536. Brown's Gas Revealed! Hydrogen+ EZ Water for Speed Healing & Anti-Aging

George Wiseman

April 30, 2024

DISCLAIMER: This podcast is presented for educational and exploratory purposes only. Published content is not intended to be used for diagnosing or treating any illness. Those responsible for this show disclaim responsibility for any possible adverse effects from the use of information presented by Luke or his guests. Please consult with your healthcare provider before using any products referenced. This podcast may contain paid endorsements for products or services.

Meet George Wiseman, a pioneering inventor from Canada. Dive into his expertise in Brown’s Gas, from fuel-saving tech to healing breakthroughs, and uncover the transformative power of hydrogen in combating oxidative stress, inflammation, and promoting longevity with the AquaCure device.

George Wiseman has become recognized and renowned worldwide in the practical applications of Brown’s Gas. In 1996, his customers told him of their astonishing healings using Brown’s Gas. It took until 2005 for them to convince Mr. Wiseman to try the Brown’s Gas on himself, and he subsequently had substantial health improvements. He has developed a machine specifically optimized to safely provide Brown’s Gas for Health in every home.

DISCLAIMER: This podcast is presented for educational and exploratory purposes only. Published content is not intended to be used for diagnosing or treating any illness. Those responsible for this show disclaim responsibility for any possible adverse effects from the use of information presented by Luke or his guests. Please consult with your healthcare provider before using any products referenced. This podcast may contain paid endorsements for products or services.

I'm thrilled to introduce you to our guest today, George Wiseman. George is a true jack-of-all-trades who grew up on a ranch in the remote backwoods of British Columbia, Canada. His upbringing instilled in him the values of hard work, earned knowledge, and craft skills, which eventually led him down the path of becoming a maverick inventor. 

His journey with innovation began in 1986 when he started working with Brown’s Gas, a fascinating form of oxyhydrogen gas; this is where our paths cross.

Throughout the episode, we dive into George's expertise in practical applications of Brown’s Gas, from fuel-saving mechanisms to its incredible potential for healing. His pioneering work has garnered worldwide recognition, particularly in the realm of health applications. After hearing astonishing testimonials from his customers about the healing properties of Brown’s Gas, George finally decided to test it on himself in 2005, resulting in significant health improvements.

With George's guidance, we explore the transformative power of hydrogen, its impact on oxidative stress, inflammation, overall vitality, and longevity. We uncover the technical aspects of maintaining the AquaCure device, understand the synergistic benefits of combining Brown’s Gas with hydrogen water, and debunk myths surrounding alkaline water and other health gadgets.

So, buckle up, folks! Get ready for an illuminating conversation packed with insights, practical tips, and a deeper understanding of hydrogen's miraculous properties. 

(00:01:59) Unpatented Innovations in Fuel Efficiency

  • How he became an inventor by way of his upbringing
  • Going back to school at 30 years old 
  • The moment he first learned about Brown’s Gas
  • How he built a business selling fuel savers and water torches
  • “12 reasons why I don't patent” 
  • The truth behind vehicle service and fuel sales 

(00:22:18) Turning Grief into Passion: Unlocking Health with AquaCure

  • Quality of manufacturing of the AquaCure devices 
  • Shop George’s Brown’s Gas devices
  • How grief led him to start testing Brown’s Gas on himself
  • Realizing its effect on lupus and autoimmune diseases 
  • Why he’s so passionate about educating people on Brown’s Gas

(00:37:46) The Power of Hydrogen to Fuel & Heal Our Bodies

(00:49:51) Understanding Brown’s Gas

(01:03:37) Hydrogen Healing: Easing Oxidative Stress & Inflammation

  • How hydrogen can mitigate oxidative stress from EMF 
  • How hydrogen aids overall inflammation, pain, and allergies
  • Vital Reaction Molecular Hydrogen
  • How to treat cytokine storms without a ventilator 
  • 3 things you need to heal your body
  • George’s healing journey while inhaling Brown’s Gas
  • The healing synergy of Brown’s Gas + hydrogen water

(01:17:08) Maximizing AquaCure: Usage Tips & Creative Applications

  • How to use the AquaCure device 
  • Giving the hydrogen water to your pets and plants
  • Luke’s routine and various uses for the device
  • What’s going on with the goggles and 2% gas for your eyes
  • Soaking hydrogen through the skin while in a bath 
  • Optimizing longer durations of inhalations while you sleep 

(01:35:24) ORP Measurement & Debunking Alkaline Water Myths

(01:49:25) Deuterium Depletion Updates

(01:55:59) AquaCure: Maintenance & Synergistic Benefits

  • Technical maintenance of the AquaCure device 
  • YouTube: George Wiseman
  • Critical importance of the maintenance rinse 
  • Important PSA on distilled water
  • How to synergistically maximize the benefits of Brown’s Gas 
  • Recognizing that allopathic medicine isn’t a system set up for vitality 
  • Our favorite health gadgets and technologies
  • SaunaSpace Sauna and Sunlighten Sauna
  • Visit lukestorey.com/aquacure (use code LUKE for 5% off)

[00:00:01] Luke: All right. George Wiseman, here we go, man. We're finally doing it--

[00:00:04] George: So good to be here.

[00:00:05] Luke: On The Life Stylist podcast. Yeah, I'm really excited to talk to you. So as I was telling you before we started recording, over the years, as I've done so many episodes on water specifically, I might as well call my show The Water podcast at this point. But we've gone into structured water, deuterium-depleted water, hydrogen water, and then I've done a number of shows just about hydrogen and all its different applications.

[00:00:33] And as I've put those out over the past eight years, it's very predictable that I'm going to get a subsect of people who message me and say, yeah, that's all good, but you need to talk to George Wiseman about Brown's gas and the AquaCure. So I'm really excited to fulfill that request, and also just learn more about you and your story and this technology you've created, which, for those watching on video, this is what it looks like right here.

[00:01:03] It's called the AquaCure, and I tried to get it in the shot on the video, and it's a little too big for me to hold in my lap the whole time. But I'm super stoked to just share this because it's something that's become integrated into both my life and my wife's life over the past couple months that we've had this thing.

[00:01:26] And we'll talk more about that later, but that is to say a warm and very extended welcome to you. So let's start out with just how you became an inventor. I know you're quite a tinkerer. Since you were a kid, you're building stuff in the garage and have an interest in engineering, and I'd like to create some context of some of the first things you built and how that evolved into where you are today.

[00:01:48] George: I grew up in a trapper's cab-- I was born in Montana, and my dad was buying a ranch in British Columbia, Canada, so we spend our summers up there. He worked for the Bureau of Land Management, so he pretty much was always working as a range conservationist. So we went out to the farthest reaches of America.

[00:02:10] In the middle of Montana, there was just prairies, and then we moved to the middle of Oregon, which was in the desert area there. And then we moved to Alaska. And in the meantime, we were always building the ranch in British Columbia. And the ranch didn't have any electricity. In fact, it was so far out in the bush that-- because he could buy land for $2,000 for a quarter section. That's 160 acres.

[00:02:35] So on a government wage, he was able to actually fulfill his life dream of becoming a cowboy. But he raised his family of seven kids in this cabin that was built in the 1800s with no electricity, no plumbing, none of that stuff. We literally went out at 4 o'clock in the morning and saddled up horses to go around and do the ranch work and stuff.

[00:02:57] And so without electricity, our shop was pretty minimal. We did have gasoline engines and we could run a generator if necessary to run the welders and stuff. So we were so far out. We were days' drive from town. Anything needing to be done, we had to do ourselves. So we became jack of all trades.

[00:03:16] All my brothers and sisters and I, whatever happened happened. There was no veterinarians. There was no doctors. There was no plumbers, no electricians, no police, no anything. If something needed to be done, you just did it, or it didn't get done. Even our nearest neighbor was a mile away.

[00:03:33] So we helped each other the best we could because that's what we did. There was no doors locked or anything like that where I grew up. It was quite interesting. But what it does, becoming a jack of all trades, it turns out I have affinity for things that are physical, like physics, and chemistry, and mechanics, and doing all that anyway, so this really accelerated it.

[00:04:02] And there's a long story about how I got my first pickup, but it was a piece of chunk, and my dad made me this deal because I had to drive into school. Once I got past grade 10, the little country school we were going to, which was an hour's bus ride to get to that, I'd had to go into town to go to grade 11 and 12, and I needed a vehicle to do that.

[00:04:29] Now, I was 16, but I was able to do that. But my dad bought this old junker pickup truck in 1966, Ford pickup truck, and he told me that he would pay for everything it took to fix it up the first time. And I was a reasonably decent mechanic by that time, self-taught, obviously.

[00:04:49] And I just built it up the way that I thought it should be, and it turns out that pickup truck was getting 36 miles to the gallon. Nobody told me that you couldn't get 36 miles to the gallon with a 1966 Ford pickup truck, half done-- F-150.

[00:05:07] So when I left the ranch after graduation and went out on my own and worked at various jobs and stuff, there were at least two mechanics that wanted to keep me as an apprentice because I would do so well when I was working with them.

[00:05:23] But no, me and my pickup truck, we were just traveling around, and eventually I went back to college for agriculture, and I didn't get along so good with my dad. I came back to the ranch with all this newfangled knowledge that he didn't agree with, and so I went off on my own.

[00:05:43] In order to be on my own, I had to make my own living. And by this time, I had really gotten enough of working for other people, So I figured I'd be a prospector, or I'd be an inventor. And prospecting was a lot of hard work. And I'd worked hard all my life on the ranch, and I decided that I'd try my hand at inventing.

[00:06:06] And I could get really high mileage with vehicles, so I started doing that. And the place I was working in at the time didn't require that I had a mechanic certification, so that worked out well now. Later, it did, and so I went back to school and got my certification for automotive technician.

[00:06:19] And that was an interesting experience as well because I actually taught the teachers some things while they were teaching me some things. And just to give you a bit of an idea, I was the only automotive student to make the honor roll. And as we were going through the course, six of the questions got changed to my answers because I was able to convince the instructor that my answers were more correct than the school's answers.

[00:06:51] So it was interesting going back to school when I was 30 years old. Anyway, back in the day, I was helping people get better mileage. They were paying me. That was good. I earned enough notoriety that one of these late-night shows where they say, but wait, there's more, there is selling stuff.

[00:07:18] We're interested in what I call the carburetor enhancer at that time. That was back when there were carburetors. So they wanted to sell a bunch of these kits that I was selling because I would-- and then they realized that anybody could go to a hardware store and get $15 worth of parts and bypass them, so they dropped that project.

[00:07:43] They wanted control. And I realized if I was going to help a lot of people, I would have to teach a lot more mechanics how to do this, because I couldn't do every vehicle in America myself. And I wanted to get this technology spread out around there, so I wrote a book. And nice thing about a book is that you do a lot of work up front and then you get paid residuals.

[00:08:06] I'm still selling that carburetor enhancer book, believe it or not. And I have 24 titles on my website that people can buy various kinds of fuel savers and energy saving devices, and things like that. I was in the fuel saving business now in my own self-employment since 1984.

[00:08:24] And around 1986, they were starting to change over to electronic fuel injection a lot, which I kept up on top of, and there's fuel savers for that as well. But one of the fuel saving techniques that would transfer over from carbureted to fuel injected was Brown's gas. So I went to learn as much as I could about Brown's gas, and I first learned about Brown's gas because I wanted one of the torches in my own shop, because it was said you could weld tungsten to plastic.

[00:08:58] And I thought, that's pretty neat, which it doesn't do, by the way. That was a myth. But it does work better to use Brown's gas instead of acetylene in an acetylene torch. It does everything better than acetylene and at 2% of the cost. So you're literally making your own gas, and you don't have bottled demerit charges.

[00:09:22] You don't have to go exchanging bottles, or run out of gas in the middle of a cut, or any of those things. It's a nice way to go. So any case, I built my own torches because, at the time, they quoted me $300,000 for one of these electrolyzers that was big enough to produce enough gas to run a torch.

[00:09:44] So I couldn't afford that. I knew how to do electrolysis. I learned everything I could about Brown's gas, and I built my own. Now, I threw in some of my alternative energy technology and things, and it turns out that my home-built one was half the weight, half the size, and produced the same amount of gas with half the electricity as the one they quoted me $300,000 for.

[00:10:10] So I started those, and that was another stream of income. Now, I'm into Brown's gas business. And Yull Brown, at that time, living in Australia, was experimenting with running vehicles on water and using this particular gas. So I got into that as well and built small electrolyzers, specifically optimized to go on vehicles, and typically would get about a 25% gain in fuel mileage just with that particular fuel saver, not even any of my other ones.

[00:10:40] So now I'm in Brown's Gas, and I'm selling these fuel savers and water torches. And in 1996, one of my customers who had a water torch started bubbling the gas in water. Oh, by the way, in the meantime, people had experimented bubbling the gas in water and feeding it to plants. And the plants did really well.

