345. It’s All In Your Head: Neurocranial Restructuring for Migraines & Pain W/ Dr. Dean Howell

Dr. Dean Howell

DISCLAIMER: This podcast is presented for educational and exploratory purposes only. Published content is not intended to be used for diagnosing or treating any illness. Those responsible for this show disclaim responsibility for any possible adverse effects from the use of information presented by Luke or his guests. Please consult with your healthcare provider before using any products referenced. This podcast may contain paid endorsements for products or services.

Dr. Dean Howell explains the mechanics of NeuroCranial Restructuring and how it can help reduce symptoms and heal ailments forever, making you look younger, feel better, and think clearer.

Dr. Dean Howell has been a naturopathic physician and healer for nearly forty years. He is the developer of asymmetrical cranial therapies, with his NeuroCranial Restructuring being the benchmark treatment that other cranial therapies attempt to emulate.


Although he has considered himself a Washington resident all of his life, Dean Howell has spent most of his time traveling and living elsewhere. He first moved to Los Angeles in 1971 to attend college. Then he began his lifelong frequent travels up and down the West Coast, returning to Washington where he married, completed college, and graduated from medical school by 1982. He opened his initial practice in his hometown of Everett, Washington. While he built his young practice, Dr. Dean studied Radionics, bodywork techniques, constitutional hydrotherapy, Homeopathy, colonic therapy, iridology, and Bilateral Nasal Specific therapy. Somehow, all of this led to NeuroCranial Restructuring.


Father of four children and four grandchildren and married twice, he is now partnered with Rebecca, a skilled bodyworker, energy healer, medical intuitive, and a gifted nutritionist. Their work together is the healing work that Dr. Howell envisaged when he first entered medical school! Newly re-established in Tonasket, Washington, they are reviving the practice Dr. Howell had there fifteen years ago. They are curtailing the heavy travel schedule Dr. Howell has maintained since 1993. They plan to only travel twice a year for a two-month treatment tour annually by 2022. Of course, this assumes that everything will continue operating in some normal fashion!

DISCLAIMER: This podcast is presented for educational and exploratory purposes only. Published content is not intended to be used for diagnosing or treating any illness. Those responsible for this show disclaim responsibility for any possible adverse effects from the use of information presented by Luke or his guests. Please consult with your healthcare provider before using any products referenced. This podcast may contain paid endorsements for products or services.

My body is still reeling after my magical NeuroCranial healing treatment with Dr. Dean Howell (@drdeanhowell) in Los Angeles. 

Mind-blowing is quite literally the way to describe his therapy, where balloons were inserted into my nose to re-align my sinuses and flush out cerebrospinal fluid, leaving my mind clear and nose straight. It’s rare to experience a successful treatment you couldn’t imagine having mass potential, but the unique abilities of both Dr. Dean and his psychic partner, Rebecca Hart-Malter, are truly one-of-a-kind. Over the past 20 years, he has personally healed thousands of patients from a wide array of physical ailments (much to the disbelief of traditional medicine). 

We deep dive into the dynamics of NeuroCranial therapy and its transformative powers to optimize your brain and facial symmetry. He also shares fascinating insights on radionics, vaccinations, and parasite healing. Trust me; your brain needs to hear this. 

10:28 — The Origins of NeuroCranial Restructuring

  • Background in traditional medicine and personal health issues 
  • Detoxing from heavy metals and parasites
  • Creating his unique methodology

15:10 — My NeuroCranial Experience

  • The use of balloons in sinus therapy 
  • Mechanics of balloon-nose insertion 
  • Why extracted teeth cause skull imbalance
  • Restoring bone position to improve brain and cognitive function 
  • Curing PTSD 

38:42 — Sustainable Innovation

  • Maintaining integrity while growing a business 
  • His unique abilities to heal
  • Why chiropractic therapy doesn’t last 

50:10 — Effects on Hormones

  • Hair growth and hormones
  • Testosterone levels and basal temperature 
  • Treating babies for optimal brain growth 
  • Preparing pregnant women for birth 
  • Why NeuroCranial therapy is best done before seeing a dentist 

1:03:15 —  Radionics Technology 

  • Using radionics to neutralize vaccine effects 
  • Treating tetanus 

01:17:43 — Treating Migraines

  • How his studies reduced migraines by 92% – and were silenced by traditional medicine!
  • Why head misalignment causes headaches 
  • The freedom of practicing as a minister instead of a doctor

01:24:15 — What a Typical Treatment Schedule Looks Like 

  • Why a 4-8 day series of treatments can transform your body for years
  • How he got his medical license back after it was unfairly taken away
  • His plans to do a NeuroCranial Restructuring RV tour around the U.S

01:31:50 — Killing Parasites

  • The six compounds behind his parasite protocol
  • Food allergies and parasites
  • Gravity-fed colonic cleanses 
  • Physical symptoms of parasites
  • Why stool sample lab work is not sensitive enough

01:46:20 — Spirituality in His Practice 

  • His partner’s powerful psychic abilities 
  • The other-worldly way he started training in radionics 

More about this episode.

Watch it on YouTube.

Luke Storey:  I'm Luke Storey. For the past 22 years, I've been relentlessly committed to my deepest passion, designing the ultimate lifestyle based on the most powerful principles of spirituality, health, psychology. The Life Stylist podcast is a show dedicated to sharing my discoveries and the experts behind them with you. Dr. Dean Howell, welcome to the show.

[00:00:27]Dean Howell:  Thanks, Luke.

[00:00:28]Luke Storey:  It's great to see you, man.

[00:00:29]Dean Howell:  It's good to see you. It's been about four weeks.

[00:00:30]Luke Storey:  Yeah, it has. Every time I see you, which has been, I guess, this would be the fifth time, if I'm not mistaken, we have such fantastic conversations, and you're such a wealth of knowledge and life experience.

[00:00:42]Dean Howell:  And you, too.

[00:00:43]Luke Storey:  Well, thank you. Man, I guess it takes two to tango. But whenever I have conversations like that out in life, I'm always like, oh, God, I wish I was recording this. So, now, we actually get to record it.

[00:00:54]Dean Howell:  That's right.

[00:00:54]Luke Storey:  So, I'm really excited. And thanks for coming out to Austin, the new home. One of my fears when I moved here was that I got kind of spoiled living in LA, doing all my interviews in person for the most part, and I thought, man, if I get out to Austin, if I have to start doing them on Zoom, I'm going to be bombed, but I've been very fortunate. Many people have been passing through or they make an effort to come here, so thank you for doing so. Flying is probably my least favorite thing in the human experience, so the fact that you did that to be here means a lot. 

[00:01:24]Dean Howell:  Well, you're welcome.

[00:01:25]Luke Storey:  Yeah. How did you first discover NCR or neurocranial restructuring, this treatment that we did some weeks ago in LA? Like how did that first come to be?

[00:01:35]Dean Howell:  Well, I mean, I'm a naturopathic doctor by training, so I've been in medicine since 1982. And one of the things I had happened to me a lot when I was a kid was head injuries, especially nose injuries. And by the time I was in medical school, I didn't realize at first how chronic my sinus and breathing problems really were. And I discovered a technique called bilateral nasal specific, which went back to the 1930s. And there was one guy left who was still doing that therapy in 1979 and '80.

[00:02:12] He died in 1988, but in the interim, I studied with him for about three years and learned his techniques, and they weren't satisfactory enough. They were great. I helped a lot of people, myself a lot, but I couldn't get the real lasting results, and I couldn't get people's minds and things to get better. And similar to chiropractic-type techniques that had been taught in naturopathic medical school, they just didn't work.

[00:02:38] So, I kept altering things, and I realized eventually that after I did these other treatments and people said they were temporarily out of pain, when I did that, they were less stable than they had been before. And when they came back in pain and with limited mobility, if I pushed them around in the gravity field, they were more stable. So, I said, not only do I want the more symmetrical, which is what we always tried to do, massage, manipulation, whatever, we also had to make them more stable. 

[00:03:12] So, I started altering the collection of treatments that I would use, and I've started realizing how important staging was with people, and developed the technique that I called neurocranial restructuring. And that was about, at the end of each treatment, making sure that the person was more symmetrical and more stable than the work would accumulate. That was wonderful. Well, that was good.

[00:03:35] And then, what we've had to do since then is to keep changing it, because we were still not getting all of the energetic chakras and the energetics of the body just weren't balancing out right. And we were still having biochemical problems. As for myself, I mean, I ballooned up to way over 400 pounds at one point when my second wife died of cancer, and all the depression, and all of that, and I was sleepwalking and eating in my sleep. It was really weird. And I realized that it wasn't me and it wasn't my emotions.

[00:04:11] I felt like I was being controlled by something else. And I decided it had to be in my gut. I was feeding it all the time. I'd wake up at 3:00 in the morning when I walked through the house in the dark, around the furnitures, around the chairs, and the piles of junk, and whatever, and miss it all. I couldn't do it. I could barely do it in the light, but I could do it in the dark perfectly and get all the way to the refrigerator.

[00:04:36] I'd be eating leftovers and I'd wake up from the bright lights. I had to figure out, who's running that job? Is that me? It's not my emotional thing. I was just waking up because my eyes hurt. So, it was parasites. And I had them huge, started changing those things. So, we've had to start with the structural work and we started having to get rid of the parasites, the yeast, the fungus, the heavy metals.

[00:05:03]Luke Storey:  Wow. What a journey.

[00:05:04]Dean Howell:  And then, everyone starts changing. You've been pursuing the same kinds of things, right? Haven't we all?

[00:05:10]Luke Storey:  Yeah. 

[00:05:10]Dean Howell:  We're always trying to fix all these different things. You got to do it all at the same time. That's the trick, how do you them all at the same time? 

[00:05:14]Luke Storey:  Right. So, I just spent four days in one week with you in LA, because I discovered you through one of the listeners back in the day. I have a bookmarks folder that just says like, I think, back pain or something. And any time someone recommends something, I throw it in there, and then eventually, I'd get around to most of them. And so, that's why I came to see you. But the treatments that you do are unlike anything else I've ever experienced in so many ways. One of them obviously being the bit where the balloons go in your nose.

[00:05:59] But then, there was all of this energy work that both you and your partner Rebecca did, which was also phenomenal and very interesting. But I'd like to start with the balloon part, because I was on the table when this was administered, so I didn't really get to see what was happening or how that works, but it's unlike any human sensation I've ever experienced. It's very strange and not entirely comfortable, yet at the same time, it's kind of like when you crack your knuckles or something, you're just like, oh, God, that felt good or you get a good adjustment in body work. It was just so immediately relieving. But I'm just curious about that piece.

[00:06:39]Dean Howell:  So, back in the days, like 100 years ago, when people started trying to figure out how to move skull bones, we don't know who did it, but somebody realized that similar to a finger going up through the nose and going deep into the nose to move the deep bones inside there, so the bone called the sphenoid bone. And the sphenoid bone is part of the back of your eye sockets, the back of your nose. It makes the these wings on the sides of your temples and it has two little prongs that go down into the roof of your mouth.

[00:07:18] And people in the early 1920s, they called it finger technique. They would take their finger and drive it all the way into the top of the throat. It sounds awful, and I've never experienced that, I don't plan to, but when they did that, sometimes, the people would faint from the pain, but they were getting permanent cures on sinus problems and some kinds of headaches.

[00:07:42] And so, we don't know who, someone realized a balloon could be the same shape and they started in starting the balloon uninflated, and then inflating it, and it would push its way through. And at first, they thought it was just a way of pushing the bones into a better position. Well, as the years accumulated, they started realizing that when they got those joints to open, that the connective tissue that was inside the bones and outside of the brain, the various fascias, the meninges, and so forth, that those connective tissues developed tension like a spring would when you compress it.

[00:08:18] So, when you'd open the joints, that compression, that tensile strength is available so that the bones will actually start shifting. And if you release the right pattern, it will shift backwards towards more symmetry. And if you're doing that, you're actually relieving the physical effects of traumas, because that's what most of us get messed up by. We get our teeth pulled, we fall down, we hit our face, that kind of thing, as well as nutritional things. So, like the Weston Price work is all about how bad diet over generations makes us have less midface development, too. 

