kind of that intuition of having to say, okay, sometimes, you have an intuition and you know that something's going to work, so you see it through. A lot of times, again, a lot of times, they're just wrong. But sometimes, I'll have that knowing of like, this is how this is functioning, work it out. And so, I run down that very path. But again, you have to be willing to go, I'm going to look stupid a lot of the time. And that's okay.

[01:54:19]Luke Storey:  Well, yeah. I mean, if you win one out of 10 of those, one out of 20 of them, it's a big win.

[01:54:21]Ian Mitchell:  Yeah, exactly.

[01:54:28]Luke Storey:  And especially, talking about something like cancer that no one seems to have been able to crack the code on really up until very recently, little progress is being made. Let me see where I want to go with this here because there's—I know what we've got to cover and I got to check on the—let me check on the time here real quick because I know we both have to be somewhere. Okay. Yeah. Yeah, Okay. It's getting close to-. 

[01:54:52]Ian Mitchell:  Are we running to the witching hour? 

[01:54:54]Luke Storey:  It's getting down to the wire. 

[01:54:56]Ian Mitchell:  We both turned the pumpings.

[01:54:57]Luke Storey:  How long are you out here? We're going to have to do another one.

[01:55:00]Ian Mitchell:  Literally, I'm here through next Tuesday. So, yeah.

[01:55:02]Luke Storey:  I mean, I might not even be kidding because there's a lot of shit I wanted to ask you about. But I think probably, we can close this one out with the hair loss formula that you made. And I know it worked for you and I haven't been as diligent. I need to have a calendar, and like the number of days, and like really stick to it. I've used it here and there. And I didn't take before and after pictures, but I'm doing the little microroller.

[01:55:30]Ian Mitchell:  Yeah. Derma roller and read light.

[01:55:32]Luke Storey:  Derma roller, okay. 

[01:55:33]Ian Mitchell:  Yeah, derma roller and red light therapy.

[01:55:35]Luke Storey:  I'm putting this serum on, and then I'm putting that DMSO solution afterward, which doesn't bother my skin. I'm very tolerant to DMSO, luckily, but it seems like it's going to work if I stick with it. 

[01:55:49]Ian Mitchell:  Yeah, it will.

[01:55:50]Luke Storey:  How the hell did you come up with that? Because you'd think that if someone cracked this, they would just drop everything, be like I cured male-pattern baldness. I mean, like that would be like Nobel Prize-worthy, and you'd have like huge website, and be promoted.

[01:56:05]Ian Mitchell:  You know what's weird about that, is I was doing a lecture like, I guess it's been three years ago now, and I was talking about the developments on the anti-metastatic. And I was really jazzed, because that, I thought, would make a big dent, right? Like it can help a lot of people. And I mentioned the hair growth and I think I put up one slide just talking about the hair growth. And then, at the end of the lecture, everybody rushed up to the stage, and I thought, ah, they're going to be asking about the cancer.

[01:56:31] Literally, a hundred percent asked about hair growth. And I thought, well, okay, fair enough. And so, I literally just did it for myself because I understood the mechanism. And my daughter came in one day, and said, Dad, your hairline is receding. And that day, I went to the lab, and thought, yeah, that's not happening. So, I just whipped up what I knew would fix it, used it, fixed it, put it back on a shelf, and didn't touch it for years because that's not what I was working on. 

[01:56:58] And admittedly, that seems, in retrospect, maybe kind of stupid, because I could probably fund every bit of research I ever wanted to do if that got out more. And maybe at some point, it will. We're actually finalizing the patent on it now. It's been in process for a little over a year. And generally with patents, like you submit a patent, about a year later, it comes back and they rebuff some points in it, and say, like, oh, you can't do it because of this.

[01:57:24] And you have to explain why, which is what we did a couple months ago with the office action that we received. So, I'm sure it'll be coming out of the chute here soon, and then it will be formally patented as opposed to just being pending at this point. But honestly, it was really straightforward, right? So, you got antigen, telogen and catagen phases in the growth cycle. And my thought was, hair wants to do what hair wants to do, right? Hair follicles have a job. It's to make hair.