[00:11:03] In earth, they would grow about three times faster, which means that some people could get double crops in in a year, for example. And in hydroponics, they grow 10 times faster, the plants. So it was absolutely astonishing what it would do. So this guy, in 1996, bubbled it in water and decided to apply it on himself.

[00:11:23] Now, he had a melanoma on his forehead, and so he soaked a cotton ball, put it in a plastic cap, put it on his forehead, re-soaked the cotton several times a day, and in three weeks’ time, the melanoma was gone, completely gone. So skin cancer, one of the worst cancers, gone.

[00:11:41] Now, I didn't believe him. I'm sorry to say, and I apologized to him and all the people that I didn't help when I could have, because this was a combustible gas. It's an explosive gas. What are you thinking using it for health purposes? But it actually did work, and that particular experiment has been duplicated several times now around the world on other people with melanoma.

[00:12:08] So I was wrong. And as an inventor, you're wrong quite often, so you have to get used to that, but that 1% time that you're right, that 1%, you change the world. And that's essentially what's happened here. So we have a technology that can get better fuel mileage on vehicles. It can be used for health purposes.

[00:12:32] It can reduce radioactive waste to near zero in seconds. Just a long list of things that Brown's gas can do, which is absolutely astonishing because it can be made in your own house with electricity and water. Okay, so that's how-- go ahead.

[00:12:46] Luke: So before we go on, George, I wanted to just highlight something for those people watching the video, you have a cannula on, one of these medical inhalers that we often see with a oxygen concentrator for someone with emphysema.

[00:13:00] And I think it's so funny because I find when I use the Brown's gas, the inhaler, while I'm working, the stamina I have is insane. It's off the charts. It's absolutely night and day in terms of just focus, concentration, having an uplifted mood, mental clarity. Not blowing smoke.

[00:13:23] You obviously know. You've been using this thing for decades now. But the funny thing is when I get on a Zoom sometimes, I forget I have it on and then people will ask me if I'm sick. They think I've got cancer, emphysema, something. Why do you need oxygen? I said, no, no, I'm doing a podcast on it soon. It'll explain it all. I'm fine. I'm actually better than fine when I have this on. So for those watching, that's what that's all about. But we'll get into that.

[00:13:47] So going back to some of your early inventions, and as you started to hear murmurs of people using the Brown's gas for health benefits and things like that, one thing that I think is interesting about you as an inventor, and correct me if I'm wrong, is that rather than going the patent route and trying to squirrel away a bunch of cash on things that you come up with, they seem to be pretty open source.

[00:14:13] And I'm wondering if that is a combination of just your worldview and your ethics and morals around money and business, or is part of it to avoid attack and scrutiny from the government? I'm sure you're aware, and some of our listeners, when somebody comes out with an automobile that runs on water, they mysteriously die of two suicide gun wounds to the back. You know what I mean?

[00:14:38] Not to make light of that. Shouldn't talk about them that way, but we have some nefarious corporate control of the world, and they want a monopoly on technologies and on fuel sources, and things like that. So I'm just curious. Am I right in my assessment that you're not interested on patent itself? And if so, why?

[00:14:46] George: You pretty much nailed it. And on my website, eagle-research.com, I have 12 reasons why I don't patent. So I just wrote it all down for people. But in short, after the late-night sales show thing, I realized that since people could do it themselves, I could write a how-to manual and sell the manual and make some money that way.

[00:15:22] And then the manual ended up selling the kit. It'd be a brochure for the kit because people then we could see that it could work and stuff, but they didn't even want to go down to the hardware store and buy the parts. So they would just buy the kit from me.

[00:15:37] And then of course, I was installing them as well. I installed hundreds of them myself at just regular mechanic’s rate. But by selling the book, I was able to teach over 200,000 people how to install the carburetor enhancer. And some of those actually made businesses of it, where they made five, six, and one, even seven-figure incomes with just this book.

[00:16:04] There was this one guy. He drove up into my yard with a nice RV, and he said, I got to shake your hand. He said, I'd never met you, but I bought your book. I installed two mechanics in two mechanic shops, one mechanic each in the shops, and installing a carburetor enhancer. Did that for a couple of years. Made enough money that now I've retired. I'm driving around in this RV. First stop was to come and shake your hand. I made 10 bucks on that one.

[00:16:36] Luke: Wow, that's cool.

[00:16:38] George: But I did that 200,000 times, so I did okay. So my technology was getting out there and actually being used. I was investigated by various government agencies seven times. I kid you not. They all went for not because not one customer complained. In all of the time that I've done, they didn't have one customer complaint to take to court and charge me with anything. At one particular time, I also went to the patent repository in the University of Idaho in Moscow, Idaho.

[00:17:11] At one particular time, I also went to the patent repository in the University of Idaho in Moscow, Idaho, and in 10 years research, researching only 10 years back, I was able to find 5,000 fuel saver patents. So I'm not the only one that was making fuel savers. There's a lot of inventors out there that were making fuel savers and patenting them, but not one on the market, not one. All these patents, not one on the market.

[00:17:41] I could see why they were being bought out by various corporations, even governments, and things like that. And I was approached at a state fair one time by a guy who had a local dairy, and he said he drove from that particular town to Las Vegas on a gallon of water.

[00:17:58] And he was approached and bought out. With enough money, he was able to buy his dairy farm. That's how he made his money. Of course, he couldn't do anything with fuel savers anymore. That's part of the deal. That was on the down low. And I get approached with people that-- there were several of them that accidentally got cars from the factory. They bought a new car. We'd get 70 or 80 miles to the gallon.

[00:18:20] And these people approached me directly. They had the car. But those cars were bought back, or exchanged, or whatever the case may be. High mileage exists. In fact, based on the research that I've done, it would be possible to build a vehicle that would get 1,000 miles to the gallon, I kid you not, and go a million miles virtually maintenance free.

[00:18:49] The technology exists to do those two things, but they don't because they actually make more money servicing vehicles and selling fuel than they do on the actual original sale of the vehicle.

[00:19:04] Luke: Right. It's like a planned obsolescence. You got a couple of years on me, but I remember, I don't know, throughout my earlier life, you'd buy an appliance, for example, and it would just last forever, and it'd have a really long warranty.

[00:19:22] And then over the years, we've seen, even if you go for the top-of-the-line model of some appliance or computer, phones, all of it, it seems to be that there's an expiration date that's not disclosed where things start to fall apart and you have to replace it.

[00:19:38] It's so wasteful to me. Some of it is probably done intentionally, but it's also just very wasteful as someone-- I don't like throwing stuff away because it's got a flaw or it becomes inoperable over some time. I would rather just buy the top-of-the-line thing of a jig, pay more money for it, and only buy it once, whether it's a vacuum cleaner, or a phone, or whatever.

[00:20:02] And it's been so interesting to watch the degradation of manufacturing quality over the years. And I'm sure some of it's just cutting corners, and some of it, like I said, seems to be designed to break after a certain number of years, like with the iPhone. That's one I've noticed a lot.

[00:20:17] I treat my phones really well. I don't really use them for all that much. You know what I mean? And then you can count on around the time the new model comes out, yours mysteriously goes corrupt for some reason. So I find all of that really interesting.

[00:20:33] And it makes sense that, say a car manufacturer wants to keep selling parts for their car and wants people to buy a new one every few years. They have no incentive to make it last forever and not break down all the time. That's a funny place we find ourself in.

[00:20:51] So take me back to, you heard about this guy who is treating his melanoma with the water, and you're thinking, wow, you people are nuts because this is not a health device. It's not made for that application. And then you hear about people getting great results with their crops, using the water, and so on. What was the next stage where you or other people started using it more widely for those purposes?

[00:21:15] George: That's a good question, but if you can hold that thought for just a second. There was two things I wanted to say about the-- went back with our other thing. I'm a lazy person. Not that I won't work. I work hard, but I don't like to do things twice. And when we're working on the ranch, when something would break, I would figure out why it broke and fix it better so it wouldn't break again.

[00:21:41] So the second thing is, that's why when people buy an AquaCure from us, they're buying that kind of quality. I don't like to fix it. And I have a lifetime warranty. As long as the person who bought it is owning the vehicle, not vehicle, an AquaCure-- it's my old mechanics days still coming back to me-- and there's a manufacturer error or something that breaks because of that, we will fix it for free.

[00:22:09] We pay the shipping. We pay the labor. We pay the parts. When you buy it, that's it. And I also want to say, you can still go out and buy those old fridges that were built in the 1950s, and they still work. So getting back to-- that's all I had to say about that. I just wanted to make sure that people understood.

[00:22:28] Luke: Well, I want to jump in there too. I got to say, having had this thing for a few months now, excuse my French, but this thing is a brick shit house. It's very solid. And I have all kinds of technology. I got a hydrogen inhaler on my desk. I have all kinds of stuff around.

[00:22:45] And a lot of them are made in China, and they're very light, and they're mostly plastic. And so things are much more prone to breaking. So I got to say, when I pulled this thing out of the box, I was like, I can see why he is got a lifetime warranty, because this thing is super rock solid. And even when you're taking it apart to maintenance it and stuff like that, everything about it is really made to the highest quality standards.

[00:23:13] There are other companies that go for the aesthetic, which I appreciate. It's nice to have a beautiful looking device in your house that's not an eyesore. And I won't say this one's an eyesore, but it doesn't look like a beautiful piece of furniture either. You know what I mean?

[00:23:27] So I'm glad that you chose to use materials that were going to last rather than trying to make something super sleek and marketable. It doesn't really need to be marketable because it's so effective, and you're never going to have to buy it twice. So I appreciate it. Anyway, carry on.

[00:23:38] George: Two things on that. First one is I built it to every worldwide industrial standard. Every safety standard around the world, it will pass. That's the first thing. And the second thing is when I married the woman I have, my wife now, she looked at the assembly of parts that I had.

[00:23:59] We'll get to that assembly parts just in a minute, but this is relevant to what we're just saying. And she says, no woman is going to want that in her house. And that's not to say she didn't use it herself because she used that assembly of parts for years. We had it beside the bed and stuff like that, what I call the ER50 instead of the AC50.

[00:24:19] So the ER50 looked like a science experiment. Did the job, but she said no woman's going to want that in her house. So one of the first things that she did for me was tell me to put it in a case and make it so that people could have it in their house. And that's how the AquaCure started to become what it is now. In any case, I just wanted to put that in there.

[00:24:49] So this guy told me that, and I didn't believe him, but I did put out to my thousands of customers that I had at that particular point, hey, here's something that is a possibility about Brown's gas. You want to check it out.

[00:25:04] Hundreds of people did. And I started getting dozens of testimonials back, which were quite shocking to me actually. But still, it took nine years, from 1996 to 2005, before I drank my first bubbled water of Brown's gas. It took nine years for my customers to convince me to do this thing.

[00:25:32] So from 2005 to 2007, I drank the Brown's gas bubbled water. I'd already been drinking distilled water. In 2001, I started drinking only distilled water. And distilled water's a little hard to take because your body doesn't really want to swallow it, but it's pure water, and that's what I wanted. I didn't want a bunch of stuff in my water.

[00:25:52] So when I bubbled in Brown's gas in it, it became super smooth. You could drink a quart, no problem, just slug it right down. It's amazing. So that was a good thing. But I didn't get sick between 2005 and 2007 winters. I usually get sick at least three times a winter.

[00:26:13] I could count on it just like clock. No, didn't get sick. Didn't get sick. And there were no other negative side effects. So I said, okay, this is how you do it. I have my YouTube. If people go to my YouTube channel, they can see me inhaling for the first time, because it was just a couple of weeks after my late wife had passed.

[00:26:36] And quite frankly, I didn't care if I lived or died. I was very deep in grief at that time. I was sleeping on the couch, and I looked over beside me on the side table where I had this ER50 set up, and I thought, you know what? I'm going to try inhaling the gas from that.

[00:26:54] Because in December of 2015, a customer had sent me a video of a Korean hydrogen bar where people could go in and get a treatment. They could buy a Brown's gas treatment like we buy a cup of coffee. And at that time, I was a 24/7 caretaker of my late wife because she couldn't even roll over in bed without assistance.

[00:27:16] It was blind and a lot of things. It was a terrible time. I'll get back to that in a little bit. So in March of 2016, I inhaled for the first time, and I videotaped myself doing it just in case something went wrong because I didn't know. I was an inventor. I was just trying it out, see what would go on.

[00:27:35] And of course nothing did go wrong, but I have that video, and I put it on my YouTube channel. So people can look at that video and see what I looked like in March of 2016 and see that my mustache was entirely white. It's come back in. My hair has gone gray again. Even some of my hair is starting to grow.

[00:28:00] I stopped losing my hair, and it started coming back. Even my wife noticed. By the way, once I started to inhale the Brown's gas, my libido came back as well as a bunch of other side effects that I had no idea what happened. I was just inhaling the gas to prove that it was safe. I did not know all the health things that were going to happen to me.

[00:28:21] And if you go to aquacure.life, L-I-F-E, you'll see a long list of the things that it did for me and convinced me to tell people, okay, it not only safe to inhale, I definitely recommend it. And this is the things that were happening. So one of the things was that my libido came back.

