Sage Dammers: High on Chocolate, The Ultimate Superfood #42

Do you like chocolate? You might not be human if the answer is ‘no.' But perhaps you avoid it because you consider it a ‘candy’ and therefore not good for you. What if legit, high-quality chocolate could be a central part of a truly healthy diet? It turns out that it's not chocolate itself that commonly turns  this tasty treat into a junk food, but rather the process by which it is usually commercially grown and manufactured, as well as the inferior ingredients used to create most chocolate products on the market. 

This week’s show guest is Sage Dammers, one of the world’s foremost creators of high-quality chocolate products. We not only discuss the incredible health benefits of this delicious superherb, and how he developed an excruciatingly stringent method of production, but also the power of the Three Treasures herbal system, and why he chose to infuse his chocolate products with the most potent Chinese herbs. 

In addition to enlightening our listeners to the inside scoop of the amazing health benefits of chocolate and the industry production practices around it, Sage also provides tons of practical tips for designing a healthy and fulfilling lifestyle. From practicing meditation, The Wim Hof Method, infrared saunas, to surfing, this episode delivers an immense amount of insights and inspiration. 

If you know a chocolate junkie, do them a favor and send this show to them right now. The world needs to learn to enjoy the glorious, yet simple pleasure of chocolate without guilt, or the hidden detriment to personal health. 

Topics Discussed: 

  • Intro to high-quality chocolate
  • Neurofeedback and how it uptrains and downtrains different parts of the brain
  • Potency of ingredients and labeling scams 
  • Sage's formative years around the spiritual scene, his living room as an ashram, guru stories and keeping it real 
  • Wellness center, lifestyle, diet, healing modalities
  • Infrared sauna facts & health benefits 
  • Addictive Wellness: the birth of high-quality, sugar-free chocolate 
  • Chocolate as a great delivery system, highest source of antioxidant & highest natural source of minerals
  • From fruit to powder: the process, fermentation & bacteria mix
  • Mycotoxis: mold is not the problem, it's their poop! 
  • Prebiotic vs. probiotics, gut health & compromised immune systems
  • The different types of cacao plant hybrids & heirlooms
  • Three Treasures herbal system: understanding the 3 energies 
  • Depletion of Jing and how to restore it
  • Herbs and tonics for building up Shen & Qi energies 
  • Wim Hof Method, breathing and ice baths
  • Genome testing and DNA markers
  • Surfing as the ultimate lifestyle and metaphor to living
  • Lifestyle recommendations

To your taste buds,


BONUS: Sage is hooking you guys up with a 10% discount on your purchase at Coupon code: LIFESTYLIST. 

Katy Bowman: Nutritious Movement: The Anti-Workout #41

Do you exercise? If so, have you ever considered the fact that your distant ancestors probably didn't? Natural-living human beings of the past didn't need to 'exercise,' because their day to day lifestyle likely included enough natural movement to keep them fit and healthy. They also managed to avoid so many of the chronic health problems and dysfunctional physical limitations that we now face as a civilization. 

As we have devolved into our current sedentary lifestyle, most of us have worked hard to eliminate and outsource as much movement as possible. Meaning, we have come to the point that our normal bodily movement is so limited that we have to take breaks from our daily routine to squeeze in an allotted time to move around. And this moving around is what we now call exercise. 

But what if there was a way to build habits of functional movement into our regular activities, without having to make a special appointment at a gym, or with a trainer? In this episode with natural movement pioneer and author Katy Bowman, we learn how to re-contextualise how we use our bodies, and how to incorporate movement as the crucial bodily nutrient that nature designed it to be. 

By learning how to avoid many familiar, yet damaging fitness routines, and turning your workspace and home into a movement gym, you'll see your body and how it is meant to move and operate from a whole new perspective. 

Katy's message serves as a powerfully simple, and practical approach to functional movement and mobility. This is a perfect episode to share with your gym rat friends, and couch potatoes alike. We all need to move it, or we'll lose it. But moving it the way it’s meant to move is the only way to create lasting health and fitness. 

Thanks for listening.


Ryan Munsey: Becoming A Civilized Beast - The Life Stylist Podcast #27

What does it mean to be a ‘real man’ in 2016? It used to mean you were big, strong, and gave zero fucks about anyone’s feelings, let alone your own. 

Today’s man is quite a bit different. Sure he goes to the gym and lifts heavy stuff. He’s strong. He’s tough. But he also meditates, eats organic food, and is committed to being healthy in mind, body, and spirit. 

Our guest Ryan Munsey is a perfect example of the new paradigm of a modern, masculine man. In this episode, we trace his journey from gym rat to health and fitness expert and industry leader. 

If you’re a man, this episode is a rich source of life hacks and practical recommendations. If you’re a woman, it hopefully serves as an inspiring example of what is possible when a guy commits himself to personal development and balance. 

Do you know someone who needs some coaching to up-level their energy and overall performance? Be a good friend.  Share this episode with them. 

Thanks for joining me on this never-ending journey of self-discovery. 


Dave Asprey: Becoming Bulletproof - The Life Stylist Podcast EP#26

Have you tried Bulletproof Coffee? If you have chances are better than even that once you tried it, you quickly converted and have since been reaping the benefits of boundless energy and focus. 

Perhaps you’ve heard of it, but the idea of putting butter in your coffee sounds gross, or even dangerous. Or maybe you still think eating fat makes you fat, coffee is not good for you, and cholesterol is a deadly poison, which must be avoided at all costs? There is also, of course, the remote possibility that you’ve been living under a rock somewhere in a remote corner of the planet, and have no idea whatsoever what Bulletproof Coffee even is. Keep reading my friend. Keep reading. 

