352. CDT Thriving After Cancer, Arthritis, and Lyme Using Frequency Tech w/ Freddie Kimmel

Freddie Kimmel

DISCLAIMER: This podcast is presented for educational and exploratory purposes only. Published content is not intended to be used for diagnosing or treating any illness. Those responsible for this show disclaim responsibility for any possible adverse effects from the use of information presented by Luke or his guests. Please consult with your healthcare provider before using any products referenced. This podcast may contain paid endorsements for products or services.

Chronic illness survivor and functional coach, Freddie Kimmel, reveals how he healed himself of Lyme, arthritis, and lupus using the AmpCoil.

Freddie Kimmel is host of “The Beautifully Broken Podcast” and part of the management team at AmpCoil. He is also an IFHC functional health coach, gut health specialist, citizen scientist, Reiki healer, and public speaker.


He has been featured in “The Wall Street Journal,” “The New York Times,” “LA Talk Radio,” and “Dance Magazine.” Freddie is a proud survivor of metastatic cancer, Lyme, and mold.


Yes, he is THAT lucky.


For Freddie, one of the greatest blessings has been the presence of chronic illness in his life for the last 20 years. “I’ve gained a unique awareness of our mortality, the knowledge that I can do ANYTHING, and understand the power I hold as a child of the universe. I am here for what life has to offer. I embrace ALL of it.”


Freddie has a Bachelor’s of Fine Arts from SUNY Brockport. In an alternate universe, he is a trained performer, vocalist, and tap dancer. He has performed all over the country in Broadway touring productions of “The Phantom of the Opera,” “Billy Elliot,” and “Ragtime”. He played the titular role in the off-Broadway “Cagney: The Musical” in New York City (all packed in, between chemotherapy sessions, surgeries, and biohacking.)

DISCLAIMER: This podcast is presented for educational and exploratory purposes only. Published content is not intended to be used for diagnosing or treating any illness. Those responsible for this show disclaim responsibility for any possible adverse effects from the use of information presented by Luke or his guests. Please consult with your healthcare provider before using any products referenced. This podcast may contain paid endorsements for products or services.

I’m an avid AmpCoil advocate, but today’s guest, Freddie Kimmel’s, healing triumphs, really knocks the use of this frequency device out of the park. This astonishing, modern sound technology has blasted the devastating symptoms of Lyme, mold, arthritis, and lupus out of his body. 

Freddie is not only still standing, he’s thriving. Despite substantial physical setbacks where the odds were stacked against him, he has continuously refused to be knocked out of the ring, and his warmth and effervescent joy genuinely amp up the energy field of this recording. 

We dive into his health journey, from his cancer diagnosis at 26 and the long road to recovery, to his present state of physical and mental zen. Plus, we share our experiences with AmpCoil and how it has transformed our internal chemistry for the better. 

If you feel called to try out the AmpCoil for yourself, head my.ampcoil.com/luke-storey where you’ll get a $250 discount. 

12:30 — Freddie’s Extreme Healing Journey

  • How he cured himself of cancer, arthritis, Lyme, and CIRS
  • An advanced testicular cancer diagnosis at 26 years old
  • Agonizing surgeries, chemotherapy, and seven years of continuous hospital visits
  • Looking outside allopathic medicine to heal 
  • Acute mold exposure and effects 

38:48 — The AmpCoil 

  • Introduction to AmpCoil
  • Harmonizing disordered frequencies 
  • The AmpCoil in practice 
  • How the Ampcoil healed my fight and flight

42:15 — The Lyme Breakdown 

  • Childhood exposure to ticks
  • Becoming part of the Lyme community 
  • Fighting Lyme: three years of antibiotics + herbal protocols
  • Creating a whole system approach to health

56:40 — Emotional Body Healing

  • Unresolved mental trauma
  • Validating fatigue when no when else will
  • Cultivating joy by slowing down 
  • EMDR therapy during the pandemic
  • Cold exposure and pain reduction

More about this episode.

Watch it on YouTube.

Luke Storey:  I'm Luke Storey. For the past 22 years, I've been relentlessly committed to my deepest passion, designing the ultimate lifestyle based on the most powerful principles of spirituality, health, psychology. The Life Stylist podcast is a show dedicated to sharing my discoveries and the experts behind them with you. Freddie, that was a super cool experience that we just shared. Tell us what we just did.

[00:00:30]Freddie Kimmel:  Well, we just did a session on the AmpCoil technology, which is pulsed electromagnetic field and frequency delivery. And essentially, we had software that lives on a tablet, pre-programmed software. And what you and I just did was a journey called Brain Reboot, which is 15 minutes of resonant frequencies to complement our brain health. And that software went from the tablet through an amplifier, through a modified Tesla coil and into our energetic field. And as a result, my brain feels great.

[00:01:08]Luke Storey:  Mine does, too. I kind of just want to meditate and not talk. How's that going to work out for a podcast? What about the quantification? And for those listening, I did post the IGTV of the Instagram Live we just did, where we did a before and after in between the AmpCoil session. But I think that this other software you had that does the quantifying was really fascinating and I have not seen that. So, that was very cool. What was up with that part?

[00:01:34]Freddie Kimmel:  Yeah. We did a system called HRV Vital Scan. And what that does is it looks at 300 heartbeats over four to five minutes and it's going to divide those heartbeats into three separate frequency bandwidths. And from that information, we're going to look at what Luke's nervous system is doing. So, we scanned you before and we saw your nervous system is in amazing shape. You're a biohacker who's doing a lot of things right. And then, of course, we did the intervention.

[00:02:05] And what we saw in yours actually is the division between those three different frequency bands of heartbeats, it really evened out. So, you got this awesome, almost piscine-looking metric on that software data, and what it tells me is that your nervous system entrains and responds very well to frequency. That's one thing we can look at. The other thing that we saw was, is because it has ECG in there as well, we can look at predominant brainwave states. So, we saw all your brainwave activity lift up. We saw Theta increase. We saw Beta increase. And I'll give you screenshots of those so you can kind of post those on Instagram.

[00:02:41]Luke Storey:  Cool. We'll put those in the show notes, too.

[00:02:43]Freddie Kimmel:  Yeah. 

[00:02:43]Luke Storey:  Yeah. With technologies that are in the realm of energetics, magnetics, frequencies, all this kind of stuff, it's harder to quantify, and so you just often feel subjectively better, or you had some symptom of something going on, you're like, wow, the symptom's gone. And you have placebo and you have so many variables that could account for the changes.

[00:03:09] So, I think it's really a great intervention to have something like that where you can test anything like tomorrow when we go over and get the new Morozko Forge ice bath installed at the house, really looking forward to seeing a before and after of cold exposure, and seeing what that does. So, now, of course, I want one of these freaking things, because I want to test everything I do.

[00:03:31] As I was sitting there getting tested, I'm like, oh, I wonder what's happening in your brain and nervous system when you're on DMT, or meditating, or after breathwork, or whatever, not even withstanding the different technologies and stuff. That said, I want to jump into your story. And there's so much stuff I want to cover with you. Your story is epic and one that I'm sure, on one level, you're like sick of telling, but I don't think I've actually talked to someone or not many people who have had serious life-threatening illnesses, and been able to, within their own sovereignty, take responsibility for their health and their lifestyle, and overcome them.

[00:04:12] So, I definitely want to cover that, but I want to save a lot of time to talk about the different modalities and stuff. So, I'm saying like a medium truncated version, because I'll start asking a bunch of questions, and it'll take us four hours. So, I'm going to let you get through it. But from what I know about you, you have overcome cancer, arthritis, Lyme disease, and mold exposure, just for starters. So, I think the first one, the diagnosis was testicular cancer?

[00:04:40]Freddie Kimmel:  Yeah.

[00:04:41]Luke Storey:  Which for the men listening would probably be the worst. I think that would be perhaps the scariest. What was that like when you discovered that? And what were some of the steps along the way to being, sitting here with me as a healthy guy?

[00:04:55]Freddie Kimmel:  Yeah, it is a story, and I will tell the truncated version. As a man, like you said, it's one of the scariest things in the world. The diagnosis of cancer came as a result of me ignoring certain symptoms that were happening in my body, chronic pain for almost three years before. And I had actually found in self-examination a very, very small nodule on my left testicle. And at the time, I was 26 years old.