[00:28:42] And I can tell you that that saved my life, because I was so deep in grief at the time that there were times my chest would hurt so bad, I would suddenly realize I hadn't even taken a breath. I was so despondent. I was shutting down, man. I can understand why so many spouses follow their mate into the grave.

[00:29:07] I really can. Anyway, when you want to have sex, you don't want to die. So it saved my life. So now I started to breathe again. Over the months, I started to date and eventually found the lady that agreed to marry me this time.

[00:29:31] I have a new life, and it's all because of the Brown's gas. Everything changed. And yes, I had that past life. I'm sorry it's gone, but this new life is absolutely amazing. And I want to help as many people as possible. Oh, this is the little corollary to that.

[00:29:51] About three months after I said people could inhale and taught them how to inhale, a woman got back in touch with me and said that her lupus symptoms were gone in three weeks’ time. This three weeks’ thing, again.

[00:30:05] Lupus is what my late wife died of, and I hadn't-- so here I am, a person who had Brown's gas in his own shop since 1986, who is a worldwide acknowledged expert on Brown's gas, had optimized it for many things, and I never had my late wife inhaling the gas, which could possibly have made a huge difference to her, and has made a huge difference to everyone that I know of with virtually every autoimmune disease, not only just Lupus.

[00:30:38] When I saw that, when I saw that testimonial, it literally knocked the legs out from underneath me. It was grief all again. I couldn't believe how stupid I was, how obtuse, how I could have missed these clues for decades that would've saved this woman's life and our quality of life.

[00:31:05] Because here she is, I couldn't be away from her side for more than 20 or 30 minutes at a time. So it isn't just the person that is sick. It's the caretakers that suffer as well. So absolutely. I was laying there on the floor, and I just literally couldn't get up until I said, okay, God, I get it now.

[00:31:29] This is my Jonah moment. This is the spit up on the beach from the whale. This is the I see it now. I'm meant to help people with this, and I'm going to help as many people as I can not go through that suffering that we did. So that's an important part of my story, to make sure that people are as healthy as possible.

[00:31:54] So I build a good machine, and I'm getting it out there as much as I can. And I really appreciate platforms like yourself having me on so that I can teach more people about the Brown's gas. And you don't have to buy it from me. There's a lot of gas options and hydrogen options out there, and you should at least get hydrogen.

[00:32:13] Brown's gas works better, and we'll explain why. It does everything hydrogen can do, plus. But people should be supplementing with at least hydrogen, and like I said, we'll get into that in just a little bit.

[00:32:29] Luke: Awesome. Yeah. Well, thank you for sharing that. And I've heard you tell that story a number of times before, and I try to put myself in your shoes, and I literally just can't imagine going through that loss and that level of grief.

[00:32:43] And the positive side of it, I guess, as you've discovered and so many of us that have gone through our various struggles subjectively, I think the only way to reconcile things like that in life is if you're able to turn them around and transmute them into a gift and a desire based on empathy to help other people.

[00:33:12] And in my past of various difficulties, mental illness, addiction, physical illness, all kinds of different things that I've managed to evade, through mostly grace and a little bit of dedication on my behalf, same thing motivates me to do these podcasts with people like you.

[00:33:04] It's just like, man, I know there's going to be someone that hears this that goes lupus, or whatever, and goes, oh wow, I didn't know about this. I'm going to try it. So I very much relate to your motivation, and I appreciate your dedication.

[00:33:34] Because, honestly, I'm guessing you could have sold enough of those books teaching people how to make fuel savers, I don't know, open source the plans for the AquaCure to make Brown's gas. I'm sure you probably have made enough money at your age to live comfortably, where you don't need to keep doing this. You know what I mean? And you could just go live your life.

[00:33:57] So obviously, there's a deeper motivation and a deeper level of meaning for you, which I really appreciate. And there's nothing wrong with people out there that just want to make a bunch of money and that's their motive and their value system. And I don't think there's anything wrong with that, but I find I invest more in people that have maybe a deeper value system at place. So thank you for that.

[00:34:24] All right, let's dive into, first, I think, hydrogen, because that's something I have talked about a lot on the show. And then we'll get into the differences of Brown's gas and the electrically enhanced water, exclusion zone water, and all the other bells and whistles.

[00:34:39] Hydrogen, to me, is fascinating because, as I understand it, it's the most prevalent molecule in the known universe. It's the smallest molecule, and it seems to be the substrate of all life. And it's interesting looking back in some of the suppressed history stuff that's becoming really popular now about giant trees, and maybe giant people, and giant buildings, and things were bigger and longer lived than we might think from the official narrative of history as we know it.

[00:35:11] And I don't know this to be true, but it seems this idea of the firmament covering the planet and that our atmosphere was very likely quite different in the past that allowed for the proliferation of larger plants and animals, everything, that it was just a more robust and alive planet.

[00:35:30] And my intuition tells me it has something to do with the prevalence of hydrogen. So there's that piece, and then there's the fact that when we eat any kind of nutrition, food, calories, etc., essentially what we're going after is the hydrogen that's produced in the gut by eating that food.

[00:35:49] And you have all of these people out there in the diet wars now of carnivore, vegan, this and that. I'm like, you guys, what you want is the hydrogen. That's what we're all after. If you have a functional gut, you're going to be making enough hydrogen. And we'll talk about that. But to say that it seems like it really is the substrate to energy.

[00:36:08] And energy is what is needed for things to grow and thrive. So that is the basis of my fascination, can't say that word, with hydrogen, and why I've got all these different devices, and I'm interested in getting hydrogen in and on my body in every way possible.

[00:36:25] So maybe you could start, just give us your perspective on hydrogen, and then we'll move into how Brown's gas, of course, whether it's in water or in the gaseous form, also contains hydrogen, but some benefits along with it.

[00:36:38] George: Like I said, people should be getting at least hydrogen, because our bodies are 62% hydrogen by weight. Hydrogen, very light molecule. But all atoms take up the same volume regardless of their weight. So hydrogen, 62% by volume, 24% oxygen, 12% carbon, and 2% everything else.

[00:37:01] So when they're having all this advice about vitamins and minerals and stuff, they're all talking about the 2%, not the 62%. So your major macronutrient is hydrogen. And as you alluded there already, we get the major amount of hydrogen from our food, which means our digestive system has to be working properly.

[00:37:21] And most people's digestive systems are not working properly because we've decimated the microbiome. And we need that microbiome in order to break apart the carbons from the hydrogen. See, back in the day, when I was in the fuel saver business, I'm working with hydrocarbons, hydrocarbon fuels.

[00:37:40] And you've got essentially hydrogens attached to carbons, and the atomic bond of that is very, very strong. It's difficult to break. But it turns out when you put Brown's gas in the air going into the engine, it acts like a catalyst, which helps the combustion break apart those bonds easier.

[00:38:59] And gasoline engines are heat engines. I'll get back to it in humans, just a second, but it's important to know this about catalysts and stuff, even with our gut microbiome, because what happens is it takes a certain amount of energy to break apart those bonds. And the combustion process gets that energy from the combustion itself after the initial ignition.

[00:38:27] And so that's called endothermic energy, the energy necessary to put into the process to get the energy out, which is your exothermic energy. And the amount of heat you get out of a gallon of gas determines how far you're going to go on that gallon of gas, assuming you have a properly designed heat engine.

[00:38:50] So when you could break apart the fuel using less energy, less endothermic energy, then that means there's more heat energy able to go. And that's why people were getting 25%. Or even better, in cases where you have longer chain, hydrocarbons like diesels and even oceangoing ships, there was a study of-- I got testimonials from truckers getting 50% better fuel mileage with the Brown's gas systems instead of just the gasoline getting 25%.

[00:39:15] And there was one study that got deleted from the internet. I copied it. I copied it. I have a copy of it. But it got deleted from the internet almost immediately, where an oceangoing ship got 90% better, oceangoing ship using the crude oil that they're using in those great huge engines that are big as a house.

[00:39:36] I actually walked through one of those engines one time when I was in Italy because they wanted to experiment with the fuel savers that I was doing. They got 90% better fuel economy. And that is game changing for oceangoing ships and stuff.

[00:39:54] So getting back and back and back to now our gut microbiome, we chew our food, we masticate it, we throw in some enzymes, we drop it into an acid bath. It does more of the digestive system and breaking things apart there. It goes into the lower intestines with some bile and microbiome.

[00:40:09] But it isn't until you get to the colon that all of this preparation has weakened the bonds enough that there's some specialized bacteria that can break apart the carbons from the hydrogens, and then the hydrogen goes in through the colon wall into your bloodstream. And that's how we get our hydrogen generally.

[00:40:29] But those bacteria are very sensitive to things like antibiotics. A modern miracle saved millions and millions of lives, but it creates a long-term chronic condition because now you've killed off the bacteria that are helping you get your hydrogen from your food.

[00:40:44] And then glyphosate and artificial sweeteners, and just a long list of drugs and things that we are ingesting. Even when you're eating meat, if you're eating chickens that have been grown in a farm that is using a lot of antibiotics, you're eating those antibiotics. You may not think you're taking antibiotics, but there's a lot of ways that things are getting into us.

[00:41:06] Even when you're drinking city water, a lot of times there's antibiotics in the city water. It's not cleaned out. Hormones, and drugs, and all kinds of things. That's one of the reasons I started drinking distilled water. So now we know where we get our hydrogen from.

[00:41:23] And why the hydrogen is important is because it's our major macronutrient. But what happens to us if we don't have enough hydrogen? And you could just simply point at people, anybody, because virtually everybody is hydrogen deficient.

[00:41:37] But with myself, I discovered that the first thing that the body does, because the body knows how to stay alive, the body will take and do what it can. If you're out in the cold and you're starting to freeze, it'll take blood circulation from your extremities and just keep the blood inside your thoracic region in order to preserve core temperature, things like that.

[00:42:06] The first thing, your body starts to shut off extraneous systems that use hydrogen but aren't immediately life threatening. The first thing to go is usually the regeneration system. And that means if you get a cut, you'll scar. The body will patch it. It won't heal it. And you age quicker and things like that because your stem cells and everything aren't being shut off.

[00:42:32] If you still don't have enough hydrogen, it starts shutting off your immune systems. And you have lots of different kinds of immune system things that are happening. So people get sick easier, but it's not immediately life threatening. And then if you still don't not have enough hydrogen, your organs will start to fail, and you will die.

[00:42:50] So when you start supplementing with a hydrogen, you can expect that your organs are going to start to heal. Your immune systems will turn back on, and your regeneration system will come back online. So what happened to me, and I know the video is pretty good, I'm just going to see if we can see-- yes. I can just barely see it.

[00:43:08] Right here there's a one-centimeter or one half-inch spot. You could see. That used to be a scar. My skin still bends that direction, but it's healed. And all the scars on my body are gone. I had some pretty impressive ones, actually, and they're gone.

[00:43:27] Because my largest organ on my body is my skin, it healed it when I started to inhale the gas. Now, there's a long list of things like my tinnitus, and my neuropathies, and my arthritis. One of the things I so appreciate and I'm so grateful for is simply living without pain.

[00:43:50] There was a chronic pain. I had arthritis, and joints, and muscles. They were hurting all the time. And I lived with it. I just thought you get older, that's what happens. I didn't realize you didn't have to live with the pain. So that's where I got in that. So now we know what happens and how the hydrogen supplementation happens. Did you want to get into why Brown's gas is better?

[00:44:24] Luke: Yeah, let's do, let's do. And for those listening, we'll put in the show notes some of the other shows I've done dedicated to hydrogen. We've had Tyler LeBaron and a number of other experts on. Prior to me learning about you and Brown's gas, I was very interested in the hydrogen.

[00:44:40] Still, if I go on a plane, I take the hydrogen tabs, and I have the HydroFix device in the kitchen, which is great. It's zero maintenance essentially, and it just bubbles your hydrogen water, so that's our drinking water. But I've definitely noticed a more substantial overall results constantly inhaling the Brown's gas and then drinking the water.

[00:45:06] And also, like you said, the water, it's much smoother. Because I'll take this big ass canister that comes with your device, and I'll chug almost the whole thing. I don't know how big it is, but it's a lot of water. And I go, how did I just drink that whole thing? It's different. It's hard to explain until you experience it.

[00:45:21] So yes, as someone who still believes in hydrogen, still uses it, loves it, there is definitely something much more unique about the Brown's gas, the gas itself for inhalation, and also the drinking it. So yeah, let's get into what is Brown's gas and what makes it different from just using straight up hydrogen.

[00:45:43] George: Have you interviewed Professor Gerald Pollock? Okay.

[00:45:520] Luke: I have. Yeah. Yeah, we did. We'll that in the show notes.

[00:45:55] George: That's essentially what I'm going to be talking about.

[00:45:56] Luke: Zone water. Yeah.

[00:45:57] George: And Tom Cowan really understands this as well, Dr. Tom Cowan.

