321. Dr. Dwight Jennings Bonus Show: Luke’s Shocking Dental Exam

Dr. Dwight Jennings

DISCLAIMER: This podcast is presented for educational and exploratory purposes only. Published content is not intended to be used for diagnosing or treating any illness. Those responsible for this show disclaim responsibility for any possible adverse effects from the use of information presented by Luke or his guests. Please consult with your healthcare provider before using any products referenced. This podcast may contain paid endorsements for products or services.

This audio feed of my dental exam with Dr. Dwight Jennings will shock you to your core!

Dr. Dwight Jennings limited his practice to TMJ and dental medicine over twenty-five years ago. He has one of the few practices in the Bay Area that is limited exclusively to orofacial pain and TMJ treatment. His extensive experience in this area, coupled with his clinical research has created an unusual expertise in TMJ treatment.

Dr. Dwight Jennings graduated from the University of Pacific School of Dentistry in 1976. He practiced general dentistry for ten years prior to limiting his practice to TMJ and dental medicine. Currently, his practice is limited exclusively to applications of dental orthopedics.

Dr. Dwight Jennings has been involved in broad areas of clinical research that have resulted in new therapies for a large number of medical disorders associated with TMJ. He has developed an expertise in the clinical effects of “substance P“, the pain neurotransmitter which becomes elevated with long term bite disturbances. He has published on a connection between TMJ and Parkinsons (see ParkinsonsTMJ.com). Most recently he has been investigating the connection between bite misalignment and its impact on developmental disorders.

DISCLAIMER: This podcast is presented for educational and exploratory purposes only. Published content is not intended to be used for diagnosing or treating any illness. Those responsible for this show disclaim responsibility for any possible adverse effects from the use of information presented by Luke or his guests. Please consult with your healthcare provider before using any products referenced. This podcast may contain paid endorsements for products or services.

This audio feed of my dental exam with Dr. Dwight Jennings gives you a glimpse into the niche category of dentistry no one else is talking about. But if you can watch it on YouTube or Instagram, I recommend checking out the video because this is a very visual episode.

This stuff will shock you to your core! With so much information, I decided to dedicate two entire episodes to his ground-breaking work on jaw alignment and body ailments. Spoiler alert: pretty much everything wrong with your body is linked to your jaw, and no brace or a night guard can fix it (you’ll see how I learned the hard way with that one).

Be sure to listen to the previous episode for an in-depth breakdown of Dr. Dwight Jennings’s professional background and work around Substance P levels and our physical and mental health.

Trust me, your mouth’s going to hit the floor with this one.

02:31 — Dr. Dwight Jennings Diagnostic Process

  • The unique mechanics Dr. Dwight Jennings night guard 
  • Why it makes sense for our jaw to be ‘tip to tip’
  • Biomechanical analysis of jaw muscles 
  • My individual diagnosis 

07:08 —The Consequences of Molar Removal

  • How lack of molar support depletes body functionality levels
  • Jaw alignment and wisdom teeth removal
  • The drawbacks to mainstream TMJ therapy 
  • PGOcclusion.com

10:19 - The Process to The Perfect Bite

  • What an ideal bite looks like 
  • The Pivoting Mechanics approach
  • How an overactive temporalis muscle leads to gallbladder dysfunction 
  • The benefits of using polyvinyl siloxane instead of carbon paper to check teeth alignment
  • The real reason your teeth are eroding

18:13 - Why Your Night Guard is Your Enemy

  • Current controversies surrounding the cause of TMJ
  • The best way to measure bite registration

23:21 — The Ailment and Alignment Connection

  • Examining body pain and digestion with jaw alignment
  • How high Substance P levels are the root cause of your suffering
  • The link between Substance P and Autism

More about this episode.

Watch it on YouTube.

