438. Holy Hydrogen! The Most Powerful Healing Substance on Earth & How To Use It w/ Greg the Hydrogen Man

Greg the Hydrogen Man

DISCLAIMER: This podcast is presented for educational and exploratory purposes only. Published content is not intended to be used for diagnosing or treating any illness. Those responsible for this show disclaim responsibility for any possible adverse effects from the use of information presented by Luke or his guests. Please consult with your healthcare provider before using any products referenced. This podcast may contain paid endorsements for products or services.

In today’s episode, I sit down with Greg the Hydrogen Man, molecular hydrogen therapy evangelist and the host of popular YouTube channel, Uprising144K Hydrogen Man. We discuss the endless health benefits of hydrogen, how it helps protect against EMF radiation, topical application for skin problems, marketing tricks to watch out for when shopping for generators, and much more!

Greg "The Hydrogen Man" or "H Man" is a serious hydrogen therapy evangelist. The study of molecular hydrogen therapy has been his passion for over 10 years. He is well versed in the extensive health benefits molecular hydrogen provides. His knowledge comes not only from his extensive study but from first-hand experience in his own healing. Greg has been featured on several podcasts including Hope & Health with Drs. Mark & Michele Sherwood, The Certified Health Nut with Troy Casey, Heavy Muscle with Dave Palumbo, Inspired with Kristin & Jean Nolan, The Right Side with Doug Billings, Syncretism Society with Santos Bonacci, The Truth Unveiled with Paul Oebel, and Face the Facts with April Moss. Additionally, Greg has hundreds of thousands of views on his YouTube channel. Greg does not work for Molecular Hydrogen Technologies or Holy Hydrogen.

DISCLAIMER: This podcast is presented for educational and exploratory purposes only. Published content is not intended to be used for diagnosing or treating any illness. Those responsible for this show disclaim responsibility for any possible adverse effects from the use of information presented by Luke or his guests. Please consult with your healthcare provider before using any products referenced. This podcast may contain paid endorsements for products or services.

In today’s episode, I sit down with Greg the Hydrogen Man, molecular hydrogen therapy evangelist and host of the popular YouTube channel, Uprising144K Hydrogen Man. 

Struggling to find answers for tumors, autoimmune issues, and a heart condition, he began his own journey to heal himself and discovered hydrogen along the way. Studying the complex compound for four years, he implemented it into his health regimen and reversed his health challenges. 

Greg discusses the endless health benefits of hydrogen, how it helps protect against EMF radiation, topical application for skin problems, and marketing tricks to watch out for when shopping for generators.

He also shares his thoughts on ORP (oxidation reduction potential) and why it might not matter, the incredible benefits of adding supplements like minerals into hydrogen water, why he thinks the Lourdes Hydrofix is the best hydrogen generator on the market. Visit lukestorey.com/holyhydrogen and use LUKE100 for $100 off.

Discover for yourself what might be the most safe and powerful health hack out there!

00:14:47— Healing Power of Hydrogen
00:28:18 — Treating the Eyes with Hydrogen
00:36:49 — Hydrogen Effects on the Reproductive Cycle
  • Japan uses hydrogen for fertility challenges
  • Use of hydrogen while pregnant
  • Impact on breastfeeding
  • Anti-aging properties and menstrual cycles 
00:38:31 — Japan’s Role in Hydrogen Research
  • Discovering hydrogen in the healing waters of Lourdes
  • Japan makes the best hydrogen producing technologies
  • Backing their knowledge of molecular data
  • Yamaha involved in the building process of the Hydrofix
  • Lourdes Hydrofix: most affordable and durable
  • Using hydrogen ambulance
00:51:39 — Hydrogen Gas vs. Hydrogen Water
  • Hydrogen water works better than gas
  • Gas is good for emergencies
  • Hydrogen gas and stopping strokes
  • Benefits to using a combination of hydrogen
01:24:46 — Why the Lourdes Hydrofix Is Superior
  • Non-ionized, non-electrolyzed water
  • High-grade polymer that can withstand boiling water
  • Purest substance known to man
  • Greg on hydrogen tablets
  • Portable hydrogen units 
  • Visit lukestorey.com/holyhydrogen and use LUKE100 for $100 off
01:30:50 — Greg’s Ideas for the Future
  • Equipment to cure just about any disease
  • Methods to grow food that the world has never seen
  • Hydrogen enhances therapeutic benefits
  • Creating a retained hydrogen smoothie 
  • ​​Minerals are needed for electric signaling in the body
01:40:43 — Alkaline & Kangen Water
  • Alkaline and kangen water vs. hydrogen water
  • Can damage GI tract
  • Stomach acid function
  • Kangen’s role in discovering the benefits of hydrogen water
01:50:46 — What Is Brown’s Gas?
  • Brown’s gas is just electro water
  • Sodium hydroxide is the main ingredient in Drano
  • Damaging your red blood cells
  • Could use it to power planes and cars
  • Hydrogen is safe for animals
  • Hydrogen baths and therapy chambers

More about this episode.

Watch on YouTube.

Greg: [00:00:07] So when I was first reading the data on hydrogen, it was weird, but probably within the first week I'm literally looking at what it did and I thought, "This looks like a guardian angel." I don't know why that jumped out at me because it selectively does all sorts of different things, but it always does something good. Hello, this is Greg, the Hydrogen Man, and I'm on the Life Stylist Podcast.

Luke Storey: [00:00:37] Okay, my fellow brothers and sisters, you are in for a potentially life-changing episode today. This is number 438. It's called Holy Hydrogen, The Most Powerful Healing Substance on Earth and How to Use It, featuring Greg, the Hydrogen Man. You will, of course, find show notes, links, and complete written transcripts for this one over at lukestorey.com/h2.

Our guest, Greg, is truly a molecular hydrogen therapy evangelist and knows more about the health benefits of hydrogen than just about anyone I know. He's got a very popular YouTube channel devoted to all things hydrogen, of which I am a huge fan. So I am excited for this one. 

And I've not done a podcast about molecular hydrogen therapy since 2017. Many reasons for this, but the main one being that there is just too much conflicting information out there in terms of identifying the best at-home hydrogen devices and protocols. So when I learned about Greg's work and the specific hydrogen generator that he recommends, I knew that he was the man for this job. And after this conversation, I got to say my gut was definitely right.

And here are but a few of the topics covered in this highly focused interview. The seemingly endless health benefits of hydrogen, including how it helps with dementia, Alzheimer's, cancer and chemo, adrenal fatigue, chronic fatigue, kidney problems, and allergies, to name just a few; how it helps protect against EMF radiation, topical application for skin problems, whether or not it's safe to flush your eyes with hydrogen water; how it affects menstrual cycles and pregnancy; hydrogen water for kids and pets; the benefits of drinking hydrogen water versus inhaling hydrogen gas; why hydrogen tablets and portable generators might not be the best long term solution; why Greg and I both agree wholeheartedly that the Lourdes Hydrofix is the best hydrogen generator on the market; why Japan continues to set the gold standard in hydrogen research and technology manufacturing and some marketing tricks to watch out for when shopping for hydrogen generators; how the Hydrofix structures the hydrogen molecules in the water it produces-- very fascinating stuff right there; and Greg's thoughts on PRP or oxidation reduction potential and why it might not matter; the incredible benefits of adding supplements like minerals into hydrogen water; why Greg thinks Brown's gas is not only a scam, but likely not very good for you. And one of my favorite parts of this conversation was the time we spent myth busting and water machines and alkaline water in general.

And finally, we cover some of Greg's creative hydrogen protocols and the incredible results he's seen his clients achieve using them. I've got a premonition that by the end of this episode, you'll likely be interested in checking out what to both me and Greg is by far the most effective and frankly, affordable hydrogen device on the market-- the Lourdes Hydrofix by Holy Hydrogen. And you can get one for yourself by visiting lukestorey.com/holyhydrogen. And using the code LUKE100 will save you $100 off. Again, that's lukestorey.com/holyhydrogen, or just click this link in your show notes. 

Now I've had my Hydrofix unit for about a month now and I use it every single day as it sits here on my desk and pumps out not only hydrogen water but also hydrogen gas all day long. Definitely a worthy investment. I'm a huge fan of this thing. 

Okay, let's put our thinking caps on and get ready to discover together what might just be the most powerful and safe health hack out there, molecular hydrogen with Greg, the Hydrogen Man on the Life Stylist Podcast. Greg, the Hydrogen Man, what's happening dude?

Greg: [00:04:29] Hey, brother.

Luke Storey: [00:04:30] I'm so excited to chat with you. We got on the phone yesterday for a few, and I thought we'd have, like, a three-minute check-in call and ended it up being about 45 minutes. And I was like, "Oh, man." I hope we remember all this when we actually sit down and do the recording. But I'm so excited to chat with you because of your area of focus and expertise in hydrogen after having done a show dedicated to this topic back in 2017. I've been obsessed with it and looking for another expert to interview as you are, as well as I've just been on the hunt for the most legitimate technology, which I think we'll get into later. And we both agree that we've managed to do that.

So maybe just to kick it off, I want to hear a bit of your backstory, but maybe we could start with just describe what molecular hydrogen is like you were explaining it to a five-year-old.

Greg: [00:05:22] I think ultimately it's just a gas. It's like oxygen. It's like air. It's just a gas, really. That's all it really is-- molecular hydrogen.

Luke Storey: [00:05:31] Okay. Well, that does keep it simple. And what led you to actually discovering hydrogen in terms of its therapeutic use?

Greg: [00:05:42] Well, I was desperate. I was really sick. My life was over. I quickly learned that when you don't have your health, then what good are you at that point? If you can't work, you can't be good to others, you can't do anything for others-- if anything, I became a burden for people around me, and it was just a soul crusher. 

I couldn't walk. I had extreme pain all over my body. I had tumors, autoimmune issues. I had a heart condition. On and on it goes. I was really a mess. My immune system was also terrible, and there was just no answers for me in the medical field, which I was very familiar with because I worked there for so long. 

So then I just felt I had to find my own answers. And I went on a journey looking for my own answers. But I'm really big on clinical data, but I also use things like common sense. I use my gut instincts. And I try to put them all together and really find a path, and I stumbled upon hydrogen, just reading scientific data. 

And I actually thought it was a scam, actually, when I first started reading about it, because I'm such a skeptic. There's so much nonsense out there. I'm so sorry to say that, but that's what I encountered. I encountered a lot of garbage out there in the world of healing. And it was very frustrating because I had to navigate what really works, what doesn't. 

And hydrogen sounded so good, but I just thought it was a scam. And I read the data for almost four years before I even decided to implement it. And I was looking at who was funding the research studies, where the research studies were actually being done. I took a huge dive into this because it looks so promising. 

But I also looked at other areas. It wasn't the only thing that I really got into, but it was one of the most challenging, difficult things because there was no information at the time that I was looking into it other than these scientific studies. But I couldn't find anything on YouTube. I couldn't find anybody talking about it. Of course, as I got deeper into this, I realized that there's different ways of making hydrogen potential, ways that could be harmful, that are not the right way. And then that was even more difficult. 

Finding the scientific data was one aspect, and what became very difficult was how in the heck do you make it properly because there was virtually no data. And then I had to start looking into the science and learning about metals, learning about direct ionization versus not ionizing water and chemicals that are used to make hydrogen. It was a lot of work. Let's put it that way. It was a lot of work. So that's how it all got going.

Luke Storey: [00:08:17] Okay, that's cool. Do you think that the use of hydrogen was one of the major contributing factors in reversing your health challenges, or was it just a combination of all the different things you were doing?

Greg: [00:08:30] Oh, no. It was definitely the hydrogen. The hydrogen is what changed a lot of things. I could do the healthy diets, I could do the cleanses, I could do the fasting, I could do the supplements, I could do all these things. And it really wasn't making a huge difference, but it just wasn't huge. And ultimately the hydrogen was the big one. 

I even put it to the test. I'm not going to say who this was, but there was somebody who I personally know who didn't want to change anything in their lifestyle, but they were suffering from so many ailments from arthritis, to high blood pressure, to high cholesterol, to diabetes, different conditions. And this is just one of many people who I've spoken with throughout the years. And he didn't want to change anything. The only thing that he was willing to change was clean water and clean and properly made hydrogen with therapeutic amounts and obviously a proper protocol. But that was it. Pretty much just hydrogen was this big thing. 

And just doing that resolved all the issues that he had. And I was actually shocked. I was shocked because I really thought that he was going to have to make other changes that he didn't. And it still worked. And that's when I really saw, "Okay, this stuff's real. This stuff can do it even in the midst of not changing other things." 

I do personally think you'd get faster results if you were to implement other changes, but just on its own, it's a very, very powerful tool if done properly. And if done incorrectly, be careful. I've seen too many terrible things if you do it wrong.

Luke Storey: [00:09:56] Yeah, I'm definitely going to want to get into that with you. Now, I know thus far you've just spoken about your own experience and it's anecdotal. And I'm sure you were about to say before we get into some of the hydrogen benefits, we're not giving medical advice here. We're two people that are on a journey of healing. I've overcome tremendous difficulties physically and in many other ways by finding things like hydrogen and just all these discoveries. But there is, as you were alluding to, such a vast body of research of data as related to molecular hydrogen for so many different conditions that it almost seems impossible. You know what I mean?

Greg: [00:10:38] Yeah.

Luke Storey: [00:10:38] It's like you start looking at the benefits of this and you're like, "What does this not do?" And to me, it's challenging because it's something that very few people have heard of, yet it's good for so many things. It's like methylene blue. I find that to be something that's just incredibly useful for so many different things and it has tons of research behind it yet very few people know about it. It's a strange category that hydrogen finds itself in. 

So it's obvious that we're not going to make any medical claims here, but we can allude to the data. And this molecule, this amazing thing called molecular hydrogen has such a rich history of helping people with so many different things. And a couple of them that are most interesting to me are in the realm of Alzheimer's and dementia and just brain issues, TBIs, and things like that. What have you found in regard to any of brain-related injuries or ailments as it pertains to using hydrogen to fix them?

