426. This Is Your Brain on Nootropics: Supercharged Focus, Creativity & Energy w/ Mr. Noots

Mr. Noots

DISCLAIMER: This podcast is presented for educational and exploratory purposes only. Published content is not intended to be used for diagnosing or treating any illness. Those responsible for this show disclaim responsibility for any possible adverse effects from the use of information presented by Luke or his guests. Please consult with your healthcare provider before using any products referenced. This podcast may contain paid endorsements for products or services.

The talented Mr. Noots, or as the powers that be know him, Mark Effinger, is the brilliant mind behind Nootopia formulas, a batch of life changing brain optimization products you’ve heard me talk about frequently on this show. We start with a tragedy that’s inspired triumph, celebrate the heritage of rock n’ roll, and stick the landing with a mushroom trip tennis tournament.

Seasoned entrepreneurial and intrapreneurial business champion. Serial Entrepreneur. One Inc. 500 success. Technology product development and marketing. From advertising to laser to internet and software. Working with CEOs, company founders and management remains a passion. Clear grasp of the startup-to-sellout process, including most of the nuts and bolts of getting companies through the hurdles. Follow technology and business trends, and apply the good ones daily.

DISCLAIMER: This podcast is presented for educational and exploratory purposes only. Published content is not intended to be used for diagnosing or treating any illness. Those responsible for this show disclaim responsibility for any possible adverse effects from the use of information presented by Luke or his guests. Please consult with your healthcare provider before using any products referenced. This podcast may contain paid endorsements for products or services.

The talented Mr. Noots, or as the powers that be know him, Mark Effinger, is the brilliant mind behind Nootopia formulas, a batch of life changing brain optimization products you’ve heard me talk about frequently on this show ever since I was gifted a sample set by our mutual friend and collaborator, Matt Gallant.

Of course, I got to experimenting with them right away, probably too much as you'll learn in this episode. They've become an integral part of my daily routine – just such a game changer – and I've seen a few products in my days of experimentation.

Mr. Noots brings the energy in this one, and the mind blowing science, in this fun and free-wheeling episode – starting with a tragedy that’s inspired triumph, into a sidebar where we celebrate the heritage of rock n’ roll, and sticking the landing with a mushroom trip tennis tournament. Buckle up for a wild ride.

And if, by the end of this episode, you’re curious to check out the amazing Nootopia formulas that we cover, visit nootopia.com/lukegenius and use code ‘LUKE10’ for 10% off your purchase. 

00:07:27 — Becoming Mr. Noots

  • Childhood experience with meditation, engineering, and spiritualism  
  • His wife’s tragic passing as a result of opioid addiction 
  • First experiments with nootropics in the 90s
  • Newsworthy.ai
  • Neurotransmitters and the different brain states 

00:44:38 — Treating Neurochemical Imbalances 

  • The hyper focused side of ADHD
  • GABAlicious by BiOptimizers (coming soon)
  • Modafinil’s use and history 
  • The process of launching a pharmaceutical
  • The truth about SSRIs 
  • NCBI and examine.com as resources 
  • The first ever Buddhist-friendly mouse lab 
  • Frequency extraction methods in mushrooms 

01:18:50 — Nootopia Product Deep Dive 


01:55:21 — Nootropics & Microdosing 

More about this episode.

Watch on YouTube.

 Mr. Noots:  [00:00:06] This is all a game, man. And we really need to realize that it's not a win or lose proposition. It's a fluid state and there's a big huge continuum of what winning and losing is. We just need to start enjoying the whole process. I am Mr. Noots, and this is the Life Stylist podcast.

Luke Storey:  [00:00:37] All right, before we get into this bombshell of an episode, I first must make an exciting announcement, and that is my wife, Alyson and I will be returning for the second year in a row to speak at the Modern Nirvana Conference, Friday, September 23, here in Austin, Texas. And for those of you who couldn't make it last year, let me tell you, it was one hell of a ride. So we're thrilled that it's time to bring it back for round two.

And by the way, to call it a conference is to minimize what an epic experience this is. Modern Nirvana is a revolutionary immersive workshop with not only speakers, but many consciousness-expanding experiential activities and tools, ranging from stuff like breath work practices to modern quantum energy, and brainwave stimulating technologies. It's pretty out there. And I think if you listen to this show, you will fit right in.

And not only will Alyson and I will be there, but several tons of other speakers and presenters, like my recent podcast guest and one of my favorites, Gurudev, as well as Dave Asprey and a slew of other incredible hearts and minds. So if you want to get your tickets, here's what you do, swoop them up over at modernnirvana.com/conference. And if you use the code LUKEALYSON, you'll save 15% off tickets. So again, get your tickets at modernnirvana.com/conference and the date is Friday, September 23.

Okay, back to the business at hand. This episode's number 426 and titled, This is Your Brain on Nootropics: Supercharged Focus, Creativity and Energy with Mr. Noots from the incomparable brain support brand Nootopia. And my guess is that you're probably going to geek out really hard in the amount of info presented here today. So know that you can find all notes, links, and transcripts at lukestorey.com/noots, N-O-O-T-S.

Our guest Mr. Noots, otherwise known as Mark Effinger is co-founder of what's become frankly my all-time favorite brain stack system called Nootopia. I discovered them through his business partner Matt Gallant from BiOptimizers when he handed me this mysterious black box last year at an event. And what I discovered when I opened it was the most impressive collection of nootropic products I've ever seen. And I've seen a few.

So, of course, I got to experimenting with them right away, probably too much as you'll learn in this episode. And as of today, I got to say they've become an integral part of my daily routine, just such a game changer. So naturally, I had to track down the man who cracked the code on these formulas, so that I could get to the bottom of how and why they work so well. And not only did Mr. Noots exceed my expectations with his expertise, but he also just turned out to be an all-round incredible guy, smart, funny as hell, and someone who's been through many fires of transformation, my kind of people, and likely yours as well. So if you're someone interested in upping your mental performance, creativity, focus, and energy, this episode is going to blow your mind.

Here's a couple of sample nuggets of the topics covered, the tragic story of his late wife's overdose and how it led him to begin formulating brain performance supplements, the most helpful nutrients for addicts and alcoholics, breaking down the neuro chemistry of GABA, serotonin, dopamine, and other critical neurotransmitters, how mental performance helps us make better decisions in life, the external forces that compromise our ability to focus and how to overcome them, the downside of Adderall, Modafinil, SSRIs, and sleep medication, natural solutions for ADD and ADHD.

And we also, of course, do a deep dive into Nootopia's nine incredible formulas and their method of customizing each individual protocol. And finally, how Nootopia formulas can support micro-dosing of psychedelics and so much more. And check it out. I'm pretty confident that by the end of this show, you're going to want to experience some Nootopia stuff for yourself. So we've managed to snag you a discount. All you got to do is go to nootopia.com/lukegenius to get an automatic 10% off. That's N-O-O-T-O-P-I-A, nootopia.com/lukegenius or keep it easy on yourself and just click the link in the show notes on your podcast app. All right, let's put our brains to work with Mr. Noots. Enjoy the show. And if you know someone who wants to supercharge their brain, by all means, share this episode.

So I want to start, Mark, by asking you, as of today, right now, you flew into Austin to do this podcast. Thank you for coming to do so. What's the most exciting thing in your life personally, professionally, or otherwise right now?

Mr. Noots:  [00:05:17] You know, it's great. Can I say this? So this is the question I ask everyone from the bank teller to the girl in the grocery line is what's the most exciting thing in your life? A lot of people are so unprepared for that, but it makes them think, like, "Oh, hold it. Is something exciting?" Oh, yeah. And you got to dig sometimes. But for me right now, one is this-- this is amazing-- the opportunity to be able to share the gospel of nootropics with people that get it, who have meaningful lives, and know that performance is a huge part of that. One. And then probably number two is, I've got this loving woman at home, who is right now doing a bunch of formulations for me, cooking things up so that when I get back, we can tweak the stuff and create something new for you. So those are two really, really valuable just for you.

Luke Storey:  [00:06:08] I love that. Well, that question was somewhat spontaneous, just because you're an enthusiastic person. I was like, I bet he's up to something cool. But it's also similar when you ask someone like, what's your passion versus what do you do? Because oftentimes, what someone does for their vocation isn't necessarily their passion. And it's funny, often, when you ask people that they do pause. They're like, "Ah, God, I've defined myself by what I do for so long in some cases than what am I passionate about?"

Mr. Noots:  [00:06:41] I think we get locked into that. This is my somewhere between the 18th and 19th company that I've built since '85, '86.

Luke Storey:  [00:06:50] I'm sorry.

Mr. Noots:  [00:06:51] I know. Exact, yeah.

Luke Storey:  [00:06:53] I've built two companies and I meet people like you and I'm like, "What! How did you do that?" Building one company in one lifetime is a daunting task for some of us.

Mr. Noots:  [00:07:04] What's funny is that I love the startup phase and I love the selling phase. My former wife before she passed away, she said, at one time, I was completely burned out, and she said, "You're really good at starting these things, and you're really good at the exit. It's that thing in the middle that you don't like."

Luke Storey:  [00:07:21] Operations?

Mr. Noots:  [00:07:22] Yeah, exactly.

Luke Storey:  [00:07:23] Oh God, oh man. Yeah, my favorite thing in the world. So were you in the Air Force?

Mr. Noots:  [00:07:30] I was, six years.

Luke Storey:  [00:07:31] Okay, you're in the Air Force, then you get into bodybuilding. I've studied up on you as you can see. And then I wanted to set up the framework for what has become your passion and your expertise. But it's a heavy point to start, so I'm just going to do it anyway and you can elaborate as much as you care to or not to. But you got into what we're going to be talking about today, which is brain function, brain health performance, and all that, partially as a result of your former wife passing away of an overdose. And I've heard you talk about that publicly. So I'm not getting too awkward. But what I did wonder about that was, aside from what we're going to get into, how did you cope with the grief of that?

Mr. Noots:  [00:08:18] That's a great question. One is I literally journaled it on Twitter. It became my expression engine for that. The other was I've got a deeply spiritual past. My dad was a monk. He was a Trappist monk when he was 15 to 18 years old. And he actually coached me into getting into Buddhism when I was very young. I was at least exploring it. I didn't become a Buddhist. But I studied Transcendental Meditation. I had a coach when I was eight years old that taught me how to do charm.

Luke Storey:  [00:08:49] Oh my God, you had some good karma.

Mr. Noots:  [00:08:52] I had some incredible people around me. You know what I mean?

Luke Storey:  [00:08:54] Yeah.

Mr. Noots:  [00:08:55] And I had a genius MIT, Xerox PARC graduate at the end of the street that taught me electronics from the time I was five years old.

Luke Storey:  [00:09:03] Did you invent a laser when you were a kid?

Mr. Noots:  [00:09:05] I did a laser when I was nine and a half years old. I built a helium neon laser, building mirror mounts and riding my bicycle down to the local neon sign company, handing them a blueprint that I had drawn by hand and a ruler, and then $109.73 in bills and change going, "Will this be enough?" They call my dad and they goes, "Is this kid real?" And he said, "Yeah, he's real." And then I think they took care of it without charging me anything.

Luke Storey:  [00:09:34] So you think that you're being introduced to spirituality and meditation and just having been acclimated to a bigger picture, maybe a bigger life view is what has helped you process through that grief and move on to become the really happy go lucky guy you are today?

Mr. Noots:  [00:09:53] Yeah, and I think that I had at one point gone through a very deep depression when Shila and I were married early days of our marriage because I was hypothyroid and I was living in the northwest. Those are two really bad combinations. You don't get any sun there and so your D levels are off and your thyroid is calcifying. And so I'd been through that, I knew what depression felt like, and I knew what getting out of depression felt like, like suddenly becoming hyper-aware of who you are and your physiology and neurology, and then being able to leverage that into businesses and things.

So when she passed away, it wasn't instantaneous. It was a 10-year journey for her. All our children were born at home, so a hot tub, a birthing chair for my son, and then a couch for my daughter, who still works for us today, my youngest daughter, Livi. Shout out to Livi Renegade, the rapper. And so the midwife Tish, my wife at the time tore a little bit. They handed me snips to do an episiotomy. I said, "No, I'm not changing my wife's vagina. I like it just as it is." And so struggled a bit and they gave her four oxycodone. And I don't think we have to go to the Sackler family to know how bad that turned out for a lot of people. It's 10 years later. And the thing with those kinds of destructive meds-- nothing that can't be used responsibly, but not for most of us, or for many of us-- is that it's a band-aid and the sore keeps getting bigger. It's infected. And as it keeps expanding, you try to find other things to try to cover it. And eventually, it takes over your whole being.

Luke Storey:  [00:11:37] I'm sadly very familiar, yeah.

Mr. Noots:  [00:11:38] I'm talking, right?

Luke Storey:  [00:11:39] Yeah, you and your business partner, Matt Gallant from BiOptimizers, I'm sure will reference at some point, we both share that in our past, and thankfully, a couple of the guys left standing in the aftermath of addiction. It's just a horrible-- I don't know whether it's a disease or what it is, but it is something, you're right, that once you're in the grasp of it, it doesn't get better on its own. I've never met an addict or alcoholic, that's just like, "I'm outgrowing this." lt's like, no.

Mr. Noots:  [00:11:40] You're right.

Luke Storey:  [00:11:43] If it's really got you, it's really only a matter of time before it gets you into serious trouble, untimely death, or you have the divine providence and opportunity to get out of it, which is the case for myself, thankfully, knock on wood,

Mr. Noots:  [00:12:25] I know. Matt's been cleaned for 13 years now. He just got his 13-year chip recently, and an amazing human being, one of my closest friends. But he does reference and he lets me know that those are things that can be dangerous, those are things that we want to watch for. And we want to be careful because we're in the business of helping people. We're into biological optimization. That's our thing. That's what we do.

And we do neurological optimization as well. And if we venture too close to the edge, it could be ineffective or have negative consequences on people. And we want to make a monumental contribution to every life we touch. So the only way we can do that is to keep it on the level where it's as close to the human organism and as helpful and vital to the human organism as possible. We just want to make you better with what you already got, and give you some of the tools that you need to make yourself better.

Luke Storey:  [00:13:22] So when your wife passed, and you started becoming aware of or interested in compounds, molecules, etc, that could help the brain, did you start out due to the impetus of wanting to help people that were in her position?

Mr. Noots:  [00:13:38] Somewhere between 10 and 12 years old, my sister Karen, my eldest sister, an amazing woman, had just come back from Woodstock. And she was young herself. I'm one of six kids. We were eight years total, six kids in eight years. So my mom was constantly pregnant for most of a decade.

Luke Storey:  [00:13:57] Wow, God bless her.

Mr. Noots:  [00:13:58] Yeah, amazing. She was great. But she asked me to come to her room, and closed the door and watched the door. And then she wrapped a surgical tube around her arm, a little bit, got a vein up, and so I got to see that live, which is traumatic when you're-- I think I was 10. And it just blows your mind about what people are capable of doing. And I saw her eyes roll back in her head and she fell back on the bed and had a trip. And I was watching the door so that parents didn't come in or brother and sister didn't come out and those things.

Luke Storey:  [00:14:34] You were getting trained in codependency.

Mr. Noots:  [00:14:36] Thank you. Yeah, you're right, a masterclass.

Luke Storey:  [00:14:40] Yeah, caretaking 101.

Mr. Noots:  [00:14:42] Yeah, it was pretty fun. So I'd seen that and I'd seen her journey through it. And then we found her on the street and I swear this comes back to Tish is we found her on the street, dying of black tar heroin years later, decades later, 28 years later in Portland, Oregon on Burnside, which is the main street that runs through Portland. And I think she weighed 85 or 90 pounds at that point, she was 5' 9". You could see her veins and she was rotting from the inside out.

And so we tough loved her. Each one of the family members took her in for a month to a year and just helped her see who she could be, and that we were unconditional love, addict or not, unconditional love. And then she tapped into Paramahansa Yogananda, Autobiography of Yogi and that was the catalyst that helped her to leap from that to non-addictive practices that were helpful like meditation. I got to do when I was really young, thankfully.