[00:00:00]Luke Storey:  We're about to record a podcast with the brilliant doctor, Dwight Jennings, this guy right here, and he's an expert in jaw alignment. And that might not sound interesting, but once you hear how misalignment in your jaw wrecks your whole life, you're definitely going to be interested. So, this is something I've been wanting to look into for a long time and he's the man. We're up here in Oakland. I'm looking out at the bay. It's quite beautiful. And you're a fly on the wall and you're going to watch this whole thing take place. After we do the exam and chat a little bit here, we're going to do a formal sit-down interview. With the cameras far enough away, you won't see inside my gross mouth, don't worry. Okay. I'm ready. 

[00:01:04]Dwight Jennings:  Check it out here.

[00:01:05]Luke Storey:  Yes, sir.

[00:01:05]Dwight Jennings:  So, normally, we would have a medical history so we normally have to come and do an intake and medical history. And then, I get your chief complaint, right? People have chief complaints, where they show up here in the first place. And so, between the chief complaint, we're integrating all that information between your medical history, and chief complaint, and the visual exam. So, now, we'll do a visual exam on it, then we might talk a little bit more about cross integration and other stuff.

[00:01:38]Luke Storey:  Cool. Sounds good. I also brought my night guard if it's useful. 

[00:01:38]Dwight Jennings:  Yeah, it would be probably worth looking at. There's lots of different beliefs and theories that dentists work on when they make night appliances, and then we can talk a little about what I think works and doesn't work. 

[00:01:45]Luke Storey:  Because regardless, I want to get a new one, at least, that goes on the bottom.

[00:01:55]Dwight Jennings:  Yeah. The bottom on these, they work better.

[00:01:56]Luke Storey:  For starters. 

[00:01:59]Dwight Jennings:  The ones that I use for most of my patients fits both jaw simultaneously, but does a clip-on to either jaw. So, that's what most dentists would understand to be a Neutral Bionator. So, it has a correlation between the back teeth, but the index of both jaws to a relaxed trajectory. That is its people falling off trajectory that typically induces snoring, sleep apnea. And so, you want to maintain them on that trajectory. You don't want to displace when they go unconscious.

[00:02:24]Luke Storey:  Got it. Cool, man.

[00:02:24]Dwight Jennings:  Bite on your back teeth, close. Hold it right there. So, you have about 90% overbiting. The upper teeth come down about 90% over your bottom teeth, and we look pretty well-coordinated in the back. Open for me now. So, what dentistry doesn't know is that when you're trying to figure out where a lower jaw needs to be, it's most important to look at where it goes when it opens, not where it goes when it closes, because when it closes, we know it's dysfunctional.

[00:03:02] So, the question is, where does it go when you open? And so, most people that have retruded bites, as they open their jaw, drifts forward, and then as they close, it gets pulled back into the skull again. And so, you're looking at where that forward position is that would normally close up. And a good way of doing that is just open wide formally and bite on my stick there, close. And one more time, opening and closing in. So, where your jaw goes when you bite on that stick is 95% accurate as to where the jaw needs to be. 

[00:03:30] Normally, if you just think anything between somebody's teeth, they don't normally close to that relaxed position, that the brain instantly knows that they're not going to run into the front teeth, so they don't pull the jaw back anymore. For 95% of the population, where the jaw needs to be is tip to tip. So, dentistry doesn't appreciate that there's biomechanical principles involved here. Muscles attach, muscles are strongest at their resting length. Muscles are like fibers, right? 

[00:04:00] And they can either elongate those muscles or you can foreshorten those muscles. And if you do either those muscles, they get weaker. So, muscles attach to your lower jaw to be strongest and most relaxed whenever they have to service the furthest point from your jaw joint where they have the least biomechanical advantage, and that's when you buy tip-to-tip. So, for the vast majority of people, when you're trying to find out where that lower jaw needs to be, it's always when they're end on end, which is how all primitive humans just-

[00:04:29]Luke Storey:  Wow. Primitive humans had it figured out.