[00:08:55]Luke Storey:  Right. So, what are the mechanics of you, as you did with me, putting the balloon in there? Like what pushes the balloon in? How do you inflate it? And how do you know how much to inflate it?

[00:09:07]Dean Howell:  Well, it's really quite easy. If you go into your nostril with your finger, it'll feel like you hit a little wall. And really, you're hitting three small bones and you're hitting them edge on. So, if you have three bones in a larger space, we have four passages that we can enter with a small balloon. But if we go to the back side, where it enters the throat, like the way air goes when you breathe, only the lower three passageways lead into the throat. So, we go here, here, and here, of these three bones, and then into the throat. 

[00:09:49] So, we just slide it in uninflated with a lot of lubricant if we need to, and then a small toothpick to insert it. Then, once we have it in place, the way that we'd position our hands around your face is so that when we inflate the balloon, that it doesn't just pop right out of your nose. We have to block it so that the line of least resistance, the path of least resistance leads into the throat. And when it does that, it pushes everything outward, because it's bigger than the space.

[00:10:22] And when it opens the joint, then that connective tissue spring that's secretly hidden inside can go into action, and then the bones start to shift. So, the tricky part is the choice of where to apply the force. That has to be calculated out to be the way that will improve symmetry. The old work was always performed in the same pattern and they would just, every day, go through every possible passageway once, twice, or three times. 

[00:10:55] So, in that way, they never changed the cemetery and they didn't get as much improvement. And they would put everyone, literally everyone into shock. Every day, we treated every patient for shock. It was just how severe the shock would be that day, but it all—and I did probably hundreds of thousands of those treatments. I've seen lots of shock, but it's not necessary, you see.

[00:11:18]Luke Storey:  And what inflates the balloon?

[00:11:19]Dean Howell:  What inflates the balloon is a small bulb. I like to use blood pressure cuff bulbs. I use specific brands, that most of them won't hold up, but it's an economy kind of move. There are people that have made electric compressor systems. And I've always liked analog better. So, their approach was too digital for me, so I have never adopted it.

[00:11:48]Luke Storey:  Right. Yeah. It's difficult to describe the sensation of that particular part of the procedure.

[00:11:55]Dean Howell:  It's very quick. It only takes one to two seconds.

[00:11:57]Luke Storey:  Yeah. I think you described it as something about when you get water up your nose or-

[00:12:03]Dean Howell:  Right. It's a lot like jumping in a swimming pool and getting water in your nose.

[00:12:06]Luke Storey:  Yeah. It is, and I'm overstating this, but it has a little bit of that water boarding kind of sensation where it's jarring, because you're just not used to anything being up there, especially something that's bigger than the passageway, right? 

[00:12:23]Dean Howell:  Right. And additionally, you also know that you're having to allow yourself to be in a situation where you're going to change. I think that that gives everybody the willies.

[00:12:34]Luke Storey:  Yeah. We don't like to change.

[00:12:35]Dean Howell:  Well, it's like jumping into cold water when you're standing on the dock. You know that's an instantaneous change and you can't go back, right? 

[00:12:43]Luke Storey:  Yeah.

[00:12:43]Dean Howell:  So, some people can do it, and other people, it just drives them crazy and they can't, sort of the same way for what I do.

[00:12:50]Luke Storey:  Yeah. And as jarring as it is, even though it's quite brief, it also just gives you this incredible sense of relief at the same time. I remember getting off the table and just instantly feeling incredible. I don't know why or what's different. I didn't know that I didn't feel incredible, but it's just like-

[00:13:12]Dean Howell:  Immediate flush of cerebrospinal fluid. Suddenly, that's like, you get juiced [making sounds] . Everything. You get perfect cerebrospinal fluid flow. Suddenly, all of your brain is working the way it does as the way it's designed for at least a few minutes. And the more treatments that we accumulate, because the results, if this is done properly, accumulate, the more we accumulate those results, the more optimally your skull will work all the time. For mechanical, it's essential. And this and orthodontia combined properly are crucial for most people, because they've had extractions, you see.

[00:13:48]Luke Storey:  Right. And what is it with the extracted teeth that's problematic?

[00:13:53]Dean Howell:  It causes the face to collapse, so it changes the nervous system and it changes the way it balances. Your head balances on top of your neck. And based on the way it balances, our brain changes the position of our vertebrae and pelvis bones. That's what changes the ligaments and tendon structures, is our bodies trying to figure out how to best stabilize the head. And your body will choose the one that stabilizes at the best, even if it hurts or even if it causes nerve problems. Pain, lack of mobility, that's okay.

[00:14:26] All you have to do to know that that's true is to have someone snap your back into place and you feel better for about, what, an hour or two, and it starts going back? It's because your body would rather be stable. People, they do the same thing with their lives, right? I've had people that were 45 say that, they tell me how much they hated their jobs, they just didn't want to be there. So, I finally said, you can change jobs. But in 20 years, I'm getting such a retirement package, that stability is worth it. And same with the way you run your body.

[00:15:03]Luke Storey:  So, if one, for whatever reason, have to get a tooth extracted, and for whatever reason, they didn't have this modality available to them, what could one do? Would you recommend getting a biocompatible implant, which incidentally I did with one of my missing teeth? I mean, do you want to replace it or are there any other interventions? And does it really matter if your face collapses, because you're missing a tooth? From what I'm guessing, you're kind of creating a structural cascade of misalignment, because of that?

[00:15:35]Dean Howell:  Yes. And of course, it is exactly that. So, I would rather have you put in an implant than let it all collapse. That's for certain. There are rumors that there are ways to grow new teeth.

[00:15:49]Luke Storey:  I'm waiting for that because-

[00:15:50]Dean Howell:  But I don't know anybody that's doing it successfully.

[00:15:52]Luke Storey:  I'm waiting, man. The magic stem cell in the jaw. I swear, I don't really have regrets in life, and I've done some extremely stupid shit, sometimes, out of ignorance, and sometimes, out of stubbornness and ignorance, but there's one thing I do regret and that is not taking care of my teeth. Just when I was younger, I was a mad man running around in Hollywood with reckless abandon. And I used to open beer bottles with my teeth, and I was like, whatever. And I remember my grandma going, take care of your teeth. You only get one set, after you get the second set. And I didn't listen. And now, my teeth are mostly porcelain at this point. There's not a lot of tooth left there. 

[00:16:33]Dean Howell:  Well, I'm looking forward to the concept at least of growing new teeth.

[00:16:36]Luke Storey:  I love it. Let's do it.

[00:16:38]Dean Howell:  But it is quite important. And so, if you have extractions, you need to do something to try to keep your bite integrity. And if you've already had it happen in the past, that's why we often suggest that people get into adult orthodontia to re-expand them, because it's only when their head is its proper dimensions that it balances correctly on top of your neck. And that's when your neck curves and spine curves can all normalize. So, you can't go in and manipulate someone's neck curve right and have it stay if their skull is imbalanced. 

[00:17:12] Your vertebrae have to compensate. Otherwise, the whole thing tips over. So, you have to keep modifying those things. So, unless you can get a perfectly symmetrical skull, and orthodontia could be part of that with most heads, and along with my work, and you accumulate those benefits, that's when the spine, and the pelvis, and the shoulders, and everything will start evening out. And they can't stay there if you get them all fixed surgically if your skull is crooked, because you're bound to wear out your technology.

[00:17:45]Luke Storey:  That's so interesting. I think we think of our human bodies in a mechanistic, compartmentalized way quite often. So, I would never make the correlation that if I had to have a tooth pulled, that eventually, it's going to make my toes splay outward or whatever. We just think, well, if one part breaks, you fix that part, but we don't often think how we're so interrelated. That's so interesting.

[00:18:08]Dean Howell:  Yeah, the integration is so powerful, multidimensional.

[00:18:12]Luke Storey:  And why is it that after just four days with you that my nose is completely straight now when it was crooked before that? You look at it, does it look straight to you?

[00:18:24]Dean Howell:  Well, it's like 95% anyway. Yeah, good.

[00:18:26]Luke Storey:  And I could have sworn-

[00:18:28]Dean Howell:  It was off to the side.

[00:18:29]Luke Storey:  It was, right? 

[00:18:31]Dean Howell:  For sure.

[00:18:31]Luke Storey:  Because when I was a kid or in my teens, it got quite crooked. I think I probably, to be honest, melted it away with cocaine and then wasn't a lot left. Really, I think I melted it honestly. That's the only explanation. And then, I had a deviated septum from said melting. And when they went to doing the surgery for that, they said, hey, do you know your nose is crooked? And I said, yeah, no shit, Sherlock, I got a mirror. And they said, well, when we go in to fix the deviated septum, we can make your nose straight. I didn't understand what a traumatic experience that was going to be.

[00:19:02] They made it sound like kind of like plastic surgery lite. It wasn't like a big deal and my insurance paid for most of it, but it was extremely painful, extremely painful. But at least when I came out, I was like, oh, no shit, my nose is straight now. And so, I win, and I could breathe better, and all that, but over time, it did start to creep back over. And I was looking in the mirror today, actually, on my way to talk to you, and I was like, what? It's totally straight. And that's the only thing I've done. I didn't go get a nose job or anything.

[00:19:34]Dean Howell:  So, see, when we opened the joints in that area, because we're inflating the whole area with the small balloon, so when those joints open, the connective tissue that was laid down originally in your straight nose that got distorted when you had your injuries developed tension in the tissue. So then, when I opened the joint by inflating with the balloon, now, the connective tissue says, oh, now, we can move again [making sounds] . That shifts back to where it used to be, because now, the tension is gone.

[00:20:04] And that's why your face feels better, because it literally has less tension. And your nervous system, as we accumulate these treatments, it has less mechanical tension. So, when people think of tension as being only emotional, that's not true. A whole lot of the tension that we experience is mechanical. And that's why you want these releasing techniques. That's why people like to do the hypopressive breathing and all that. It's because, temporarily, they release the tension.

[00:20:32] But if you can also do it in a mechanical way that is accumulative, then you can get long-lasting results instead of having to repeat the experience. But you can do it with psychotropics. You can do it with deep breathing. You can do it with various narcotics. But if, afterwards, you turn to where you were, then your only benefits are accumulated experience. You've got to somehow get your structure to be stable when it's in those new places.

[00:21:00] And if you use a substance and your structure temporarily opens up and changes, figure out how to stabilize it when you're in that state and you've done something cool. Now, one time, this would have been, I don't know, 35 years ago, I was working with this holotropic breathing guy and that's what we were going to do. We were going to have them get all the training for their holotropic breathing, and then we were going to do NCR during the breathing ceremonies to see if we could stabilize them and that they could retain it better.

[00:21:29]Luke Storey:  Right. Because you get someone ended up malleable, more half in the quantum and half in the world of particle kind of thing. 

[00:21:35]Dean Howell:  So, it was a fun idea. And so, the idea that you have to take in that is that your structure does make a big difference in how your brain operates, your biochemistry, and your structure, because that's how the cerebral spinal fluid flow patterns are determined, therefore your whole brain activity levels. So, if you're chronically depressed, if you're learning disability, if you're hyperactive, we need to change your mechanical structure. Make it all focus and center again, see.

[00:22:04]Luke Storey:  That's so interesting. So, the structure works with the biochemistry, because of the spinal fluid. Are not your neurotransmitters carted along by your spinal fluid?

[00:22:20]Dean Howell:  Absolutely. They are delivered. Right. That's what it's for.

[00:22:24]Luke Storey:  So, this explains the elevated mood after one of these strange kind of experiences of a treatment.

[00:22:31]Dean Howell:  Right. And it's a mechanical basis, so that makes it safer than many of the chemical alternatives which work.

[00:22:36]Luke Storey:  Right. And then, that would explain why, just doing some research on you before, and before this interview and before getting treatment, that you've had a lot of success with brain function, and people that have cognitive issues, and TBIs, and things like this, right?