[00:05:27] I went and saw a doctor, and this practitioner said, cancer isn't painful, don't worry about it, it's probably just an infection. And I took that information and I just ignored it. I probably waited four months. Cut to the fact where I wake up in the morning, I can barely stand, and I'm hunched over, and I stumbled into the emergency room, and after about, goodness, almost a seven-and-a-half-hour-day of seeing urologists from the ER, different scans, sonograms, I find myself in a room.

[00:06:02] This is the craziest diagnosis story ever. And I'm sitting on a table and I passed out, because I was so tired and the stress of being in a hospital all day. I had a doctor walk into the room with all of these attendees behind him, there's like five people, and they don't look at me, and he turns the attendees and the doctors reading off a clipboard, and he said, this is a male with advanced testicular cancer. 

[00:06:27] And that's how I heard that I had that disease state. And it was like one of those moments where the room goes totally dark. Have you ever been at a really noisy pool party in the summer where there are like kids screaming and music, and you get pushed in the pool, and the sound's like [making sounds] . That's what that was like, this moment of eternity. And I'll never forget that. And I ran out of the room and I called my dad.

[00:06:56] I had to tell my dad, at 26 years old, that I had cancer. For some reason, there was a lot of shame. I was like, oh, my God, I knew about this four months ago. I was so irresponsible. I didn't follow the proper protocols of following up. And I was immediately on a plane home to my parents' town. I'm flying back home to mom and dad. We go straight to the emergency room, and it's like surgery and a diagnosis.

[00:07:25] They found that the testicular cancer had spread to 11 tumors in my abdomen. So, I'm sitting there in a hospital bed, 26, and I'm looking at the screen with all these spots all over it, and I don't know how I'm making it through at this point, but it was just a surreal experience of just having reality hit you like wave, after wave, after wave. And they said, listen, Freddie, you've got a tumor growing around the venae cavae, going to your heart, around your left kidney.

[00:08:00] This is metastatic cancer. We're going to do everything we can to save your life. I had wonderful doctors. I had a doctor that was wheeled into that first surgery, he literally sat me down, he slapped Lance Armstrong's book on my lap, and he just grabbed my hand, he's like, you are not going to die. You're going to be great. And I trusted that doctor. I remember those words. They were like, boom, like a movie in your mind.

[00:08:27] And that walked me through all the chemotherapy you could do for this cancer. When we looked at everything when we were done, cancer wasn't gone, they said, great, we got a plan B, we're going to cut from sternum to pelvis. We're going to take out all your organs. We're going to clip away the cancer in your lymph nodes. We're going to put everything back. We'll zip you back up and you're going to be good to go.

[00:08:46] And I went through that experience, and it was, waking up from something like that, that surgery, it was one of those moments you really have this, again, hit by a brick wall, I am a mortal human being. I woke up and I was in so much pain. It was beyond, beyond. And I was incapacitated, I couldn't walk. I had tubes in my mouth, tubes in my penis, everywhere there's a tube that there's a hole, intravenously fed food.

[00:09:21] And that experience went on for 10 or 12 days in this emergency room situation and it was in that state that I was—this is an amazing story, I'm going to sum it up, the cancer experience. I'm surrounded by my family. I think it's 12 days in this state of having tubes everywhere. I'm watching people come in and out of the room. It's a total haze. And I have a doctor walk in, and says, Freddie, you're cancer-free.

[00:09:49] You've totally beat the odds, my whole family is around me, everybody's crying. It was like one of these things, if you can imagine being on the top of Mount Everest, and that was the cancer experience. That was going forward. At this point, this is where I imagined my brain, living at home again, learning to walk, learning to shower, that I'm going to call Oprah and I'm going to write a book.

[00:10:18] And I'm going to be that poster child for testicular cancer and everything is going to be great. And that wasn't my experience. My experience is that all that scar tissue from that surgery started to grow back really quick. And so, I would find myself every two months, every four months rushed to the emergency room where they would be cutting open my belly again, taking out a small bowel, stitching me back up, and this went on. This is like 2007, I had surgeries up to 2015. So, you can imagine the trauma, and the chronic pain, and the fatigue that goes along with putting your body through that much.

[00:11:10] Through this time, it was discovering that I had Lyme disease, I had a horrible mold exposure, I had high Epstein bar, I had mercury toxicity. As you do, you start trying to put together all these pieces of why my body keeps falling back into dysfunction, so it was this incredible road of discovery, and really starting to look outside of what the allopathic medicine model was offering me and starting to go to the fringe. And that's why we're sitting here today, because we have a lot in common about the biohacking world, and oxygen, and breathwork, and plant medicine. And all these things that I did were out of necessity just to be able to be here in a chair with you having a conversation.

[00:12:02]Luke Storey:  Wow, dude. So, at this point, I mean, based on the amount of output you do with your coaching and content creation, your podcast, you have hell of energy since we've been here today. I mean, are you, on paper, totally free of all of that pathology or what does your clean bill of health look like, just based on your life or how you feel, or could you go to a Western doc right now, and then say, you're totally, perfectly healthy?

[00:12:30]Freddie Kimmel:  Yeah, I'm stellar. My bloodwork is stellar. I'm totally cancer-free. I can't find mold in my blood or any Lyme. I continue to look at all these biomarkers and I think I'm down to two medications, where at one time, I was on 12 to 13. There was a time when I would go home for Christmas and I would bring two Wegmans Bags at a grocery store in upstate New York of supplements home to my parents for Christmas vacation. And I have this little pill case that's has like six, that I can just sort of live my life. And that's all been through self-experimentation as a citizen scientist. I figured a lot of this stuff out of my own.

[00:13:17]Luke Storey:  What two medications are still necessary?

[00:13:20]Freddie Kimmel:  I inject testosterone. 

[00:13:22]Luke Storey:  Because you want to feel awesome?

[00:13:24]Freddie Kimmel:  Because I want to feel awesome. Well, when you cut off one testicle, that diminishes it. And then, if you do a certain amount of chemo, that can also shut that other organ down. It's something that I totally believe I can biohack. I think I can fix that. I just haven't gotten there yet. I've tried to stop at a couple of times, and it's just really challenging. You realize what a powerful hormone that is in a young guy. So, that's one of them. And then, I do a little bit of LDN. It's called low-dose naltrexone.

[00:13:56]Luke Storey:  Oh, yeah. I've heard of that.

[00:13:57]Freddie Kimmel:  Yeah. Actually, at 50 milligrams, it was a medication that people use for addiction, and then they found, at microdoses like 0.5 milligrams up to five milligrams, some, a little bit higher, that it can have this really nice balancing effect on the immune system and energy. I found it was really great for the time that I went through the mold, and overreacting to the environment, I would have patterns of inflammation come up. So, it's just been something that I've kind of dabbled with and still continue to take, but that's about it.

[00:14:31]Luke Storey:  I mean, those are medications that I would take. I thought you meant like there's some chemo pills you're still taking, something crazy like that. Tell us about the acute mold exposure, because I just did a show. It will have been published—actually, no, it already was published. What am I talking about? Yeah, it already came out. I did a mold show finally after five years that was really brought about by having some mold in this house that I just bought here, and wanting to, of course, get rid of that before stepping foot in there. But sounds like yours was quite acute. What did that look like? And what were some of the physical effects? And how did you eventually figure out that that was adding to the overall burden of toxicity?

[00:15:14]Freddie Kimmel:  Yeah, it was not so long ago. This is about 2017 that I bought my first home in Union City, New Jersey. And I lived there for about a year, and I would have this experience, where every time it will rain, I'd put in this—and of course, like you, I redone the home. I ripped out the floors and put in bamboo. I had my Murphy beds I flipped up, so I had yoga studios and a place to record the podcast.

[00:15:42] When it would rain, I would get water leakage underneath the floorboards. And this kind of went on for an—and I had so many contractors over to look at it, nobody could find these leaks. Of course, it's an apartment building, so it's problematic. My walls are somebody else's walls. I only have control over the little space. And I started to become, where I achieved a decent level of like robust health and energy, I started to have these weird symptoms come back.