In today’s interview with the world’s #1 biohacker and Bulletproof Coffee creator Dave Asprey we not only disprove these dietary myths but also highlight the fact that Bulletproof is not just a coffee, it’s a lifestyle. It’s about using food, high-grade supplementation, and cutting-edge technology to take control of your biology so that you can bring your absolute best self to the game of life every day. 

I have personally benefited so much as a result of Dave’s Bulletproof mission and lifestyle recommendations, that it brings me great pleasure and satisfaction to share many of his most recent and powerful discoveries with you.

So put your seatbelt on as we take a trip down the rabbit hole that is Dave Asprey’s mind. 

Thanks for listening, and don’t forget to forward this episode with a friend who likes coffee, and likes living at their fullest potential. 


Rich Roll: Surrender To Win - The Rise Of A Peaceful Warrior, The Life Stylist Podcast EP#23

How can you transform misery and failure into success and inspiration? In this episode with our guest Rich Roll, we find out exactly what he did to rise from the ashes of alcoholism and ill health, to become one of the most positive and influential leaders in the health and wellness industry. 

If you or someone you know has struggled with addiction and lived to tell the tale, you have most likely learned that there are many more levels of sobriety to attain once the actual substance abuse has been overcome. Most of us who have been so afflicted find that the underlying emotional causes and conditions of our problem become much more apparent once physical sobriety has been achieved. Rich shares with us some of the many tools he’s used to maximize his spiritual growth and personal development, and some of the other obstacles he’s had to face along the road to recovery. 

This was one of the most meaningful interviews for me personally, not only because Rich and I have so much in common regarding our personal struggles with addiction, but also due to the level of depth, authenticity, and vulnerability to which he was willing to go to for the benefit of our listeners. 

If you know someone who is struggling in life right now, and could use some hope and inspiration, this would be a great episode to share with them. I know it’s been good for me.

Thanks for listening, and helping me to continue on my journey of recovery and self-discovery.  


Dr. John Gray: Making Peace in the War of Love, The Life Stylist Podcast Ep#13

Why do we fall in love? What’s the point? Is there a higher purpose underlying our relationships that makes all of the challenges and heartaches worth the effort? Have you ever considered the idea that the reason we form intimate partnerships is to apply spiritual principles, and encourage the advancement of our own soul’s evolution? And even if we do set that as our intention, why do we seem to miss the mark so often, and walk away wounded, full of regret, or worse yet- repeating the same destructive patterns over and over again? How do we create and maintain polarity between the masculine and feminine energies which we all possess? 

In this compelling interview with legendary author and relationship expert John Gray, we explore the fundamental role our spiritual goals and values play in our romantic explorations. We learn how to contextualize our relationships from a spiritual perspective, and how impactful our hormonal balance is when it comes to healthy communication and in having the capacity to live and grow together in harmony and fulfillment. It turns out that without and understanding of how our male and female hormones affect us (and how to manage them) it could be near impossible to get along and stay together. 

This was one of the most powerful interviews I’ve done personally, so it brings me great joy to share John’s message with the world. 

Do someone you know a favor and share this episode with them, in hopes that we all might come to a deeper understanding of ourselves and the ones we love. 

Evan Brand: The Zen of Stress, The Life Stylist Podcast Ep#4

What are the hidden causes of stress and anxiety, and what can we do about them naturally? That's what we find out in this episode with Evan Brand, host of the super-popular Not Just Paleo Podcast. He’s got over 2 million downloads on his show, and with good reason. (About 50 of them were downloaded by yours truly) Evan is one of the most relatable health experts on the scene, and his simple, common sense approach to health is so refreshing and easy to apply.

Do you get moody or depressed for no logical reason? Do you spend money on vitamins and supplements without ever having your labs done to see what your body actually needs? Did you know that simple changes to your diet and lifestyle could permanently cure many mental and emotional issues? It turns out your gut biome has a lot more to do with your mood than most people think. Hidden toxins and heavy metals can also reek havoc on your vibes, but it’s usually a waste of time (and cash) to play the guessing game trying figure out how to correct deficiencies and effectively detox. This is where Evan comes in.

During the show, he breaks us off some very practical solutions to some quite complex human issues. I suffered from severe depression and mood disorders myself for many years (and solved them using many of the natural solutions offered in this interview), so this show is one that really hit home for me.

It’s my hope that it does the same for you.

Please pass it along to someone you love.

Dr. Jack Kruse: Surviving the City with Spiritual Science Episode, The Life Stylist Podcast Ep#3

In this episode, Dr. Jack Kruse and I discuss ways to biohack modern city life by merging the worlds of science and spiritual intuition.

The world we live in is not a friendly environment when it comes to our food, water, air, shelter, and modes of travel. So many of the health challenges we face are purely environmental, and this episode offers a host of solutions to these very problems. How can we harness the power of Mother Nature, while still enjoying the conveniences we’ve become so accustomed to? That's the answer I wanted, and that what I got.

Some of Jack’s theories on health and wellness can be challenging for the average civilian to understand, and put into practice. My goal in this interview was to translate his brain surgeon jargon into everyday dude-speak so that you the listener would be able to derive some real value from it, and take away some practical lifestyle hacks to add to your routine.

Mission accomplished.

Tighten your seat belt and enjoy going deep in the mind of Dr. Jack Kruse.