Luke Storey:  [00:15:46] Yeah. It's funny that you mentioned that. Sometimes with us addicts, sometimes you just don't make it and you never see the light. It's not your karma or destiny. It's really, really sad. But I've watched people that have a shot at getting clean, and they just don't, they can't. It's like, their ego is too fortified. There's this armor that you can't get through to the real person behind that. But there are some of us that just have one little seed like that. In that book, and I had a similar experience, someone gave me a book called I Am That, which is a really dense text, basically on non-duality. And I couldn't read it because it was too dense and just too-- it was just above my head and my--

Mr. Noots:  [00:16:32] Esoteric at that point?

Luke Storey:  [00:16:33] Yeah, but that was standing. There was something in that book that I knew was powerful and I knew was true. And that was really the first seed that I had that led me to the understanding that there's more to this life than our suffering and that there's a way out. And that eventually led to a bunch of chain of events that I won't get into. And here I am sitting here today, 25 years later and never went back into addiction, thankfully. So back to your wife and your sister.

Mr. Noots:  [00:17:05] So I saw this thing that happens to people when they're in the grasp of addiction. And I think the grasp of addiction, which we've heard over and over, it's a meme at this point, it's true. It's like there's a thing holding you from being who you really could be if you weren't serving that other master. And so I knew that I had to do something. And back in the '90s, I had explored working with an acetylcholine esterase inhibitor, which is a compound that basically keeps the acetylcholine flowing in the synapse of the brain. And acetylcholine is the neurotransmitter for thinking and learning.

And my goal back then-- in fact, I even said this at Dave Asprey's podcast. He said, "Well, how'd you get into nootropics?" I said, it was Dirk Pearson and Sandy Shawn, these little guys, they used to do this life extension thing. And I was doing this stuff to get people off coffee. And I didn't realize that I was talking to the coffee man.

Luke Storey:  [00:18:00] He's like, "Don't get people off coffee."

Mr. Noots:  [00:18:01] It was pretty funny. But anyhow, I saw the performance increase in this small group of Intel engineers. I said, wow, these guys really, really upped their game by slowly titrating down off of coffee, and upping their acetylcholine esterase inhibitor levels to the point where they were optimized. So they didn't need coffee to get the adenosine receptor activity going, to block the adenosine receptor, so they felt wakeful. They were wakeful automatically when they woke up in the morning. 

And they didn't go through energy spikes and valleys, peaks and valleys. They had this nice calm energy level that was really good all day long. And a lot them told me that they could work until 10:00 or 11:00 at night and not feel fatigued, and then go to bed and go to sleep because they didn't have caffeine in their system, and have great dreams, vivid dreams, that's another advantage of acetylcholine esterase inhibitors.

So I've been doing that stuff back then. And then I built a nutrition company around human growth hormone expression back in the '90s for a couple of years. I had a mentor who was University of Oregon, PhD in neurobiology and so he was a great mentor on that stuff. And then we fast forward 10 years later, and Tish was on the ground and paramedics putting a six-inch needle in her heart to try to restart it. And so you're going, "Fuck, this is not good."

And so from there, it was okay, so I played a little bit of the human growth hormone. I played a little bit of the acetylcholine game. I knew about nootropics, but they were unobtainium. You could buy three months' worth of a weird Russian experimental chemical for one person, but that's not something-- it's going to affect a lot of people. So I started experimenting with amino acid chelates and amino acid extracts. So pyroglutamic acid was the first one. So pyroglutamate and amino acid chelate and I realized that I could dramatically improve for short period of time.

If I took it at night before I went to bed because it puts such a enzymatic activity in the brain, it puts such a heavy load on the brain, that it would actually help you fall asleep. You would have pretty vivid dreams. You'd wake up at a proper time, 6:00, or 7:00, or 8:00 in the morning, and then you'd be really great. You'd be really alert, really on your game for about two and a half hours, then you just plateau and eventually fall off a cliff of performance. I say, "Okay, that's enough of a piece that I can grab that.

So I started combining those molecules with other molecules, thinking if I could get the next phase of that, whatever that is, maybe I could create something that would have a positive impact on people that wanted to feel something more, feel something better, and maybe that would be a key to addiction issues. It wasn't a key to addiction issues, but what was was as I kept going down this path, and for the first four years, I did 3,000 different formulations. And I was able--

Luke Storey:  [00:21:00] During this time to did you have like--

Mr. Noots:  [00:21:03] A job?

Luke Storey:  [00:21:03] No, that too. Did you have a home lab? I'm picturing beakers and you in there with the white lab coat putting the things together.

Mr. Noots:  [00:21:13] So I had worked with a guy named David McInnis, who lives in New Braunfels here. And David had formed a company called prweb.com. I had hacked his platform back in the early 2000s. And he had called me out on it, and then asked me to be an advisor to his company because he noticed that I built and then I sold my companies. And he goes, "Would you help me package this thing if I ever needed to? And would you be an advisor?" And SEO stats, search engine optimization stats were off the charts and things and so we worked together. Great, great guy, great mentor, great friend, super great friend. He has a company called newsworthy.ai, doing news coupled with social media and coupled with influencers, it's really cool.

And David said, we'd sold a company for 28 million. And so he took a picture of a house that looked like a Frank Lloyd Wright type of design. And he knew my aesthetic. And then he turned around and took a picture of the ocean and he goes, "I'm going to fly my jet down, pick up you and the kids. You can tell me if you like this place." So yeah, I built a lab there. In fact, the lab took over the living room and then it started migrating all over the house. And we had a recording studio. My son was heavy into music and his band. And so we had that going on, which was always an important part of my life-- music.

And so from there, just doing these formulations. I owned a software company at the time with the founder of Century 21 Real Estate. And so Mark Fisher was his name. And we built brainstorming software to help people think creatively. So Drew Carey used it. Pastor Rick Warren in Southern California used it, and then every technology company. This is embarrassing to say, but Hallmark writes their cards with my software.

Luke Storey:  [00:22:59] Really? That's funny.

Mr. Noots:  [00:23:02] It's embarrassing.

Luke Storey:  [00:23:03] That's funny.

Mr. Noots:  [00:23:05] You know what I mean?

Luke Storey:  [00:23:05] It reminds me of how many times I'm like, I got to get a card for so and so and I go and flip and turn like, I would never say that. I would never say that. It's like, what would I say? Okay, I end up with a blank card.

Mr. Noots:  [00:23:17] So Shoebox greetings actually came out with cards that are blank on the inside. And so they had a cool exterior, it was just artsy. And then on the inside, you could write whatever. And I still do that today. It's the main thing. But anyhow, so I had a resource of almost 400,000, people that were really smart to use my software, or at least a subset of them were really smart to use my software.

And so I sent them samples of literally, a blank test tube, actually, it was like this, a blank test tube with a powder that tasted like crap. And said, "Mix this with water, take it, and tell me how it feels, how it makes you feel, and how you perform, and go to this link on this online database and use this database and tell me what the results are. And so over thousands of these tests, we finally figured out that the combinations of molecules were super important, and the ratios of the molecules, and the percentage, and the minimum viable dose versus maximum potential dose. But more importantly was those factors combined with your physiology, the meds you're on, the vitamins you take, your meditation practice, your exercise practice, your food and diet. And once we figured that out that we needed to customize, that's when the aha moment came.

Luke Storey:  [00:24:35] This episode is brought to you by Danette May and Mindful Health featuring Danette May's top superfood product from her Earth Echo foods line, Cacao Bliss. To me, nothing feels better than being able to enjoy a rich, smooth creamy chocolate and knowing I'm doing something good for my body. And for me, it not only tastes good, but it satisfies my cravings for sweets and gives me something mega nutritious to add to my herbal elixirs and smoothies.

I make a bunch of crazy concoctions with my Cacao Bliss, but you should know, you can just add it to hot or cold water and it packs a powerful punch all by itself. It's made with ceremonial grade, sun-dried 100% organic cacao beans, turmeric, MCT oil, coconut, Himalayan sea salt, cinnamon, and black pepper for the perfect blend of chocolatey goodness. It not only tastes like a dessert, but it's also awesome for removing your food cravings, facilitating weight loss, boosting your energy, and reducing inflammation. For the past eight years, Earth Echo has been a leader in the superfoods market and is proud to have served millions of customers worldwide, including yours truly. What's even better is that right now they're offering up to 15% off when you use the code LUKE15 at earthechofoods.com/lukestorey, that's earthechofoods.com/lukestorey and your code is LUKE15.

You alluded to this, but we didn't go too deeply into it. It's pretty typical that when an addict or alcoholic gets sober, their real problems begin in a sense. Because then it's like all of the underlying emotional issues, trauma, PTSD, all the wreckage from the period of time in which you were addicted, but it's also just the brain, man. I remember when I was first sober, it's just like, fight or flight or just comatose brain dead, and I really didn't think I would ever recover from that. And I don't know that I have totally, but thanks to people like you formulating cool shit. I'm getting there.

So when I found out about smart drugs and nootropics as you said, I was going on the dark web and it's like super shady, you wonder if they're ever going to send it to you. It shows up in some weird brown package. And also tasted horrific. You reminded me, I have a big old, I don't know, a kilo piracetam downstairs, because I just buy everything in bulk. And I would never try to give that to someone because I just take a teaspoon and just stir it up in water, and I chug it down. And it's an incredible nootropic, but it tastes like ground aspirin or something. It's not palatable in any way.

But I started to use that and Modafinil and different things and noticed, especially in the beginning of starting this podcast six years ago, I would notice days when I just woke up and did my normal routine, I would have a terrible time, not all the time, but if I was sleep deprived or something, with word recall. And so I'd start taking piracetam and find myself in a conversation, whether recorded or not, and pull something out for way early in the conversation and circle things back and connect loops. And it was really fascinating to just observe how over time and a lot of lifestyle changes, obviously, and exercise, and sun, and diet and all the things, but seeing that there was absolutely a quantifiable result from using things like that.

But it has also been and continues to be kind of hit or miss. And what works for me is not going to work for the next person, because I found something like piracetam, that's my racetam of choice. I've given it to people, and they either don't feel anything, or they feel like they just spit. They're just not comfortable, or also like that did nothing. So I think where we're going to go in this conversation is really interesting in that you have evolved this in terms of supplementation into something that's much more customizable, because the layperson like me, doesn't even know what this thing's doing to my brain. I just know, oh, my memory is a little better when I take this pill in the morning.

But then if you don't mix them right, or you do too many, or combine different things, then you hit that diminishing return wherein you've hungover the next day, or there's, as you said, that afternoon crash, and it's just really difficult, in my experience, and I'm pretty good at figuring things out, it's really difficult to nail it. So maybe before we-- because I really actually today-- that's why I have your products up here. And forgive me people if I make a product-centric podcast, but when I find something really cool, it's like I want people to know about it. It's just awesome. I would feel like a deck if I didn't tell people that you can--

Mr. Noots:  [00:29:36] I would call you a deck if you didn't--

Luke Storey:  [00:29:39] I think many people don't realize, you can actually choose your mood, and you can choose your state. And there are other ways to do it through breathwork and meditation and all the things, and I do all of those things too. I don't want people to think the only way to change your state into a more positive state or focus state depending on what you're going for is by taking something exogenous, but if it's there.

But before we get into the four simulations, and I really want to pick your brain on some of the obscure ingredients because I read the ingredient deck on these things, and I can't pronounce any and I'm like, "What the hell is this?" So just personally, I'm curious, but maybe as a framework, so people just have a scaffolding on which we can build this kind of body of knowledge that you've amassed, is the different neurotransmitters, like, you mentioned acetylcholine, and I'd like to explore GABA, and serotonin, and dopamine, if you could give us an overview of the different brain states that are created by these different neurotransmitters. And then maybe that'll lead us more into specifics on how we can actually dial those in.

Mr. Noots:  [00:30:46] So have you ever seen a linear EQ meter?

Luke Storey:  [00:30:48] Yes, for sure.

Mr. Noots:  [00:30:50] Dial up and down. That's the same with your neurotransmitters. And there's this cascade of neurotransmitters, those four are the primary outside of noradrenaline and adrenaline, or norepinephrine and adrenaline, which is adrenaline. So those primary neurotransmitters are the things that gets you into state. You're never going to have 100% of one because you need to balance to a certain extent. But you don't want to bring all of the levels up at once because then it sounds flat. That's not a good mix.

So if you have dopamine, which is drive motivation and reward, that's a very key concept, especially for most of us that are in this. When I say reward, it's like, that's the goal when you do something that's meaningful. I get my dopamine hit. I have a get-together with Matt every Friday. We get together for an hour and we have a thing called Xander hours. Xander is the spray right there.

Luke Storey:  [00:31:48] Yeah, I did. I did a few blasts of this before we started.

Mr. Noots:  [00:31:50] Perfect.

Luke Storey:  [00:31:51] And I don't want to interrupt. You actually managed to make this one tastes really good. I don't have a problem because I keep it on my desk. And I'll just be like, "Ch, ch." I'm like, "Luke, you just did 10 squirts 30 minutes ago. You're maybe overdoing it." So that old addict behavior, but anyway.

Mr. Noots:  [00:32:06] No, it's great. So you get the dopamine side of it, which is super important for your motivation and drive and reward. You have acetylcholine, which is which is thinking and processing and memory and those things. And then you'll have GABA, which is your chill mood, it takes the anxiety off, it takes the edge off. And it can actually be really effective in cognitive processing because when you have a lack of anxiety, you have an increase in cognitive performance, because you're not multitasking. You're not trying to protect yourself from the bears and the lions.

And then serotonin, which is more of a mood stabilizer. A lot of people think of serotonin as the happy drug, like selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, SSRIs, or antidepressants, but in reality, it's a mood stabilizer. And then you go to dopamine and some of the others to actually increase your mood. So those are primary, and then noradrenaline, which is the fight or flight, anything.

Luke Storey:  [00:33:06] Yeah, I know that one. I hate that one because it activates when you don't want it to. I mean, you need it. If we were just parasympathetic all the time, we'd step in front of a bus. So I appreciate the fight or flight response. But those of us that have had trauma and things like that, you can live in a state of hyper-vigilance where you can't turn it off. You have a situation in which you feel threatened, your nervous system goes, red alert and then you're just stuck there, which is how I lived for a long time.

Mr. Noots:  [00:33:38] In 1993, I was on my fourth company. And I was doing the 85, 90 plus hour weeks, seven day weeks, no breaks, that kind of thing. And I didn't think I minded doing it. But one day, I'm in my office and I walk into my wife's office and I said, "Honey, I've been sitting in front of the monitor for three hours, I have no idea what I'm doing, who the client is, what the objective is, what the outcome is supposed to be. I think I'm losing my mind. I don't even know what day it is." She takes me by the hand, we walk around the neighborhood and she goes again, "You're really good at starting these things, and you're really good at selling them, but that thing in the middle, that management thing is not your gig." And we were able to successfully sell that one and move on.

And I got super depressed during that period as well. And I started getting chronic nose. I was dumping a pint of fluid a day out of my nose. I would be in business meetings with venture capitalists, having to leave, sniff, sniff, sniff, sniff, leave, blow my nose, get all this fluid out of my system, go back to the meeting. I'm sure they thought I was doing coke. I'm sure, I'm absolutely sure. Because my energy level was always high. I could hold up a social veneer pretty well. But in reality, I was just fighting this thing.

And let's just say 7, 8, 9, 10 am, I would get a call from somebody that something was wrong, something wasn't going perfect or wasn't going ideal. I would big adrenaline rush, serotonin would go in to try to rescue my heart from pumping out of my chest, I would use up all the serotonin here, the vagus nerve would say, "Okay, I got no serotonin, it's over." I would go into a coma for hours. And then just before it's time to go to bed, I would finally feel normal again and tried to do all my work in 90 minutes or whatever, and I'd go through the cycle.