[00:16:13] I felt like I lost ground with food sensitivities. I started to become more fatigued, looping thoughts. It didn't add up, because I had been doing a lot of tools, a lot of biohacking at that point. And eventually, I was standing in the kitchen one morning and I had these contractors, and I said, you know what, just rip open this wall, because I think there's water behind that wall. 

[00:16:34] And I was standing in my kitchen, and as they were cutting open the wall, this birthday cake cloud of mold like erupted into the room when they opened it. And both contractors looked at me, and they said, get out. And of course, as I was telling you before, at the time, my other side of my life, my career had been in New York City doing music, theater, performing, singing, and dancing.

[00:16:59] I was in this show called Cagney the Musical at the time, and I was a stand by for the lead, so I had to go on and do this part that day. I was actually doing the part all weekend. And I stood there and knew I had to be on stage for like six-and-a-half hours that day, back to back shows, Saturday double. And I continued to make my breakfast, to make my smoothies, and to do the thing in that mold.

[00:17:22] I knew better, Luke, but it was one of those things that my brain just wasn't working. So, I got to the theater and started to get into costume. I get up on stage. I'm having these microseconds, where I'm looking at people, this is a show I've done for 17 months, and lines weren't coming to me. Now, nobody in the audience would know this. They were microseconds, but it was like I'm having these Alzheimer's moments throughout the day. 

[00:17:49] And after that situation, after that initial exposure, my health just started to tank. I could no longer go into some mold exposure, what it felt like in my body. If I walked into Target, and was in the fluorescent lights, and I'd walk down the aisle of cleaning supplies, I would cry. I would be so sensitive to the chemicals. I saw a really good family friend in Target one time and I was like bawling. 

[00:18:17] Like I'm buying paper towels, I'm buying cleaning supplies, I'm trying to get bags to get on my clothes in, and I just had no control over my emotions. My skin erupted with all these like—I had like acne on my legs, incredible depression, incredible mood swings. I always say, God bless my partner at the time, Allie, was with me, because she would just bore the brunt of this, for all intents and purposes, I would just have these terrible, almost like rage.

[00:18:51] My brain just wasn't working. And I saw so many mold specialists. I paid to see the best doctors around New York City and did all the tests. I did a mycotoxin test where they measure your pee, Great Plains Laboratories. And I had all of these mycotoxins like eight times the normal limit in my urine, which tells you that there is an active colonization in the body.

[00:19:19]Luke Storey:  Woah.

[00:19:20]Freddie Kimmel:  Yeah.?

[00:19:20]Luke Storey:  So, it's not just the exposure that actually got in your body and grew?

[00:19:24]Freddie Kimmel:  You can have colonies in your nasal cavity almost like a moth ball that's recolonizing through the body.

[00:19:34]Luke Storey:  What? Oh, my God.

[00:19:34]Freddie Kimmel:  People don't really realize how expansive these cavities are in the nasal passage. And so, the mold levels weren't going down. And I was doing heavy, heavy pharmaceuticals. I was doing and bioterrorism amphotericin, amphotericin B, like these nasal flushes. My nose bleed, because it was so volatile and so terrible. And it's kind of around the time this mold exposure. And I was using all the tools that I had. I had an ozone machine. I had an infrared sauna. I imagine I probably would have been hospitalized if I didn't have these tools.

[00:20:05] And I've had people tell me that, that the levels of mold, they couldn't believe I was functioning or singing and dancing at the time. And it was around this time that I was walking on a treadmill at the gym, trying to clear my thoughts, and I had this podcast pop up from the BetterHealthGuy, and it was about a technology called AmpCoil. And I just remember listening to all these theories about frequency, and magnetics, and bioresonance. And actually, I got off the treadmill, I pulled out my credit card, and I walked to the corner of the gym, and I bought it.

[00:20:41]Luke Storey:  Really?

[00:20:42]Freddie Kimmel:  Yeah. I was so desperate for something to help my body and my energy was so low. And they kept talking about energy, and magnetism, and what magnetism does for the smallest unit in the body, the cell. And I was just feeling each step on that—it was actually a StairMaster, truth be told. It was so hard and arduous that I felt like I was in real trouble. I was really at a point where I was just scared. So, that was a huge turning point for me. And really, it was an intervention that I did. Within like three months, my energy and access to word recall was back to normal.

[00:21:25]Luke Storey:  Wow. Wild, man.

[00:21:27]Freddie Kimmel:  Yeah.

[00:21:28]Luke Storey:  I'm familiar, as you know, with the AmpCoil, I've had one for a few years, did a couple of shows with the founders a few years ago now, actually, because I'm coming up on six years of this show. So, some people will have heard of it, some people will not. But when I found it, it was mostly known for Lyme disease. And I want to get into that in a moment. But I was unaware that there was anything in the frequencies there that would assist with mold. Like what programs were you running? And how was that improving your vitality so that your body could then deal with the mold exposure?

[00:22:08]Freddie Kimmel:  What I've come up with, because this is all new to me, I bought my AmpCoil two years ago. And as much as I was a functional medicine health coach, and a cancer survivor, and a biohacker, understanding and getting into this world of vibration and frequency was very new. So, it seems like when I think of frequency, I think of Star Trek. Like you're going to hold a tricorder over somebody's kidney and you're going to heal it.

[00:22:33] Like there's this ray. And what I've come to understand is that, and it sounds sort of cliche, is that everything is frequency, everything's a vibration. The microphone, or the wood, or my pants, or the knee, or my teeth, it's all just a different oscillating pattern. And even the space between us is a different oscillating—it's a different vibration. And it's all connected.

[00:22:57] So, you could look at something like mold or a sore knee as a distortion. It could be like a distorted frequency. Another cool way to think about it is like an orchestra of 100 instruments and you have this horrible autotuned tuba. Like you don't kick the tuba out, you're like, you leave, you suck. No, you'd give him some direction, maybe you'd tune up the instrument, and then you've got a beautiful sound again.

[00:23:25] So, that's the way I look at it. That's the way I think about it, and understand it, and have really found clarity around what it is. And so, mold has a frequency. It's got a resonance. And the human energetic field, it's a distortion. So, we would want to give that distorted frequency, we want to harmonize it with a good one. And the other thing that I've come to understand is like, what drives our body are our organs and organ systems, and cell-to-cell communication.

[00:23:52] You talk a lot about this with light. The cells communicate through light and we can measure the light coming off the body with like GDV photography. If you've looked at all that, there's a device called, I think it's Bio-Well, which looks at the energetic print of the body, but it scans it, and it looks at it, and can have an image, because we give off light.

[00:24:14] So, knowing how the body communicates through light, and bioresonance, and vibration, and then all the organ systems need to talk to each other. I think the cool thing about the coil, what I started doing is—and I'm as guilty as the next person of opening a box and not wanting to read the directions, and wanting to push play. So, I got to be honest with you, when I started using it, I was just playing journeys, not in the right order, not following directions, but I remember playing the album that is labeled Organs.

[00:24:46] And so, I would know that with all my surgeries, and stuff, and my trend towards stagnation, I would play Liver, the song for liver, or Gallbladder, or Large Intestine. So, I started doing that, or heart. I started doing that a lot. And then, on this software menu, if you will, there are journeys that compliment a different state of being. So, Relax All. 

[00:25:10] That's the biggest thing for me, especially in that state, my nervous system was fried. And I felt like I didn't have anywhere to turn. There was not a person that I walked into their office, and said, I've got mold. There was no compassion. There was no understanding. It was very much like—you know what's very interesting, and I'll promise I'll bring us back on track. 

[00:25:33] And so, what I started doing, but you have this incredible experience of going through cancer, and it's like people want to show up at your house and fill your refrigerator with food. And they want to drive you to treatment, and the phone calls and emails. But with mold, and Lyme, and these chronic illnesses, you're like the walking wounded, because you look normal, right? I was performing at a very high level.

[00:25:55] I looked fine. But on the inside, it was like I was dying. I remember there was one experience where I tried to tie my shoes and I held my shoelaces for like two minutes. I just held the laces. I was like, okay, something's bad here. My brain just wasn't like, go forward to the next step. So, it's really like these moments of like mini-dementia that I was experiencing. 