[00:22:56]Dean Howell:  Yes. Because when they have those various kinds of head injuries, their structures shift. And if their structure shifts, then their brain works differently. So, when a person has a stroke or a traumatic brain injury of some sort, some of their brain is going to be damaged, especially with a stroke, it's by definition, and also with a concussion, that there's broken blood vessels. So, afterwards, what we do now is describe all the changes to brain injury. However, the same incident also shifts the structure.

[00:23:32] So, all you have to do is look at pictures of people, or certainly, X-rays, and look at how the bones are in different places. If they're in different places, now, the hydraulic function of the brain has been changed. So, if we go and start restoring bone position, sometimes, 90% or more of the TBI and stroke symptoms will reverse, because it was more the displacement of the bones that made their symptoms like that. It wasn't really that bad a brain injury, sometimes.

[00:24:02]Luke Storey:  Wow. So interesting. I want to understand the anatomy here. So, your brain is essentially this big piece of fatty tissue that's in your skull, and then there's fluid around the brain to allow it to move inside of the skull.

[00:24:20]Dean Howell:  That's what they thought. It was only four originally. That was 50 or 60 years ago. Up to that point, they said that the brain floated in fluid that was there to be a shock absorber for it so that it wouldn't get bruised. It turned out that that wasn't the case. It didn't even protect it that way.

[00:24:38]Luke Storey:  Really? 

[00:24:39]Dean Howell:  It didn't work that well.

[00:24:40]Luke Storey:  See, that's what I thought it was. And so, I fell for the meme.

[00:24:42]Dean Howell:  And then, they found out that it was full of neurotransmitters so that you can affect distant nerves. It's like sending mail instead of shouting across the street. If nerves are right next to each other, they just open the door and there's the guy next door, bang. They stimulate each other. But what if that one is down that way? It's way down there. Well, now, we send it through the cerebral spinal fluid and it's going to go from your head.

[00:25:08] It'll go all the way down to your tailbone, because the strings go down that far, all the way under your coccyx. And that's why we do a lot of coccygeal work along with cranial work, because those are the two mechanical ends of the nervous system. And then, there's all that fluid flow dynamics, which flows a lot all the way down as far as your navel, and up through your spinal cord, and then around through the ventricles of your brain, and into the brain tissues.

[00:25:34] So, like email, you can send something from your brain, and it trickles down, and then it hits it in another part of the body. So, when you have blockages, that's when it messes things up. So, if you've ever seen people that they called hydrocephalus and that means they have water in the brain, but it really means that their cerebral spinal fluid is blocked and their head gets bigger and bigger.

[00:25:57]Luke Storey:  Oh, wow.

[00:25:58]Dean Howell:  Yeah. Did you ever see that scary movie, Elephant Man?

[00:26:01]Luke Storey:  Yeah.

[00:26:02]Dean Howell:  Okay, or that one with share and some—anyhow, so those were people that had problems with their cerebral spinal fluid. That's what made their head so big.

[00:26:11]Luke Storey:  Wow.

[00:26:11]Dean Howell:  Yeah.

[00:26:12]Luke Storey:  What a trip. Okay. What about PTSD?

[00:26:17]Dean Howell:  PTSD also affects people's structure. So, we found that it's a crucial thing, if we want to remove the effects of PTSD, is to restore the structure, because when the people have those PTSD experiences, something horrible that makes them go tighten up, and when they tighten up, their structures shift. And a lot of times, well, with soldiers especially and with people that have been involved with crimes, there are also physical injuries on top of it.

[00:26:46] So, all of that locks them into a place where their nervous system just does not work the way it should. And counseling has been proven to not work. The only thing that statistically has been working some is eye movement desensitization and reprocessing EMDR. And that's where you have to relive the experience, and then do certain eye movements at the same time, and it, for a few years at least, attenuates those reactions. So, we find much, much better results by mechanically releasing the skull, of course. It's way more effective.

[00:27:19]Luke Storey:  Yeah. I did a few sessions of EMDR. I do actually have one friend that found it to be quite effective for PTSD. I don't know if I didn't stick with it long enough, but I had no discernable effect from it, so I just kind of gave up on it and found other ways. And I've had a lot of success in healing PTSD in other ways, but I find it interesting from the structural perspective, because it's not intuitive. I would never think of that. Like, hey, maybe my skull's crooked and that's why I freak out if I hear a loud noise or whatever the case is. It's really interesting.

[00:27:53]Dean Howell:  Well, in 2010, I did a study with the Marine Corps in Camp Pendleton—well, actually, the guys from Camp Pendleton that came to see me at an office I had in Carlsbad, California, in 2010. And I worked with six guys and I was going to work with them for six four-day series, each one series a month for six months. And I was working with them, and after four months on the way back to the base, they voted that they were doing so well that they went to the base commander, and said, we're doing so well, we want to give other people are remaining treatments, because we're like better than before. 

[00:28:33] We went in the Marine Corps, we have none of the problems, then they were having insomnia, and headaches, and the classic stuff. There's the checklist, right? There are six things, and any four of them, you have PTSD. Anyhow, all of their symptoms were gone. And his response was kind of weird. He says, it's the stupidest thing I've ever heard of, I'm canceling the project.

[00:28:56]Luke Storey:  Oh, man.

[00:28:57]Dean Howell:  And we were canceled and I couldn't even have my records.

[00:29:00]Luke Storey:  Really?

[00:29:01]Dean Howell:  Yeah.

[00:29:01]Luke Storey:  Wow, that sucks.

[00:29:02]Dean Howell:  So, I have no proof.

[00:29:04]Luke Storey:  So, you don't even have case studies to go share. 

[00:29:07]Dean Howell:  No proof.

[00:29:08]Luke Storey:  Oh, man. From listening to your other interviews, it sounds like you have had kind of an interesting time as an innovator. You've had an interesting time in the legal world in that sense. Like I remember one of your interviews talking about having difficulties in trademarking the treatment you had developed or other people taking it, and running with it, and doing it in a different way, and calling it what you do, and things like that.

[00:29:35] What's it been like to be the creator or innovator of a modality? And I don't know what kind of success you were looking for. It seems like you're doing great. We can barely book you. You're in high demand and things like that, but in terms of building some scalable like Donnie Epstein has done or different people have done, where they really niched down to something unique, and then they train trainers and create a whole thing out of it.

[00:30:02]Dean Howell:  Yeah. And I started into that about 25 years ago. I was working at that a lot and started feeling to creepy. And the people that want to franchise and develop those things usually do it at the expense of their customers, their patients. So, I stopped doing the high-volume things, because it felt wrong.

[00:30:29]Luke Storey:  That's a good reason.

[00:30:30]Dean Howell:  So, ethically, I couldn't do it.

[00:30:33]Luke Storey:  Did you find that when you would train people that it was difficult to get them to stay in integrity with the model, and that they would want to speed through patients and not really do it right just to fit more in a day or that kind of thing?

[00:30:48]Dean Howell:  Well, certainly, there are some like that and there's other people that have integrity. But like I kept expanding, so if I was working on skulls, and then I start worrying about orthodontia, and there are techniques where I've pulled faces forward every day to help people grow their faces out, and other things that I keep getting interested in, I always figured that since it was all mechanical, that to me, that was all part of the same pool.

[00:31:15] And a lot of my students didn't feel that way. They said, no, we're not going to do—you'll just start working with dentists, Luke, that stuff will leave out. But if you do that, there's a whole segment of your population that you're not going to help. And so, I had to quit. I couldn't teach that. And then, also, the stuff that we've been developing more recently is so specialized that I don't know how to teach it.

[00:31:42]Luke Storey:  I don't know how you would teach it either, especially with the two of you, with you and Rebecca working in tandem. I mean, it was unlike any—I've had a lot of different healing experiences and all kinds of different body work, and it was really interesting, actually, because I was expecting kind of just to come in, and you do the nose thing, and [making sounds] pop the balloons, and then—you don't pop them, technically, but pop them open, which is kind of that.

[00:32:08] And that would be relatively short, but you guys really spent time with me. And it was very apparent to me that you and both of you have a really strong, intuitive sense, and are going around my body adjusting different things, doing things that I didn't even understand. But you could tell just kind of by looking at me, oh, the right hip's doing this and the toe's doing that. And it seems like you have an innate ability to see into the body in a unique way that's not trainable, because not everyone has that ability, frankly.

[00:32:39]Dean Howell:  Well, see, for Rebecca and I, we've both been in it for most of our lives and we're getting older, which is good, because that means we're really experienced, and we've been at it for a long time, and we've not quit. So, we're getting better and better. And that's because we're not finding people that want to be on that path. That's a permanent dedication. And for most people, it's something that it's not so much a calling, so much as it's a profession, it's something cool, when you're made to do something, you have to pursue it deeper.

[00:33:15]Luke Storey:  I understand. I think I was made to talk to interesting people. I can't imagine never not doing this. It's sort of like, I always tell this to my guests, and usually, it's off-mic afterward, but I'm just so pleased that I get to do what I would do anyway. It's just almost like, sometimes, I feel like I gamed the system. Like say I was just a regular guy, and I went to your website, and said, hey, I just want to talk to you for a couple hours for free.

[00:33:46] I mean, if you're really altruistic, kind person, you might have some mercy and give me some time, but frankly, probably not. Most people, they're busy. People have things to do. When you have a microphone and a platform, I find, wow, I can talk to almost anyone and ask them all those things that I lay awake at night wondering. Why does he do the balloon like that? Who filled it up? I mean, this is the shit that I'm curious about. So, it's really fun to be able to chat about it.

[00:34:14] I'm also curious as to, and I've sensed that you're not someone that puts down other people's way of doing things, you just found your lane, and it works, and you just kind of stick to it, and keep innovating what you do, but I have noticed with chiropractic, which I love and think has benefited me a lot, that I've not seen, and I've been pretty committed at various times with very qualified chiropractors, I've not seen a permanent change, it seems like. 

[00:34:42] And maybe alluded to this before, that ligaments and tendons kind of go back to where they want to be. But I always hope that I'm going to find like the right chiropractor and my problems are going to be solved if I'm just consistent enough with it. But it seems the body just has a way of going, nope, this is nice for a minute, but we're just going to go back to what we're doing.

[00:35:02]Dean Howell:  Right. So, what I found, the reason that I started developing my work was because of the same frustration that you're having. So, I was doing it professionally. So, I'm here after 1982, I'm charging people money to do these kind of services and I'm really good at the popping, and cracking, and all that, very proud of myself, full of myself. And then, people come back two weeks later, and say, that was such a great treatment two weeks ago, do it again. And then, they come back two weeks after that, and say, do it again. 

[00:35:31] I started to go, this is really creepy. At that time, I think I was 28, maybe. I'm going, I'm 28 and when I'm 68, these people are still going to be coming in, telling me, do it again, because I'm never going to get them better. What am I doing wrong? And that's when I realized that the stability patterns were not improving when I did that work. And anything I could do that would make a person more stable than where they are right now, their body will try to stay there.

[00:36:02] And if it's also more symmetrical, then they'll function better. So, at one point, I had a massage therapist that started teaching classes in NCR massage. This was over 20 years ago. And they would do four days of deep massage, but it was in a way calculated to make the person look more symmetrical and they got long-term changes. They were taking pictures two months later and the people were still better just with massage, but it was way slower than if we went in, at least, with the balloon. 

[00:36:32] So, that's why we've started with that, because this work is so much more powerful that way. So, we can make huge changes in the picture, as you know. You can see the differences in pictures every few days. The people are standing different. The bones are in different positions. The skin hangs different. The wrinkles are different. The blood flow patterns are different. Their brain works different.

[00:36:53]Luke Storey:  Have you ever, you or anyone, done any quantitative testing with like a QEG, or HRV, or live blood cell analysis? Have you ever done kind of a before and after treatment to see the instantaneous change?

[00:37:08]Dean Howell:  Yeah. And always, it's not been predictable. So, I didn't ever spend the $8,000 and take the extra classes to do the live cell myself. And that's what I probably would have had to do to figure out what I could really see.