[00:04:32]Dwight Jennings:  Yeah. There's biomechanical reasons why we need to be there. And these days, when they're looking at integrating a lot of airway issues, again, that gives you maximum forward positioning of the jaw to give you the maximum airway too. So, it's to treating it to a tip-to-tip bite. And there's a good website, pgocclusion.com maintained out of England. It gives a lot of evidence as to why a tip-to-tip bites better. 

[00:04:59]Luke Storey:  Cool. And we'll put that in the show notes for those listening and watching so that you can find that.

[00:05:03]Dwight Jennings:  So, biting on your back teeth, close right there, and then slide your lower jaw forward up tip to top, and bring your lower chin the upper, right there. Perfect. So, now, I'm going to look in the back. When you slide forward, you have kind of a mild defect in the back. Some people, depending on the status of their jaw angle, when they slide that jaw forward, it drops down a lot in the back and they can end up with very large caps back there, but in your case, you're down only about two millimeters, which means your treatment, if you have to treat this, it's pretty easy. 

[00:05:34]Luke Storey:  I'm treating it. I'm already excited.

[00:05:36]Dwight Jennings:  And so, another thing on you, too, you're a little bit what we call division 2, the upper two front teeth are in just a little bit from the teeth beside them. And so, there's a little bit of an overlap right here on this tooth. And on this tooth, your two front teeth are behind these teeth a little bit. And so, these teeth are out of position. It's two front teeth. A lot of people think, where this one, the second tooth over turns out that that's the defect, but it's actually the two front teeth that need to come forward. So, getting those two front teeth forward will also allow you to get that lower jaw more forward. 

[00:06:08]Luke Storey:  I feel like they didn't used to be like that. And I swear, I think from wearing a night guard, it smooshed my teeth tighter together like that. Is that possible?

[00:06:17]Dwight Jennings:  It's possible. So, that's a big problem in sleep apnea appliances. They bring those jaws forward. And I've seen multiple cases when they bring the jaws forward that, over time, they can't get the jaw go back anymore. And so, like I just had a gentleman come in, he had been in a sleep apnea appliance for 12 years. And when he bit down, the only thing touching was his front teeth. Right. 

[00:06:39] The jaw just won't go bite, the joint had got decompressed, the cartilage had re-inflated, but you could do the reverse. This is adaptable structure and it could adapt to have, if you're being pushed back overnight, that you'd end up further back on. That's the main reason that we put our finished cases end on end bite. We want to make sure that they stay there at nighttime, because if they fall out of that at nighttime, over time, they will go back up, just as you're describing.

[00:07:07]Luke Storey:  Right.

[00:07:08]Dwight Jennings:  When those bites go off, not having molar support causes massive problems in the body. There are Japanese studies showing people missing their back molars, when they bite down, on average, some cases were worse, on average, it decreased brain blood flow by 40%.

[00:07:28]Luke Storey:  Whoa.

[00:07:29]Dwight Jennings:  Right. Lack of molar support any time. So, the Japanese have done 40 years of research on bite destruction in animals, and any time you shorten the molars on an animal on one side, it makes the opposite side of the body become hypertonic, tense, tighten up, and they all get scoliosis. 

[00:07:47]Luke Storey:  What the hell? When you say molars, does that mean wisdom teeth or the ones further?

[00:07:57]Dwight Jennings:  So, there are three molars in the back for a smaller second molar and wisdom teeth.

[00:08:00]Luke Storey:  Oh, okay. So, I have all my molars, right? And I'm missing a wisdom tooth upper left. 

[00:08:09]Dwight Jennings:  Right. Yeah. You got all your molars, which is really good.

[00:08:11]Luke Storey:  Oh, okay. Good. Because there were times when various dentist want to pull them all out, and I was like, oh, it hurts too bad, let's leave them.