[01:57:51] So, if they're inflamed, that's going to inhibit them. If they don't have enough energy, that's going to inhibit them. Then, granted, there's a lot of chemistry around conversions from dehydrate testosterone and a bunch of that stuff, but that's all kind of, I always joke about, like a boat passes and the weight comes by, and people are like, oh, my God, these waves, we've got to stop these waves, focus on how to stop the waves, why don't you just have the boat go a different direction? Again, for every thousand hacking at the leaves of evil, there's one hacking at the root, be that that dude, right?

[01:58:24] So, I thought the problem was the depletion in energy and an inflammatory response in the follicular cells. So, I just eliminated that. And the reason I use the DMSO was because there's not a tremendous amount of blood flow up there, so I wanted something that would actually take those components and shuttle them in, and transdermally, really rapidly into all the follicular cells. And it worked. And it is pretty simple. It works a whole lot better if you use the derma roller because it's kind of like, I don't know if you've seen like the the PRP therapy, they do like a vampire face lift and stuff like that?

[01:58:54]Luke Storey:  Yeah, I've heard of that. Yeah.

[01:58:55]Ian Mitchell:  Okay. Those things are fantastic. I mean, that works like a champ. I don't know what your experience was, but one of the women that works in our lab, she's done a bunch of those and they are unbelievably impressive to me. Personally, I think I would try and tweak a couple of things to maybe amp it up a little bit because there's some room for improvement, but just in in comparison to like the normal course of events, very impressive.

[01:59:18] So, when you use the derma roller, it, in kind, is doing the same sort of thing. It's doing like little micro perforations across the surface because you're using like a 0.25 mm. roller, right? So, the little, bitty needles, and then you allow that to kind of, basically, you're irrigating the bed of follicular cells, and then you use the DMSO. It punches in, moves into the cells. Everything shifts in the mitochondria, drops the inflammatory responses out, and lo and behold, hair starts growing.

[01:59:47] And what's interesting, though, is having done this for a couple of years now, is it grows back in retrograde from the way it went out, right? So, like, if it left on the front, it doesn't grow back on the front. First, it grows from the place where it was and it starts moving forward. That's why I always tell everybody to take pictures, is because it's like watching paint dry, right? You know, you get little bits of growth moving from the back, moving forward, and it just works. I actually wasn't going to commercialize it, but I was talking to Dave Asprey and I had mentioned that, and he was like, whoa, whoa, whoa, what? 

[02:00:24]Luke Storey:  Right.

[02:00:25]Ian Mitchell:  Yeah. And he was like, roll that back a second. You did what? And I told him, and he was like, do you have any of those? Like yeah, it's on the shelf in the lab. And so, I sent him some, and literally, I marked the package, super secret ninja hair formula, but probably not final trade name. And he used it and it worked for him. And like he was a big proponent of it. And I use it for myself and it works.

[02:00:49] But there's other things that you can do, like the derma rolling, the red light, PRP, I'm a huge fan of, just because it's concentrated growth factors, right? So, if you can do that, and most people, granted, probably don't have access to do that, but if you look at the photos of people that have had PRP therapy on their hair, it's fantastic. I mean, it would be just like doing stem cells in the same spot. So, yeah, it's good stuff. It's super simple.

[02:01:15]Luke Storey:  In the protocol, you do the derma roller, you put this stuff on, then you put the activator on, then you do the red light while it's on your head? Yeah, you do. And what does the red light do to potentiate that process?

[02:01:25]Ian Mitchell:  So, okay. So, you drop out the inflammatory response, the C60 moves in into the mitochondria and it's buffering oxidative stress, so you're producing more ATP and the cell is getting healthier. The red light at 670-ish nanometers hits cytochrome inside the cell. So, basically, you're oscillating a nitrogen or nitrous oxide atom off and you're replacing it with an oxygen. So, you're basically mechanically stimulating the cells, you're photonically stimulating the cell cycle.

