340. Unlocking the Mysteries of Quantum Technologies & EMF Protection

Philipp Samor

DISCLAIMER: This podcast is presented for educational and exploratory purposes only. Published content is not intended to be used for diagnosing or treating any illness. Those responsible for this show disclaim responsibility for any possible adverse effects from the use of information presented by Luke or his guests. Please consult with your healthcare provider before using any products referenced. This podcast may contain paid endorsements for products or services.

Philipp Samor von Holtzendorff-Fehling explains the quantum science behind EMF energy frequency protection and highlights how Leela Quantum Technologies is disrupting the biohacking market.

Philipp Samor is a conscious entrepreneur, alternative health ambassador, and energy healer. In parallel to a successful international business career as CMO and Vice President at Fortune 500 companies in Europe and the US, Philipp has worked through blockages and barriers that prevented him from truly connecting with his true self. He's also been trained in various energy healing and shamanic practices. He left corporate America and solely focused on cutting-edge and groundbreaking alternative health technologies and substances. He's offering energy healing and coaching sessions and webinars on his own and together with his clairvoyant wife and the famous European healer Roman Hafner. The conscious businesses he's founded are Leela Labs, manufacturer and distributor of C60, and Leela Quantum Tech, which provides quantum energy and frequency products to support health and well-being.

DISCLAIMER: This podcast is presented for educational and exploratory purposes only. Published content is not intended to be used for diagnosing or treating any illness. Those responsible for this show disclaim responsibility for any possible adverse effects from the use of information presented by Luke or his guests. Please consult with your healthcare provider before using any products referenced. This podcast may contain paid endorsements for products or services.

My mission to blast EMF out of my life wherever possible has taken me down some interesting product-testing journeys. I like to think I’ve trimmed the fat pretty well when it comes to filtering the good from the useless in quantum technology and stock everything I’ve tried, tested, and loved in my store.

More recently, the smartest person/friend I know, Ian Mitchell, introduced me to a next-level disrupter in the EMF protection space: Leela Quantum Tech. Their extensive portfolio has blown me away, and the scientific studies behind it are solid.  

Meet Philipp Samor von Holtzendorff-Fehling, the brains behind this breakthrough brand that charges your home, pets, and even water with the healing effects of quantum energy.  

Be sure to check out their product line at leelaq.com and claim your exclusive 10% discount by using the code: luke10. 

13:20 — How He Got Into Energy-Based Technology 

  • Background in corporate Europe and America
  • Experience as an executive for T-Mobile!
  • Questioning corporate knowledge about EMF
  • Why 3G is just as dangerous as 5G!

31:15 —Demystifying Quantum Science

  • EMF products that don’t work
  • Integrating quantum energy into objects
  • How Leela combines both healing and science into its brand 

46:21 — Testing Methods 

  • Scientific studies that back the woo-woo
  • How their EMF protective clothing line neutralizes and harmonizes EMF
  • Making EMF clothing stylish 

56:38 — The Leela Capsule 

  • Imprinting frequencies into inanimate objects
  • Explaining quantum block technology 
  • Healing frequencies for plants and pets

1:12:00 — Sending Frequencies to Water

More about this episode.

Watch it on YouTube.

Luke Storey: [00:00:02]I'm Luke Storey. For the past 22 years, I've been relentlessly committed to mydeepest passion, designing the ultimate lifestyle based on the most powerfulprinciples of spirituality, health, psychology. TheLife Stylist podcast is a show dedicated to sharing my discoveries and theexperts behind them with you. Philipp, welcome to Austin, Texas, dude.

Philipp Samor vonHoltzendorff-Fehling: [00:00:27] Thanks for having me.

Luke Storey: [00:00:28]Yee-haw, here you are. 

Philipp Samor vonHoltzendorff-Fehling: [00:00:29] Excited about it.

Luke Storey: [00:00:30]Yeah, man. So, you live out in New Mexico, I understand.

Philipp Samor vonHoltzendorff-Fehling: [00:00:33] Yes. I'm originally fromGermany and we moved to the US a long time ago. We lived in Seattle first, andthen Memphis. And now, since quite some time close to Santa Fe. We really likeit there.

Luke Storey: [00:00:45]And you're a bit off grid there, too.

Philipp Samor vonHoltzendorff-Fehling: [00:00:47] Yeah, it's like half anhour away. It's pretty much in the desert. And it's not really off the grid,but it feels off the grid. And it's not like you have all the neighbors likeright next to you. Like everybody has their own space, and land, and nature,especially in these times right now, that's pretty cool. We have greatneighbors. And yeah, it's great to live there.

Luke Storey: [00:01:08]Yeah, it's all about space, man. That's why I came out here. I mean, I live ina neighborhood now. Strangely enough, it's not that much different in terms ofpopulation density, I don't think, to my neighborhood in LA, which was in theHollywood Hills. It's a little more subdued. But the energy in my neighborhoodis so much different. It's so quiet, so mellow. I mean, I go out in the yard inthe middle of the day, and I'm just like, it's so quiet. Where is everyone? Idon't know. It's a different culture maybe. People just stay home or they're atwork. I don't know what's going on, but I love it. Hear the birds chirping. I'mall about it. You know what I like in Santa Fe is Ten Thousand Waves.

Philipp Samor vonHoltzendorff-Fehling: [00:01:45] Yeah, I know that.

Luke Storey: [00:01:46]Oh, man. It's so good. I went there a couple of winters ago, and it wasfreezing and snowy at Japanese Spa with the kind of simulated hot springs andsauna, and they even have a cold plunge. I was like, oh, my God, this place isamazing.

Philipp Samor vonHoltzendorff-Fehling: [00:02:00] Yeah, it's nice. And theJapanese restaurant is not bad either.

Luke Storey: [00:02:03]Yeah. They have really good food, too. I was thinking, I'm in New Mexico. Imean, how good is the Japanese food going to be. But it was actually reallygood.

Philipp Samor vonHoltzendorff-Fehling: [00:02:11] Yeah.

Luke Storey: [00:02:12]Yeah, it's a cool place. And then, also, the hot springs nearby, I think it'scalled Oro Caliente? Oros Caliente or something like that.

Philipp Samor vonHoltzendorff-Fehling: [00:02:20] Yeah, I've not beenthere, but my wife has been telling me about it. Yeah.

Luke Storey: [00:02:23]Oh, man. Epic hot springs. I mean, it's a little hot springs resort, it's notlike in nature hot springs. They built infrastructure, but it's very well-done,very tasteful, super high-end, and they have amazing water. In fact, one of thehot springs that they have, it's the only one that's actually covered. Theybuilt a little stone room around it, essentially, and the water is naturallycarbonated. So, it's like floating in hot Pellegrino, for lack of a better way.But because it has all of that air, I guess, in it, you can float very easily.So, it's kind of like a float-tank-ish. It's fantastic. So, there's our NewMexico bonding. Let's jump right into it, though. So, how did you get intoenergy-based technology?

Philipp Samor vonHoltzendorff-Fehling: [00:03:08] Yeah. It's actuallyprobably the best question you can ask today. And I've always have to think fora little bit, but it's very, very clear, because I used to be in CorporateAmerica and Corporate Europe, but very, very early on, already realized, that'sjust something you can do in life, but it's not life, and that's not what I'mhere for. And relatively early on, I realized, there's so much more. So, Istarted working on myself, trying to find blockages I have, worked throughstuff out of the past, do yoga, and stuff like that.

Philipp Samor vonHoltzendorff-Fehling: [00:03:44] Then, met my wife, whowas actually someone who was born with the ability to see auras, and energies,and frequencies, right? So, she never lost this conscious divine connection, right?We all have that and we all have the ability to see, if you will, but most ofus have lost it, and we have to rebuild it and train ourselves again. And atsome point, I was working on that in parallel. I did shamanic workshops. I'vebeen trained in past life regression work and all that kind of stuff.

Philipp Samor vonHoltzendorff-Fehling: [00:04:22] And I developed apassion for it, because it brought me forward, really, in my own life. And atsome point, I realized I want to help people with stuff that I know can help.And so, I got into the C60 world, which is one of the things that we're workingon, not with this venture, though. And then, with quantum energy technologythat we've developed, we can bring together science and consciousness. Itsounds pretty strange, but that's exactly what it is.