[00:08:17]Dwight Jennings:  And so, that's part of the problem. So, the adaptive process you're describing, so like my daughter was born with a severely retruded lower jaw to the point that she had a pretty significant speech defect. She sounded like there from Boston when she was younger, right? But when you bring that, like I started treating her at age three, and when you bring that lower jaw really far forward, bring it out of the socket, the socket ends up bending, remodeling, going back into the socket, and it ends up elongated in the lower jaw. And so, she's able to keep all of her wisdom teeth.

[00:08:46]Luke Storey:  Oh, wow.

[00:08:47]Dwight Jennings:  Right. But if you take somebody whose jaw is really far back and this whole thing's bent forward on them, it reduces the length of the lower jaw and they're much more likely to have to need withdom teeth removal.

[00:08:56]Luke Storey:  Oh, interesting. So, would you say in many cases, you could avoid having to pull wisdom teeth by just properly aligning the jaw first? 

[00:09:03]Dwight Jennings:  At a young age, yes. 

[00:09:05]Luke Storey:  But you've got to do it now.

[00:09:06]Dwight Jennings:  You've got to do it now.

[00:09:07]Luke Storey:  Yeah. That recent book that was published a year ago, JawsL The Story of a Hidden Epidemic, the orthodontist that co-wrote that, she won't treat anybody over age 12.

[00:09:19] Wow.

[00:09:19]Dwight Jennings:  Right. So, she wants probably a lot of growth potential.

[00:09:22]Luke Storey:  Wow. Crazy. Cool.

[00:09:27]Dwight Jennings:  But yeah, getting the jaw forward. So, if you keep the jaw forward at nighttime, it wants to be more forward in the daytime. And so, that's part of the problem with most or a lot of TMJ therapy is they give you a mouthpiece that works great when you're upright, conscious. But when you go unconscious, the jaw displace on you. So, they never quite get to your optimal forward position. So, while these cases end up with still a slight overbite, that they're treating for TMJ case purposes or jaw orthopedic purpose because they're falling back at night time.

[00:09:56] So, if you support that jaw forward at night time, they want to be more forward in the daytime, and you can get them all the way up to where they maintain tip-to-tip. Now, the problem with treating somebody tip-to-tip, it demands a higher degree of precision in orthodontics. It's extremely critical that when you bite down and hit those front teeth, that your back molars are slightly taller than your front teeth, right? 

[00:10:19] What should happen on an ideal bite is that you close up and hit you back molars and your jaw rotates, decompresses from your jaw joint, touches your front teeth, right? But the brunt of the force is on the back molars. There should be no vibratory percussotory pressure on your front teeth when you bite down, right? You shouldn't. If you tap, tap firmly, you shouldn't feel the front teeth vibrating. And so, in our cases, when we treat them, we overtreat them slightly.

[00:10:43] We get those back teeth slightly too tall and let function bring it back together. So, we want to make sure that they're hitting here, there's a little bit of space in front, and they decompress to get those front teeth together, and get all the decompression out of the jaw joint cartilage. Dentistry doesn't really appreciate the fact that the cartilage within your TMJ joint is compressible and adaptable. And so, they don't typically use it. 

[00:11:04] So, the entire treatment that we're doing on the TMJ case is what they call pivoting mechanics, and that is the back molars are high, and the front teeth are clear. And so, you're always trying to jack those joints down, make the back teeth taller, getting that jaw to close up, pivot up, and get maximum decompression within the TMJ joint. If you have compression within this TMJ joint, it overworks you temporalis muscle, right? 

[00:11:31] This is the muscle that pulls your jaw at the back. Your temporalis muscle is tied in integratively, sensorly with gallbladder, right? So, if you look at the gallbladder meridian, it Zs back and forth your temporalis muscle. And so, people that have the job active are temporalis-overworked. They're going to have a lot more propensity towards gallbladder dysfunction, gallbladder removed.

[00:11:54]Luke Storey:  It's crazy, all that's related. Well, we're definitely going to—when we sit down and do the official interview, when I'm not in the chair, I want to get into that.

[00:12:03]Dwight Jennings:  Let me check. Do you want to lay here? 