Greg: [00:11:41] Right. Obviously, I'll start by saying, as you already know, I'm not giving medical advice and I'm not making medical claims. I do want to put that out there, too. But basically, one of the biggest things that I've seen in regards to dementia, Alzheimer's-- and I do think this could be something really, really great in the world of traumatic brain injury, as you are bringing up everything that's going on with the NFL and everything at this time. And I'm actually going to try to work with a medical center that does research on it because I feel pretty confident that it's going to do some really good stuff in that regard.

But yeah, one of the most recent-- I actually put a video out, I believe it was two or three weeks ago, I don't remember. And it was a woman. She had gotten the hydrogen that I personally use and she followed my protocol and she sent me an email and pictures of her mother. The results were absolutely off the charts. 

This woman couldn't speak. She would slur her words really bad. She couldn't even grab a spoon and feed herself. She couldn't stand up and really walk. She could only stand up for a few seconds and would sit down. Just wasn't doing very good in many ways and obviously not recognizing the daughter and things of that nature. And she got onto hydrogen and it was like night and day.

Her daughter's like, she can get up and walk for hours now. She can speak better, she can feed herself. And she actually contacted me and said, is this even normal? Because she wasn't even expecting those type of results. And I do think this is going to be a huge game changer, as I recently saw some new medicines that they want to use for Alzheimer's and dementia. And in my opinion, hydrogen will work better than these crazy expensive medications. 

And it does like you pointed out earlier, hydrogen has been shown to be so effective for so many things. And you weren't the only one who had that question. A lot of the scientists were wondering, how is it possible that this one thing can have such a profound effect? 

They literally had a list of all the different medications that you'd have to take for all these different medical ailments. And then they had a list next to that of all the medicines they'd have to take for the side effects of all the medicines that they were taking. 

And they even did some studies where they actually used hydrogen and comparing them to the pharmaceuticals, only to find out that not only the hydrogen would work better, but without any negative side effects. It had side effects, but they're usually things like anti-aging and things of that nature.

Luke Storey: [00:14:01] Better-looking skin.

Greg: [00:14:04] Yeah.

Luke Storey: [00:14:05] That's classic, man. And I want to point people to your YouTube which I've been scouring for the past couple of weeks and just doing a lot of your how-to videos and product comparisons and stuff like that. And I did see a moment of that testimonial I think that you just described. We'll lead people there and I'll put it in the show notes. But your YouTube for those listening is Uprising144K, Uprising144K, but we'll link to it. 

But I could basically just have done an edit of all your YouTube videos and made that into a podcast because everything I want to ask you, you pretty much answer on that page. So if people want to go deeper with some of the things that we're going to touch on here today, I highly encourage them to go there. 

You were mentioning to me, I forget if it was on your channel or in our phone call, about hydrogen being used in the context of cancer treatment, but to help alleviate the symptoms of chemotherapy. Do I have that right?

Greg: [00:15:04] Yeah, it's actually unbelievable. At first, I saw that in Japan they were noticing a correlation while they were using chemo with the hydrogen. What they ultimately found out is, one, people were having way less side effects. So that was really, really helpful. You get a lot of terrible-- not only negative symptoms, but damage from the chemo that you will live with even if you survive. And it seemed to be preventing a lot of that also. 

And then they found that they were having to give less treatments of the chemo also because the cancer would go away so fast. And I actually know somebody-- I know numerous people now throughout the years, one of the first people with someone who is terminal. This was a woman with really bad breast cancer that had spread and the doctors gave her four to six months or something. 

And they did the chemo, but she used specifically, again, my protocol in the same equipment that I recommend, and she used that with the chemo and it worked so good. The doctors were absolutely blown away. And she's still alive to this day. And it was five, six years ago and she was only supposed to have so many months.

And then more recently, I'm working with someone who actually has colon cancer, same thing, terminal. And even with treatment, they don't give them much time-- maybe like a year, maybe two, if they're lucky. And recently now I have a full protocol that I recommend. 

But just recently that person got scanned and it is showing the tumors they're shrinking and not by little, but a lot. And this is cancer that had spread to the liver, the lungs, the lymphatic system, and obviously it's in the colon. So that's a very, very positive sign, too. And these results are blowing my mind because I've also dealt with people who've had issues that are deemed incurable, things like kidney disease. 

One of my own brothers was suffering from that. And he called me one day and he was like, "Hey, I'm about to get on dialysis." And I was like, what? I had no idea that he was suffering from anything. And he asked me for help, and of course, I spent time with them and helped them. We were able to reverse this kidney disease dramatically. 

And I have worked with people with macular degeneration, another one that's deemed incurable and have actually completely reversed that, too, with a woman. And it just goes on and on. And I'm shocked to be really frank with you, I'm shocked that my protocols are working so good because I was never a health guru. I was never interested in all this health stuff. I never pursued any of it. 

But I do have this kind of a weird personality where when I want something, it can't just be my brain. It's got to be in my heart. And if it's in my heart, nothing's going to stop me. That's just the way that I am. And I'm very passionate, almost obsessive when I have to be.

And usually, my passion went other directions. It was never in the world of health until I got sick and I was dying and I had no choice. I felt like I had to change my heart and I was like, "Dude, you better get interested and you better get interested quick," because if you're going to find this out-- and I had to, I had no choice. 

And then that's when I really began to be big on trying to figure out how to heal the body. And I went through a lot trying to figure it out. It's embarrassing to share this, but I know I'm emotionally scarred by everything that I've been through. It's been a really, really rough road and a really difficult path. But the light at the end of the tunnel, I feel obviously fantastic now and I couldn't be more grateful. 

And the things that I've learned, it's time to share them. One of the things I did at my low point was I did make a prayer, a very powerful prayer. I still remember the whole scene as if it were yesterday. And I was asking for guidance and help to help show me the way of how to heal this body. And my prayers were answered and things began to change.

It began to be a very spiritual path more than I expected. I didn't expect it to be a spiritual path. I just wanted data and tell me how to heal myself already. So, yeah, it hasn't been easy. But I think the positive part is what I'm discovering. 

And the fact that it's helping others is what means everything to me. Being able to pull somebody out of suffering or when they're going through what they're going through when you feel that there's no help and no hope, me being able to offer a helping hand is one of the greatest gifts I feel that I have to offer. And the seed or the root of it was my own suffering. But the fact that it could pull others and help others, I'm very grateful for that too.

Luke Storey: [00:19:38] Yeah, I totally relate to your story and what motivates you. It's the reason that I do this podcast, too. It's like we all have our battles. And I look at it like-- and not to minimize actual veterans of war here, but just to use it as an analogy because I honor that level of dedication and sacrifice more so than the things I've gone through my life. 

But relatively speaking, it's like you get caught behind enemy lines. You're sick, whether it's mental, spiritual, physical, emotional or whatever way you're dysfunctional and ill and somehow a guide comes and gives you a map or there's a prayer that's answered. And then you find your way out of that jungle or out of the woods. And you get out and you get back to living your life. 

For me, there's always this sense of, oh, man, there's still some soldiers left behind. There's still some people that are back where I was that can't find their way up and out of that, whether it's addictions or any kind of illness, as I said, and I don't know, I think it's just part of most human nature that if we find solutions to something where we're in, we really suffered, that we're just compelled to help spread the news. 

It's just like there's no way I could stop doing what I'm doing, even if it wasn't my career, which it's randomly become a career, I think I would still be compelled to do what I'm doing in some capacity because it's just once you've really been down and out and you find solutions that work, it's so fun to share them with people and to see them have their own results. What's better than that, right? 

To be able to actually just with sometimes very little effort, just share some nuggets of information with people and see their lives turn around it's incredibly motivating. So I relate to that part of your story immensely.

Greg: [00:21:28] And I figured out that-- I really do believe we have a body-- the flesh, the Buddhists call it the ego-- and we have the spirit. And I've definitely learned how to feed the body. But the spirit, I think sometimes we forget that it needs to be fed too. And I don't even think people even ask that question. But that did come to me in a meditation, which I do a lot, where I actually get a lot of my inspiration and my guidance. 

And one of the things that always came up is how do you feed the spirit? And boy, I meditated on that so long and I realized it's when we do things for others. That's what fills my spirit with joy. That's what feeds it. It's being compassionate, loving, and caring for others. And so I don't see any other way to live life. 

And all my videos are free on YouTube. I don't even have a website. It's too expensive and I give most of my stuff away for free, really. So it's all out there for everybody to get. And I'm not a techie guy either, so I don't even know how to do any of this fancy stuff or website stuff. I don't know how to do any of it.

Luke Storey: [00:22:28] Nor do I, my friends. Thank God there are people who are willing to take money to do it for me. Something I find really interesting about hydrogen is that it is not only an incredibly powerful antioxidant, but that it is a selective antioxidant, meaning that it picks and chooses where it wants to do its work in terms of scavenging free radicals and things like that. 

And specifically, what I find interesting about that phenomenon is how that relates to the oxidative stress of EMF, which is something I'm constantly talking about ad nauseam just due to my personal experience with it in the past and really struggling as someone who's very sensitive to the energetics of that. What do you know about the, I guess, two-part question? Part one is the antioxidant element and then how that pertains to protecting oneself from EMF. 

Well, unless you've been living under a rock for the past few years, you've probably heard about the practice of cold therapy or ice baths by now. And many of you have probably tried it and felt its incredible benefits. I started doing cold immersion back in the day at Korean spas in Russian Banyas in LA, then eventually found a few ways to do it at home. 

To me, it's just a non-negotiable. I got to have my ice every day. There's just no natural high like getting really cold on purpose. And at this point, even the mainstream scientific research has proven how awesome it is. In fact, studies have shown that cold immersion helps alleviate depression and anxiety, accelerates recovery and performance. It's great for pain management and reducing inflammation. Plus it improves mood and brain function, which is probably what I most appreciate. 

Now, over the past couple of years, I've seen a lot of brands emerge in this category, some great, some not so much. But what most of them share is that they are unfortunately financially out of reach for many people. So when I started seeing this brand called the Ice Barrel show up on the scene, I was intrigued. So I did some digging and I got to say, I'm impressed. 

Turns out these guys have made an awesome and affordable ice bath. It's also compact, lightweight, and portable, which makes it great for folks with limited space. And the good news is for you that I worked with Ice Barrel to get y'all $125 off so you can try it yourself. Just go to icebarrel.com/luke and use the code LUKE. 

Plus, you can pay as low as $90 a month for your Ice Barrel with Klarna financing. So this one's a no-brainer. They even offer a 30-day money-back guarantee. Again, that's icebarrel.com/luke. And use the code LUKE to get $125 off. And heads up, I also threw that link and code in the show notes as well.

Greg: [00:25:18] Yeah, this is actually a real easy one. So when I was first reading the data on hydrogen, it was weird, but probably within the first week I'm literally looking at what it did and I thought, this looks like a guardian angel. I don't know why that jumped out at me because it selectively does all sorts of different things, but it always does something good. It's always doing something good for the body in whatever it is that it's trying to do. 

And it's not only selective in nature. The size of hydrogen is what makes it powerful because it can penetrate anything. It's weird. I've even found scriptural verses where they literally talking about hydrogen and nobody's ever noticed them. 

I'm probably the first person to ever notice them. And it talks about how it can penetrate even into the bone marrow. There is no place that it can penetrate and obviously work on the oxidative stress, the free radical damage, all this type of stuff. 

And when it comes to EMF, this was the reason that I thought it looked a lot like a guardian angel because it's so protective for the body. My videos are numbered on YouTube, and one of them's number eight. It's a really great video because it shows cells being exposed to radiation without hydrogen and you get 90% cellular destruction. It was really bad. 

And then you had the exact same thing, except this time they had hydrogen and you would only get 10% cellular damage, which is night and day, 10% you can walk away from 90%. It's killing you. And so I quickly realized hydrogen is so protective. That's only one of numerous examples. Hydrogen, if I could give you another example, have you ever heard of something called cisplatin?

Luke Storey: [00:26:49] Uh-uh.

Greg: [00:26:50] Okay. Cisplatin is an anti-tumor drug. It's a cancer drug.

Luke Storey: [00:26:54] Okay.

Greg: [00:26:54] One of the reasons that doctors rarely use it is because it causes so much damage to the kidneys that you most likely will end up needing a kidney transplant if you use this drug. Well, they did a study with hydrogen with cisplatin, and it was protecting the kidney so much that you most likely could walk away with your original kidneys and be able to use such a medicine that they normally try not to use. 

It begins to open up the door for many possibilities. But it's so powerful. And in my opinion, the EMF, I don't even worry about it anymore because I just use hydrogen and it's so protective. I don't need to worry about it anymore. And I know that it's protecting me from so many things in my environment because I know that we have a lot of toxicity in our environment in general. So very, very powerful stuff. 

Luke Storey: [00:27:38] It's cool. We'll link to that video number eight in the show notes, too, because my audience is going to be really interested in anything having to do with EMF protection and also things that you can just do internally, like hydrogen. I'm always recommending magnesium because you have this issue with opening up your cells to the influx of calcium when you're exposed to RF fields. 

And so using a lot of magnesium is a way that you can also buffer the balance of that calcium getting into the cells and then the hydrogen. I think those two to me would be the most powerful internal things that one can use in terms of the EMF radiation. The next would be just wrapping yourself in tinfoil hat, which I basically do when I travel. You mentioned-- what's that? Macular degeneration. Is that the word?

Greg: [00:28:32] Yes, macular.

Luke Storey: [00:28:34] Okay. That's the one. Have you heard of anyone using hydrogen water in their eyes to treat eye issue?