[00:37:23]Luke Storey:  I always just find it interesting to see how a body responds in a clinical way like that. I've done quite a bit of neurofeedback, and I mean, you can see, you change the way you think or feel about something and your brainwaves just [making sounds] start to follow suit. I find it really interesting to see how the body responds to these types of interventions.

[00:37:42]Dean Howell:  Yeah. In 2009, in Australia, a chiropractor psychologist, he did do a licensure in Australia, did do outcome urinalysis on a group of patients that I treated. 

[00:38:01]Luke Storey:  Really?

[00:38:02]Dean Howell:  Yeah. And he did say that their brain chemistry changed and they were less depressed, statistically, but it wasn't quite a large enough statistical sample to publish. So, I think he did 12, and he said, if he'd done 20, that he would have had enough to publish it, but he said, it looks like what you have is an antidepressant therapy.

[00:38:23]Luke Storey:  I'll be damned. I got the sense based on, again, doing a lot of neurofeedback and having a rough idea of what my predominant brainwaves are, based on how I feel subjectively, it seems like what you do puts you in a fairly pronounced state of alpha. I don't know if you've ever-

[00:38:45]Dean Howell:  Oh, I agree.

[00:38:46]Luke Storey:  Yeah?

[00:38:46]Dean Howell:  Yeah. Well, you're way more relaxed, and you're more chill, and you can think more clearly, because that's where your brain's supposed to be.

[00:38:54]Luke Storey:  Yeah. That's the way that I like to feel. I mean, I love to meditate, and just go theta, and like zonk out, but in terms of wakened state, doing things, interacting with people, I love that like relaxed, focused feeling. It's the lane that my brain really likes to be in. So, if something seems to achieve that, it gets my attention, like I want more of that.

[00:39:16]Dean Howell:  And that's what happened to me for the first time in like 1980, maybe. I had my first experience of just self-administering balloons on myself.

[00:39:25]Luke Storey:  Oh, my God. You did it to yourself?

[00:39:27]Dean Howell:  That's how I learned because nobody in my class at medical school would let me work on them. I said, we can trade, we can both learn all of this. You see what a nice business this guy has and he's helping all of these people? And they all was like, you're crazy. They even started making these weird X sings. If I started walking up to people with a certain look on my face, they put the X thing out. No balloons, no balloons. And we go to our 30th anniversary, and this was a few years ago, and they did the same thing. I walk in, and they're shuffling around in their backpacks and stuff, and I said, you know? And they go, Yeah, I know, we could do balloons. I said, yeah. You're crazy. I said, no, you're injured.

[00:40:05]Luke Storey:  That's just wild to think about self-administering that particular treatment, because it's so kind of momentarily shocking.

[00:40:14]Dean Howell:  Oh, it was much worse for me.

[00:40:16]Luke Storey:  It would be tough to pull the trigger. I think I'd be sitting on, do it, do it, do it, ah. Sometimes, when I'm doing my various injections of peptides and things like that, it's like, oh, it's so hard to just get that first little prick of the needle in there. But if someone else does it, it doesn't bother me at all.

[00:40:32]Dean Howell:  Yeah. Yeah. Doing self-administering balloons, I don't recommend it.

[00:40:35]Luke Storey:  Yes. Thank you. For the record, we will state, don't try this at home, kids. And if we're affecting neurotransmitters positively, I would guess that it's possible that we're having an effect on the hormones, too. Have you looked into that at all?

[00:40:52]Dean Howell:  Yes. In fact, we've had some people have big pituitary changes with treatment, but they're more anecdotal. But there are people that I've treated. So, I've had women who had thinning hair across their entire head, because of hypopituitarism, have their hair grow in solid and have their periods normalized and stuff in their late 30s and early 40s. And that was after 20 years for irregular periods and diffused hair growth. 

[00:41:23] So, the women will have that sometimes, because they just don't put out enough hormones, see. Anyhow, so we've had that. We've had some men have their testosterone levels increased from this. Not routinely, though, I have to say. And then, the other one that we have had more results with has been basal body temperature. Basal body temperature is improving from this treatment. So, that was somehow changing thyroid function.

[00:41:49]Luke Storey:  Wow.

[00:41:49]Dean Howell:  Yeah.

[00:41:50]Luke Storey:  So interesting.

[00:41:51]Dean Howell:  It's all the brain.

[00:41:52]Luke Storey:  Let's see. Where do I want to go at this next? Oh, I know. I've heard you talk about, I think it was your nephew or something that was just born and you did a treatment on him or her. Is that story right? And if so, have you treated other children, and of what ages? And what has that experience been like?

[00:42:13]Dean Howell:  JD was my youngest patient. He was only two hours old, I had to treat him. And it was because my sister called from the maternity room, and said, he can't nurse, because his nose is blocked. Get over here and fix it. So, we went over to the hospital. And my 10-year-old daughter, who is now in her 40s, leaned against the door. And I got my equipment out, and I put balloons up and treated the baby. But I have been treating babies ever—I'd already been treating babies even at that point and ever since. It's a wonderful therapy, because you can move them in a few moments what would take months or years as adults. Because they're going to grow with those bones that you helped align. And so, it's wonderful. It's so cool.

[00:43:01]Luke Storey:  And isn't some of the misalignment that we're dealing with when you see someone with a unsymmetrical face, et cetera, from the trauma of birth, of squeezing through a small space and being so malleable?

[00:43:14]Dean Howell:  Yeah. A lot of times, especially with pointy heads. The people who come up with pointy heads this way or their head will be really long like a turban, and those are the two kinds of baby head shapes that come out. And normally, what's supposed to happen is that the joints are supposed to stay loose enough that the connective tissue can just allow it to shift and the bones round out. But if the joints are jammed a little tighter, kind of like ratchets in the socket wrench, they get stuck and you start growing with that.

[00:43:44] And the kids that don't have soft spots like on the top of their head and in the back of their head, because you have a joint in the back of your head that doesn't close until you're six months, it's just cartilage, and the one up on the top of your head is 18 months. And so, that's where the skull bones are rapidly growing until you're age two for your brain to be able to grow. If those soft spots aren't there, then your brain stops after a six-month growth. And then, you're what they call a moron. And a moron is actually a psychology medical word for someone that's so stupid that they're incapable of understanding that they can control bladder and bowel.

[00:44:29]Luke Storey:  Really? 

[00:44:30]Dean Howell:  Right. So, they literally sit around, and they're so stupid that they shit their pants, and they can't do anything. And that's a moron.

[00:44:37]Luke Storey:  That's where that term comes from? 

[00:44:38]Dean Howell:  It's a medical term, a moron.

[00:44:41]Luke Storey:  Oh, my God. I didn't know that. I'm going to bring it back then. I thought you couldn't say it, because it was not politically correct. So, I thank you. I'll just hold the dictionary up if anyone gives me shit. You moron. There's a lot of things you can't say now. People get to buttered. 

[00:44:54]Dean Howell:  Right. But anyhow, that's because their brain can't grow. So, like if a kid doesn't have soft spots when they're newly born, they'll scream a lot, because they're in chronic head pain, because their head wants to grow. And it's like a pimple that needs to grow, right? But if people like me work on them every month or so, you can loosen up those joints enough that they'll keep growing. And if you keep doing that until they're two, their optimal brain growth will be available to them.

[00:45:27] And if you do that much work on them, their head will be really symmetrical. So, the kids I've done that for who didn't have their soft spots and I've worked on them all the way up until they were two, they tend to be, later, the smartest kids that the family has ever had, because I think it's just optimal brain function, and the other kids could have had it, I don't think it's superior genetics, because these are the same family.

[00:45:49]Luke Storey:  That's so interesting. Yeah. I've noticed that too. I'm starting to think more about kids, with the fiancee and all, and so those questions I find are coming into my conversations a lot more. I'm like, oh, man, I could start thinking about this stuff.

[00:46:05]Dean Howell:  And then, see, so then on that same line, then we also want to work on the mother first, because as we release her head and pelvis, then she has a smoother and easier delivery, and there's less trauma to the baby going through. So then, there's less for me to fix later. So, that's what I was doing when I had a family practice, is that I wasn't delivering babies, but I would take them all the way to the ninth month doing all their structural work so their pelvis would be right and their nutrition would be right.

[00:46:36] And then, the baby, they would bring them in soon afterwards and we'd start working on them to make sure those kids are right. Then, we would find out, figure out which foods would be sensitizing to the kid. And if we did that, then the children would never have irregs. They wouldn't have much of any head colds, because we'd work on them first. And then, they'd be smart. And then, they would also fall down less, because they'd have better balance and stuff, right? Because their structure is right. So, to me, that was just the way that you were supposed to be in family practice, right?

[00:47:06]Luke Storey:  Yeah.

[00:47:06]Dean Howell:  You fix those kids so that they grow right. If you were running a nursery, you want your plants to look right, what is it with these guys that just inject like it's like going to a nursery, only thing they do for their plants is put chemicals on them? It's like, come on, don't you groom? Don't you take care of it?

[00:47:24]Luke Storey:  Well, this sounds like a good strategy of biohacking the babies out. By the way, my baby, Alyson, if you're watching the livestream, get ready, we're going to go see Dr. Howell. I'm always imposing my wacky biohacking stuff on her, but this makes sense, actually. It's not too wacky.

[00:47:38]Dean Howell:  It does and it works.

[00:47:40]Luke Storey:  Well, that's important, right? A lot of the things I try personally might not be that effective, but I do them anyway to find out. That's very interesting, though. Yeah, that makes a lot of sense. And along the lines of seeing the difference in kids, I've had the experience on multiple occasions where I'm around someone and their young kid, and I'm looking at the kid, going, this kid is not like a regular kid, this kid's different. They're brighter, they're smarter, they're more alive. And I started asking if those kids had been inoculated, and to no exception, every single time I've noticed that, the parents have been like, yeah, they didn't have any shots.

[00:48:25]Dean Howell:  Exactly.

[00:48:26]Luke Storey:  It's crazy.

[00:48:27]Dean Howell:  Well, it's not. The information available in the early 70s, I've been a vaccine opponent the entire time. So, my children, the mother of my children, against my wishes, did vaccinate a couple of our kids, but I caught her the first day. So, I caught her after the first injection, because I could already see the changes in my son's iris a couple hours after the injection. And I looked up at my wife, and said, you injected them. She paled, how did you know? I said, I can see it in his nervous system. How could you do that? You B-I-T-C-H. Yeah, terrible. I was so upset. 

[00:49:08]Luke Storey:  Yeah. I've heard stories like that. It's difficult when you have two people with opposing views, because I'm sure obviously, her interest lied in doing the right thing for her kid.

[00:49:20]Dean Howell:  Fortunately, when I could see that reaction only a couple of hours after the injection, she realized that it was a physical response that was adverse. And that convinced her, at least for a number of years, so the next child didn't get any, and he's 37 now, and he had no vaccines yet, and never had antibiotics either. And that's Derek. 

[00:49:42]Luke Storey:  Derek's superhuman. Like who could say that at 37 these days? You know what I mean? Everyone's at least had a few runs of antibiotics. But there's possibly a correlation there, right? No need for antibiotics, because the immune system wasn't compromised by that early damage.

[00:49:59]Dean Howell:  Like he says, I had a cold once. I know what it's like to be sick.

[00:50:02]Luke Storey:  Wow. Alright. Well, I'll tell you what, I'm glad I live in Texas right now, I'll tell you what. What about TMJ? I interviewed a guy that. Don't let me forget this. Oh, Jesus Christ, Dr. Jennings, Dwight Jennings out in Oakland. And he's a TMJ specialist and he does some quite unique things. He's kind of got his own thing going on where he has a different way to assess your bite and these appliances that will bring your jaw forward or backward. And he went deep.

[00:50:34] And it is a little over my head scientifically, but he went into something called substance P, not sure if you're familiar with that. It's kind of an inflammatory response-type thing that comes from teeth grinding and jaw misalignments, stuff like that. And similarly, in his work, he finds that there are a cascade of other benefits that come from a result of aligning the jaw. So, I'm wondering how the work that you do relates to the jaw since you're dealing with the whole skull.

[00:51:05]Dean Howell:  So, the idea for the dentist to be doing this, I always find kind of amusing, because there are specialists here and most of what you need to change to fix the TMJ is here.