[00:12:05]Luke Storey:  Yeah. 

[00:12:05]Dwight Jennings:  Analytically, we check. This is polyvinyl siloxane. It's silicone. It sets up in about 15, 20 seconds, and it will show me how your back teeth fit together. So, this is something that general dentists should be doing on every patient just to see how those back teeth are aligned. I'll scratch you here.

[00:12:23]Luke Storey:  Okay.

[00:12:30]Dwight Jennings:  So, the tinnitus, for the most part, when they're trying to get anything even, they use carbon paper and I use this material, by the same clothes all the way. This is probably 20, 30 times more precise than carbon paper. They can hold it up to the light and it gives you a thickness on it. It's like a thickness gauge, pressure gauge. And it is just much more accurate at trying to get people-precise. And this system here is sensitive enough that it needs that kind of precision. Yeah. That's good. Let me go open that up there. Good. 

[00:13:20]Luke Storey:  Well, that sets so fast. It's crazy. 

[00:13:26]Dwight Jennings:  So, when we hold this up to the light and look at it, so you're hitting heaviest on this tooth, not so heavy on those teeth, and your left side, you're really not hitting properly.

[00:13:36]Luke Storey:  I can feel that, yeah. 

[00:13:38]Dwight Jennings:  Yeah. Your left side is a little bit light. You're not really touching on the left side, and then you're hitting that front teeth too heavy too. You'd like to see this lighter on the front teeth. But we look at this for peaks and valleys, you're actually lined up quite well on your peaks and valleys. All those little holes in there are caused from grinding and teeth typically not being precisely lined up, right? 

[00:14:02] So, this is a form of compression erosion that happens on teeth, you got some up on these teeth too, right? But this most orthodontic post-treatment is, if you look at them, these will be significantly off. Like on this side, on your left side, where that one tooth is touching, it's hitting just the outside slope of that tooth. When a tooth hits precisely the way that it should, there should be equal amount of light on this side and that side of this ridge, right? 

[00:14:42]Luke Storey:  Wow. That's such detail.

[00:14:44]Dwight Jennings:  So, you can see that all the pressure is on the side and nothing on that side.

[00:14:47]Luke Storey:  Right. That's funny, because every time I've had adjustments done or any kind of fillings and they use that carbon paper, the inside feel never matches what they're telling me. The dentist go, oh no, it's great. It's perfect. We got it. And I'm like, no, you don't. Like you just said, I already knew that the right side hits right there in the middle. I mean, I can feel it.

[00:15:08]Dwight Jennings:  They could never figure this out with carbon paper.

[00:15:10]Luke Storey:  Right. Like I even feel that my left side doesn't touch. That's why I have an implant on the bottom when the dentist put that in, God bless him, he's a great dentist, but he put that in. I'm like, dude, the bite's wrong, that tooth is not touching. And now, we see that it's not right. Goddammit.

[00:15:26]Dwight Jennings:  But this is crucial, essential to doing this work precisely, you have to use this material.

[00:15:36]Luke Storey:  Why do they use carbon paper still?

[00:15:38]Dwight Jennings:  That's what they're taught in dental school.

[00:15:39]Luke Storey:  Oh, wow.

[00:15:41]Dwight Jennings:  Yeah, they just don't know. They just don't know. But this doing this gives you a lot of information on somebody. Orthodontist need to use this on all the cases. They don't, they're just looking visually to see if you look good, and they assume that everything will align itself up, which isn't the case at all. And so, yeah, this is a great tool for assessing bites. But because you can see the difference, the amount of light coming through here on the nail, this is probably, you're talking 10,000th of an inch difference on those sides, but it shows it up.

[00:16:14]Luke Storey:  Right. So, for those of you listening and not watching this on the YouTube video, he's now taking this gel that's firmed up from my bite, and it just looks like some blue chewed-up gum in the shape of a U, and you can see the indentations of where the teeth are hitting. When he's talking about the light, it's just thinner at the places where the bite's hitting harder. And so, it's just a really clear, obvious representation of what teeth are hitting, and when they do, how much. Yeah, that's cool.