Greg: [00:28:43] Absolutely. So this is one of the other protocols that I have. I have so many. But one, if you're going to do that, you want absolutely without a shadow of a doubt the cleanest water possible. You do not want to use tap water for this one. You do not want to use refrigerator water that comes through a little carbon filter. We're talking extremely clean water. 

I just want to warn everybody out there so they don't try to do this the wrong way. And I hope that they're really paying attention because some people think, oh, no, my water is clean enough, it's L'Oreal. L'Oreal it's still not clean enough. It needs to be carbon distilled. It's the only way.

And then you get that extremely clean water and then you put it into a proper piece of equipment. Again, I can't emphasize how important the equipment is for hydrogen because of the toxicity. For example, if you use lye to make hydrogen-- don't ever do this, please-- it would be so bad and a lot of cheap Chinese products. 

But if you do it right, you can take fully saturated hydrogen water and you can literally put drops in your eyes. And there have been studies on that for actually glaucoma. And glaucoma was one of the ones that I saw my own father, he had glaucoma issues for 30 years or more. 

Not only was I shocked that the results that ended up happening for him, his doctors were so shocked, they didn't even believe their own results. They had to retest them multiple times. Seriously. They were like, "This is just not possible. We know that you have glaucoma. You've been coming here for years and we're showing that you're not even testing positive for this. And we know that something's wrong." And I think after testing them three or four times, they just threw their hands up and said, "You know what, This is too weird. We're going to send you that."

Luke Storey: [00:30:20] I love that. Those are some of my favorite stories. And God bless medical professionals and doctors. I know there are many brilliant and well-intentioned doctors out there, so I don't want to clown on them. But I just find it so empowering when people find solutions themselves, especially when you go into the doctor who wanted to give you a prescription or a surgery, not because they're a bad person, but because that's the way the medical system has established itself and continues to devolve in that direction apart from functional medicine and people outside of the mainstream. 

But I find those stories so awesome when someone goes in and the doctors are just scratching their head and they can't figure out how you actually healed yourself. It's sort of, there's so many who are ignorant of the fact that the blueprint for perfect divine health is present in every human body. It's just a matter of finding the right inputs. And sometimes what seems like a miracle is just basically common sense, which is like putting hydrogen water in your eyes if it's the right kind of course, which we'll get into. 

But that brings to mind my dad because he's had glaucoma for a long time. I'm always sending him stuff. It's probably overwhelming, but I'm going to be like, "Hey, you should get the Hydrofix machine, dad, and start putting it in your eyes." What about--

Greg: [00:31:39] Actually-- oh, I'm sorry.

Luke Storey: [00:31:42] Go ahead.

Luke Storey: [00:31:42] I was just going to say that actually reminds me of a story of a doctor who contacted me. And she saw one of my videos, I think it was video 68, if I remember correctly, but it was a live blood analysis from a lab in Japan. And it was using the Hydrofix, the exact same piece of equipment so you could compare apples to apples. 

And the results were so dramatic on the blood analysis, this doctor contacted me and said, "What you're showing there can't possibly be real." She goes, "How do you know it is real?" And I'm like, "Well, it's a trustworthy source." And she said, "I still don't believe it because it's literally impossible."

And she said, "I tell you what I'm willing to do if you're willing to do this." She said, "I'm going to get the same piece of equipment. I'm going to take it to a lab of my choosing. I'm going to perform the exact same study and I'm going to record the results. And if they're not the same, are you willing to do a video and tell your audience that the information you were showing wasn't right?" And I said, "Of course, I'm so about the truth." I'm like, "If I'm being duped, I want to know."

So she did all this stuff and the results came back exactly the same. She was blown away, and then she started giving it to her mother. And that's where things got interesting because her mother was in her 90s. She could barely stand up and walk for more than maybe 5 minutes and she was absolutely exhausted. She's really old. 

And her mother being a doctor, but also open up to naturopathic things, she was always bringing in different like Chaga mushrooms and always trying some different supplements. It was always something. And one time she started bringing the hydrogen water and she started following a protocol for her mother, and her mother started feeling so ridiculously good. Within two or three weeks she could walk about 2 hours, whereas before it was maybe 5 minutes. 

And I guess she told me that her mother told her, she said, "You brought a lot of things throughout the years. And I just want to tell you that whatever this one is, this is the one." And she said, "I want to know what it is." She said, "It just looks like water to me. What the hell are you bringing me?" So she was so blown away by it. And ever since then she's been a huge proponent of hydrogen and definitely believes in it.

Luke Storey: [00:33:43] That's very cool. Yeah, I think that's one of the things that has always drawn me toward hydrogen is that, unless you're inhaling the gas and we can talk about that, but the fact that it's usually delivered in water and I'm just such a fanatic of water and I think you share that same passion, I'm just endlessly fascinated. 

But something that's really cool about this is the compliance for someone to actually use this as a supplement is super easy because literally all you do is just drink a certain amount of water per day unless you're doing a protocol with the inhalation. But to just get someone to drink pure clean water that has the proper amount of hydrogen in it is not that big of an ask versus asking someone to change their whole diet or take 40 supplement pills a day or get IVs or all the other kind of crazy stuff that you can do and that we talk about on the show. 

I think just drinking water that is this really potent antioxidant and God knows what else the hydrogen does is a pretty easy buy-in, especially if somebody is seeing results. It's just, especially for someone who's a bit older and can't keep track of like taking a bunch of pills and making all kinds of crazy Chaga mushroom tinctures and all the other things you can do, it's like, here, I'll make you this water. Just drink this water, x amount of liters per day or whatever it is. It's pretty cool. 

What about topical applications? I know there's a company, I think, that sent me a little spray bottle that makes hydrogen mist, water that you spray on your face. Is there any way to use it on your skin for things like acne or eczema or anything like that that you've come across in your research?

Greg: [00:35:27] You can put the water on topically, but I haven't seen much data other than putting your whole body in a tub of hydrogen water. But to be really honest, that's just not very realistic. People don't seem to have an understanding. I've looked at some of that equipment in the past and it was very expensive, but there's just no way that it could saturate an entire tub. 

We're talking about a massive amount of water. And the amount of hydrogen you need to produce in order to saturate it into water is like, I can't even give you a number. It might be like 100 times or more because so much of the hydrogen is escaping as you're dissolving it into the water. 

So I've seen a lot of equipment out there, but it's all just a waste of money. If you really want to get into the real nitty gritty, heavy-duty stuff that can fully saturate a tub with actual good hydrogen, you would need some heavy-duty equipment, though I do know something about it. If I remember correctly, it would be at least in the neighborhood of about $100,000, and that would be the real deal. I spent money, unfortunately, on $6,000 devices and $7,000 devices, and they're not nearly good enough. 

And I found already that I can already achieve the things that I'm looking to achieve through a combination of the water and the hydrogen gas inhalation and clearing up skin issues, so I never saw a need for it being used topically, but I've never seen it actually do much.

Luke Storey: [00:36:48] Got it. Okay, cool. Then what about-- I think you mentioned somewhere on your YouTube channel in regard to menstrual cycle regulation, pregnancy. To me, again the hydrogen is one of those things is just like, what does it not do? It sounds like too good to be true, but what have you come across in terms of women wanting to get pregnant, who are pregnant, breastfeeding, the whole reproductive cycle, as it were?

Greg: [00:37:18] Lots of information. One, they already use hydrogen in Japan to help both men and women be more fertile. To me, it only makes sense because it has an anti aging effect. So that's one really positive thing. As far as women who are pregnant, women who are pregnant suffer from a lot of free radical damage in their body. You literally have a baby that's taking up all this energy. And then, of course, they're peeing and pooping inside of you.

And there's just a lot. They get preeclampsia and they have all these different issues during pregnancy. And what I've seen is actually those issues either being minimized or going away. And also there was a particular woman who was following my protocol-- and again, be really cautious when you're pregnant using the right type of hydrogen. I would hate anything terrible to happen to people doing it the wrong way.

But she said that she's had three kids, two with no hydrogen, one with hydrogen. The one with hydrogen is actually the youngest one and clearly appears to be more healthy. She's making way more breastmilk and there's clear night and day differences. And I do think absolutely it's going to be the future in regards to understanding how to have healthy babies. And it's going to be a big impact, in my opinion, on breastfeeding also.

Luke Storey: [00:38:29] Cool. Cool. Yeah. I had a feeling there was something in there. You've mentioned Japan a couple of times and we'll get into the Lourdes Hydrofix device that you and I both have seemed to discover to be the best one, even though you're not affiliated with that company in any official way. But as I've researched the hydrogen devices over the years, and I definitely want to get into you with how to vet them and which ones are worth the money and which ones aren't, etc, but in all the research, it all seems to come from Japan. 

And it's so interesting, not only are the best technologies coming out of Japan, but it seems like the history of use and the fact that from what I understand, hydrogen-generating devices are used in hospitals there, I've heard that they're also used in ambulances, sometimes in lieu of giving a patient oxygen, they'll actually have them inhale hydrogen. Is any of that true, according to your research? And why do you think Japan specifically seems to be the only ones that are getting this right and really applying this in a traditionally medical setting?

Greg: [00:39:40] I do want to answer your question, but I do want to clarify one thing that you said. You said that I'm not an affiliate with the company. I did become an affiliate with them recently, and so I just wanted to point that out. And I didn't become an affiliate just to make money. I could choose any hydrogen device to be really honest, to be affiliated with. I just want to be transparent with everybody.

Luke Storey: [00:39:58] I appreciate that. What I meant was because you and I have agreed on this particular product as being the best one based on your research, I meant you're not like you don't own the company. I have a lot of people on the show and I'm very proud to have them on if they've created something cool. But I also let people know like, yeah, the owner of the company or the CEO, the inventor, or whatever is coming on to talk about their thing and it's totally fine. I do it all the time. But when it comes to this, you're not like, you didn't invent this machine is what I'm saying. Thank you for your integrity there. I appreciate that, as does the audience. But back to Japan, how is it used there? Why are they the only ones that seem to be figuring this thing out?

Greg: [00:40:42] The Japanese are just so detail oriented. And one of the ways that this whole hydrogen thing was actually discovered was because of a place called Lourdes France, or some people pronounce it Lourdes France. I don't know if you've heard of it, the healing waters of Lourdes. 

And literally, that water had been studied by scientists. They knew that it was having a dramatic effect on people's health because they were able to measure it. And all these people were studying that water and nobody could figure it out. In fact, they all gave up. They're like, "There's nothing magical about this water. It's just H2O." I think their biggest mistake was if you take that water and you send it to a lab, by the time it gets to the lab, there's no more hydrogen in it because it's left. So what are you going to detect? 

Also, because hydrogen is very hard to detect, but leave it to the Japanese. They're so detail-oriented about the little things. They're the ones who discovered ultimately there was hydrogen in that water. And then they started doing studies on it, obviously. And they first start with animals. They clearly saw amazing results. Now, in Japan, it's interesting because it's a lot like other governments that are corrupt. The government tried to kill hydrogen in Japan. I don't know if you're aware of this.

Luke Storey: [00:41:48] No.

Greg: [00:41:49] Oh, yeah, they tried to stop it. They came out publicly, said some negative things about it. It made all the hydrogen hype go down dramatically. And a lot of these scientists, really thank God for these people with integrity who wanted to do the right thing. But these people pushed, persevered, even in the face of it being difficult of getting funding, and they proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that hydrogen was the real deal and that it really was able to do the things that it does.
And by doing that, it ended up becoming medically approved. 

So it is officially and medically approved for people with heart attacks, people with strokes. And then, of course, there's still research going on. For example, like you said, dementia, the Alzheimer's. And there's so much other stuff. I actually took it another step further because I've been using it on so many things and seeing pretty ridiculous results and even creating protocols that nobody had ever created, which now the whole industry is trying to copy. Everybody is trying to copy what I created because it works the best. That's really why. And so again, thank God for the Japanese for really figuring this out. If it wasn't for them, we really would be in a bad position. I don't think we'd know about this if it wasn't for them.

Luke Storey: [00:43:00] Yeah, well, kudos to the Japanese for that one for sure, because like I said, when you start looking around to purchase the technology as we're going to talk about, most of the stuff out there just sucks. And I've noticed also that many of these brands that are producing products related to hydrogen. We'll do things like claim it's made in Japan. But then if you look closer, like some of the parts might have been from Japan, but it's assembled somewhere else or the parts are from China, but it's assembled in Japan. I don't know. There's a lot of weird stuff going on in terms of eople trying to copy the Japanese and the way that they do things. And it doesn't seem--

Greg: [00:43:44] I got a whole story about that.

Luke Storey: [00:43:46] Go ahead.

Greg: [00:43:49] If you really want to hear it.

Luke Storey: [00:43:50] Yeah.

Greg: [00:43:51] What I found out is there's this dirty little trick that is being used a lot, which basically they will ship parts to Japan and then they will put them together in Japan and they can legally claim, hey, made in Japan. But as you said, all the parts are Chinese. 

And a really beautiful story in regards to the machine that I like, the guy, one of the guys who was in charge of creating it, he was actually doing it because of his daughter. His daughter has ALS, Lou Gehrig's disease. They were telling him that his daughter would be lucky to make it to the age of five years old. 

And so here you got a guy who loves his daughter and he doesn't want her to die. And he saw the data on hydrogen, but we just didn't have a very high-quality hydrogen that you could get at home. You literally would need a lab to get really high-quality stuff. 

And he set out to make the best hydrogen home device, the best hydrogen home device in the world. And when he did that, one of the beautiful things about Japan that's very different from other countries is there's other big industries that are willing to work with you to help you. 

So a lot of people don't know that Yamaha was involved in the creation of this Hydrofix. Engineers, even from Toyota, were involved. Engineers from G-shock were involved. And there was some metal company that literally when they saw what this company was requesting, they actually told them, apparently this is impossible. What you're requesting is just too much and we can't achieve it. And it was about a year and a year and a half later-- it's my understanding-- that that company came back to them and said, we think we can do it now. 