So you know that one, you know that adrenaline rush when shit's going down, and you suddenly get to recover from that. And you don't feel normal right away. It takes a while to feel normal. Now in the states that you're in, and the ability to recognize fight or flight and where it's coming from, you can manage that much more. But a lot of people don't. They're not self-aware. And that self-awareness is a big component of state change, which is where the nootropics's coming in for us it's I want to achieve an optimum state. I might do it externally through a nootropic or something, but also, once I reach that state to the neurotropic, I can take a big breath, I can embrace it, and I can go, "Okay, that's what that feels like. That's where my brain needs to go. That's how my body feels. That's my energy level. That's my posture. That's my breathing."

All of these factors you can take into account and then you can go and create that state on demand later on. And you can also start working on your pathway development. There's a thing called neurogenesis that happens. One of the things we'll talk about in collagenous is that BDNF, and then the neurogenesis results. But all the neurotropics do that as well. But they basically create blooms of new neurons, and you have the opportunity to program those so that your reaction to whatever's going on is different than maybe it was before. And over time, you create that pathway, and it becomes stronger than the reactionary trauma-based pathway that you had in the past.

Luke Storey:  [00:36:57] So this is really good news. The neurogenesis is so critical. And it's funny to think that it wasn't that long ago that science air quotes, "believed" that you just had the brain that you had. Man, that's it. It's over.

Mr. Noots:  [00:37:11] Somewhere between 12 and 26 years old, boom, done.

Luke Storey:  [00:37:13] Yeah. And it's been interesting for me to, I guess, through that self-awareness and just a lot of meditation over the years, where I've noticed historically, that I've gotten the most triggered is in romantic relationships. When there's an intimacy and vulnerability is like, where I would really get rocked, even when I had some years of working on myself and things like that. And it's really interesting to observe, most recently, in the past, I don't know, two or three years, I mean, it has a lot to do with the person you're in relationship with, but I've noticed that if I do get dysregulated, that it's not that hard to get back into a good place.

Mr. Noots:  [00:37:14] Right, the recovery cycle is much shorter.

Luke Storey:  [00:37:21] Yeah. And it's like God, sometimes something will-- just little petty things that happen in relationship. There'll be a moment where things get slightly tense, and then it just goes away, and then I'm totally fine, very quickly, at least comparatively speaking. And then I'll think, if this was 5, 6, 10 years ago, this might have sent me into a tailspin, maybe for the rest of the day or even longer, that I just couldn't get out of. Back when those worn record grooves were the ones that I was used to using my entire life and always feeling under threat and out of control in a sense emotionally and it's such a gift to be able to a, evolve through some of those patterns, but b, have the awareness and the gratitude for like, holy shit, all of this work over the years and taking products like yours and all the practices and all the things, it's like, wow, it actually works. I can have a different response to stressors, just that alone is-- aside from productivity and focus and creativity and all those things, but just to keep cool, like in Pulp Fiction, be cool honey bunny. Be cool, Luke. I used to try and talk myself down off these ledges and quite unsuccessfully, unfortunately, much of the time, I would just get stuck in that and it's such a horrible way to live.

Mr. Noots:  [00:39:28] Back in really early 2000s I would download from Napster, whatever old episodes of the TV show kung Fu, David Carradine and I would literally watch that half-hour episode of Kung Fu to get me into state. I was watching Kwai Chang Caine navigate through the Old West and be a very calm Zen state guy handling these people that hated the China men, is the way he put it, that was really good for me. And it centered me and it got me into the point where-- because I was dealing with a lot of stress back then and so I had to model somebody in order to get that. And so he inadvertently became my--

Luke Storey:  [00:39:30] [Inaudible 00:40:16]. That's funny. That reminds me actually, sometimes I'll play this little game with myself when I kind of, I would say largely around social media, and just the chaos that has ensued in the last few years and the divisive nature of warring tribal ideals, I guess you could say, but sometimes on social media, someone will pop off and say something really stupid. And I'll have the impetus at first to respond harshly out of some kind of egoic response or wanting to be right or any of that, but one of the things I like to do, to your point of the Kung Fu is, I'll ask myself, if you are an enlightened Master, and I've read their books, and probably sat at the feet of a few of them over the years, what would you do? Would an enlightened Master go, aaah, and get in the game like jumping-- 

Mr. Noots:  [00:41:11] Play with the trolls? 

Luke Storey:  [00:41:16] Yeah, it's like this net that they've thrown out through their unconscious, unprocessed, unhealed trauma, or whatever it is that's causing them to want to instigate someone in that way. It's like, what if I just opted out and just sent them love and compassion or whatever I imagine enlightened Master would do. They certainly wouldn't go on Twitter and like, try and win. Probably not. What would Rom Das do or David Hawkins? It's like, they wouldn't even probably acknowledge the whole thing. They would just maybe at best just go, oh, man, this person's suffering. And I'm just going to--

Mr. Noots:  [00:41:50] How do I give a virtual hug?

Luke Storey:  [00:41:52] Yeah, it's funny, my modeling works the same way. I go, right, you're not enlightened quite yet, Luke, because you're still very human in moments like this, but if you were, what would you do? And if I can do that, most of the time, I'm able to resist the temptation of ruining my own day in an effort to punish someone else for their interpreted transgression. 

Mr. Noots:  [00:42:17] Love it.

Luke Storey:  [00:41:52] This podcast would not be possible without our friends over at Just Thrive Health. And they've been with the show for quite a while now, and one of the sponsors that I feel most grateful and proud to support and present to you. In so doing, I rarely like to clown on competitive products. It's not really my style to say, oh, this brand is the best and the rest of them suck. But I must be honest, as someone who has tried to fix my gut in numerous ways, especially with a lot of very expensive probiotics over the years, I have to say that most probiotics I've ever tried were a complete waste of time, energy, and money, with the exception of the Just Thrive probiotic.

What makes Just Thrive probiotics so special is that they're spore based. And this allows them to survive the treacherous journey into your GI tract where they can make themselves at home and do what they're supposed to do. And for this reason, it's a really unique and incredible product. It's also something kids at just about any age can take. Parents can sprinkle it into the food or drinks of little ones. It can also be baked or fried up to 455 degrees and still retain 100% potency. Isn't that crazy? It's also ideal for pregnant moms to support a healthy microbiome for themselves and their babies. Newborns get their first big dose of microbes at birth while traveling through the birth canal.

It also contains a very special strain of bacteria that can maintain its effectiveness when taken with antibiotics. Now talk about crazy awesome. That's one of the issues when you're taking antibiotics, if you're in a position to have to do so is that they're going to ultimately cause some dysbiosis to say the least. I'm going to put it politely there. So I'm one again, who wasted so much money trying to take probiotics during a cycle of antibiotics, which is probably futile. However, it's not with Just Thrive spore-based probiotics. So if you want to check this out, I highly recommend that you do. So if you want to get your hands on some of these Just Thrive, probiotics, here's what you do, go to justthrivehealth.com/luke. That's justthrivehealth.com/luke. And of course, we've got a discount for you. It's 15% and the code there is LUKE15 at justthrivehealth.com

Let's talk about a couple of other issues like ADD, ADHD, anxiety, depression. What's the root cause of some of these things in terms of neurochemistry, and then maybe we could explore some of the common solutions, SSRIs, benzodiazepines, sleep medication. When someone doesn't know about something like nootropics or mindfulness practices, they're likely going to be diagnosed through the medical establishment and then prescribe medication. That may or may not work for some people, probably it does. But I don't think that that kind of methodology, that system is going to actually change someone's performance, mind, behavior, response. So maybe you could delve into a bit of that. I know there's like 50 questions in that one.

Mr. Noots:  [00:45:35] No, love that. That's great. Plus, me being the poster child for ADHD, throw me 50 questions because I like to juggle.

Luke Storey:  [00:45:41] That makes two of us. So hopefully, the people listening will appreciate that and follow along.

Mr. Noots:  [00:45:46] I actually built a poster years ago that says ADHD is my superpower because it really is. It became that. And I actually had an industrial at one time in 1999, who basically said, unless you get on Adderall or Ritalin, we're going to pull our deal away thinking that that was a solution. We sold to Yahoo instead. The greatest FU is to do something bigger then. Let's talk about the price. Let's talk about writing the check for whatever it is you take. So we barely glanced across Modafinil. It's like a super, and a lot of people know about that. And I think actually, Dave Asprey actually made it popular as a neuro hacking product.

And it is a really interesting and can be super effective. But the next day or the next three days, you're going to pay the price because you don't recover. And there's also some sideline stuff that makes it, I don't think it's a good thing to use as a solution to these problems. It might be good just to have the experience once. You can go okay, and then to really, really embrace what's going on and like go, okay, that's the state. Now I need to go into that state. I need to go into quite chant Keynes Kung Fu mode to have that focus.

But one of the sides of ADHD that a lot of people are not aware is the hyperfocus almost OCD piece that can happen. I'm sure you've experienced it yourself. You can have the ADHD mode, where you walk through a room and you totally forget what the heck you're doing, like what the hell was I here? And you just literally were out of the car, knowing you had to get something and coming through the house, you had a thought, and then you've lost focus on whatever you were supposed to get.

You've also had the time when you sat down to write something, or to compose something, or to do something and it's six hours later, and you don't even know how you got there for six hours. You just are totally in that moment, you're very present, you're super focused, and nobody could derail you. So that's another side that people need to understand that ADHD is not just spinning a million plates or getting lost in whatever details and losing your track. It's also on the opposite side of it is this super-focused area. And you can accomplish that once you know how to get there.

But on the neurotransmitter side, ADHD and dopamine are very closely related. When you don't have enough dopamine flowing, you lack the ability to have that state of recall, of keeping that thing top of mind that you're trying to accomplish, and then organizing the details. So you need end of dopamine flow to make that happen. You need these acetylcholine flow at the same time to be able to tap into the memories, to tap into the learning that you've had, and to also do the lateral thinking, the creative thinking of, that musical note reminds me of this song from Fleetwood Mac, reminds me of this lyric that Lindsey Buckingham wrote, oh, yeah, Lindsey, Buckingham fingerstyle, that leads to the nylon in the string. I should use nylon for that. That makes sense, that associative thinking process?

So one of the advantages of an ADHD mind with the right kinds of neurochemical input is that you can actually start doing associative thinking at a rate that most people would be way beyond their ability to comprehend. So we go to anxiety. There's a lack of GABA in your system often, and a lack of serotonin in your system. And that also leads to a lack of human connectivity, love, like you don't have enough serotonin, you're not going to feel as connected to people. I came from a place where I was dope-- I've been dopamine-driven most  of my life. I think a lot of us that are on that edge are there.

And so I would walk through the house and tell my wife, "Look, I need this, this, this, this and this. I'll see you at 7:00 tonight for dinner. See you." And then I'd walk out the door and go to my car and go drive to my office. And then I would be at my office and I would wonder why she was so cold to me. I go, "Oh shit. I just blew my wife out." And then in about four days later, I go, "I go to do something about it. I got to fix that." And then eventually I started being conscious of it. And so then it was three days later. And it was two days later, and then it was the same day. And then it was an hour after I had offended her. And then eventually, I played in my head before I did it. And I said, "Oh, you need to have a better word choice. And you need to say I love you. And by the way, you look beautiful." and those things. And same thing with just my girlfriend is I have to remember those same things.

And that's a serotonin thing, getting serotonin levels up. The anxiety side, GABA. That's why Xanax is so popular because we're into this. So that's a GABA agonist that basically improves the levels of GABA in your system. And we even have a product GABAlicious that's all about that. And that is the--

Luke Storey:  [00:50:51] Which I love, by the way.

Mr. Noots:  [00:50:52] Awesome. I got a new version coming out that you're going to really love.

Luke Storey:  [00:50:56] Hold that thought. We'll see if your nootropics work if you can take us back because I'll forget where you were. Dude, I took the GABAlicious the first few times. And I would take it early evening thing, and I want to wind down for the night. And I found that I don't have a difficult time falling asleep on it. And then I looked at the ingredients and I was like, "Oh, it has oxyracetam or it has, I think some racetam in it. Do you know why that that would make me like-- it's good during the day. Anyway, I thought it was like a nighttime thing. So of course, I didn't read your copious instructions on how to do it. I was like, take it all and see what happens. But yeah, I find that it keeps me awake, which is counterintuitive when you're dealing with a GABA product.

Mr. Noots:  [00:51:35] The idea was to have a social drink. And it wasn't perfectly an alcohol alternative, but certainly something verging on that. Zamna juice is an extension of that. With GABAlicious and take that together, then you're rocking.

Luke Storey:  [00:51:58] Oh, okay, got it.

Mr. Noots:  [00:51:59] It's great. But I needed to have enough stimulant that the GABA wouldn't so tone down your system, parasympathetic system, you're suddenly going, I don't give a shit about anything and I'm out.

Luke Storey:  [00:52:11] You go to a party and you just be taking a nap in the corner.

Mr. Noots:  [00:52:14] Exactly. Yeah.

Luke Storey:  [00:52:15] But I do really like it. I just found like, oh, I can actually take this during the day and ironically enough, be pretty productive too.

Mr. Noots:  [00:52:23] It's a great productivity-- what I like is that it gets me into when I need to do something fairly intense, but I don't want to be an asshole about it, like, I want to have focus or I want to have follow through and I want my neurons to be firing well, but I don't want to be like an Adderall, we call it the Adderall asshole, right?

Luke Storey:  [00:52:41] Yeah.

Mr. Noots:  [00:52:41] Is where so much dopamine is flowing that you don't give a shit about people's feelings. And you're dictating to people instead of collaborating with them.

Luke Storey:  [00:52:50] This is something I've experienced with going in-- I think I know where we were, we were on anxiety, by the way. I took a bunch of shots. But with Modafinil something I noticed, and I still take it sometimes, but here's the thing that trips me out about Modafinil is some people will take the whole damn tablet, which I think is like 200 milligrams. I don't think I've ever taken a whole one. Maybe a half in like two quarters. So I'll take a quarter of it. But there were times when I was first experimenting with it and I would take a half. And I was like, oh my God, I can sit at my computer for five hours and not look up or whatever, organize the closet, things that a tweaker would do, take a radio apart and put it back together for no reason. Actually, tweakers never put the shit back together. They just take everything apart.

But anyway, what I noticed was, I'm great, but if you interrupt me, "Honey, where are we going today?" Aaah, it's just like very defensive. And if I'm interrupted in that state of high focus, it will totally throw me off, and like you said, be the Adderall asshole. It would make me a little irritable. So I do use that sparingly, mostly for flying or if I'm really sleep deprived for some reason, a quarter Modafinil and I'm of normal feeling. I don't feel overstimulated.

Mr. Noots:  [00:54:06] That's good because that's not going to have nearly the side effect they're going to have if you do 200 milligrams.

Luke Storey:  [00:54:10] I don't even believe people can do that. But back to the point of how our neurochemistry is so individual, when I first got into Modafinil, maybe eight years ago or so, like I said, I figured out my dose which is just a quarter, barely noticeable, but enough to do something and then I would give it to my friends. And some of them would take a whole one and they're like, dude, that thing you gave me, I felt no nothing like just zero. I'm like, "What!" I thought you were going to jump off a building if you took the whole thing thinking you were superman or something. It's so interesting how we're so different in that way. But anyway, back to the anxiety piece and the relationship with GABA.

Mr. Noots:  [00:54:50] Well, so one of the things I want to really emphasize is downregulation versus up regulation of receptors and of neurochemicals is when you're on, whether it's Adderall or an SSRI or something like that, you're often really, really amping up the levels of those neurotransmitters, and the neurochemicals. And what that does is there's a signaling mechanism in your body or your brain that tries to protect you. It's smart. It doesn't want to be overflooded with these things. So I have to treat this way you get pretty hardcore pharmaceutical when you start doing Molly and other things like that.

And so in order to do that, it signals and says, I've got all-- when you start trapping, here's the trick. Let's say that you've got two neurotransmitters that are facing each other and they're transmitting some data path, and you've got dopamine flowing between it, now you've got Adderall. So the Adderall is going to-- there's a calcium ion cloud that surrounds the neuron gap that helps keep the neurochemicals from flying off into space, into the rest of the DHA that makes up the brain, gray matter or white matter.