[00:16:44]Dwight Jennings:  Back molars are supposed to hang a-half-a-tooth out over your bottom teeth. So, the inside peak of your upper molar is supposed to hit the middle of your bottom teeth. And the outside peak of your lower is supposed to hit like gears. And if you start touching on the slopes, and every day you bite down, the jaw shifts. That puts a lot of stress on the musculature, the joint, the proprioceptors, sensors, and on your teeth, too. When you hit a tooth on a side like that, it makes that tooth flex a little bit, and that'll cause matching erosion and cervical recession on teeth. A lot of dentists think that recession on teeth is from toothbrushing too hard, but it's typically more often from those teeth not being precisely aligned.

[00:17:26]Luke Storey:  I have a dentist tell me it's from eating almonds. I'm like, really? I think my teeth are harder that an almond, but I don't eat that many almonds to begin with.

[00:17:35]Dwight Jennings:  So, when you're chewing, your teeth don't really come together, right? So, food bowl is in between there, should be-

[00:17:42]Luke Storey:  Right. Yeah. You have shock absorbers called food in there, right? 

[00:17:46]Dwight Jennings:  Right. Yeah.

[00:17:47]Luke Storey:  Okay. Noted. Do you want to look at my night guard?

[00:17:50]Dwight Jennings:  Yeah. Let's see your night guard.

[00:17:51]Luke Storey:  Okay. This thing is disgusting, so I'm going to hide it from the cameras because it's so gross. Every time I start dating someone, I hide the night guard on the [indiscernible] on the nightstand, it's so nasty. I don't care how many times, especially now, because mine turn blue from my Blue Cannatine neutropic. Alright. Here it goes. 

[00:18:13]Dwight Jennings:  So, that's actually forcing your lower jaw further back into your skull.

[00:18:17]Luke Storey:  Really?

[00:18:17]Dwight Jennings:  Uh-huh. That's typically what an upper one will do. It's got to ramp on the back of those front. And so, when you hit it, it tries to drop it.

[00:18:24]Luke Storey:  I can feel that now that you say that.

[00:18:27]Dwight Jennings:  Yeah. So, historically, dentists were taught to push the jaws back, but nobody in progressive mind wants that. They all want the jaws brought forward for airway purposes, for functional purposes. There's a huge controversy in dentistry over what causes TMJ. There's the psychosomatic school of thought and they think it's too much stress, overwork in the system. But the two largest TMJ organizations in the United States believe that the jaw is back too far and that you have to structurally change the jaws too. They do what they call anterior repositioning therapy, which is what I'd recommend to fix your case. You've got to get the lower jaw forward. And to get it forward, you got to get the back teeth taller to keep it forward. 

[00:19:11]Luke Storey:  Can I take this out now? 

[00:19:13]Dwight Jennings:  Yeah.

[00:19:17]Luke Storey:  So, that thing sucks, I sensed that. So, what can we do from this point to fix my bike and get me set up with a new night guard? What are the steps? 

[00:19:31]Dwight Jennings:  So, you want to do—look and see what you might have imaging-wise. You'd like to see the image of those TMJ just as a baseline, see what kind of state they're in. And then, from the imaging, you do moles of your teeth, we take like bite registration. And the bite registration—well, let me do that on you.

[00:19:51]Luke Storey:  Okay.

[00:19:52]Dwight Jennings:  So, I'm going to squirt it in, you bite on my stick.

[00:19:57]Luke Storey:  Okay.

[00:19:57]Dwight Jennings:  You have to listen to me here. Squirting this material in, there's a little preprogramming. So, I also see in your mouth that you have fairly large outgrowth of bone, what they call Tori. And Tori are bracing bone. So, the bone thickness due to the stress on it. And bite on my stick things and slide your jaw forward, forward and back, right there. Maybe forward just to here. Yeah, right there. Perfect. And you wanna see how easy to find this bite once it sets up, I'm getting a temporary bite surface, and we're going to look at your arc of opening and closing. We do have abilities to do all this under computerized instrumentation also, which we do in some cases. 