And so they developed something that is completely patented. Nobody in the world can do it. It's just way too difficult. But they created a special metal for the device. This metal is crucially important to making hydrogen. A lot of companies use just cheap crap like stainless steel that's a very low quality, plated metals. It's just not the right way to do it. 

And this guy wanted to go all out and the device ended up being so beyond anybody's expectations, and it works so good. His daughter is currently, I believe, 11 or 12 years old now. She's already doubled her life expectancy. 

I just feel so grateful that some guy put this level of effort, grateful that all these engineers from other industries were willing to help and what they've created to be able to not just make like top grade hydrogen, really clean, really safe, done the right way, following all the science. And they made it super affordable. It's not $30,000.

Luke Storey: [00:46:25] Yeah.

Greg: [00:46:26] So it's been really amazing.

Luke Storey: [00:46:27] I appreciate that, too. So speaking of the Lourdes Hydrofix, when I was researching devices like this some years ago, most of them were upwards of like five grand. $5,000 to $7,000. There was one company-- and this is when I got actually derailed from the whole hydrogen thing. I'm just like, it's just too confusing to wade through the bullshit. I don't know if you remember, there was a company a couple of years ago, a few years ago now called Truesea.

Greg: [00:46:59] Yeah, I know exactly who they were. They asked me to be part of their thing. I know about them, yes.

Luke Storey: [00:47:05] Okay. So for those listening, I don't want to rehash like a negative story, but basically there was this company that made a device that, like the Hydrofix, made the hydrogen water and the hydrogen gas in one device, and it looked super cool. I personally just didn't-- the vibe with them was off to me, thankfully. I followed my intuition and the way that they had their affiliate program set up and how they were working with influencers, even though I can't stand that term, I guess that's part of what I am in the world, and I guess you are too. 

Anyway, it just kind of reeked, something was off about it. And then after some months, some of my peers actually had to come out and excommunicate themselves from the brand and issue formal apologies because essentially this company had scammed a bunch of people out of money. 

Now, whether or not their device actually worked and was a high-quality device, I don't know. I just know their business practices were ultimately actually criminal, not even just fraudulent, but they defrauded people out of money. It was this whole fiasco.

So at that point, I was just like, I'm done. Doing research on this particular topic is so difficult. And that's why I was really excited to hear your take on this and that we both seem to have arrived at the same conclusion. And for something, I think this device is like 2,400 or 2,500 bucks or something. Is that what--

Greg: [00:48:29] Yeah. Cheap.

Luke Storey: [00:48:29] Okay. So when this one came to my awareness in terms of something that's going to last you a few years, I thought it was a pretty sound investment. And to me, it was way cheaper than like on my desk here I have the vital reaction inhaler that doesn't make water. And I saw you did a video on it and I was like, "Oh, please don't say this thing is totally fake and sucks."

But they're like $5,000 to $7,000. And I think if I remember it right in the video, you're like, "Yeah, it makes hydrogen and there's also oxygen in it and it's fine." But in terms of like the value-- and God bless those guys, at least I've had this machine for probably five years. I've used it almost every day. It's never stopped working. It's a really high-quality device. So to their credit, it's not a piece of crap in terms of its durability and the longevity of use. But versus 2,400 to 2,500 bucks where you can actually make the water and inhale it in one device to me is pretty badass. 

So maybe we could talk about-- let's break down the inhalation and the water. Maybe that would be a good place to start because that's going to help us dissect the different options available for people and which things work and which don't and which are potentially actually harmful for you.

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Greg: [00:51:38] Yeah, that's actually really important because again, this is why scientific data is important because everybody thought the hydrogen gas inhalation was it. Or like, this is what we need to do. You're going to get a lot of hydrogen in you. That's why they develop that device that you're actually talking about. I believe that one actually is a Japanese device, if I recall correctly, not a Chinese or Korean or Taiwan or whatever device. 

It's a good one. But the reason that that ended up not really being the best device, yeah, they're expensive, but they don't make the water. And ultimately they discovered through a lot of scientific scrutiny that the water actually works better than the gas. And no scientists can seem to wrap their mind around that. It just didn't make any sense. Me, personally, I think I actually know why, but nobody in the world knows why. 

And so it took a lot of meditation and deep dive into trying to figure out why the water is so beneficial. But upon the deep dive, it actually caused me to figure out how to create even a better protocol and the specific protocols where I use the water with the gas in a specific way. And that just took things to a whole other level. 

And so in my opinion, if you really, really want true healing from hydrogen, you want both. You want the water and the gas. You don't want just one or the other. And if you had to choose just one, hands down, you choose the water. You don't choose the gas first. The gas is second. The only thing that the gas is really, really good for is actually emergencies.

So as you were asking earlier about, is there really hydrogen in an ambulance in Japan? The answer is yes. What they do is they actually use it for strokes. So one of the things that happens is if you have a stroke and you're not getting proper blood supply, for example, to a part of your brain, you only have so many minutes before that area begins to die. 

And that's a big problem because that's when the half of the body, the face will droop or you can't move properly. Well, what they discovered is that they immediately put you on the hydrogen gas, the gas will go straight to the brain and it will literally go to that part of the brain and keep it alive, even if there's no blood there. Hydrogen is the source of all life. This is why it brings healing, in my opinion. 

And so then once you make it to the hospital and they are able to restore blood flow to that part of the brain, people make a full recovery. So they literally have over 99% of people making full recoveries with these methods and techniques, which is huge. This is very important. 

And that's one of the ways that they use the gas. But that's more of an emergency because it gets in your body right away and that kind of stuff. But if you're going to do it for regular use as far as trying to stay healthy, like you just have a routine, the water clearly is better. but again, the combination is where it's really in what's ideal.

Luke Storey: [00:54:16] I have the Hydrofix right here because I keep it on my desk to ensure that I'm going to be drinking-- I want to make sure that I'm drinking this water all day long. And this is something that I thought was really interesting because I've always been a little suspect of these devices that make hydrogen gas through electrolysis wherein there's actual metal. And you talked about how these metals are often inferior-- amalgams with nickel and all kinds of weird crap in them where you're actually electrocuting the water and the water you're drinking is touching the metal. And to me, this is-- I don't know, it's just always been a problem. 

Now I still use the little portable generators if I'm on an airplane and they're good for travel, and you might disagree and maybe persuade me not to do so. But that's one thing about this that I thought was really cool. And the way they did this technology is that the metal is, as you said, it's a special metal they use, but it's not even touching the water that you drink. So maybe explain what makes this particular device unique and superior to some of the other ones that you've covered on your channel, for example.

Greg: [00:55:28] They were just so brilliant in this design. It really, really was a brilliant design. It makes me think of Teslas. The Teslas are such a good design, and you've got a car that can go faster than a $5 million Bugatti and it's 100,000 bucks or whatever. 

And a lot of it is engineering. And the way that they engineered this device, one of the things that I discovered-- because I called a bunch of hydrogen companies when I was doing all my research, asking numerous questions, one of the things I quickly realized is that nobody knew what the heck they were talking about. 

Everybody was giving contradictory answers. I knew when people didn't know what they were talking about because I already had quite a bit of knowledge. And this company was the one that it was clear as day that they knew what the heck they were talking about. 

And when they went to develop the device, they didn't just say, "Hey, let's just develop it." They looked at every single modality, every single way of making hydrogen, literally every single way. And they researched every single one to the hilt until they decided this is the best and this is why. And that's when they realized that they needed a special metal. And that's why they went specifically to a company that could potentially do it. 

But yeah, they really did a good job in regards to making the water that you're going to drink-- non-ionized, non-electrolyzed, never using chemicals like lye, never directly electrolyte in the water. They have the highest-grade membrane you can possibly get. So you can't just say, "Oh yeah, this is S-T-E-M membrane, it's great." No, there's different grades of membranes. Everything they use was of the highest grade. 

One of the things that I was even a little surprised about was the picture that they were using because I was thinking it should be glass. I'm like, "Well, shouldn't it be glass?" And I was being nerdy and being like, "Hey, this is not perfect. What's going on?" They had definitely thought about it. 

Then I took a deep dive into polymers and different polymer technology. I realized that there's even glasses that are toxic, specifically the ones that come from China. But there is such a thing as toxic glass also. And what the Japanese did is they used an extremely high-grade polymer. It's again, highest quality, and it's made of a material that could withstand boiling water, which you never put in a machine. So it's overengineered. 

And they also use something that is already approved for babies in Japan. And a lot of people don't know that the Japanese are extremely strict when it comes to things for children, babies, kids at school. They're so strict with so many of those things. And this was approved for baby bottles that could withstand boiling water. 

And so they just went above and beyond on every little aspect of it. And again, that's why I said I'm just grateful because I would have never had the funding, the intelligence, the engineering background. I could have never created a device like this. It literally took multiple of the highest professionals in Japan or even in the world to develop something like this and make it affordable. So I'm just really grateful it exists.

Luke Storey: [00:58:23] Thank you. As am I. As you can see, I'm really excited. I just got this thing like a week ago. I got it and then I went on a trip and I was like, ah. I was using my tablets and the other things while I was gone. But I'm glad to be back with this. 

And thank you for answering that question that I didn't even ask about the plastic too, because I had the same thought. I was like, "Oh, guys, come on, man. You're like making this pristine amazing water and then it's in plastic." But I also know that not all plastic is created equal and that some of it is much more permeable. And also it's necessary, I think, when it comes to hydrogen, since as you describe, the molecule is so tiny that it can basically escape through things if it's not stored right. Is that correct?

Greg: [00:59:10] Oh, absolutely. I'll go through literally anything. It's like a ghost. It's unbelievable that it can do that. And although sometimes it's a negative thing, it's a very positive thing because it can go through anything in our body. It can permeate all the flesh, the tissues. And that's very important as far as it being effective at what it does. 

And a lot of people don't know that hydrogen is literally the purest substance known to man. It's more pure than oxygen itself. Oxygen clearly can be toxic if you have too much of it. And so as long as, again it's made right, it appears to be totally safe, even for pregnant women and children, which you actually brought up the hydrogen pills. You never would want to give those to a child. You would never want to give that to a pregnant woman. There's lot of people you probably wouldn't want to give those to.

Luke Storey: [00:59:58] Yeah, I've heard you be disparaging toward the tablets on your channel and I've been using them for years. I seem to derive benefit from them. I think I would prefer to use this device than those. But again, for convenience, when I'm out and about and traveling like on airplanes, I always put those in my water. 

Do you think that they have any utilitarian benefit in terms of delivering new hydrogen? Is it that you don't like the chemical reaction that they cause? What's your issue with the tablets? And do you think any of them are better than others, or are they all created equal? What's your whole take on the hydrogen tablets?

Greg: [01:00:40] So many years ago, I've been saying that they were not good. I did try them, of course, when I was looking into hydrogen. And for a long time, not only that I think they were not good, finally, there was some lab testing that was done on tons of different tablets. I don't know if you've seen any of the ones that I released on my video, but it pretty much proves to me that they're not good for you. 

For example, they took water that was roughly 7.7 pH. They dropped the pill into water. By the time it's done with it, it turned into acid water. It was like 4.0 or whatever on the acidity scale, which is like you're talking Coca-Cola type of acidity.

And that's not the only thing. The water tastes like metal. One of the things I found through my research is that magnesium is a compound metal. So it's very possible that there's other metals in there, which I personally think that there is. They had issues with it in Japan. They totally quit selling those pills in Japan. Those are not allowed anymore due to safety issues. And yet here it's just going nuts. 

I saw some claiming, oh, it makes 8 PPM of hydrogen. You measure it and it's one PPM which is one-eighth and a lower concentration of water, which means the amount of pills you would have to take in order to get therapeutic grade hydrogen in your body, you'd be taking way too many pills. And the problem with that is you're exposing yourself to certain, in my opinion, toxicity within those pills. I actually think they are really bad idea, to be quite frank with you.

Luke Storey: [01:02:08] Wow.

Greg: [01:02:08] Yeah, I'm really sorry to say that, but that's just it.

Luke Storey: [01:02:12] I have spent a lot of money on those freaking tablets and also recommended them. So my apologies to anyone out there who's got them that--

Greg: [01:02:22] I should share this. And I'm sorry to say this too. There was a company, they were really into oxygen and they had a whole team of people and they all had their bloodwork tested before and then they all went on the pills for six months and they did lab testing again on their blood. Every single one of them, their liver numbers were worse after six months. 

And that's literally exactly what the data from Japan was showing. They were concerned about it causing cirrhosis of the liver, infertility in women, and leading to dementia and Alzheimer's. But this is due to the metals again, back to the metal again. Haven't you ever noticed that those pills taste like metal?

Luke Storey: [01:03:01] Yeah, they have kind of a mineral taste in the water. But I'm not someone who's particularly bothered by something tasting off if it gives me the desired effect. And sometimes, if I'm on an airplane, I'll take four of those hydrogen tablets and put them into my water because I want to see the gas in there. I want it to be white, because the PPM claims to me to have always been a little dubious. I can tell by looking at the glass of water with one tablet in it that it's not the PPM that they're claiming and that's fine they could be mistaken or actually misleading. And it doesn't bother me in particular because I'm still getting some hydrogen in there. 

But that is going to lead me to want to do a little more research in terms of is there any heavy metal contamination and are all of them created equal? In other words, is everyone using the same formula that could be contaminated? Or are some people being more mindful about the magnesium and other minerals that they use to actually cause that chemical reaction?

Greg: [01:04:00] Well, let me answer that question because I've already released multiple videos and I'm going to release more. All the lab testing for all the pills, it's all coming out the same. They're all the same stuff pretty much.

Luke Storey: [01:04:11] Okay.