[00:51:21]Luke Storey:  He's reaching the back of his head, by the way, for those of you listening.

[00:51:23]Dean Howell:  Right. So, we have to work with the whole head. So, more or less, your maxilla, the cheekbones and down into your teeth, and then your mandible, where they meet together is over by your ears, where your jaw touches the temporal bone. That's why it's the temporal mandibular joint, TMJ. It's over there and there are ligaments there, too. So, it is true that when they work with enough splints and stuff, and get it to where the two temporal bones on each side of the head are aligned just the same, and they have enough shims and stuff in the mouth, they can make it all really smooth.

[00:52:04] And I'm sure that the people will feel better, and there will be less inflammation, and there will be whole cascades of chemical improvements. But the way that I would prefer to approach it first, instead of going to the dentist first, is to do the cranial work until we can get the occipital back of the head, get the back of the head more lined up and get the temporal bones aligned to get the first bones loosened up, so we have some general symmetry, and then we see how the jaw hangs, because it should swing like a door.

[00:52:40] And if the hinge up high on the door is messed up and the one down low is good, then the door still doesn't open and close with it. And if the house shifts, then the door doesn't work right either. So, the dentist is the specialist in working on the hinges, and they're really good at it, and they work with the services of the door and the hinges until it gets—but I'm the one that's going to change the house. And I'm going to make the house level out until that door swings smooth, then we can go in and see the dentist for the fine work, and change the rest.

[00:53:14]Luke Storey:  Yeah, that makes sense.

[00:53:16]Dean Howell:  And that's worked better, and then we have fewer of the 30,000-dollar disasters, because you've met those folks. The 30,000-dollar dental disasters where they thought they found their guy that was going to get rid of their TMJ and it didn't. And it's not just mechanical, the stuff that I find, that works. The other thing is that we're finding that we need the right radiophonic rates, which we have medications that are broadcast medications under water, because they're radionic rates, and they're to get rid of the tetanus vaccine residues that tighten up the ligaments in the jaw area.

[00:53:59] You remember the word, tetanus, the common name for that disease is lockjaw. And if you've ever seen pictures of people in eastern Africa that are missing their lower central teeth and you think what bad dentists they have, but like Kenya, and Uganda, and stuff, you'll see people missing their teeth, especially my age, and that was because they used to pull those teeth on the kids, so that if they got lockjaw, because they were around a lot of animals like horses, cows, sheep, and with the hooves, if you get around the poop and get it in your guts, you can develop lockjaw.

[00:54:36] And so, they get vaccines for it now, but what would happen if you got it before the vaccines, is that your jaw would lock for like six months. And then, it wouldn't ease up, so they would just pull the teeth in the center, and then they could get a straw in. So, you develop lockjaw, yeah, you can't chew for six months, but here's the straw, drink your meat pudding. But that's what they would do. 

[00:55:06] But when they give you the vaccine, the toxin residues are in there, and so they create most of the TMJ, but of course, you can have the right kind of accidents, face to the windshield, ones that kind of does a good to, people that box and get knocked on the chin, they all get TMJ problems, but most of the other people, it's actually the vaccine reaction. So, if we start neutralizing the vaccine, we start loosening it up, and then we can do the NCR and make the head symmetrical, then we can really treat the problem. It's really good that way.

[00:55:43]Luke Storey:  Back up to the radionics.

[00:55:45]Dean Howell:  Oh, yeah.

[00:55:45]Luke Storey:  Yeah. Explain that, because I'm barely familiar with it, but someone listening probably just went like, wait, what was that last part?

[00:55:53]Dean Howell:  So, radionics, it looks like radio nics, is how it's spelled. And if you look it up in the Library of Congress, it's considered a cult technique, but it's not. It was actually developed originally by one of the medical professors at Stanford University in 1924 named Albert Abrams. And he found that using dowsing type skills that he could have people turn different directions and he could diagnose them. And dowsing skills meant like water witching skills.

[00:56:24] So, like the way water, which people will use a wooden stick cut in a Y to figure out where the well should be, he found that he could do the same kind of techniques on his patients, and then developed machinery that could be used with this to diagnose this, analyze, diagnose the same kinds of energy. And then, after they found that they could analyze, they also found out that they could rebroadcast what would sound almost like a frequency. They call them rates.

[00:56:53] And this field is called radionics. And it was called radionics, because of a Ruth Drown, who was a chiropractor in New Jersey, who called it, who would treat patients at a distance. Abrams always thought he had to treat the people more or less around there, but she found out they could be anywhere. And she could analyze them at that moment if she had a lock of hair, or a photograph, or even some spit that dried up on a Q-tip or a piece of blood.

[00:57:20] And so, she could analyze them wherever they were and they started putting resistors in in parallel, and then watch these platforms change place. And then, later, I was the last student of the only guy that got radionics equipment patented. And his name was Galen Hieronymous. And I had an interesting story that's a long one, but I ended up studying with him. And he was 91 years old, I would fly down to his house and I didn't know that he was doing this, he would hypnotize me so that I could learn enough information, because he knew that his days were numbered.

[00:58:03]Luke Storey:  Wow. No way. So, he would like put you into a theta, programmable state?

[00:58:07]Dean Howell:  I guess. I mean, he would always start it out. And we were talking about the electron, and about how as the electrons get closer to the nucleus, there's more energy. And then, it was, Galen, that's long enough, we're going to dinner or lunch now. And I'd say, but we just started. He says, no, it's been four hours. And so, it took me years to remember it. Yeah, kind of strange. But anyhow, it was about radionics. That was the point. He was the guy that formulated that.

[00:58:35] And now, there are thousands of medicines that people developed with radionics equipment that they can broadcast into crystals, or into water, or with photographs, or something. They can literally broadcast it directly to the person and you can treat different kinds of conditions. So, for instance, there's now some stuff that might work to neutralize the vaccine chips. Because you know that there's programmable technology in the new vaccines, right?

[00:59:04]Luke Storey:  Yeah.

[00:59:05]Dean Howell:  And so, those are actually nanobots that broadcast a signal. And there are people, engineers that we know that have found those nanobots in themselves and had to neutralize them. He said it was the same kind of nanobots that they had done government programming with, but not as sophisticated as the ones that they have used in their high-technology jobs with the government. And there are four or six kinds of chips in the vaccine according to the Moderna website. It's an injectable, programmable technology, it says on the Moderna side. So, there are nanobots in the chips along with the messenger RNA, and that's to facilitate the injection of the messenger RNA into the DNA of the cells so that we can create the synthetic humans.

[00:59:51]Luke Storey:  It would sound like science fiction if it wasn't verifiable.

[00:59:54]Dean Howell:  And so, the same people that programmed nanobots and stuff work in these other fields doing good things with radionics, but radionics has also been used for bad things. Because any technology always has a potential for abuse. 

[01:00:12]Luke Storey:  Yeah, absolutely. So, when it comes to neutralizing the negative effects of tetanus-

[01:00:16]Dean Howell:  The tetanus shots, for instance, that, we can do routinely. It takes three different kinds of remedies and it takes a few bottles. We always have Rebecca and the guides tell us how many.

[01:00:27]Luke Storey:  I want to get that, because when I was a kid in Colorado, I used to spend a lot of time just running wild. And on one such running wild day, I was in a little ghost town. I saw this old kind of ghost towns, just you'd see like an old house from late 1800s they just kind of have sitting there, and I used to go screw around in there, and shoot guns, and look for lizards, and whatever.

[01:00:48] One day, I was in one of those, and I jumped off something, and put a nail, an old rusty nail through my foot, and it was incredibly traumatic and painful. And I went, and they gave me a tetanus shot, and I never thought about it, actually. I didn't realize that was a vaccine until you just said it. I was like, I had one of those shots. Now, I don't have, at least that I'm aware of, TMJ, but if there's a way to get that shit out of my body, I'd sure like to.

[01:01:12]Dean Howell:  Yeah. I've done orthodontia, direct it on myself, and had a lot of these treatments of mine, so my job function was really smooth, no popping, clicking, no pain. And Rebecca and the guides kept telling me, I had to treat the tetanus out of my body. And I go, I don't have TMJ. Why are you guys bothering me about this? And so, finally, I said, okay, I'll just do it just so you won't say anything. And my face came out about a half-inch. It took about two, three weeks. My face came out about a half-inch. I go, oh, jeez, they were right again.

[01:01:46]Luke Storey:  So, when you and/or Rebecca use radionics to program some water, are you programming a frequency or something into it?

[01:01:58]Dean Howell:  Well, what they call it is rates and that was what Galen Hieronymus never taught me about. He wanted me to understand it conceptually, and how to work with it, and all that. And he did take one apart and show me some stuff a little bit about how the prisms and stuff, but he never told me exactly what it was.

[01:02:17]Luke Storey:  So, it's actually a physical technology, a machine?

[01:02:20]Dean Howell:  Yeah. He had two capacitors, and then there's a prism set between the two capacitors, and then there's also lenses to focus the eloptic energy, the energy that that is patented in the radionics machine has both electrical and optic properties. So, it can be spread out with a prism, and it can be focused with a lens, and it can be run through wires. And so, it's a combination of those things. 

[01:02:49] And then, the dial positions of the two, it's sort of like, because of the prism in there and the lens, it's functioning like the two capacitors are at 90-degree angle to each other. So, you get sort of like a four-dimensional energy form. And so, based on the dial settings and you're in the intention of the operator, then you can put in substances or broadcast that thing to people. And it's a physical commodity, but it's not matter.

[01:03:28]Luke Storey:  Got it. Yeah. Well, it's funny because the interview before you was with this guy, Philip, a German guy from a company called Leela Quantum Tech, and not that dissimilar of a way, they're able to program different frequencies into various objects that do different things.

[01:03:48]Dean Howell:  Right. So, the radionics definitely does that, but it isn't actually a frequency, because it's a capacitor setting. 

[01:03:56]Luke Storey:  Interesting.

[01:03:57]Dean Howell:  Yeah. And then, they'll set up, now, they've got machines that Galen didn't ever develop, and they're actually having ones that can use four capacitors, and they have them—so those are multidimensional, larger dimensional energy objects that they're treating with.

[01:04:14]Luke Storey:  Wow.

[01:04:15]Dean Howell:  Yeah. So, it's really cool stuff and I don't understand it well, but Peter Radatti, our business partner in the flower company, he is the bestselling radionics author on Amazon. And he's the one that's designing these machines for KRT, the biggest company that manufactures radionics equipment. And those guys are making Galen Hieronymus's old designs. And now, they're finally deciding that his designs, being 80 years old, should be replaced. And Pete, our business partner, is the guy that's designing those machines. So, I worked with the previous designer, and now, we work with the current designer of radionics technology.

[01:04:52]Luke Storey:  You have a karmic connection to radionics. 

[01:04:55]Dean Howell:  Evidently.

[01:04:55]Luke Storey:  That's wild. Oh, that's so cool. I can't wait to explore that. I'm glad we got to cover that, too, because I remember you mentioned that when we met in LA, and he said, hey, let's talk about radionics on the show and I'm glad we did. That's fascinating. I feel like you can have a much longer conversation about that alone, because it's hard for me to grasp, so I'm imagining people listening have never heard of it at all are like, what? But that's pretty incredible. What about migraines? What do you reckon is—I don't know that I've ever had one. I've had some pretty gnarly headaches, but I have a feeling migraines are a whole different animal.

[01:05:29]Dean Howell:  They are. And let's see, what year was it? About 2001 or '02, we did a study here in Texas, actually over in a suburb of Houston. Two of my students took a dozen people that had migraines that were bad enough that they had their imipramine prescriptions ready to inject if they got the symptoms that their migraine was coming. So, they'd give themselves their shots. So, they were medically, totally diagnosed. And we did my student, osteopath, in a little town outside Houston, don't remember it now, and she did four days of treatment, waited three months, did four more days of treatment, and waited six months, and did a follow-up.