[00:26:18] And so, back to the coil, me using it, it was just me using it like 60 minutes, 75 minutes a day, hour-and-a-half a day that I just started to have more energy. In fact, so much so that I overcoiled when I first started using it. I got too much energy. And I remember being kind of like a little manic at points. But again, so excited to have voltage and charge in my body, and be able to take a walk all day. I used to say I had the magic window of energy with a cup of coffee, that I had clarity and I could feel it like almost go away.

[00:26:56] That was the one thing that got my brain going. But now, I feel really good all day long to talk, and converse, and engage. And like you said, I do a podcast. I help run AmpCoil. I help other human beings who are struggling. I volunteer myself at senior centers and I sing for old people, all the things. So, it's been one of the modalities that I just think has a seat at the table. Not the only one, I mean, we can talk about program addicts, and how many things you and I both use and do that make us feel very robust, but it's something that I'll never be without.

[00:27:36]Luke Storey:  I agree. Same here. We were talking before the recording, and for those that weren't there, such as everyone listening, I had to choose a certain number of things, toys, tools that I could bring to the apartment while we're working on this house out here, and thankfully, the AmpCoil, this version, for those watching, if we end up zooming out to camera A, you can see it right here beneath my feet.

[00:28:00] But I thought, alright, well, I only have room in this apartment for a couple of things. I've got to fit me, Alyson, the dog, the cat. I can't like bring all my stuff, where back home, I had this little cottage in the backyard called the Zen Den, and I would keep all my stuff out there. So, I couldn't bring the hyperbaric chamber. I'm about to get a float tank. I can't do that. It's like the ice bath, can't do that.

[00:28:21] That's over at the house in the backyard. So, I thought, well, what are the things that I would actually use on a daily basis that I would miss? And it was like the AmpCoil, the higher dose PEMF mat. I have a couple of Joovv units, so I brought the smaller one that like hangs on the closet door. And I think that's pretty much it. Those are the things that I felt like I really needed to support this very potentially stressful time, which I'm transmuting into a really fun and exciting time, but it's a lot.

[00:28:50] There's a lot, because I'm working and all that. And yeah, honestly, I would be really bummed without the AmpCoil. I got the BioCharger, which I love too, but it's really big and I just didn't have room for it. So, that's at the garage in the house. And we would put together soon, the construction guys that keep walking, what is that thing? I'm like, you wouldn't understand. 

[00:29:10] When I get it hooked up and you guys are tired, come see me and I'll blast yourselves with a bunch of energy. But yeah, I agree, man. It's one of those innovations that is just part of a day-to-day practice. And when I got mine, I did much the same way. I just wanted something that would calm my nervous system down. I didn't have Lyme disease. I didn't have parasites, mold, any of the other things that it's really useful for.

[00:29:34] I just noticed the very first time I use the AmpCoil, I happened to be in an extremely excited fight or flight state at the time, I was going through a lot of emotional turmoil around the relationship, and I drove way out to the valley where someone owned one, and I don't even know what journey she ran for me, but I just know I went into like the deepest Theta relax space for a couple of hours.

[00:29:59] I mean, I got really knocked down, I think, because I was in such bad shape. And from that moment on, I was sold. But then, when I found out that it had so much to do with the Lyme community, and as I've told you and talked about on the show, my mom, we think has had Lyme for a very long time. I'm not exactly sure at this point. I want to get into that. But that's when I really became invested and I started going up to the AmpCoil summits they used to have in Tahoe.

[00:30:25] I was like, is this thing real? Because like it's really hard to handle Lyme. Like most stuff that people try doesn't work long term. People do ozone, they do Rife generators, this kind of stuff, but I've met very few people that are like, yeah, I had full-on Lyme, and now, I don't. It's just kind of one of those things people really struggle with. Going to those summits and meeting so many people not affiliated with the company at all, but just there to like celebrate and shout from the rooftops that they had been sick for five years, for four years, for 10 years, couldn't work, got divorced, like their whole lives have been decimated by this particular illness, and they're living their best life.

[00:31:04] And the only thing they did differently was putting this freaking magnetic coil on themselves every day and running these different frequencies. So, that really got my attention, which brings me back to, it's like your story of—I don't call it like surviving these things, because you're very much thriving. Like your story of thriving through the cancer, through the mold, and the arthritic conditions that came with all of that, and all the pain, and all the meds, and all the stuff you've been through, I mean, it's really quite incredible, but I think one of the ones that's most fascinating to me is the Lyme part. 

[00:31:38] Like talk about having to have the mental, and emotional fortitude, and attitudinal prowess to make it through cancer, and be like, woohoo, I'm a cancer survivor, I'm going to go out and spread the good word, and then psych, you got mold exposure, double psych, and you've got Lyme. I mean, it's like the worst possible trifecta I can think of. So, when did Lyme come in? What is it? What's up with the ticks, the co-infections, like the whole shit? Give me the Lyme breakdown.

[00:32:08]Freddie Kimmel:  Yeah, I'll give you my Lyme breakdown. Again, not a medical professional, just a citizen scientist who's been super passionate about this. I think most Lyme patients are the most educated human beings on the planet when it comes to everything you just mentioned. We often go to practitioners and we know more than they do. That's always been my experience. And I grew up in upstate New York. I grew up on a farm. I grew up doing Western Rodeo.

[00:32:38]Luke Storey:  Oh, really?

[00:32:39]Freddie Kimmel:  Yeah.

[00:32:39]Luke Storey:  I spent a lot of time at rodeos with my dad as a kid.

[00:32:42]Freddie Kimmel:  Yeah. No, I remember. I listened to your first episode, and I was like, oh, my goodness. I got dragged around rodeos. My dad was a team roper, and I did like breakaway calf roping, everything. I mean, now, I look back and it was fun. It was a great community. It was amazing. I love it. Horses are beautiful animals. I feel in retrospect, I feel bad for like the poor calves that-

[00:33:02]Luke Storey:  I concur.

[00:33:03]Freddie Kimmel:  Do you know what I mean? 

[00:33:04]Luke Storey:  Oh, totally.

[00:33:05]Freddie Kimmel:  But that was my experience. And so, I was very much like a farm boy. And I can only imagine growing up in barns with an old farmhouse and ticks everywhere. And I've got to imagine at some point my childhood that I was exposed. And when I moved to the city to like go after being a professional singer, and dancer, and Broadway human being, I moved to the city a month after 9/11. And the city was still smoking.

[00:33:35] I remember driving into Manhattan and it was like fireflies over the city. It was helicopters just swarming the city. I'll never forget that, driving in New York. And I set down my bags and I started like hunting for a job like day one. I think I had $387. And I remember being on the subway, and going to auditions, and looking for work, and the energy of the people around that city at that time, it was so intense. 

[00:34:04] And I would come home from the day of looking for work and I would get in the shower and I would just like cry. And I didn't tell anybody about it. And I wasn't an outwardly overly emotional person, pretty bottled. We use the term cowboy up when I was a little kid. So, I would just have these releases, these emotional releases, and it was actually like the symptoms of mold and the pain. I woke up one morning like that very, very early on.

[00:34:33] This is in 2001. And I was 23, I ate Advil and indomethacin, painkillers, just kept escalating until I was diagnosed with cancer. So, that inflammatory response, that pattern, and for me, what Lyme was, was like my knees felt like watermelons. I couldn't hold a coffee. My hands hurt, to like grip a coffee cup. The onset was not fatigue or any of these other things, but that's what started for me.

[00:35:02] And so, interestingly enough, having all these medical experiences layered on one another, it's sort of like I have discernment, so I can know what—I really do understand what's what, what level of inflammation is, what happens from different surgeries, what chemotherapy feels like. So, I would imagine that that emotional trauma was my straw that broke the camel's back. And I think that's what allowed, this is my theory, Lyme to express on my body.

[00:35:31] Now, I didn't have access to doctors that knew about Lyme in 2001. And I went to a rheumatologist and tested, they couldn't find anything wrong with my bloodwork, nothing, because I was sure I had rheumatoid arthritis. And from watching the television, I was like, I just need Celebrex, because on the Celebrex commercials, there's like six-year-old men doing cartwheels and squatting little kids over their heads.