Philipp Samor vonHoltzendorff-Fehling: [00:05:01] We work together with anetwork of healers, like well-respected healers from across the globe that havetrained thousands of other healers. And they can see frequencies. They wouldsee your organs. They would be able to tell you exactly what's wrong with yourbody currently, and they would be able to help you heal it, right? Just withenergy and with frequencies. Now, with that technology, we can bring ittogether and basically leverage this technology and the frequencies that thehealers can develop, and provide a product that actually helps with certain usecases.

Philipp Samor vonHoltzendorff-Fehling: [00:05:46] And I realized, it'slifeforce energy in a way that you're getting back in a way, that you can—likeyou drink a glass of water, now, you can actually tap into more lifeforceenergy and energy that's positive for you, and also neutralizes EMF, and thingslike that. And it's just this calling to bring this out, to work on it, and tryto find ways to help people with that. And yeah, the rest is just, I do whatI'm asked to, if you will.

Luke Storey: [00:06:22]I understand that. Yeah. I'm doing a lot of that these days. Listening to thecalls as my lovely fiancee describes it. I want to back up to your time inCorporate America. If I'm not mistaken, you were an executive at T-Mobile forsome time.

Philipp Samor vonHoltzendorff-Fehling: [00:06:38] Yes, that's absolutelycorrect. Yeah, I was vice president for T-Mobile International. That was inEurope.

Luke Storey: [00:06:46]Wow. So, you weren't up there on phone poles, you're pretty high up. 

Philipp Samor vonHoltzendorff-Fehling: [00:06:50] Yeah, I didn't build thephone poles, indeed. Yeah. But yeah, that was quite some responsibility. And itwas interesting. It was 14 countries, and T-Mobile in Europe is the largest,always number one or number two in each country. And yeah, so I really learneda lot, I saw a lot, all these different networks, how they developed. But then,I went to the US, and then I was vice president there at T-Mobile US and got toknow this.

Philipp Samor vonHoltzendorff-Fehling: [00:07:20] And T-Mobile US was alittle bit separated from Europe just because it's over the ocean and all ofthat. And it was interesting, because the US telecommunication market was aboutfour or five years behind the European market, which is interesting. Not a lotof people know that, but that was the case in about 2009, 2010. And yeah. So,yeah, I had a good time there, for sure.

Philipp Samor vonHoltzendorff-Fehling: [00:07:49] And I'm also not someonethat says that EMF is like all bad, frankly, even though we have products thathelp you with that, but there's always a good side about certain technologiesand a bad side. And currently, we do have a bad side, and maybe it's going alsomore towards a bad side with 5G and all of that. But right now, we can't reallychange the fact that it's going to be around, at least for a while, until ithopefully changes. And then, what can we do with it? We can't run around withcomplete suits and helmets.

Luke Storey: [00:08:27]I've done it, but I wouldn't recommend it to your average person.

Philipp Samor vonHoltzendorff-Fehling: [00:08:30] Yeah, I think we havesome interesting-

Luke Storey: [00:08:33]That's the only thing I like about masks, because when I get on the airplane, Ican wear my full EMF gear. There's a company called, I'll give them a shoutout,a company called No Choice, and they make these 5G shield balaclavas, I thinkthey're called. Like what you would wear if you're robbing a 7-Eleven. So, itis your eyes poke out. And I get on the plane with that thing, and they want tosay something, and then they just don't know what to say, so they just let mepass by.

Luke Storey: [00:08:55]Technically, it's my antimicrobial. It's made of silver. But yeah, I'm thatguy. But I'm curious, when you were working with T-Mobile, did you start tobecome aware? I don't know how long ago this was, but did you start to becomeaware of some of the health risks and potential danger of EMF, and cell towers,and the oncoming iterations after 3G and 4G? Was that in your awareness at allor were you just like a corporate guy doing your gig and getting on with it?

Philipp Samor vonHoltzendorff-Fehling: [00:09:23] So, I can tell you thatit's not widely known nor accepted at all in the telco industry that there areissues with EMF and no one really talks and thinks about it. It came to myattention relatively late, frankly. I must say that. And it's really startedwith 3G, right? Because 3G is already pretty terrible. I mean, there arestudies that were done about 3G that, oh, my God. I mean, if you read thosestudies, it's pretty terrible. So, it's not that 5G is now, it's 3G. And by theway, 3G is being rolled out together with 5G right now.

Philipp Samor vonHoltzendorff-Fehling: [00:10:04] Most people don't knowthat. In the past, we had 3G like in long distances. And now, because of the 5Gtowers that are so close together, 3G is being rolled out with it. You havethat all over the place as well, but no one talks about it. But coming back toyour question, so I mean, I really got into this awareness, I guess, when I wasfading out or starting to fade out of that. And it's unfortunate that no onereally talks about it in the industry. They try to avoid it. They don't want totalk about it. I hope that will change at some point.

Luke Storey: [00:10:44]Yeah. I'm always wrestling with how much of that lack of awareness is ignoranceand how much of it is cover up coming from the highest levels, right? 

Philipp Samor vonHoltzendorff-Fehling: [00:10:59] Yeah.

Luke Storey: [00:10:59]Because you have physicists, obviously, that are working with thesetechnologies, and advancing them, and sending teams of engineers out to buildthe infrastructure, right? So, I guess you don't have biologists there, so youcan kind of give them a little bit of a break, but I think a physicist wouldhave a basic understanding of how radiation affects living beings, right? 

Luke Storey: [00:11:24]And the thing that I find really troubling about it is it's not only thefrequencies that we had from 2, 3, 4, and now, 5G rolling up, but we reallydon't know how those frequencies interact with one another. So, if you live inany downtown city, I mean, I avoid the downtown Austin. In fact, since I'velived here, I've never even been there. I just stay out in the hills and I likethe quiet anyway.

Luke Storey: [00:11:50]But if you have hundreds and hundreds, if not probably thousands of towers allaround you, and they're beaming off one another, and beaming through you, sinceyou're mostly made of water and highly conductive, it's not just, okay, we have800 megahertz 4G, long-distance frequency going from point A to point B, and youhappen to be caught in the middle. It's that from every direction, you have amultitude of different frequencies from the lower range of the slower wavesinto the higher range of the millimeter wave for short distance.

Luke Storey: [00:12:23]So, not only would those frequencies never exist in nature, they would neverexist, too, with the amplitude and power to which they exist currently. And youwould never, never, never have them interacting and creating God knows whatkind of electric smog. So, it's something that I personally struggle with abit, because it's sort of like when the tobacco industry lobbied to conditionpeople that smoking wasn't bad for you. And before that, DDT and asbestos.

Luke Storey: [00:12:58]And there's been all these big flubs by Corporate America, where by and large,the people in the lower levels of the infrastructure of the business, let'scall it a pyramid, are just trying to feed their family. And they love theircompany, and they think it's a great company, they're doing a great job,whatever their role is. But there are certain people at some point that knowthat this is bad, and for selfish motives and things like that, they cover itup.

Luke Storey: [00:13:25]And I think there's a mix of both of those things going on. Your average guy ona cherry picker putting up a cell tower has no idea that that school down thereis going to be in harm's way, he's just doing his job, right? And that'sprobably true for some of the higher levels. But what I find troubling about itis that there is so much noise from people like me now at this point that Iwould think if one was participating in that type of commerce that so manypeople were upset about, that one might look into the science a littlebit. 

Luke Storey: [00:13:59]And you don't have to dig that deep to understand that non-ionizing radiationdoes not do you any favors, especially for long periods of time. I think one ofthe thing that's difficult is it's not like nuclear radiation where you'regoing to get sick very shortly after exposure. It's just this slow drip. It'sthe thousand cuts, so to speak. And for that reason, it remains this sort ofambiguous threat for those that don't really look into it deeply.

Luke Storey: [00:14:32]So, I'm always right in the edge of how can I just live my life, and be happy,and not have my limbic system be constantly activated every time I drive by acell tower. And so, it's kind of like as a concerned citizen, there's a certainpoint you just have to sort of surrender that this is the world we live in andtake whatever practical interventions you can to protect yourself. But it's atricky one. I think it's my biggest kind of concern and pet peeve.

Luke Storey: [00:15:04]And add to that that for some reason, and there's probably quite a few reasons,because it depends on who's funding them, but environmental groups seem tototally ignore EMF. And it's not like they just hurt me, they hurt the bees,they damage the entire ecosystem and every living organism is affected by this.And so, I see the protest and the flag-waving about the environment, and I'mkind of over here, going, ah, hello?

Luke Storey: [00:15:34]Like, really, you're worried about plastic straws and your kids sleeping nextto a baby monitor? Anyway, I could go on and on, but I found it interestingthat you worked in that position. And you seem like a very conscious guy, soobviously, you weren't one of those people that were just sweeping the dataunder the rug, and like making that money, getting out of there.