[00:46:01] Luke: Great, great.

[00:46:02] George: Yes.

[00:46:03] Luke: And Tom Cowan was on the show too. Oh, by the way, guys, we'll put the show notes at lukestorey.com/wiseman, W-I-S-E-M-A-N, lukestorey.com/wiseman. And while I'm at it, for those of you that by the end of this are like, whoa, I want to check out the AquaCure, you can go to lukestorey.com/aquacure, and if you use the code, Luke, you'll get 5% off. Carry on, sir.

[00:46:27] George: So Professor Pollock should get the Nobel Peace Prize for this particular thing that he discovered, the exclusion zone, what he was calling water at the time. It's actually not water. Water is H2O, and the exclusion zone gel is a gel between a solid and a liquid. This H3O2 negative.

[00:46:52] Whenever water comes up against a hydrophilic surface-- hydrophilic is water loving. Hydrophobic is water not loving. So the hydrophilic surface, it makes this zone, this layer. It restructures itself into not water, into this gel, against a hydrophilic surface.

[00:47:14] Professor Pollock noticed that. Now, obviously, you have to have a really good microscope, and I'm not sure how they ever really discovered it, but they noticed that when they were working with water with hydrophilic materials, there was a zone that excluded any impurities. It made this pure layer.

[00:47:35] And so the micro spheres that they were doing would get pushed out of this layer. So they called it exclusion zone, and they discovered several things about it as they were doing their various things, including infrared light was accidentally shown on it, and the zone increased.

[00:47:55] So this exclusion zone helped to do infrared. So infrared is one of those things that works with the Brown's gas. I'll get to that in just a second. I'll get back to how it works in the body. There's three medical mysteries that allopathic medical science really hasn't been explaining very well, even though there's been people raising their hand and saying, hey, we have a problem with the logic here.

[00:48:26] So the first problem is that the heart does not produce enough pressure to push blood through all the hundreds of thousands of miles of capillaries in our body. It just doesn't. It's mathematically impossible, just like it's mathematically impossible for a bumblebee to fly. So obviously, there's something that's not known.

[00:48:48] Because you can see bumblebees flying. We can see that we're getting blood flow in our body. So the second thing is, how come a red blood cell, which is twice the size of these tiny little tubes, capillaries, doesn't just stop them up like a cork? How come it can slide through there?

[00:49:02] And the third thing is, having to do with fluid dynamics, why is it that when the heart is pumping-- because fluids will take the path of least resistance, always. And so how come is it that the fluid from the heart doesn't just go around the thoracic region and back into the big veins and back into the heart again? How come I get blood flow to the top of my pointy head to the tips of my fingers, to the tips of my toes?

[00:49:27] So three medical mysteries ended up being solved in the University of Washington by Professor Pollock. It turns out that when you have a tube small enough, small as a capillary, with the EZ gel in there, it spontaneously starts to flow fluid without a pump.

[00:49:59] This is absolutely incredible. This may sound like not much, but it's on the equivalent of fire, because it is the basis of all life. A tree can't get the water from its roots up to its leaves, like a redwood tree, 150 feet high, without this capillary effect that has to do with the EZ gel.

[00:50:21] And the EZ gel, turns out, is what clumps up ourselves, which is one of the reasons why I don't really have crow's feet anymore or anything like that around my eyes, because you need it everywhere in your body. You need this EZ gel.

[00:50:37] So I was speaking at a water conference in Bad Soden, Germany, about October of 2019, just before all this insanity started to happen. And sitting in the front row was Professor Pollock because it was a water conference. And he stood up in the question-and-answer period, and he says, I know that when you have a hammer, everything looks like a nail.

[00:51:01] He says, and you know that I like this EZ gel stuff. So he says, how does Brown's gas affect EZ gel? I said, I don't know. Why don't we find out? So we did. After we all got home and sorted out, I contacted the University of Washington and donated some money. And that's one of the things that we're doing with our money as well, is we're doing the various studies to prove all of these various things that we're talking about.

[00:51:29] Whereas the other people then take the results of our studies and go make money because that's what they do. But then they help spread the technology around as well. So, hey, that's what happens. In any case, the point was to find out how Brown's gas affected the EZ gel. And in this particular series of experiments we did other experiments as well.

[00:51:49] We discovered that if you put oxygen in water, it does not affect the EZ gel. If you put hydrogen in water, it does not affect the EZ gel. If you put Brown's gas in water, the minimum it affected, it was three times more. So you got this three times more, and it could be up to thousands of times more.

[00:52:16] The gel layer could actually get thick enough, you could see it with the naked eye instead of just being a few microns thick. So this was absolutely astonishing. So one of the things that Brown's gas does is it helps form this gel in your body that you need for life. So that's one reason why it helps heal and make the circulatory systems work better and all that kind of stuff.

[00:52:40] Another reason why Brown's gas works better has to do with what Brown's gas is. We glossed over that. What makes Brown's gas different than hydrogen, than the straight pure, what's called molecular hydrogen? If you go to the website, there's full explanation and pictures and all that kind of stuff as well.

[00:52:59] But in short, we discovered, when we were doing all our electrolysis and I was doing my experimentation, I was getting too much gas. I was getting too much gas. And Professor Yull Brown noticed that as well, and people came and tested his machines, and yes, they were making too much gas.

[00:53:20] He never figured out why. But in 1996, I saw the reason why. I made a transparent electrolyzer, and I saw the reason why. I'll get back to that in just a second. So what happened when you're making 130% Faraday? Faraday equations say that you put a certain amount of amperage in Electrolyzer. You will get a certain amount of gas out if it's 100% efficient.

[00:53:41] Now, most electrolyzers are not a hundred percent efficient and only run at about 60 or 70% efficiency. So getting 130% gas was pretty significant. And in 1996, I discovered why. So what was happening is, in my electrolyzers, Brown's gas electrolyzer designs, I didn't have a membrane in the middle, between the electrodes, between the cathode and the anode.

[00:54:06] Cathode making hydrogen, anode, making oxygen. I didn't have a membrane, so all the gases would mix together and come out the same hose. Now, the original inventor of what we call Brown's gas was William Rhodes in Phoenix, Arizona, in about 1960. He invented what he called a single-ducted gas because the gas that was coming out was only one hose.

[00:54:28] So getting back to this particular thing, it turns out, and I didn't know the reason why, but I could see it happening, I knew there was an extra gas, and I theorized what it was, was this electrically expanded water, what I call electrically expanded water.

[00:54:45] So water soaking up electrons like a sponge soaks up water until the water becomes so full of energy that it becomes a gaseous form of water that is not water vapor or steam. It's the fourth state of matter. So you have your solid ice, your liquid water, your gaseous steam or water vapor, and this negatively charged plasma form of water we're calling electrically expanded water, or EXW, for short.

[00:55:13] So I knew this was forming in there, and I saw now it forming, but I didn't know why it was forming until, again, I was in the conference in Bad Soden, and the speaker just before me was a Chinese man. And you can go look at these various talks online. You can look up the water conference and all these things.

[00:55:34] Anyway, he had been running experiments where he was using microcurrents, and he identified what I call an electron bridge. So if there's no membrane in the middle, an electron bridge actually forms between the electrodes, and it was the electrons running along that bridge that were stuffing the electrons into the water that was in the middle, because that's what happened.

[00:55:57] You'd have hydrogen forming off the cathode, and you could see that, and you could see oxygen forming off the anode. But there was a third gas forming, just as much gas as was forming on the plates. This gas was forming right out of the middle of the fluid, right out of the middle, with no connection to the plates whatsoever.

[00:56:17] So that's what we call the electrically expanded water. So these three gases are coming with the Brown's gas. And it's the electrically expanded water that makes Brown's gas different than just pure molecular hydrogen. Now, the oxygen is off to the side.

[00:56:35] So with the Brown's gas, they're discovering about a 30% more therapeutic efficacy than just straight, pure hydrogen. And since I'm investing all my time into something, I just went straight with Brown's gas. I'm not doing hydrogen. As far as I'm concerned, straight hydrogen is an obsolete technology. It's nice to have the hydrogen tablets and stuff when you're traveling.

[00:56:56] Although when I'm traveling, for example, I have a 13-hour drive to go visit our daughter-in-law, and I put the cannulas on. In fact, both my wife and I have the cannulas on while we're driving.

[00:57:13] Luke: Dude, that's so funny you mentioned that because back when I was living in California and I'd do long drives, I would take my little Vital Reaction hydrogen inhaler and plug it in in the car. Because I get really bad road fatigue. I'm just prone to jet lag. Air travel just wipes me out.

[00:57:31] And even driving a car, probably all the EMFs in the car. And I have not taken a trip since I got the AquaCure, but I'm going to be taking a trip, quite a long drive this summer to get out of the Texas heat. And I am 100% doing that. This is going to be sitting in my backseat, and my wife and I trade off inhaling--

[00:57:49] George: Put a splitter on, and you can both inhale at the same time.

[00:57:50] Luke: It really does.

[00:57:51] George: See, that's what I was doing.

[00:57:53] Luke: Oh, no shit.

[00:57:55] George: The first few trips that we went down, I was just inhaling myself and she would end up dozing off in the passenger seat. But this last time that we were down there, I had the T thing, so we were both inhaling at the same time in the BnB rental that we were in.

[00:58:09] And when I brought it out to the truck, I thought, why don't I just keep the T thing on? And then we were both inhaling on the way back. She didn't fall asleep. She goes wide awake and alert when we got home. Yes.

[00:58:24] Luke: That's amazing. Well, one thing I think is interesting about hydrogen, and I don't know if there's research to cross over into the Brown's gas realm, but EMF is something I talk about ad nauseum on the show because I just think it's the massive elephant in the room of all human health and environmental health, and animals, and plants, and all the things.

[00:58:45] And I just happen to be very sensitive to it for whatever reason. And there's a number of different things that you can do to mitigate it in your external environment. And I've talked about those a lot.

[00:58:57] But I find that hydrogen is the, for sure, most powerful thing that one can take internally to mitigate the oxidative stress that you get from being exposed to EMF. So I'm wondering, if you get a 30% higher benefit from Brown's gas than just straight hydrogen, if that would cross over to helping be more resilient to EMF.

[00:59:19] George: Oh my goodness. You just led--

[00:59:20] Luke: Do you know of any research subjective--

[00:59:22] George: You just led into one of the most important things I actually was forgetting to mention. A quick little example, and then I'll get back to that more directly. I took an airplane ride, a flight, four hours to go to Albuquerque, from Buffalo to Albuquerque for a conference I was doing there.

[00:59:39] And when I got there, they had a dark field microscope there so they could look in my blood. And the woman who was doing it could not believe that I had just taken a four-hour airplane flight. Because as you know, when you're up there with the radiation, it affects your red blood cells and stuff.

[00:59:55] And she could see that usually on people, but not on me. And it turns out that even the hydrogen without the Brown's gas, even just the hydrogen helps mitigate radiation damage. First of all, it helps prevent radiation damage in the first place. And then if you do have radiation damage, it helps the body heal from it, because the hydrogen goes right through the cell walls, right into the nucleus, right into the DNA.

[01:00:21] It goes right through everything in your body if you can keep yourself hydrogenated long enough for it to soak into your tissues that deeply. So yes, to answer your question, as far as that half goes. But the other half is why this really helps, and it comes down to those extra electrons.

[01:00:42] You remember when I was saying you have electrically expanded water? It's water that's full of electrons. Well, when you ingest this, the electrons go off into your body, and they do a whole bunch of things that help mitigate illness. First of all, it stops any oxidative cascade.

[01:01:05] Oxidative cascade is something is missing an electron, so it'll grab an electron from something else, and now that something else is missing an electron, and it'll grab an electron from something else, and it just cascades. Well, as soon as you provide enough electrons, it just fills those holes and it stops the whole thing. So inflammation pretty much just stops in its tracks.

[01:01:30] Luke: Hence the decrease in overall body pain that you noticed, which I've noticed a lot too. I guess just part of getting older, bits and pieces of the body just are sore for no apparent reason, which is really annoying. I've definitely noticed that effect too, and that would be one indication of why that's happening, is just overall inflammation.

[01:01:51] And then I want to run up one other thing by you before I forget. As I talk about a lot and have mentioned in this conversation, our house is full of all these different technologies and healing tools because it's my job and also just my passion to discover cool things. One barometer by which I can sense if something is authentic and effective is whether or not my wife gravitates toward it, because she just has different interests.

[01:02:17] She doesn't really care about all my gadgets and stuff. She's really healthy and just feels great most of the time and doesn't seem to have-- a bit younger than I am and just has less issues, so maybe that's why she doesn't feel the need to do that. But one thing that happened when we moved to Texas-- no, I mean not the first year, but the second year-- is she got something that they call Cedar fever.

[01:02:40] There's cedar trees all over here, and they release pollen into the air. And for some people, it's extremely challenging. It's like having the flu and all kinds of shit. It's just crazy. Like cytokine storms that are really heavy-duty allergic reaction. And I heard you talk about allergies and Brown's gas on another show.