[01:06:19] And at the follow-up, 92% of the people that had come in for treatment said that their migraines had either stopped or were sharply reduced. And so then, the other doctor, that was pretty impressive. And so then, we wrote it all up to publish. And that was John Trowbridge. He's a doctor in Houston, writes beautifully and he's widely published. And he wrote it all up and nobody would publish it. They said, you had to falsify the results to have that effect in our treatment.

[01:06:57]Luke Storey:  Oh, no way.

[01:06:59]Dean Howell:  Yeah. You had to falsify results, because no treatment is that effective.

[01:07:02]Luke Storey:  See, that's why medical progress is so freaking slow, right? It's like if something really works, then, oh, no, no, no, we don't want to talk about it, you didn't do it right, we don't want to talk about that, it's crazy or I guess it's outside of the common narrative.

[01:07:19]Dean Howell:  Right. We'd have all the people say that they were better, we'd show the photos that they were better, and they said, well, you falsified the photos. I said, how? They said, well, with technology. I said, I'm really bad at technology. Well, you hired somebody else. Who? They have the photos, look at them, see if they're real, they're digital.

[01:07:36]Luke Storey:  I mean, I can assume based on the earlier part of this conversation, though, if your skull is not in its designed, intended shape, and then you have the cascade of all of this other misalignment, that headaches would be like an-

[01:07:51]Dean Howell:  Easily created.

[01:07:53]Luke Storey:  Yeah, an obvious consequence of that, right?

[01:07:55]Dean Howell:  Right. And people do get better when they have headaches and they have people fix the first bone in their neck, the atlas, right? So, a lot of people can get relief temporarily from getting that bone fixed. And that's because that is where the pain often is coming from. It really is that vertebrae out of position pulling on the top of the spinal cord where it turns into your brain stem. That's where the big hole in your skull is. The problem is that the treatments that are often done are temporary, so the problem keeps recurring.

[01:08:26] So, the bones in your neck slide into different positions based on how your head balances on top of your neck. That's based on the alignment of your face and head bones. So, is your head rolling off to the right or the left? Does it want to tip forward? Does it want to tip back? Have you had a lot of teeth pulled so that your face collapses more than your head wants to flop forward? Right? So then, what your brain does is it moves your head around on top of that atlas until it finds a place where it balances the best. 

[01:08:59] And if you're in that position where it's way off center, now, you're in a position where you're going to have headaches almost any time you want or it might never even stop until somebody changes your head alignment, so that the vertebrae that's holding it up can slide into the midline, then the pain stops. So, seeking the temporary relief, that's the people that massage and manipulate the neck, or use certain kinds of drugs, or whatever, there's nothing evil with that, it's not fixing the problem. They can say that they cure—aspirin, they can advertise that they cure headaches with an aspirin. 

[01:09:35]Luke Storey:  Really?

[01:09:36]Dean Howell:  Yeah. Legally, they can call that a cure. But if you go online and you say cure, the FCC will shut you down.

[01:09:42]Luke Storey:  Yeah, it's always interesting interviewing people, especially if what they do is effective, because we always have to tiptoe and dance around, if they've monetized their expertise, or product, or whatever the case may be. Yeah, it's funny for me. Like sometimes, the conversations off camera are a lot more revelatory, because someone can speak freely without being-

[01:10:06]Dean Howell:  So, what I've done just so I can speak freely is that I practice as a minister now instead of as a doctor. I have a doctor license still, but my practice is as a medical healer. I'm a Catholic minister out of the Eastern Orthodox Church, which is in Brazil. We're part of The Church of Hope. We're part of The Sacred Medical Order of the Knights of Hope. And my business church is called The Church of Divine Structure. 

[01:10:36]Luke Storey:  That's great.

[01:10:37]Dean Howell:  And our online store is a service of The Church of Divine Structure. And NCR healing clinic is a function of The Church of Divine Structure.

[01:10:46]Luke Storey:  Oh, that's why you could talk about the-

[01:10:49]Dean Howell:  And so, I talk about everything openly, because this is all religious stuff.

[01:10:53]Luke Storey:  I wish every guest would convert. We could talk freely without getting shut down.

[01:10:57]Dean Howell:  Oh, not only that, it just lets people have the right to choose what they want instead of having some guy in the state capital determining what you can do. Why should that person decide what you should do? If you and I agree, that should be enough, right?

[01:11:14]Luke Storey:  I agree. I agree. Yeah. Sovereignty and autonomy. It's a rare commodity these days. So, when I saw you, we did four treatments inside of a week or something like that. 

[01:11:29]Dean Howell:  Yeah, we did four in four or five days. Yeah.

[01:11:32]Luke Storey:  Yeah. And it was great. And I got the sense from it since I felt so good, and I look in the mirror, and like structurally, there are changes, that it's something that one would want to do. If someone's relatively healthy and they just want to optimize, they don't have any pathology, per se, going on, what does a typical treatment schedule look like?

[01:11:54]Dean Howell:  If they're in a hurry, they would see me every four to six weeks for four days, see me half-hour a day to remove most of the obvious traumas in their head and so forth. If they have deeper problems after their head is loosened up, then we can start accelerating to longer treatments. And for most people, if they do four to eight four-day series, that's enough for a person that doesn't have a significant trauma history to be a lot better and to have it last for years. 

[01:12:28] Barring new accidents, you can go 10 years without seeing me after that ends, it would be pretty good, although most people like to see me for a little bit every year or so just to remove the stresses of last year. But still, like there's one woman from Hawaii that every time she makes her headaches come back, she flies to see me. And she started seeing me 20-something years ago and I think I've seen her a total of three four-day series.

[01:12:56]Luke Storey:  Oh, wow.

[01:12:58]Dean Howell:  Because I haven't had to see her for like five years and she went 10 years before that.

[01:13:02]Luke Storey:  And you seem to travel quite a bit. What are the different cities that you visited? Is that something that's going to continue?

[01:13:08]Dean Howell:  Well, I've been traveling around the world a lot for the last 25 years. And at first, I thought it was really cool, but also, I was in a licensing battle with the State of Washington in the early '90s. They removed my license for giving B12 shots. And this was just the beginning of all the junk that's still going on. And the way I got my license back was that I hired an attorney from a company called Bogle & Gates in Seattle. It was the biggest law firm in Seattle, owned by Bill Gates' father.

[01:13:44]Luke Storey:  Oh, no way.

[01:13:45]Dean Howell:  And what he had me do is bring him $10,000 in cash, and this was after three years of not being able to get my license back with other attorneys, the courts all denied me, and I had never hurt anybody, and I gave him that money, and one month later, I had my license back.

[01:14:03]Luke Storey:  Oh, my God.

[01:14:04]Dean Howell:  So, is there corruption in the world? I suppose so. But that was 28 years ago. 

[01:14:12]Luke Storey:  Right. And so, what does your travel schedule look like now?

[01:14:16]Dean Howell:  So, we're still regularly in New York, because that's where Rebecca is from and we go there to see family. We're still regularly going to Philadelphia and Denver. And then, we've just split in two in Los Angeles. So, we're actually going to Orange County, Costa Mesa, right by the Santa Ana Airport, John Wayne Airport, where Derek's office is. And then, we're working out of LA. And we're looking into doing two tours a year in an RV, driving cross-country, because we're having so much trouble flying. And also, we're just tired of the packing and unpacking, because I haven't had days off for the last 25 years, for the most part, because I've been traveling.

[01:15:03]Luke Storey:  Yeah, I like the RV idea for a number of reasons, but I'm only going to sign off on it if you make Austin a stop. So, now, I got to do more of that. I was already thinking about it when you're on your way over here. I'm like, oh man, I wonder how long is here? Because I don't feel like going back to LA. It's so funny that the moment I left, I mean, I've thought about my friends, but I miss it 0%. Like the minute we cross the line and into Arizona, I was just like, peace, I'm out. I've been wanting to make a move for so long, so the idea of going back to, God bless that city, it was good to me, but its time has come for me. But the idea of going back there, I'm just like, oh, I could just picture LAX, and like, God.

[01:15:48]Dean Howell:  Well, at first, we're going to go to sunset in 405, the Round Hotel, used to be the Holiday Inn.

[01:15:57]Luke Storey:  I know that hotel, yes.

[01:15:58]Dean Howell:  Right. In the early 2000s, I worked there for years and I'm going back temporarily until we resolved the RV thing.

[01:16:07]Luke Storey:  That's great. I like the RV idea, though, man.

[01:16:09]Dean Howell:  I think it sounds really cool. And then, I get to stay home part of the time, and then travel the rest. You can always come and see me up in the Okanogan. And we have our diner up there.

[01:16:20]Luke Storey:  Oh, that's right. Yeah.

[01:16:21]Dean Howell:  So, you can eat really well and beautiful.

[01:16:24]Luke Storey:  Yeah. You live out in the sticks in Washington, right?

[01:16:26]Dean Howell:  Way out in the sticks. Ten miles outside of town of 900 on 200 acres and we're growing that.

[01:16:32]Luke Storey:  Oh, that's so cool.

[01:16:34]Dean Howell:  Yeah, it's really cool.

[01:16:35]Luke Storey:  Good for you.

[01:16:36]Dean Howell:  So, you can come out and get treated up in the small town, but we have our keto diner.

[01:16:41]Luke Storey:  That's so awesome. So, the diner, it's keto?

[01:16:46]Dean Howell:  Yeah. It's a keto diner with local grass-fed meats, and then the baked goods that we've developed for our company that has the zero carbohydrate baked goods. So, you can come into our diner, and you can get a hamburger with a bun, and it's totally keto, the bun.

[01:17:05]Luke Storey:  And do you guys have a website for these baked goods you had or anything?

[01:17:08]Dean Howell:  Well, it's going to be up by next week.

[01:17:11]Luke Storey:  Okay. Well, make sure to send me the links and we'll put it in the show notes, because honestly, I'm not blowing smoke, because you're my podcast guest, but these freaking brownies that you guys make and the bread you gave me last time, and I'm not joking, it is literally the best keto, like non-grain type of bread products I've ever had. I mean, those muffins are out of control. It legit tastes like real chocolate cake, like real deal holyfield. 

[01:17:39]Dean Howell:  I think it's better than the kinds I've eaten at famous bakeries.

[01:17:42]Luke Storey:  It's really good. So, I'm telling you, you were doing a great service to humanity for those of us that, like me, don't want to eat carbs, and gluten, and sugar, and stuff, but cave due to wanting to live life. So, if one can live life without wrecking their gut with glyphosate and all the rest of it, that's a huge win.

[01:18:01]Dean Howell:  Hey, you can have chocolate, you can have cake.

[01:18:04]Luke Storey:  So good.

[01:18:05]Dean Howell:  She can make cakes and stuff like with the stuff, oh, that are so good, you like marzipan, you like vanilla pound cake, you want chocolate cake.

[01:18:12]Luke Storey:  I want all of that.

[01:18:14]Dean Howell:  I like the chocolate buns with all the chocolate chips in them. That's what I've shared with you. Those are delicious.

[01:18:19]Luke Storey:  Yeah. And I want two in my bag. I almost wish I didn't say anything, because I would eat both of them on the way home, but I'm going to save one for my dear Alyson.

[01:18:27]Dean Howell:  No, it's better to savor them one bite at a time because they explode into your mouth so much chocolate. You eat them fast and you just lose it. But I mean, you still can taste it in your stomach. What I've noticed now that I can eat really clean food is that when it's an empty stomach, and then I eat something that's really clean, I can still taste it in my stomach. It still tastes like chocolate.

[01:18:49] But when I eat other kinds of food and they have weird chemicals in them, it tastes like chocolate in my mouth, and they go down there and they don't taste like chocolate, but they taste like chemicals. So, this stuff, it still tastes like chocolate. It's so cool. So, always eat at an empty stomach at first, and then notice how you can taste the chocolate, and you can do the same thing with burgers and stuff if you use the right bun, and the right cheeses, and stuff, you can still taste the food after you've eaten it, long time.

[01:19:16]Luke Storey:  Really? 

[01:19:16]Dean Howell:  Yeah, it's really neat. And the parasites don't appreciate that. See, so you've got to kill your parasites, and then start eating real clean like this. It's so nice.