Philipp Samor vonHoltzendorff-Fehling: [00:15:57] No. And really, as Isaid, I would say the absolute vast majority, at least at the time, had no clueabout it. That wasn't even a thought. No one really thought about it. And thatmay very well be different today, because certainly, it's come more into theforefront of people and groups that talk about it. But at the same time, if youGoogle that topic or on YouTube, you look, you won't find much. At first,you'll find rather the opposite. So, that's kind of like if people dig this onthe surface, they are not going to find anything.

Philipp Samor vonHoltzendorff-Fehling: [00:16:33] But then, if you dig alittle deeper, you find all that you need to read. There's the BioInitiative, Ithink, 2012 report, which is updated every year. It's not just old, has likeover 1,800 studies around this topic. And I mean, you could read for years,basically, and see how bad it is. And then, there's an interesting appeal, Ithink, that was signed by way over 300,000 scientists from over 220 nations tostop 5G. And I think over 300,000 scientists from over 220 nations is quite abit, right? So, I mean, at least, one may want to talk about it.

Luke Storey: [00:17:18]They're just a bunch of paranoid cooks, don't mind them, conspiracy theorists,don't listen to them.

Philipp Samor vonHoltzendorff-Fehling: [00:17:22] It's at least more thanfive or six that are always the same ones that are on TV, right?

Luke Storey: [00:17:28]Yeah. It's a strange time we live in. On the furthest reaches of paranoia, onewould be led to believe that they're harming people intentionally just to getrid of the dumb ones, the ones that don't fight back. And then, maybe, becauseto me, it's like I don't need a faster download. Netflix works. My phone works.Why do you need a movie that fast? So, I don't see the monetary value in makingthings faster, and in the Internet of Things, and self-driving cars, and all ofthat.

Luke Storey: [00:18:10]I feel like we have enough bandwidth and it goes fast enough now to doeverything we want to do. So, to me, on the lighter side, which is, they're nottrying to murder half the human population or whatever in a electric eugenicsprogram, but rather, probably, because if you want to follow the money, killingeveryone doesn't make you a lot of money. It just allows, I guess, the elite tohoard more wealth and resources for themselves, and get some of the scrubs outof the way.

Luke Storey: [00:18:40]But there is a lot of money in data, right? So, the privacy issue then, Ithink, is the other concern about it, is all of your data being harvested athigh value all of the time. I'm out here shopping for appliances right now,renovating this house, and it's really hard to find a refrigerator that isn'ton Wi-Fi, and your doorbell. It's like your whole house is basically a CIAoperative team, you know what I mean? It's like anything and everything thatgoes on inside your home is being monitored.

Luke Storey: [00:19:13]And that requires more bandwidth, right? If every single home is beingmonitored for every single thing they do in all parts of their home, well, thennow you need a 5G. So, that's the most innocent kind of motive I can break itdown to, is that. And then, coupled with that, of course, is once you knoweverything about a populace, then that populace is very easy to control, right?Because everything they do is being monitored.

Philipp Samor vonHoltzendorff-Fehling: [00:19:42] Well, they monitorthemselves, right? That's the worse actually.

Luke Storey: [00:19:46]Right.

Philipp Samor vonHoltzendorff-Fehling: [00:19:46] They are doing it and noone even needs to pay for it. They pay for it.

Luke Storey: [00:19:49]Exactly. You don't need a van out front with some spy-type fellows in thereputting a bug in your living room or whatever. Yeah. It's like people arevolunteering for it. It's really interesting. So, I think at the end of theday, there's not a lot we can do about it other than just work on ourselvesspiritually, and like you're doing, come up with disruptive technologies andinnovations that allow us to appreciate the use of our technology and modernlife ways without harming ourselves.

Luke Storey: [00:20:24]And that, to me, is the most exciting innovation. Because frankly, I gotInstagram and Facebook right there, I'm so happy I can live stream, especiallysince you can't plug them into power and an ethernet adapter at the same time,I don't think. So, I'm all for it, but I'm actively seeking out interventionsthat are legitimate, which brings us into the next part of the conversation,and that is this idea around the word quantum and quantum technology. 

Luke Storey: [00:20:57]I remember years ago when I started to become aware of this stuff, every healthconference I went to or any kind of grouping of likeminded people, some wouldhave some kind of little pendant, or a bracelet, or a sticker you put on yourphone and all these kind of things. And I've always been of the mind like, hey,as long as it's not too expensive, I'll try it. It can't hurt to have 50stickers on your cellphone or whatever.

Philipp Samor vonHoltzendorff-Fehling: [00:21:18] They don't work. Thosestickers don't work. I can tell you that.

Luke Storey: [00:21:21]Okay. Thank you. Thank you. But they always use this word quantum. Because it'slike if something can't be explained, which in a sense and we'll go into it, Imean, quantum energy, I suppose by quantum physicist, could be explained, butnone of us would probably understand them. But because you're talking about thenon-visible spectrum, let's just say that, anyone can make anything, and throwit on the mark, and say, this is quantum.

Luke Storey: [00:21:47]It protects you from EMFs or  harmonizes your field or whatever. It'sreally difficult to vet the legitimacy of products in that realm. And assomeone who has somewhat of a voice and a few people will listen, I'm alwaysvery discerning about the things that I promote or give attention to. And I trysomething out. I read the studies. I comb every bit of content they have ontheir site.

Luke Storey: [00:22:12]And if I decide like this is legitimate enough, then I'm going to use itmyself. If I use it, I'll talk about it and share it with people. What were thefirst things that you started to encounter in the realm of technologies thatyou noticed actually worked or had some sort of scientific validation of somekind? Like what was the opening of the door for you that eventually led to youto actually start producing stuff?

Philipp Samor vonHoltzendorff-Fehling: [00:22:39] Well, what we do isreally unique and it's not been done by any of those pendant sellers, becausethose are earthbound energies. Typically, they work with crystals. There's alsoa company, I think, in Europe that puts their objects in like an old tree, likea dead tree, basically, and it's empty inside. And they put it inside for likeliterally 10 to 30 days and charge it with that energy.

Philipp Samor vonHoltzendorff-Fehling: [00:23:07] And I'm not discreditingthat, by the way, because this may indeed be something that has a better energythan before, but it has nothing to do with quantum energy. And then, again,quantum energy, people could debate me on that, is that even the right word?Right? I actually don't care. We could also rename it. Whether you call it zeropoint energy, life force energy, or ether energy, or quantum energy, I think,doesn't matter too much. We need to find just some vocabulary to talk aboutit. 

Philipp Samor vonHoltzendorff-Fehling: [00:23:41] And what it really is,it's the energy that you tap into when you meditate. So, I'm giving you a verynon-scientific description now on what it is, because I found that people canrelate to that better. So, if you tap into your own self, and you expand, andyou feel this energy around you, and you can tap deeper into that, that is thatenergy. And we have always access to that. And you have it within you and/oryou call it chi, right? You can call in this chi, you can concentrate it.

Philipp Samor vonHoltzendorff-Fehling: [00:24:21] And we found a mechanismon how you can imprint this type of quantum energy into objects permanently.And by the way, EMF, I should not forget to say that we know that EMF actuallysucks out quantum energy out of objects, which is an interesting fact. I'venever heard anybody talk about it, but it gives you another angle of why EMF isactually not that great. And so, the science is always behind with thesethings, right? 

Philipp Samor vonHoltzendorff-Fehling: [00:24:59] Because some of thesethings, right now, there's no technology to prove that I just charged my watchwith this quantum energy. What I can prove, and that's what we put a lot ofemphasis on, is what effect it has on the body or any living organism, for thatmatter. And that's what we've done, because we've worked, and we still work,with the network of these healers that I mentioned on one hand, because theycan see the energies, they can see the frequencies, and they can see whathappens with people if they wear our products. 

Philipp Samor vonHoltzendorff-Fehling: [00:25:37] Now, that's not enoughfor me, because the vast majority out there maybe doesn't even believe thatthere's something like distant healing that can be done or that there's someonethat can actually see organs, and frequencies, and all of that. No, they needscientific proof. So, we said, okay, let's prove what we can. So, we gave ourproducts to various institutes, and now, they were able to prove what actuallyhappens with dark field microscopy, for example. 