[02:01:57] So, you're using additive energy from the outside and forcing the cell to move through cellular respiration. So, it's literally that, you're pulling energy from light and you're advancing the cell cycle. So, it speeds up the pace. The one thing I will caution you, though, is you can't do it, red light therapy is generally thought of like a Janus mediator from the Greek God with two faces, right? Because there's a biphasic dose response curve, which is the fancy science way of saying that it's moving in kind of two different directions, right? 

[02:02:29] So, you can get one response up for about the first 10 to 13 days. You enhance the cell cycle. It gets better, better, better, better. But then, it drops off. And when it drops, it drops to a point pretty precipitously that's generally lower than the initial point that you started at. And so, that's why I told you, what you do is you run it for a ten-day cycle, take seven days off, then run it for another ten-day cycle, then it becomes an additive function and you don't have to worry about that biphasic drop. And it paces it up. I mean, I'll show you some pictures of some of the guys that have done it like that. It's pretty jazzy.

[02:03:05]Luke Storey:  That's awesome. I mean, I do have my vanity.

[02:03:08]Ian Mitchell:  Hey, man. I mean, anybody who thinks that that isn't a factor is kidding themselves.

[02:03:13]Luke Storey:  Yeah. It's funny when you think about it like that, you're not your body in the first place, let alone different parts of your body, but still, it's like you walk around in it, it's hard to remember that and not have some sort of-

[02:03:28]Ian Mitchell:  I personally like it. It's like having a great car. I mean, I very much like having a functioning body.

[02:03:36]Luke Storey:  Yeah. And also, I think we share that if something's broken, it's not meant to be broken, how do you fix it? And so, when you told me about that formula, I was like, well, yeah. Like why can't I have hair like I did when I was 20?

[02:03:47]Ian Mitchell:  Yeah.

[02:03:48]Luke Storey:  So, I'm going to get a calendar in my bathroom so that I can mark off the days and like actually keep track of it because that's where I kind of fell off. I was like, wait, how many days I do it? I better stop. And I wasn't disciplined enough about it, but I'm encouraged now. And also, I've got one of the little portable Joovv light, little handheld one, so it's super easy, just hang out, watch TV, and just blast my dome with that Joovv.

[02:04:10]Ian Mitchell:  When I was doing it, I used like a 37-dollar grow light from Amazon. I was like, yeah, this is the effect of growing up as a poor kid, right? You're always like shooting for, what is the cheap seats version? Like the Sanford and Son approach to science. So, like I can buy this or I can get a 37-dollar grow light. 

[02:04:33]Luke Storey:  Well, yeah. If you have the right spectrum of light, then same difference, right?

[02:04:38]Ian Mitchell:  Yeah. I mean, granted the measure of intensity, the joules per centimeter squared is a little different, like a Joovv is actually better. But I don't know that everybody has the pocketbook to get the effect. I think there are probably a whole lot of people who really want their hair back that don't want to spend 600 bucks, but spending 40 bucks is a whole lot more palatable.

[02:05:01]Luke Storey:  Totally.

[02:05:01] Yeah. Well, dude, I had so many things on my list here that we didn't get to, but we covered a lot and I think I'll just have to get you back and we'll just od-

[02:05:09]Ian Mitchell:  My pleasure, man. It would be great.

[02:05:15]Luke Storey:  We would do a lightning round to just get your take on a bunch of shit that I do.

[02:05:20]Ian Mitchell:  It will be one word answers. Yes, no.

[02:05:23]Luke Storey:  Do it. Don't do it. Like it. Don't like it.

[02:05:24]Ian Mitchell:  Cantelope. Right.

[02:05:24]Luke Storey:  But I do have one closing question, and that is, who are three teachers or teachings that have influenced your life and your work that you might recommend our audience to go check out?