[00:35:53] I want to be able to do that. So, I was sure that that's all I needed, was a really good anti-inflammatory. It's so funny now to look back, I'm like, that's all I need and I couldn't get a doctor to write me a script for Celebrex, unfortunately or fortunately. And it wasn't until I went through the cancer and started to have these additional surgeries, and that trauma really laid in fatigue.

[00:36:17] That's where I started to try to walk to the subway, and I would make it halfway, and turn around, and go home. That's where I would hold my shoelaces and not be able to tie my shoelaces. And so, that's when I started doing digging into the Lyme community. And there this lab that all Lymeys will know about called IGeneX. IGeneX Labs, where you send your blood, and if you get a number of bands right in the blood work, you'll get a positive Lyme diagnosis. So, that's what I did to learn that I had Lyme.

[00:36:45]Luke Storey:  Is that still the gold standard for Lyme testing?

[00:36:48]Freddie Kimmel:  It's one of them. There's a company in Germany now. There is a new test that they're working on. A woman I've had on my podcast, Holly Ahern, who is looking, she's developing an immune signature test, which will basically say, if you've had Lyme, if you've ever had Lyme, how you fought Lyme, what co-infections. So, that's going to come out soon. I think within the next year. They're working with the administrative bodies that be to see how that test comes out and if it's covered under insurance. Right now, the IGeneX test—at the time, it was 1,200 bucks. For me, that was a fortune. I mean, I really wrestled with that. It was like I had nothing.

[00:37:29]Luke Storey:  I know, and that's just the test, right?

[00:37:30]Freddie Kimmel:  That's the test.

[00:37:31]Luke Storey:  It's not the treatment, because then it's like you spend the money, like I think I probably have Lyme, you drop the 1,200 bucks, it's like, no, you're clean. Great. It's like, now, what? Because now, you're going to have to go do more testing to figure out what it is.

[00:37:43]Freddie Kimmel:  Yeah. So, you start reading and you learn that Lyme, there are so many things that cause Lyme. I was listening to Dr. Rawls talk, who is a very famous herbalist that has a protocol, and he talks about that there's 241 microbes in a tick, all that could cause symptoms of Lyme. So, the idea that we know—and basically this keeps coming out, that we really don't know, all these vector-borne illnesses that would come from an insect that could give you the same type of symptoms.

[00:38:15] We talk about Borrelia, or you have Bartonella, or Rickettsia, all these different families of Lyme and Lyme confections, but we really don't know. So, I started jumping into this world of, for three years, I did antibiotics. You can imagine what that did for my gut. And after that, it was like to the herbal protocols. There's a gentleman called Stephen Buhner, I did that whole protocol. 

[00:38:43] And then, there's the Cowden protocol, which is taking so many like microdosing herbs all day, every day. Again, very, very expensive protocols. And then, I got into the world of ozone treatment. I saw a guy in New York City who was doing this direct injective ozone therapy, which is a fascinating experience. And everything would like move the needle for me a little bit, but then I always would slide back. I could never like hold the sustained improvements.

[00:39:13] And that's been the big difference over the last two-and-a-half years. Like I feel like I've put together this protocol of things where I can finally feel where I'm maintaining my gains. And that was maddening. And Luke, that was like over 10 years of like forward and back, and forward and back. And I really did everything, the stem cells, the PRP injections, ozone therapy, hyperbaric chambers, liver flushes, gall bladder flushes. I had this stupid list of things.

[00:39:42]Luke Storey:  I'd like to see your list and like A, B it with my list. And I wasn't even ill. I'm just like, I want to just live my best life, except for the EMF like toxicity that I experienced. That was the only thing that was a thing. But otherwise, it's just, wow, what an incredible journey. With the Lyme bit, you mentioned some of the co-infections and things like that, it seems like it's a tough one to diagnose and also treat, but then even more so perhaps is like, how do you know, other than just subjectively not experiencing the symptoms of Lyme, that it's gone? Is it ever really gone in someone?

[00:40:24]Freddie Kimmel:  My belief, I don't think so. I look at Lyme now, having worked with lots of people, for there was a while, I was really, really like you, I was helping people. I was taking the experience I had learned in helping others kind of navigate a path as a functional health coach. And from my experience, it's this multisystem dysfunction. Like there are so many things. It's never the bacteria in my experience.

[00:40:55] Again, it's like Epstein-Barr, and IBS, and chronic fatigue, and fibromyalgia, or we could look at blood work. We can see, why is my body not absorbing iron? And why are my B vitamins so low? Why do I have no neurotransmitters? I think that's the thing that's problematic about the Google Button and being type A is you're just going to chase, like I remember the discoveries, I was like, oh, I've got Lyme.

[00:41:25] Now, I know what to fix. Oh, I've got Epstein-Barr. Now, I know what to fix. Mercury toxicity, was always metals. So, you just go in the circle. And I think that's where, as far as this—I talk about systemic dysfunction and creating a program that supports the whole body, and that was really important to me. And it can be so simple. It's the water you drink. It's the sleep hygiene. It's the home environment.

[00:41:59] It's the food you eat. I remember walking into a really famous Lyme doctor, and I had my whole diet right now, and I had done this really strict ketogenic diet with like no carbs, and no nonorganic foods, no grains, and no lectins, and this doctor's looked at me, he's like, food ain't going to do it for you. He's like, you're too sick to be healed by food. I was frustrated in the moment, but it was a turning point for me.

[00:42:33]Luke Storey:  Got to respect the honesty, right?

[00:42:35]Freddie Kimmel:  In his experience, food wasn't going to do it for me. So, I had to start asking different questions. So, I started to look at this whole system approach and really started to bring things in to my program, that we're going to support the system, like you do. And it's funny because—it's not funny. It's resonant or right that like there are definitely some amazing lessons I picked up from your podcasts. Your level of quality with water, it was like, oh, my goodness, there's spring water, and there's deuterium, and there is structure, and then you can light your water. And there was a level of improvement that happened from that.

[00:43:16]Luke Storey:  The water thing in and of itself, you're right, is a practice, right?

[00:43:19]Freddie Kimmel:  It's a practice. It's a practice, but we're 70% water. So then, I'll honor that in the body.

[00:43:24]Luke Storey:  That's why I started with that, really. I mean, and molecularly speaking, we're, I think, 99% water, molecule per molecule. It's like we literally are crystalline water beings. So, that's why I have put so much emphasis on that.

[00:43:40]Freddie Kimmel:  It's so empowering. And then, things like air—like the mold exposure to me led me to a different awareness around air quality. I just had to be more aware. So, all of these things, all of these lessons, whether it was whatever level of dysfunction, it was always leading me to a new level of awareness on how I wanted to design my life. And so, of course, I use the biohacking tools, but at the end of the day, what I keep coming up against is none of the tools, none of the lights, or the gadgets, or the frequency things are going to allow me to bypass the pain of the human experience that that's going to show up. 

[00:44:21] The tools help me navigate it in a better way, but it's always coming to this next level of understanding of, to be here is to be hurt, and to feel grief and sorrow, and to feel incredible levels of trauma at moments, and to sit with that is really hard. It's really, really hard. I think, again, to dovetail, in the middle of the pandemic, Luke, I had these waves of like dropping to my knees and screaming of pain around—I had these images of me getting rolled into surgery.

[00:44:59] I was like, why are you not running the other direction, they're going to cut open your chest? But at the time, at 23, I'm like, yeah, let's do this. I didn't cry, maybe a couple tears, didn't feel much, just did it, but from all this work, and stopping, and the world stopping, and I'm not around people, I'm not in a cafe, I'm not go, go, go, like it caught me. And it was palpable and real.

[00:45:27] And it was like two months, and me reaching out to everybody in my circle, EMDR therapists and spiritual coaches, my really good go-to spiritual coach, Cathy Whelehan and Laura Young. They've run this program called BeLovedNow. They do self-guiding spiritual healing principles. Like I had all these people in my network that I was like, I'm deteriorating. And luckily, I had these resources to help me work through the grief. On the other side of it, it's beautiful.

[00:46:02]Luke Storey:  Well, that is something I actually wanted to cover, and thank you for just naturally taking us there. Fundamentally, underneath all of the different breakdowns we experience physically, and we talked a bit about energy, is the emotional body, the spiritual body, right? The physiology, I think, ultimately is downstream from that. And you can see this, I think, based on, I mean, epigenetics might have something to do with it.