[01:02:58] So I said, hey, honey, I just got this new clunky thing that I'm hauling around the house. And I said, just give it a shot. If it doesn't work, don't worry about it. Dude, it is the only thing, literally, and we have every supplement in the world, your quercetin, zinc, you name it.

[01:03:13] And she's tried all that. No real effect. I'm sure it helps, but she's not like, wow, yeah, I can go outside now. When it hits her, it's really bad. The only thing literally that works is if she gets on this inhaler and inhales the Brown's gas. That is the only thing that will calm down the allergies even more so than toxic drugs from the drugstore that sometimes do help symptoms.

[01:03:38] So that's really the thing that I've noticed the most where it's not placebo for me and probably not placebo for her. And it's been observable many, many times that she'll be having a reaction, gets on the AquaCure, and she's better now.

[01:03:55] It might come back the next day, then she has to get back on it, so it's a maintenance kind of thing, but it's pretty outlandish to watch how well it works. So part of what you're talking about with the inflammation and the cytokine storm and stuff, do you think that's the mechanism there that she's finding to be so helpful?

[01:04:10] George: Yes. And I was actually going to say right after saying it helps heal oxidative damage in your body, because that's one of the things that happens with all these precursors to a lot of diseases, is the oxidative damage. But the cytokine storms as well. There were people in this latest pandemic, let's call it, plandemic, however we're going to say.

[01:04:38] Luke: Plandemic, yeah.

[01:04:39] George: And the crazy thing is the allopathic doctors were saying, when people were, saying, I have symptoms, they were saying, oh, just go home, and when you can't breathe anymore, then come to the hospital. So the allopathic doctors were getting people in in the latter stages of this ailment. Because their oxygen levels would be so low, they would put them on ventilators, which it turns out, tube issues.

[01:05:05] They started talking about cytokine storms in the lungs because of the latter stages of this. But they didn't realize that that particular ailment was a blood disease, not a lung disease. And if you could get the blood having its oxygen levels back again-- because what was happening was the iron was being kicked out of the red blood cells, so it couldn't grab onto oxygen anymore in the lungs.

[01:05:31] And since the blood couldn't grab onto oxygen, the oxygen levels in the blood would drop. So then the allopathic doctors were thinking that you need to ventilate in order to get more oxygen in the blood, but it was the wrong thing to do. And most of the people they put on ventilators died, unfortunately.

[01:05:48] On the other hand, in China, this was the number one treatment for that particular ailment because when the people would start to inhale, in less than five minutes, their oxygen levels would start to come back up. Now, these are people that are hospitalized because they can't breathe anymore. Within three days, they're walking out of the hospital without a ventilator or anything like that.

[01:06:10] Now, the reason being had to do with this electrically expanded water. When you put the extra electrons in there, the red blood cells could get a charge, which could then accept oxygen, even if it didn't have enough iron. And the charge would actually start sucking the iron back into the red blood cells.

[01:06:31] So the iron, the heme, ferritin, whatever you want to call it, was still circulating in the plasma, the blood plasma, but it wasn't being attached properly to the red blood cells. So this would start to revert in minutes, and the people then could come back up.

[01:06:47] So these extra electrons would not only stop oxidative cascade and the cytokine storms, because again, it's like the inflammation, allergic reaction kind of thing, but it would give this charge necessary, and it'd help the things like the EZ gel, all of that kind of thing.

[01:07:10] And finally, what it does is give the body the energy it needs, because you need three things to heal. You need the raw materials, which is the hydrogen in this particular case, for the most part, and hydrogen's like a pile of bricks.

[01:07:24] You can't expect to come back in 10 years’ time and see a pile of bricks turn into a brick house. What it needs next is energy because something has to move those bricks into place. And the third thing it needs is intelligence. And our bodies are amazingly intelligent to extremes that we have no idea. It is just a marvel every time I think about it, how intelligent our bodies are, and how they know how to heal given what they need.

[01:07:51] So what they need is the energy and the raw materials. So our most important macronutrient is the hydrogen, and then with the Brown's gas, you're also getting this raw directly bioassimilable energy of the electrically expanded water.

[01:08:08] Luke: Wow. That's cool. One thing I'm learning here today that I didn't think about or didn't know was the element of the exclusion zone water, the fourth phase of water, I figured I was just getting that when I drink the Brown's gas infused water. I didn't think about the fact that you mentioned where when we're inhaling the Brown's gas, we're also encouraging the body to produce more of that, which it does in the mitochondria.

[01:08:34] If you get in an infrared sauna, your body's making this exclusion zone water. So that's really interesting. So you're getting the maximum EZ water input if you're doing the inhalation and also drinking the water.

[01:08:48] George: And it's one of the reasons why from 2005 to March of 2016, I was just drinking the hydrogen rich water, the Brown's gas, bubbled water. And I pretty much didn't get sick during all that time. But things like my neuropathies continued. My arthritis was still there.

[01:09:07] I was still losing my hair. The tinnitus was getting bad enough. I could hardly hear anyone speak. The neuropathies, I'd lost the feeling in the front of my legs and in the palm of my hand. All these things were still getting worse.

[01:09:23] It wasn't until I started to inhale-- and other things as well, like warts and stuff that I had, and a heart murmur. There's just a long list of things that my body healed once I started inhaling where I wasn't getting from the hydrogen-rich water. But I discovered that I still have to drink a lot of the hydrogen-rich water in addition to the inhalation because some things are best mitigated with the water.

[01:09:48] Some things are best mitigated with the inhalation. But when you put them together, there's a synergy that gives it a boost even both of those. So when I wasn't drinking enough water, I noticed that my hair regrowth was slowed or stopped, when I'd been inhaling but drinking only a liter instead of two liters of water a day. So then when I start drinking a couple or three liters of water a day, then the hair started to pop up in my head again. So just for an example.

[01:10:17] Luke: For those watching, this is the bubbler, and I want to check a couple of things that I'm getting this right. I think in the instruction you said-- we'll talk about the maintenance and how you set the thing up, but you're using distilled water in the smaller bubbler that comes right out of the machine. And then I think you said it's preferred to use distilled for the water you're going to drink, but purified, clean water.

[01:10:39] George: That's exactly right. Whatever people--

[01:10:41] Luke: Did I get that right?

[01:10:41] George: Prefer to drink, you can put in the drinking water jar there. But you absolutely have to use distilled water in the humidifier. That goes into the machine.

[01:10:54] Luke: Got it. Okay. So how big is--

[01:10:57] George: It's a liter or a quart, whichever way you want to say it.

[01:11:02] Luke: Okay. And so those watching the video, you can see there's a little bubbler here, a little stone that bubbles the gas through the water, and then after a certain period of time, and this is what question I'm getting to, then that water is as saturated as it can be. I have 10, or so, right?

[01:11:21] George: 10 minutes if it's at a 100%.

[01:11:24] Luke: Where you're creating Brown's gas water.

[01:11:27] George: 100%. But if you're inhaling for, let's say, 20 minutes, then it will be saturated fully as well. Because when you're inhaling, you're inhaling at a lower percent, not a 100%. So in your case, your weight.

[01:11:39] Luke: Sure. Which is based on your body weight. Yeah. Okay. I got a bunch of things I want to ask you. Let me see if I can articulate them all in a logical way. So say I am running it at the body weight setting. For me personally, my number's 36, my wife's is 30, for example. So after 20 minutes, that water then is cooked. It's ready. Can I then store that water in a closed container, say in the refrigerator? And if so, how long am I going to keep that water at maximum

[01:12:09] George: I will start going away from its maximum potential almost immediately. But there's a curve. It drops off fairly quickly and then comes down slower. But I say the half-life of the goodness is a day, 24 hours in a sealed container at room temperature. You put it in the fridge, the half-life will last somewhat longer.

[01:12:31] That's good. And I like drinking cooler water anyway. Some people like to drink warm water, whatever your preference is. The warmer the water, the less gas it can hold. That's just a physics principle. So for example, if you boil the water to make coffee, or tea, or porridge, or something, there's no gases left in the water. That's how they make clear ice cubes.

[01:12:57] That's why I use boiled water to make clear ice cubes, because there's no gases left in it. So on the other side, just talking about that kind of thing, just throwing out some hints and tips, if you bubble the water and freeze it, you'll see the bubbles in the ice cubes, and it'll hold it there, and you can drop those ice cubes into your water, which helps cool the water, but also, you can drop it into pet's water.

[01:13:23] An open tray of water for your pet, the hydrogen's going to dissipate relatively quickly. But if you have a relatively small bowl and you keep dropping an ice cube bin once or twice, or three or four times a day, once in a while, the pets really love it. Then they're getting their hydrogen-rich water as well.

[01:13:46] Luke: Oh, that's cool. I feed all kinds of crazy stuff to our dog and our cat, and I've never tried to give them the water because I just figured by the time they get to it, the gas is going to dissipate, and I've just wasted some freshly prepared water.

[01:14:01] However, one thing I have done, because you got a quart of water here after an inhalation session, and sometimes I'll drink almost the whole thing, but if my wife's not around to finish it, I'll usually take what's left and go distribute it to the plants. We have tons of really beautiful house plants, which is just something-- I'm a bit of a green thumb in the house.

[01:14:22] I'm always doing things with our pets, but also with our plants, doing electro culture, copper rods, and just all kinds of weird stuff. And I can tell my plants do really well on this water. And to me, the cool thing about is it's not costing me money to make the water.

[01:14:37] I'm going to be making the water anyway. And so the plants enjoy the surplus that's left over. But yeah, I was curious about the storage of the water. That's one thing I wasn't totally clear on. So that makes a lot of sense. The other thing that I've been doing that's really cool is when I got this machine, it came with some goggles, these green goggles that you can hook up and then you run the gas production at 100%.

[01:15:03] And so I'll sit on my desk because my eyes get fatigued doing computer work and stuff like that. So I'll put the goggles on and run that while I'm working maybe for an hour, then drink that water, fill up the water again, then I'll do inhalations.

[01:15:17] I'm going back and forth, and man, I don't know what is happening to the eyes, but it seems to not only help the eye fatigue, but also my vision, which is starting to fade a little bit on the distance vision. So that's a really cool application. Then another thing I did is we have a big old Japanese round soaking tub for a bathtub.

[01:15:40] When I or my wife, or together, take a bath, we'll put that bubbler in there and run it at 100%. And dude, it's the best spa treatment ever. I don't know what's happening. Maybe you can elucidate how it's working, but you know, I'll put the bubbler behind my back or just on my knee or wherever and just get that concentrated gas.

[01:16:01] But it seems to fill up the whole tub and just create this really high viscosity, very smooth feel to the water. And it's also much like if you do an Epsom salt bath and you get out and all your aches and pains are gone, I get that same effect from just bubbling the gas in the bath, which is super cool. So maybe explain what's going on with the goggles in the bath application because I think that's really interesting.

[01:16:23] George: You can. You've been doing 2% gas when you're inhaling, and that's good. But if you put a T in there, you could actually go to the goggles and inhale at the same time. Now you're not doing 100%. You could kick it up a few percent. In your particular case, maybe 45 or something, and still be safe.

[01:16:51] And generally, I point out to people, more is not better, but in this case, we're trying to get a little more to the eyes. What happens is once the blood is saturated, you exhale any excess. So if you're inhaling at 2%, your blood is fully saturated. We figured this out in various ways, including the dark field microscope, where you could see what the saturation does to the blood.

[01:17:14] And it's fully saturated in about 15 minutes, between 12 and 15 minutes for virtually everybody. And then when you stop inhaling in about 12 or 15 minutes, your blood is back to normal. But in the meantime, what's happening, a hint there is that fluid always flows to the path of least resistance.

[01:17:34] So when you're inhaling, because you keep your mouth shut and inhaled through the nose, you're making a vacuum. So the gas comes to you, whatever gas is being produced. And when you're exhaling, the gas will go to your eyes. Yeah.

[01:17:51] Luke: Oh, cool.

[01:17:52] George: That's just a little hint that you can double up on things. I love to--

[01:17:59] Luke: I got to get one of these T adapters, man. That's the missing link. I don't think I have one of those. I didn't even think of doing that.

[01:18:08] George: It's really simple. It's just a regular plastic T. You can get in automotive store, 3-16s T and then a little piece of tube that allows the T to be stuck onto the top of the drinking water jar there, and away you go.

[01:18:22] So the T's a good thing. Like I say, I love twofers, and I designed twofers all through the machine. Obviously, in the application, we're getting twofers, but in the actual generation here where I'm inhaling, I'm doing a twofer as well because I'm making my drinking water at the same time as I'm inhaling the gas.

[01:18:38] So that's a twofer. And then as far as the humidifier goes, where I'm putting the distilled water in, then I'm using that distilled water to put in the machine when it needs water. So I've used it twice. I've used it once as a filter and once to fill the machine so I can make the Brown's gas. So I just designed twofers wherever I could. Again, it's one of those things I learned. Yeah.