[02:05:32]Ian Mitchell:  Let's see. Definitely, one of the biggies was doing meditation. And I started out doing TM, right? So, I did biofeedback therapy for a number of years when I was a little kid. And then, that was kind of a precursor to doing meditation. And I've done that for 25-plus years now. And that was a big shift because I was a smart kid. But when I started meditating, it was, suddenly, like the lights turned on. Things made connections that had never made connections before. 

[02:06:02] And it was expansive. So, I would definitely tell anybody, find whatever flavor of contemplative work or meditative work that fits you and do it. Just be silent, whatever that modality is because there are a lot of them. So, for me, personally, it was TM. So, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi was the fall behind TM. Then, other things that, I think, are really handy. I've seen a lot of technologies, but the one I've been using for the past year was Dr. Morguelan's Energy for Success stuff, that's legit. I mean, he has got that thing programmatically dialed in and it's very different.

[02:06:47] And I also appreciate the fact that Dr. B is like double-board-certified MD. And when we have discussions about this stuff, he does not sugarcoat it. Because I'll ask him a question, he'll flat out give me the answer and he'll take it from the physical to the biochemical, to the chemical, to the quantum physics level, and give me like the entire spectrum of answers, which for somebody that's geared the way I am, is great because like, I then go, oh, okay, got it, and I can move on as opposed to wanting to like pull on that thing. So, Energy for Success is what he calls the company.

[02:07:23]Luke Storey:  Yeah. He's been on the show and I'll put it in the show notes. I forget the episode number, but one of my favorite interviews of all time. It was like one of these like two hours, just down the rabbit hole.

[02:07:34]Ian Mitchell:  Dr. B, he's great. We met at the Bulletproof conference, and he actually like plucked me out of, just walked up to me, and said, you, come with me, you're the person I really need.

[02:07:44]Luke Storey:  Really? Wow.

[02:07:44]Ian Mitchell:  Yeah. And actually, like plucked me out. And it was one of the best things, I think, that's probably ever happened to me because the stuff that he's teaching, again, it's programmatic, right? It's like science. You do the experiment, you get the result. And his is no different. You put in the time, which is admittedly a bit of a bitch to do sometimes because it's usually like 90 minutes a day of physical practices, and then breathing exercises and things like that.

[02:08:10] And that's a chunk, especially because I don't sleep a ton, which is probably not the best thing, but I really push a lot. And to carve out a full 90 minutes every day is a lot, but proof's in the pudding, man, the effects are worth it. So, if it makes you that much more efficient, it's worth doing. So, that's definitely one. So, I would say meditation and Dr. B's stuff. Third thing, and this is a little bit odd, when I was in my early-20s, I was reading a lot, and I was really inquisitive, and I was trying to figure out what was going on.

[02:08:49] I kind of felt like I was at a concert and I had lost all reference to the highs and the lows. I knew that there was a lot going on that I wasn't able to perceive. And this is probably kind of what pushed me towards really working on meditation in general. But it was a book called The Razor's Edge by W. Somerset Maugham. And it's not so much a teaching, but in terms of just an idea about getting perspective on things. Like life is fleeting, appreciate it. Try and make a difference and have a positive impact while you're here.

[02:09:24] And my grandfather used to say, be good, do good, the rest will take care of itself. And that book sort of epitomized that to me. Actually, it's one of the reasons I left my job and I went kind of on a quest, kind of between the years, and went to a monastery, and got used to silence, so I could go off into the mountains and meditate my way to enlightenment. So, it was this whole programatic thing that I had worked out, which never actually came to pass. In the end, I ended up living the standard kind of householder life and doing my gig. But as fate would have it, shockingly, it seems like I've been able to get more of a response and be more of a benefit here than in a cave.

[02:10:09]Luke Storey:  Yeah. It's a bitch right now.

[02:10:11]Ian Mitchell:  Yeah. Actually, the cave would have been a whole hell of a lot easier.

[02:10:15]Luke Storey:  There's something about that renunciated path that definitely makes sense, the minimalist approach to it. But yeah, I guess you have to find your dharma and go after it. For some, it's sad. For some, it's coming back here, and be like, okay, I'm going to trudge through this, and try and uplift in the ways that I can.