[00:46:27] But you see someone who really loves their life, and doesn't do all the biohacking stuff, and remains physically healthy, or maybe someone that hasn't experienced abject physical or emotional trauma, or they've just worked on their attitude enough where they maintain their vitality and some degree of longevity, right? And I have also observed that many people who end up in the position with some of these more nebulous conditions like fibro, Lyme, chronic fatigue, Crohn's disease. 

[00:47:00] I mean, I guess some of them are more diagnosable than others, but those ones that are really hard to fix and are often kind of you're shooting in the dark trying to figure out what's wrong with you. Like a lot of the things you've described in your story end up being traced back to unresolved trauma that gets stuck in the tissues. So, I think that one could buy all the devices, take all the supplements, work with all the fancy doctors, do all the things, but if they're spiritually and emotionally bypassing the inner healing, then the body is not going to be in congruence with the new template or new terrain that's being created through all the physical practices and modalities, right?

[00:47:40] So, it's a really important thing, I think, that you're leading us into here, is the holistic approach to not just the physical health, and thinking that that's the ultimate goal, but rather health of the whole being. And sometimes, it takes something like a COVID lockdown to stick us in our flat, going, oh, man, I skipped a few steps, or maybe you're so focused on the lowest hanging fruit, which is the physical pain in your joints and the pain that you're going through, that of course, you're going to work on that, and not be like, let me think about my childhood, right?

[00:48:14] It's like you don't think about that until you hit another wall. And that's been my story the whole way through. Even though I haven't had any of these strange diseases, per se, I have had so many emotional and mental health issues throughout the course of my life that I actually started with that. And then, realized afterward like, oh, man, my body is kind of trash from all the abuse that I gave it early in life. And then, that kind of goes in cycles and I'm ending up in this place of, you just have to do all the things.

[00:48:47] But the attitude that you were able to maintain through all of this is what really impresses me. And I think in addition to your dedication to the physical practices, and habits, and lifestyle changes is this inherent upbeat attitude that you have. So, where did that attitude come from? How have you cultivated that? And what would you recommend to someone who is in your position that's like tried all of the healing techniques, and nothing's working, and they're perpetually trapped in that negative tailspin of emotional pain?

[00:49:25]Freddie Kimmel:  Yeah. I think that the first thing is to just validate, like I want to validate to anybody who feels like they have chronic fatigue or Lyme and you can't get up off the couch, that's real. And I think that for a long time, what kept me from moving forward was not being seen or heard, because with each office that I walked into and that experience was invalidated, I got more angry and I contracted.

[00:49:58] And you can own that. You can be that angry guy. You can carry that anger with you all the time and you've got to set that down at some point. And that dysfunction of the mitochondria is real. You get to a certain level of toxicity, and yeah, there's no voltage going to your cells. Your little nanomotors aren't breaking apart adenosine triphosphate to make energy. Whatever that reason is, it could be very, very real. 

[00:50:27] For me, the programming of how I roll with these things is a little DNA, for sure. There's something in my soul that is programmed for joy. Even going through chemotherapy, I was having fun with people next to me. Oh, my God, I remember the nurse. I remember the first shower I had to take like after that surgery where they cut off my chest and this beautiful nurse was showering me.

[00:50:55] And I was like, the whole time, I'm like trying to put out the vibe still. But I look like ET, you know when ET washed up in the river and he's just all white, I was just a mess. But I was still having like these moments of joy, where I was like, this beautiful girl, and I'm like, oh, yeah, you look like death right now. So, I've always been able to find, whatever it was, like a little bit of joy in the experience. 

[00:51:19] And I think the older I get, the more I lean in to that. And I trust that that's a good thing, that's a good trait. I think that cultivating that, just for me, it's been slowing down. And it's been the really, really simple things, like starting my day with a journal and writing. Seriously, I just flew to Austin, and like grabbed a hotel, and I'm eating out of a grocery store, like I drove to you, like for me to sit in that like this morning, I was like, woah.

[00:51:56] I'm going to do a podcast with Luke Storey. I'm driving myself. I can go to the bathroom. I can eat any food I want to eat. I mean, like the victories in that alone this morning are incredible. And so, even to sit with that for five minutes on my journal this morning, it's like it's enough to make you cry. I'm like, I get to live another day, the blessing of life. 

[00:52:20] And for whatever reason, my story was that my soul needed to go through all of those things to get to this spot. I'm grateful for that, even though they were very, very, very painful. And I'm still processing that pain. I can feel my heart right now like talking about it all and it's very raw, totally on the brink of tears, but I'm not going to cry in your podcast. 

[00:52:46]Luke Storey:  I cry on like every other podcast I do.

[00:52:48]Freddie Kimmel:  I can feel where it's like my heart is like, they're like, dude, you just let out a lot of stuff right now, like take a breath for a minute and just honor that. So, honoring where you've been, taking a moment, taking this moment. I know it sounds so simplistic, but taking moments of gratitude. I think my advice to anybody else going through this experience of chronic illness is to really see where you can find answers inside yourself.

[00:53:20] I went for so long for going outside of myself for information and answers, when at the end of the day, most things I do are intuitive. I do a little muscle testing. I'll put my hand on my heart and I'll just, I say, I do this little silly exercise where I'll just say, yes, I close my eyes. And if I rock forward, that means my yes is I'm forward, I'm leaning into a yes. And if I say no, I'll rock backwards, and I can tell myself like, I'm an even keel right there.

[00:53:45] So, I'll literally like pick up food in the grocery store, I'll be like, yes, and I'll like fall backwards sometimes. I'm like, oh, you don't need that nut butter. Great. It's not right for you. So, I think whatever that little experiment is, where you use your own body's internal compass to find your true north, that you trust that. Because I find that in this experience of me working with AmpCoil to make this technology accessible to more people in a better way, I talk to people all week long that have the same story. It's an incredible job. Can you imagine? 

[00:54:21]Luke Storey:  You're incredibly well suited for it, right?

[00:54:24]Freddie Kimmel:  I mean, can you imagine talking literally like 10 to 15 phone calls a week where the a parent says, oh, my children have Lyme, and we're all sick, and my one child is bedridden, and I'm on disability, and I have no money. Like you hear the story a lot, right? This gap is ridiculous in this world. It's crazy. We talk about the anger. I always think about this, the anger, why people rise up and do violent things, is this gap between this unfulfilled promise of your dream life that we thought we were all going to be rock stars and gods in high school, and now, we're struggling with these real world problems and we're very angry.

[00:55:03] And you see this, you hear the story again, and again, and again. And my advice to people is always, it's not, it's like, oh, you need AmpCoil. No. Maybe, but I want you to look at—I end up coaching people on the phone, it's terrible, or offering them education. Write down the assets you have immediate access to, right? When I talk to somebody, I'm like, what are your simple freebies? Grounding, light, clean water, meditation, sleep hygiene.

[00:55:36] It's like, let's check all those boxes first, and then let's talk about something to come in and do the heavy lifting with magnetics and frequency, which is awesome, but it's got to come in at the right time. And so, when you're building this program, and you're looking at this from an outside experience, and looking, and say, oh, maybe I just need this to get better. For me, that's always been a failing equation. 

[00:55:59] When I've jumped at something, because it was like, oh, this has got to be the thing to heal me or I'm giving up. It's been framing it in the right way. So, understanding all the things you already have empowerment over in your own life, life design, life habits, because the life we've designed isn't necessarily complementary to my nice human energetic biofield here. There's a lot of stuff we do.

[00:56:24] The 40-hour workweek, terrible. Do you know what I mean? If you really sit eight hours, and just pump, and pump,, and pump on a desk, and just to output work, if it's not in alignment or in joy, that's breaking to the human soul. So, what I've seen with a lot of these situations, and phone calls, and everybody who calls into AmpCoil, not everybody, but a lot of people, is that it's also struggling with a job you don't love, or being with a partner who's incredibly not supportive or abusive, or it's living in a place where you just don't feel like you can be alive, or it's having nobody that supports you. 