Greg: [01:04:11] And remember this about hydrogen. Hydrogen is pH neutral. So if you have something that's changing it from alkaline water to acid water, that's not pH neutral. Second, hydrogen is odorless, colorless, and tasteless. With the pills, I've noticed there's an odor to the water. There is a color to the water. And again, it's not odorless, tasteless, colorless. You can see that it has like a metallic color. 

So it doesn't follow any of the guidelines of what hydrogen truly is. You'll notice with the Hydrofix that it does. In fact, they have a lot of laboratory testing, which I'm going to release more. And you can see it all done literally right in front of you. And you're not going to see any metal color, you're not going to be tasting metal, you're not going to see-- there's even weird gases if you look really closely that come off the water that's in gray in color. 

And just a lot of concerns, in my opinion, with the pills and-- well, Japan already what they were trying to do is actually they were trying to develop a new pill, no more using metals. They were trying to use certain types of calcium. 

The only problem with those pills is that they were incredibly expensive, so they were not cheap, which is another issue because the current pills are already expensive. Those are the ones that they're selling already. And the hydrogen production was much lower. So it just didn't seem something that would be very effective. But that's the latest thing that they're trying to come up with as a safe way to make pills. Japan is typically one or two decades ahead of all of us in things like this, but especially in hydrogen, they're way beyond anybody in the world.

Luke Storey: [01:05:43] All right, cool. Thank you. Well, I'm going to have to do some more research on that because. Like I said, now that I have this Hydrofix at home, it's like literally right on my desk every day. So I'm drinking tons of this water. I don't have the need to use the tablets to activate the water into hydrogen, but I do use them quite a bit when I travel. So I'm going to definitely look into that. 

And also thank you for just keeping it real. I love when I'm wrong about something. I'm disappointed, especially when I think about how much money I've spent on certain things, but it's better to learn now than later. 

Then what about these-- I talked about them earlier, but these small devices? I have a couple of them here that are basically like a little water bottle canister and you fill them up with water and turn them on. And they I guess through that process of hydrolysis or whatever the hell you call that are making a certain PPM of hydrogen in the water, did those have any use even for travel or convenience to you, or are you anti those as well?

Greg: [01:06:51] So again, I have another lab testing, one of the top ones that there is. Again, I think we were personally lied to, in my opinion, because it did not produce the hydrogen that they claimed. They were claiming huge numbers. When I see huge numbers, I understand the science. I know what full saturation is, and that's around 1.6 PPM. So when they're claiming 4 PPM or some huge number, it immediately makes me suspicious. Upon lab testing, the machine didn't even make full saturation. It didn't even make 1.6. I think it made like one PMM. 

Now the other issue with one of those is they tried to copy the Hydrofix. They saw that they were placing the inhalation lids and they start copying the design. The problem is, is that you never want to inhale directly electrolysed water. So you don't actually want to do that. 

With the Hydrofix, it was safe because they went above and beyond to not only make extremely clean hydrogen, but the water is not being ionized. So there's not other gases in there which they claim won't be in there, but they will because it's basic science. You direct electrolyze water, it produces other gases that are actually don't appear to be good for you.

Not to mention that the metal they're using for all those devices is the same stuff. It doesn't matter what brand. I've looked at it. They're all using the same stuff pretty much for the most part, the majority of the machines out there. And one of the ones that was tested, it claimed to be putting out 300 milliliters per minute for the inhalation. And I thought that can't be right.

 So basically, medically speaking, the number one university in the world that researches and uses hydrogen medically uses 130 milliliters per minute. And this is for extreme cases. So that's the number that is basically the big number that's used. This little bottle was claiming 300 milliliters. And upon testing it appears to be making about five or six milliliters, not 300. 

So I began to realize that you can't really trust what we're being told. The Hydrofix, what was interesting about this company is that all their numbers were very accurate. They were very honest about them. It didn't make them look good because a lot of people are like, "Hey, wait a second, it only makes this much. I saw that this cheap little bottle makes 300." 

But you have to be really careful because you've got one company being very honest and very diligent about testing. In fact, it's the only machine in the world that is lab tested and certified. I don't know of any other machine, and I've looked into pretty much all of them.

Luke Storey: [01:09:25] Wow.

Greg: [01:09:27] I thought that was very important. But the little bottles, me personally, it's hard to really get therapeutic amounts anyway from a little bottle and directly electrolytes, cheap metals. I've seen data, actual scans that shows that hydrogen builds up in the body so you can have it build up in the liver, in the kidneys, which is a great thing because it's there to protect you. It's there to help you in regards to your health. So if I'm going to go on a trip for like a week or two, I don't even sweat it. I don't. I'm healthy. I've been using my hydrogen. I'll go on a trip. I don't worry about it. Now, if I'm going to be gone for months, I'm taking my Hydrofix.

Luke Storey: [01:10:05] Right.

Greg: [01:10:07] But a few weeks, if the body is prepared and it's strong, you really should be just fine.

Luke Storey: [01:10:12] Okay, cool. Yeah, because I just since 2017, I've been so obsessed with hydrogen. It's like I don't ever want to go anywhere and not have it, especially as it pertains to the oxidative stress from air travel and even driving in a car and high EMF fields and all that. It's just one of those things I feel like I always want to have on hand. So that's interesting. I'm going to definitely rethink the little portables as well as the tablets, and I'm really glad we had this conversation and covered that particular thing.

Greg: [01:10:42] I should touch on this too. Of course, I asked the company because I know these guys are like number one and they're so finicky and I obviously I'm a fan. I said, "Are you guys ever going to make a portable device?" And they've looked deeply into it and they've given me a lot of good information that I didn't know. And they're like, "Look, first of all, we could. We could develop a portable device that will be safe and done properly." But they said they're going to be expensive. We're talking probably somewhere in the neighborhood of like $1,200.

And most portable devices, you can find them as cheap as 50 bucks. You can find them for 200 or 300 bucks. So the company was kind of thinking like, do we really want to develop something like this? Because they just don't think most people would buy something for that price. And so that was one of the things. And then they also talked about the direct electrolysing the water. They really would have to do something to deal with that because they know it's not the best way to design a portable device.

And then they also had some other interesting techniques to try to make clean hydrogen. So they've been developing stuff that nobody has really looked into. But that was the biggest they told me. They can develop all sorts of things. 

They said they could develop devices that put out way more hydrogen, if that's what people want. But they feel that they've followed all the science, all the data and at a price point that people can easily afford for the most part, it's so cheap and they last an extremely long time. They're extremely reliable, which is another issue I found with a lot of hydrogen machines. A lot of hydrogen machines are inherently unreliable. So there's just a lot that I've learned. But yeah, they don't do the portable thing that much unless they said if they were to get massive amounts of requests, they could probably do it. But yeah, it would cost you. It wouldn't be a cheap one.

Luke Storey: [01:12:31] Well, if those of us listening want a portable one, let's reach out to Holy Hydrogen where I got my machine and tell them and put a word into Japan. Well, maybe some of us will pay for an easy portable one. But I like the idea of actually just building it up in your system and building up that resilience whenever you're at home, which is kind of what I do anyway, so that when I travel, I don't just get totally smoked by being out of my element. 

What about the in the Hydrofix here, the tiny little bubbles? That's something I've observed too. They'll be like a couple of big bubbles that come off the bottom of the jug. But then there's this constant flow of tiny bubbles. And after a couple of days of playing with this machine, I figured out that after you run it for-- I think it's 30 minutes and you get to the highest PPM, then you just let it sit there and percolate and it seems to go for, I don't know, eight, 10 hours or something where it's still making the hydrogen. So like I said, I just have it sitting on my desk and it's just on demand hydrogen. What's up with the little micro clusters of hydrogen? And is that different from what other people are producing out there?

Greg: [01:13:39] Yeah. So it is definitely different. They have discovered the nano bubbles. And this doesn't even just really make nano bubbles, the new model, which is a 2022. And this is what I love about the Japanese. They always are trying to improve. When I thought there was no room left, they just still continue to amaze me. 

They're making super nano bubbles. They're doing it so tiny to where almost you probably can't even see them. If you want to see them at nighttime, turn off all the lights, let the blue lights work and flash a light in there and you're going to see tiny little things that you couldn't see ordinarily. And some of them are even just invisible to the eye. 

The super nano bubbles actually comes again from the metal technology. So they're using something called like an expanded metal technology. It's almost like a web, and they're making these tiny, tiny little nano bubbles. And this really helps a great deal. It's one of the reasons that I personally recommend to drink the water on an empty stomach because the super nano bubbles allows the hydrogen to stay in the water longer. It doesn't just dissipate. Just as you mentioned, you notice that the bigger bubbles go up faster.

Luke Storey: [01:14:44] Yeah. Yeah.

Greg: [01:14:46] So they escape more quickly. This is why the super nano bubbles are important, to stay in the water so when it goes in you, it stays in the water as the water travels through the GI and does all the magic that it does.

Luke Storey: [01:14:57] Oh, cool.

Greg: [01:14:58] Yeah, it is incredibly helpful.

Luke Storey: [01:15:00] That's awesome. If one was to take the Hydrofix hydrogen water and put it in a jar and go drive around, how long will the hydrogen concentration stay in the water? Do you happen to even know that?

Greg: [01:15:14] Yeah, of course, I know. I’ve asked the same question. So believe it or not, it depends on how you make it. So literally, depending on how you make it depends on how long the hydrogen will stay in the water. When talking about the Hydrofix, the way that they make it actually lasts the longest of any other way of making that I've ever seen. 

And then it's going to depend on temperature and it's going to depend on movement of the water. Just think of like a soda can that you shake, it's going to cause the gases to escape faster. If I were just to give you a rough number-- because I could give you an exact number, an exact number would be you pour the water into glass, set it on a counter, it doesn't move, the room is at 68 degrees, all the hydrogen will be gone in one hour.

Luke Storey: [01:15:54] Okay.

Greg: [01:15:55] However, you put it in a jar, the jar is moving, maybe it's 73 degrees outside, different variables, usually the number I give people is one hour, just roughly one hour. But think about this. That means that if in one hour it's all gone, then in half an hour, roughly half of it is gone. 

So if you really want therapeutic grade, I have specific protocols on how to really use it and get it in you properly. Obviously, there's a reason they call me the Hydrogen Man. I've really, really gone down this rabbit hole.

Luke Storey: [01:16:29] Well, you have certainly have pigeonholed yourself in terms of being a content creator by using that name. But like I said, it's just such a vast topic that I feel like I could do Hydrogen Man Part two because there's just so much to learn. So I'm stoked that you've niched down on this particular issue because these are all questions that I'm sure not only I have but many people listening because I've been promoting the various hydrogen things for so long and I'm just like, I want to get to the best way to do it. And I think we're accomplishing that today. 

Okay, so we covered the tablets, the portable units, now the micro cluster of the water, the nano bubbles. What about the fact that this Hydrofix actually structures the hydrogen within the water? You were mentioning something about that in our phone call and I didn't quite grasp it, so maybe you could illuminate that a bit for us.

Greg: [01:17:28] All right. Now, this is truly next level. I would have never even imagined doing such a thing. Nobody in the industry does it. It's completely patented. Only this company discovered it and is now doing it. You've heard structure in water, right?

Luke Storey: [01:17:44] Yeah. We talk about that a lot. Yeah.

Greg: [01:17:47] And when I first heard about structure in water, again me being the ridiculously biased guy that I am, I thought it was garbage. I'm like, "Give me a break structure in water." But then I started seeing data on that, too. So I'm not just a hydrogen specialist. I know a lot about water. 

And I actually found data in Japan scientific data studies showing the differences with the structured water, what was happening in the water, a lot of different things. But what Japan has done with the Hydrofix is they've learned to actually induce and structure hydrogen. Nobody's ever done that. 

And to this day, which this has been very recent, I was actually using this new technology, but I didn't even know it. The company didn't tell me. And I was using it, and I started getting even more results from the hydrogen. And I was thinking, what is going on? Is it just because I've been doing it for so long that I'm starting to move up a notch as far as the benefits, because I do notice that the longer you use it, the more benefits you get. I think it's a lot like diet or exercise or whatever it is that you're doing, you go next level after so much time. 

And and it turns out, at least in my opinion, it was that new technology. It really, really makes a difference. And they're also using almost like a frequency type of technology. So I think their technology is not what I would have called it, but they call it Vive V-I-V-E. I think it stands for vortex induced vibrational something, some type of technology. 

And I would have probably called it expanded metal super nano vibrationally induced, structured hydrogen. It'd be so long to describe what they're doing, but it's super awesome that they did it. I think we're going to learn more about it in the future as time goes on. 

But so far, you're literally structuring what water is made of before it's even water, because it's H2O. We're dealing with H2O. So I really do think this is next level and it's going to change things. And they're probably hearing it for one of the first times here on the show because nobody in the hydrogen industry knows about this. They didn't even dream of it, let alone create it. And these guys did it. 

And again, the Japanese-- I'm so sorry, but they really are so amazing when they put their mind to something. I always say, look at their samurai swords. They were just so beyond anybody. And they do that a lot. I love when your whole heart's in something and you don't think about the price, you're just thinking about how to do something right instead of trying to figure out how to do cheap crap and too much of that in the world, it drives me nuts. Obviously. I love soapbox.

Luke Storey: [01:20:25] No, I agree, dude. I agree. I just moved in a house after remodeling it for a year and a half. And you can't imagine how many times I've bitched about just poorly made stuff that you buy online, especially some things on Amazon. It's like I have now switched my search parameters on Amazon from highest price to lowest price. And sometimes high is reviewed too. That's useful, but it's like, I'll go to the highest price and there's this ridiculous out of control prices on XYZ thing, whatever gizmo I'm looking for. 

But somewhere there's a sweet spot where there's like one that's more expensive than the other ones, but it's going to be higher quality and lasts longer. That's the thing. It's like, I don't want to buy a vacuum cleaner every year. I want to buy one every 10 years. So I'll pay 10 times as much to just not have to deal with it. 