And so these neuron pumps, which are like little volcanoes and receptors on each side, they're going to be pumping this neurochemical back, and then it's going to go, and it's going to reuptake, it's going to go back to the original neurotransmitter and then back again. Well, as it does that, that circular event is going to signal to the brain, "I got enough dopamine. Don't make anymore." It's because it thinks it has a ton of dopamine available, because it just keeps recirculating within that synapse.

Eventually, that calcium ion cloud is going to fade, and the dopamine is going to flow in and it's going to be done. It's going to break apart. There's an enzyme to break it apart eventually. And when that happens, you're going to have a depletion of dopamine. So you just took the Adderall or whatever happened to be the methylphenidate equivalent. You're going to be depleted of dopamine, you're going to feel unmotivated, your drive is going to go away, and your pleasure is going to go away that you would normally get from dopaminergic from the reward system. It's going to go away until you take more of the Adderall. So that's the thing. This downregulation is a real problem with a lot of the pharmaceuticals because to make a patented pharmaceutical, you've got to target a specific illness or condition. That's why we in the nutritional space, we can't say that this cures anything. We have to actually say it doesn't cure anything.

Luke Storey:  [00:57:30] I saw a funny company, who is that the other day? Oh, it's simply O3. They make ozonated oils.

Mr. Noots:  [00:57:38] Yeah, another one.

Luke Storey:  [00:57:32] It's great and I'm a huge ozone fanatic. And in their marketing material, it's like, "This does not heal eczema." It's like everything that it does, it doesn't do. And I was like, that's clever. That's a great way to get past the FDA thing. It's just like whatever you do, do not use this product for A, B, and C.

Mr. Noots:  [00:57:58] For this specific disease.

Luke Storey:  [00:58:00] And they nailed everything that topical ozone is great for-- acne, bug bites, whatever. It's funny. I was like, "That's good. I hope more people start doing that."

Mr. Noots:  [00:58:09] I love that.

Luke Storey:  [00:58:10] It's a double-edged sword because I see the logic and a regulatory body that's helping to protect the public from snake oil or things with horrendous side effects or just things that are going to waste your money like being ripped off, but it's just like, who's regulating the regulators? That's when you have this kind of chicken or the fox guarding the henhouse.

Mr. Noots:  [00:58:33] Well, that's the thing is. Let's just say that I started a pharma company today. I bought out Pharma Bro, and decided to make his drug back to $17 a hit instead of 750 bucks a hit, typically put a half million to a billion dollars into taking a drug to market after human trials and everything else are included in and all the development and those things. And you have a very specific condition that the drug has to be written for. And then you can go off-brand or off label and go, okay, it can also be used for this or this, or this. But they have to make it so the FDA says this.

But here's the deal. Let's say that I've got a vaccine for a viral issue that's going around. And I need to accelerate that in the marketplace. The way you do that is you just pay more money to the FDA. It's called acceleration. So if you're a little nutritional supplement company, making a really super effective product, and you want to make it so that it can be actually used in pharmacological applications in the medical industry, great, no problem. You just pay us the $10 million a month that it takes, and we'll shorten it from an 18 to 36-month journey to a six-month journey.

Luke Storey:  [00:59:45] Pay to play.

Mr. Noots:  [00:59:46] Pay to play.

Luke Storey:  [00:59:47] Yeah, interesting.

Mr. Noots:  [00:59:48] So that's a limiting factor. So you got to be in the 1% of--

Luke Storey:  [00:59:52] Yeah. It's just funny as someone like me that explores and thus promotes a number of different products. Over the years, I've seen the brands get more savvy at not making medical claims, but then it's like, you get cornered. Well, how do you explain what it does? Maybe you're not treating a disease or curing a disease, but there are quantifiable positive effects from XYZ product. And how do you say that without breaking the rules? It's funny. It's a funny little cat and mouse game.

Mr. Noots:  [01:00:23] I call it whack a mole. So I've got a lab in Burlington, Iowa. And as I'm formulating things, and Matt and I collaborate, and we have a team of seven PhDs and nine PhD candidates in Bosnia that work at the University, Birch International University, and all they do 24/7 is work for BiOptimizers and Nootopia to extrapolate neurochemical processes, and explore different extraction techniques and explore how these different molecules work together, and do research and then give us quantifiable data outcomes. And say, "This is what we found." Everything we do is science-based. And literally, we run the wing. We run that wing. And now we're getting into the electronic side for devices because we're getting more and more sales. We got a great AI guy on staff.

Luke Storey:  [01:01:19] Wow, that's impressive. So it isn't just in a bathtub ordering shit of Ali Baba, hey put it in the cups little product. That's fine, dude. So that's a pretty good overview. Something that I don't if you heard this, and I didn't read deeply into it, but I just saw something within the past couple of days about a new study or some research that indicates that depression and things that people who are typically given SSRIs for is--

Mr. Noots:  [01:01:52] Not seratonin-based.

Luke Storey:  [01:01:54] Yeah, I was like, oh, wow. It's about time, because I've seen so many people and I would say myself-- I don't want to claim something that's an exaggeration, but I definitely had some mental problems. I don't know if I was clinically depressed or whatever, but I have known many people who have been friends that have verifiable mental illness and have been put on psych meds. I was on psych meds. I don't know whether I needed them or not, but maybe they saved my life for that period. Who knows? But this is always the thing you hear is like, "Oh, I have a serotonin problem. So therefore, I need antidepressants." And now a pretty reputable study has emerged that says, "Oh, oops, that's not actually true."

Mr. Noots:  [01:02:30] We spoke too soon.

Luke Storey:  [01:02:31] Yeah. So did you catch the meat of that?

Mr. Noots:  [01:02:35] Yeah, what they're saying is that essentially-- and this is so great. This is a testament to the power of signaling molecules versus the neurotransmitter that we're thinking of. So serotonin has been established as a stabilizing mood molecule. But it's not the happy molecule that we think, maybe. But it does seem that when we increase serotonin levels on people that are serotonin deficient, like on the Nootopia website, if you click the first button right below the header, it'll take you to a selective neurotransmitter test so we can get an idea of where your neurotransmitters are so that when we formulate, we can formulate based on those deficiencies or the excess that you've got.

But what they're finding with the study is that there seems to be a secondary or tertiary signaling molecule or event that's occurring that is responsible for the antidepressive quality, so these SSRIs and things, not serotonin directly. So what is the cascade? What's the secondary? And just like the amount of enzymes in the brain that affect the breakdown or the enhanced and the stomach, there's a thing called the CP 450 or cytokine P 450 enzyme in the stomach. So if you take phenylalanine, or phenyl ethyl amine, both of those are naturally occurring amino acids in the body, if you take those, and they go to the stomach through the stomach acid, in 48 minutes, they're broken down into nonaffective components and they become more amino acid pieces that might help repair muscle or those things.

But if you mute the CP 450 enzyme, they will last for hours. And those are both pleasure molecules, phenylalanine, serotonin, and tyrosine, and dopamine precursor, and phenyl ethyl amine, which is-- sounds like something out of breaking bad. It's not. It's naturally occurring in the gut and it is a pleasure molecule. So you start to feel anandamide, you start to feel as those pleasure sensors coming alive.

Luke Storey:  [01:04:59] Cool. That's very interesting.

Mr. Noots:  [01:05:02] So here's the deal. We know shit. We don't know shit about what we're doing. You have to be in the art of being willing to experiment, and play and explore and combine real critical science with real critical experiential nature, not not like placebo, but saying, okay, can we get 90% or 95 or 97% predictable results from these things. And then the science backs it up. But often the science will say, this is what should happen, and you don't get the experiential result. Or we get this experiential result, SSRI, but the science is saying, oh, oops, we spoke too soon. It wasn't serotonin. It wasn't the key. It just happens to be a key and it's acting on some other thing that's causing another enzyme to process another nutrient or amino acid or other component or neurochemical, or maybe the unknown neurochemical.

So anyhow, it's really important to understand those differences. And then if we start to coalesce that body of data, thank God for NCBI and examine.com and some of these other resources, we can now take the disparate pieces, follow the rabbit trail and suddenly start connecting the dots and go, oh, this seems to impinge upon this, which seems to signal this, it gives you this outcome. And that's when you can really start to play with these neurochemicals, the precursors, how the neurotransmitters work, and then you start exploring with-- for us, we explore with a lot of stuff in a petri dish. We're just now building the world's best Buddhist-friendly mouse lab. Serious. We are making the Buddhist-friendly mouse lab.

Luke Storey:  [01:06:51] But do no harm.

Mr. Noots:  [01:06:52] Yes.

Luke Storey:  [01:06:53] You're going to have really focused and creative mice.

Mr. Noots:  [01:06:55] Super mice painting and they're doing.

Luke Storey:  [01:06:58] They're building these really intricate nests. They're building little pyramids in there and chip--

Mr. Noots:  [01:07:03] Beaming down and sitting in a lotus position.

Luke Storey:  [01:07:07] I mentioned one of the racetam, piracetam before. I think many people listen to the show be like race what? But I noticed I mentioned your GABAlicious product, that you do use some racetam in the products?

Mr. Noots:  [01:07:21] We have used racetams. Our labeling doesn't catch up with our advancements. So we originally oxiracetam and we've gotten away from that now. I'm not saying it's bad. It just is not as friendly as some of the other. What we're finding is that there are extractions of a number of different compounds, a number of different plant based, like Celastrus paniculatus were the first people to say this could be Celastrus paniculatus  or intellect tree seed is a viney seed that grows in India, and I think there's some in Florida, and we take that and we extract both cold pressing oil out and then we do modified Sonic extraction levels from there to be able to pull out. I think you're into the tonality of how different frequencies affect the body, right?

Luke Storey:  [01:08:13] Yeah, I got a bunch of frequency devices around here.

Mr. Noots:  [01:08:16] You know what I'm talking about?

Luke Storey:  [01:08:17] Yeah.

Mr. Noots:  [01:08:17] So same thing happens with molecules. So when you start subjecting-- in fact, one of the extraction techniques we use here is to put a 40 to 44 kilohertz wave through the oil or through the alcohol and water extraction process here to get certain compounds to release from the mushrooms that otherwise would be locked in.

Luke Storey:  [01:08:37] Oh, interesting. So there's even more goodies in like a lion's mane or Chaga, Reishi or whatever?

Mr. Noots:  [01:08:43] Yeah, absolutely.

Luke Storey:  [01:08:44] Oh, that's funny because I was just making these guys some coffee and for years have been boiling chunks of Chaga mushroom as my base water, but I always know when I'm done, I'll extract and extract cut them up when they're all soft until the water stops turning brown and then I throw them away or throw them in the garden or whatever and I always know there's like still fat-soluble alcohol extractable nutrients there that I'm just wasting, of course, take extracts that are done right. But that's interesting. I never knew that there was extraction beyond water or alcohol.

Mr. Noots:  [01:09:17] Yeah, in fact, it's kind of a quadruple extraction process that we do for that. So when we were building this product, and actually Chastity, my lab assistant sweetheart, partner in crime was the one-- Matt had said that she was the one that came up with this as a formula to certain extent.

Luke Storey:  [01:09:38] He's talking about collagenous. Let me see one of those.

Mr. Noots:  [01:09:41] Yeah, man.

Luke Storey:  [01:09:42] So this is a supercharged protein powder with all these medicinal mushrooms and stuff, which is very cool. I actually had probably too many scoops of it this morning.

Mr. Noots:  [01:09:51] Nice. Yeah, it's great.

Luke Storey:  [01:09:52]  I'm interviewing the guys, so I'm like, I'm going to try a mega dose and see what happens. I live to tell the tale. I noticed when I was looking at the extraction ratios on the mushroom, I was like what? How did you get that much out of it?

Mr. Noots:  [01:10:04] And that's the trick. Matt told me, Matt Glandt, CEO of BiOptimizers said, "Hey, Mark. I got to tell you that there's something special about lion's mane and it really made a difference for me when I was recovering from my addictions, and my brain was fried." And so that was one of his first avenues to nootropic success, was lion's mane. So he's doing mega doses. He was doing 6 to 10 or 11 grams a day, like a crazy amount to the point where you maybe get gastric upset. Hence mass [inaudible 01:10:37].

Luke Storey:  [01:10:38] Taking of enzymes with it, you probably you are right.

Mr. Noots:  [01:10:41] So I was doing the same thing. And what I was doing was I knew that certain farms would have better mushroom quality and also there are principles of how they run their business would be better. So we worked with almost over 100 different sources altogether of mushrooms. And then we started working with the extraction levels. And 1 to 1 extraction level tastes like mushrooms. We're all familiar with that. 

But as you get to 20 to 1, there start to be these light notes of cocoa that comes through. And then at 50 to 1, it starts to taste chocolaty. And at 100 to 1, you get somewhere between chocolaty and mocha and maybe a little bit of coffee type of thing, depending on the farm, how its raised, how clean everything is, including the water and substrate and everything else, mycelium for mushrooms, and whether it was fruiting bodies, or mycelium and fruiting bodies, or just mycelium. We found fruiting bodies for us for our particular application was the best because we got a lot more molecules.

And so you take that in a pan of warm water 160-degree water, and you then dice them up, you [inaudible 01:11:51] the mushrooms, and then you bring it up to temp, you bring it up nice and slowly up to temp, and again, you start to see the color change in the water. Well, then you start heating it with different frequencies, like from 20 kilohertz to 44 kilohertz. And you'll find at certain frequencies, you'll see this just bloom of color come through. And you go, oh, that's a molecule. You sample it and you go, aha, that's this really interesting molecule that has this effect in research and you go, aha, that's good.

And then you send that through a microporous membrane, that is just slightly larger than that molecule, so that you can separate that out. And you have another microporous membrane past that that's slightly smaller for another molecule, so you're now isolating these different molecules. So you do that, and then you take that same bath, you may drain that, and then you throw 70% alcohol in there. You put a nitrogen cover on it so that it doesn't oxidate because you don't want oxidation in your mushrooms. And then you do the same thing. And you just bring the frequencies up and you find these new molecules that come out that are soluble in alcohol.

Luke Storey:  [01:12:51] That's crazy. When you're applying the frequencies in this process is this through magnetism, sound--

Mr. Noots:  [01:12:58] Sonic transducers, some piezo transducers and some mechanical-- mechanical at the lower end of the range and piezo at the higher end of the range, and then a probe. You got to probe as well in the middle to make sure it's balanced.

Luke Storey:  [01:13:10] So cool.

Mr. Noots:  [01:13:10] That's really cool. And so that is how you're able to both isolate the molecules and also then recombine them later at the ratios that are going to make the greatest impact. We're really big on what's called BDNF, brain-derived neurotrophic factor, which is the precursor to neurogenesis, the creation of these new blooms of brain cells. So to optimize that, we have certain frequencies that pull out the specific neuro precursors in lion's mane and Chaga, and Red Reishi, and cordiceps, the pull of those components and also the adaptogens, especially in Red Reishi.

And you start selecting these molecules, optimizing them. And again, part of the fun byproduct of that was as I'm putting things in capsules, Chastity is documenting my work and pouring these mushroom substrates that we've picked up from all over the world and pouring them into containers and marking them and putting into MDS like all the FDA required stuff on it so that we know when we got it, where we got it, when it arrived, what temperature we're going to store it at all these things. She's doing that. She's going, smells like chocolate, smells like chocolate, smells like chocolate, smells like cocoa, smells like Mocha, and she's finding that stuff and she starts combining them and suddenly goes, this would be really good. 

Starts tricking me and making mochas for me in the morning and my coffee. Just make these mocha drinks, and not realizing it's mushrooms, but I feel the brain tingles, the neurogenesis happening. I go, wow, that's really powerful. What is that? She goes, it's mushroom stuff. So we take it and we enhance it a bit with some lecithin and some other things to make it so it really dissolves well, and we bring it to Matt at Dave Asprey conference down in Florida last year as a gift.

Luke Storey:  [01:14:58] That's where I first got the Nootopia box. I ran into a man, and he's like, I got something for you. He's like it's nootropic. I thought he's going to give me one little bottle. I see this massive box. It's like, out of a James Bond film, nine formula in there. I'm like, okay.

Mr. Noots:  [01:15:13] Oh, dude, check it out. So this is what you're going. That's for you. In the coming weeks, about two months from now, that's how you're going to receive your capsules on the end here. Let me show you. So this we call it mag pack. We've lightened up the magnets. They're a little bit too strong in this prototype.