Philipp Samor vonHoltzendorff-Fehling: [00:26:08] Take any of ourproducts, frankly, and if you have a jacket, like quantum jacket, certainly,you have to wear that, but if you use the quantum block, you put your hands init, or if you wear that cap. So, that's, again, different. But in 100% of thecases, you can see the blood improve in that study in a very rapid timeframe.We're talking minutes here. We're not talking months, what a practitioner wouldtell you if they look at your blood. 

Philipp Samor vonHoltzendorff-Fehling: [00:26:38] At least in Europe, theywould come up with a game plan on how to improve your blood over several weeksor a month. And now, you can have something that actually instantly helps. So,that's one of the things they did. Other studies, we had two differentinstitutes and a doctor's office that ran studies with our products so that wecan actually show the real live results that the products have. And that'swhere the big difference comes into any of those stickers, things, for example.

Philipp Samor vonHoltzendorff-Fehling: [00:27:09] And frankly, we lookedinto those, because we were thinking, well, maybe we can make them better. Becausetypically, if we charge any object with our technology, it gets better. We havenot found anything yet that didn't get structurally optimized. But then, wetested those stickers, and actually had that institute look into that, and thatdidn't have any effect. And we had six or seven different stickers that we hadpurchased online, these golden stickers you put on the back, none of themworked.

Philipp Samor vonHoltzendorff-Fehling: [00:27:43] And if there's anybodyout there that has found something different, fine, but our institute couldn'tfind even a percent of decrease of EMF. Yeah. So, that's basically that. So,that's what we focus on. So, we bring what's consciously possible together withthe science, with the technology and the frequencies, but then also withactually validating the results. So, that's what we're doing.

Luke Storey: [00:28:14]Yeah. That's something that, I think, when Ian Mitchell, for those listening,who's a big crowd favorite here, we did a show about C60, and then another oneabout all kinds of things, but that's how we met for those listening. Hedoesn't really send me anything unless he's really impressed. And he's a super,super smart guy, probably one of the most—I mean, I haven't tested his IQ, butone of the smartest people I know personally. 

Luke Storey: [00:28:41]I mean, whenever I have a really complicated riddle that involves something outof my realm of talent, I text him. What do you think of this? What do you thinkof that? Is this legit? Or even I asked him one time, for example, I have allthese different biohacking things at home, the hyperbaric chamber, the sauna,the red light therapy, the BioCharger, the AMP coil, all these different PEMFthings and all, and I hit Ian up to tell me what was the smartest in an icebath, the smartest order to do them in, because I didn't want to undo what Ijust did.

Luke Storey: [00:29:15]And so, he gave me like a protocol based on, I don't know, what his understandingof biology and physics, I guess. But when he sent me your site, I was like,this is interesting, because he would never just send me some of thosestickers, because he's more scientific and less woo-woo than I. I kind of willcheck anything out, you know what I mean? I've done all of the things. But onething that I found immediately interesting was that blood cell analysis, thephotography where you see the blood cells before, the blood cells after.

Luke Storey: [00:29:45]I mean, the only way to explain that could be a really powerful placeboresponse, but if someone doesn't even know what's happening like, here, put onthe shirt, that's just like it would be easy to get past the placebo if youconducted the study right. And so, I started looking at that stuff, and I waslike, huh, that's interesting, because I personally have subjected myself tothat type of blood analysis. The first time was laying on a Magnetico sleeppad, which I still have on my bed all these years later.

Luke Storey: [00:30:21]And Dr. Dean Bromley, he's quite old now, but I hope to interview him someday.He's just one of the foremost experts in all things magnetism. And so, they didthe blood cell analysis. They took a prick of blood, then I laid on this matfor 15 minutes. They took another. And it was just incredible. Same kind ofresults that you guys get. It's just like, what? What is happening? How didthat happen? I didn't even do anything. I just laid there and spaced out for aminute. 

Luke Storey: [00:30:47]And that really got my attention. So, anything that has some quantifiablebiological benefit, whether it's that or HRV, some things that are relativelyeasy to test for, gets my attention. And I'm just excited that people are nowtaking their resources and putting it toward these things, because as I wassaying before, there's not a lot we can do. It's going to be a while beforesomeone's like, hey, maybe we could use scalar energy to send data. Like thatain't happening next year.

Luke Storey: [00:31:20]It's going to be a while, because the infrastructure is there, the money'sthere, and there's no incentive for the EMF-producing technologies to do itdifferently. Why? This works and we're making money, who cares? We hurt a fewpeople along the way, whatever. So, that's what really kind of got my attentionhere. I'm curious when you and your team first discovered that you can take acertain object, and imprint frequencies or energy into it, and have it hold,and then those frequencies actually be able to be accessible by the end user.Like what was the first thing you guys went, aha, this worked? 

Philipp Samor vonHoltzendorff-Fehling: [00:32:06] Well, I was actuallyworking together with Roman Häfner. He's extremely well-known all over Europe.And he's probably the most known energy healer there, but he's not like awoo-woo guy, like at all. He doesn't come across even as a woo-woo guy. Butwhat he does is really woo-woo. When he was 11 years old, I mean, he was bornwith the ability to perceive frequencies and energies in a way that we don'tknow anybody else in the world, frankly. He had to learn seeing matter, likehow we see the wall, or even the microphone, or something like that.

Philipp Samor vonHoltzendorff-Fehling: [00:32:45] He would have to learnthat, and he would see all the frequencies, and all the organs vibrating, andthe energies. And when he was 11, he was already the first time on stage withsomeone that had always like 300, 500 people in the room that would do theseseminars, and that old guy put him on stage for an hour every day. And all thepeople in the audience asked them questions and he always had the answer. So,he's a good friend, actually, and a really nice guy.

Philipp Samor vonHoltzendorff-Fehling: [00:33:20] And with him together,we found that out. And he developed actually a quantum pyramid already, Ithink, 10, 11 years ago. Now, this is completely advanced as far as that goes,because you can now expand it into everything you do in life. We can createwater bottles with it, where you just drink your water out of the water bottle.You can wear this capsule, or the quantum block, you can just have it sit athome and it harmonizes your whole home. So, it basically does energetic fengshui for you, and also harmonizes EMF. 

Philipp Samor vonHoltzendorff-Fehling: [00:33:57] So, it's something whereyou can tap into at all times. It's not like just a blanket you have at night.It's something you can have throughout the whole time. And with him, we noticedthat it can be put in, it can stay in there. And then, we tested that withdifferent people. And yeah, from that on, we went into developing it evenfurther. And we use no brute force. That's, I think, also a distinction outthere, because you may find devices out there that leverage electricity ormagnetism.

Philipp Samor vonHoltzendorff-Fehling: [00:34:39] Magnets are great forcertain use cases. They're just not great in conjunction with quantum energy,because they do disturb the field and they create like this stress factor init. So then, you may have some benefits. At the same time, you are havingdisadvantages by using it. So, with Roman, together, we were, and we would havenot been able to do it without him, frankly, because he is just so advanced inhis capabilities there. We use no brute force whatsoever.

Philipp Samor vonHoltzendorff-Fehling: [00:35:14] So, what we use is 100%pure quantum energy. And yeah, from then, we just went on. My wife, certainly,she doesn't have that granular ability that Roman has, but also, prettyadvanced. So, we went and actually have them see what happens with people ifthey wore the capsule and things like that. We developed new frequencies thatwe tested that way. And then, we expanded that, right? Gave it to institutesthat would test it scientifically and stuff like that. That's kind of a littlebit the story.

Luke Storey: [00:35:49]What are some of the other methods used by these third-party labs and whatnotthat you send the products out to other than the dark field photography of yourblood? Do you guys ever do HRV, or sleep studies, or any other kind of humantest to see A, B, there's been a change or not?

Philipp Samor vonHoltzendorff-Fehling: [00:36:09] Yeah. So, I mean, firstof all, I don't think we'll ever stop running studies, because it's fascinatingand there's so much more to explore. We're a small company, so we don't have ahuge budget. So, everything we do is like we do something, and we puteverything in there, and then we need to kind of wait until we can do the nextthing. So, we're not like a Pfizer lab. We're not. 

Luke Storey: [00:36:34]Thank God.

Philipp Samor vonHoltzendorff-Fehling: [00:36:35] But they could just dothis, and then have millions of studies. But we've done, I think, for a verysmall company and young company quite a lot. And one is the E Gift Institute.It's the largest European research and testing institute for EMF. They've beenaround for decades, actually. And they've used two methods. So, we have thisclothing line, and by the way, so for anybody listening, so this is a clothingline that is completely EMF protective, just on its own, over 99%, but then itis also charged with quantum energy. So, it's really unique in that sense. Andso, it protects your whole body. So, if you were to wear that t-shirt, forexample, it still protects you all over your body, because of the quantum effect.