[01:19:27]Luke Storey:  Actually, that was one thing I did want to ask you about, because I remember you developing some different protocol and stuff to deal with parasites. And I was reminded of that today when sounds like this thing went viral, because you got it, too, but someone sent me a Tik-Tok of this woman putting a porkchop on a plate, and then pouring a Pepsi on the pork chop, and you literally see these little, look like mealworms, these parasites popping out. They're agitated and popping out of the meal.

[01:19:54]Dean Howell:  They're trying to get away from the phosphoric acid. It's burning their skin.

[01:19:57]Luke Storey:  Right. It's just disgusting. And I suppose if you were to cook that pork well enough, you might get rid of them.

[01:20:05]Dean Howell:  Yeah, you can kill them, but that's the 165-degree business. Some people like pork 180 degrees, because they just freaked out by it.

[01:20:15]Luke Storey:  Yeah, man. 

[01:20:16]Dean Howell:  But you don't do sushi pork. 

[01:20:18]Luke Storey:  Right. Yeah. Well, that's the thing. I remember years ago when I was a vegetarian, people were really down on sushi, too, because they said the same thing. They're like, oh, it's full of the parasites, and if it's not, it's for the larvae and all this. And I've done a lot of parasite cleanses over the years and I have never seen anything too dramatic.

[01:20:37]Dean Howell:  Well, have you ever had ceviche?

[01:20:39]Luke Storey:  Had some the other day.

[01:20:40]Dean Howell:  Did you ever see worms come out?

[01:20:42]Luke Storey:  No.

[01:20:43]Dean Howell:  No, because the people that buy the sushi fish will only use the best ones for sushi.

[01:20:49]Luke Storey:  Oh, okay.

[01:20:50]Dean Howell:  I used to go down to the wholesale place in San Diego to buy my sushi fish, because I was cheap, and I'd go down there, and I said, I'd come in, he says, you want the sushi stuff, down to that end. And that's the only stuff that you should eat raw. The rest, this is only cooked. And that's what he would do. 

[01:21:09]Luke Storey:  Oh, okay. So, you think eating sushi is generally safe if it's a reputable vendor?

[01:21:13]Dean Howell:  Yeah, I do. And you'd still be killing the parasites every three or four months anyhow. You've got to.

[01:21:19]Luke Storey:  Okay. And if you can describe it briefly, what's your protocol for deworming a human?

[01:21:25]Dean Howell:  We have about six different compounds we use. So, there's pine. There's paraffin. There's even some herbs. There's minerals that work really well. In fact, I'm in the middle of another detox right now, because I've been experimenting with this new mineral—well, new for us mineral compound. Actually, it's from the 1920s. And so, Rebecca and I have taken that formula, and then we've added a little bit to it, and I'm taking large doses of that. So, I'm having all kinds of detox happening.

[01:21:57] So, I've got my skin breaking out all over, because of chemical stuff that's coming out, stuff dying. And so, it's really interesting. We find different combinations and we have the guides pick or combinations, we can't find that always the same thing works on each person, because they have different combinations. And I have very weird parasites, so the ones that work on me won't work on other people, but the routine ones like roundworm, very common. It's a relative of earthworms. And so, everybody that has asthma I've ever seen in my whole career has roundworm.

[01:22:34]Luke Storey:  Really?

[01:22:35]Dean Howell:  Yeah, every person ever. So, virtually everybody-

[01:22:38]Luke Storey:  I have a good friend with asthma. He was just out here visiting.

[01:22:41]Dean Howell:  So, time to start treating roundworm and 98% or more of the time, he'll have it go away.

[01:22:47]Luke Storey:  Wow.

[01:22:48]Dean Howell:  Yeah. Because that's what makes him porous enough that he has the food allergies. So, he's going to kill the parasites. That'll help a bunch. And then, he has to heal up from the food allergies. And then, he won't have it at all.

[01:23:00]Luke Storey:  Oh, that's so interesting.

[01:23:01]Dean Howell:  Yeah.

[01:23:01]Luke Storey:  Have you ever taken, you mentioned pine, are you talking about that pine oil? 

[01:23:05]Dean Howell:  Pinene. Pinene is the terpene that's extracted from pine oil.

[01:23:10]Luke Storey:  That stuff's harsh. I've taken it.

[01:23:12]Dean Howell:  The cheapest commercial stuff is called turpentine.

[01:23:14]Luke Storey:  Okay. Yeah.

[01:23:15]Dean Howell:  Right. And so, for $7 a quart, you can buy pinene at Home Depot or Ace Hardware and it works. But if you wanted to get drunk, you can also buy some really cheap vodka and it gets you drunk, right? And it doesn't kill you. 

[01:23:34]Luke Storey:  Does it kill parasites?

[01:23:35]Dean Howell:  No, but the point is that you can also get more expensive pinenes that don't taste so bad.

[01:23:41]Luke Storey:  Yeah, I was getting this, I think it was either Korean or Chinese, remembering the bottle, it had some sort of Asian characters on it, but I think it was called Red Pine Oil. And there are these little capsules. And I heard that it was very effective for parasites and I was taking it.

[01:23:55]Dean Howell:  It would be if you had enough.

[01:23:57]Luke Storey:  But it was so strong, like even if you ate some food and took it, it would still just be like, you know when you take oregano oil and things like that, sometimes, it's quite strong. It was like that, but it was too strong to even use all the time.

[01:24:11]Dean Howell:  I've taken up to six tablespoons of pinene blends and that gives you massive diarrhea. 

[01:24:18]Luke Storey:  I can imagine.

[01:24:20]Dean Howell:  And then, there are some mineral compounds that I've taken like 30 times the normal dose, and the acids and stuff that are in there, and I've had so many parasites come out from some of these things instead.

[01:24:36]Luke Storey:  Wow. 

[01:24:37]Dean Howell:  Really cool.

[01:24:37]Luke Storey:  So, you'd routinely do parasite cleanses. You're of the mind that we just picked them up over and over again? It's not a one and done thing.

[01:24:46]Dean Howell:  Well, last week, I did a pinene blende and it was enough that I did just this two days. I think I did a couple of ounces each day, but I could see worms about this long in the porcelain of the toilet. That's what had grown, because we're continuously being exposed. We're breathing this stuff in. But we've had some people that we've worked with roundworms that have roundworms over 24 inches long and that takes a number of years to grow.

[01:25:24]Luke Storey:  Yeah. I remember years ago, God, this was back in the '90s, one of my first big moves to improve my health, and detox, I went to this place on the big island in Hawaii called Angel Farms, and it was a gravity-fed colonic cleanse. And they'd put ozone and herbs in the water. It's really cool, but more like a Colema Board, not pressure, just very gentle. But for long periods, you'd have, I don't know, 20 gallons go through you in a couple of hours or something. But I did that, and that was about 12 days, and I was surprisingly just a lot of weird old black tar and who knows what, matchbox cars and shit that I eat when I was a kid.

[01:26:04]Dean Howell:  But see, unless you kill the parasite, they attach to the wall of your colon or small intestine. 

[01:26:11]Luke Storey:  Right. Because they're like a little sucker head, right?

[01:26:13]Dean Howell:  Yeah. They suck onto there, and then they impart chemicals into you to reward you for good behavior or to punish you for bad behavior. And then, they eat out of your bloodstream. But they're not like a tick. They don't suck blood in, all their glucose, or in the rare occasions, they need protein, they pull them right out of your bloodstream. They live there, too. And they're also one of the voices in your head. And it's not until you kill enough of them that the voice goes away.

[01:26:41]Luke Storey:  That voice says, eat the pint of Haagen-Dazs. It's midnight.

[01:26:44]Dean Howell:  It's those impulses that you feel, what should I call it? The WTF, the what the fuck? You know when you have that what the fuck, I'm going to do that, that's the parasite in their voice. That's in your head.

[01:26:58]Luke Storey:  Well, where I was going with the Hawaii story, like I said, I passed with flying colors, but I had been doing quite a bit of detoxing, and cleansing, and parasite cleansing and stuff before. But there was a time kind of each day where there are, I don't know, probably five, eight people going through this little program, and it was in a house. Cindy Sellers was her name, a really, really amazing lady that ran it. 

[01:27:22] But it was like if anyone had really big worms or parasites coming out, the way the Colema Board kind of set up was they did it in a tub and everything stayed in the tub. And then, Cindy going there with a long stick, like a poker, and we'd all go look at everyone's worms, and some people had those like two-foot, it looked like a freaking skinny snake coming out of their high and then, man. And at that point, I was like, oh, this parasite stuff is real, man. It was disgusting. I've never seen anything that gross in my own life.

[01:27:52]Dean Howell:  That's right. So, when you hear people say, parasites don't happen in America, only in the Third World, you know how funny it really is.

[01:28:01]Luke Storey:  Yeah. There was one guy, man.

[01:28:04]Dean Howell:  Just go to Walmart and look at those people walking around with those bowling ball shapes under their shirts. Those are just loaded with parasites and fungus. That's what's in there. 

[01:28:12]Luke Storey:  Really? 

[01:28:12]Dean Howell:  Yeah. That's why they look like their bellies are just swollen with that stuff, because that's where they all live.

[01:28:18]Luke Storey:  Interesting.

[01:28:19]Dean Howell:  Other people will get them out in other places. So, I had elephantiasis, these massive legs, because I had worms that were living in my thighs, and not in my calves. They're called filarial worms. And they live and they block the lymphatics and makes your legs get giant.

[01:28:35]Luke Storey:  Oh, my God, dude.

[01:28:36]Dean Howell:  Yeah. And so, nobody recognized it, because it's a tropical disease. And I developed it living north of Seattle as a six-year-old, because I got bit by a mosquito. And the mosquito had to bite someone with that disease, and then it imparted it to me. So, we were active in the Baptist Church when I was growing up, so it was probably a missionary that had been in the tropics, had that parasite, the mosquito bit them, and then bit me right here, because I have a scar from it, right here on my thigh, on the left thigh, and my legs have been huge ever since. I got teased. Why are your ankles the same size as your knees? And I always said, I don't know. They just are. And broken blood vessels, I had varicose veins when I was 14.

[01:29:23]Luke Storey:  What?

[01:29:23]Dean Howell:  Yeah, because I had worms living in there and nobody knew. I didn't know until I was in my 60s.

[01:29:30]Luke Storey:  So, what would you recommend? I had no idea this conversation was going to really go in this direction. And I apologize to the listeners that are eating right now. But if someone's like, oh, man, those symptoms sound familiar? I have a bowling ball in my abdomen. I mean, is there any kind of website or certain products, or like a protocol, or one expert that one could go look up if they really wanted to get serious about detoxing parasites?

[01:29:59]Dean Howell:  Well, I mean, we are helping people in those kind of programs that we do on the phone and Skype. And so, that's the best I know of. But there's actually quite a bit of information about pinene out there. There's an author named Walter Last, L-A-S-T, a medical doctor from Australia, and he's written about the stuff over the years. I don't like Jennifer Daniels' information about turpentine and pinene. She's a medical doctor, Harvard-trained, lives in Panama, and I don't like her information.

[01:30:33]Luke Storey:  Okay. Noted. 

[01:30:34]Dean Howell:  She has you take a teaspoon at a time with sugar, and she says that the parasites will open their mouths to eat the sugar, and then you'll trick them by getting the pine oil in. And that has nothing to do with the anatomy of worms, so it's like an impossible explanation, because their sucker is up against the wall. And so, your blood sugar has to have a big surge for them to want to feed and the pinene is going to be touching their body on the outside. And so, you kind of like melt their body with pinene, is what you do. And that kills them. And some of them that come out are having sex.

[01:31:13]Luke Storey:  Are you serious?

[01:31:14]Dean Howell:  The dead bodies, they'll have sex and stuff. It's gross, so gross.

[01:31:19]Luke Storey:  I'm going to have a disclaimer at the beginning of this, like at an hour 20 minutes, you might want to tune out if you have a weak stomach. Yeah, I guess I kind of like—I mean, I've been through so many phases and iterations of the healing journey and I seem to be healthy, so I just kind of forgot about parasites, but I also thought that when you get lab work done and you get your stool samples, I always just figured, well, if I had any parasites, they would show up in that and they haven't. Do you think really legitimate stool sample lab work is an accurate way to assess whether you've got parasites?