Luke Storey:  [01:15:39] Oh, cool. Hot damn.

Mr. Noots:  [01:15:42]  So everything will be packaged like that so that you can carry it with you or you can even custom stack your own.

Luke Storey:  [01:15:48] Because as of now they come in a tube.

Mr. Noots:  [01:15:50] Correct. Yeah, everything comes in test tubes.

Luke Storey:  [01:15:52] I'll show these guys watching. This is super cool there. Wow.

Mr. Noots:  [01:15:56] Yeah, so it's magnetic.

Luke Storey:  [01:16:01] I'm like, what can I use this for afterward?

Mr. Noots:  [01:16:03] Right. Totally. With each of the packs will be some generics that you can just fill, you can pull the cups and fill, and then you got to carry with you for the state you want to be in. Again, this goes all back to programmable state change. Or you're on a trip and you just want to carry a couple of those and you've got your mental reboot evening and a couple of mental reboot AM, then you've got an upbeat and you got a couple focus savagery for doing the various things that you needed to accomplish. And so look for that in the next two months.

Luke Storey:  [01:16:34] That's super badass. So we were on the extraction process.

Mr. Noots:  [01:16:38] So yeah, so this is come up. So we bring them to Matt and Matt is a master of flavors, and also a master of molecules. So Matt Glandt, is one of his absolute superpowers is he's done the stuff that I do, he's done it excessively, and he's done it in a fast-growing company, which means that you're subject to a lot of people that want to be your partner, your vendor partner, and those things. So he says, I know how to make this great. I know how to make this. This is really great chocolaty and it works. I can feel the neurogenesis right away. It's really comfortable. Let me help you make it great which he did, he always does.

And so he started playing around with it and sending us stuff and going, I think this guy, this vendor, this component, Matt Tetlow of Compound Solution became a partner in that and said, I think if we add this, this, and this, you'll get a smoother mouthfeel, the nuances that make it go from good to fricking awesome, rocking. And so it became that. And the other thing is Chastity just turned 50, I'm 60. And so we're going, okay, collagen needs to be something for connective tissue, for a skin, for all those things, and also for the brain. It's incredibly valuable for the brain. So we're doing these two things, why separate them when they make a great companion pair? And there are nutrients inside of mushrooms that activate collagen, including copper and zinc in a bioavailable form. It's non-toxic that basically make the collagen much more bioavailable.

Luke Storey:  [01:18:11] Oh, interesting. I'm really big on copper, and I didn't know that mushrooms had copper. Do some of them have more than others?

Mr. Noots:  [01:18:20] Yeah. Cordiceps are really big. And lion's mane has actually plenty. And the cool thing is, it's like a methylated form. So it's very bioavailable and non-toxic.

Luke Storey:  [01:18:32] It's not like just drinking water out of copper pipes.

Mr. Noots:  [01:18:36] A great way to do it if you want to become a plumber when you're older. Look, if this thing doesn't work out for you, great way there.

Luke Storey:  [01:18:45] Yeah, trust me, I'm not doing anything related to building a home anytime soon. So you guys have created, I guess now even more, but at the time of getting this box, you guys have created nine different formula. And for those on the video that shows my camera, this is what's in the box. I want to break down a few of these. And this is just a selfish part of the interview because I'd you here and I don't have to read everything on the website. And it comes with the brilliant mind blueprint book that I was looking at, again, because I think this one's even updated from the last one I had. And I'm like, oh, man, this is a lot of information here.

Mr. Noots:  [01:19:26] Yeah. And we're making one of the bigger print for those of us that are aging.

Luke Storey:  [01:19:28] Thank you. I'm like what's that there? But one thing that really struck me when I got the first box from Matt, he just gave it to me and I just used it over the course of a few months. And then I did it like an official customer would and I went and I took that survey you mentioned on the site. And I was like, oh, this is interesting, kind of, for those that have taken a Myers Briggs or disc test or something like that, multiple answers, goes through to the next screen kind of thing. And I was like, oh, so you guys are actually customizing based on personality traits the way someone just inherently] is more sympathetic, parasympathetic, etc. Maybe before we get into a couple of these, tell me how that survey came to be, what are you trying to determine in that survey, when someone gets a certain kind of profile or score on that, how different are the different formula that they're going to get in their box?

Mr. Noots:  [01:20:19] Radically? So that came from when I was doing the original from 2008 to 2012. I had a little over 1,000 beta test customers. And I would go from 50 to 150, maybe 500 at times, but often they were just subsets of people, I would send them these compound molecule stuff in a test tube and say, try these things. And over time, I found out that about 30% of them to about 42% responded well to what I was giving them. Another set somewhere between another 30 to 40% felt neutral on it and then 20 to 25% felt negative. It was not positive in their experience. 

Until I started changing the ratios, the neurochemicals based on-- I had them fill out a little form that said, how old are you? What sex are you? What's your biggest problem? What meds are you on? How healthy are you? When do you work out? What kind of foods do you take, how much coffee do you drink, or tea or whatever else, when you go to sleep at night when you wake up in the morning? And then what are your goals? As sliders you see at the back of the test, what are your goals?

And after I got that data, I could start to extrapolate some stuff. I would throw all this data. I would extract the data from MySQL database, put it into a spreadsheet and go that, that, that, that, that seems to be common threads on people that are that weight that are male, that are 45 to 60 years old, that are going through the male equivalent menopause, andropause, and are having these issues and are maybe 20% overweight or 15% overweight, and don't exercise often and drink four cups of coffee a day. And then I could go, boom, and then nail it. So then I was getting into the 90 percentile of performance with these people, like very high predictability.

So now we fast forward now. We've had over 100,000 of those people come through, so that data becomes very dense and rich, and we can do a lot with it. And so when you fill out that form, the first thing is we do a neurochemical test. That's the first examination. And that's what you're talking about like disk equivalent. And then the second one is these, who are you? And then the third part of that which is built into the second test is what do you want? Who do you want to be? What's the performance parameters that have mean things to you?

Some people want to lean towards parasympathetic, the two wires are too jittery, they're too on edge, and they wouldn't need to chill a bit. And some people don't have the drive, desire, motivation, or other characteristics they need. And some people are already self-aware enough. They go, I need this, this, and this, and I just want more of this. I know exactly where I'm going with this. And so we're able to take these hardcore high performance biohackers, and take it into the next level because we got these obscure nutrients and extract that we can work with. And some of the ratios can go up and down by 100% or more of this neurochemical precursor that we have in that component.

Luke Storey:  [01:23:17] I haven't adjusted my orders. I just like took the test, and I just keep reading the same order. But one could customize. If they get the nine different formula, and they're like, I really like these three, then--

Mr. Noots:  [01:23:30] I do it almost daily.

Luke Storey:  [01:23:32] Oh, okay.

Mr. Noots:  [01:23:32] What I mean by that is I give feedback. We have an app that comes with it. And so you--

Luke Storey:  [01:23:38] I saw that. Yeah, that's a new development. It's like a 30-day journey where you can actually document. See, I need to do this, because--

Mr. Noots:  [01:23:49] Can I say I'm disappointed then?

Luke Storey:  [01:23:52] No, I don't want to say it's a problem, but I think because of the work I do, I spearhead research and then tell people about it. It's one of the things I do on the show and with my various social media platforms. But also, I think that old addict mindset is pretty much alive and well. And so I get a box like this. And there's instructions to do this this day, mix it with this, mix it with that. The way that I typically do things, and I'm not suggesting this as smart at all, but if it's like, take two, see what happens, I'm like, so what you're saying is take five.

Mr. Noots:  [01:24:27] Right.

Luke Storey:  [01:24:27] In other words, like, I'll take it to the threshold of too much and then scale it back. Well, I think the more prudent and probably really, ultimately more effective way is to scale up. You take one at a time. What the app seems to dictate is like, okay, day one, you just take this. How do you feel? You journal that in the app. Day two try this. And then I noticed subsequently as you get deeper into that 30-day journey, okay, you liked that? Mix this with this and then mix that with that, right?

Mr. Noots:  [01:24:27] Stacks to stacks.

Luke Storey:  [01:24:32] Yeah, when I got this I was like, well, if it's all good for you, I'm just going to take everything at once, which I literally was doing just like willy-nilly. And I didn't have any negative outcomes, but then it was hard for me to tell which of the four-- is it the apex that I felt great with? Is it the mental reboot, upboot? I couldn't tell which one was really groovingfor me. And so I think now that I've had a few months of experience with this stuff, and like I said, haven't had any net negative effects, but I need to just really go through and discipline myself to try one thing at a time.

And so in the past couple days, in preparation for this interview, I have in fact, done that. And I found a couple of things. And then I want to go into some of these. Last night I made a big glass of the NectarX, which is like a powder that comes in a tube like that, for those of you on video, and then I put in about a liter of water, stirred it up. And then I sipped a little bit of it yesterday because I had a little afternoon slump and I had some shit to do. And then I remembered, I think, from listening to one of your podcasts, or maybe Matt saying, oh, you make it and just put it in the fridge, and then you have on-demand little elixirs of sorts.

So today, right when I woke up, I drink the rest of that kind of-- you're supposed to sip it, I chugged it, but at least it was only one thing. And I was like, no coffee or anything. And I was like, holy shit, within 30 minutes, I'm a very slow riser. I'm super out of it in the morning. I'm just a night person, unfortunately. The rest of the world doesn't seem to be. Next incarnation I'm going to incarnate on a planet where everyone sleeps until 11:00 and there's a whole night and all business transactions start around noon. But anyway, here I am. But yeah, I did that. And I just did that. And I was like, holy shit. Okay, I've known what this feels like.

And then I did the mental reboot, the AM capsule. I did that sublingually, just emptied under my tongue and I only did those two. And I was like, this would be a great feeling if I had an easy day, like nothing too demanding, I didn't have to be focused, I just wanted to be alert enough and have access to some creativity. So I am getting the combination of those two. And then the other one that I isolated the other day was the power solution. And I was like, this one's like aggression on demand. And it's like high performance, get ready, take slow.

So I made another one of those. And it was, I don't know how to compare it. It was the level of focus that I would get from something like Modafinil. I sat at my computer, did a bunch of tedious, repetitive tasks, not the lane that I naturally operate in, one that I really need some help to wrestle my brain into like, all right, Luke, you're not getting up from this chair for four hours. You got to get the shit done. And I was like, God damn, the power solution is my secret sauce for that type of focus when I need it.

So I'm starting to get a sense for each one, but maybe we could do just a brief overview on some of them. And I'd like to tease out some of these obscure ingredients. You've mentioned a number of them during the course of this conversation, but I'm just curious, like, what the hell is that thing? So the Apex, this one here, is really-- one thing that's interesting about these two that perhaps you could illuminate for us is that many of these are filled with fat. For those watching the video, there's some kind of oil or fat in the capsule, and then others are actually a capsule inside of a capsule. Yeah, like that guy there, which is really-- I mean, I've just never seen anything like that.

But anyway, the Apex, calmness, creativity, neurogenesis. And this one says it can be stacked with a buttered coffee, which by the way, I did later in the morning after I got a sense of the NectarX acts as I got in interview. I'm going to push it a little bit, so I had a coffee with your--

Mr. Noots:  [01:28:56] Oh, awesome, with collagenous?

Luke Storey:  [01:28:57] Yeah, with the collagenous stuff in there, which is, by the way, delicious. And then I did one of the-- so it looks like I'm on four of your products, which is good for me. That's--

Mr. Noots:  [01:29:08] That's rocks that, yeah.

Luke Storey:  [01:29:10] But a couple of the things in here that are interesting is-- there's things that you recognize, like theanine, grapeseed extract, piperine, cayenne, curcumin, guarana, these are things I think people would be familiar with, but there's something called anhydrous in here that I found interesting, and then omni pepto.

Mr. Noots:  [01:29:34] Omni pepto, yeah.

Luke Storey:  [01:29:35] What are these things about?

Mr. Noots:  [01:29:37] As we started doing extractions of different grown herbs and things, we found that there was no definition for the way when you start bonding them to other components for what that is that they become.

Luke Storey:  [01:29:53] I see.

Mr. Noots:  [01:29:55] And we do all kinds of different bonding technologies and techniques to get this component to actually meet to this component so that it will pass through the blood-brain barrier and then we'll send an enzyme in to separate those so then they become the active neurochemicals.

Luke Storey:  [01:30:10] Oh, wow. So you're merging molecules?

Mr. Noots:  [01:30:13] Yeah, merging and then finding a non-separation anxiety way to pull them apart.

Luke Storey:  [01:30:20] So, let's say like I just had the Apex--

Mr. Noots:  [01:30:24] One of my favorites, by the way.

Luke Storey:  [01:30:27] Obviously, it says calmness, creativity, neurogenesis, but what's the net effect of these particular ingredients?

Mr. Noots:  [01:30:34] I built that as an endurance product, that is rather than have a very high level of energy, which for some people can translate to anxiety, it was bringing the energy level up very smoothly, almost don't notice it coming on. You just notice you don't have any fatigue. One of the things you do with a microdose of ethanol is you don't necessarily feel wired, you just don't feel like you need to go to sleep right now. 

So that level of calm but effective-- what I love about that is I can work until 11:00 or 12:00 at night, or and I'd like to go, I'm forcing myself, I was the typical high tech entrepreneur who went to bed at 2:00 or 3:00 in the morning. And I did that for many, many years, for decades because I'm working with programmers all over the world and those things and it's not very noisy at that time of night. Nobody's bugging me, so I can get shit done.

Luke Storey:  [01:31:26] I've always found late nights to be really productive, but then the price the next day is the rest of the world's stop at 6:00, like let's go. And I'm like, no. I'm going to digress for a second because that's just how I roll. But what I've noticed with morning people, I have this borderline contempt for them out of just envy, pure envy, because I would love to be that way and I think I'm just not, but morning people will tell me, "Oh, you can get that same time if you wake up at 4 am. And it's quiet, no one's interrupting you, your email is not dinging and I'm like, "Yeah, but it's 4 am." I'm like, "Who can do anything at 4 am?" So I think we are just fundamentally different in that way. But I agree there, there is like when everyone goes to bed and everything shuts down, say after 10 pm I'm like, "Okay, now I can actually do my deep creative work." But it comes with a cost because of the next day, the deficit of sleep and all that.

Mr. Noots:  [01:32:26] I can't tell if it's spiritual or if it's-- we're talking about EMF and the rest, but it seems as the world quiets down, my head quiets down as well and the more genuinely creative art starts to emerge. And it doesn't feel like it's being tossed around or it's being sucked up somewhere and then I've got to go find it again. It feels like it's very present, it's very much in front of me, and I can actually accomplish something. And for me, like for you, the art that we do, whether it's communication, I love building cool stuff, that emerges most when I'm in a state of flow. Steven Kotler would love that.

Luke Storey:  [01:33:11] Yeah, he's been on the show.

Mr. Noots:  [01:33:12] And to be able to not have to work to dive into that state of flow, it's almost like Steve Pressfield. It's like you just do the work and --

Luke Storey:  [01:33:26] Dude, I interviewed Steven Pressfield. The War of Art is his most famous book. And anytime I want to do something and I am avoiding it, it's like I should probably go leaf blow the garage where I'm supposed to be writing a book. You know what I mean? I'm like, Ah, Steven Pressfield voices in my ear going, "It's the resistance, Luke. You got to beat the resistance." So after getting to know his model, now I see resistance everywhere. And it's just my life is rife with resistance to doing the big, scary, hard thing. So if you have the right help in your brain, you're saying you can actually hack that resistance and slip through the gate of that thing that's making you avoid the hard thing.

Mr. Noots:  [01:34:12] By the way, I used to take that book. This is like Santa Monica 101. I would take that book, the little hardcover version of that book and I would take people to lunch, and I would literally read them the book. And it was so great, because one, it's a well-written book, obviously. But the other is having a name for the thing, and him as a former marine, having a name for the thing, for the enemy or whatever, in this case, the resistance was so powerful because before it was I'm being distracted or there's that thing over there, but being able to name it and make it big enough that I can go, fucky resistance, very empowering.