Luke Storey: [00:37:25]Oh, I didn't know that. That's funny. Because that t shirt you sent me, Ialmost wore it today because I was going to be coming into Austin. And I dohave the cap, actually. I have the cap right here, because I knew we were goingto be on video, and I was like, oh, show and tell. Anyway, carry on. But what Iwas going to say is I'll wear the t-shirt, but I also have some EMF pants frommy buddy at No Choice, so I'll wear the whole suit, but then it gets kind ofridiculous. You look very strange at a certain point when you have tin foilcovering your whole body, basically. So, that's good to know.

Philipp Samor vonHoltzendorff-Fehling: [00:37:56] Yeah. We've heard aboutexactly that, actually, and that's one of the reasons why we focus more onfashion in that regard, also. So, the t-shirt looks pretty good. We just arelaunching the quantum jacket, and that's, I think, pretty cool. Like it'ssomething that you would really want to wear and you don't look strange.

Luke Storey: [00:38:15]Yeah, it's like a nice puffy parka. Hey, before we forget, what's theKickstarter for the parka? We'll put it in the show notes. But I just want itif-

Philipp Samor vonHoltzendorff-Fehling: [00:38:23] I don't have the link,because it's a complicated—it's on Kickstarter. And if you would put the linkthere.

Luke Storey: [00:38:28]Got it. So, it's like 84ZPE1. I'll put it on the show notes, so people canclick. But it's a really nice like puffer, like a North-Face-looking like puffyski jacket, but EMF quantumized. So, I'm sorry. Carry on. So, in the studies.

Philipp Samor vonHoltzendorff-Fehling: [00:38:41] Yeah. So, the E GiftInstitute. So, they have this main method, too, is to test the EMF-blockingeffect. So, that's very easy, because you have your measurement devices, andthen you look into the different signals and radiations, and see if it reallyblocks it, and then to what extent. So, all of our products came back as beingover 99%, way over 99.9% protective. But that's the fashion, right? So, with acapsule, for example, it cannot block EMF. 

Philipp Samor vonHoltzendorff-Fehling: [00:39:18] It's impossible, becauseyou just wear it here. And so, it couldn't possibly block it down here. What itdoes is it neutralizes and harmonizes EMF. And that's the same with the otherproducts that are non-clothing. And so, how do you test that? So, the E GiftInstitute looks into the heart rate variability. So, that's very interesting,and it has a direct connection with the autonomic nervous system. And yeah,they basically test what is the heart rate variability of someone. 

Philipp Samor vonHoltzendorff-Fehling: [00:39:51] And then, when you wearthat capsule, what happens to the heart rate variability while you stay exposedto EMF? Right? So, that's what they measured. And that was a very interestingstudy, and actually showed something that over 90% of the people that wereexposed to EMF in that study had really, really tough impacts of that EMF ontheir heart rate variability. So, it was negative to them, to their well-being.And in 100% of the cases, the heart rate variability improved.

Philipp Samor vonHoltzendorff-Fehling: [00:40:31] And in that specificstudy, the capsule was studied. So, those are the two different methods thatthe E Gift Institute uses. Then, we talked about the dark field microscopyalready. And then, the third method is the BESA Institute in Europe. They'reout of Austria. And so, it's the largest biofeedback and biosystem analysisresearch institute in Europe. And what they do is they basically use, it'scalled the DEKA VOLL methods. I don't know if you've ever heard about it.

Luke Storey: [00:41:07]No, I haven't.

Philipp Samor vonHoltzendorff-Fehling: [00:41:07] So, anybody interestedcan look it up. Deka, D-E-K-A, and then Voll, I think it's V-O-L-L. And so,they use an advanced method of that. But it's pretty fascinating. It reallyworks. So, they can test pretty much anything and what impact it has on your bodyand your bioenergetic system. So, they've done tests with our products andstudies. I think each time with over 14 test persons. And they tested EMFblasts. So, people would get blasted with EMF, then the hyper blast, that's howI call it. 

Philipp Samor vonHoltzendorff-Fehling: [00:41:48] They went into anelectric car and had like iPhone, iPad, all that kind of stuff. And then, theymeasure it before, they measure it when they were exposed. And then, theymeasured while they were exposed, but wearing our products. And it isfascinating. But then, they've done also a lot of other tests. I mean, they'vegone in and tested even impact of our products in regards to herbicides andpesticides, general performance, things like that.

Philipp Samor vonHoltzendorff-Fehling: [00:42:20] So, they went very deep,because our products are really not just EMF protective and EMF harmonization.That's just really one angle. That's definitely what it does, but there's somuch more to it, which is pretty fascinating, which is somewhat represented inthe dark field microscopy pictures, because that's a physical sign of wellbeingor not wellbeing, how your blood looks like.

Luke Storey: [00:42:48]Yeah, absolutely. I've been curious about this. I should put it on the outsideof my shirt for those watching the video. I've got this capsule here and it hasthese little—see if I can show my camera over there, these little purple-

Philipp Samor vonHoltzendorff-Fehling: [00:43:05] Titanium spheres.

Luke Storey: [00:43:06]Is that what they are? Titanium spheres inside this brass capsule, which isessentially a necklace now. And I don't know why, but when I got this thing, Ithink at that point, I haven't even looked that deeply into the research andstuff, and I think because Ian sent it to me, I was like, I know it's notbullshit, so I'm going to wear it. But I freaking love this thing. I don'tknow. It's weird.

Luke Storey: [00:43:33]I'm intuitively, without even diving that deep into it, just—I keep it right bymy toothbrush, and I put it on just about every day, and I wear it all thetime. So, tell me specifically about this thing, because out of everything yousent me, I use the cap. This cap, I use in my car when I'm driving around,especially in high-EMF area. The hoodie, too, because it's just cozy and Ithrow that on. 

Luke Storey: [00:43:57]And then, the other more silver color cap, I sleep in, because it also works aslike an eye mask. I pull it down, so I don't worry about blacking out the room.And if I'm somewhere where there's EMF, I figured it can't hurt. But this onefor some reason is one that I'm like, what the hell is this thing? It's just sotrippy. When you pull it open, it has these little pills.

Philipp Samor vonHoltzendorff-Fehling: [00:44:17] Well, I'm actually gladyou asked, because we've covered a lot about the quantum energy in all of this.But then, the frequency aspect is really also something unique we bring in. Andso, this capsule is charged with three different frequencies. One is theso-called biobase frequency. It's basically about 80 or I think 76 differentminerals, vitamins, and organic plant extracts that are extremely vital for thehuman body.

Philipp Samor vonHoltzendorff-Fehling: [00:44:52] And it comes fromresearchers that worked for, I think, three or four decades on developing thisspecific mix and found out it's the best for the human body. Now, again, theremay be tons of other researchers and scientists that say another mix would bebest, we've actually tried this and we found this to be awesome. And it may notbe the best, but it's definitely awesome. And so, we took the frequencies ofthat and loaded it into that capsule.

Philipp Samor vonHoltzendorff-Fehling: [00:45:22] In addition, there's theprimal water, healing water frequency that was downloaded from one of thehealers that we work with, and then the primal human healing frequency. Now, Ineed to explain what that is. The primal human healing frequency is basicallythe frequency we already use when the body is designed, in that moment. It'sthis overarching healing frequency we can tap into. You probably know thisanyway, but the body can heal itself, right? The body has the ability to dothat.

Philipp Samor vonHoltzendorff-Fehling: [00:45:22] Just because of thesenice games we play on Earth, it's been made pretty hard for us. And EMF is oneof those things, right? And then, we're totally distracted, and we completelylose this ability, because we're constantly fighting off all this stuff we eat,and drink, and breathe, and all that. So, Roman has provided this specificfrequency. And when he works with that, he always describes this as if theinner healer gets activated.

Philipp Samor vonHoltzendorff-Fehling: [00:46:29] It reminds and signalsto your body and to your energetic system that you can heal yourself, that youhave everything you need, and it basically stimulates your immune system andall of that. And it's not one of those things that instantly turn thingsaround. It can happen. We've seen that, actually, but it's more something thatis constantly there helping you to be reminded of that so that you caninternalize it more and more.

Philipp Samor vonHoltzendorff-Fehling: [00:46:56] So, it'll actuallysupport you in your self-healing, because it really activates this ability inthe body, again. And that's what's in there, too. And then, these titaniumspheres, they're just charged with quantum energy. And they help with boostingout these frequencies, though, because you don't want the frequencies just tobe in the capsule. You want your whole system to be able to benefit from it.That's how it works.