So when it comes to something like this, that's made well, and especially like I'm thinking about 50, 60 bucks a bottle for the tablets, which according to you, or maybe not optimal anyway, how many years it would take me if I'm using them a lot to spend 2,500 bucks on those, it's not going to be that long. 

All right. I'm going to drop one of my top energy tips right here. It's a combo of organic beets, berries, and adaptogenic herbs called Organifi Red. Here's why it works. Well, beets have been shown to help the body clear out toxins, act as a cardioprotective and brain enhancing food and increase exercise endurance. 

Then you top that off with freeze dried organic berries like blueberries, Asahi pomegranate, raspberry, strawberry, and cranberries. These are all potent antioxidant superfoods, rich in dozens of nutrients and critical to energy.

And the freeze dried method better preserves and concentrates all this goodness without added sugar. Now for the herbs cordyceps. This is a medicinal mushroom with incredibly strong adaptogenic qualities. In fact, in 1993, the Chinese Women's Olympic Track team was accused of being on steroids for their use of cordyceps. It's legit and time tested. 

And Siberian ginseng is another adaptogen in the red juice. It's been popular in Russia for the past 50 years as a hormone balancing herb. And of course, Organifi included a reishi mushroom 821 extract. And this is a powerful adaptogen that promotes increased energy as well. 

But reishi is versatile because it's also known as a grounding mushroom because of its calming effect. And lastly, they threw in some rhodiola, which promotes physical endurance and increases mental clarity and focus. So you put this all together in an easy to drink organic non-GMO powder, and you've got this incredible substance known as Organifi Red. 

It also happens to taste so good that you can't believe it's actually healthy. So get yourself pumped up with some Organifi Red right now by visiting organifi.com and use the code lifestylist to save 15% off any item in the store. That's Organifi with an I and the code is lifestylist.

Greg: [01:23:38] It wouldn't be. I've had numerous doctors contact me and tell me things like, they said I'm spending a fortune on these hydrogen pills because I'm buying them for me, my wife, and my kid. And they were spending, I don't know, 300 or $400 a month. It was a lot. And I've had numerous doctors contact me just for that. 

And with the Hydrofix, I actually calculate it. It's actually the cheapest way to use hydrogen in the long term. The machine's super reliable. It's super cheap to run. It's easy for you to maintain yourself. It does the water and the gas. It does everything and it lasts years and years. I still have my original one and it's still working just fine.

The company gave me some really interesting data again, where they wanted it to be really robust and reliable. So it's one of the reasons that they spend, again, more money on it to make it really, really good. And so they did a stress test that simulated seven years of running it 24/7 to find any weak points. That's what the Japanese do. They look for weak points, fix them so they can have something like a Toyota, something ultra reliable. 

And ultimately the machine had no issues and they actually stopped the test. They said, "Okay, seven years, that's enough." This machine is clearly built the right way and it has no issues. And I love the reliability. I really do. Hydrogen machines have a lot of issues in general, to be honest.

Luke Storey: [01:24:58] Yeah, that's like I said, with a vital reaction inhaler, I'm always shocked and I've moved with that thing quite a bit. Let's say I've ever thrown it on the ground, but it's definitely been beat up a bit from just moving across the country and stuff. And I have to say, respectfully, as expensive as it is, it has lasted. So I appreciate that. 

What about the ORP? This is something that I've been curious about with hydrogen in general, especially hydrogen generators like we're discussing here. Could you explain what a negative ORP is, why it's important, and if that's part of what makes this work, or is that a totally different topic?

Greg: [01:25:40] Yeah, it's something that people focus too much on and it's really not what the medical professionals focus on. If I remember correctly, it stands for like oxidative reduction potential or something like that.

Luke Storey: [01:25:51] Yeah.

Greg: [01:25:52] And I learned because that was something that I was again looking at in my research and I found out that that's just not really what you want to look at. You can find higher ORP in swimming pool water with chemicals, so it's not really necessary. 

What you really want to look at in the world of hydrogen is, well, the PPM. Remember that the PPM is based on the amount of liquid, because if you have this much liquid and you have 1.6 or if you have this much liquid and it's 1.6 PPM, there's actually much more hydrogen in the big one. And so this is important. And you need a specific amount of milligrams-- so this is based on data, a certain amount of milligrams that we roughly need in order for hydrogen to be, again, therapeutic. 

And you want to get so much from the water and then so much from the gas. This is literally what I've created. And there's only been about two studies done on my particular method because once I created my protocol and I released it to the world for free on YouTube, it was mysteriously used two months later in some scientific studies. I know that they watch my channel. I know that they take my data.

But the good news is, is that they did do the scientific study. When they did my protocol, they found that doing the combination, the way that I was doing it and doing it, for example, the empty stomach, there's all these little things that I recommend, they found that it worked better than any other way that it had ever been implemented.

And I was literally scratching my head thinking, "How come nobody even thought about doing this?" Because the studies are always done, like just on the gas inhalation, just on the water, maybe an IV. They tried different ways, but they never combined it the way that I was envisioning. And I envisioned it because-- I don't need to go into how I figured it out. 

But everything that I've come up with, there's ways that I figured this out or certain thought patterns that would take me down a certain path that I could just-- it's almost like I could just see it. As strange as this may sound, sometimes I almost feel like I'm connecting with the hydrogen. 

And if you can connect with hydrogen, it's something that, in my opinion, can obviously connect you to a lot of different things because the stars are all made of hydrogen, the universe is made up of almost, I believe, 80% hydrogen. Every living thing needs hydrogen in order for it to survive. If you were to take hydrogen out of you right now, all of it, you just drop dead. It's the source of life. It's so crucially important. 

I even have visions of other things that I want to develop. There's a piece of equipment I want to develop that I personally believe will reverse aging in a way that the world has never seen before. I believe that the equipment I want to develop will actually-- and I have data to back this up, should be able to cure just about any disease, that's dangerous for me to say. 

But this equipment doesn't exist. So relax. But it would probably cost somewhere in the neighborhood of $20 million. So this is something very big. And I have been consulting with some people. I share the information with UCLA scientist/doctor, in the first 5 minutes, he thought it was nonsense. When he looked at the data that I had to present, he was like, "Holy cow, this could actually work. I can't believe that you came up with this."

And so I have a lot of other things. I have things, other visions that I had on how to grow food that the world has never seen. And I mean food that would change our lives, stuff that would bring healing in a way that we literally haven't seen for thousands of years. I believe that we used to have food like this a very long time ago. 

And so I have these really, really great ideas that I'd like to implement. But for the time being, right now, when people are suffering and people need healing, luckily we have access to something like this that is obviously very cheap, very to implement. As you said, it's very easy to just inhale when you're on the computer working or at the office on phone calls or whatever, drinking the water. 

It's so easy. And I've seen it work even when people don't change anything in their lifestyle, which I find pretty dramatic. I really didn't think that it would work without people making other changes. And if you make other changes, what I've seen about the hydrogen is that it actually enhances a lot of the therapeutic benefits of whether it's different supplements or different things that you're doing. It really enhances what it can do for the body. And that's another thing that I have definitely found. And I recently found-- this is kind of a secret, I recently found a food that appears to enhance the effects of hydrogen. I don't know if you want me to tell everybody right now.

Luke Storey: [01:30:20] Yeah, please.

Greg: [01:30:21] It's natto, N-A-T-T-O. This stuff is just unbelievable, and it is the Japanese, again. I have done many research studies proving that this stuff is just bonkers out of this world amazing. And there's new data coming out, which I'm not going to mention right now. Well, I don't know if you're-- are you on YouTube? I guess maybe you are on YouTube.

Luke Storey: [01:30:40] Well, this interview will be on YouTube, but I don't do a lot on YouTube other than just publish these interviews.

Greg: [01:30:47] So I won't say a lot because some of this would be restricted on YouTube. I'll just say that they're doing some new research. That has to do with this little mysterious virus that's been going around. I'll just say that.

Luke Storey: [01:30:57] Got it.

Greg: [01:30:58] And it's absolutely remarkable what they're finding. And it's something that I actually put in my smoothie. I invented something called the Hydrogen smoothie.

Speaker3: [01:31:07] Really?

Greg: [01:31:09] Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. And I put that in there too. Based on data, again, I created this thing and it's been nothing short of miraculous. I'm working with someone who's got really terrible colon cancer who is not giving much of a chance to live. And I did not think that even my techniques or protocols could do much because even the professionals could only help this guy maybe live a year. 

And I've been working with him for two months and I've been making my magic hydrogen smoothie, I've been doing my hydrogen protocol, I've been helping them with some different things. And we got a scan about five days ago and it showed that his tumors have dramatically shrunk. So we're seeing progress and I couldn't believe it. I seriously, with all honesty, I couldn't believe it. I didn't think that he had a chance. I thought that it was really bad. Well, it is real.

Luke Storey: [01:31:53] Wow.

Greg: [01:31:54] So this is big.

Luke Storey: [01:31:55] All right, so you're making these hydrogen smoothies, are you? I've thought about using the hydrogen water to make my morning elixir smoothie, whatever. But I just figured, oh, if I run the blender, all of the gas is going to dissipate out of the water, and I'm not going to get any hydrogen. Are you putting the water in a smoothie with other stuff and potentiating the effects of the things you're putting in the water? Is that what you're doing with these smoothies?

Greg: [01:32:23] Yeah. So you're absolutely right. Obviously, you're going to blend it up. You're going to lose the gas. That's what I was expected too, and that's most likely the truth. However, the reason that I started doing it was because I saw a study where they had literally taken fruits and vegetables and they can actually measure the antioxidant within this fruit or vegetable. Then they would soak them in hydrogen water for 20 minutes, then test them, and they were just off the charts.

Luke Storey: [01:32:48] Oh.

Greg: [01:32:49] Yeah, so this stuff is literally penetrating. So this is what I mean. We can produce food that the world has never seen. I'm telling you, I know that it's possible. It would just take somebody who's willing to invest their time and the money. But ultimately, what I do is I soak my smoothie for 20 minutes. So it's getting in the food even if I blend it. 

Am I going to lose some of it? Sure, I'm probably going to lose it. But I believe that it's going into the food and doing something to the food, even though we're grinding it up. And then once I pour the smoothie, I usually have a pretty big jar, I'll put about this much hydrogen water, so I'll cut it with hydrogen water on top of what I'm already doing.

Luke Storey: [01:33:24] Okay.

Greg: [01:33:25] Yeah. And I also drink the water before on an empty stomach before the smoothie. So I'm prepping my body, hydrating my colon, bringing in all these antioxidants the way that hydrogen moves the blood. If you see my life blood analysis video, which I believe is video 68, which is the one the doctor thought was impossible, they just didn't think it was possible what I was showing and I combine this because blood flow is crucial to carry nutrients to parts of the body. 

One of the things that the Japanese discovered, which is mind blowing, is that hydrogen actually begins to open up what's called ghost brains. Have you ever heard of ghost brains before?

Luke Storey: [01:34:01] Oh, huh-uh.

Greg: [01:34:01] Oh, my gosh, you're going to love this because I've never heard that medical term before. Apparently, it's a medical term. And what happens is, have you ever seen a baby how they're so plump and they're clearly hydrated? And how they're warm due to their blood circulation. Little kids running around in diapers, they're still warm on a cold day. 

And so basically what happens is, as you age, there's little areas where there once was blood and there's no longer blood able to get into certain areas. And they discovered that hydrogen is actually beginning to get blood supply into these. It's like a ghost town that gets life again. 

So that's one of the things that it does. And what you want, in my opinion, is to carry nutrients to these areas to begin to feed the tissues. And so that's part of how I again, develop my protocols. 

And one of the things that natto has also been shown to do is it gives a certain type of viscosity to the blood and allows it to get in nooks and crannies and of course, oxygenating certain cells, especially cancer cells, which I've discovered just part of the reason I'm giving these smoothies to this gentleman dealing with cancer. And I combine that with the hydrogen, and that's how I came up with that.

Luke Storey: [01:35:10] Wow. Are you putting a natto in this smoothie?

Greg: [01:35:14] Absolutely, brother.

Luke Storey: [01:35:16] It takes a special kind of person to be able to eat natto. I personally like natto, and I love all the K2 and the amazing bacteria in it and God knows what else. It's really truly a superfood. But at any time I've ever lived with someone, I could be in the kitchen at the other end of the house and I crack it open and the person would be like, "What is that smell?" From roommates to girlfriends. 

And I think probably even my current wife, if I recall, she's not a fan of opening that jar. Personally, I'd like it. But maybe, do you think when you put in it in a smoothie, you're masking some of that strong umami flavor and aroma to it? Or are you just going all in and you don't care what it tastes like?

Greg: [01:35:58] That's actually exactly why I put it in the smoothie, because it doesn't bother the taste for me either. But many people that I know it does, and this gentleman does too. And so I made a combination of things that are also anti cancer. I use a lot of anti cancer stuff. And in that smoothie you can't even taste it. 

So I literally created it. You can't even taste it. And the amount of protein that you get-- the vitamin K, that also is a huge aspect. And just all the other benefits of not to put it into food and I'm finding it to actually enhance the way that hydrogen works. So it's my new secret techniques. It's awesome.

Luke Storey: [01:36:33] That's rad. And I love the idea that you're saturating the foods that are going into the smoothie with the hydrogen before you even make the drink, which makes a lot of sense because the hydrogen molecule, as you describe it, is so tiny compared to any other physical matter. So like if you soaked a carrot, it would make sense that hydrogen would just get absorbed so easily into the cellulose of that carrot's body. So that's so cool. 

Greg: [01:37:01] And I'm envisioning it enhancing the properties of the carrot, enhancing the properties of the blueberries or whatever I'm putting in there. Not to mention, I also bring in not only the cleanest water along with the hydrogen, but I actually bring in minerals because I know that our food is deficient in minerals. And I found a scientific study which was pretty bonkers. 