Luke Storey:  [01:34:52] Yeah, I agree. Because without that identification of that phenomenon, it's like one is easily led into feeling like a loser because at the end of the day you're like, "That was the big thing on my to-do list today, but instead, I did all of this busy work to avoid the big thing. God, I suck."

Mr. Noots:  [01:35:13] Oh the self-esteem hit from [inaudible 01:35:16].

Luke Storey:  [01:35:16] Versus reframing it and like okay, the resistance was strong today and at least I know what it was. Maybe tomorrow I might have a better shot of getting after it.

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All right, I want to get into a couple more of these here. So focused savagery. Now this one I've taken it in conjunction with a bunch of other things, but I have yet to do an isolated test where I just wake up, drink a glass of water, have this and see what happens. But this ones could be scary from the name. And it's like intense drive, hyper-productivity, and then it says, provides aggression. And when I read that, I was like, I don't know if I need that, but there is something to aggression and that might be the very thing we're looking for to break through that resistance. Sometimes it's like, you know what? I'm seeing now. Now I'm going to do this shit, whether my mind and body want me to or not. So what's more info on this one?

Mr. Noots:  [01:38:13] So I developed that as an alternative for people that were having a hard time focusing who may have been former or were existing Adderall users or equivalent. And one of the things that I'm a really big advocate of is working with your medical professional. I'm not a medical doctor, and normally I do play one on the Internet. So it's helping to people to be able to titrate down off of the instruments that current pharmaceutical instruments are on to help recover their brains because I we talked about that, down regulation of receptors and down regulations of neuro chemicals, from having something that traps the neurochemical between the synapses, and signals, "I got enough," which basically tells the body to quit producing it. And now you're screwed because you don't have enough, and it can't recover fast enough.

And if you do it long enough, it can't recover, it doesn't recover. So now you're addicted to it. Now you need it to operate. So the idea behind that in my original was one for me. I didn't want to be on Adderall. And I was only on it once or twice a month anyhow, but it made me such an asshole when I was on it. I didn't want that effect. The other was is I found so many of our clients were using that as their performance drug and I wanted to find a solution to that or Modafinil or others, that would give them the dopaminergic activity that they needed to follow through on things, to stay focused, and to have driver motivation. So they could face down the resistance and to do it in a way that would be non destructive to the neurotransmitters and the neurochemistry of the brain, and also, they could start working on shipping their meds, with their doctor's help, typically your meds. So maybe they could work with a  quarter of the amount of their med and use this as a way to fill in the blanks on the rest of it. And eventually, maybe even be able to eliminate the med all together so that they're restoring their brain and taking advantage of neurogenesis and some of those things that you can get from those products.

Luke Storey:  [01:40:14] Awesome. So focus savagery. And then this one is another one of those that comes with this capsule. I just like these. It just looks like some other worldly stuff here. But this one comes with these capsules that it's like in multi-layers where you have a fat layer and then a number of different colors in them.

Mr. Noots:  [01:40:37] That wasn't done for cosmetics, just so you know.

Luke Storey:  [01:40:39] It looks cool. It's a good marketing trick. But I would assume that some of the nutrients that you're using in these capsules are fat soluble. And so it's like a carrier fat. Are there other benefits to any of the fats in here too?

Mr. Noots:  [01:40:53] It's a carrier fat. It is a very potent Omega 3 carrier fat. It also reduces inflammation. So the reason it's in two pieces like that is the oil will separate and dissolve in the stomach at that pH, at the 2.5 to 4.2 pH, it'll dissolve, it'll get through the stomach lining and into the bloodstream. And then the other components will dissolve later on, like past the duodenum, typically. And so you're at more like the 6 to 7.2 pH and then go in, it'll meet up with the oil, the oil will carry it through the blood-brain barrier, and then it can go do its magic.

Luke Storey:  [01:41:34] Oh, that's freaking cool.

Mr. Noots:  [01:41:36] The other is that vitamin D is we have a deficit of vitamin D because we work indoors. And so there's 2,000 to 5,000 IU of vitamin D and typically about 100 micrograms of vitamin MK2, MK7, so we're basically cleaning out the excess calcium from the bloodstream, putting it on the bone, increase bone density.

Luke Storey:  [01:41:56] I'm a big fan of K2, especially with all the EMF, cells being flooded with calcium. It's crazy to me, people still take calcium stuff. Just go sit by your Wi-Fi router, and you'll absorb more calcium than they could ever hope for. Another one, and this one I have done a little bit of isolated testing with because there's just days where I already feel stimulated. So I've done this one upbeat, and this one confidence, ambition, positivity. And by the way, these all, one thing that I think is cool, it tells you which ones to stack them with. So I have tried to pay attention to that. At least like, all right, if I'm like, I want a little more, I'm doing an experiment, I will do that. But this one I've noticed to be true to its name, a pretty good social nootropic.

Mr. Noots:  [01:42:50] That's it exactly. So before I got here, I grabbed an upbeat and a brain flow. They're complimentary. They work really well together. And then a couple senses advantages. One is it reduces social anxiety, and it increases my whether it's word choice, or whether it's the fluidity of a conversation, and allows me to get into flow, and also increases my love, I don't know if chakra is the term, but essentially, my connectivity with you is higher. I think that that's a really worthwhile thing to explore, especially when you're in an environment like this, where we want to see, what are the rabbit holes we want to pursue? What are the things we want to stay surface on? And then how do we want to explore the different sciences within this?

Luke Storey:  [01:43:39] Cool. Then I mentioned power solution, just one aggression on demand. And this one, I think, just looking at the ingredient deck, it has a larger number of ingredients than some of the other ones. And this is one of the powders for those listening. So this you're going to open this little or large capsule into water and sip it over a period of time. But as I said, this was the one where I was like, "Holy shit, like I am crushing it." So this is my reserve when I know I have something that's demanding to do in terms of focus. What's the formulation behind this one?

Mr. Noots:  [01:44:19] So the trick on that one was to take the things that we had learned from building NectarX, which was the first product I ever developed, was now called NectarX, used to be called NZT from the movie Limitless. And with NectarX I said, "You know what? I bet if I could put people into an artificial level of ketosis, I could then optimize the shit out of that and get that to be one of the core signaling elements to increase the focus and associated with that." So I developed for gamers originally.

Luke Storey:  [01:44:52] Okay, that makes sense. That makes sense. I'm not a gamer, but that's the focus.

Mr. Noots:  [01:45:58] Your kill-to-death ratio rock with that.

Luke Storey:  [01:45:01] If I was going to play a video game, it would be like the one where you go plant flowers or something. I don't think I'd be wanting to shoot people.

Mr. Noots:  [01:45:08] Oh, shoot, I could just see that down.

Luke Storey:  [01:45:10] I try to eliminate those thoughts from my mind as much as possible. But yeah, I think that makes a lot of sense because it's like the focus you're looking for sometimes is the focus that still allows you to have a lot of moving parts going at once. So thinking about gaming, there's a type of focus, the Modafinil focus, let's call it where, like, I'm going to focus on one thing and no one better interrupt me or you're going to get some heat. And I will crush that one thing, but I can't multitask or bring in different threads of information or focus. In other words, like it's single focus. So what you're going for here is the ability to have focus, but also to have multi-awareness and have maybe a bit less task switching fatigue.

Mr. Noots:  [01:45:56] You can be on this headset, you can be playing, your buddies or whatever. I don't game either, but Matt does. So call of duty, you know what's happening and literally that's what he'll do. He'll text me, go, dude, my kill-to-death ratio rocks. Thanks for the talk [inaudible] 01:46:14].

Luke Storey:  [01:46:15] Listen, something to be said for that is I think we all do have, well, maybe not all of us, but many of us do have that innate warrior and killer, and as far as an outlet for that, it's better than getting out of your car and hitting someone in traffic. If you can--

Mr. Noots:  [01:46:29] Michael Douglas and Falling Down, right?

Luke Storey:  [01:46:31] Yeah, totally. That's one of my favorite films in fact.

Mr. Noots:  [01:46:35] Well, that's how zamna came about.

Luke Storey:  [01:46:37] How? What's the relation?

Mr. Noots:  [01:46:39] There was a lady in Portland Oregon, who owned a bunch of medical clinical care facilities in Portland Vancouver. And Portland Vancouver have two routes, I 5 Interstate 5 and I 205. If you've been in LA you know what I 5 looks like or San Diego.

Luke Storey:  [01:46:54] I'be been stuck on it many times.

Mr. Noots:  [01:46:55] Exactly, yeah. It's like the four or five during peak hour. So in Portland, it's the same thing. She was getting to the point where she said, I'm going to get out of my car one day and beat up a trucker if you don't find me a solution. And so that's what I developed that for so then she could take three or four or five or eight squirts and immediately tone down GABA receptor up, a little bit of serotonin to make her feel happy at the same time and do that. So that's how that came about, and it totally changed her life.

Luke Storey:  [01:47:21] That's cool. That must be why I like sitting it on my desk as the variety of emails roll through. Some of them are good news, some of them not, depending on how you look at it. So that one's useful. Where does the name Zamna come from with this stuff?

Mr. Noots:  [01:47:35] Matt and Wade at one time were not just your clean-cut boys making really cool nutritional supplements. They were bodybuilder, one of the top world-ranked national bodybuilders, vegetarian bodybuilder, all-natural, no razor anything, and a trainer who happen to be an absolutely incredible marketer and communicator who also trained women on self-defense for seven years doing Krav Maga on some of those things. And they traveled down to Panama. And when they got into the party zone, you may have been to the parties on ones when you were an addict.

Luke Storey:  [01:48:15] I've been in a couple of party zone.

Mr. Noots:  [01:48:16] You party zone? Yeah. So when they were in the super party zone at a rave or whatever that was zamna. Dude, we are totally zamna.

Luke Storey:  [01:48:24] That's funny.

Mr. Noots:  [01:48:25] Yeah, so that was zamna. Matt, I apologize if I spilled the beans, brother, but--

Luke Storey:  [01:48:32] Matt's pretty open and forthcoming about his past and whatnot. The last one is brain flow. And then on this one, it says, stacks well with everything. So is this one just like a brain health?

Mr. Noots:  [01:48:47] It's an overall potentiator for everything. Because of the concentration of the Celastrus paniculatus  and some of the other components in it, when it gets in the blood-brain barrier-- through the blood-brain barrier and gets into the brain and distributes, it increases the oxygen flow into the brain as well as the potential for acetylcholine. It doesn't force acetylcholine into the synapse, it just has a lot of precursors available so that whatever you want to do with it, you can do with it. And that can be as simple as going, I want to focus and then you'll be able to focus better. Or it says, I want to have a focus savagery and I want to go be like a rock star or I want to take zamna and I want to be more chill or better chill or more functional while I'm chill, those kinds of things. So it brings your baseline up. The other component that's similar to that is metal reboot AM, which is a sublingual--

Luke Storey:  [01:49:41] The one I did this morning, yeah.

Mr. Noots:  [01:49:42] Yeah, exactly. I consider that kind of the, let's clear your canvas and let's bring a palette of colors available to you, and then you can pick the colors of choice for the day. So and those colors might be again, any of the different nootropics that you do or your practice meditation or going out and doing whatever your sport is.

Luke Storey:  [01:49:42] With a mental reboot, there's an AM and a PM. Can you do the PM one before bed, like that late?

Mr. Noots:  [01:49:47] That's what you want to do, yeah. So I made that because at night, you probably know this part in the sleep cycle. Your brain starts to shrink slightly. And what happens is around the capillaries, you open up the space around the capillaries for cerebral spinal fluid to flow. So the idea with that was when-- so I'm from Washington State, and that's where I started the company. And when he did that, about, I think was 2013 or 2014, we became legal. And so now people were doing weed openly and my clients were all over the United States. And so they were finding ways to get weed if it wasn't legal. Yeah. And so--

Luke Storey:  [01:50:49] Never stop me.

Mr. Noots:  [01:50:50] Yeah. I started smoking weed when I was in fifth grade, and I quit in seventh grade. And I became a runner, an aggressive hardcore runner. I ran 436 mile. So I was really competitive. My big brother, my hero, Doug, was the one that convinced me to do. He said, "Hey, bro. I want you to quit smoking weed, it's not good for you. I'm going to quit, I'm going to take up running." He lied but he saved my life. So I love the guy. And what I noticed was that six months after running every day in school, around the fence around the school, and then I ran a 2.5 mile loop really aggressively sprinting a two and a half mile every day.

And six months into it, I woke up on a Saturday morning, and my head was finally clear, meaning that I could tell the difference in cognitive performance between my weed-smoking days, and my non-smoking days, but it took six months at 13 years old to get that clarity to come back. So I have these clients that are high-end executives at the biggest corporations in America, and worldwide, who rely on their performance and their cognitive performance to be effective at what they do. And they rely on our stuff to give them that edge. So they were starting to go, "Well, to wind down an item, they started having a cocktail. I'm going to go have a bong hit," and they were starting to see a performance decrease.

And so I said, okay, I can fix this. How does the brain work to detox at night? And I found that literature and there was an NCBI on that, that cerebral spinal fluid pulls out the toxins in mitochondrial refuse at the end of the day, pulls out into your spine, and then out of your body. That's what happens at night when you sleep. So how could I accelerate that process and accelerate that so that it pulled out everything so that you're not dealing with a toxic environment or a competing environment, just like the caps when you say white the layers. Well, we've got anti inflammatory, and adaptogen in one layer. We've got really, really intense B vitamins in another layer, and some non stimulant stimulants, where basically the gut can detect that there's cayenne, and so it can say, "Okay, we're going to do a very slow release of adrenaline or noradrenaline and we're going to do that just to wake up the body a little bit.

So we do that, and we do antioxidants, hardcore antioxidants, because a lot of us are dealing with oxidative stress. And we're dealing with adaptogenic response, stress, cortisol overload, and inflammation. So if we can remove those, increase our B vitamin levels, which act as enzymes in the body, people don't know that, but the islands are affected enzymes, and then we can go okay, now we've got something we can work with, now we've gotten rid of a lot of the things that keep people from performing, those alone is a great product, that would be a world-class product.

Luke Storey:  [01:53:53] And I'm assuming not only for eliminating the negative effects of that evening bong hit, and I don't drink, but probably a good hangover prevention tool I'm assuming too.

Mr. Noots:  [01:54:05] Yeah. One of the products that we made, I was pretty proud of this, I made a whole system for getting Little John for having him recover from the amount of liquor he drinks every night when he's onstage.

Luke Storey:  [01:54:20] You guys are going to infiltrate the rap scene with nootropics.

Mr. Noots:  [01:54:24] So the cool thing with that is, when you remove those toxins, you're wakefulness, like you said, you wake up slow, take that tonight, and maybe even do a couple of hits of that, like four hits of our sleep spray, emerging sleep spray we're doing, and when you wake up in the morning, you'll find yourself much crisper than you'll know.

Luke Storey:  [01:54:42] Nice. I need that.

Mr. Noots:  [01:54:43] And it's great and it allows you to I'm the same way. My girlfriend, she's like a business. She's got a laptop in her lap before I even pull a pillow off my head. And so she's that early morning and then dies at 10 o'clock at night she's boom.

Luke Storey:  [01:54:59] It's funny. Same with my wife, Alyson. She wakes up. She's whistling [whistling] just yapping around. I'm like, how are you this awake? And then yeah, 9 pm if I don't catch her before 9:00 she's going to start fading. If I want any quality time, you're going before 9:00. By 10:00 she's out. It's so interesting how we're wired so differently. One thing I wanted to touch on before we wrap up here is the phenomenon of micro-dosing. 

So many people now are starting to take very small amounts of psilocybin mushrooms or LSD and using those as performance enhancers, which I do. I forget about it, but when I remember, I'll do that. On certain days, I find micro- dose of LSD to be really, really helpful. It's like a merging of focus and creativity, which is just awesome. And I think with psilocybin, for me, it's not so much like a productivity or focus or work thing, like the effects of LSD, but it's more on the creativity side and also just mood enhancing just--

Mr. Noots:  [01:56:07] Right. A very positive thing because the serotonin you know the way it works, the serotonin the rest.