[02:10:33]Ian Mitchell:  Well, I mean, actually, doing what you're doing is huge because you've created a forum for people to find those sorts of things. I mean, the work that I do, at some point here in the near future, it will become mainstream. But for right now, it's reasonably fringe. But the people that listen to your show, they want to see the next thing, the cutting-edge stuff, look at the science that isn't quite considered to be normal science yet. And I think it makes a big impact.

[02:11:01] And I mean, we're effectively kind of trying to do the same thing, move the needle where we are. And so, those three things, I think, the Dr. B stuff, TM, and Somerset Maugham, those were three biggies for me. And then, as an aside, John Gray. I think, like that cat, he's super legit. And his information about relationships, having read his books before, yeah, he's on point. Anybody who wants to relate with anyone romantically, do yourself a favor, read some John Gray stuff.

[02:11:37]Luke Storey:  100% agree. He's one of my favorite guests. He's been on three times. I've learned so much from him.

[02:11:43]Ian Mitchell:  I have heard every one of those, actually.

[02:11:45]Luke Storey:  Oh, cool. Yeah. And it's funny because my girlfriend, Alyson, we met him in Park City. We went out for Dr. Harry Adelson's film launch out there, and a bunch of people in our field were there and whatnot. And so, we got to go do a guided meditation with John. It was really cool. And that was her first time, I think, really encountering his work or him. She really vibed his whole thing because he's all about love, a long time meditator. But she has no idea that I'm using his stuff constantly in our relationship. I mean, she's like, dude, you're just such an amazing boyfriend. You really listen to me and you're there for me. And I'm like, I really just like learned from him.

[02:12:25]Ian Mitchell:  Man, it's like the Babel fish of relationships, right? 

[02:12:28]Luke Storey:  Yeah.

[02:12:29]Ian Mitchell:  You mainline it, and suddenly, you understand how to interact, like, oh, OK. This is what you meant.

[02:12:34]Luke Storey:  Yeah. And I always give him so much credit because I'm one that when I encounter a teaching that rings true, I really do apply it. I mean, I don't know, if there is one thing I've been able to do through all these interviews is when something really sticks with me, I just go for it and I use it. And John Gray stuff, man, asolutely transformed my relating as well. I mean, just the simple act of understanding the fundamentals of energetics, of masculine, feminine, and the hormonal, the endocrine systems of males and females if you happen to be in a relationship, that's that, but it doesn't really matter. Even the gender is just more about the energetics of it.

[02:13:16] But just like the one single thing of just really being a compassionate, caring listener, and just shutting up, and not trying to solve my girlfriend's problems unless she asks and give me permission, then I'm like, I know what to do. But really, man, just being there, and holding space, and just not feeling threatened or getting all co-dependent and sucked into it, and really just being there, and being objective and compassionate. And it's incredible how much doing nothing actually does. That's just one little nugget. So, yeah, I'm a huge fan of his teachings, too. Okay. Last thing, where can we find you online? Websites, social media, any of that stuff.

[02:13:50]Ian Mitchell:  C360health.com is the company's website. And then, that's probably the first place to go to start pulling the thread. And I'm pretty easily accessible. I mean, lots of people call, and just go through the phone, and get me on the horn, and ask questions. And any time I'm able to help, I'm happy to do it.

[02:14:14]Luke Storey:  Cool, man. Well, thanks so much. I'm glad we got to sit down today and finally get this done.

[02:14:18]Ian Mitchell:  Yeah, it was a pleasure.

[02:14:19]Luke Storey:  Yeah. We'll call it and we'll definitely have to do it again, because as I said, I have so much other shit I wanted to wrap it.

[02:14:24]Ian Mitchell:  Yeah, we definitely can do the lightning round. I'll bring flash cards.

[02:14:28]Luke Storey:  Alright, man. Well, thanks again for joining me.

[02:14:30]Ian Mitchell:  My pleasure.



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