[00:20:21] But for the vast majority of people, just having them biet on the stick is quicker, faster, and cheaper than all the fancy technology. Open for me there. So, I'm looking at your jaw, and mind closing that again. And one more time, open again, and bite, close again. Yeah. So, that's pretty good. You also have a slight mid-line discrepancy. The upper middle teeth don't quite match your nose. And so, that makes it the lower middle line not quite match your upper middle line. Open again from there. Extract and put it again. This gives you that the gap in the back and this is still with the stick in here. So, this is a very large discrepancy in the molar area than what you find on some individuals. 

[00:21:50]Luke Storey:  So, reading from one to 10, 10 being the worst by discrepancy, where would I fit based on this initial analysis? 

[00:21:58]Dwight Jennings:  Probably about three.

[00:21:59]Luke Storey:  I'm not that bad.

[00:22:00]Dwight Jennings:  Not that bad, yeah. 

[00:22:02]Luke Storey:  Cool. 

[00:22:02]Dwight Jennings:  Yeah. So, any time you bring the lower jaw forward, it necessitates that you have to widen the upper top so that you bring in a wide variety of back molars into a skinnier part of your jaw. And so, that's part of the process, is widening that upper jaw. So, the appliances, the treatment, as we put you into appliances, so I have a sample of appliances that we use. I don't see those. You're going to have to [indiscernible] show you those, but the appliances are used for the first phase for the first month or two to find out exactly where that jaw functionally wants to be in space. And once you get the jaw functionally aligned and that dictates the orthodontic treatment that you need. Oh, cool. So, phase one is to find out where it needs to be. Phase two is to stabilize it in that therapeutic position, ideal functional position. And phase three is to maintain it there over many years.

[00:23:03]Luke Storey:  Cool. So, for right now, I just keep using my night guard, and then we just start doing the further evaluations and taking those steps that you just indicated.

[00:23:12]Dwight Jennings:  Yes.

[00:23:12]Luke Storey:  Cool. Awesome man.

[00:23:16]Dwight Jennings:  And then, so medical-history-wise, is there anything that you want to bring up?

[00:23:21]Luke Storey:  Well, I think I've done a lot of work on the whole body here. Thank you, buddy. And I think the things that have been persistently difficult for me to overcome, and I have a lot of resources, and knowledge, and experts to see, such as people like you, have been digestive issues, gut issues, and also, systemic migrating pain, like joint pain that just moves around, and then really long-term lower back and right hip pain that I just—well, I don't know. I recently had this transformative kind of healing just a few days ago that seems to be having a really positive effect on the hip and the back. But yeah, it's just like body pain and digestive issues. Other than that, like energy levels, and all my labs and stuff are really good, but the gut has been a little challenging, I would say.

[00:24:17]Dwight Jennings:  So, with compromised bite relationships, it tends to push up your Substance P levels in your body, and Substance P is a major regulator of gut function. So, what's supposed to happen is when a person choose, your Substance P levels naturally, normally blip up, and that turns on gut motility, to process the food that just went down there. But when there's constant bite dysfunction, it keeps your Substance P levels high and it makes you a lot more prone to constipation, diarrhea symptoms, plus what Substance P does to the body is it creates a systemic whole body, leaky gut phenomenon.

[00:24:50] It opens up cell membranes, right? And so, Substance P is a major regulator of leaky gut. And so, as Substance P goes up, it hypersensitizes the body, so people get overly reactive to all kinds of foods and stuff. So, a lot of people, when they eat something and they have a reaction to it, they think that they can't tolerate that food, but it may be just that the process of chewing pushed up their Substance P levels a little bit higher and they get reactive to what went down there, regardless of what it was.