Luke Storey:  [01:56:11] I don't even know. I'm just like, yeah, mushrooms are great. I should probably take a tiny bit a couple of days a week. But I'm wondering if any of your formula, I don't know whether or not you can even say this, because these substances are illegal in the state in which we are recording right now, but are there any that would be complimentary or just what's your take on that in general?

Mr. Noots:  [01:56:29] I actually helped to pass the laws in Portland, in Oregon on making psilocybin or psychedelics legal in clinical use.

Luke Storey:  [01:56:38] Oh cool. You should make a hat, make mushrooms great again. Make mushrooms legal again because there they were.

Mr. Noots:  [01:56:50] Dude, that would be so good. I get to do that. It'll be red 11.

Luke Storey:  [01:56:53] And you'll make it out of a mushroom like Paul Stamate.

Mr. Noots:  [01:56:55] Right. I got a great picture of Paul and I together doing that. It's was funny because I was handing him a test tube of upbeat and he had his assistant, he goes, grab that. And she grabs it. And he goes, dude, he goes, you have no idea how often the DEA is looking at me and going, dude, this is not drugs. These are nootropics. It's good. So it's great. It was funny conversation afterward. So this is on the record off the record, is I have had when I was 16 I did a macro-dose and then I became a state tennis champion. And it got me into a state that was completely different. Have you ever played tennis? Do you know the game at all?

Luke Storey:  [01:57:43] I've played once. Literally, I've played tennis once with my dad and family. And shockingly, I've never been good at any sports or been interested in them, but I was actually really good at it.

Mr. Noots:  [01:57:49] It came naturally?

Luke Storey:  [01:57:49] Yeah, and my dad was like, you played this before? And I'm like, no. He goes, you're really good. I was like, okay, cool. Hand eye coordination I don't know. I've never been athletic. But despite my disinterest in sports as a whole, I actually had fun, and it's surprising. I guess I just don't have a tennis court around, otherwise I'd probably do it. It was fun. So anyway--

Mr. Noots:  [01:58:17] So what it did for me was it shifted my perspective. I was a gear hound. I had eight rackets or six rackets each tuned to what ball, was it a pen or was it a Wilson or was it right, and then what surface I was on, how long the balls had been in play, whether I was serving or receiving serve, like that critical. I memorized every movement of the top players in the world. And I stood between two sliding glass doors, pulled the drapes of my parents home, and I just went through looking at stop motion of that particular stroke, and I grooved in it until I knew it. 

So I was emulating my heroes in the game, Illeana Stassi, Bjorn Borg, [inaudible 01:59:17] and those people and so I really here to them. We were losing. I had already won singles, were in doubles. The mushrooms kicked in, in my head, a song kicked in. The song was a 7/8 time signature, which is a weird time signature. This is like mushrooms 101. I knew the guys on the other side of the net. This was in 1977 or '78. Guys on the other side of the net had a 2/4, 3/4, 4/4 song going in their head because I thought people had song going in their head because it was on mushrooms. And I'm in the middle of a competitive tennis match because they were going to have disco, country, or rock. It was how we broke it down in my head. And I had this weird time signature.

I hit the ball behind my back. I was a winner. And we won the point. We were down and if they would have won that point, we would have lost the set and the match and it would have been over. And then we killed them and we were indomitable. I got into the fact that I was dancing. I was no longer working, I was playing. What I think that micro-dosing, and even macro-dosing on occasion can do is get you out of your critical thinking mind, out of this part right here and start getting into that creative and play level. And this goes back into Taichi, or it gets into watching an episode of Kung Fu, or Steven Kotler talking about flow, it gets rid of the barrier between your critical thinking mind and the systematic steps that we do to perform any given thing and says, let's just go play with this. And I think that's a really valuable place to be. Someday, it'll be legal and we'll be able to use it. Until that point, I've got to work with what I've got.

We are creating a product that'll be released, I think in two months, called dopa drops and euphoria. It's a pairing of two capsules. One is a three-stage dopamine enhancer that basically increases the available levels of dopamine, but it doesn't push dopamine onto you, it just gives you a lot of available dopamine. And it does it over time.

Luke Storey:  [02:01:10] Kind of like a safer and more legal version of the LSD microdose.

Mr. Noots:  [02:01:15] And then there's a second capsule. And the second capsule has a monoamine oxidase inhibitor that basically blocks or it blends or it absorbs the enzyme in your gut that would get rid of this phenylethylamine that is the pleasure neurochemical in your body and serotonin, and some of the other factors. It blocks the breakdown of that, so it lasts for a lot longer, for about four, four and a half hours. So it blocks at first and then it releases phenylethylamine in the lower part of the gut, so it can be kind of a slow extraction. So then it gives you this really lovely rise in euphoria. And so now you have dopamine and euphoria combined together. And you just feel like let's go do some cool shit, man. 

For me getting up on a whiteboard at that point is a real blast, because everything is firing so fast. And I can just pick them out of the air and go arrange them, or we're going and doing like, I'll do an aggressive bike ride or something and just have a blast, and I'll crank Pearl Jam and just rocking it, those kinds of things. And I think that that's a state that I think people need to experience more often because we get so serious about what's going on, or we're impinged upon by the seriousness of situations, when in reality, this is all a game, man, and we really need to realize that it's not a win or lose proposition. It's a fluid state and there's a big huge continuum of what winning and losing is, and we just need to start enjoying the whole process, instead of putting a value.

Luke Storey:  [02:02:58] I've had a lot of benefits from the intentional use of plant medicines and psychedelics, but I would say, maybe the main overarching benefit has just been taking it all a little less seriously because in a macro-dose situation, you realize that all this is made up. Because you go to a place where you're not encumbered by your perception of reality being based on your senses because these other senses open up and when those other senses open up, you realize that there's much more to you than just your thoughts, feelings, emotions, sensations, your body, your being here, your physical locality, you're somewhere else yet you're still here. And then you emerge from that and you have to put the pieces of your intellect and persona back together and pretend like you're a person is what it feels like to me. But in that pretending like you're a person again, because we're here function and on earth, and there's a purpose to our lives and we've been born into a body, I think for a reason. 

And so you get back to being a person again, but there's still that memory, at least this is how it is for me, there's still that memory and visceral experience of knowing, not just an idea, but knowing that there's more to it than this. And in that, the seriousness of like, ahhh, it just gets less heavy. I noticed that sometimes even just I used to have this sense of guilt, for example, if I didn't-- this is a very inconsequential example of this, but if I didn't get back to people's emails very quickly, it would stress me out, like, oh, I got 50 emails that are unread and like, ah, and now I'm just like, man, what's going to happen? It's like, so they don't like me or the deal is slower, it doesn't happen. And it's just like, man, whatever I'll get to it when I get to it, and there's one example of just wearing the world like a looser garment in general.

Mr. Noots:  [02:04:53] I love that. That's great, man. I've got inbox 270,000 right now.

Luke Storey:  [02:04:58] I can imagine.

Mr. Noots:  [02:05:03] Inbox Zero is a fuck. But I love that. I think that the great spiritual leaders and some of the gurus of our age they worked so hard to help us untether ourselves from the things that bind us and from our structured belief system that we use to try to operate within this world. And I think that's one of the magics of that. When I was nine and a half years old, my parents divorced. It was devastating. And they never fought or anything, they divorced. My oldest sister had left home and I didn't know how to deal with it, the same one that was shooting up. And my parents were incredible people.

My sister, closest to me in age, said, I've got an extra ticket. My boyfriend and I are going to the Chicago concert, Band Chicago, great band. And she goes, I got an extra ticket. And I was really depressed. And I was trying to journal-- we didn't call it journaling, I didn't know what we called it back then. But it was recommended that I get my feelings out on paper. And they just were gobbledygook and they didn't make any sense. And I couldn't connect with them and they ended up being Seussian rhymes. So you know what I mean? Like Dr. Seuss makes like shit, right?

So I'm third row back and there's a song called Question 67 and 68, it's a great old song, and then followed by one called Dialogue. And in those songs the vocals go back and forth between these two elements, one is an optimist and one's a pessimist. And they're volleying this commentary back and forth. Well, what about this shitty thing? Yeah, but what about this awesome thing? Back and forth, right? And I'm sitting there as this kid, and I go, "Holy crap, I don't have to write the stuff. I got to go find it. Somebody's had the emotional experience already. And I just need to go become really good at finding it." So I got home, and I went through all my old Elton John albums, and all the Pink Floyd albums and all the Beatles albums and all the Zeppelin albums, and just going, "Oh, my God, this is awesome. All these guys have been through these emotions. I don't have to find. They're right there."

I think of Counting Crows, and August and everything after there's-- around here is a great tune. And the first paragraph in that song if you ever read that, it'll blow your fucking mind. It is so rich in visual imagery and in heart. And you go, oh, my God, that's great. Or in your eyes, Peter Gabriel or Salisbury Hill on transition. If you're going through transition, Salisbury Hill is incredible song to dictate transition. I think these are the tools that we've been given to be able to explore. And you take something like a microdose, you take something like a nootropic, or you take something like-- it could be anything, to help enhance that connection with these emotional things and also provide direction. I think that if we could get these kids that are going off the rails because of whatever was meds through or the fear or bad psychiatry or whatever, and they start shooting up a mall or grade school. And we could show them that, man, dude, somebody's been where you're at. They relate. They're these incredible tools. I know that I went off the rails with this, but I think that you clearly have an appreciation for music, former bass player, right?

Luke Storey:  [02:08:22] Music saved my life, man.

Mr. Noots:  [02:08:23] Dude, that's it.

Luke Storey:  [02:08:27] Well, two things saved my childhood. One was copious amounts of marijuana and the other even prior to that was music. I mean, really, that was exactly what you're saying. And even more so maybe than the lyrics at that time was just the energetics of it. There was a spirit flowing through the first Jimi Hendrix-- I think Jimi Hendrix for me was the first one where I was like, what! Oh my god. I'll never forget how exhilarating Foxy Lady, what is happening?

Mr. Noots:  [02:08:56] That's exactly what's playing, man.

Luke Storey:  [02:08:57] Yeah, like whatever this is, this is it and I'm set out to do that for a long time. But yeah, it's the language of the heart. I listen to sometimes Brazilian music. I have no idea what they're saying in Portuguese, but it's the vibe. You get the energy of it.

Mr. Noots:  [02:09:13] Who's some of the bands that really moved you or?

Luke Storey:  [02:09:17] Well, I think it changed over the years. When I was younger, because I was just in a different state of mind, I was struggling a lot, I listened to a lot of really heavy music. So when I was a kid, it was like all about Black Sabbath. And then into like '80s heavy metal and then there was like a punk rock phase and all kinds of different phases. But I would say now the music I most relate to and probably just play-- I want to most of the time here in the house I play some kind of mantras or eco rose, spiritual music, world music, that kind of stuff, just background music that's more kind of--

Mr. Noots:  [02:09:54] Yeah, non lyrical.

Luke Storey:  [02:09:55] Yeah, just indigenous just innate human music, but like the music if you made me make a desert island, playlist, yeah, it's like Beatles Stones, Pink Floyd, Neil Young--

Mr. Noots:  [02:10:12] Zef Vanadyl?

Luke Storey:  [02:10:12] Yes, Zef, I like their mellow songs now.

Mr. Noots:  [02:10:17] Like Thank You, and Change is Gone.

Luke Storey:  [02:10:20] Yeah, the stuff that's too rocking is a little-- I don't know that music, really rocking music is a bit jarring on my nervous system at this point in life. So if I listen to something like that, I'll skip the loud songs, same with the stones. I want to listen to Angie and not Brown Sugars. I like the ballads and slower tempo songs, but I would say like classic rock, just Americana rock, whether it's from America or not, but that blending of blues and country and the Grateful Dead--

Mr. Noots:  [02:10:52] Jack Cougar.

Luke Storey:  [02:10:53] Yeah, just like good old American rock and roll bass. If I had to make my deserted island playlist, it probably would be that. But I figured out if you make that playlist, if you pick double albums you get twice as much money-- twice much music I mean, so Exile on Main Street, Biddles White album.

Mr. Noots:  [02:11:15] Yes, songs.

Luke Storey:  [02:11:15] I think there's a Pink Floyd de la, whatever the albums are, but it's funny. You know interesting thing and this is such a tangent, then we'll wrap it up I swear. For the people still listening like, oh my God--

Mr. Noots:  [02:11:25] Where did these guys go?

Luke Storey:  [02:11:26] Yeah, blame it on this goddamn black box right here. But with music, it's the great communicator and it's just the way that we have a universal language. And it has such an ability to alter the way that you feel--

Mr. Noots:  [02:11:48] State change.

Luke Storey:  [02:11:48] Man, whether you want to go deeper into a feeling that you need to experience or you're just like, God, get me out of here. I need to change it. I think when I was a kid that Jimi Hendrix is what did that. It was just like, oh, I'm in a different universe.

Mr. Noots:  [02:12:02] I got to help establish a company called Trikke, T-R-I-K-K-E, three-wheeled scooter, you stand on and you use camera thrust to make it go. So you took it left and right and it'd go. And I used to live right above the Columbia River. So I had this little house and you would go down and it was about a half mile down to the river or quarter mile down the river. And so I would put on dirty Vegas, I had this very specific list of when you finally get into the pure curation of music and you go, this song is the one I launched with. I'll launch with this Genesis tune, dance on a volcano, then I go to dirty Vegas and then I go to-- and you can literally articulate your mood, your creativity, your innovation, your energy, your follow through, your sensitivity, all of that through these kinds of musical passages. They become your music.

Luke Storey:  [02:12:55] You just reminded me of my get up and go song if I do a talk or something publicly is The Stones Can't Hear Me Knocking. You put headphones on and put that song on loudly, it's going to make you feel something. It's so groovy. That's my one. That's my one.

Mr. Noots:  [02:13:12]  It is. I love it.

Luke Storey:  [02:13:19] All right, you guys, let's give some love to one of my all-time favorite products, the old-school Organifi Green juice. If you want to get 12 superfoods packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants into your body without spending 10 to $15 on a bottle juice, this stuff is the answer. Now I'm going to be real. I'm not a big salad or even vegetable guy, but I have always been a fan of green juice. However, green juice has some issues apart from the crazy high cost of organic fresh pressed juice, such as the fact that if you make it yourself it's very time-consuming and messy as hell in the kitchen, not to mention the limited shelf life of fresh juice.

And even if you're buying high-quality produce, it's likely that it was grown with suspect irrigation water and NPK fertilizers. I sometimes think about the amount of water in something like celery or cucumbers, for example. So unless I grew it myself or know the farmer, I'm not that excited about drinking it on a regular basis. And lastly, a lot of green juice just frankly tastes nasty, not Organifi Green though. With epic ingredients like Moringa, ashwagandha, spirulina, chlorella, Matcha powder, turmeric, wheatgrass, and beet powder, this stuff is not only power packed with nutrition. But I got to say somehow they actually figured out a way to make it taste delicious like really delicious. You might even be able to trick your kids in a drink in it. It tastes so good. To scoop up some of this sweet green goodness, just go to organifi.com/lifestylist, that's O-R-G-A-N-I-F-I, organifi.com/lifestylist and use the code lifestylist for 20% off any item in the store.

The last thing I wanted to cover with you and we'll get out of here, and I'll probably say it in the outro, but I meant to say this earlier, we're going to put the show notes for this episode at lukestory.com/noots, N-O-O-T-S. And within there, we'll also have a link to the Nootopia stuff, and I'm sure a discount code or something, I'll cover that in the intro and the outro. But circling back to the micro-dosing and mentioned in certain times and places for certain people, macro-dosing could have benefits, as you indicated. Is there anything in what you do that could be useful for recovery from some of those overstimulating experiences for people who are sitting in plant medicine ceremonies or journeying in ways that are really rocking their brain?