[01:31:51]Dean Howell:  What I found out is no.

[01:31:53]Luke Storey:  Wow, really?

[01:31:54]Dean Howell:  And I've worked with the specialty labs, the two best labs for detection are Diagnostics and Great Smokies, where they're on each coast, and they miss a lot of them. It seems like everybody that we see gets better when we put them on parasite cleanses, and I've put some of those same people on the lab tests, and been told that they were negative. So, that didn't mean that they were like lying. It meant that their sensitivity of their detection wasn't sensitive enough to find obvious ones. So, we just routinely assume that people will get better on that. And so far, but we also have the guides for help, but every person that we've ever seen, we've wanted to put on a program like that.

[01:32:44]Luke Storey:  Yeah. Okay. Good to know. Good to know. Before we close, I would be remiss. I mean, I think the circles that I run in, in the way my life is when someone is mentioning, getting information from the guides, I assume they're talking about non-physical guides. And I don't even bat an eye, and knowing you and Rebecca, and having worked with you, there was a lot of communication going on with, you guys are tapping into the ethers, and into the quantum, into something, and getting guidance, and kind of being led one way or another, although I'm sure there are some people listening that are like, wait, what? Who are the guides? What the hell is he talking about? If you're comfortable maybe describing how that came to be in your practice and in your life.

[01:33:28]Dean Howell:  Sure. So, for me, the way the guides got into my life was that I know Rebecca. So, Rebecca has had five personalities that give her all kinds of information that seem to reside in her brain, and she's had them since age two. And so, when she was nine, she called up four different airlines, and told them when their planes were going to crash the next day, and then they did, and then the FBI showed up at her door, boom, boom, boom, we're looking for this terrorist, Rebecca Hart, and she says, that would be me. You're nine years old, huh?

[01:34:09] How did you know this? I dreamed about it. So, by the time she was in her 20s, she was working for the UN and other people like that. They were taking her around to weird sites, and say, what happened with this spaceship? What happened in this murder site? And she thought that was too creepy, and so she went into medicine, and I met her like eight or nine years ago. And we seem to have like this intuitive thing for ourselves, and so the guides, I just follow through with them now. And so, I kind of linked up with them as well.

[01:34:45]Luke Storey:  Wow. What a gift.

[01:34:47]Dean Howell:  Yeah. So, it's really cool, because it's that kind of information that's got me so much healthier that, now, my gray and white hair, if you go and look at me on YouTube, and see me in 2014 talking about the same work, you'll know by the voice, it's the same guy. However, you'll see a guy that's over 400 pounds whose hair is gray and white, and now, my hair has grown back and in color. We have a few pictures of gray and white hair on the ends and the roots are blonde, because we've got enough of the parasites killed that my body is resetting, and it's growing new veins, and new hair, and new skin. We're getting younger, see. And so, anybody can do it. I was in terrible shape.

[01:35:37]Luke Storey:  Yeah, that's serious business, man. Four hundred pounds is no joke. And it's not like you're 7'2". You know what I mean? That's a heavy set guy right there.

[01:35:47]Dean Howell:  When my size 50 pants started getting hard to close, I went, wow. And I wear 32s, and it was 50, so that's a lot of difference.

[01:35:57]Luke Storey:  Wow, man. I'll be damned. You've got to do a lot of clothes shopping to make the new you. 

[01:36:03]Dean Howell:  I just keep going over to the TJ Maxx and that kind of stuff, and throw away some clothes. 

[01:36:09]Luke Storey:  Yeah. Wow, man. what a great conversation. Thank you for making the time.

[01:36:15]Dean Howell:  Thanks for having me. It's fun.

[01:36:16]Luke Storey:  Yeah, so fun. I always have such a great time talking to you. My closing question is this, friend. Who have been three teachers or teachings that have influenced your life and your work that you might share with us?

[01:36:28]Dean Howell:  The first teaching would be do unto others. I learned that one a long time ago. I was in a Baptist church and never got baptized, because I thought there were too many hypocrites in the church, but not because I didn't believe. And so, that's one thing. Another one was finding out about radionics and working with Galen. I mean, it took me years to hear it all, but boy, was that life changing? It was really cool. I was sent to him. I'll tell you a short story.

[01:36:59] I went to a convention up in northern Canada and I went around introducing myself to all the old people, because I was like 30 years old. Hi, my name is Dean Howell and I would like to know you, because you've been in practice for years. And this one woman started telling me about all these weird machines that she knew about. And I had already gotten radionics machines from a well dowser that had me buying that kind of equipment.

[01:37:26] And then, at the end of an hour, I said, okay, I'm ready to come to Waterloo, Ontario, and to pay you $4,000, and have you teach me how to do this radionics. She goes, it was decided years ago. I said, what was decided years ago? She goes, it was decided years ago that you would study with Galen Hieronymus down at his house in Georgia. And I said, I just met you, lady, don't give me this bullshit. And she says, no, here is the phone number. Now, you go call Galen. 

[01:37:55] He's waiting for your call. I said, how can he be waiting for my call? I just met you an hour ago and you won't sell me the machine. And she just walked away. That was it. So, I was up in northern Canada. This was like 1984. That's too expensive to do, long distance call. It was like $50 or something, like crazy. So, I wait until I got back to the US, went to my home near Seattle, and it was Tuesday, and I had met her on Thursday.

[01:38:25] The following Tuesday, I call up and a woman, an old lady voice answers, and it's Mrs. Hieronymus. And I said, My name is Dean Howell. I'm supposed to call Galen Hieronymus, and she barely covers the receiver. And she goes, Galen, will you answer? Dean Howell has finally called. And I go, what? So, I'm hanging on the phone, and then someone picks up on the other line, and he goes, you could hang up now, remember that? 

[01:38:53]Luke Storey:  Yeah, I do remember that.

[01:38:55]Dean Howell:  I said, Are you Dr. Hieronymus? Yeah, are you Dean Howell? Yeah. He says, well, why did you wait so long to call? I said, I just got back to the US yesterday. He said, you could have called from Canada. I said, well, how did you know about me? He said, it was decided years ago. Are you coming down? And I said, what was decided years ago? He said, are you coming down? Yeah. Okay. Well, tell me when your flight's coming in, and he hangs up. And so, I started making arrangements to go down there, and then I get hypnotized. And I go down another time and it happens again. And so, after that, I was doing radionics. But I don't know who decided years ago.

[01:39:34]Luke Storey:  Yeah. That's wild. Another funny part about that story is in general, I think, with hypnosis, you're supposed to ask the person's permission, right? He just like threw it on you. I guess his intent was benevolent, so it all worked out. But yeah. It's funny.

[01:39:52]Dean Howell:  Yeah. There's a lot of weird things going on in the world.

[01:39:56]Luke Storey:  Yeah, there.

[01:39:57]Dean Howell:  And I certainly don't understand them all.

[01:39:59]Luke Storey:  Yeah. Who's your third?

[01:40:01]Dean Howell:  The third would be James D'Adamo.

[01:40:03]Luke Storey:  Oh, who's that?

[01:40:04]Dean Howell:  He was the guy that came up with blood type diet.

[01:40:07]Luke Storey:  Oh, really? 

[01:40:08]Dean Howell:  And the blood type diets, they're okay, but that was his big idea and his son, Peter D'Adamo, had the bestseller, Eat Right for Your Type. And Peter was my best friend in medical school. That's how I ended up getting his dad. But I spent a couple of weeks with his dad spending each day seeing him dealing with his patients, and he would do iridology and blood type diet, and tell them what was wrong. And he wouldn't let them tell him any of their complaints until he had already designed their whole protocol. So, it really impressed them, but he was all about working with all these super rich people and running a good business. And I learned a lot from him.

[01:40:48]Luke Storey:  What's your take on eating for your blood type in general? Do you think there's any validity to that?

[01:40:53]Dean Howell:  Well, what Peter says is that 80% of the people feel better if they try that. And I think that that's better than eating the standard American diet. But truly, what I believe is that agriculture is a 15,000-year-old experiment, that it's failed, and that the more that we live on hunter-gatherer style diets, the healthier we are, and that's how I'll do. And so, I don't care what James D'Adamo used to think, I'm not going to start eating carbs and I'm going to eat a lot more protein than he ever said I should eat, because he always thought, four ounces once or twice a day, that's plenty of meat. And I went, no way, dude, especially when I'm hungry for meat and I'm growing new tissue. Man, some days, I have to eat over a pound of meat.

[01:41:39]Luke Storey:  Yeah. I always say, and it's probably annoying to people because I say it so often, but I just don't have the discipline to do it, but I really think if I just ate meat and was just basically carnivore diet, that's as good as I could feel. Like when I eat a lot of meat, that's the best.

[01:41:57]Dean Howell:  Well, see, that's what we do. We do that stuff.

[01:41:59]Luke Storey:  But it's a lot of work. I just don't like sitting there and chewing on meat all day, so I kind of cheat just to eat things that are more convenient at times.

[01:42:07]Dean Howell:  But if you do that and our baked goods.

[01:42:11]Luke Storey:  Well, that-

[01:42:12]Dean Howell:  Man, is it cool? 

[01:42:13]Luke Storey:  Yeah.

[01:42:13]Dean Howell:  And see, you can also get pasta and stuff that's carbohydrate-free. So, you can have cheese sauce, and you can have baked goods, and you can have meats. That's all I do.

[01:42:22]Luke Storey:  You got to get this thing up and running, and give me the link, and I'll put it in the show notes for people. 

[01:42:26]Dean Howell:  Absolutely. 

[01:42:27]Luke Storey:  In closing, speaking of links, where can people find websites, social media, anything you want to send people to?

[01:42:32]Dean Howell:  Okay. Yeah. So, D-R, deanhowell.com, drdeanhowell.com. And really, that'll link to all the other sites if you just go there. It's easy enough, because it'll link to The Church of Divine Structure and The Essence of Life. And actually, it'll even link to The Hillside Restaurant, thehillside.biz, and that's where the stuff's being baked, but we're going to see it through the church, because we haven't got all the USDA stuff arranged yet.

[01:43:00]Luke Storey:  Right. Oh, I know what I want to ask you. Do you have any apprentice out there that are doing your work according to your protocol, in the event that someone couldn't get to what area you service?

[01:43:14]Dean Howell:  Well, there are a number of people that are still doing the NCR protocols and that would be the techniques up through about 2010. And one of those is my son, Derek, who's in Orange County. He's hard to get in with. But also, there's Hillary Lampers in Montana, and Deanna Simonson in Portland, Oregon, and there's Dean Odmark down in San Antonio. And they're doing the basic kinds of work. There are a few others whose names are blanking out right now, but there's only a few that-

[01:43:45]Luke Storey:  Is there a directory of the ones that you just mentioned anywhere on your site or?

[01:43:48]Dean Howell:  I don't think there is anymore. You type in neurocranial restructuring and it'll start showing up, the other people. 

[01:43:59]Luke Storey:  Okay. We'll put them together, and we'll put links to their sites and stuff. 

[01:44:02]Dean Howell:  Yeah, the work still is good. It's just it isn't as good as doing the energy work as well.

[01:44:08]Luke Storey:  Yeah. I mean, what you guys do is a whole other thing. Like as I said, that was just one part of it from my subjective experience.

[01:44:16]Dean Howell:  Right. And so, like the hip changes that you had would not have happened with NCR, because that local intense connective tissue work that's outside the normal aligning the spine, and pelvis, and feet.

[01:44:31]Luke Storey:  Square for me. I went to the source. Yes. Alright. Well, thank you so much for coming on.

[01:44:37]Dean Howell:  You're welcome.

[01:44:37]Luke Storey:  It's been so fun chatting with you. I'm really, really glad to know you. And I'm so grateful that I was able to get the treatment from the man himself, and then share it with the world. So, thank you so much.

[01:44:49]Dean Howell:  Thanks for having me.



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