Luke Storey: [00:47:24]How are different items actually charged? So, I understand the concept offrequencies, right? What we're talking about here really is energy, right? So,energy comes in all different frequencies. So, there's a frequency of vitaminA. There's a frequency of every cell in your body and even subatomicfrequencies in the quantum realm that is smaller than matter, right? I guesskind of field, and out in the field energy before it takes form. And so, I getthat there are these frequencies. 

Luke Storey: [00:48:01]And anyone that doubts that, I would say, walk into a room where two peoplejust had a massive argument and they're not saying anything at the time whenyou walk in, you feel the vibe, right? You feel the vibration. You feel thefrequency. Likewise, you walk into a place and somebody is playing a beautifulclassical piece of piano, there's a different frequency than if you walk in aplace and somebody is covering Slayer on and out-of-tune guitar, right?

Philipp Samor vonHoltzendorff-Fehling: [00:48:27] Yeah. 

Luke Storey: [00:48:28]Different frequencies. So, I get that, for sure. And I work with a lot ofdifferent types of technologies that use what you would say brute force toproduce energy, magnetics, et cetera, noble gases, all kinds of things. But I'malways curious how one can identify what a frequency is, and then imprint it orinstall it into an inanimate object. That's fascinating to me.

Philipp Samor vonHoltzendorff-Fehling: [00:48:53] Maybe somethingfascinating for the listeners and for you, how it works for Roman, actually,and then I'll get into our technology. So, if you walk into your living roomand I would tell you, you see those four candles there, and the TV, and theradio, and that book, can you please grab that book and take it out to thekitchen, and then put it there? Now, everybody has a picture, right? That's howit works for Roman. He can see these hundreds or thousands of frequencies, allisolated, like you would see your book and your TV in the living room.

Philipp Samor vonHoltzendorff-Fehling: [00:49:29] That's how he sees it.And you could tell him, there's this vitamin C frequency. Can you please takethat out, and move it somewhere else, and put another one in there? That'sexactly how he does it, right? And that's how it is for him. Now, how do we doit? It's with the so-called quantum block. It's the technology we use for that.And we now actually make it available to everybody, because we said, okay, thisis something that needs to be decentralized.

Philipp Samor vonHoltzendorff-Fehling: [00:49:58] We don't want to be theones that just sit on this technology, and then make all these products. Wewant everybody that wants to, to be able to also have access to it. And then,they can make their own products, charge their water with it. So, it'sbasically an object that's about this tall. It has one plate on the top and oneplate on the bottom. We have a stronger version that has three plates on thetop and three on the bottom. And inside, there's a concentrated quantum energyspace, like a true quantum energy space in there. 

Philipp Samor vonHoltzendorff-Fehling: [00:50:32] And with a strongerversion, actually, it has these rods on the side and it's almost as if the rodsare not there, because it's so strong. Like energetically, it's almost notthere, but you see them physically. It's strange almost, because it's soconcentrated. And within this field, if you put an object in there, it getscharged with quantum energy and you can copy frequencies, any frequency youwant.

Philipp Samor vonHoltzendorff-Fehling: [00:50:59] So, you could take apiece of frankincense as an example, put it in, and put, I don't know, analuminum card in with it, and afterwards, you have the frequency of thefrankincense also in this aluminum card. And aluminum, actually, and anythingaluminum, what's the "negative" gets neutralized by this energyanyway. So, this card would be actually a great way. And by the way, we havesuch cards. They look like this here. And then, you would have the frankincensefrequency and you could leverage it. And the possibilities are endless,right? 

Philipp Samor vonHoltzendorff-Fehling: [00:51:41] Frankincense may be abad example for many people, but you could do anything. You can even take soundfrequencies and charge them in here. And yeah. So, that's basically what youcan do. And so, we've developed our own sets of frequencies just because weknow there's certain use cases that are people are interested in and that helppeople. And not only people. Like we have this heal frequency for dogs. We havea heal frequency for cats, as an example. We have a supportive frequency forplants specifically. And that stuff works.

Luke Storey: [00:52:15]Oh, that's cool. I want to try the plant thing. When I left LA, I had all theseplants that I hadn't killed miraculously. I've killed many along the way, butthese were the surviving few. The movers wouldn't take plants, so I rented aU-Haul to bring my plants and my freezer full of meat, which they also wouldn'ttake. But then, I realized after paying for the U-Haul, and the gas, and[making sounds] I could have just bought all new plants, and new meat, givingit away to friends, but I was sort of attached to those plants. But after thetrip, they're not in great shape. They were like in a dark trailer for fivedays. So, it would be really interesting to see if I can bring them back tolife fast or using something like that. 

Philipp Samor vonHoltzendorff-Fehling: [00:53:02] And quantum energy onits own already helps with that. So, we have a Telegram group. It's a usergroup basically with a few hundred people in it. And people just try stuff andpost stuff. And consistently, people have over and over and we've done that totest where they buy flowers. In one set of flowers, they put in one vase. Andthe other one, they put in another vase. And then, they charge.

Philipp Samor vonHoltzendorff-Fehling: [00:53:29] So, they give the normalwater to one set of flowers, and then they charge the water with a quantumblock as an example. And then, they give that to this other set of flowers. Andthen, first day, they look completely the same, and then it starts that theylook different. And depending on how old those flowers are, after five, sixdays, once that is done and the other one is still in very nice shape.

Luke Storey: [00:53:57]Oh, that's so cool. Actually, I love plant tests like that. Some people willtake a water that's whatever charged, blasts, wherever the case may be, and dolike wheat grass sprouts or even like there are tests where they put one patchof wheat grass sprouts next to a Wi-Fi router, and then one of them in aFaraday cage, and things like that. And of course, the Wi-Fi router one, theydon't sprout and they're all tweaked. But I love that, because I mean, I guessthere's sort of potential for placebo, in that the intention of the peopleconducting the study could and probably will influence the results of it.

Luke Storey: [00:54:41]But other than that, it's pretty impressive when you see things like that. Iforgot about that type of testing. That's a really, really cool way to do it.Another thing I've done, this is deuterium-depleted water, company calledLitewater. And I could put regular spring water in a bowl and put thedeuterium-depleted water in a bowl, and the dog will always go for thedeuterium-depleted water. Super cool. So, animals and plants, I think, arereally interesting way to quantify the effects of things.

Philipp Samor vonHoltzendorff-Fehling: [00:55:11] Yes, it's fascinating.And it's close to my heart also. We have a dog. And I've always had a dog. I'vealways loved dogs. And it's just, if you can help them, that's great. So, bythe way, with this plant frequency, that adds then another layer to it. Butthen, with dogs, we can test too. And we've actually also qualified andquantified to some extent that the quantum block works over distance withquantum entanglement. I mean, it's not a new concept, thankfully, right? 

Philipp Samor vonHoltzendorff-Fehling: [00:55:49] I don't want to be thefirst one that says that quantum entanglement really works. I mean, it's beenproven in labs before. But the difference is now that everybody could do it.So, literally, you can take a picture of your dog, and put it into this quantumblock, and see what it does. So, the BESA Institute runs an actual study onthat, so we do have results, but we want further validating and all of that.And in this Telegram group that I mentioned, there are several people nowactually trying these things.

Philipp Samor vonHoltzendorff-Fehling: [00:56:24] And we had just someonethat works with dogs quite a lot just call me yesterday, literally yesterday,and tell me about five dogs that they worked with, where they had incredibleresults. Like to the point with this one dog, for one whole year, wouldn't walkany more at all, and couldn't even lift up the leg. And now, that happened justjust a few days ago, the first time that this dog walked for 30 yards and waslifting up the leg. I mean, these are all anecdotal things, of course, but it'slike if you hear them over and over again, and you don't hear the opposite,it's just, I mean, for me, I know it works, but every time I hear these stories,it's awesome.

Luke Storey: [00:57:13]Yeah. Well, these kind of stories are important, especially for people thatoperate in a more linear fashion. It's always interesting for me going to theJoe Dispenza retreats. I mean, I think most people there have bought into it,but I think there's probably quite a few people that maybe were just curious.So, they liked his book, and they end up in a room, and you see they're not asengaged, and maybe one over as the rest of the people. And you do some meditations.