[01:19:00] Luke: I love it. Well, that's what makes it fun. I just like playing with technology. It might not be fun to everyone, but to me, to have one device that does a bunch of different things is super cool because then it keeps me engaged. I'm interested in it.

[01:19:14] When I first got this unit, I'm reading the instruction manual, is like a freaking Bible. There's a lot of information in there, but you've got some easier to follow videos on your YouTube in terms of how to set up the machine and maintenance it, and stuff, which we can talk about.

[01:19:28] But I read in there, it said, if you can inhale while you sleep, but just start out slow-- I forget, you said do an hour, or whatever it was, and I thought, well, I've been using hydrogen for a long time, so I just put it on all night. Because I heard you talk about tinnitus, and that's something I've not been able to solve in my own life.

[01:19:45] And it's been very disruptive to my way of life, to be honest. You can't really go out in public much. It's a shit show. So when I heard the tinnitus thing, I'm like, all right, I'm going to do two weeks and have it on every night. And so I did that, and I felt great. I'd wake up very refreshed.

[01:20:00] My tinnitus has not improve, that I can tell so far, but what I found was I was burning through the water so fast from having it on eight or nine hours a night. So then I'd have to take the little plunger and fill up the water every morning. So I fell out of the habit of that.

[01:20:19] But it seems if someone was having a more serious issue that doing longer durations of inhalation while you sleep, or just watching TV, hanging out at home and doing many hours in a row would be efficacious. What's your take on doing it while you sleep, and is there any way to not run out of water as fast--

[01:20:38] George: Yes.

[01:20:38] Luke: If you leave it on for a number of hours?

[01:20:40] George: I got off that, and then we'll come back to the sleep.

[01:20:45] Luke: Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Right, right. Thank you. Thank you for going back to that because I really wanted to hear that one.

[01:20:47] George: So when you get your hydrogen-`rich water, and it's any hydrogen, but the Brown's gas does do it better because you're getting more of the electrons in the water, your body actually soaks those electrons up right through your skin.

[01:21:01] The hydrogen and electrons go right through your skin, into your body. And they've been doing some absolutely amazing things with it. I have a video on my YouTube channel where the young lady has carpal tunnel syndrome, and you put a bag over the arm, and it could be just a bread bag, and you put the gas in there, and it takes the inflammation away from the tinnitus, which is it what's causing the carpal tunnel-- tendonitis essentially. Yes.

[01:21:32] Luke: Tendonitis.

[01:21:33] George: Yes, excuse me. And it's going directly into the-- yeah, there's so many itises.

[01:21:39] Luke: There's so many itises, we can't even keep track.

[01:21:39] George: And this really gets rid of essentially all the itises. So that's a good thing. So when you are bubbling it in a bath, you can see there's just a little bubble stream.

[01:21:51] And in order to totally saturate a liter of water, we're talking 10 minutes at a 100%. Of course, you're running 100% in your bath water, but you've got, what, 20, 30, 40 liters in the tub? You're not going to saturate that water. But an interesting effect happens in that whatever hydrogen is in the water, your body will soak it up.

[01:22:13] It'll just absorb it right out of the-- if it gets anywhere close to your body, it's like a magnet. It just goes over there and just sucks right in. And of course, if you have a sore knee and you keep it close to your knee, it's going to be a little more concentrated there.

[01:22:28] But it's quite astonishing. My wife, again, she's so helpful in our business. She uses this in, we call it her spa room. She has a bathtub in there with the jacuzzi tub, and all that kind of stuff, and she does her jacuzzi at least once a day. And she was doing the bubble thing, just like what you were doing.

[01:22:48] But she said, I heard you say something about the micro bubbles, making nano microbubbles with the Brown's gas. And she says, I want that. So it's happening. And so she has a prototype in there right now, and what it does is to put the fog of the Brown's gas in the water, which is retained.

[01:23:09] Right now, the bubbles come up and pop out of the water fairly quickly. But when you do the micro bubbling thing, the water retains those bubbles. And so you get a fog in there, and 100 times more Brown's gas available too that you got. Yeah. Hey, isn't that good?

[01:23:25] Luke: Oh wow. That's exciting. I love that you keep innovating, dude. Because I was thinking about that. When you sit in the bath, I feel like, oh man, the bubbles are getting away. Because you see they come up in a stream and hit the surface. So I'll stir the water around or, like I said, put it on a part of my body, but I go, oh man, I know a lot of it's got to be escaping. So that's really cool.

[01:23:44] George: You get that effect of the EZ gel on your body, but it also helps the-- because, again, you've got water against a hydrophilic surface. There you go. And that's one of the reasons that fish feel slippery. Because they have EZ gel. It's everywhere once you know what to look for.

[01:24:08] And that's one of the reasons why, because it's an exclusion zone, they can live in the water that we couldn't even drink or anything. And so everything works together, and life finds a way. So that was the bath. I think we've covered the bath. So we'll get over to the sleep.

[01:24:27] What we discovered was that, as I was saying before, when you're inhaling, any excess gets exhaled. So once your blood is saturated, you actually only need as much as to keep it saturated. So you can go down to 1%, and that uses a lot less water, half the water, obviously.

[01:24:48] So if you're running at 36, you can put it down to 18 when you're inhaling all night, and you'll get the same therapeutic effect. You won't get quite as much electrical expanded water, but you get the same amount of hydrogen, so you get the same hydrogen therapeutic effect as if you were running at the 36 all night. So that's a tip that'll help you out there.

[01:25:10] Luke: Cool. And there's a meter on the side of the device that indicates the water level. And so if you use it like I was using it for sleep, your water level will go down significantly during the course of an eight-hour night. And I always wonder, well, where the hell is that water going? Is that water just evaporating and becoming the water that's in the gas?

[01:25:32] George: It is the gas. It's splitting the water into hydrogen and oxygen, and the gases come.

[01:25:35] Luke: Oh, okay.

[01:25:36] George: Plus, a portion of the water turns into the electrically expanded water, which is a gaseous form, and comes out. So all three of those gases are coming out. Plus, incidentally, there's three other gases in Brown's gas. A very small percent is still monoatomic oxygen.

[01:25:51] They measure it with the spectrographic analysis. A very small part is the monoatomic hydrogen. So it's just an H and an O, not H2 and O2. And that's not supposed to happen. And the reason that it can is because of something Yull Brown used to call a fluid crystal.

[01:26:08] Because of the way the energies in the gas are, you can actually have atoms that aren't attached to other atoms. They're just in the matrix. So all of this is coming out. And the third gas is just straight water vapor or, in some cases, steam. So some people will notice that they'll get condensation in the hoses where there's water droplets or something.

[01:26:30] And that's just simply because the water vapor that's in the gas is cooling and condensing in the hose. Not a big deal. You could just shake it out or whatever. So go from there. Go ahead.

[01:26:44] Luke: Got it. Okay. Many years ago, probably going back 15, maybe 20 years, I was at a friend's house, and they had a guy come over who was a rep for the Kangen water machines. It was at the very beginning of the alkaline water, and so they'd have these pH testing strips, and they'd test Coca-Cola, and orange juice, and apple juice, every bottled water, and show you that everything was acidic.

[01:27:11] And then they'd show you how alkaline the water was. And the theory, which I don't think was scientifically sound, was that if you drink this alkaline water, then it makes your body more alkaline and less prone to disease and stuff, which has been proven to be false because it's actually, as I understand it, how we breathe makes our body alkaline.

[01:27:29] And that your digestive system, you described it as an acid bath. You're not supposed to have a high pH in your stomach. So I'm not a believer in alkaline water at all. But one thing that I found interesting about that, aside from the now debunked pH of the water mattering a lot, was that they could test the ORP, or the oxidative reduction potential.

[01:27:53] And in this case, you want a negative number that's higher. A -800 is better than a minus 100 for the oxidative part. And so I've always wondered with the Brown's gas water, have you measured the ORP of that water?

[01:28:08] George: Okay, so there's two parts. First of all, you've had Tyler LeBaron on, and so he probably quite clearly explained about the debunking of the alkaline water. Just a quick synopsis.

[01:28:23] Luke: You know what? Go ahead and do it for us, from your perspective, because I still get questions from people to this day, and I'm like, God, hasn't everyone figured out that it's like-- and for me, the thing about the Kangen machine, and God bless you, Kangen dealers, that are hearing this. Do your thing.

[01:28:38] No offense, but the filters on those freaking Kangen machines are like two little six-inch filters. And I was drinking gallons of LA tap water, poorly filtered, then run through the Kangen electrolysis device. And yeah, I'm getting that low ORP water, so it's an antioxidant water, but it's still full of all the chemicals in the tap water. So that was part of my rationale of getting rid of that thing. I sold it on eBay, and I never looked back. But anyway, what's your take on the alkaline water phenomenon?

[01:29:07] George: That's an idea. I should sell my 5,000-dollar Kangen machine on eBay myself. A K8.

[01:29:15] Luke: I made a lot of my money back on it, actually. I think it was five grand, and I sold it for 35 or something. It wasn't too big of a hit.

[01:29:22] George: First of all, I did buy a Kangen machine to compare with the Brown's gas when I was first doing the bubbled water and all that kind of thing. And what I'll say right now, I did my own experiments, but there was a doctor, an actual MD in Spain who did a direct comparison with a hydrogen machine.

[01:29:45] And so we're not talking Kangen. I'll get back to that in just a little bit. A straight hydrogen machine that made 3,000 milliliters per minute, three liters per minute of hydrogen. And the Brown's gas machine, which is making only 833 milliliters per minute of Brown's gas, which is only 533 milliliters per minute of hydrogen.

[01:30:05] So 500 milliliters of hydrogen out of Brown's gas compared to 3,000 milliliters of hydrogen from the other machine, and the ORP in the Brown's gas just dropped like a rock. The ORP from the other one did go down, but slowly, and never went down as-- the ORP with the Brown's gas dropped and then just leveled off at the bottom of the scale kind of thing that they were using at the time.

[01:30:41] So the Brown's gas, to answer your question, puts electrons into the water. And ORP is measured in millivolts, and millivolts has to do with what the electrical potential is, which has to do with the electrons. So when they're doing their measurement, you're essentially measuring how many electrons are available, and the Brown's gas packs, those electrons into the water much better than the molecular hydrogen does.

[01:31:09] And then getting back to the alkaline water, to give that little idea of the debunking, for 45 years, people were selling what I call ionizers, which were these flow-through electrolyzers, where you attach it to a tap, and it flows through and splits into two water streams, which they were calling alkaline and acid.

[01:31:30] And the alkaline one, the water stream was coming off the cathode, which is the hydrogen-producing electrode. And the acid side was going off the anode, which is the oxygen-producing electrode. And it turns out that all of these decades, it was healthier water coming off the alkaline side, but it had absolutely nothing to do with the pH.

[01:31:57] In all that time, nobody thought to test for hydrogen, which is an electrolyzer. So you'd think that people would maybe test for the hydrogen, but they didn't. And finally, some scientists did test for it, and they took away the pH, and the health benefits were maintained. They took away the hydrogen and left the pH, and the health benefits disappeared.

[01:32:22] If you go to molecularhydrogeninstitute.com, which is Tyler LeBaron's website, these scientific studies are on there. People can go and look and see how it was done. But it blew the myth of the ionizers and the alkaline water out of the water.

[01:32:43] And there's a lot of ways that you can make water alkaline. You could put lye into water, and it'll make it more alkaline, but that doesn't necessarily-- or baking soda.

[01:32:52] Luke: Baking soda.

[01:32:53] George: A little bit of baking soda, a little bit of lye is actually healthful as well. But you could put in potassium hydroxide or lithium hydroxide, and those are not healthful. Those are too caustic. And it'll make very high pH water, but it's not healthful to drink.

[01:33:10] And like you were saying, you're mitigating the acid bath of your stomach and stuff, which you actually need. It's one of your immune system things, that acid, when your food goes through it, and a lot of other things. So it's important to know that the alkaline water myth is busted.

[01:33:24] And all of those ionizer people out there now know it, and every one of those distributors is being retaught to test for hydrogen. So now the ones that are out there that are making the most hydrogen are the ones that are touting their ORP, and hydrogen, and stuff, which then we get back to the ORP thing.

[01:33:45] The Brown's gas lowers the ORP, makes it negative ORP, I say, honestly. Meaning that there's nothing in the water but water. So you're putting electrons directly into the water. If you're using a Kangen machine, there is impurities in the water, and they're using those impurities as the catalyst in the electrolysis, because water itself is a dielectric and will not conduct electricity.

[01:34:12] So no electrolysis would happen if you put distilled water through a Kangen machine. It requires the impurities in order to work. So you're getting those impurities. And those impurities can be electrically charged, so you're ending up with a lower more ORP from these impurities.

[01:34:32] So the Brown's gas, generally speaking, will go to an ORP of somewhere around -250, not -800, but it is good, and it's very good. It's much better than the waters when they're testing the ORPs of the Lourdes spring and a lot of these healing waters that are out there.