They accidentally discovered that they were rebuilding bone and the way that they were doing it, and it wasn't their intention of the study, which is something I've been doing anyway, just intuitively is combining the fibers of all these fruits and vegetables in this smoothie. And I introduce minerals. 

And the way that the minerals work with the fibers-- I've noticed the fruits and vegetables are very complete. They have enzymes, they have antioxidants, they have the fibers, they have phytonutrients. There's so many properties to fruits and vegetables and they're so complete. And so I use the minerals along with all this. 

And I'm actually working with another doctor who's been specializing in minerals for almost four decades. And he just loves what I'm doing, and I'm actually teaching him how to do more of these techniques because they just work so good. It's just so basic, but it works great.

Luke Storey: [01:38:13] That's so cool. That was another one of my questions was, what if I take a glass of hydrogen water and put my liquid minerals in it? I've always felt like I guess because the molecule is so small-- and this is totally not proven or just anything, it's just based on my intuition, that it's almost as if those minerals in the hydrogen water could piggyback on that hydrogen molecule and get into the depth of your digestive system, bloodstream tissues, etc. Do you think there's any truth to that concept?

Greg: [01:38:44] I think there is absolutely, not to mention that electric signaling in the body. You need minerals for signaling. Literally if you have water without minerals, you're not going to be able to send electrical current really through it and your body's electrical. 

And so and hydrogen has been shown scientifically to also function as a signaling molecule. So the combination of the minerals with the hydrogen, I absolutely agree with you. And these are things that, again, they just make logical sense if you just think about it. And I've been applying these techniques for a long time and I've really been dialing it in and to see it work the way that it's working. 

I did also work with a guy with testicular cancer and he didn't want to do any conventional treatment. He did my method and his did completely cure. He totally got rid of that. But he wasn't terminal. He wasn't terminal like this guy that I'm working with. One of the worst cancers is colon cancer, pancreatic cancer. These are some of the worst ones. 

I did work with a woman who had a brain tumor this big, and she couldn't move half her body because it was pushing up against her brain. The doctors told her that even with chemo and everything else, that the tumor, their best was to keep it from growing. That was the best they could do. They said just keep it the same size because it was growing out of control. And she did my technique and it literally shrunk it to where you couldn't even see it anymore. And the doctors were like, "Wow, what happened?" 

She started walking a mile and a half a day, just one thing after another. I'm actually, again, shocked at how good these things are working, because I would think, to be really honest, I thought my channel would have millions of subscribers because I'm doing the impossible and yet that's not what happened. 

I have thousands of subscribers, but I thought, "Man, I'm doing the impossible here." Though I did get a phone call from a doctor two days ago who saw the results of the person whose tumors are shrinking, and he was incredibly blown away and he said, I want to know everything. 

He goes, "I want to know everything you're doing." I've had doctors contact me and asked me certain stuff, but this guy I think just because of what he saw, he said, this is not possible. And how are you doing this with smoothies and hydrogen water? What's going on?

Luke Storey: [01:40:52] I love it, dude. I love it. That's so great. So we've covered a lot of key thing. You thought that that was a negligible issue. We're really just going for the benefits of the hydrogen. And I would be remiss if I didn't cover this topic. And I'm sure if I didn't, someone would ask, what about the Kangen water and alkaline water machines. 

My personal experience is probably 15 years ago I got sucked into the MLM Kangen thing and I paid a bunch of money for the device and did a couple of little presentations and it was just a funky business model. And so I didn't like that. And then as I got more into researching water, I realized that this-- I was pouring LA tap water into this tiny little four inch filter in the Kangen machine. And I'm basically drinking very poorly filtered LA tap water, thinking that it's beneficial because it's a different pH than when it came out of the tap.

So I'm personally not a fan of alkaline water and Kangen water, all of that stuff. I don't see the benefit in it. To me, hydrogen water is by far superior. But do you think-- because you mentioned changing the pH of the water, using the hydrogen tablets and you're like, "Oh, it makes this acidic water." Do you see any value in Kangen or water ionizing machines, alkaline water? Is it all hocus pocus? Where are you at with that?

Greg: [01:42:21] Do you want the full explanation because I know everything about it?

Luke Storey: [01:42:24] Yeah, please. And I did cover it on another show with a guy named Robert Slovak who totally debunked satisfactorily to me alkaline water as a concept and specifically that machine in the way that it works. So, yeah, I think it'd be really valuable for people because I get a lot of questions about it and I'm still like, I don't know, because I found out about it so long ago, I think he hasn't everyone figured out that this alkaline water thing is a scam? That's my opinion. 

Especially because your GI tract is already acidic and it's supposed to be acidic, right? It's like you can't turn your body's pH on and off or up or down by drinking a water like you could do breathwork and change your blood pH in about 30 seconds that you could not do by drinking, quote-unquote, "alkaline water." So anyway, what's your take?

I remember first hearing about the medicinal plant kratom years ago as a potential social mood lifter and even natural painkiller. For those of you that have never heard of it, kratom is an all-natural herb related to the coffee plant that's been used in Thailand for centuries. 

But even though kratom piqued my interest, I got to be honest, I was nervous to try it due to it being sold exclusively in sketchy smoke shops and dark web internet sites when I first discovered it. And as a recovering opiate addict, I also had some fears around its reputation as a natural opiate. And I feared I might get addicted, and I definitely wanted to avoid that. Fast forward to now, some seven years later, and I find myself using kratom both safely and somewhat regularly. 

The key for me was in finding a brand I could trust and one that only uses pure leaf and not dangerous extract. And the brand that I found and used today is called Super Speciosa. These guys use only the top 1% of kratom produced in the world and boast some of the highest alkaloid levels in the industry, which means it's more powerful and works. Plus, they only use one ingredient, pure kratom leaf, and are rigorously tested for purity and safety. 

Now, personally I use Super Speciosa for so many applications such as relaxation and social settings, but also as a pre-workout and even as a nootropic for work, focus and creativity. Kratom is strange and unique as it helps energize your mind and relax your body at the same time. It's pretty incredible. 

So if you're going to check it out, for beginners, I recommend their signature Super Speciosa strain. To try kratom and get 20% off your entire order, here's what you do. Go to getsuperleaf.com/luke and if you use the promo code LUKE, you'll save 20% off your entire order. Again, that's getsuperleaf.com/luke and that 20% off code is also LUKE.

Greg: [01:45:25] I definitely have the answer to this one. If people just want the simple answer, I definitely wouldn't drink. That would be the first answer. I found a lot of the answers through actual, again, scientific data. The reason that everybody thought Kangen and water provide a benefit was because it did in the first two or three months of using it. Everybody thought-- Because it was measurable. In Japan, they were able to measure the benefits. 

Everybody thought that the benefits were coming from the water being alkaline. If that were true, you could literally just take, I don't know, tap water, put baking soda in it and boom, you got alkaline water. And that's not going to solve all these medical "miracles" quote-unquote, happening. But that's how it all began. Eventually, they realized that those Kangen machines were inadvertently making some hydrogen, and that's really where the benefit was coming from.

Luke Storey: [01:46:15] Oh, man, that's funny.

Greg: [01:46:16] Yeah, it was about the hydrogen. The problem is, is that those machines aren't really designed properly to make the type of hydrogen the way you should make it. This is why we needed the scientific data. Directly electrolysing water, you're going to be producing gases that you shouldn't be inhaling. You're definitely not going to be making good nano bubbles with such a device. You do run that risk again, the leaching metals directly of electrolyzation out of the water. 

Obviously the Kangen machines never produce a gas that you can inhale. What they're really good at-- and they are good at a few things. One is to make disinfecting water. So that's really good. And it's good at making, let's say, disinfecting water and washing pesticides off of vegetables, but that's pretty much it. You really don't want to consume that water. One of the things that they found, again, scientifically was after 6 to 8 months of usage, it started causing issues with what you had mentioned, the GI. 

Another scientific fact is that your body literally produces less and less stomach acids as you get older. And so as you're getting older, you're producing less stomach acids. And when you make alkaline water, which by the way, you can't put all alkaline water in the same category, so you can't say alkaline water because it could have minerals in it to make it alkaline. And that's different than ionized water that has been ionized to become alkaline. So they're not the same thing. 

And so this ionized water that you're taking from, again, something like the Kangen was shown to be disrupting the GI and start causing a lot of people GI issues. And I've had numerous emails of people who when I spoke to them, they're like, "Oh yeah, I'm having GI issues and I've been using the Kangen for like a year." And I explained to them what was going on. 

And so that's one of the major issues with it. And as you said, you actually want your stomach acids at a proper level to break down food so that you can actually get proper absorption of nutrients and to kill certain pathogens that you don't want to get deep into your GI. So you want your stomach acids actually working at a certain way, not something that's going to cause them to get even worse because that's ultimately what was being observed. 

And so ultimately, the Kangen is definitely not the way to go. It is very expensive. I think they're now up to like almost $6,000 and they're highly overpriced. They were reliable machine, but a lot has happened since then and we've learned so much. And I agree with you also, they just use carbon filters, so you're at the mercy of their filtration and whatever water source you have, which is not good either. 

I highly recommend a completely separate water filtration device. I have actually researched every single water filtration modality and what they can and cannot filter, and I even have tons of data on third party testing. I've done my homework on water because I wanted the best water in the Hydrofix. 

The thing I loved about the Hydrofix is that they design it to where you don't have to hook it up to a water source. So you can literally put any water you want. Now, I can choose the clean water. The Hydrofix is very different than a Kangen because the Hydrofix, I don't want to say it's like a one or two trick pony, but it kind of is. 

It makes the best hydrogen water hands down. I haven't seen any device that makes better hydrogen water. And the hydrogen gas is extremely good with just shy of 130 millilitres per minute, which is what the pros use. To me, it's more than good enough. 

But that's all it does. It doesn't make disinfecting water. It doesn't wash pesticides off of vegetables. But then again, it does everything that I really want it to do where the Kangen doesn't. I have one, too. I tried it and it never cured me. Gosh, my issues were so severe. But yeah, that one never did it.

Luke Storey: [01:50:00] Oh, thanks for your feedback. I think I sold mine on eBay for probably half of what I paid for, but it was compelling at first, because I went to this presentation and they showed me how all these different bottled waters were super acidic. And it was like it was visually compelling and I was sold on it. But this was very early in my research and in my journey into health and stuff. So I was--

Greg: [01:50:25] I would say-- I have to interrupt you. I do want to say one good thing about it, though.

Luke Storey: [01:50:29] Okay.

Greg: [01:50:29] The good thing is I appreciate it because it was a step in the right direction of discovering hydrogen. And ultimately they did see benefit at the beginning. And obviously that was, again, because of the hydrogen. Though the machines do stop making hydrogen after so much time, and it's very difficult to maintain them. 

I know with the Hydrofix they made it to where it's very easy to maintain. It's one of the things I really love. But so it was a step in the right direction. And for that, I'm grateful to get to where we're at now.

Luke Storey: [01:50:57] Got it. Okay, cool. Excellent. And I think the last thing I want to cover with you is this Brown's gas. I know we chatted about it briefly before, but this is something I get a lot of questions about and I'm totally unfamiliar with what it is. It seems based on your initial reaction that you don't think that that's something that's viable or worth exploring, but maybe you could break down what is Brown's gas and what's your take on that as a therapeutic?

Greg: [01:51:28] Ultimately, Brown's gas is just electrolysed water. You ionize the water which separates the hydrogen and the oxygen molecule. The only problem is that when you ionize water like that, there's other gases that are produced. 

And most of the Brown's gas devices that I've ever seen always use lye, which is sodium hydroxide, which is literally the main ingredient in Drano. It's toxic. It's terrible to say this, but it's been found that the cartels in Mexico use it to literally dissolve human bodies, even dissolve the bone. 

The stuff is highly caustic. You would never want to inhale such a thing and yet I see people do it. I continue to get emails regularly about people who've been harmed by it, yet they swear by it and think it's the greatest thing. 

But again, I'm big on the science. The Japanese know about Brown's gas. They've done some research on it. They say they didn't find really it to have any real medical benefit. I do think that some people have experienced some things due to the hydrogen content in the Brown's gas because there is some hydrogen. 

One of the biggest things that I've noticed about the Brown's gas people is they love to piggyback on the hydrogen science, like all the scientific studies on hydrogen, and they say, hey, try our Brown's gas. There's hydrogen in it. 

Well, yeah, there is some hydrogen in it, but there's also oxygen in it. And one of the issues with that, if you know much about oxygen therapy, is oxygen therapy, you better know what you're doing because sometimes you'll want to limit oxygen, kind of like high altitude training, and then you will flood the body with oxygen for so much time. There's protocols and then you again quit using it and then you cycle. 

Because if you just use it regularly, you're actually going to most likely affect your red blood cells, meaning that your body will literally stop making or make much less red blood cells because it's so used to an abundance amount of oxygen coming in. 

If you're inhaling oxygen-- I found one lady to have hypoxia after using the Brown's gas for quite a while. Once she got off of it, she got better. Here's one of the bigger issues is-- I know the Brown's gas people watch my videos and I'm so sorry to give bad news, but the issue is that I've shared my protocol and my protocol is based on the equipment. I can never emphasize that enough because I know the levels of hydrogen and how much you need and all the different things that you can do. 

And I always tell people to not copy my protocol with different equipment. If you're going to try to copy my protocol and you start using hydrogen pills, I really wouldn't recommend that. You'd have to use a lot of those pills. 

And so in the case of Brown's gas people, they start telling their people to drink the water before they inhale the gas. They copied my technique. And the water that it makes is horrendous. There was a woman that it literally caused her to have kidney failure because it was so toxic. She ended up in the ER. It almost killed her. 

The doctors figured out that lye was affecting her. So pure lye was getting through the device. And and I've seen this a lot and I know that they want to stick to their guns, but I literally ask, show me one or two studies that actually show the Brown's gas is superior to hydrogen or even that good. 