Luke Storey: [00:57:40]There might be a coherence healing where people are standing around a person,and then people start going into convulsions. And I mean, what looks like aseizure of absolute ecstasy, and speaking in tongues, and screaming, and allkinds of things. And nothing's happening except the movement of energy, right?The focusing of energy. And so, I love seeing that kind of effect on people,especially when they're not expecting it, and especially people that areskeptic and think that the world of matter is all there is.

Luke Storey: [00:58:13]And to see the lights turn on when you can do something like that, you take adog that's not doing so well, and do something seemingly insignificant as anintervention, and all of a sudden, they're walking around. That's super cool.And that reminds me, I got to get one of those, you guys make a dog collar orsomething, don't you?

Philipp Samor vonHoltzendorff-Fehling: [00:58:32] Yeah. 

Luke Storey: [00:58:33]Yeah. I've got to get one of those for Cookie, because ever since we got outhere, she's itching like crazy. She must have allergies or something. Shehasn't been outside enough to catch any fleas, but yeah, something's definitelyup. That would be interesting to see. That would be a good test to see if youknow, today, super itchy, put this collar on her, watch what happens tomorrow.Just little things like that, I think, are fun. It's like the kind of scienceclass nerd, made-up little experiments you can do with things like this.

Luke Storey: [00:59:02]And I have always enjoyed doing that stuff, even in school. I didn't likeanything about school, but I did like those little tests, where you go home andgrow some little plant, or the baby seahorses, or whatever the hell it was. Letme see. Where else do I want to go with this? This is really, reallyinteresting stuff. So [making sounds] the other thing that I thought was funny,and that is the water bottle. You had sent out a water bottle. And I justthought it was like a regular-branded water bottle.

Luke Storey: [00:59:39]Every company gives you a water bottle, and I was like, oh, that's nice,whatever. I mean, it was cool-looking. I'm like, I'll probably use it someday.A lot of the supplement companies I work with and stuff will send me theirwater bottle, Athletic Greens or whoever it is, and I keep them around, but Ipacked it away in my stuff. And then, when you got here, I realized that it wasactually charged and meant to have an effect on your water.

Luke Storey: [01:00:00]So, I'm super bummed, because now, I'm drinking just regular pedestrian water.Well, not really. I guess it's deuterium-depleted water, which is pretty fancy.But what's the deal with the effect of sending frequencies to water? Because tome, water is the ultimate communicator, the carrier of information, of codesthat can be really beneficial. What have you guys found with water?

Philipp Samor vonHoltzendorff-Fehling: [01:00:24] Yeah. So, the waterbottle is charged with the same frequency set that the capsule is charged. Andit's also charged with quantum energy. And it has a double wall, like astainless steel double wall. And so, it's pretty powerful if you put water in.And instantly, it changes the structure of the water and optimizes it. It takes,I would say, about 25 minutes until it's like fully optimized with everything.The frequencies get in very, very quickly, but if you want to have the reallyawesome effect, I mean, wait 25. 

Philipp Samor vonHoltzendorff-Fehling: [01:01:04] And there's some reallygood effects. It doesn't filter anything. So, if you definitely put filteredwater in there, so don't think this takes away like all the mud out of a river.You take it straight out of the Mississippi. That's maybe not a good idea. But then,energetically, it completely changes and optimizes it. And everybody that cansee energy can see the difference in water right away. But even people that cansee energy, they often can feel or see the difference in the glass. You can dothese water tests with your friends and stuff like that. 

Luke Storey: [01:01:45]Oh, cool. Like a blind A, B test, like which one of these taste better?

Philipp Samor vonHoltzendorff-Fehling: [01:01:49] Yeah. 

Luke Storey: [01:01:49]That would be cool. In your Telegram group, has anyone done any otherexperiments other than the one with the cut flowers? Has anyone tried to growanything or sprout things to see the difference between how the two watersperform?

Philipp Samor von Holtzendorff-Fehling:[01:02:03]The group is full of tinkerers.

Luke Storey: [01:02:06]I got to get in there.

Philipp Samor vonHoltzendorff-Fehling: [01:02:07] I mean, not full, but Imean, there's a lot of tinkerers. Some people really work a lot with plants,and they charge their pods, and try different things, and try things with theirdogs or for themselves even, also tried different frequency mixes. There's allkinds of stuff that people are trying.

Luke Storey: [01:02:26]And tell us the name of the Telegram group for people that want to jump inthere now.

Philipp Samor vonHoltzendorff-Fehling: [01:02:29] Yeah, it's called theQuantum Power Group. It's not a public group. It's a private group. So, youcan't find it on Telegram if you type it in. But if you have the link, thenpeople can get in. It's no problem, because that's the invite link and it'seasy. 

Luke Storey: [01:02:45]We'll put it in the show notes, so people can click on it usually on there.Thankfully, now, you guys listening, by the way, when you are listening on mostpodcast apps, you can just click on all the links for things we talk about.Otherwise, you've got to get on the newsletter or go to the website. But yeah,I'm going to check that group out. I love Telegram. I'm kind of in too manygroups on there now, so I just can't keep up with them.

Luke Storey: [01:03:10]And most of them are kind of more centered around current events andapproaching current events in a way that would be likely censored. Actually,now, for sure, censored off all of the authoritarian big tech platforms. So, Ilook at Telegram hesitantly, because I know the channels I'm in are going to bemostly bad news, how many people died today from getting aborted, fetal tissuesinjected, and things like that. But this one sounds positive and fun, and Icould go in there and actually get inspired instead of depressed.

Philipp Samor vonHoltzendorff-Fehling: [01:03:47] And it's filled with alot of fun people, I must say. I mean, it's really a wonderful group of people,all really kind, and nice, and interested in this topic. And really, it'sbroader also. We try to bring in some science, some woo-woo stuff, if you will,because that's also what it is at the same time. And then, the tinker aspect,right? And I think the chief tinker is K Elmer. I don't know if some people mayknow K Elmer. So, he's a big tinker.

Luke Storey: [01:04:17]Cool. Yeah. I can't wait to see that. I mean, I think with this stuff too, it'sseeing is believing, especially again for those people that lean more into theleft brain thinking and want to see the data. Sometimes, it's really impressivejust to see the way nature behaves with different inputs. And that to me isreally meaningful, with all of those, the HRV, the growing things, like bloodcell analysis. Those are real things.

Luke Storey: [01:04:47]I mean, that's like physical evidence that there's something happening, becausenot everyone's willing to have a deep meditation, and pop out, and go, oh, myGod, the whole world is different now, which is usually what happens for me.But not everyone wants to spend their time doing that. They just want to go buysomething and have it work. So, yeah, man, you guys are doing some super coolstuff. There's a company that I am obsessed with called FLFE, Focus Life ForceEnergy. 

Luke Storey: [01:05:16]And they don't make a physical product like you guys, but what they've done isthey stumbled across a mother ship, Tesla-type technology. And it'sproprietary. I mean, you can't go see it, because it's apparently so powerfulthat in the wrong hands, you could do some harm with it. But I'm imagining somekind of mad scientist, bells and whistles, lightning rods, very Tesla kind ofthing. 

Luke Storey: [01:05:45]And they figured out that in a similar way, they could put a photo of someone,or write an address, or something like that, and have a remote entanglementeffect on that from exposing the technology to an identifier, a uniqueidentifier. And then, they figured out that they didn't even need the photo,they just needed an input, and they developed software to integrate it into themachine. So, now, you can put your home address or even the name of yourbusiness entity, et cetera, into the system.

Luke Storey: [01:06:15]It's a subscription. And really affordable, too. I think it's like $30 a month.And so, they started doing that. And for some people, they would notice,basically, it raises the consciousness level of your location, right? So,there's just more ease, and joy, and happiness, et cetera. And they discoveredalong the way that for some people, it wouldn't work. And in their researchdetermining why it wouldn't work, they figured out, those people were in areally high-EMF environment.

Luke Storey: [01:06:42]They had a bunch of smart meters, lived next to a cell tower, or whatever. Sothen, they programmed into it basically like an EMF energetic bubble. And it'sanother technology that's similar to this that I just find so interesting,because the felt sense of it is very real. And when it's on, you know it's on.When it's off, you know it's off. But I think this is really interesting,because it's actually taking a localized object that you can take with youanywhere and have a multitude of different frequencies, which is reallyinteresting. But I'm a huge proponent of this type of work, especially whenit's done with integrity.