[01:34:51] They tested the hydrogen and the ORP, that kind of stuff. Brown's gas beats them all. Brown's gas bubbled water beats them all. So this is important to know. There was another thought that ran through my head. It'll probably come back. It's gone at the moment.

[01:35:11] Luke: That's all right. You're hanging in there, man. You're doing great. Sharp guy. You got a lot of great information. One of the thing I was curious about was the PPM or parts per million of hydrogen. There's a lot of information and awareness around the significance of that with various people marketing hydrogen water machines, and hydrogen inhalers, things like this, and even the tablets.

[01:35:39] There's much debate in the hydrogen circles around who has the highest PPM and that higher is better, and all of this kind of stuff. Have you measured specifically the hydrogen PPM of a fully bubbled Brown's gas water?

[01:35:52] George: It's important to know, before I get to the actual measurements, that the parts per million of hydrogen and water, if you have a regular liter of water and you bubble pure molecular hydrogen in it, or you put in the hydrogen tablets, or whatever the case may be, if it's at atmospheric pressure and temperature, it maxes out at 1.6 PPM, parts per million.

[01:36:21] It doesn't matter what the volume is, but parts per million. But if you pressurize it, like you put a lid on it, like some of these hydrogen bottles, they have a lid on them, and they can pressurize them up. I've seen claims up to 10 PPM in these cases. And especially if you're putting in the tablets, so you don't let the gas escape, and so it just pressurizes it in the water.

[01:36:45] Now, you do have to be careful. If you get too much pressure, you're going to blow your bottle apart kind of thing. But generally speaking, it takes it-- but as soon as you release it to drink it, the PPM drops really quickly because the gas escapes because of atmospheric pressure.

[01:37:02] Like a balloon. You release the balloon, and the pressure blows out. So the PPM at 1.6 is your stable hydrogen. It'll last not too badly. But even that will dissipate relatively quickly, within hours, because the parts per million in the air is not 1.6.

[01:37:27] And that's what's happening, is it'll always flow from the high to the low. So you lose your hydrogen in the water, and hydrogen has a such a small molecule or atom, excuse me-- molecule in this case, H2-- that it'll slide right through glass, and plastic, and even steel.

[01:37:46] So you have a steel water bottle, you have stainless steel water bottle. It's really nice. The hydrogen's going to go right through that, not fast, but it will just bounce around through the matrix and head out. So there really is nothing that'll retain hydrogen well, except when they have these hydrogen bottles.

[01:38:06] You can pressurize hydrogen, but eventually, it'll go through the matrix as well. They have these-- why is the word not popping into my head-- the matrix that absorbs the hydrogen. And then it holds it in a matrix. Then when they heat the matrix, it releases the hydrogen again.

[01:38:25] And when they do the hydrogen buses and stuff, like the fuel cells and all that kind of stuff, that's the kind of thing that they're doing. So it's important to know the parts per million is 1.6 at atmospheric pressure. And now we'll get back to inhalation.

[01:38:41] When you're inhaling the gas, you inhale twice, which is essentially 12 seconds of inhalation, and you've put as much hydrogen into your blood as a full liter, like you were just shown, of hydrogen-rich water at 1.6 parts per million.

[01:38:55] So when you're inhaling the gas, how much gas is in the water really starts to make not too much difference, whereas the amount of electrons in the water does make a difference. This is the thought. It just came back to me. Exactly. You can actually drink water that is dehydrating.

[01:39:18] It actually takes energy from your body. So if you're drinking positive ORP water, like distilled water is, doesn't have enough electrons in it, and so it'll measure with a positive ORP. Positive ORP means that there aren't enough electrons to be neutral. So you drink that water, and it takes electrons from your body and puts it into the water you just drank to neutralize it out.

[01:39:43] So that's one reason it's a little harsher to drink the straight distilled water. But when you bubble the Brown's gas in the water and put all those electrons in it, when you drink that water, it's giving the body energy. And that's why you want that negative charge in your water, even the Kangen water, for example. So it's giving your body that directly bioassimilable energy.

[01:40:07] So that's all good. So for 45 years, they were correct. The alkaline water coming out of the ionizers is more healthy, and demonstrably so. They had lot of scientific experiments proving it. But it was because of the hydrogen and the electrons, not because of the alkalinity. The alkalinity had no effect on it.

[01:40:32] Luke: Got it. Cool. I'm so glad we got to talk about that because, again, I still get a lot of questions about that. And every time I get a question, I'm like, rather than just explaining it, I send someone a two-hour podcast where it was explained in depth by someone who has a higher level of expertise than I do.

[01:40:48] Another thing I've talked about on the show that I think is really fascinating is the deuterium-depleted water. And I've done a number of episodes on that. Not bragging, but I was one of the first podcasters with a substantial audience to cover that niche topic and was glad to get the story as a journalist might, and it's become quite popular.

[01:41:11] And I've heard you talk about the possibility of the AquaCure being able to produce deuterium-depleted water. And that really excited me because anyone who's gone online to buy-- the brand that I like is called Lightwater, and it's super low PPM, so you can dilute it with regular drinking water and come up with a 85 PPM that's quite therapeutic, but it is exceedingly expensive, and it's just not practical for a lot of people.

[01:41:38] Even to do a two or three-month run to bring your deuterium levels down, it's a few hundred if not 1,000 dollars or something. So for most people that are curious about deuterium-depleted water therapy, it's just not viable. So has there been any progress on your end with the DDW? And if not, when is that going to happen?

[01:42:00] George: Excellent questions. I only have a limited time for experimentation, and I started talking about the DDW that could be produced from my machines, from the AquaCure, at least four years ago, and I still don't have the apparatus to attach to it. And I am sorry, and I apologize. There's just only so many hours in a day.

[01:42:20] I literally get up this morning, for example, at 2 o'clock in the morning and start working. I'll work until 5:00 because I promised my beautiful, wonderful wife that I would spend some time with her in the evenings each evening. But sometimes I do get in a little more work until 8 o'clock or something.

[01:42:38] I don't seem to need as much sleep as I used to when I was younger. And I'm alert and awake, and I'm getting enough sleep, so it seems to work out. And this is seven days a week. There's only so many hours in a day, and I've got 30 people helping me.

[01:42:58] And I'm going to have to hire more people to do exactly the kind of thing that we're talking about now and get this apparatus done. I've got all the experiments laid out, and I've bought all the stuff that I need to do it. And we've done it experimentally, made the deuterium-depleted water.

[01:43:13] It's absolutely possible, and it makes near zero deuterium-depleted water. So you can mix a little of that with quite a bit more water. And again, you just need the regular distilled water that you can make it your own home and electricity. And you can be making this DDW in your own home.

[01:43:32] All you need is AquaCure and this apparatus that I haven't yet put together for a commercial version. So it isn't just test tubes around and stuff like that. My wife says that this will be the next thing after the microbubbler that we're doing. We'll get that DDW project going.

[01:43:57] Luke: Oh man. That's going to be a game changer because I really believe in the science around getting rid of excess deuterium in your body. It's not that difficult to get your head around, even for a layperson.

[01:44:09] In your mitochondria, you have these nano motors that produce the ATP, and we have too much of this heavy hydrogen, this deuterium in there, which just builds up over time from eating, and drinking, and breathing in the air, that slows down the functionality of these nano motors, and thus you produce less ATP, which explains why getting on deuterium-depleted water is so effective for certain types of cancer and other serious issues.

[01:44:35] And it just has to do with what you alluded to earlier of just energy production in the body, mitochondrial function, all that. So I'm a huge believer in it. It's just frustrating because, like I said, it's just not attainable for many people. And it's something that I wish was more accessible and affordable.

[01:44:51] So I'm very much looking forward to that. All right. The last thing I want to cover is this question I also get. Since I've got your device and still use all these other hydrogen devices, I'll get a lot of questions, not just about this topic, but if there's two things that are similar, people always want to, okay, Luke, which one's the best one?

[01:45:11] I'm about to buy the thing. Which one's the best? And my answer is just like, I don't know. I like both of them. You know what I mean? So, like I said earlier, I have the HydroFix, a little hydrogen water maker in the kitchen, super convenient, no maintenance. Anytime you want a glass of water, you just go, and it's ready.

[01:45:25] It bubbles for, I don't know, eight or nine hours. And I find that to be really helpful, but it doesn't have the other benefits that Brown's gas inhalation or drinking the water has. So my answer to those people is like, there's more efficacy with the Brown's gas, with the AquaCure, but it is higher maintenance, and it's a heavier device.

[01:45:46] And it's not something that looks really pretty to be honest, sitting in the middle of your living room. If you or your roommates, or spouse, want to keep a nice, clean, tidy house, I wouldn't say it's ugly, but it's one of those things are going to walk in the room and go, what's that medical looking device?

[01:46:04] So my answer is like, there are lower maintenance things that are just going to make hydrogen. As we've said, hydrogen, great for you. There is a little more maintenance to the AquaCure, which I was, to be honest, a little intimidated by in the beginning because I am about as mechanically inclined as a chimpanzee.

[01:46:20] So I was like, I don't know, am I going to be able to-- you got to put the lye in there and then rinse it out, and do all these things. I tried to read the instructions, and it's like putting together IKEA furniture. I just can't do it. And then I found your YouTube videos, and there's like four videos that show you how to do the whole thing.

[01:46:36] It was very easy. But the one caveat is that you thankfully put a little hour of use counter on the back of the unit that starts at zero, and then, I forget if it's every 100 to 200 hours, you got to dump all the lye water out of the machine. You save that. You rinse it out four or five times, shake it around with hot water, pour that out.

[01:46:58] Then you pour the lye water back in until you get the right water level. That whole procedure, I don't know, takes probably 10 to 15 minutes. And I think if I could figure it out, pretty much anyone could, regardless of their technical prowess. But I just want to let people know there is a little more maintenance than your standard hydrogen machine.

[01:47:21] So maybe you could just walk us through why the maintenance is required. How does that lye water work, and what the timing is, depending on the hours of use between you just having the thing sitting there and working versus you having to stop and take a few in the kitchen to read the unit.

[01:47:39] George: Okay. So first of all, when you were saying a thing where you shake it a little bit, you watch the videos, you'll see you actually tipping works better. Just slow gentle tipping.

[01:47:51] Luke: Yeah. Thank you. Yeah, yeah. That's right.

[01:47:52] George: There are people that think shaking does things because you could take a bottle and you could shake it. But inside there's little tiny tubes, and those little tiny tubes, if you're shaking, really, the fluid doesn't do anything. You need to get the fluid moving through those little tubes. And the way to do that is to tip the machine, which the instructions do show. And we finally got around to making some decent videos, which I'm glad you liked.

[01:48:14] Yeah. I also want to say that there have been people who get the machine and open the box and look at it and say, no, not for me. Can't do it. Just send it back. And that's fine. I have a one-year satisfaction guarantee. And it's one of the ways you can tell the difference between a quality product that is wanting to help people and these me-toos out there that are just trying to get their money.

[01:48:42] Look at the warranty and the satisfaction guarantee. The people that are just wanting to get your money, you have the product now. It's yours forever. They offer maybe seven-day guarantee only if you return it when the box isn't open, for example. I've seen ones like that.

[01:49:06] We want to help people get healthy, and some things take time. My tinnitus, for example, it took eight months before I started to notice that it was less, and I didn't expect it would ever get less. I wasn't inhaling to get healthy at the time. I was just inhaling because I wanted to prove it was safe.

[01:49:25] And then when things started to happen that were nice, then I just kept inhaling, and I've kept inhaling ever since. And even four years in, I noticed that my balance was increased. I got my balance back. So I'd be in the shower, and instead of leaning against the wall to wash my feet, I was able to stand up like a stork and wash my feet without leaning against the wall.

[01:49:54] I know that may seem like not much to a young person, but to an older person who had to lean against a wall or sit down to do these things, that is absolutely astonishing. But that was four years in.

[01:50:05] So it takes time for some of these things to happen, and I want people to be healthy. So that's one reason we have the one-year satisfaction guarantee. And quite frankly, for the people that actually start using it, one in 1,000 return them saying that it didn't work for them.

[01:50:22] And even then, I'm thinking that there was some sort of issue that was like-- you can get a leak in the lid of that drinking water jar. So you can see the drinking water jar bubbling, but you're not getting any gas to your nose because it's all leaking out of the top of the lid, for example.

[01:50:41] So you have to test the cannulas in water to see that it's bubbling to know that you're actually getting gas. Because you can't feel the gas. The gas coming out is just so minute that in with the 100% of air that you're inhaling, that little 3%, you can't feel the difference.

[01:51:00] Or at least I don't know of anybody who can. Maybe there is somebody who can. I don't know. Anyway, so we get back to that. As far as the maintenance goes, the reason why it has to be dumped is because it makes sludge in the machine. And that gets into something called transmutation, which I may circle back to, but you have to get the sludge out of the machine.

