261. The Supremely Psychedelic Power Of The Lucia Light W/ Allison Pelissier

Allison Pelissier

February 11, 2020

DISCLAIMER: This podcast is presented for educational and exploratory purposes only. Published content is not intended to be used for diagnosing or treating any illness. Those responsible for this show disclaim responsibility for any possible adverse effects from the use of information presented by Luke or his guests. Please consult with your healthcare provider before using any products referenced. This podcast may contain paid endorsements for products or services.

Allison Pelissier is an advocate and distributor for the Lucia N°03 consciousness-expanding technology. 

Dedicated to the expansion of consciousness, Allison is an intuitive, light guide, cacao ambassador and energy worker with an open heart and a warm smile. Her life journey has taken her on many paths of service, from teaching children, to teaching yoga and meditation, to directing international development projects. Encountering the Lucia N°03 light machine for the first time nearly 5 years ago in London opened another pathway of expansion - activating her third eye, assisting in the healing of trauma and deepening her meditative practices.

Her work is centered on reminding others of their own divinity; holding space for people to heal themselves with the powerful medium of light.

DISCLAIMER: This podcast is presented for educational and exploratory purposes only. Published content is not intended to be used for diagnosing or treating any illness. Those responsible for this show disclaim responsibility for any possible adverse effects from the use of information presented by Luke or his guests. Please consult with your healthcare provider before using any products referenced. This podcast may contain paid endorsements for products or services.

Are you ready to have your third eye blasted open?

My guest Allison Pelissier has long been dedicated to the expansion of consciousness and being of service, but her life changed when she activated her third eye for the first time nearly five years ago. She didn’t fast for weeks. She didn’t use plant medicine. She didn’t have a near-death experience. She looked at a light.

Of course, not just any light. Allison’s path unfolded after her first encounter with the Lucia N°03, a consciousness-expanding technology that has quickly become one of my favorite things in the entire world. I first saw the Lucina at Paleo f(x), and just a few moments later, I was having one of the most profound and blissful psychedelic experiences of my life.

Following the age-old tradition of using flickering light to get into a meditative state (think campfires), the Lucia N°03 uses a combination of solid and flickering white lights to induce an altered state. This technology is also known as a “hypnagogic light machine,” referring to the dreamy place between wakefulness and sleep.

You’ll hear more about my blissed-out experiences with the light in this episode (as well as my friend Ashley’s experience, who makes a brief cameo in this episode), but it can only be described as supernatural. Really, it’s almost as intense as my recent experiences with ayahuasca — more on that next week — but it’s completely drug-free.

If you’re interested in experiencing this yourself, reach out to Allison about finding a practitioner near you or purchasing the Lucia N°03 Home Portal or the Lucia N°03 Practitioner System. If you mention that you heard about the light from Luke Storey on The Life Stylist, you’ll receive a free gift.

14:05 — What Allison learned about at the Science and Nonduality (SAND) Conference

  • This is like the science meets spirituality conference
  • From Quarks to Love
  • Duality Vs. Non-duality
  • Women and the cult of Dionysus
  • Achieving expanded states of consciousness without any substances

16:45 — Harnessing the orgasmic feminine power

  • A history of group tantric practices
  • Using energetics in a transpersonal way
  • The modern, limited perspective of tantra and other spiritual practices that incorporate all parts of the body
  • Working with both masculine and feminine energies, on a macro and micro level

30:20 — Luke’s first experience with the Lucia N°03 two years ago + Allison’s first experience with it five years ago

  • Within five minutes, it was like I was on ayahuasca
  • How Allison first found herself in front of a Lucia while she was in a really rough spot, which allowed her to release the pain that she’d been holding onto for years
  • “I slept through the night for the first time in eight months and I felt like myself again.”
  • The light doesn’t solve any problems for you — but entering that expansive psychedelic state helps shift your perspective so that you can reconnect with yourself
  • Finding a new way to serve others

47:00 — Using psychedelics respectfully

  • Allison’s experience with psychedelics prior to trying the Lucia
  • How people can be disrespectful with psychedelics, both to the medicine and themselves
  • Even alcohol and marijuana being used irresponsibly can negatively affect your energy
  • Doing years of work to recover from a few irresponsible nights
  • Microdoses Vs. Heroic doses
  • Integration is what matters

01:06:25 — Who are the inventors of the Lucia N°03?

  • The device was invented by two Austrian doctors: Dr. Dirk Proeckl (clinical neurologist and psychiatrist) and Dr. Engelbert Winkler (clinical psychiatrist and legal consultant for children)
  • How Dr. Engelbert Winkler was changed by a near-death experience
  • Why it has both solid and flickering lights
  • Measuring the activity in a person’s brain while they’re exposed to these altered states of consciousness
  • How using the Lucia N°03 affects your brain in a similar way to taking psilocybin

01:17:00 — Other awesome brain hacks (although you shouldn’t stack them at the same that time you are using a Lucia light)

  • Your brain’s unique response to the light is critical to getting the most out of the Lucia light; you don’t need anything besides you to access these experiences
  • Neurofeedback and Peak Brain Institute
  • NuCalm
  • BrainTap
  • You don’t need to be an addict to be radically honest with yourself
  • These biohacks are awesome, but sometimes the best thing is just human connection

01:55:35 — How can someone try the Lucia N°03?

More about this episode.

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