[00:57:05] There are so many cofactors. So, again, I'm like, let's make a list of your assets, let's see what you can build, and then let's talk about what you can bring in as far as technology to do some of the heavy lifting, which for me, it's simple. Like I believe in lights, like get up and look at that first 45 minutes of light, which I have a tough time doing waking up early. I've tried to get better, but that's why I use red light therapy. 

[00:57:32] The mold and the toxicity, it's like my body temperature had dropped so much at the end of all this experience. Whether it was chemo, or Lyme, or fibromyalgia, or Epstein-Barr, I need to sweat. So, for me, like an infrared sauna. And there are varying ways you can do that. If you have clean water, you can do a really hot Epsom salt bath with a little hydrogen peroxide in the water. 

[00:57:57] Non-prescriptive, but I've read that that can be very good at getting a really great sweat and moving that way. It's like simple things like colon health. Think about the idea that we're outnumbered 10 to one, bacteria to human cells. That's one figure I've read from the interweb. I think that's right. And I think exponentially higher if you consider the viral biome. I'm a minority, Freddie's a minority in my human cells.

[00:58:22] So, the idea that I want to eradicate, back to your question, and I knew we'd loop back around, the Borrelia, or the Lyme, or the thing, or the infection, personally, that doesn't resonate with me. I always think it's like that orchestra where we're going to rebalance the thing that is the disharmony and create beautiful sound again. I really do see that to be true.

[00:58:42] And I think like we could measure that through brainwaves, or voltage, or nervous system tone. And I think that's where it's so empowering to think of your body that way, that I'm going to rebalance the whole terrain that's inside using like these naturalistic lifestyle techniques and bring in the biohacking to do the heavy lifting when you really find yourself in a tough place.

[00:59:07] So, I've seen this work for a lot of people, it's like a whole terrain theory, Touraine theory, whatever you want to call it. We're looking at programatics, the monotherapeutics, and that's one big thing that we really talk about at AmpCoil, our mission. It's like it's not a monotherapeutic that is going to get you across the finish line. It's like that whole body lifestyle that's going to make the big shift, especially when you're at that level of dysfunction.

[00:59:36]Luke Storey:  Yeah. I think that the balancing of the terrain was something that was a little bit hard for me to grasp when I first discovered the AmpCoil, and then started looking at all of the people that had been so successful using it to help them with Lyme. To me, it was like, okay, so you got to figure out which particular Rife frequencies kill the lime, and then you put this magnet on you, and you're killing the bad guys. 

[01:00:07] And Aaron and the folks at AmpCoil would explain to me, it's like, well, yes, there is an element of that with parasites, and other bugs, and things like that, because they won't reproduce if they're hit with certain frequencies powerfully enough, et cetera, but it's more about balancing the biofield and the overall energetics of your body. And that was a little bit difficult for me to kind of grasp at first, because you come from this linear Western germ theory world where there are good guys and bad guys inside of you.

[01:00:40] You need to get drugs, or devices, or whatever, and kill the bad guys, and then you're good to go. But it's more of like creating a fertile soil, right? And as we learn about the gut biome, this is definitely true. And so, I think that part of it is doing that internally and physically. And then, the other part of that terrain is kind of what we've been speaking to, is the emotional terrain, the kind of thoughts you have.

[01:01:04] And do you have emotional toxicity in the form of trauma that has been left unattended to? And I really think that a person could do all the things right in the physical realm and never get better if they don't address, especially the childhood trauma. And I know this to be true for myself, because I feel like I'm getting younger all the time. Like I have more energy.

[01:01:27] Every metric of my life keeps improving when science says, the science is settled, that I should be getting more lethargic, more tired, worse-looking, and in worse shape. Like I'm 50, you should be going in the downward slope now, and I'm not in most ways. And I think so much of that has to do with really addressing some of those scary things that I've not want to deal with.

[01:01:53] Just doing the plant medicines, doing every kind of therapy, the EMDR, all the things on that level, I almost feel like that's where one should start in a way, because I think that so many people really start working on the emotional, mental, spiritual, and then a lot of the physical things just end up clearing up almost magically. I mean, you look at the work Joe Dispenza is doing, and he keeps quantifying and refining his model, going to these events, I've been to two of them, and there are people with these incurable illnesses like we've been discussing, and some of them get healed on the spot, at the event.

[01:02:33] All they're doing is meditating, and moving the energy, and connecting with consciousness. They're not in there taking some magic supplement or plugging in some magic device. They're getting in touch with the essence of who and what they really are as a spiritual, energetic, divine expression of consciousness that happens to be in a protoplasmic meat suit that we call a body.

[01:02:53] What are some ways that you would recommend people deal with more of the deep-seated trauma beneath just the positive attitude that you obviously carry yourself with? Have plant medicines been part of your journey? You mentioned EMDR. Like how do we get into the real nitty gritty of that stuff we don't want to face that's standing in the way of our health and vitality.

[01:03:15]Freddie Kimmel:  Yeah. I've had some profound experience with EMDR and I really think that's such a safe noninvasive therapy that if you have a good practitioner, that for me, that's been one of the tops. And that's what I did to really work through a lot of the trauma that came up with the pandemic. And I had a wonderful coach and a wonderful guide. And I saw the moment, this is going to sound so weird to people and would sound weird to you, I saw the moment, and the level of doubt and shame that was my cancer in an EMDR session.

[01:03:56] I saw the moment, I went back to a memory that I unpacked in high school, and it was a relationship, and my self-worth was so low, and I would have rage and anger, and felt terrible, and I shut it down. And it was like this lightning bolt came down through my head. And it was amazing, because you can actually do EMDR, we were over Zoom. I wasn't even with this woman. It was the most powerful session. 

[01:04:28] I was screaming like this pain was coming out of me. My emotional releases tend to be very, very intense, and it was like this ugly, I mean, I call it scrying, because that's what it was. But I had this moment where I saw it. I saw where my body like took a bunch of feelings of shame and self-worth, and that I wasn't deserved of the full spectrum of the human experience, and I packed it down in my heart. 

[01:04:58] And it was like this moment in the middle of the session where I had a lightning channel to source and I saw it. And I like felt it, and I took ownership of it, and I let it go. And that was it. It was that profound for me. I man, I felt incredibly different afterwards. It doesn't mean that there's not work left to do, there'll always be layers. But there's this great book I refer to a lot, The Body Keeps a Score, and the body is going to put that emotional trauma, or shame, or baggage somewhere. 

[01:05:32] Might be in the knee, might be in a testicle. It might be a hearing loss. It could be in tinnitus. It could be in anything. But we see these improvements happen in the human energetic field and downstream in the chemical body. A gentleman I interviewed from Toronto is talking about that he's went from being legally blind to doubling his field of vision with plant medicine. Plant medicine, red lights, and peptides. But from each intervention, he has measurable shifts from each individual modality.

[01:06:09]Luke Storey:  Wow. Open the third eye and it helps the other two. 

[01:06:13]Freddie Kimmel:  Opens the real eye. I know. So, EMDR has been amazing. Simple things at home that I did was cold exposure, very, very hard for me. I tend to run about a degree lower ever since all my chemotherapy, my body temperature, that's been one thing I really struggled to keep up. And cold exposure, it feels like it hurts me worse, but maybe not. Maybe that's in my head, but man, getting in that tub and neck down in the ice, it's just like, boom.

[01:06:44] But after about 10 minutes, I'm taken to this place of complete bliss. And that stays with me for a while. Crazy, crazy, crazy reduction in pain. I do think you have to be careful if you have bad adrenal dysfunction, because ice is a stressor, so be aware of that with Lyme and mold. We often have adrenal dysfunction. Because the body's been in this sympathetic dominance for so long, we're never in that relaxed state.

[01:07:11] So, that can be very taxing on the body. So, you might start with a minute cold shower. I think that can be profound. Other things that have been good, simple, and free is emotional freedom tapping, just tapping on these points all throughout the body, and telling myself that I'm okay, and I'm good, I'm happy. The last thing I'll mention is I just did this other day with, again, my spiritual guru.