Now, let me say the good part about it, though. On the good side, the Japanese did find the Brown's gas is really great for energy, so they see that this could be potentially used in the future as a source of energy for like cars or planes. And on that front, it's great. 

And if made properly, which I don't see anybody really doing that, but if made properly, I think it could be safer. But is it as good as hydrogen? I don't think so. It's not even close. I've known people who have used Brown's gas for cancer and that was a really sad scenario. It was actually a woman. And this particular woman, it actually accelerated her cancer and started making things worse. And personally, I think it was the lye that was within it, but that's been a big issue.

So, yeah, I'm not a huge proponent. I've used it myself. I've used it. To be honest, it made me sick. It made me sick I think just because of the lye that was in the device. And I find it funny because some of these devices, they're like, oh, it's super high output. It puts out such a huge amount of hydrogen and oxygen and all this stuff. 

But then you get the device and they're like, "Oh, make sure not to turn it to 100." I'm like what? You've got run to the 30%. And I'm like, "Wait a second. Why do I have to run it at 30%? The whole point is high output, right?" You want me to get all this hydrogen in me. 

And the reason that they want to turn it down is because the gases are so toxic that if you were to increase it to 100, it would make you sick. And I hate to say it, I didn't know what I was doing, so I turned it up to 100. I made myself really sick and I was so sick for one or two weeks. I ended up going back to the Hydrofix actually help heal me from that nasty machine. And so I don't use that stuff anymore.

Luke Storey: [01:56:16] Wow. Okay. I feel like this conversation has done a really good job of myth busting some stuff, which is cool. And again, this is your opinion, my opinion based on our experience and research, but because I get specific questions, especially about these last two items, the Kangen machine and the Brown's gas, I think it's good to have someone like you who actually has direct experience and has put in the hours to actually study this stuff, because I hate for people to do something that's dangerous, of course, but also just to spend money and time and energy on things that have effects that are negligible or nonexistent. You know what I mean?

It's like there's so much crap you can buy online that's supposed to be good for your health and much of it just is not. It just doesn't have an effect. And in the case of the Brown's gas, it sounds like maybe even it's negative. 

The last question because there's one on my list that I skipped over before. I'm guessing that the hydrogen water would be really good for our pets, the animals, but it seems that because of the half life of the gas remaining in the water, you'd have to get it off your Hydrofix hydrogen water maker when your dog or cat is really thirsty, give it to them right then. Because if you just put it in their bowl, obviously, the hydrogen gas is going to dissipate after half hour or 60 minutes and then it's just regular water again. Do you have any experience or input on how to get this hydrogen into our beloved pets?

Greg: [01:57:47] Of course, I do. I was laughing because I'm shocked how many people contact me with that question. Everybody wants to give it to their pets. And what I've discovered throughout the years is that it seems to have actually a very profound effect on smaller animals-- so cats, little dogs, things of this nature. 

And I have seen some pretty crazy results, even to the point that I literally just got an email less than a week ago, I think it was five days ago. And this woman's dog doesn't even like water. He's not big on water. He'll have a little here and there. She got the Hydrofix for herself, never thinking in a million years that her dog would be interested. He goes nuts for it apparently. She goes to make it and he's begging her for it. And she puts it down and she said he won't drink anything else. And I found that just hilarious.

Luke Storey: [01:58:36] Oh, wow.

Greg: [01:58:36] But the dog, it was so weird. And she was telling me how spiritual her dog is and how she feels that it's like a special dog. And we all love our dogs, but she told me all these crazy stories about her dog, but I was really impressed by that. 

And I have seen that myself. There was a cat that I knew. Somebody owned a cat who had the Hydrofix. And the cat, same thing. Go nuts for the hydrogen water. I even was setting it out for some animals sometimes outside. And there used to be this little squirrel that would come for it and I even had a little bit video footage that I took that literally bug me. He would bug me for the hydrogen water. 

So yeah, absolutely, you can totally use it for your animals. The biggest thing, obviously, is you're not going to get them to inhale. Clearly you can't put something over their head or something. But the idea is pretty much what you're saying. You make the water fresh, you pour it in the bowl when it is that they're ready to have some water. And that would be, in my opinion, the best way to implement it.

The only other way, which would be extremely expensive and definitely possible, and even something that I might be presenting, quote-unquote to the "world" later, I won't give a lot of details about it because I was asked not to, but ultimately a type of device where like a bath of some sort for animals. 

But those type of pieces of equipment, because they're so expensive, would probably have to be in some type of hospital setting or medical center of some sort because they would pay a lot of money for such devices. And you can go in and do hydrogen baths and things of that nature. 

I'm going to do more research on that. One of the reasons I want to go to Japan to bring more data, more information, more science, and maybe if you ever want, we can do an interview later when I'm over there and show you what I've been finding, because I'm going to be looking for some stuff that I know is over there already. It's just a matter of me getting over there and getting it on camera for everybody because there are some secrets out there that the world doesn't know about. 

And I got so lucky on how I found out about it. I don't even know if I can even share the story of how I found out about it. But there's some big secrets over there that the world doesn't know, and I plan on sharing them with the world.

Luke Storey: [02:00:43] That's cool. That's cool. Yeah, definitely keep me posted. Just the idea of giving your small pet a hydrogen water bath is super cool. I know there's a company water and wellness, and they make these big giant tablets and they're meant for a foot soak or something where that you get quite a lot of saturation. You'd probably need five bottles to fill up a human sized bath, but I'm thinking you could take some of those and topically treat a small animal, or if there was some kind of device that could generate the size of a foot bath essentially for a human. 

But you put your pet in it because there are so many miraculous stories about people healing bones and cuts and wounds and bites and all of this kind of skin irritations, all this kind of stuff seems to be so treatable with hydrogen water, it would be really cool to have small baths that we could put even like a baby in. You know what I mean? 

Greg: [02:01:38] Absolutely. Yeah. I think it's going to be a really good tool, really good tool in the future. But like I said, I think I have something that's even bigger than that.

Luke Storey: [02:01:46] Oh, cool.

Greg: [02:01:47] And like I said, I want to wait until I can actually show it to people rather than just talk about it. And I'm almost a little concerned about sharing it because once I share it, I think it's going to cause an influx of some sort. But I will. I'm just going to go in first, make sure that it's all real.

Luke Storey: [02:02:04] Yeah.

Greg: [02:02:04] And I'm really big on again, making sure that everything's valid before I actually talk about it. So this is going to be good. It's going to be very exciting.

Luke Storey: [02:02:14] I'm hoping that I don't steal the thunder on your big idea, but an idea that I had that I as far as I know, no one's done this at scale. You mentioned oxygen therapy, and I'm a huge fan of hyperbaric chambers. I've got one in the other room and use it after travel or if I'm just really fatigued and stuff like that. 

At one point I took my hydrogen inhaler and on the output where the cannula is, I ran it into my hyperbaric chamber where you would normally get the oxygen and then quickly realize that the pressure inside the chamber was just going to blow my hydrogen machine against the wall, which is what happened. Like I said, this thing's a workhorse.

And then I was like, "Oh, duh." Because when you have your oxygen concentrator, you can set the pressure so that the pressure of that concentrated oxygen that's being made from the ambient air, the pressure is strong enough to get into the chamber where you then breathe in it with the cannula. 

So I thought, man, someone needs to make like an oxygen concentrator that is essentially a hydrogen gas generator that has enough pressure where you could take like a hyperbaric hydrogen session rather than or in addition to at different times, actually oxygen. Have you heard of this or looked into this or did I just steal your idea?

Greg: [02:03:32] Of course, I've looked into it, and I've definitely thought about it. The only problem is you have to remember that the hydrogen molecule is a different size than the oxygen molecule. The oxygen molecule is much bigger. So it's going to react differently to pressure as compared to hydrogen, meaning you're going to have to have a lot more pressure to try to hold in hydrogen as compared to oxygen. 

And also the thing-- and I can't give it away, unfortunately, on this show due to, interestingly enough, an NDA that there's a lawyer who heard my idea and he doesn't want me to say anything yet because he wants to work on developing again. That was actually one of the reasons I spoke to the UCLA scientist/doctor. 

But there's going to be a whole new way of using what you're bringing up, which is a step in the right direction. But you're actually missing something huge. And it's something that literally I don't know why, but literally nobody's ever thought about. I'm shocked that nobody's ever thought about it. 

But there's going to be definitely something. But it's along those lines. So you're thinking along the right line, but there's going to be some other things that are going to actually make it work extremely better and actually work. It's really hard to build that kind of pressure. 

But I think it's possible. I do think we could have a pressurized chamber use hydrogen, and I do think that it would have positive effects, much like oxygen therapy. But there's something that I think will literally blow the socks off that method. So it's exciting.

Luke Storey: [02:05:02] All right. I'm looking forward to that. Well, my friend, I think we covered just about everything. Of course, I'll think of more stuff, but everything that was on my list, at least we've covered in exactly two hours in one minute. So I'm going to close with one final question for you, Greg, the Hydrogen Man. Who have been three teachers or teachings in your life in general that have influenced the work that you do, your mission that you might share with us?

Greg: [02:05:27] Wow. That's a tough one. Gosh, there is one guy I'm going to give him a little bit of props. Have you heard of a guy named Dr. Greger?

Luke Storey: [02:05:38] No, I haven't.

Greg: [02:05:40] I like that guy. Give a little shout out. He's on a YouTube channel called NutritionFacts.org. The reason I like him is because he shows a lot of scientific data. And again, I like the data and I've used some of the data to develop some of my protocols. So he's been really great, but for the most part, to be honest, it's really weird. I don't think I've really had anybody really be a really, really good mentor or guide for me. I really had to develop these things on my own. 

I am thankful just in general to the Japanese. My goodness, those guys have done so much amazing work in the world of hydrogen. And if it wasn't for them, I wouldn't really realize that there is different ways of making hydrogen and that there's better ones, safer ones than others. They really, really hyper focused on that. 

And at first it was something that I didn't even think about. I just was thinking, how do I get hydrogen? That's all I was thinking. And I didn't realize the difference in making it differently. So I think overall, just very thankful to the Japanese. The gentleman who wanted to develop this device for his daughter with the Lou Gehrig's disease, he was a really big inspiration because of how much effort he put in also. And I was able to learn a lot actually from him and this company in general. 

And beyond that, probably just people who we've never got to meet. I love reading the ancient scriptures, whether it's a lot of the teachings of Jesus and Buddha and Krishna and a lot of that stuff's been really quite great stuff that I'm grateful for. 

And probably above all, I have very wonderful people in my life. I will say I just feel like spirit. That's one of the reasons I really like to meditate. Spirit just seems to have the knowledge and intelligence or the wisdom so far beyond I feel and little monkey compared to it. I just feel like. I really do. 

I just feel like such a silly kid sometimes in that regard and the wisdom that comes from that. And so ever since that, I've read a lot of books and done a lot of things, but actually I always fall back on. I have so much more faith in spirit than I have in any one person, particularly, although I love to learn from everybody and any scientific data I can get my hands on. But I don't know if that answers your question.

Luke Storey: [02:07:49] It does. It does 100%. I share your sentiment there. Sometimes we have great messengers and teachers and the human form, but ultimately there is one who has all knowledge, however you choose to identify that one. I just call it God because it's just easy to spell. But there's baggage for some people with that word. 

So call it what you will. There's no doubt there's something there. I always say like, go to bed if you're an atheist and God bless you if you are, I have no judgment. But let's say you're an atheist who doesn't want to be one. Just go to bed one night, close your eyes, fall asleep, and in the morning contemplate what it was that breathed you to life all night. It's something. We don't know what it is, but it seems to care about us. If it does something like that, I could go on and on. The acorn becomes the oak tree. How? These are the questions that keep me up at night and keep me searching and yearning for more truth in the spiritual realm.

Man, thank you so much for joining me. I really appreciate your generosity of time. I like to go deep in these conversations because I always put in my awareness the questions that I anticipate people listening will want me to ask. And that's something I really have paid attention to over the years. 

And even when I really, really try and I think I've nailed it all, there's one or two people will message me and say, "Oh man, why didn't you ask him about this and this?" So I appreciate your generosity and helping me to really just get a great understanding of this topic. And I think it's going to help a lot of people, man. So thank you so much.

Greg: [02:09:25] Oh, absolutely. Hey, thank you, too. It's great fun talking to you. You had really good questions. That was a good job.

Luke Storey: [02:09:31] Awesome. Thank you, sir. Well, until next time I bid you farewell, my friend.

Greg: [02:09:36] All right. Sounds good.

Luke Storey: [02:09:42] Well, we've reached the end of the line, folks, the last stop here on the Life Stylist Podcast train. I want to thank our guest, Greg, for taking the time to share his passion for hydrogen with us today. I got to say, I always love it when someone finds a lane and just bears down and learns everything they possibly can about a specific topic. So the rest of us, like you and me, can just learn about the bits that really matter directly from them rather than having to wade through all the research ourselves. So I'm stoked to find someone who just gets obsessed with something and comes to share it here on the show. And that's definitely the case with Greg, the Hydrogen Man. 

And I'll remind you here, before we bounce, make sure to take a moment to check out the Lourdes Hydrofix device at Holy Hydrogen, where you will get a discount of $100 off with the code LUKE100. The direct link there is lukestorey.com/holyhydrogen. 

You can also find this code and link in the show notes on most podcast player apps as well. As for what's to come next, I'll be back next week with Angelo Keely from Kion, where we discuss why muscles matter and the truth about essential amino acids and protein. 

Now, I know that might not sound like the sexiest topic, protein and amino acids, really a whole show on that. But I got to say, if you are someone who struggled to lose unwanted weight or put on extra muscle, next week's show is going to solve a lot of confusion for you because I know it did for me. We've got a very cool and incredibly knowledgeable guest on these topics, again with Angelo Keely. So until  then, be blessed and be well.



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