Luke Storey: [01:07:29]And I'm always on the lookout for these types of things, because I think we'reso divorced from our natural life way as human being entities that we need allthe support we can get. And we wouldn't have needed any of this stuff 10,000years ago, living on the land. But now, I don't know. I think it would bedifficult to really have an optimal life without some kind of assistance. Andso, I'm super stoked. So, in that, I'm wondering, if you had your wish list asan entrepreneur, inventor, as someone who geeks out on this stuff like me, whatdo you foresee in the future for you guys or what would you like to seedeveloped? If you could just go for like your moonshot, what would it be?

Philipp Samor vonHoltzendorff-Fehling: [01:08:16] Well, my first wishwould really not be anything for us. It would be for all humanity thattechnologies that are truly helpful to people are not censored, suppressed, andare actually made available. And I guess we all know in one way or another thatthere is also more stuff out there than we're shown. And I think it would begreat if what's good and positive can be made available.

Philipp Samor vonHoltzendorff-Fehling: [01:08:49] And I think we're movinginto that time. You mentioned consciousness. You can raise consciousness. Bythe way, so you can do that same thing also with our technology. And it isactually extremely powerful, but it cannot be misused for negative purposes.So, like if you wanted to copy a fear frequency or something, for example, itwouldn't work, because everything that's harmful to a living organism in anyway is being neutralized in it.

Luke Storey: [01:09:23]Oh, wow. That's wild.

Philipp Samor vonHoltzendorff-Fehling: [01:09:26] Yeah. And so, we tend tocategorize in positive and negative. It would be wrong for me to say that itjust supports or enhances the positive, really, because negative can also bepositive, right? Very much so. But there's harmful and destructive, and thenthere's the life-giving, the supporting. I think those are the differences. Andanything, if you took a pharmaceutical, for example, and put it in that quantumblog, it would neutralize the potentially harmful frequencies, just as anexample, right? 

Philipp Samor vonHoltzendorff-Fehling: [01:10:03] And so, in that sense,it's extremely powerful, but you could only use it for support of things andactions, which is kind of cool. That's the only reason why we can make itavailable in a more or less decentralized manner. But coming back to that wish,that's really what I wish for that's for the good of humanity, good things canbe. And I think we're moving into that world, because consciousness is beingraised. Absolutely. And even though we're going through difficult times ashumanity, I think the last 12 months, bad things happened, but amazing thingshappened as well.

Philipp Samor vonHoltzendorff-Fehling: [01:10:47] And people have wokenup. And maybe more people than before or ever before figure out there's morethan just this TV life or whatever, right? It's me, and why am I here, and whatam I doing, and what can I do, what can I contribute, ow can I grow? I thinkthat's that. That's really for that. And I don't know. I think if we can helppeople along the way, we're trying to do that, then I think that's great.That's what I'm happy with, if we can help people along the way, and animals.

Luke Storey: [01:11:24]Yeah, don't forget our furry friends. Yeah. My dream in that regard is takingthe entire infrastructure of wireless communications around the world andchanging the frequency to unconditional love or something other than 30gigahertz, whatever they're using now. But yeah, it's funny, because there aresystems in place that are harmful but do have the power to transmit. That's thething. It's like, it's interesting that we have the ability to sharefrequencies so readily and effectively, yet much of those frequencies, evenideas, are not supportive of life in general.

Luke Storey: [01:12:09]And that's part of the purpose of having the show, is to bring voices likeyours to the forefront and turn people on to things that they might have neverfound otherwise. It takes a real geek like me to really look in the nooks andcrannies, and have a great friend like Ian, who, when he comes across somethingreally special, he's like, hey, you need to check this out. And know that Idon't have to go through like that much work to figure out if it's real or not,I can just have trusted friends that are super smart. Man, I think that's it.Oh, I know what I wanted to ask you. Who are three teachers or teachings thathave influenced your life that you can share with us today?

Philipp Samor vonHoltzendorff-Fehling: [01:12:46] Oh, that's a goodquestion. Well, I think one of those in the very past was Eckhart Tolle, thenit was really Roman Häfner. And it was another healer, Agni, who was actuallyin the US. Those three, I think with their teachings, and what they'veencountered, and what they share, has touched me the most and has moved myselfforward the most, how I apply those things.

Luke Storey: [01:13:22]Yeah. Same here.

Philipp Samor vonHoltzendorff-Fehling: [01:13:24] It's a hard question andI think it probably was even incomplete in all that, but that's my first shotat it. 

Luke Storey: [01:13:31]That's good. Yeah. Eckhart, man, I mean, he's made a tremendous, I don't knowthe other two personally, but he's made a tremendous contribution. That was oneof the big turning points for me, that The Power of Now, man. I read that book,I mean, over, and over, and over again for literally years and listened to it amillion times. It was on CD at the time. Had the CDs in my car, used to drivefor a living, basically, in LA. And so, I would just reprogram my brainlistening to stuff like that over and over again. Yeah, brilliant guy. Andthen, where can people find you? Website, social media, et cetera. I'm surepeople listening to this are going to be like, whoa, what is this? I'm checkingit out.

Philipp Samor vonHoltzendorff-Fehling: [01:14:09] Yeah, it's leelaq.com. Qfor quantum. So, it's L-E-E-L-A-Q-.com. That's the website and people can emailme at info@leelaq.com. I'll get that. And then, the best way is actuallythrough the Telegram group, because I'm active there too. It's hard to keep upsometimes, but I try. And everybody knows in that group also, they can get ahold of me. So, they can private message me and I always answer. 

Luke Storey: [01:14:39]Wow. You're brave.

Philipp Samor vonHoltzendorff-Fehling: [01:14:39] Sometimes, it takestime, but yeah, I do answer every question.

Luke Storey: [01:14:43]And the thing about the stuff we're talking about here, too, it's not terriblyexpensive. I mean, I interview people all the time and they have a really coolcutting edge technology and I'm really excited about it, but it's 15 grand, soit's prohibitive to your average person. And so, I always feel kind of badlike, hey, guys, there's this cool thing you can't afford that could reallyhelp you. But your guys' stuff is actually pretty reasonable. I mean, I don'tknow, anywhere 30 to a couple of hundred dollars or something. If somebody likedidn't want to spend tons of coin and just experience what you do, what wouldbe a good starter product?

Philipp Samor vonHoltzendorff-Fehling: [01:15:20] I mean, it reallydepends on what the goal is. But the clothing certainly, if you want to combinethe blockage effect of EMF with the quantum energy, would be one way to go. Thecapsule is a great product. But then, these frequency cards, they're a littlebit hard to find on the website sometimes, but it's really something thatpeople-

Luke Storey: [01:15:43]This thing you have here? 

Philipp Samor vonHoltzendorff-Fehling: [01:15:44] Yeah. 

Luke Storey: [01:15:45]Let me see that.  Mine's packed away, too, guys, like, man. But for thosewatching on the video, that's what it looks like. For you listeners, it's likea credit card, but it has some sort of sacred geometry happening and it's quitethick gold metal.

Philipp Samor vonHoltzendorff-Fehling: [01:16:01] Yeah. So, it doesn'tbend like a credit card really. And so, we have different frequencies, right?So, there's a sleep and rest frequency for example or an inner peace frequency.And the inner peace, I mentioned that, because it's one of our most favoriteproducts, I mean, based on customer feedback. And if you have anything inregards to anxiety, panic attacks, fear, stress, whatever, and doesn't need tobe huge, just a little bit, and you have then this card, I mean 95% of thepeople relatively quickly notice, wow, I'm coming back to myself. I feel much morebalance. The stress is there, but I'm not distressed. And it's things likethat. And then, we have a few different use cases that we've developedfrequencies for. Those are the three categories, I think, where people need tolook and check it out.

Luke Storey: [01:16:57]The next one for me is the dog collar. I'm glad I was reminded of that.

Philipp Samor vonHoltzendorff-Fehling: [01:17:01] Yeah, I know.

Luke Storey: [01:17:02]Yeah, my little itchy dog. Well, Philipp, thank you for coming out to visit mein Texas, man, and trying out this new studio. It's pretty cool. I feel prettyprofessional. For those watching on Instagram and Facebook, this isn't my newstudio. It's just one I was lucky to find for a couple of interviews I'm doingtoday, but it's a good start. It's a good way to land here and get the ballrolling. And thank you, man. And keep us posted on any further developments asyou guys are rolling stuff out. I think even since I first found you, you haveall sorts of things that seem to be new. So, you're very prolific in yourproduct development, et cetera. So, keep us posted and I'll do everything I canto share it with the world.

Philipp Samor vonHoltzendorff-Fehling: [01:17:42] Thanks so much forhaving me. It was great. 

Luke Storey: [01:17:44]For sure. Thank you.



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