[01:07:35] Her name is Kathy. We did a feelings and needs workshop, a mini-workshop. And basically, it was going through a workshop where you're saying, you're taking ownership of your own feelings and reactions. Like I'm angry, frustrated, and sad, because—I'm angry, frustrated, and sad when this happens with person B, because I have the need to feel validated, honored, and heard, and in flow. Have you ever done that?

[01:08:09]Luke Storey:  I mean, this is a principle that I practice, which I just perceive to be taking responsibility for my experience, and not blaming it on an external person or circumstance. It's like that thing in a conversation, say, you have an argument with your partner, and it's like, well, you make me feel this, you make me feel that. It's like, no, you can't make me feel any way. I can make me feel some way though. It's that kind of thing.

[01:08:38]Freddie Kimmel:  Yeah. 

[01:08:38]Luke Storey:  Yeah. And also, I mean. it's the same principle but it kind of for me goes back to the fourth step in the 12 steps. And when you write the fourth step out, you write, okay, I'm pissed at this person, because they screwed me over. And then, you look at what your part was, well, I was kind of selfish, because I knew I shouldn't have got involved with them, but there was something I wanted, so I did anyway, even though I knew that they were out of integrity.

[01:09:07] You kind of own your responsibility. And then, the last column, you look at what instinct was at play, and that's what you wanted, right? There was like your instinct for procreation, safety, social instinct, et cetera, and you start to see how the human animal uses the mind to come up with these ideas that gets you into all of these shitty situations. And it's a great way to take responsibility for one.

[01:09:32]Freddie Kimmel:  It's so diffusing.

[01:09:32]Luke Storey:  It's empowering, too, when you're like, you know what, I'm just going to own this. This probably wouldn't have happened if I didn't make the decisions that I made, and I'm going to use that and learn. That's very cool. Yeah. 

[01:09:42]Freddie Kimmel:  Yeah, it was profound. And I think that I had this moment where I was like, wow, can you imagine if we all sat down on planet Earth?

[01:09:51]Luke Storey:  Right. They need to make this a rule on Twitter.

[01:09:54]Freddie Kimmel:  Yeah, or the way we engage right now through the socially distant world, if, man, I'm really angry at Luke, because when we engage in the situation, he uses this word, because I have the need for. And all of a sudden, it's about I have it all, it's all of my container. And I think that's so profound to realize that I have immediate access to healing. I don't need to lobby for it. I don't need to write Congress about any new bills they need to pass. Healing is happening here, immediately.

[01:10:29]Luke Storey:  That's badass.

[01:10:30]Freddie Kimmel:  It's immediately.

[01:10:30]Luke Storey:  Yeah. You don't have to cancel anyone.

[01:10:32]Freddie Kimmel:  Nobody. It's just right here. It's so profound and it's really hard work to do. And believe me, I needed to be ready, and open to a certain level of awareness to be able to step through this door. And that's part of the, we're all on this path, we're all discovering at different times, and then we're co-creating reality. And you forget that. You forget that. As we flip this page, I'm the protagonist of my own ever unfolding story, but like there are lots of other characters in here, and if everybody's out to get you with, everybody's a villain, what a scary story to tell, right?

[01:11:17]Luke Storey:  Yeah, talk about inflammation. Like constant fight or flight experience of life when everyone is perceived as a potential threat or enemy, because of the stories we tell ourselves about them.

[01:11:28]Freddie Kimmel:  Yeah. The other thing I want to say about inflammation and just managing some of the traumas, because I went through the experience of going without for so long, whether it was surgeries, whether it was going through Lyme, there were lots of times where digestive symptoms were like with me every day and all day. And because of that, the foods that I could eat were incredibly diminished. 

[01:11:54] So, the little that I could use for nutrients, it was like my crack, do you know what I mean? And so, looking at that relationship with food for me, even though I was eating health food, I almost got to a place where I was like orthorexic, where I was so neurotic about the foods that I was eating. For sure, in retrospect, in hindsight, I think that really helped me back for a while.

[01:12:22] I think I was so scared to eat a food that would cause a reaction, which it was, that I stalled, I kept myself stuck for a while. So, programs like Annie Hopper, the DNRS, or Dr. Gupta, they both have a similar program, it's really whatever resonates with you. And repatterning the response of the outside world, but I think you've got to take all these experiments in these communities, well, look at all the people that work for, great, checkbox, that's a good one.

[01:12:53] Look at all the people that DNRS worked for, great, that's a good one. Look at all the people that were healed from fasting, that's a good one. Look at the people who committed to nine to 10 hours of sleep as opposed to four, and really started tracking their sleep hygiene. So, you start to build a program. And to me, it just gets more and more simple. It's like these basic lifestyle things. I know we're talking about like frequency and magnetism, but at the end of the day, rubber-soled shoes, a car with rubber tires, insulated home, when are you ever outside for long periods of time. It's super limited.

[01:13:31]Luke Storey:  Yeah, nature is the answer and it's what we are. And when you look at something like the AmpCoil or any of these amazing technologies and innovations, to me, all they really are is just taking something that we should inherently be getting from nature and just amplifying it or concentrating it, but we probably wouldn't need it if it was 20,000 years ago when we were living on the land, because the things that we're experiencing, like cancer or Lyme disease, whatever, were largely nonexistent when we were living our natural life way.

[01:14:03] And then, we took this crazy left turn into agriculture and industrialism, and now, here we are, grasping for something to get us back there, and thank God, there are things like this that can do so and assist in that. But yeah, you're absolutely right, man. I love your approach and the energy that you bring to the world. And thank you so much for coming on the show, man. It was a real gift to be able to do it in person. I know we were going to do it when I was in LA over Zoom, and I was like, let's wait. Like there's got to be a time when this lines up and here we are. And welcome to Texas, man.

[01:14:39]Freddie Kimmel:  Cool. I love it. I'm excited. 

[01:14:40]Luke Storey:  Yeah. Look forward to trying out some of your tasty cooking tonight and doing the maiden voyage in the new ice bath, too.

[01:14:50]Freddie Kimmel:  It's exciting, yeah. It's a pleasure to be here. Before we go, I just want to say that it's amazing. I think it's amazing. It speaks to like the platform you put together that it would be so easy for you to jump to technology, to technology, to technology with all the things that you're set. And it's amazing that like this stays in your field, is something that works for you, and through your self-experimentation, like that's what you go on.

[01:15:20] I think that this is another question that comes in so easily. It's like, how do I know which one is the best, or what machine, or what thing do I invest in? And it's all going to be a personal choice. Your needs as a biohacker are going to be different than a person going through chronic Lyme, going to be different than a professional baseball player, right?

[01:15:41]Luke Storey:  Yeah, totally.

[01:15:41]Freddie Kimmel:  They're all going to be different. So, I know that's one thing that we really is like this, when I say we, my family is AmpCoil, I wouldn't be doing this with you with this energy without having met up that group of people, that circle, and having this be a tool that I'm using to work through levels of spiritual growth. And it's awesome. And I feel like I completed a loop of the circle being here. It's very interesting.

[01:16:13]Luke Storey:  Ride on.

[01:16:13]Freddie Kimmel:  Yeah.

[01:16:13]Luke Storey:  Coll. Ride on. Me, too. Yeah, I love those folks. And that's why I was excited to have you on, because the AmpCoil folks are very insular. Is that the word? They have discernment. They're not like big marketing, salesy kind of folks. It really is kind of a family thing in the community of people that own them. And the people share devices amongst their community and with their family members. And I don't know, it's a much different thing than like a PEMF machine that's going to fix your sprained ankle, or you know what I mean? 

[01:16:47]Freddie Kimmel:  It's different and it's a community. And there's not really a store, and only the headquarters, but you can't go like in a store and buy an AmpCoil. You call AmpCoil, and you find an owner around the country, and all our owners that do, that have, the people that buy the machine, and they invest, and they're like, I want to be an ambassador, and seeing that changed my life. And so, we literally will hook people up with people around the country in their homes.

[01:17:14]Luke Storey:  Yeah, that's what happened with me.

[01:17:15]Freddie Kimmel:  That's the jam. Yeah. It's like the model is to share what was resonant for you. So, that's the jam.

[01:17:23]Luke Storey:  Very cool. Alright, dude. Well, thanks for coming out. Great to get to meet you in person.

[01:17:27]Freddie Kimmel:  Yeah, man.



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