[00:25:24]Luke Storey:  Oh, that's interesting. Wow. Wow. What a trip kind of that so many people have been misdiagnosed with food intolerances and allergies and whatnot because of that.

[00:25:32]Dwight Jennings:  Right. So, Substance P is what causes allergies. It's elevated in Crohn's, IBS. It's a primary driver in both of those conditions.

[00:25:43]Luke Storey:  Wow. Interesting. Damn. This is good stuff.

[00:25:46]Dwight Jennings:  So, every cell in your body is like a little battery and Substance P attaches those cell membranes, and opens up that cell, and lowers the voltage potential on cells. And so, when cell voltage potential drops, then cells fire too easily. So, like Substance P is a primary mediator of seizures, right? The cells don't all fire too easily because the cell membrane is strong, but it's also a major neural secretory modulator because secretory cells now secrete too easy, right? 

[00:26:16] So, Substance P throws off female hormones, throws off thyroid, throws off all your integral system. Jaw dysfunction is a biomechanical stress on the body, and consequently, its primary impact is in the kidney, right? It's a stress organ. It's your primary stress organ. So, you see a lot of kidney dysfunction. There are lots of case histories about how a bite dysfunction goes away with orthodontics on the bedwetting and other stuff like that.

[00:26:47]Luke Storey:  Wow, man. God, dude, you've discovered the holy grail of mystery illness here. This is really, really cool.

[00:27:01]Dwight Jennings:  But it's that depolarization cell membrane integrity that, yeah, contributes a lot of illnesses. Substance P controls all skin disorders, eczema, severe psoriasis, acne.

[00:27:12]Luke Storey:  Who knew? 

[00:27:14]Dwight Jennings:  So, how you hit on your last tooth in the back is more important than all the rest put together. And so, I think when those 12 your molars come in, that's a major factor on the acne and the skin conditions that you see inhibit at that age.

[00:27:34]Luke Storey:  Oh, interesting. So, it's another part of the puberty process in addition to the cascade of hormonal changes and all that at a time.

[00:27:44]Dwight Jennings:  So, I have a theory on autism, and that is that the mother has a bad bite, and then she gestates this baby for nine months in an altered neurochemical environment, too much Substance P. And the research shows that autistic babies, when they pop out the womb, they have too much Substance P. And when the teeth start coming in on these children, then they inherit the mother's bite, probably worse than the mother, then it's often what triggers them and puts them over the edge. 

[00:28:12] And that's why you often see a delayed onset autism. The primary pathology in autism these days is the inflammation of brain, which is primarily driven by Substance P. And they have sensory disorders. They have gut issues really early, right. And if you look at the Porges vagal theory stuff, it's jaw proprioception. It's a massive input into that brainstem that alters social interaction.

[00:28:45]Luke Storey:  Oh, damn. Right. That makes a lot of sense. There's a lot of connections there. Wow.

[00:28:53]Dwight Jennings:  Yeah. So, the Polyvagal theory is missing the dental part of it. They didn't quite know the dental part of it. But it's a major, major stimulator within probably vagal theory.

[00:29:05]Luke Storey:  Wow. That's incredible. My mind's blown. Well, we'll probably put out this part of the episode after the actual interview, but I feel like there's a lot of gold and rich information here I'd like to dig into. So, have you done whatever you need to do at this point in the mouth?

[00:29:23]Dwight Jennings:  Yeah.

[00:29:23]Luke Storey:  Okay. So, let's conclude the exam portion here and I'll make this a bonus mini episode, and then we'll sit down, really dive deep into some of the stuff we discussed in the interview.

[00:29:33]Dwight Jennings:  Sure.

[00:29:33]Luke Storey:  So, for those of you that are hearing this one, second, know that we're going to repeat some of it because I want to go back and like really dig in on some of this content. 

[00:29:43]Dwight Jennings:  Sounds good. 

[00:29:43]Luke Storey:  Alright. Thanks, dude.



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