247. Cancer Cures, 5G EMF Update, & My Next Career Moves

Luke Storey

December 13, 2019

DISCLAIMER: This podcast is presented for educational and exploratory purposes only. Published content is not intended to be used for diagnosing or treating any illness. Those responsible for this show disclaim responsibility for any possible adverse effects from the use of information presented by Luke or his guests. Please consult with your healthcare provider before using any products referenced. This podcast may contain paid endorsements for products or services.

DISCLAIMER: This podcast is presented for educational and exploratory purposes only. Published content is not intended to be used for diagnosing or treating any illness. Those responsible for this show disclaim responsibility for any possible adverse effects from the use of information presented by Luke or his guests. Please consult with your healthcare provider before using any products referenced. This podcast may contain paid endorsements for products or services.

We’re keeping the Q&A train rolling this week, and there’s no sign of it slowing down — because there are so many fantastic questions being asked by the bright, inquisitive minds in The Lifestylist Facebook Group! Bright minds like Barbara, Cindy, and Joanna, who asked the questions I’m focusing on this week.

Come join us, watch the next episode live (you can do that on Instagram, too), and ask any questions you might have about biohacking, health, spirituality, or life in general.

Barbara asks: How about ozone and mistletoe extract therapy for cancer treatment? (6:05)

  • When it comes to cancer, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure:
  • Avoid glyphosate and pesticides (harder than you might think)
  • Avoid blue light at night
  • Reduce GMOs
  • EMF shield your bedroom
  • Avoid seed and vegetable oils, except coconut and olive oil
  • Avoid grains and gluten
  • Exercise regularly
  • Practice red light therapy and safe sun exposure

Cindy asks: Now that 5G is on in my area, how do I mitigate when I am even just walking around? Clothes and hats? (38:30)

  • Best advice: move to a new city that doesn’t have 5G
  • You won’t really know if 5G is present where you work or live without someone coming to test the airwaves with specific and expensive meters that can detect radio frequencies in the range of 5G
  • 5G is in LA but its only been detected in DTLA, so there’s no need to panic here yet
  • I’m not certain as to whether or not the current EMF clothing repels the millimeter waves of 5G, but I still wear my Lambs underwear and KTC Labs pants every day
  • Invite a building biologist like Brian Hoyer to test your whole house, then at least shield your bedroom and your kids’ rooms
  • I have a two-hour documentary of Brian screening my house coming up and the results are shocking
  • I do not go anywhere without my Blusheild scalar wave generator in my pocket. It is not a 100% protection, but it helps protect against all EMF a lot 
  • Install an EMF Kill Switch in your home
  • The same goes for Somavedic, really cool devices based on precious and semi-precious stones you put in your house and car. It also restructures water and protects you from geopathic stress.
  • Get rid of all wireless in the house.
  • Listen to Mark Langdon in episode 198 to learn all about Blushield technology, and look forward to a future episode is coming all about Somavedic
  • Shield all of your mobile devices with cases from DefenderShield
  • You can also do the brain training program called DNRS to heal your limbic system and make yourself much less sensitive to EMF — that’s what I’m doing
  • Again, balance awareness and fear because the fear is almost as bad for you

Joanna asks: Could you answer all the same questions that you were asking at the bulletproof conference 🤔and maybe tell us the next big plans for you? And I would love to learn more about spirituality. (1:08:10)

  • What is one health fad you wish would go away? Plant-based vegan foods that are terrible for you
  • If you could only take one supplement for the rest of your life what would it be? Magnesium, hands down. My favorites are the MagTech Magnesium Complex and Electrolyte Balance magnesium bicarbonate.
  • What’s your #1 free biohack? Sun exposure, and natural light in general.
  • What’s one piece of advice you would give someone under 25 who wants to live a long and healthy life? Find a god of your understanding and devote your life to service.
  • Who’s been your favorite speaker at the conference? Frank Shallenberger
  • If you could only listen to ONE health expert for the rest of your life, who would it be? Dave Asprey
  • How do you handle negative emotions? I surrender them to a higher power and allow them to express themselves as needed.
  • Do you have a spiritual practice, and if so what is it? I live my life as a living prayer. I dedicate the purpose of my life to expressing the will of my creator.
  • What is going to be the biggest biohack of the next 5 years? People learning the power of our thoughts and intention to heal ourselves through altering gene expression
  • My next big plans are writing a book, building a membership or high-level group coaching program, launching a clothing line,  creating online courses
  • And in 2020, my main goal is offering life-changing, highly transformative, experiential retreats for our community

More about this episode.


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