126. Breaking Free of Negative Patters with The Hoffman Process with Tim Laurence

Tim Laurence

February 27, 2018

DISCLAIMER: This podcast is presented for educational and exploratory purposes only. Published content is not intended to be used for diagnosing or treating any illness. Those responsible for this show disclaim responsibility for any possible adverse effects from the use of information presented by Luke or his guests. Please consult with your healthcare provider before using any products referenced. This podcast may contain paid endorsements for products or services.

Tim Laurence, author, group facilitator and therapist is a Director of Hoffman International. Leaving his native England for many years, he searched in both East and West for his own healing and personal growth. He eventually came across the Hoffman Process and trained with Bob Hoffman in California.This residential workshop helps people achieve balance between mind, body and spirit and to overcome the limitations of our personality. It combines the most effective methods of Western psychology with the more spiritual Eastern traditions of contemplation.

Tim’s book The Hoffman Process is available in seven languages, and the Hoffman Process 7 day retreat is available in 15 countries. Tim continues to travel, and is currently on an extended two-year journey. hoffmaninstitute.org

DISCLAIMER: This podcast is presented for educational and exploratory purposes only. Published content is not intended to be used for diagnosing or treating any illness. Those responsible for this show disclaim responsibility for any possible adverse effects from the use of information presented by Luke or his guests. Please consult with your healthcare provider before using any products referenced. This podcast may contain paid endorsements for products or services.

Have you ever found yourself repeating the same negative patterns in life, caught in a perpetual cycle of frustration and confusion, left without a clue as to how you end up in the same painful situations again and again?

Perhaps you've had some persistent issues that were challenging enough to get you into therapy or counseling at some point. Maybe you read a few self-help books. You found yourself able to pinpoint, at least to some degree- the origins of your mental and emotional dysfunction. You might have even figured out that most of your destructive behavior has manifested at least to some degree as a result of trauma, neglect, or abuse you endured as a child. Most of the clues probably led back to your parents’ shortcomings as incompetent early 'life coaches.’ You learn a bit about yourself, and your subconscious motives and egoic drives. You have a few breakthroughs. You get to the root of your problems. But do you ever really CHANGE? Have you ever been able to entirely break free from your 'old' self, and become a genuinely new person as a result of your inner work?


For most of us, myself included, many hours in therapy and self-help study might have resulted in some temporary emotional symptom relief, but for the most part, we pretty much stay the same in the long run, barring some hugely monumental sea change shift, usually brought about by some radical transformative event.

Well in July 2017 I had such an event. It was a week-long intensive retreat held in Napa, California known as The Hoffman Process. I enrolled, drove up north, and committed to myself that no matter what, I was going to give every ounce of courage and willingness to this somewhat mysterious group experience in the redwoods. I had no idea that I was about to undergo such a profound self-renovation.

The Hoffman Process was one of the most profound experiences of my life, which is why I made it my mission after completing the program to share it with you.

What you are about to experience is an in-depth exploration of the process, and my time there with their international director, Tim Laurence. We thoroughly unpack how The Hoffman Process combines different spiritual and psychological modalities into one life-changing intensive, its origins, and why the heck it’s so damn effective in producing lasting change.  

By the end of this show, you will no doubt have a much deeper understanding of what your negative patterns are, how you got them, and most important of all- how to rid yourself of them.

Please share this episode with someone who could use some help breaking free from the bondage of their past.

Here's to your mental health,



  • How Tim first got involved in the Hoffman Process?
  • Who was Bob Hoffman, and how did he come up with this stuff?
  • The Quadinitry concept, and why it’s the key to unlocking our potential
  • The Hoffman cycle of transformation: awareness, expression, compassion, forgiveness to generate new behaviors and deep inner change
  • The importance of taking responsibility and establish healthy boundaries
  • How we take on negative patterns and more importantly, how we break them
  • What are some of the typical family roles that we take on, and how do they shape our lives as adults
  • The stories we carry about our parents that may not be true and causes to be stuck
  • How can we live from our more authentic, spiritual self?
  • The phenomenon of transference, and how it hurts relationships
  • The role that surrender has in the Hoffman Process, and how does it differ from submission and compliance and just giving up
  • How the Process approaches addictions
  • Does positive visualization actually work? And is it possible to break passed the subconscious limitations we impose upon ourselves by doing it
  • What effects that being a facilitator had on him
  • What are some tools that he personally uses when anxiety and pain comes up
  • Lifestyle recommendations  


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