[01:51:25] And there can also be soap formed in the machine. Because when you have oil in the water you're putting in, and a lot of distilled water has oil in it, and oil doesn't show up on a TDS test, so they can sell distilled water and not show that the oil is in it. But when oil combines with lye it forms soap, and that soap starts to plug up inside the machine, the little orifices and stuff.

[01:51:49] Whereas when you dump out the lye solution and you then put in the hot tap water and tip the machine, the hot tap water dissolves the soap formation. And at the same time, as you're dumping out any of the sludge formation, the water, you just simply-- I don't know if you've used yours long enough to actually go through a maintenance rinse yet.

[01:52:16] Luke: I've done a couple. I've used the hell out of this thing. I think I've done three maintenance routines on it.

[01:52:22] George: I'd say every 100 hours, but you can vary that depending on what's happening. If you're looking in the side tube and you're not seeing any sludge formation or anything, you can go an extra 100, 200. I was originally saying 500 hours. Then we had so many people getting soap formation that I lowered it to 100.

[01:52:39] So just a caveat, you can go more. I don't recommend it at first. Just feel your way into it. So that'll reduce the maintenance. If you're getting absolutely pure water into your machine, you'll be able to go hundreds of hours longer. But if you're buying your water at Walmart, Walmart is notorious for having oil in their distilled water.

[01:53:00] And even the plastic containers that's being sold can exude oils into the water. And when they're cleaning their equipment and stuff, they're using-- anyway, you can have oil in the water. If you have a home distiller and you're going directly from the tank into a glass jar or something, you're going to have water that's pretty pure, and you can pour it in the machine. It'll reduce the maintenance there.

[01:53:28] Luke: I'm glad you mentioned the distiller because I got the distiller from you guys too. And I was concerned with having to always be running to the store, going to Amazon to buy those plastic gallon jugs of distilled water, which I already use for some of my other devices that require that.

[01:53:46] And I was like, oh man, I don't know if I can keep up with this. So I was really stoked to get the distiller, not only because it just makes it easy to have an endless supply of distilled water for the AquaCure, but it's also a good hack in an emergency situation as a prepper.

[01:54:04] Today's world, you never know what's going on. You do have to have electricity. But I have a generator. I could run that distiller. If the water got shut down and for some reason I couldn't get clean drinking water, I like the idea of having a distiller that's very effective and is all-- it's a very hearty unit that sits on the countertop and, as you said, goes into a glass pitcher.

[01:54:24] So I would feel very comfortable drinking that distilled water if I needed to or chose to. So for anyone listening, if you can afford it, I would recommend getting your own distiller from you rather than having to deal with just buying it all the time. And also, to your point, I didn't even know that, but the maintenance on the machine could happen more often if your distilled water from Walmart is tainted.

[01:54:46] George: So the normal maintenance on the machine is simply to keep putting water in it because the water is what's converting into the Brown's gas, so that's why the water level goes down generally. So you just have to keep refilling with water. And we refill from the humidifier for that too for a reason I was talking about.

[01:55:01] It won't take all the humidifier water to refill. You'll be left with about a third, and you just dump that down the sink and refill your humidifier with new, pure distilled water. And then that way, you're using your distilled water twice if you're just using it for that.

[01:55:16] But like I say, having your own distiller, then you're able to put distilled water in the drinking water jar as well, if you choose to drink distilled water like I do. And I have drank distilled water since 2001, and I'm biologically younger now than I was then.

[01:55:37] Luke: Well, the funny thing is, dude, you look younger today than you did in the video the first time you tried the inhaling of the gas, because I heard you talk about that, and I went back and watched the video. I was like, dude looks younger and healthier now than he did day one on the gas. That's a pretty powerful testimony in and on itself.

[01:55:53] George: It reversed my biological age, but it got rid of all those other ailments and the pain. It just got rid of all that as well. So it's pretty amazing. So this is nutrition. It's one of the things I want to point out as well. It's pure nutrition. Your body needs the hydrogen, and it needs the energy.

[01:56:10] So that's what the Brown's gas is doing. It's just putting pure nutrition. If you're on a water fast, for example, and you're inhaling the Brown's gas, which would be legal on a water fast, you're getting the major portion of your nutrition right there. Now, you're still going to need vitamins and minerals and stuff generally, but I eat once a day.

[01:56:28] And again, if you're a prepper, this is a nice thing because if you don't need very much food to stay healthy, you don't need to store as much food to last longer, or whatever the case may be. So this is a really important note in that in order to lose weight, I had to also then, not only once a day, but portion control.

[01:56:48] So I have to eat as high a quality of food as I can, organic, close to earth. And I had to cut out all the simple carbohydrates and all that kind of stuff. So in a way, that really helped me as well. Now, I already was on a low-carb diet and stuff from 2001, but since 2016, I wasn't losing weight.

[01:57:12] I kept cutting back on my food, and I wasn't losing weight. And I had 20 pounds I wanted to lose, and now I've lost 10 of them. I'm still on the last 10. But I'm doing okay with very small portions of food. So what I try to do is get healthy, nutritious, flavorful food because I really enjoy eating. I really, really do. And I miss having lots of food. But that's what I do because I really enjoy being healthful more. So that's where we're at.

[01:57:45] Luke: Love it. Love it. All right. I got one more wacky question that just popped up. Sometimes I just do experiments because it makes just basic common sense that it would be effective. Considering the element of the exclusion zone water when you're inhaling or drinking the Brown's gas and the fact that when you take an infrared sauna, your body's producing more of the EZ water, especially if it's a red light sauna, like the one I have is called a SaunaSpace. I love this.

[01:58:16] I have two saunas, but the SaunaSpace gets hot really fast. And so if I'm doing it by myself, I'll usually go in there because I can just bang it out. I'm getting really strong incandescent red lights. So I thought, well, if I'm getting the EZ water from the Brown's gas and from being in the sauna, it'd probably double my benefits if I did both. So what I do when I use that sauna is I'll inhale the Brown's gas while I'm in the sauna. Is that overkill and stupid, or do you think I'm maximizing benefits like I think I am?

[01:58:45] George: You are synergistically maximizing your benefits. That's a great idea. Yes. Your intuition is spot on in virtually everything that we've been having. And that is one thing I wanted to get in here as well, is that allopathic medicine with all their drugs, if you look at the commercials, virtually every commercial you see on TV can be mitigated with the Brown's gas instead of the drugs that they're using.

[01:59:15] Because what they're doing is they're making money and they're treating symptoms, but they're not actually healing the ailment. So what we're doing is we're healing the ailment, and that gets rid of the symptoms permanently and without the drugs.

[01:59:28] So I just wanted to do a quick little thing in there. Allopathic medicine went sideways, I don't know, maybe as much as 100 years ago. And it's just gotten worse. I am very sorry to say North Americans are actually less healthy than a lot of third world nations.

[01:59:48] We have more deaths per birth and all that kind of stuff. And even this last pandemic thing that happened, the side effects of that are now increased mortality to the point where our average lifespan has reduced by five years, just in the last three years. So this is crazy. And it's not done.

[02:00:16] Luke: We're in bad shape. Oh no, I sadly anticipate that it's going to get much worse, unfortunately. And I'm with you. And a lot of the stuff we talk about on this show is really to empower people to learn how to heal themselves. Because if you're dependent on the system, once your body breaks down, good luck.

[02:00:38] And I also like to say, because I have friends that are doctors and highly intelligent, caring, thoughtful people, I'm very grateful that we have advanced acute care. If I fall off a roof, don't give me some ashwagandha. Get me in an ambulance stat and have them sew me up.

[02:00:58] So obviously medicine has a place, and so many babies are born in hospitals that may have died had they tried a home birth, etc. So I'm so grateful that it's there. But when it comes to disease prevention, there's really nothing there for us. Because the system is not monetarily incentivized to create people with longevity and vitality.

[02:01:21] It's not a good business model. A business model is keep people sick. Keep them hobbling along with some medication that we can sell them for the rest of their lives, and maybe even have that medication, produce some other pathology that we can then sell them more medicine for, and so on and so on.

[02:01:35] So it's an extremely broken system to say the least. And I'm sure the vast majority of people listening to this podcast on a regular basis are on board with that. So, yeah, I love what you're doing, man. I love your commitment. I'm so stoked to have this as part of my healing repertoire here in the house and soon to be in the car when I go on long drives.

[02:01:56] I'm definitely doing that. I want to go on a long drive just to try it out. But I want to close with this. People often ask me, okay, Luke, you have all these gadgets in your house and stuff. It's just something I'm so fascinated by, is just all these emerging technologies. And people say, if you could only have one thing, what would it be? Which is really hard to answer.

[02:02:19] I've thought about that, and my number one answer would remain the same, and that is a sauna. My Sunlighten sauna, it's upstairs, for two people, or the SaunaSpace downstairs. I'd have a hard time living without a sauna, honestly. I don't know how anyone doesn't have some form of as sauna in their life.

[02:02:36] I would sacrifice having a TV, great stereo, a guitar, whatever, other shit that I've spent money on. Give me my sauna, and you can let everything else go. I got to say, and I'm careful here. I don't want to just say that because you're a nice guy and you're on the show and I want to flatter you, but I think my second in line would be the AquaCure. I'm not even kidding.

[02:02:57] Because it's so multifaceted. Some of the other technologies I have are great for different things. My ozone generator, oh, super useful. There's some other things that would be hard to let go of, but in terms of something that has a multitude of applications and a multitude of benefits that can apply to a lot of different things that might come up with your body, you really nailed it with this thing, man.

[02:03:21] So I'm so glad that you kept going and didn't just retire and be like, I made a few bucks. I'm just going to go live my life. And I'm sorry that your motivation came from such a painful experience, as you described earlier, but we're all glad that you're continuing to innovate and provide this technology for people. It's really cool.

[02:03:38] George: Yeah. I'm just a conduit, honest to God. Literally, God speaks to people in whispers until he needs to hit them with a brick. And that's essentially what happened to me. So it isn't me. He gave me the abilities to do this when I was born. My mechanical IQ is literally off the scale.

[02:04:05] There's other things that I can't, like, find my socks or something, but my mechanical IQ has been tested. The test was 20 questions, multiple choice, in five minutes. Nobody had ever completed the test in the history of the college. I completed all 20 questions in two and a half minutes.

[02:04:24] So they literally couldn't measure my mechanical IQ. This was a God-given gift, which I have used to be an inventor. And I was led to this Brown's gas and given everything I needed to make Brown's gas, essentially at first for some applications, but then for health. And I paid a heavy price by not listening to the universe telling me that this is what I needed to do with my life.

[02:04:53] And you're absolutely right. I am actually quite well off. I could have quit years ago and lived my life traveling the world, doing anything I want as far as that goes. I'm not in this for the money. All the money that I've needed came to me, and I'm turning a lot of it back around into the research and stuff.

[02:05:17] I'm in it because it's really important to help as many people get healthy as possible. And you don't have to buy Brown's gas from me. You don't have to buy hydrogen from me, but do go get something from someone. And I do my best to help people. I think we have the best, but again, whatever works for you.

[02:05:39] If you can get it, that's good. And if you do get the AquaCure, you can go to aquacure.life. My eagle-research.com website is so full of all my other inventions and stuff. People were having troubles finding all the Brown's gas for health stuff, so we broke that out into aquacure.life.

[02:05:59] And so you go there, you can see the story and everything we've been talking about and order it from there. And use LUKE, L-U-K-E to get that 5% discount. That's good. It's good if you can buy a distiller from us. We offer it pretty much as a customer convenient. It's essentially a distiller with 1,500-dollar features that's in a 500-dollar distiller.

[02:06:24] So this is the reason I chose that particular one. But you can go to Amazon and get a 100-dollar distiller that'll do the job adequately. So you don't need to even buy that from us. And if it comes right down to it and you're mechanically inclined, I sell books to tell you how to build your own Brown's gas machine electrolyzer that'll be more efficient than NASA builds. Honestly, it was tested against NASA machines.

[02:06:55] Luke: I don't doubt that. Don't get me started on fraudulence of NASA. I wouldn't trust them as far as I could throw them. Well, man, I appreciate your generosity of spirit and your knowledge and dedication to your work. I'm going to remind our listeners, you can find all the links to everything we talked about at lukestorey.com/wiseman, including all the former podcast episodes and all the things because people like to go research what we talked about.

[02:07:19] So we'll have all that there for them. And man, thank you so much. And I'm going to just put a bug in your ear about the deuterium-depleted water add-on. I'm in line for that. So let me know, and we'll let the audience know when that comes out. Because if you get that thing going, you're untouchable. That's just the holy grail, to me, to have all the features that you have now and also the ability to do that at home would be insane.

[02:07:40] George: Would it go above your infrared then?

[02:07:47] Luke: It might. It might, dude. That's going to be a toss-up right there if you're able to integrate that. Oh boy. I have to think on that one. All right. Thank you so much for being here. Looking forward to seeing you soon.

[02:07:58] George: Thank you for being there. May the blessings be.


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  • Are you ready to block harmful blue light, and look great at the same time? Check out Gilded By Luke Storey. Where fashion meets function: gildedbylukestorey.com
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