And I asked that because I've noticed over the past few years in which I've really benefited from some of those experiences, I've incrementally learned how to supplement sometimes during and definitely after to get me back to baseline. So the most obvious of this, I think, would be something like MDMA, where you're just really-- and this is not something I'm particularly a fan of, but one if I think what really gives you a bad hangover after a positive experience would be that, whatever is happening you're depleting your serotonin and people will take five HTP as a remedy for that. What's your take on helping to regenerate the overstimulation or the trashing our minerals or whatever is going on and that kind of experience?

Mr. Noots:  [02:16:34] That's actually a great question. We actually developed a analog Molly. That's an all natural one that made it really big few years ago called Katy. If you look up Katy, K-A-T-Y in Playboy magazine, Katy, you'll probably get a bunch of other Katy out there, but I think your magnetic mag did it and EDM and your edm.com did reviews of that as well. And essentially it was I wanted to make a nonneuro destructive equivalent to Molly that I had enough euphoria that you would feel good. You might not be fully rolling, but you might be partially rolling. And then when you came out of it, you felt better than when you went in versus wanting to hide away in a corner for a couple of days while your dopamine and serotonin recovered.

So the power solution is actually really, really great for that. And GABAlicious, those two together work really well. When I say together, like taking the same day, because they're going to do a lot of restorative neurotransmitter restoration. This though is your baby. collagen is here. Here's the trick is when we started doing those extractions, and coming up with these final formulation. For every dose, which is two scoops in six ounces of water or in coffee or whatever, however, you'd like to take it, that's equivalent of a pound and a half of pure mushroom extract. So this ain't your Mama's coffee.

So the cool part of that is that the BDNF, brain-derived neurotrophic factor is one of the keys to repairing the brain because of the neurogenesis that it experiences. So this is really powerful. Those two are incredibly powerful. And the Apex is your baby. Take Apex and brain flow together and the oxygenation of the brain which is going to then release a bunch of the toxins and the rest of it, also restoring neurochemicals, especially acetylcholine, huge because that-- and, of course, the dopamine will be or the serotonin will be restored as well. Remember, the gut is the majority of the serotonin. It's 90 to 96% and 94% and the rest of it is in the brain. And the vagus nerve just transferred and said, "Hey, I've got too much serotonin down here. I think maybe you want some up here."

And that signaling component is really important. So you want to restore those. The power solution and NectarX are really great for that. Again, when you get into the power solution, that aggression is just going into ketosis, combined with the nootropics, because it basically just says, I'm going to run on ketones right now for a while instead of glucose. Brain loves glucose, brain needs glucose. So if I run on ketones, now I've got a very, very limited scope of range. And I'm going to stay within that range. That's why the super focus activity happens under that.

Luke Storey:  [02:19:35] Awesome, thank you. I've done a number of shows about different plant medicines and stuff and I'm sure people are listening that have had like a sandpaper or mushroom headache, which is like a headache like no other. I'm sure there'll be appreciative of that resource.

Mr. Noots:  [02:19:52] If you want to potentiate, one of the ways to explore some of the psychedelics and have less of a potential hangover effect is preload with nootropics and then take those components. You can make a quarter gram of psilocybin act like two grams of psilocybin by just potentiating with nootropics. This is not a recommendation. This is just saying-- because what we're doing is we're giving you all these valuable precursors to the neurochemicals that you're going to be modulating with those components and it'll give you a much more expanded experience while not depleting the key neurochemicals because, again, we've got the precursors loaded in there. So you get an amplified experience with less dose, minimal viable dose is the best dose, with less dose, and you're going to have enough of the neurochemical components to recover later on because you're going to be accelerating that usage of those. But you're not going to burn them out now. So now you come out of it, you go, I feel great.

Luke Storey:  [02:20:52] Awesome. Thank you. Noted. I was noticing in your formulations an absence of methylene blue, and that's something that is becoming increasingly popular as a nootropic.

Mr. Noots:  [02:21:06] Yeah, thank you, Dr. Ted.

Luke Storey:  [02:21:07] Ted's been on the show a few times. And I love methylene blue for a number of different applications. Is that something you've ever looked at, including or playing with or?

Mr. Noots:  [02:21:18] It's funny that you asked that because it's now coming into a number of our products.

Luke Storey:  [02:21:23] Oh, really?

Mr. Noots:  [02:21:24] Yeah.

Luke Storey:  [02:21:24] Oh, cool.

Mr. Noots:  [02:21:25] We're not doing in the spray just because I mean, it's good. The reason that we're doing it is one, it's a really, really powerful monoamine oxidase A inhibitor. There's monoamine oxidize A and B. It's a really powerful monoamine oxidase A inhibitor and a reversible one, meaning that it doesn't stick, and then suddenly, that enzyme doesn't come back, it doesn't really well, it's very long-lasting, takes very little, less than a milligram to be super effective. And we play basically whack-a-mole with the FDA on a regular basis, is we will have an extract, it's been legal for forever. It'll start going into what they call the gray zone, and so they'll send us an alert saying, hey, this is going to be we're watching this right now. It's a watch list. And so we're watching this right now.

A great example of that is hordenine. So right extract called hordenine, for some reason, has suddenly gotten into the watch list. So it's a super effective, super great natural monoamine oxidase inhibitor. And so the way for us to address that was to go okay, cool FDA, you guys lead, we follow. What we're going to do is we're going to move towards methylene blue as a component to do that stuff as well as some other stuff. But it's a way for us to work through that and continue to get-- and, of course, it also is a performance improvement. We don't do anything that's just a direct replacement, that will make it worse.

Every quarter, we like our products to get about 10% better, meaning that we look at every formula on a regular basis and go, what can make this better? What new discoveries molecules? We have nine or 10 new molecules, 12 new molecules that we're implementing into our existing products to make them functionally better, experientially better. So every quarter, you're going to see this improvement in product, not just because you're filling out your intake and feedback forms, and we're making it closer to your physiology and neurology, including the changes you make, but also because we have new discoveries that are coming through, or our team in Bosnia is saying, hey, guess what we discovered? You know, mass times, you know what mass times is.

Luke Storey:  [02:23:36] Yeah, the BiOptimizers. They're one of our longtime show sponsors. And I was thinking about this actually, yesterday, because I ate a bunch of suspect food because I just succumbed to the cravings. And normally when I'm home, literally, I take a mass times with every single meal. And I put it in my morning smoothie, I just empty one. Yesterday, I took a whole handful of them. And I was like, I actually think that that's helped my digestion, probably more than anything else that I've done. It's just like adding enzymes when I eat or the right enzymes, at least. Mass times. huge fan.

Mr. Noots:  [02:24:11] So mass times 4.0 is about to come out. We're finishing up the formulation now. We over the last year have really invested in our Bosnian team to take the components of mass times and then look at potentiating elements. Because what we do with this stuff is potentiating. We take this molecule and say how do we make it more powerful, more better, last longer, more effective, more bioavailable, that's potentiation so that you get a greater benefit from either the same amount or a lesser amount. And we did the same thing with mass times. mp3 Olam now and CAPEX and the rest. So it'll be around 250% more powerful, more effective as an enzyme in this next upcoming version. Cool?

Luke Storey:  [02:24:54] Yeah, that's cool, especially because I'm close to out. I just get a bunch of bottles of it and I put it In a big jug, so I can just reach in and grab and have to unscrew a little bucket.

Mr. Noots:  [02:25:05] When we get done with this, I'll give you my email address. And hit me and I'll put you on my short beta list for people that want to be.

Luke Storey:  [02:25:11] I'll do it. Digestion in general is one of the last frontiers for me. I've fixed so many things in my body and brain over the years, but digestion is still finicky for me. So I have to definitely have other inputs and other support to make it work. right.

Mr. Noots:  [02:25:27] I'm with you, brother.

Luke Storey:  [02:25:28] Yeah. Well, hot damn, dude, I think we covered everything. Thank you for your generosity of time. I had three pages of questions for you. And I can feel some guests waning at certain point because I'm just like, I never know when I'm going to talk to this person again. So I'm going to ask every question.

Mr. Noots:  [02:25:46] As we're going into stones tunes, were to be able to arrive.

Luke Storey:  [02:25:49] I'm going to ask every question, and not just for myself, but I want to be that podcast where someone listens and they're like, "Ah, why didn't he ask me about X, Y, and Z?" I'm trying to think of everything the audience would want to know. And I'm glad you're on board to help me fill that right.

Mr. Noots:  [02:26:04] That's great.

Luke Storey:  [02:26:04] So thank you so much.

Mr. Noots:  [02:26:05] First, I love you spirit. I love what you're doing. It's really hard. I love Dr. Bergin. I think Hyman is awesome. And I'm a huge fan of Zack Bush and what he's doing with surface recovery, soul recovery, and those things. And I think that the more your information gets out, the more people can realize that they're not a victim to circumstance, probably sent a victim to the things that might hold them center, like the drugs or meds or anything else. And the other is that there's a powerful route through those things, and there are a bunch of tools available to people. Because I didn't know the tools were available. Had I take really taken a look and said, holy shit, I could develop something that would make Tish feel better than she does on oxycodone. She did the literal thing where she went to the doctors, and she said, hey, I think I've got carpal tunnel, I have carpal tunnel, but it was hard for them to diagnose, just so that she could get them to slicer open and repair so she could get oxycodone.

Luke Storey:  [02:27:12] Wow, that's hardcore. Wow, oh, man. Yeah, well, I appreciate what you guys are doing and I appreciate what I get to do, man. I get to talk to people like you and find solutions that are viable and innovative, and it's just amazing. I'm thinking back to the first 10 years I was sober was so difficult. My brain was just fried. I tried to not live in the past where I'm like, God, if someone had given me this freakin black box, then I could have had a much easier time and probably been a much better person to those about me as well. It wasn't just that I was suffering. And as a result, I'm sure I was-- not I'm not sure, I know I was an asshole a lot of the time and that was just hurting.

Mr. Noots:  [02:27:58] Oh, yeah, you're broken and you don't know how to regulate any of your neurochemicals and cortisol and the rest. My girlfriend would tell me, you need to go take the bike out now or you need to go hit the weights or whatever because the cortisol will build up and I'll suddenly be it's-- because I'm work because I have this thing I want to accomplish and I'm driven by the reward. I've used NectarX to get so many people off of destructive drugs as a component. It may not be the whole solution, but it restores enough of their thinking that they can start thinking clearly. And it gives them enough energy that they can start executing well. If you can do that, there's enough little elements of hope and success that they get that they go, "You know what? This is better than that thing that owned me."

Luke Storey:  [02:28:48] Yeah, I got an idea.

Mr. Noots:  [02:28:50] Tell me man.

Luke Storey:  [02:28:51] We'll take the mold-infused Folgers Coffee out of 12 Step group, will make a big party jug of NectarX and do a trial, get all the newcomers drinking that for a while and see what happens.

Mr. Noots:  [02:29:07] I want to have a group of people that wanted-- I didn't want to take any investors in my company, but a bunch of people that were my former investors in other companies and other things that I've done, said, hey, man, I heard you're doing this weird thing NZT, and limitless and all that stuff. What is that? So I brought him together. And I gave him cups of NZT NectarX. And then I just watched as I'm onstage trying to present, I watched as they came alive. It was so cool because you see they're easier. Suddenly, they're at this new state. You're going all right, I got it. And so I didn't pitch or anything. I just shared how neurochemicals work and these other sorts of the brain stuff and I said, man, I don't want your money, but I wanted you to have this experience. They became great customers.

Luke Storey:  [02:29:51] Awesome. Well, thanks for joining me today.

Mr. Noots:  [02:29:53] Thank you, brother.

Luke Storey:  [02:29:53] I think we've done it. Until next time, take care.

Mr. Noots:  [02:29:56] Thank you, sir.

Luke Storey:  [02:30:03] All right, my fellow humanoids. That's it. And that's all for today's episode. Now, if you were intrigued by Mark's body of knowledge about brains and mental performance, again, I highly recommend checking out his company Nootopia. For real, big fan over here, as you might have guessed from how geeked out I was in this episode. In fact, I took a stack of Nootopia stuff this morning to get myself socially lubricated and hyper-focused for an interview I had earlier today with Danielle Laporte, which, of course, you'll find in this feed in the very near future. And the results of this stuff are absolutely quantifiable and real. So not to say everyone needs help in this area, some of you are probably thinking fine.

But for those of you like me, who are looking to take it to the next level and be extra, these cats definitely cracked the code. And speaking of code, well actually, you don't need a code. You can just go to the link nootopia.com/lukegenius to check this stuff out. And a 10% discount will be automatically applied by just using that link. And if your memory is dodgy because you need some nootropics, you can just click the Nootopia link in your podcast app show notes to go check that stuff out.

All right, before we check out, little more housekeeping. As I mentioned in the intro, we've got Modern Nirvana coming up Friday, September 23, here in Austin, Texas. Alyson and I will be presenting a talk on manifesting your soulmate or something to that effect around conscious relationships. And Alyson will also be signing copies of her latest book and card deck animal power at our shared booth. And I thought what the hell, I'm going to pack in a grip of my gilded blue blocking glasses and have those on hand for those of you that wants to try them on in person.

And the other speakers at Modern Nirvana include recent podcast guest, Guru Dev aka Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, founder of The Art of Living, Dave Asprey. Sadhguru, who will be doing a virtual presentation and incidentally is the only one of the speakers at this event so far, that has not been on my podcast. We're also going to have Dr. John Lieurance of Mitozen, Dr. Patrick Porter from Brain Tap, Philip from Leela Quantum, and my buddy Ian Mitchell from Wizard Sciences. So this is going to be an extremely lit event. I'm super pumped about this.

I haven't done tons of events, obviously, over the past couple of years, but it was kind of my jam there for the first few years of this podcast. I mean, I was speaking at events almost monthly or something there for a few years. So I can't wait to get back out and meet some of you lovely people. Again, to get your tickets go to modernnirvana.com/conference. If you use the code-- all one word, LUKEALYSON, that's Alyson with a Y, you're going to save 15% off your tickets. And man, I can't wait to meet all of you in real life in the flesh, September 23, 2022, here in Austin. And make sure to come say hi and get a hug at our booth while you're there.

All right, last bit is next week's episode is number 427. It's called Colostrum Nature's Solution to Auto Immune Inflammation, Leaky Gut and more with Dr. Sarah Rahal. I got to say, I've been getting so many questions about autoimmune, about all the things I just said actually. Inflammation is the root of, I won't say of all evil, but it's the root of many physical challenges let's just say that. And it's a result of autoimmune. And it all has to do with it turns out, or at least a vast majority of the root of this issue isn't only leaky gut, but leaky everything inside your body. Dr. Sarah has a patent pending on this different type of colostrum that's extracted and very concentrated.

And her own personal healing story is bananas, like the stuff she came back from is wild. And the results she's having in her practice, and otherwise using colostrum are very interesting. So I'm excited to bring that episode to you next week because I've been, as I said, using that for a long time, and it just kind of, I don't know, waiting for an expert on that niche topic to show up. And lo and behold, she did and she's amazing. So that's next week's episode number 427.

Listen, if you don't want to miss any upcoming episodes, just click the Subscribe button on your podcast app. From the way I understand it, each and every week, these episodes will be automatically downloaded to your phone when you take it off airplane mode because we shouldn't do anything. What I like to do is keep my phone on airplane mode 90% of the time, which annoys the shit out of my friends and family because I never pick up my phone. But it's worth it. So take your phone off airplane mode long enough to subscribe to the show and make sure that they're downloaded.

And thank you so much for listening. If you're a longtime listener, I always like to say this at the end of the show. I get sentimental, but man it's just such a gift to be able to do what I do. I'm so grateful to be able to learn from all these incredible people like Mr Noots today and Dr. Sarah Rahal next week, and just on and on. Every time I book a guest that I've been after, and it goes down on my interview today with Danielle Laporte, who it was his second time appearing on the show, but I'm just sitting there talking to her for two hours going, this is my life. This is amazing. I mean, I'm just constantly expanding my knowledge base and hopefully growing little by little, and it means a lot that you listeners are there with me for the ride, man. You're there virtually. So I only see you at events like modern Nirvana or out and about in the world occasionally. But it just brings me great joy to know that this show is at least having some small impact on some of your lives. So from the bottom of my heart, thank you so much for listening, and I'll be back next week.



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